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iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code
itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities.
iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.
The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.
You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.
The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:
⏎ com/itextpdf/text/pdf/
/* * * This file is part of the iText (R) project. Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY * ITEXT GROUP. ITEXT GROUP DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT * OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: * * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created * or manipulated using iText. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this * address: */ package com.itextpdf.text.pdf; import com.itextpdf.awt.FontMapper; import com.itextpdf.awt.PdfGraphics2D; import com.itextpdf.awt.PdfPrinterGraphics2D; import com.itextpdf.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import com.itextpdf.awt.geom.Point2D; import com.itextpdf.text.Annotation; import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.ExceptionConverter; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.itextpdf.text.ImgJBIG2; import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle; import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization; import com.itextpdf.text.exceptions.IllegalPdfSyntaxException; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.IAccessibleElement; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.internal.PdfAnnotationsImp; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.internal.PdfIsoKeys; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> is an object containing the user positioned * text and graphic contents of a page. It knows how to apply the proper * font encoding. */ public class PdfContentByte { /** * This class keeps the graphic state of the current page */ static public class GraphicState { /** This is the font in use */ FontDetails fontDetails; /** This is the color in use */ ColorDetails colorDetails; /** This is the font size in use */ float size; /** The x position of the text line matrix. */ protected float xTLM = 0; /** The y position of the text line matrix. */ protected float yTLM = 0; protected float aTLM = 1; protected float bTLM = 0; protected float cTLM = 0; protected float dTLM = 1; protected float tx = 0; /** The current text leading. */ protected float leading = 0; /** The current horizontal scaling */ protected float scale = 100; /** The current character spacing */ protected float charSpace = 0; /** The current word spacing */ protected float wordSpace = 0; protected BaseColor colorFill = new GrayColor(0); protected BaseColor colorStroke = new GrayColor(0); protected int textRenderMode = TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL; protected AffineTransform CTM = new AffineTransform(); protected PdfObject extGState = null; GraphicState() { } GraphicState(final GraphicState cp) { copyParameters(cp); } void copyParameters(final GraphicState cp) { fontDetails = cp.fontDetails; colorDetails = cp.colorDetails; size = cp.size; xTLM = cp.xTLM; yTLM = cp.yTLM; aTLM = cp.aTLM; bTLM = cp.bTLM; cTLM = cp.cTLM; dTLM = cp.dTLM; tx = cp.tx; leading = cp.leading; scale = cp.scale; charSpace = cp.charSpace; wordSpace = cp.wordSpace; colorFill = cp.colorFill; colorStroke = cp.colorStroke; CTM = new AffineTransform(cp.CTM); textRenderMode = cp.textRenderMode; extGState = cp.extGState; } void restore(final GraphicState restore) { copyParameters(restore); } } /** The alignment is center */ public static final int ALIGN_CENTER = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; /** The alignment is left */ public static final int ALIGN_LEFT = Element.ALIGN_LEFT; /** The alignment is right */ public static final int ALIGN_RIGHT = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT; /** A possible line cap value */ public static final int LINE_CAP_BUTT = 0; /** A possible line cap value */ public static final int LINE_CAP_ROUND = 1; /** A possible line cap value */ public static final int LINE_CAP_PROJECTING_SQUARE = 2; /** A possible line join value */ public static final int LINE_JOIN_MITER = 0; /** A possible line join value */ public static final int LINE_JOIN_ROUND = 1; /** A possible line join value */ public static final int LINE_JOIN_BEVEL = 2; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL = 0; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE = 1; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE = 2; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_INVISIBLE = 3; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_CLIP = 4; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE_CLIP = 5; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE_CLIP = 6; /** A possible text rendering value */ public static final int TEXT_RENDER_MODE_CLIP = 7; private static final float[] unitRect = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1}; // membervariables /** This is the actual content */ protected ByteBuffer content = new ByteBuffer(); protected int markedContentSize = 0; /** This is the writer */ protected PdfWriter writer; /** This is the PdfDocument */ protected PdfDocument pdf; /** This is the GraphicState in use */ protected GraphicState state = new GraphicState(); /** The list were we save/restore the state */ protected ArrayList<GraphicState> stateList = new ArrayList<GraphicState>(); /** The list were we save/restore the layer depth */ protected ArrayList<Integer> layerDepth; /** The separator between commands. */ protected int separator = '\n'; private int mcDepth = 0; private boolean inText = false; private boolean suppressTagging = false; private static HashMap<PdfName, String> abrev = new HashMap<PdfName, String>(); private ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> mcElements = new ArrayList<IAccessibleElement>(); protected PdfContentByte duplicatedFrom = null; static { abrev.put(PdfName.BITSPERCOMPONENT, "/BPC "); abrev.put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, "/CS "); abrev.put(PdfName.DECODE, "/D "); abrev.put(PdfName.DECODEPARMS, "/DP "); abrev.put(PdfName.FILTER, "/F "); abrev.put(PdfName.HEIGHT, "/H "); abrev.put(PdfName.IMAGEMASK, "/IM "); abrev.put(PdfName.INTENT, "/Intent "); abrev.put(PdfName.INTERPOLATE, "/I "); abrev.put(PdfName.WIDTH, "/W "); } // constructors /** * Constructs a new <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE>-object. * * @param wr the writer associated to this content */ public PdfContentByte(final PdfWriter wr) { if (wr != null) { writer = wr; pdf = writer.getPdfDocument(); } } // methods to get the content of this object /** * Returns the <CODE>String</CODE> representation of this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE>-object. * * @return a <CODE>String</CODE> */ @Override public String toString() { return content.toString(); } /** * [SUP-1395] If set, prevents iText from marking content and creating structure tags for items added to this content stream. * (By default, iText automatically marks content using BDC/EMC operators, and adds a structure tag for the new content * at the end of the page.) */ public boolean isTaggingSuppressed() { return suppressTagging; } /** * [SUP-1395] If set, prevents iText from marking content and creating structure tags for items added to this content stream. * (By default, iText automatically marks content using BDC/EMC operators, and adds a structure tag for the new content * at the end of the page.) */ public PdfContentByte setSuppressTagging(boolean suppressTagging) { this.suppressTagging = suppressTagging; return this; } /** * Checks if the content needs to be tagged. * @return false if no tags need to be added */ public boolean isTagged() { return writer != null && writer.isTagged() && !isTaggingSuppressed(); } /** * Gets the internal buffer. * @return the internal buffer */ public ByteBuffer getInternalBuffer() { return content; } /** Returns the PDF representation of this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE>-object. * * @param writer the <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> * @return a <CODE>byte</CODE> array with the representation */ public byte[] toPdf(final PdfWriter writer) { sanityCheck(); return content.toByteArray(); } // methods to add graphical content /** * Adds the content of another <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE>-object to this object. * * @param other another <CODE>PdfByteContent</CODE>-object */ public void add(final PdfContentByte other) { if (other.writer != null && writer != other.writer) throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); content.append(other.content); markedContentSize += other.markedContentSize; } /** * Gets the x position of the text line matrix. * * @return the x position of the text line matrix */ public float getXTLM() { return state.xTLM; } /** * Gets the y position of the text line matrix. * * @return the y position of the text line matrix */ public float getYTLM() { return state.yTLM; } /** * Gets the current text leading. * * @return the current text leading */ public float getLeading() { return state.leading; } /** * Gets the current character spacing. * * @return the current character spacing */ public float getCharacterSpacing() { return state.charSpace; } /** * Gets the current word spacing. * * @return the current word spacing */ public float getWordSpacing() { return state.wordSpace; } /** * Gets the current character spacing. * * @return the current character spacing */ public float getHorizontalScaling() { return state.scale; } /** * Changes the <VAR>Flatness</VAR>. * <P> * <VAR>Flatness</VAR> sets the maximum permitted distance in device pixels between the * mathematically correct path and an approximation constructed from straight line segments.<BR> * * @param flatness a value */ public void setFlatness(final float flatness) { setFlatness((double)flatness); } /** * Changes the <VAR>Flatness</VAR>. * <P> * <VAR>Flatness</VAR> sets the maximum permitted distance in device pixels between the * mathematically correct path and an approximation constructed from straight line segments.<BR> * * @param flatness a value */ public void setFlatness(final double flatness) { if (flatness >= 0 && flatness <= 100) { content.append(flatness).append(" i").append_i(separator); } } /** * Changes the <VAR>Line cap style</VAR>. * <P> * The <VAR>line cap style</VAR> specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths * when they are stroked.<BR> * Allowed values are LINE_CAP_BUTT, LINE_CAP_ROUND and LINE_CAP_PROJECTING_SQUARE.<BR> * * @param style a value */ public void setLineCap(final int style) { if (style >= 0 && style <= 2) { content.append(style).append(" J").append_i(separator); } } /** * Set the rendering intent, possible values are: PdfName.ABSOLUTECOLORIMETRIC, * PdfName.RELATIVECOLORIMETRIC, PdfName.SATURATION, PdfName.PERCEPTUAL. * @param ri */ public void setRenderingIntent(PdfName ri) { content.append(ri.getBytes()).append(" ri").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param phase the value of the phase */ public void setLineDash(final float phase) { setLineDash((double) phase); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param phase the value of the phase */ public void setLineDash(final double phase) { content.append("[] ").append(phase).append(" d").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param phase the value of the phase * @param unitsOn the number of units that must be 'on' (equals the number of units that must be 'off'). */ public void setLineDash(final float unitsOn, final float phase) { setLineDash((double) unitsOn, (double) phase); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param phase the value of the phase * @param unitsOn the number of units that must be 'on' (equals the number of units that must be 'off'). */ public void setLineDash(final double unitsOn, final double phase) { content.append("[").append(unitsOn).append("] ").append(phase).append(" d").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param phase the value of the phase * @param unitsOn the number of units that must be 'on' * @param unitsOff the number of units that must be 'off' */ public void setLineDash(final float unitsOn, final float unitsOff, final float phase) { setLineDash((double) unitsOn, (double) unitsOff, (double) phase); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param phase the value of the phase * @param unitsOn the number of units that must be 'on' * @param unitsOff the number of units that must be 'off' */ public void setLineDash(final double unitsOn, final double unitsOff, final double phase) { content.append("[").append(unitsOn).append(' ').append(unitsOff).append("] ").append(phase).append(" d").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param array length of the alternating dashes and gaps * @param phase the value of the phase */ public final void setLineDash(final float[] array, final float phase) { content.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { content.append(array[i]); if (i < array.length - 1) content.append(' '); } content.append("] ").append(phase).append(" d").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the value of the <VAR>line dash pattern</VAR>. * <P> * The line dash pattern controls the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths. * It is specified by an <I>array</I> and a <I>phase</I>. The array specifies the length * of the alternating dashes and gaps. The phase specifies the distance into the dash * pattern to start the dash.<BR> * * @param array length of the alternating dashes and gaps * @param phase the value of the phase */ public final void setLineDash(final double[] array, final double phase) { content.append("["); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { content.append(array[i]); if (i < array.length - 1) content.append(' '); } content.append("] ").append(phase).append(" d").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the <VAR>Line join style</VAR>. * <P> * The <VAR>line join style</VAR> specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths * that are stroked.<BR> * Allowed values are LINE_JOIN_MITER (Miter joins), LINE_JOIN_ROUND (Round joins) and LINE_JOIN_BEVEL (Bevel joins).<BR> * * @param style a value */ public void setLineJoin(final int style) { if (style >= 0 && style <= 2) { content.append(style).append(" j").append_i(separator); } } /** * Changes the <VAR>line width</VAR>. * <P> * The line width specifies the thickness of the line used to stroke a path and is measured * in user space units.<BR> * * @param w a width */ public void setLineWidth(final float w) { setLineWidth((double) w); } /** * Changes the <VAR>line width</VAR>. * <P> * The line width specifies the thickness of the line used to stroke a path and is measured * in user space units.<BR> * * @param w a width */ public void setLineWidth(final double w) { content.append(w).append(" w").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the <VAR>Miter limit</VAR>. * <P> * When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and mitered joins have been specified as the * line join style, it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line * stroking path. The miter limit imposes a maximum on the ratio of the miter length to the line * witdh. When the limit is exceeded, the join is converted from a miter to a bevel.<BR> * * @param miterLimit a miter limit */ public void setMiterLimit(final float miterLimit) { setMiterLimit((double) miterLimit); } /** * Changes the <VAR>Miter limit</VAR>. * <P> * When two line segments meet at a sharp angle and mitered joins have been specified as the * line join style, it is possible for the miter to extend far beyond the thickness of the line * stroking path. The miter limit imposes a maximum on the ratio of the miter length to the line * witdh. When the limit is exceeded, the join is converted from a miter to a bevel.<BR> * * @param miterLimit a miter limit */ public void setMiterLimit(final double miterLimit) { if (miterLimit > 1) { content.append(miterLimit).append(" M").append_i(separator); } } /** * Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the * nonzero winding number rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping * path. */ public void clip() { if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } content.append("W").append_i(separator); } /** * Modify the current clipping path by intersecting it with the current path, using the * even-odd rule to determine which regions lie inside the clipping path. */ public void eoClip() { if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } content.append("W*").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the currentgray tint for filling paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceGray</B> (or the <B>DefaultGray</B> color space), * and sets the gray tint to use for filling paths.</P> * * @param gray a value between 0 (black) and 1 (white) */ public void setGrayFill(final float gray) { saveColor(new GrayColor(gray), true); content.append(gray).append(" g").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current gray tint for filling paths to black. */ public void resetGrayFill() { saveColor(new GrayColor(0), true); content.append("0 g").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the currentgray tint for stroking paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceGray</B> (or the <B>DefaultGray</B> color space), * and sets the gray tint to use for stroking paths.</P> * * @param gray a value between 0 (black) and 1 (white) */ public void setGrayStroke(final float gray) { saveColor(new GrayColor(gray), false); content.append(gray).append(" G").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current gray tint for stroking paths to black. */ public void resetGrayStroke() { saveColor(new GrayColor(0), false); content.append("0 G").append_i(separator); } /** * Helper to validate and write the RGB color components * @param red the intensity of red. A value between 0 and 1 * @param green the intensity of green. A value between 0 and 1 * @param blue the intensity of blue. A value between 0 and 1 */ private void HelperRGB(float red, float green, float blue) { if (red < 0) red = 0.0f; else if (red > 1.0f) red = 1.0f; if (green < 0) green = 0.0f; else if (green > 1.0f) green = 1.0f; if (blue < 0) blue = 0.0f; else if (blue > 1.0f) blue = 1.0f; content.append(red).append(' ').append(green).append(' ').append(blue); } /** * Changes the current color for filling paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceRGB</B> (or the <B>DefaultRGB</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for filling paths.</P> * <P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (minimum intensity) and * 1 (maximum intensity).</P> * * @param red the intensity of red. A value between 0 and 1 * @param green the intensity of green. A value between 0 and 1 * @param blue the intensity of blue. A value between 0 and 1 */ public void setRGBColorFillF(final float red, final float green, final float blue) { saveColor(new BaseColor(red, green, blue), true); HelperRGB(red, green, blue); content.append(" rg").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for filling paths to black. */ public void resetRGBColorFill() { resetGrayFill(); } /** * Changes the current color for stroking paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceRGB</B> (or the <B>DefaultRGB</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for stroking paths.</P> * <P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (miniumum intensity) and * 1 (maximum intensity). * * @param red the intensity of red. A value between 0 and 1 * @param green the intensity of green. A value between 0 and 1 * @param blue the intensity of blue. A value between 0 and 1 */ public void setRGBColorStrokeF(final float red, final float green, final float blue) { saveColor(new BaseColor(red, green, blue), false); HelperRGB(red, green, blue); content.append(" RG").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for stroking paths to black. * */ public void resetRGBColorStroke() { resetGrayStroke(); } /** * Helper to validate and write the CMYK color components. * * @param cyan the intensity of cyan. A value between 0 and 1 * @param magenta the intensity of magenta. A value between 0 and 1 * @param yellow the intensity of yellow. A value between 0 and 1 * @param black the intensity of black. A value between 0 and 1 */ private void HelperCMYK(float cyan, float magenta, float yellow, float black) { if (cyan < 0) cyan = 0.0f; else if (cyan > 1.0f) cyan = 1.0f; if (magenta < 0) magenta = 0.0f; else if (magenta > 1.0f) magenta = 1.0f; if (yellow < 0) yellow = 0.0f; else if (yellow > 1.0f) yellow = 1.0f; if (black < 0) black = 0.0f; else if (black > 1.0f) black = 1.0f; content.append(cyan).append(' ').append(magenta).append(' ').append(yellow).append(' ').append(black); } /** * Changes the current color for filling paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceCMYK</B> (or the <B>DefaultCMYK</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for filling paths.</P> * <P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (no ink) and * 1 (maximum ink).</P> * * @param cyan the intensity of cyan. A value between 0 and 1 * @param magenta the intensity of magenta. A value between 0 and 1 * @param yellow the intensity of yellow. A value between 0 and 1 * @param black the intensity of black. A value between 0 and 1 */ public void setCMYKColorFillF(final float cyan, final float magenta, final float yellow, final float black) { saveColor(new CMYKColor(cyan, magenta, yellow, black), true); HelperCMYK(cyan, magenta, yellow, black); content.append(" k").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for filling paths to black. * */ public void resetCMYKColorFill() { saveColor(new CMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 1), true); content.append("0 0 0 1 k").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for stroking paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceCMYK</B> (or the <B>DefaultCMYK</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for stroking paths.</P> * <P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (miniumum intensity) and * 1 (maximum intensity). * * @param cyan the intensity of cyan. A value between 0 and 1 * @param magenta the intensity of magenta. A value between 0 and 1 * @param yellow the intensity of yellow. A value between 0 and 1 * @param black the intensity of black. A value between 0 and 1 */ public void setCMYKColorStrokeF(final float cyan, final float magenta, final float yellow, final float black) { saveColor(new CMYKColor(cyan, magenta, yellow, black), false); HelperCMYK(cyan, magenta, yellow, black); content.append(" K").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for stroking paths to black. * */ public void resetCMYKColorStroke() { saveColor(new CMYKColor(0, 0, 0, 1), false); content.append("0 0 0 1 K").append_i(separator); } /** * Move the current point <I>(x, y)</I>, omitting any connecting line segment. * * @param x new x-coordinate * @param y new y-coordinate */ public void moveTo(final float x, final float y) { moveTo((double) x, (double) y); } /** * Move the current point <I>(x, y)</I>, omitting any connecting line segment. * * @param x new x-coordinate * @param y new y-coordinate */ public void moveTo(final double x, final double y) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append(x).append(' ').append(y).append(" m").append_i(separator); } /** * Appends a straight line segment from the current point <I>(x, y)</I>. The new current * point is <I>(x, y)</I>. * * @param x new x-coordinate * @param y new y-coordinate */ public void lineTo(final float x, final float y) { lineTo((double) x, (double) y); } /** * Appends a straight line segment from the current point <I>(x, y)</I>. The new current * point is <I>(x, y)</I>. * * @param x new x-coordinate * @param y new y-coordinate */ public void lineTo(final double x, final double y) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append(x).append(' ').append(y).append(" l").append_i(separator); } /** * Appends a Bêzier curve to the path, starting from the current point. * * @param x1 x-coordinate of the first control point * @param y1 y-coordinate of the first control point * @param x2 x-coordinate of the second control point * @param y2 y-coordinate of the second control point * @param x3 x-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) * @param y3 y-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) */ public void curveTo(final float x1, final float y1, final float x2, final float y2, final float x3, final float y3) { curveTo((double) x1, (double) y1, (double) x2, (double) y2, (double) x3, (double) y3); } /** * Appends a Bêzier curve to the path, starting from the current point. * * @param x1 x-coordinate of the first control point * @param y1 y-coordinate of the first control point * @param x2 x-coordinate of the second control point * @param y2 y-coordinate of the second control point * @param x3 x-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) * @param y3 y-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) */ public void curveTo(final double x1, final double y1, final double x2, final double y2, final double x3, final double y3) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append(x1).append(' ').append(y1).append(' ').append(x2).append(' ').append(y2).append(' ').append(x3).append(' ').append(y3).append(" c").append_i(separator); } /** * Appends a Bêzier curve to the path, starting from the current point. * * @param x2 x-coordinate of the second control point * @param y2 y-coordinate of the second control point * @param x3 x-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) * @param y3 y-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) */ public void curveTo(final float x2, final float y2, final float x3, final float y3) { curveTo((double) x2, (double) y2, (double) x3, (double) y3); } /** * Appends a Bêzier curve to the path, starting from the current point. * * @param x2 x-coordinate of the second control point * @param y2 y-coordinate of the second control point * @param x3 x-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) * @param y3 y-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) */ public void curveTo(final double x2, final double y2, final double x3, final double y3) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append(x2).append(' ').append(y2).append(' ').append(x3).append(' ').append(y3).append(" v").append_i(separator); } /** * Appends a Bêzier curve to the path, starting from the current point. * * @param x1 x-coordinate of the first control point * @param y1 y-coordinate of the first control point * @param x3 x-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) * @param y3 y-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) */ public void curveFromTo(final float x1, final float y1, final float x3, final float y3) { curveFromTo((double) x1, (double) y1, (double) x3, (double) y3); } /** * Appends a Bêzier curve to the path, starting from the current point. * * @param x1 x-coordinate of the first control point * @param y1 y-coordinate of the first control point * @param x3 x-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) * @param y3 y-coordinate of the ending point (= new current point) */ public void curveFromTo(final double x1, final double y1, final double x3, final double y3) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append(x1).append(' ').append(y1).append(' ').append(x3).append(' ').append(y3).append(" y").append_i(separator); } /** Draws a circle. The endpoint will (x+r, y). * * @param x x center of circle * @param y y center of circle * @param r radius of circle */ public void circle(final float x, final float y, final float r) { circle((double) x, (double) y, (double) r); } /** Draws a circle. The endpoint will (x+r, y). * * @param x x center of circle * @param y y center of circle * @param r radius of circle */ public void circle(final double x, final double y, final double r) { float b = 0.5523f; moveTo(x + r, y); curveTo(x + r, y + r * b, x + r * b, y + r, x, y + r); curveTo(x - r * b, y + r, x - r, y + r * b, x - r, y); curveTo(x - r, y - r * b, x - r * b, y - r, x, y - r); curveTo(x + r * b, y - r, x + r, y - r * b, x + r, y); } /** * Adds a rectangle to the current path. * * @param x x-coordinate of the starting point * @param y y-coordinate of the starting point * @param w width * @param h height */ public void rectangle(final float x, final float y, final float w, final float h) { rectangle((double) x, (double) y, (double) w, (double) h); } /** * Adds a rectangle to the current path. * * @param x x-coordinate of the starting point * @param y y-coordinate of the starting point * @param w width * @param h height */ public void rectangle(final double x, final double y, final double w, final double h) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append(x).append(' ').append(y).append(' ').append(w).append(' ').append(h).append(" re").append_i(separator); } private boolean compareColors(final BaseColor c1, final BaseColor c2) { if (c1 == null && c2 == null) return true; if (c1 == null || c2 == null) return false; if (c1 instanceof ExtendedColor) return c1.equals(c2); return c2.equals(c1); } /** * Adds a variable width border to the current path. * Only use if {@link com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle#isUseVariableBorders() Rectangle.isUseVariableBorders} * = true. * @param rect a <CODE>Rectangle</CODE> */ public void variableRectangle(final Rectangle rect) { float t = rect.getTop(); float b = rect.getBottom(); float r = rect.getRight(); float l = rect.getLeft(); float wt = rect.getBorderWidthTop(); float wb = rect.getBorderWidthBottom(); float wr = rect.getBorderWidthRight(); float wl = rect.getBorderWidthLeft(); BaseColor ct = rect.getBorderColorTop(); BaseColor cb = rect.getBorderColorBottom(); BaseColor cr = rect.getBorderColorRight(); BaseColor cl = rect.getBorderColorLeft(); saveState(); setLineCap(PdfContentByte.LINE_CAP_BUTT); setLineJoin(PdfContentByte.LINE_JOIN_MITER); float clw = 0; boolean cdef = false; BaseColor ccol = null; boolean cdefi = false; BaseColor cfil = null; // draw top if (wt > 0) { setLineWidth(clw = wt); cdef = true; if (ct == null) resetRGBColorStroke(); else setColorStroke(ct); ccol = ct; moveTo(l, t - wt / 2f); lineTo(r, t - wt / 2f); stroke(); } // Draw bottom if (wb > 0) { if (wb != clw) setLineWidth(clw = wb); if (!cdef || !compareColors(ccol, cb)) { cdef = true; if (cb == null) resetRGBColorStroke(); else setColorStroke(cb); ccol = cb; } moveTo(r, b + wb / 2f); lineTo(l, b + wb / 2f); stroke(); } // Draw right if (wr > 0) { if (wr != clw) setLineWidth(clw = wr); if (!cdef || !compareColors(ccol, cr)) { cdef = true; if (cr == null) resetRGBColorStroke(); else setColorStroke(cr); ccol = cr; } boolean bt = compareColors(ct, cr); boolean bb = compareColors(cb, cr); moveTo(r - wr / 2f, bt ? t : t - wt); lineTo(r - wr / 2f, bb ? b : b + wb); stroke(); if (!bt || !bb) { cdefi = true; if (cr == null) resetRGBColorFill(); else setColorFill(cr); cfil = cr; if (!bt) { moveTo(r, t); lineTo(r, t - wt); lineTo(r - wr, t - wt); fill(); } if (!bb) { moveTo(r, b); lineTo(r, b + wb); lineTo(r - wr, b + wb); fill(); } } } // Draw Left if (wl > 0) { if (wl != clw) setLineWidth(wl); if (!cdef || !compareColors(ccol, cl)) { if (cl == null) resetRGBColorStroke(); else setColorStroke(cl); } boolean bt = compareColors(ct, cl); boolean bb = compareColors(cb, cl); moveTo(l + wl / 2f, bt ? t : t - wt); lineTo(l + wl / 2f, bb ? b : b + wb); stroke(); if (!bt || !bb) { if (!cdefi || !compareColors(cfil, cl)) { if (cl == null) resetRGBColorFill(); else setColorFill(cl); } if (!bt) { moveTo(l, t); lineTo(l, t - wt); lineTo(l + wl, t - wt); fill(); } if (!bb) { moveTo(l, b); lineTo(l, b + wb); lineTo(l + wl, b + wb); fill(); } } } restoreState(); } /** * Adds a border (complete or partially) to the current path.. * * @param rectangle a <CODE>Rectangle</CODE> */ public void rectangle(final Rectangle rectangle) { // the coordinates of the border are retrieved float x1 = rectangle.getLeft(); float y1 = rectangle.getBottom(); float x2 = rectangle.getRight(); float y2 = rectangle.getTop(); // the backgroundcolor is set BaseColor background = rectangle.getBackgroundColor(); if (background != null) { saveState(); setColorFill(background); rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); fill(); restoreState(); } // if the element hasn't got any borders, nothing is added if (! rectangle.hasBorders()) { return; } // if any of the individual border colors are set // we draw the borders all around using the // different colors if (rectangle.isUseVariableBorders()) { variableRectangle(rectangle); } else { // the width is set to the width of the element if (rectangle.getBorderWidth() != Rectangle.UNDEFINED) { setLineWidth(rectangle.getBorderWidth()); } // the color is set to the color of the element BaseColor color = rectangle.getBorderColor(); if (color != null) { setColorStroke(color); } // if the box is a rectangle, it is added as a rectangle if (rectangle.hasBorder(Rectangle.BOX)) { rectangle(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } // if the border isn't a rectangle, the different sides are added apart else { if (rectangle.hasBorder(Rectangle.RIGHT)) { moveTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); } if (rectangle.hasBorder(Rectangle.LEFT)) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x1, y2); } if (rectangle.hasBorder(Rectangle.BOTTOM)) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y1); } if (rectangle.hasBorder(Rectangle.TOP)) { moveTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x2, y2); } } stroke(); if (color != null) { resetRGBColorStroke(); } } } /** * Closes the current subpath by appending a straight line segment from the current point * to the starting point of the subpath. */ public void closePath() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append("h").append_i(separator); } /** * Ends the path without filling or stroking it. */ public void newPath() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } content.append("n").append_i(separator); } /** * Strokes the path. */ public void stroke() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("S").append_i(separator); } /** * Closes the path and strokes it. */ public void closePathStroke() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("s").append_i(separator); } /** * Fills the path, using the non-zero winding number rule to determine the region to fill. */ public void fill() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("f").append_i(separator); } /** * Fills the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill. */ public void eoFill() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("f*").append_i(separator); } /** * Fills the path using the non-zero winding number rule to determine the region to fill and strokes it. */ public void fillStroke() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("B").append_i(separator); } /** * Closes the path, fills it using the non-zero winding number rule to determine the region to fill and strokes it. */ public void closePathFillStroke() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("b").append_i(separator); } /** * Fills the path, using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill and strokes it. */ public void eoFillStroke() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("B*").append_i(separator); } /** * Closes the path, fills it using the even-odd rule to determine the region to fill and strokes it. */ public void closePathEoFillStroke() { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); content.append("b*").append_i(separator); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The <CODE>Image</CODE> must have * absolute positioning. * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @throws DocumentException if the <CODE>Image</CODE> does not have absolute positioning */ public void addImage(final Image image) throws DocumentException { addImage(image, false); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The <CODE>Image</CODE> must have * absolute positioning. The image can be placed inline. * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @param inlineImage <CODE>true</CODE> to place this image inline, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise * @throws DocumentException if the <CODE>Image</CODE> does not have absolute positioning */ public void addImage(final Image image, final boolean inlineImage) throws DocumentException { if (!image.hasAbsoluteY()) throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.image.must.have.absolute.positioning")); float matrix[] = image.matrix(); matrix[Image.CX] = image.getAbsoluteX() - matrix[Image.CX]; matrix[Image.CY] = image.getAbsoluteY() - matrix[Image.CY]; addImage(image, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5], inlineImage); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The positioning of the <CODE>Image</CODE> * is done with the transformation matrix. To position an <CODE>image</CODE> at (x,y) * use addImage(image, image_width, 0, 0, image_height, x, y). * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @throws DocumentException on error */ public void addImage(final Image image, final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f) throws DocumentException { addImage(image, a, b, c, d, e, f, false); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The positioning of the <CODE>Image</CODE> * is done with the transformation matrix. To position an <CODE>image</CODE> at (x,y) * use addImage(image, image_width, 0, 0, image_height, x, y). * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @throws DocumentException on error */ public void addImage(final Image image, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f) throws DocumentException { addImage(image, a, b, c, d, e, f, false); } /** * adds an image with the given matrix. * @param image image to add * @param transform transform to apply to the template prior to adding it. */ public void addImage(final Image image, final AffineTransform transform) throws DocumentException { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); addImage(image, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5], false); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The positioning of the <CODE>Image</CODE> * is done with the transformation matrix. To position an <CODE>image</CODE> at (x,y) * use addImage(image, image_width, 0, 0, image_height, x, y). The image can be placed inline. * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @param inlineImage <CODE>true</CODE> to place this image inline, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise * @throws DocumentException on error */ public void addImage(final Image image, final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f, final boolean inlineImage) throws DocumentException { addImage(image, (double) a, (double) b, (double) c, (double) d, (double) e, (double) f, inlineImage); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The positioning of the <CODE>Image</CODE> * is done with the transformation matrix. To position an <CODE>image</CODE> at (x,y) * use addImage(image, image_width, 0, 0, image_height, x, y). The image can be placed inline. * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @param inlineImage <CODE>true</CODE> to place this image inline, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise * @throws DocumentException on error */ public void addImage(final Image image, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f, final boolean inlineImage) throws DocumentException { addImage(image, a, b, c, d, e, f, inlineImage, false); } /** * Adds an <CODE>Image</CODE> to the page. The positioning of the <CODE>Image</CODE> * is done with the transformation matrix. To position an <CODE>image</CODE> at (x,y) * The image can be placed inline. * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> object * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @param inlineImage <CODE>true</CODE> to place this image inline, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise * @param isMCBlockOpened <CODE>true</CODE> not to open MCBlock, <CODE>false</CODE> otherwise * @throws DocumentException on error */ protected void addImage(final Image image, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f, final boolean inlineImage, final boolean isMCBlockOpened) throws DocumentException { try { AffineTransform transform = new AffineTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f); if (image.getLayer() != null) beginLayer(image.getLayer()); if (isTagged()) { if (inText) endText(); Point2D[] src = new Point2D.Float[] {new Point2D.Float(0, 0), new Point2D.Float(1, 0), new Point2D.Float(1, 1), new Point2D.Float(0, 1)}; Point2D[] dst = new Point2D.Float[4]; transform.transform(src, 0, dst, 0, 4); float left = Float.MAX_VALUE; float right = -Float.MAX_VALUE; float bottom = Float.MAX_VALUE; float top = -Float.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (dst[i].getX() < left) left = (float)dst[i].getX(); if (dst[i].getX() > right) right = (float)dst[i].getX(); if (dst[i].getY() < bottom) bottom = (float)dst[i].getY(); if (dst[i].getY() > top) top = (float)dst[i].getY(); } image.setAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.BBOX, new PdfArray(new float[] {left, bottom, right, top})); } if (writer != null && image.isImgTemplate()) { writer.addDirectImageSimple(image); PdfTemplate template = image.getTemplateData(); if (image.getAccessibleAttributes() != null) { for (PdfName key : image.getAccessibleAttributes().keySet()) { template.setAccessibleAttribute(key, image.getAccessibleAttribute(key)); } } float w = template.getWidth(); float h = template.getHeight(); addTemplate(template, a / w, b / w, c / h, d / h, e, f, false, false); } else { content.append("q "); if (!transform.isIdentity()) { content.append(a).append(' '); content.append(b).append(' '); content.append(c).append(' '); content.append(d).append(' '); content.append(e).append(' '); content.append(f).append(" cm"); } if (inlineImage) { content.append("\nBI\n"); PdfImage pimage = new PdfImage(image, "", null); if (image instanceof ImgJBIG2) { byte[] globals = ((ImgJBIG2)image).getGlobalBytes(); if (globals != null) { PdfDictionary decodeparms = new PdfDictionary(); decodeparms.put(PdfName.JBIG2GLOBALS, writer.getReferenceJBIG2Globals(globals)); pimage.put(PdfName.DECODEPARMS, decodeparms); } } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_INLINE_IMAGE, pimage); for (Object element : pimage.getKeys()) { PdfName key = (PdfName)element; PdfObject value = pimage.get(key); String s = abrev.get(key); if (s == null) continue; content.append(s); boolean check = true; if (key.equals(PdfName.COLORSPACE) && value.isArray()) { PdfArray ar = (PdfArray)value; if (ar.size() == 4 && PdfName.INDEXED.equals(ar.getAsName(0)) && ar.getPdfObject(1).isName() && ar.getPdfObject(2).isNumber() && ar.getPdfObject(3).isString() ) { check = false; } } if (check && key.equals(PdfName.COLORSPACE) && !value.isName()) { PdfName cs = writer.getColorspaceName(); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); prs.addColor(cs, writer.addToBody(value).getIndirectReference()); value = cs; } value.toPdf(null, content); content.append('\n'); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pimage.writeContent(baos); byte[] imageBytes = baos.toByteArray(); content.append(String.format("/L %s\n", imageBytes.length)); /* // The following restriction will be normative in PDF 2.0 if (imageBytes.length > 4096) throw new DocumentException("Inline images must be 4 KB or less"); */ content.append("ID\n"); content.append(imageBytes); content.append("\nEI\nQ").append_i(separator); } else { PdfName name; PageResources prs = getPageResources(); Image maskImage = image.getImageMask(); if (maskImage != null) { name = writer.addDirectImageSimple(maskImage); prs.addXObject(name, writer.getImageReference(name)); } name = writer.addDirectImageSimple(image); name = prs.addXObject(name, writer.getImageReference(name)); content.append(' ').append(name.getBytes()).append(" Do Q").append_i(separator); } } if (image.hasBorders()) { saveState(); float w = image.getWidth(); float h = image.getHeight(); concatCTM(a / w, b / w, c / h, d / h, e, f); rectangle(image); restoreState(); } if (image.getLayer() != null) endLayer(); Annotation annot = image.getAnnotation(); if (annot == null) return; double[] r = new double[unitRect.length]; for (int k = 0; k < unitRect.length; k += 2) { r[k] = a * unitRect[k] + c * unitRect[k + 1] + e; r[k + 1] = b * unitRect[k] + d * unitRect[k + 1] + f; } double llx = r[0]; double lly = r[1]; double urx = llx; double ury = lly; for (int k = 2; k < r.length; k += 2) { llx = Math.min(llx, r[k]); lly = Math.min(lly, r[k + 1]); urx = Math.max(urx, r[k]); ury = Math.max(ury, r[k + 1]); } annot = new Annotation(annot); annot.setDimensions((float)llx, (float)lly, (float)urx, (float)ury); PdfAnnotation an = PdfAnnotationsImp.convertAnnotation(writer, annot, new Rectangle((float)llx, (float)lly, (float)urx, (float)ury)); if (an == null) return; addAnnotation(an); } catch (IOException ioe) { final String path = image != null && image.getUrl() != null ? image.getUrl().getPath() : MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unknown"); throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("add.image.exception", path), ioe); } } /** * Makes this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> empty. * Calls <code>reset( true )</code> */ public void reset() { reset(true); } /** * Makes this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> empty. * @param validateContent will call <code>sanityCheck()</code> if true. * @since 2.1.6 */ public void reset( final boolean validateContent ) { content.reset(); markedContentSize = 0; if (validateContent) { sanityCheck(); } state = new GraphicState(); stateList = new ArrayList<GraphicState>(); } /** * Starts the writing of text. * @param restoreTM indicates if to restore text matrix of the previous text block. */ protected void beginText(boolean restoreTM) { if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.begin.end.text.operators")); } } else { inText = true; content.append("BT").append_i(separator); if (restoreTM) { float xTLM = state.xTLM; float tx = state.tx; setTextMatrix(state.aTLM, state.bTLM, state.cTLM, state.dTLM, state.tx, state.yTLM); state.xTLM = xTLM; state.tx = tx; } else { state.xTLM = 0; state.yTLM = 0; state.tx = 0; } } } /** * Starts the writing of text. */ public void beginText() { beginText(false); } /** * Ends the writing of text and makes the current font invalid. */ public void endText() { if (!inText) { if (isTagged()) { } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.begin.end.text.operators")); } } else { inText = false; content.append("ET").append_i(separator); } } /** * Saves the graphic state. <CODE>saveState</CODE> and * <CODE>restoreState</CODE> must be balanced. */ public void saveState() { PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_CANVAS, "q"); if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } content.append("q").append_i(separator); stateList.add(new GraphicState(state)); } /** * Restores the graphic state. <CODE>saveState</CODE> and * <CODE>restoreState</CODE> must be balanced. */ public void restoreState() { PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_CANVAS, "Q"); if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } content.append("Q").append_i(separator); int idx = stateList.size() - 1; if (idx < 0) throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); state.restore(stateList.get(idx)); stateList.remove(idx); } /** * Sets the character spacing parameter. * * @param charSpace a parameter */ public void setCharacterSpacing(final float charSpace) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.charSpace = charSpace; content.append(charSpace).append(" Tc").append_i(separator); } /** * Sets the word spacing parameter. * * @param wordSpace a parameter */ public void setWordSpacing(final float wordSpace) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.wordSpace = wordSpace; content.append(wordSpace).append(" Tw").append_i(separator); } /** * Sets the horizontal scaling parameter. * * @param scale a parameter */ public void setHorizontalScaling(final float scale) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.scale = scale; content.append(scale).append(" Tz").append_i(separator); } /** * Sets the text leading parameter. * <P> * The leading parameter is measured in text space units. It specifies the vertical distance * between the baselines of adjacent lines of text.</P> * * @param leading the new leading */ public void setLeading(final float leading) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.leading = leading; content.append(leading).append(" TL").append_i(separator); } /** * Set the font and the size for the subsequent text writing. * * @param bf the font * @param size the font size in points */ public void setFontAndSize(final BaseFont bf, final float size) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } checkWriter(); if (size < 0.0001f && size > -0.0001f) throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("font.size.too.small.1", String.valueOf(size))); state.size = size; state.fontDetails = writer.addSimple(bf); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.fontDetails.getFontName(); name = prs.addFont(name, state.fontDetails.getIndirectReference()); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(' ').append(size).append(" Tf").append_i(separator); } /** * Sets the text rendering parameter. * * @param rendering a parameter */ public void setTextRenderingMode(final int rendering) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.textRenderMode = rendering; content.append(rendering).append(" Tr").append_i(separator); } /** * Sets the text rise parameter. * <P> * This allows to write text in subscript or superscript mode.</P> * * @param rise a parameter */ public void setTextRise(final float rise) { setTextRise((double) rise); } /** * Sets the text rise parameter. * <P> * This allows to write text in subscript or superscript mode.</P> * * @param rise a parameter */ public void setTextRise(final double rise) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } content.append(rise).append(" Ts").append_i(separator); } /** * A helper to insert into the content stream the <CODE>text</CODE> * converted to bytes according to the font's encoding. * * @param text the text to write */ private void showText2(final String text) { if (state.fontDetails == null) throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); byte b[] = state.fontDetails.convertToBytes(text); StringUtils.escapeString(b, content); } /** * Shows the <CODE>text</CODE>. * * @param text the text to write */ public void showText(final String text) { checkState(); if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } showText2(text); updateTx(text, 0); content.append("Tj").append_i(separator); } public void showTextGid(final String gids) { checkState(); if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } if (state.fontDetails == null) throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); Object[] objs = state.fontDetails.convertToBytesGid(gids); StringUtils.escapeString((byte[]) objs[0], content); state.tx += ((Integer)objs[2]).intValue() * 0.001f * state.size; content.append("Tj").append_i(separator); } /** * Constructs a kern array for a text in a certain font * @param text the text * @param font the font * @return a PdfTextArray */ public static PdfTextArray getKernArray(final String text, final BaseFont font) { PdfTextArray pa = new PdfTextArray(); StringBuffer acc = new StringBuffer(); int len = text.length() - 1; char c[] = text.toCharArray(); if (len >= 0) acc.append(c, 0, 1); for (int k = 0; k < len; ++k) { char c2 = c[k + 1]; int kern = font.getKerning(c[k], c2); if (kern == 0) { acc.append(c2); } else { pa.add(acc.toString()); acc.setLength(0); acc.append(c, k + 1, 1); pa.add(-kern); } } pa.add(acc.toString()); return pa; } /** * Shows the <CODE>text</CODE> kerned. * * @param text the text to write */ public void showTextKerned(final String text) { if (state.fontDetails == null) throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); BaseFont bf = state.fontDetails.getBaseFont(); if (bf.hasKernPairs()) showText(getKernArray(text, bf)); else { showText(text); } } /** * Moves to the next line and shows <CODE>text</CODE>. * * @param text the text to write */ public void newlineShowText(final String text) { checkState(); if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.yTLM -= state.leading; showText2(text); content.append("'").append_i(separator); state.tx = state.xTLM; updateTx(text, 0); } /** * Moves to the next line and shows text string, using the given values of the character and word spacing parameters. * * @param wordSpacing a parameter * @param charSpacing a parameter * @param text the text to write */ public void newlineShowText(final float wordSpacing, final float charSpacing, final String text) { checkState(); if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.yTLM -= state.leading; content.append(wordSpacing).append(' ').append(charSpacing); showText2(text); content.append("\"").append_i(separator); // The " operator sets charSpace and wordSpace into graphics state // (cfr PDF reference v1.6, table 5.6) state.charSpace = charSpacing; state.wordSpace = wordSpacing; state.tx = state.xTLM; updateTx(text, 0); } /** * Changes the text matrix. * <P> * Remark: this operation also initializes the current point position.</P> * * @param a operand 1,1 in the matrix * @param b operand 1,2 in the matrix * @param c operand 2,1 in the matrix * @param d operand 2,2 in the matrix * @param x operand 3,1 in the matrix * @param y operand 3,2 in the matrix */ public void setTextMatrix(final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float x, final float y) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.xTLM = x; state.yTLM = y; state.aTLM = a; state.bTLM = b; state.cTLM = c; state.dTLM = d; state.tx = state.xTLM; content.append(a).append(' ').append(b).append_i(' ') .append(c).append_i(' ').append(d).append_i(' ') .append(x).append_i(' ').append(y).append(" Tm").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the text matrix. * <P> * @param transform overwrite the current text matrix with this one */ public void setTextMatrix(final AffineTransform transform) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); setTextMatrix((float) matrix[0], (float) matrix[1], (float) matrix[2], (float) matrix[3], (float) matrix[4], (float) matrix[5]); } /** * Changes the text matrix. The first four parameters are {1,0,0,1}. * <P> * Remark: this operation also initializes the current point position.</P> * * @param x operand 3,1 in the matrix * @param y operand 3,2 in the matrix */ public void setTextMatrix(final float x, final float y) { setTextMatrix(1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); } /** * Moves to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line. * * @param x x-coordinate of the new current point * @param y y-coordinate of the new current point */ public void moveText(final float x, final float y) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.xTLM += x; state.yTLM += y; if (isTagged() && state.xTLM != state.tx) { setTextMatrix(state.aTLM, state.bTLM, state.cTLM, state.dTLM, state.xTLM, state.yTLM); } else { content.append(x).append(' ').append(y).append(" Td").append_i(separator); } } /** * Moves to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line. * <P> * As a side effect, this sets the leading parameter in the text state.</P> * * @param x offset of the new current point * @param y y-coordinate of the new current point */ public void moveTextWithLeading(final float x, final float y) { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } state.xTLM += x; state.yTLM += y; state.leading = -y; if (isTagged() && state.xTLM != state.tx) { setTextMatrix(state.aTLM, state.bTLM, state.cTLM, state.dTLM, state.xTLM, state.yTLM); } else { content.append(x).append(' ').append(y).append(" TD").append_i(separator); } } /** * Moves to the start of the next line. */ public void newlineText() { if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } if (isTagged() && state.xTLM != state.tx) { setTextMatrix(state.aTLM, state.bTLM, state.cTLM, state.dTLM, state.xTLM, state.yTLM); } state.yTLM -= state.leading; content.append("T*").append_i(separator); } /** * Gets the size of this content. * * @return the size of the content */ int size() { return size(true); } int size(boolean includeMarkedContentSize) { if (includeMarkedContentSize) return content.size(); else return content.size() - markedContentSize; } /** * Adds a named outline to the document. * * @param outline the outline * @param name the name for the local destination */ public void addOutline(final PdfOutline outline, final String name) { checkWriter(); pdf.addOutline(outline, name); } /** * Gets the root outline. * * @return the root outline */ public PdfOutline getRootOutline() { checkWriter(); return pdf.getRootOutline(); } /** * Computes the width of the given string taking in account * the current values of "Character spacing", "Word Spacing" * and "Horizontal Scaling". * The additional spacing is not computed for the last character * of the string. * @param text the string to get width of * @param kerned the kerning option * @return the width */ public float getEffectiveStringWidth(final String text, final boolean kerned) { BaseFont bf = state.fontDetails.getBaseFont(); float w; if (kerned) w = bf.getWidthPointKerned(text, state.size); else w = bf.getWidthPoint(text, state.size); if (state.charSpace != 0.0f && text.length() > 1) { w += state.charSpace * (text.length() -1); } if (state.wordSpace != 0.0f && !bf.isVertical()) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length() -1; i++) { if (text.charAt(i) == ' ') w += state.wordSpace; } } if (state.scale != 100.0) w = w * state.scale / 100.0f; //System.out.println("String width = " + Float.toString(w)); return w; } /** * Computes the width of the given string taking in account * the current values of "Character spacing", "Word Spacing" * and "Horizontal Scaling". * The spacing for the last character is also computed. * It also takes into account kerning that can be specified within TJ operator (e.g. [(Hello) 123 (World)] TJ) * @param text the string to get width of * @param kerned the kerning option * @param kerning the kerning option from TJ array * @return the width */ private float getEffectiveStringWidth(final String text, final boolean kerned, final float kerning) { BaseFont bf = state.fontDetails.getBaseFont(); float w; if (kerned) w = bf.getWidthPointKerned(text, state.size); else w = bf.getWidthPoint(text, state.size); if (state.charSpace != 0.0f && text.length() > 0) { w += state.charSpace * (text.length()); } if (state.wordSpace != 0.0f && !bf.isVertical()) { for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { if (text.charAt(i) == ' ') w += state.wordSpace; } } w -= kerning / 1000.f * state.size; if (state.scale != 100.0) w = w * state.scale / 100.0f; return w; } /** * Shows text right, left or center aligned with rotation. * @param alignment the alignment can be ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT or ALIGN_LEFT * @param text the text to show * @param x the x pivot position * @param y the y pivot position * @param rotation the rotation to be applied in degrees counterclockwise */ public void showTextAligned(final int alignment, final String text, final float x, final float y, final float rotation) { showTextAligned(alignment, text, x, y, rotation, false); } private void showTextAligned(final int alignment, final String text, float x, float y, final float rotation, final boolean kerned) { if (state.fontDetails == null) throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); if (rotation == 0) { switch (alignment) { case ALIGN_CENTER: x -= getEffectiveStringWidth(text, kerned) / 2; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: x -= getEffectiveStringWidth(text, kerned); break; } setTextMatrix(x, y); if (kerned) showTextKerned(text); else showText(text); } else { double alpha = rotation * Math.PI / 180.0; float cos = (float)Math.cos(alpha); float sin = (float)Math.sin(alpha); float len; switch (alignment) { case ALIGN_CENTER: len = getEffectiveStringWidth(text, kerned) / 2; x -= len * cos; y -= len * sin; break; case ALIGN_RIGHT: len = getEffectiveStringWidth(text, kerned); x -= len * cos; y -= len * sin; break; } setTextMatrix(cos, sin, -sin, cos, x, y); if (kerned) showTextKerned(text); else showText(text); setTextMatrix(0f, 0f); } } /** * Shows text kerned right, left or center aligned with rotation. * @param alignment the alignment can be ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT or ALIGN_LEFT * @param text the text to show * @param x the x pivot position * @param y the y pivot position * @param rotation the rotation to be applied in degrees counterclockwise */ public void showTextAlignedKerned(final int alignment, final String text, final float x, final float y, final float rotation) { showTextAligned(alignment, text, x, y, rotation, true); } /** * Concatenate a matrix to the current transformation matrix. * * Common transformations: * * <ul> * <li>Translation: [1 0 0 1 tx ty]</li> * <li>Scaling: [sx 0 0 sy 0 0] (if sx or sy is negative, it will flip the coordinate system)</li> * <li>Rotation: [cos(q) sin(q) -sin(q) cos(q) 0 0] where q is angle of counter-clockwise rotation (rotated around positive z-axis - use Right Hand Rule) * <ul> * <li>Rotate 90 degrees CCW: [0 1 -1 0 0 0]</li> * <li>Rotate 180 degrees: [-1 0 0 -1 0 0]</li> * <li>Rotate 270 degrees: [0 -1 1 0 0 0]</li> * </li> * <li>Skew: [1 tan(a) tan(b) 1 0 0] where a is x-axis skew angle and b is y-axis skew angle</li> *</ul> * * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix **/ public void concatCTM(final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f) { concatCTM((double) a, (double) b, (double) c, (double) d, (double) e, (double) f); } /** * Concatenate a matrix to the current transformation matrix. * * Common transformations: * * <ul> * <li>Translation: [1 0 0 1 tx ty]</li> * <li>Scaling: [sx 0 0 sy 0 0] (if sx or sy is negative, it will flip the coordinate system)</li> * <li>Rotation: [cos(q) sin(q) -sin(q) cos(q) 0 0] where q is angle of counter-clockwise rotation (rotated around positive z-axis - use Right Hand Rule) * <ul> * <li>Rotate 90 degrees CCW: [0 1 -1 0 0 0]</li> * <li>Rotate 180 degrees: [-1 0 0 -1 0 0]</li> * <li>Rotate 270 degrees: [0 -1 1 0 0 0]</li> * </li> * <li>Skew: [1 tan(a) tan(b) 1 0 0] where a is x-axis skew angle and b is y-axis skew angle</li> *</ul> * * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix **/ public void concatCTM(final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f) { if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } state.CTM.concatenate(new AffineTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f)); content.append(a).append(' ').append(b).append(' ').append(c).append(' '); content.append(d).append(' ').append(e).append(' ').append(f).append(" cm").append_i(separator); } /** * Concatenate a matrix to the current transformation matrix. * @param transform added to the Current Transformation Matrix */ public void concatCTM(final AffineTransform transform) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); concatCTM(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]); } /** * Generates an array of bezier curves to draw an arc. * <P> * (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the corners of the enclosing rectangle. * Angles, measured in degrees, start with 0 to the right (the positive X * axis) and increase counter-clockwise. The arc extends from startAng * to startAng+extent. I.e. startAng=0 and extent=180 yields an openside-down * semi-circle. * <P> * The resulting coordinates are of the form float[]{x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, x4,y4} * such that the curve goes from (x1, y1) to (x4, y4) with (x2, y2) and * (x3, y3) as their respective Bezier control points. * <P> * Note: this code was taken from ReportLab (, an excellent * PDF generator for Python (BSD license: ). * * @param x1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param x2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param startAng starting angle in degrees * @param extent angle extent in degrees * @return a list of float[] with the bezier curves */ public static ArrayList<double[]> bezierArc(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, final float startAng, final float extent) { return bezierArc((double)x1, (double)y1, (double)x2, (double)y2, (double)startAng, (double)extent); } /** * Generates an array of bezier curves to draw an arc. * <P> * (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the corners of the enclosing rectangle. * Angles, measured in degrees, start with 0 to the right (the positive X * axis) and increase counter-clockwise. The arc extends from startAng * to startAng+extent. I.e. startAng=0 and extent=180 yields an openside-down * semi-circle. * <P> * The resulting coordinates are of the form float[]{x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3, x4,y4} * such that the curve goes from (x1, y1) to (x4, y4) with (x2, y2) and * (x3, y3) as their respective Bezier control points. * <P> * Note: this code was taken from ReportLab (, an excellent * PDF generator for Python (BSD license: ). * * @param x1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param x2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param startAng starting angle in degrees * @param extent angle extent in degrees * @return a list of float[] with the bezier curves */ public static ArrayList<double[]> bezierArc(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, final double startAng, final double extent) { double tmp; if (x1 > x2) { tmp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tmp; } if (y2 > y1) { tmp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = tmp; } double fragAngle; int Nfrag; if (Math.abs(extent) <= 90f) { fragAngle = extent; Nfrag = 1; } else { Nfrag = (int)Math.ceil(Math.abs(extent)/90f); fragAngle = extent / Nfrag; } double x_cen = (x1+x2)/2f; double y_cen = (y1+y2)/2f; double rx = (x2-x1)/2f; double ry = (y2-y1)/2f; double halfAng = (fragAngle * Math.PI / 360.); double kappa = Math.abs(4. / 3. * (1. - Math.cos(halfAng)) / Math.sin(halfAng)); ArrayList<double[]> pointList = new ArrayList<double[]>(); for (int i = 0; i < Nfrag; ++i) { double theta0 = ((startAng + i*fragAngle) * Math.PI / 180.); double theta1 = ((startAng + (i+1)*fragAngle) * Math.PI / 180.); double cos0 = Math.cos(theta0); double cos1 = Math.cos(theta1); double sin0 = Math.sin(theta0); double sin1 = Math.sin(theta1); if (fragAngle > 0f) { pointList.add(new double[]{x_cen + rx * cos0, y_cen - ry * sin0, x_cen + rx * (cos0 - kappa * sin0), y_cen - ry * (sin0 + kappa * cos0), x_cen + rx * (cos1 + kappa * sin1), y_cen - ry * (sin1 - kappa * cos1), x_cen + rx * cos1, y_cen - ry * sin1}); } else { pointList.add(new double[]{x_cen + rx * cos0, y_cen - ry * sin0, x_cen + rx * (cos0 + kappa * sin0), y_cen - ry * (sin0 - kappa * cos0), x_cen + rx * (cos1 - kappa * sin1), y_cen - ry * (sin1 + kappa * cos1), x_cen + rx * cos1, y_cen - ry * sin1}); } } return pointList; } /** * Draws a partial ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2, * starting at startAng degrees and covering extent degrees. Angles * start with 0 to the right (+x) and increase counter-clockwise. * * @param x1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param x2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param startAng starting angle in degrees * @param extent angle extent in degrees */ public void arc(final float x1, final float y1, final float x2, final float y2, final float startAng, final float extent) { arc((double)x1, (double)y1, (double)x2, (double)y2, (double)startAng, (double)extent); } /** * Draws a partial ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2, * starting at startAng degrees and covering extent degrees. Angles * start with 0 to the right (+x) and increase counter-clockwise. * * @param x1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param x2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param startAng starting angle in degrees * @param extent angle extent in degrees */ public void arc(final double x1, final double y1, final double x2, final double y2, final double startAng, final double extent) { ArrayList<double[]> ar = bezierArc(x1, y1, x2, y2, startAng, extent); if (ar.isEmpty()) return; double pt[] = ar.get(0); moveTo(pt[0], pt[1]); for (int k = 0; k < ar.size(); ++k) { pt = ar.get(k); curveTo(pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], pt[5], pt[6], pt[7]); } } /** * Draws an ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2. * * @param x1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param x2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle */ public void ellipse(final float x1, final float y1, final float x2, final float y2) { ellipse((double) x1, (double) y1, (double) x2, (double) y2); } /** * Draws an ellipse inscribed within the rectangle x1,y1,x2,y2. * * @param x1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y1 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param x2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle * @param y2 a corner of the enclosing rectangle */ public void ellipse(final double x1, final double y1, final double x2, final double y2) { arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, 0f, 360f); } /** * Create a new colored tiling pattern. * * @param width the width of the pattern * @param height the height of the pattern * @param xstep the desired horizontal spacing between pattern cells. * May be either positive or negative, but not zero. * @param ystep the desired vertical spacing between pattern cells. * May be either positive or negative, but not zero. * @return the <CODE>PdfPatternPainter</CODE> where the pattern will be created */ public PdfPatternPainter createPattern(final float width, final float height, final float xstep, final float ystep) { checkWriter(); if ( xstep == 0.0f || ystep == 0.0f ) throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); PdfPatternPainter painter = new PdfPatternPainter(writer); painter.setWidth(width); painter.setHeight(height); painter.setXStep(xstep); painter.setYStep(ystep); writer.addSimplePattern(painter); return painter; } /** * Create a new colored tiling pattern. Variables xstep and ystep are set to the same values * of width and height. * @param width the width of the pattern * @param height the height of the pattern * @return the <CODE>PdfPatternPainter</CODE> where the pattern will be created */ public PdfPatternPainter createPattern(final float width, final float height) { return createPattern(width, height, width, height); } /** * Create a new uncolored tiling pattern. * * @param width the width of the pattern * @param height the height of the pattern * @param xstep the desired horizontal spacing between pattern cells. * May be either positive or negative, but not zero. * @param ystep the desired vertical spacing between pattern cells. * May be either positive or negative, but not zero. * @param color the default color. Can be <CODE>null</CODE> * @return the <CODE>PdfPatternPainter</CODE> where the pattern will be created */ public PdfPatternPainter createPattern(final float width, final float height, final float xstep, final float ystep, final BaseColor color) { checkWriter(); if ( xstep == 0.0f || ystep == 0.0f ) throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); PdfPatternPainter painter = new PdfPatternPainter(writer, color); painter.setWidth(width); painter.setHeight(height); painter.setXStep(xstep); painter.setYStep(ystep); writer.addSimplePattern(painter); return painter; } /** * Create a new uncolored tiling pattern. * Variables xstep and ystep are set to the same values * of width and height. * @param width the width of the pattern * @param height the height of the pattern * @param color the default color. Can be <CODE>null</CODE> * @return the <CODE>PdfPatternPainter</CODE> where the pattern will be created */ public PdfPatternPainter createPattern(final float width, final float height, final BaseColor color) { return createPattern(width, height, width, height, color); } /** * Creates a new template. * <P> * Creates a new template that is nothing more than a form XObject. This template can be included * in this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> or in another template. Templates are only written * to the output when the document is closed permitting things like showing text in the first page * that is only defined in the last page. * * @param width the bounding box width * @param height the bounding box height * @return the created template */ public PdfTemplate createTemplate(final float width, final float height) { return createTemplate(width, height, null); } PdfTemplate createTemplate(final float width, final float height, final PdfName forcedName) { checkWriter(); PdfTemplate template = new PdfTemplate(writer); template.setWidth(width); template.setHeight(height); writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(template, forcedName); return template; } /** * Creates a new appearance to be used with form fields. * * @param width the bounding box width * @param height the bounding box height * @return the appearance created */ public PdfAppearance createAppearance(final float width, final float height) { return createAppearance(width, height, null); } PdfAppearance createAppearance(final float width, final float height, final PdfName forcedName) { checkWriter(); PdfAppearance template = new PdfAppearance(writer); template.setWidth(width); template.setHeight(height); writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(template, forcedName); return template; } /** * Adds a PostScript XObject to this content. * * @param psobject the object */ public void addPSXObject(final PdfPSXObject psobject) { if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } checkWriter(); PdfName name = writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(psobject, null); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); name = prs.addXObject(name, psobject.getIndirectReference()); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" Do").append_i(separator); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f) { addTemplate(template, a, b, c, d, e, f, false); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f) { addTemplate(template, a, b, c, d, e, f, false); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @param tagContent <code>true</code> - template content will be tagged(all that will be added after), <code>false</code> - only a Do operator will be tagged. * taken into account only if <code>isTagged()</code> - <code>true</code>. */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f, boolean tagContent) { addTemplate(template, (double)a, (double)b, (double)c, (double)d, (double)e, (double)f, tagContent); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @param tagContent <code>true</code> - template content will be tagged(all that will be added after), <code>false</code> - only a Do operator will be tagged. * taken into account only if <code>isTagged()</code> - <code>true</code>. */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f, boolean tagContent) { addTemplate(template, a, b, c, d, e, f, true, tagContent); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * @param tagTemplate defines if template is to be tagged; <code>true</code> by default, <code>false</code> used when template is a part of <code>ImgTemplate</code>. * @param tagContent <code>true</code> - template content will be tagged(all that will be added after), <code>false</code> - only a Do operator will be tagged. * taken into account only if <code>isTagged()</code> and <code>tagTemplate</code> parameter - both <code>true</code>. */ private void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f, boolean tagTemplate, boolean tagContent) { checkWriter(); checkNoPattern(template); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_FORM_XOBJ, template); PdfName name = writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(template, null); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); name = prs.addXObject(name, template.getIndirectReference()); if (isTagged() && tagTemplate) { if (inText) endText(); if (template.isContentTagged() || (template.getPageReference() != null && tagContent)) { throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } template.setPageReference(writer.getCurrentPage()); if (tagContent) { template.setContentTagged(true); ensureDocumentTagIsOpen(); ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> allMcElements = getMcElements(); if (allMcElements != null && allMcElements.size() > 0) template.getMcElements().add(allMcElements.get(allMcElements.size() - 1)); } else { openMCBlock(template); } } content.append("q "); content.append(a).append(' '); content.append(b).append(' '); content.append(c).append(' '); content.append(d).append(' '); content.append(e).append(' '); content.append(f).append(" cm "); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" Do Q").append_i(separator); if (isTagged() && tagTemplate && !tagContent) { closeMCBlock(template); template.setId(null); } } /** * Adds a form XObject to this content. * * @param formXObj the form XObject * @param name the name of form XObject in content stream. The name is changed, if if it already exists in page resources * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * * @return Name under which XObject was stored in resources. See <code>name</code> parameter */ public PdfName addFormXObj(final PdfStream formXObj, final PdfName name, final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f) throws IOException { return addFormXObj(formXObj, name, (double)a, (double)b, (double)c, (double)d, (double)e, (double)f); } /** * Adds a form XObject to this content. * * @param formXObj the form XObject * @param name the name of form XObject in content stream. The name is changed, if if it already exists in page resources * @param a an element of the transformation matrix * @param b an element of the transformation matrix * @param c an element of the transformation matrix * @param d an element of the transformation matrix * @param e an element of the transformation matrix * @param f an element of the transformation matrix * * @return Name under which XObject was stored in resources. See <code>name</code> parameter */ public PdfName addFormXObj(final PdfStream formXObj, final PdfName name, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f) throws IOException { checkWriter(); PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_STREAM, formXObj); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName translatedName = prs.addXObject(name, writer.addToBody(formXObj).getIndirectReference()); PdfArtifact artifact = null; if (isTagged()) { if (inText) endText(); artifact = new PdfArtifact(); openMCBlock(artifact); } content.append("q "); content.append(a).append(' '); content.append(b).append(' '); content.append(c).append(' '); content.append(d).append(' '); content.append(e).append(' '); content.append(f).append(" cm "); content.append(translatedName.getBytes()).append(" Do Q").append_i(separator); if (isTagged()) { closeMCBlock(artifact); } return translatedName; } /** * adds a template with the given matrix. * @param template template to add * @param transform transform to apply to the template prior to adding it. */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final AffineTransform transform) { addTemplate(template, transform, false); } /** * adds a template with the given matrix. * @param template template to add * @param transform transform to apply to the template prior to adding it. * @param tagContent <code>true</code> - template content will be tagged(all that will be added after), <code>false</code> - only a Do operator will be tagged. * taken into account only if <code>isTagged()</code> - <code>true</code>. */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final AffineTransform transform, boolean tagContent) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); addTemplate(template, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5], tagContent); } void addTemplateReference(final PdfIndirectReference template, PdfName name, final float a, final float b, final float c, final float d, final float e, final float f) { addTemplateReference(template, name, (double) a, (double) b, (double) c, (double) d, (double) e, (double) f); } void addTemplateReference(final PdfIndirectReference template, PdfName name, final double a, final double b, final double c, final double d, final double e, final double f) { if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } checkWriter(); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); name = prs.addXObject(name, template); content.append("q "); content.append(a).append(' '); content.append(b).append(' '); content.append(c).append(' '); content.append(d).append(' '); content.append(e).append(' '); content.append(f).append(" cm "); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" Do Q").append_i(separator); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param x the x location of this template * @param y the y location of this template */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final float x, final float y) { addTemplate(template, 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); } /** * Adds a template to this content. * * @param template the template * @param x the x location of this template * @param y the y location of this template */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final double x, final double y) { addTemplate(template, 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y); } public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final float x, final float y, boolean tagContent) { addTemplate(template, 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y, tagContent); } public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final double x, final double y, boolean tagContent) { addTemplate(template, 1, 0, 0, 1, x, y, tagContent); } /** * Changes the current color for filling paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceCMYK</B> (or the <B>DefaultCMYK</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for filling paths.</P> * <P> * This method is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.3' * section (page 331).</P> * <P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (no ink) and * 1 (maximum ink). This method however accepts only integers between 0x00 and 0xFF.</P> * * @param cyan the intensity of cyan * @param magenta the intensity of magenta * @param yellow the intensity of yellow * @param black the intensity of black */ public void setCMYKColorFill(final int cyan, final int magenta, final int yellow, final int black) { saveColor(new CMYKColor(cyan, magenta, yellow, black), true); content.append((float)(cyan & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)(magenta & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)(yellow & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)(black & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(" k").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for stroking paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceCMYK</B> (or the <B>DefaultCMYK</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for stroking paths.</P> * <P> * This method is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.3' * section (page 331).</P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (minimum intensity) and * 1 (maximum intensity). This method however accepts only integers between 0x00 and 0xFF. * * @param cyan the intensity of red * @param magenta the intensity of green * @param yellow the intensity of blue * @param black the intensity of black */ public void setCMYKColorStroke(final int cyan, final int magenta, final int yellow, final int black) { saveColor(new CMYKColor(cyan, magenta, yellow, black), false); content.append((float)(cyan & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)(magenta & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)(yellow & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float) (black & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(" K").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for filling paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceRGB</B> (or the <B>DefaultRGB</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for filling paths.</P> * <P> * This method is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.3' * section (page 331).</P> * <P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (minimum intensity) and * 1 (maximum intensity). This method however accepts only integers between 0x00 and 0xFF.</P> * * @param red the intensity of red * @param green the intensity of green * @param blue the intensity of blue */ public void setRGBColorFill(final int red, final int green, final int blue) { saveColor(new BaseColor(red, green, blue), true); HelperRGB((float) (red & 0xFF) / 0xFF, (float) (green & 0xFF) / 0xFF, (float) (blue & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(" rg").append_i(separator); } /** * Changes the current color for stroking paths (device dependent colors!). * <P> * Sets the color space to <B>DeviceRGB</B> (or the <B>DefaultRGB</B> color space), * and sets the color to use for stroking paths.</P> * <P> * This method is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.3' * section (page 331).</P> * Following the PDF manual, each operand must be a number between 0 (minimum intensity) and * 1 (maximum intensity). This method however accepts only integers between 0x00 and 0xFF. * * @param red the intensity of red * @param green the intensity of green * @param blue the intensity of blue */ public void setRGBColorStroke(final int red, final int green, final int blue) { saveColor(new BaseColor(red, green, blue), false); HelperRGB((float) (red & 0xFF) / 0xFF, (float) (green & 0xFF) / 0xFF, (float) (blue & 0xFF) / 0xFF); content.append(" RG").append_i(separator); } /** Sets the stroke color. <CODE>color</CODE> can be an * <CODE>ExtendedColor</CODE>. * @param color the color */ public void setColorStroke(final BaseColor color) { int type = ExtendedColor.getType(color); switch (type) { case ExtendedColor.TYPE_GRAY: { setGrayStroke(((GrayColor) color).getGray()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_CMYK: { CMYKColor cmyk = (CMYKColor)color; setCMYKColorStrokeF(cmyk.getCyan(), cmyk.getMagenta(), cmyk.getYellow(), cmyk.getBlack()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION: { SpotColor spot = (SpotColor)color; setColorStroke(spot.getPdfSpotColor(), spot.getTint()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_PATTERN: { PatternColor pat = (PatternColor) color; setPatternStroke(pat.getPainter()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SHADING: { ShadingColor shading = (ShadingColor) color; setShadingStroke(shading.getPdfShadingPattern()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_DEVICEN: { DeviceNColor devicen = (DeviceNColor)color; setColorStroke(devicen.getPdfDeviceNColor(), devicen.getTints()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_LAB: { LabColor lab = (LabColor)color; setColorStroke(lab.getLabColorSpace(), lab.getL(), lab.getA(), lab.getB()); break; } default: setRGBColorStroke(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()); } int alpha = color.getAlpha(); if (alpha < 255) { PdfGState gState = new PdfGState(); gState.setStrokeOpacity( alpha / 255f); setGState(gState); } } /** Sets the fill color. <CODE>color</CODE> can be an * <CODE>ExtendedColor</CODE>. * @param color the color */ public void setColorFill(final BaseColor color) { int type = ExtendedColor.getType(color); switch (type) { case ExtendedColor.TYPE_GRAY: { setGrayFill(((GrayColor) color).getGray()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_CMYK: { CMYKColor cmyk = (CMYKColor)color; setCMYKColorFillF(cmyk.getCyan(), cmyk.getMagenta(), cmyk.getYellow(), cmyk.getBlack()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION: { SpotColor spot = (SpotColor)color; setColorFill(spot.getPdfSpotColor(), spot.getTint()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_PATTERN: { PatternColor pat = (PatternColor) color; setPatternFill(pat.getPainter()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SHADING: { ShadingColor shading = (ShadingColor) color; setShadingFill(shading.getPdfShadingPattern()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_DEVICEN: { DeviceNColor devicen = (DeviceNColor)color; setColorFill(devicen.getPdfDeviceNColor(), devicen.getTints()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_LAB: { LabColor lab = (LabColor)color; setColorFill(lab.getLabColorSpace(), lab.getL(), lab.getA(), lab.getB()); break; } default: setRGBColorFill(color.getRed(), color.getGreen(), color.getBlue()); } int alpha = color.getAlpha(); if (alpha < 255) { PdfGState gState = new PdfGState(); gState.setFillOpacity( alpha / 255f); setGState(gState); } } /** Sets the fill color to a spot color. * @param sp the spot color * @param tint the tint for the spot color. 0 is no color and 1 * is 100% color */ public void setColorFill(final PdfSpotColor sp, final float tint) { checkWriter(); state.colorDetails = writer.addSimple(sp); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.colorDetails.getColorSpaceName(); name = prs.addColor(name, state.colorDetails.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new SpotColor(sp, tint), true); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" cs ").append(tint).append(" scn").append_i(separator); } public void setColorFill(final PdfDeviceNColor dn, final float[] tints) { checkWriter(); state.colorDetails = writer.addSimple(dn); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.colorDetails.getColorSpaceName(); name = prs.addColor(name, state.colorDetails.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new DeviceNColor(dn, tints), true); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" cs "); for (float tint : tints) content.append(tint + " "); content.append("scn").append_i(separator); } public void setColorFill(final PdfLabColor lab, float l, float a, float b) { checkWriter(); state.colorDetails = writer.addSimple(lab); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.colorDetails.getColorSpaceName(); name = prs.addColor(name, state.colorDetails.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new LabColor(lab, l, a, b), true); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" cs "); content.append(l + " " + a + " " + b + " "); content.append("scn").append_i(separator); } /** Sets the stroke color to a spot color. * @param sp the spot color * @param tint the tint for the spot color. 0 is no color and 1 * is 100% color */ public void setColorStroke(final PdfSpotColor sp, final float tint) { checkWriter(); state.colorDetails = writer.addSimple(sp); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.colorDetails.getColorSpaceName(); name = prs.addColor(name, state.colorDetails.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new SpotColor(sp, tint), false); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" CS ").append(tint).append(" SCN").append_i(separator); } public void setColorStroke(final PdfDeviceNColor sp, final float[] tints) { checkWriter(); state.colorDetails = writer.addSimple(sp); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.colorDetails.getColorSpaceName(); name = prs.addColor(name, state.colorDetails.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new DeviceNColor(sp, tints), true); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" CS "); for (float tint : tints) content.append(tint + " "); content.append("SCN").append_i(separator); } public void setColorStroke(final PdfLabColor lab, float l, float a, float b) { checkWriter(); state.colorDetails = writer.addSimple(lab); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = state.colorDetails.getColorSpaceName(); name = prs.addColor(name, state.colorDetails.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new LabColor(lab, l, a, b), true); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" CS "); content.append(l + " " + a + " " + b + " "); content.append("SCN").append_i(separator); } /** Sets the fill color to a pattern. The pattern can be * colored or uncolored. * @param p the pattern */ public void setPatternFill(final PdfPatternPainter p) { if (p.isStencil()) { setPatternFill(p, p.getDefaultColor()); return; } checkWriter(); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = writer.addSimplePattern(p); name = prs.addPattern(name, p.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new PatternColor(p), true); content.append(PdfName.PATTERN.getBytes()).append(" cs ").append(name.getBytes()).append(" scn").append_i(separator); } /** Outputs the color values to the content. * @param color The color * @param tint the tint if it is a spot color, ignored otherwise */ void outputColorNumbers(final BaseColor color, final float tint) { PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, color); int type = ExtendedColor.getType(color); switch (type) { case ExtendedColor.TYPE_RGB: content.append((float)color.getRed() / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)color.getGreen() / 0xFF); content.append(' '); content.append((float)color.getBlue() / 0xFF); break; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_GRAY: content.append(((GrayColor)color).getGray()); break; case ExtendedColor.TYPE_CMYK: { CMYKColor cmyk = (CMYKColor)color; content.append(cmyk.getCyan()).append(' ').append(cmyk.getMagenta()); content.append(' ').append(cmyk.getYellow()).append(' ').append(cmyk.getBlack()); break; } case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION: content.append(tint); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.color.type")); } } /** Sets the fill color to an uncolored pattern. * @param p the pattern * @param color the color of the pattern */ public void setPatternFill(final PdfPatternPainter p, final BaseColor color) { if (ExtendedColor.getType(color) == ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION) setPatternFill(p, color, ((SpotColor)color).getTint()); else setPatternFill(p, color, 0); } /** Sets the fill color to an uncolored pattern. * @param p the pattern * @param color the color of the pattern * @param tint the tint if the color is a spot color, ignored otherwise */ public void setPatternFill(final PdfPatternPainter p, final BaseColor color, final float tint) { checkWriter(); if (!p.isStencil()) throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("an.uncolored.pattern.was.expected")); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = writer.addSimplePattern(p); name = prs.addPattern(name, p.getIndirectReference()); ColorDetails csDetail = writer.addSimplePatternColorspace(color); PdfName cName = prs.addColor(csDetail.getColorSpaceName(), csDetail.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new UncoloredPattern(p, color, tint), true); content.append(cName.getBytes()).append(" cs").append_i(separator); outputColorNumbers(color, tint); content.append(' ').append(name.getBytes()).append(" scn").append_i(separator); } /** Sets the stroke color to an uncolored pattern. * @param p the pattern * @param color the color of the pattern */ public void setPatternStroke(final PdfPatternPainter p, final BaseColor color) { if (ExtendedColor.getType(color) == ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION) setPatternStroke(p, color, ((SpotColor) color).getTint()); else setPatternStroke(p, color, 0); } /** Sets the stroke color to an uncolored pattern. * @param p the pattern * @param color the color of the pattern * @param tint the tint if the color is a spot color, ignored otherwise */ public void setPatternStroke(final PdfPatternPainter p, final BaseColor color, final float tint) { checkWriter(); if (!p.isStencil()) throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("an.uncolored.pattern.was.expected")); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = writer.addSimplePattern(p); name = prs.addPattern(name, p.getIndirectReference()); ColorDetails csDetail = writer.addSimplePatternColorspace(color); PdfName cName = prs.addColor(csDetail.getColorSpaceName(), csDetail.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new UncoloredPattern(p, color, tint), false); content.append(cName.getBytes()).append(" CS").append_i(separator); outputColorNumbers(color, tint); content.append(' ').append(name.getBytes()).append(" SCN").append_i(separator); } /** Sets the stroke color to a pattern. The pattern can be * colored or uncolored. * @param p the pattern */ public void setPatternStroke(final PdfPatternPainter p) { if (p.isStencil()) { setPatternStroke(p, p.getDefaultColor()); return; } checkWriter(); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = writer.addSimplePattern(p); name = prs.addPattern(name, p.getIndirectReference()); saveColor(new PatternColor(p), false); content.append(PdfName.PATTERN.getBytes()).append(" CS ").append(name.getBytes()).append(" SCN").append_i(separator); } /** * Paints using a shading object. * @param shading the shading object */ public void paintShading(final PdfShading shading) { writer.addSimpleShading(shading); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = prs.addShading(shading.getShadingName(), shading.getShadingReference()); content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" sh").append_i(separator); ColorDetails details = shading.getColorDetails(); if (details != null) prs.addColor(details.getColorSpaceName(), details.getIndirectReference()); } /** * Paints using a shading pattern. * @param shading the shading pattern */ public void paintShading(final PdfShadingPattern shading) { paintShading(shading.getShading()); } /** * Sets the shading fill pattern. * @param shading the shading pattern */ public void setShadingFill(final PdfShadingPattern shading) { writer.addSimpleShadingPattern(shading); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = prs.addPattern(shading.getPatternName(), shading.getPatternReference()); saveColor(new ShadingColor(shading), true); content.append(PdfName.PATTERN.getBytes()).append(" cs ").append(name.getBytes()).append(" scn").append_i(separator); ColorDetails details = shading.getColorDetails(); if (details != null) prs.addColor(details.getColorSpaceName(), details.getIndirectReference()); } /** * Sets the shading stroke pattern * @param shading the shading pattern */ public void setShadingStroke(final PdfShadingPattern shading) { writer.addSimpleShadingPattern(shading); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = prs.addPattern(shading.getPatternName(), shading.getPatternReference()); saveColor(new ShadingColor(shading), false); content.append(PdfName.PATTERN.getBytes()).append(" CS ").append(name.getBytes()).append(" SCN").append_i(separator); ColorDetails details = shading.getColorDetails(); if (details != null) prs.addColor(details.getColorSpaceName(), details.getIndirectReference()); } /** Check if we have a valid PdfWriter. * */ protected void checkWriter() { if (writer == null) throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } /** * Show an array of text. * @param text array of text */ public void showText(final PdfTextArray text) { checkState(); if (!inText && isTagged()) { beginText(true); } if (state.fontDetails == null) throw new NullPointerException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); content.append("["); ArrayList<Object> arrayList = text.getArrayList(); boolean lastWasNumber = false; for (Object obj : arrayList) { if (obj instanceof String) { showText2((String)obj); updateTx((String)obj, 0); lastWasNumber = false; } else { if (lastWasNumber) content.append(' '); else lastWasNumber = true; content.append(((Float)obj).floatValue()); updateTx("", ((Float)obj).floatValue()); } } content.append("]TJ").append_i(separator); } /** * Gets the <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> in use by this object. * @return the <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> in use by this object */ public PdfWriter getPdfWriter() { return writer; } /** * Gets the <CODE>PdfDocument</CODE> in use by this object. * @return the <CODE>PdfDocument</CODE> in use by this object */ public PdfDocument getPdfDocument() { return pdf; } /** * Implements a link to other part of the document. The jump will * be made to a local destination with the same name, that must exist. * @param name the name for this link * @param llx the lower left x corner of the activation area * @param lly the lower left y corner of the activation area * @param urx the upper right x corner of the activation area * @param ury the upper right y corner of the activation area */ public void localGoto(final String name, final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury) { pdf.localGoto(name, llx, lly, urx, ury); } /** * The local destination to where a local goto with the same * name will jump. * @param name the name of this local destination * @param destination the <CODE>PdfDestination</CODE> with the jump coordinates * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the local destination was added, * <CODE>false</CODE> if a local destination with the same name * already exists */ public boolean localDestination(final String name, final PdfDestination destination) { return pdf.localDestination(name, destination); } /** * Gets a duplicate of this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE>. All * the members are copied by reference but the buffer stays different. * * @return a copy of this <CODE>PdfContentByte</CODE> */ public PdfContentByte getDuplicate() { PdfContentByte cb = new PdfContentByte(writer); cb.duplicatedFrom = this; return cb; } public PdfContentByte getDuplicate(boolean inheritGraphicState) { PdfContentByte cb = this.getDuplicate(); if (inheritGraphicState) { cb.state = state; cb.stateList = stateList; } return cb; } public void inheritGraphicState(PdfContentByte parentCanvas) { this.state = parentCanvas.state; this.stateList = parentCanvas.stateList; } /** * Implements a link to another document. * @param filename the filename for the remote document * @param name the name to jump to * @param llx the lower left x corner of the activation area * @param lly the lower left y corner of the activation area * @param urx the upper right x corner of the activation area * @param ury the upper right y corner of the activation area */ public void remoteGoto(final String filename, final String name, final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury) { pdf.remoteGoto(filename, name, llx, lly, urx, ury); } /** * Implements a link to another document. * @param filename the filename for the remote document * @param page the page to jump to * @param llx the lower left x corner of the activation area * @param lly the lower left y corner of the activation area * @param urx the upper right x corner of the activation area * @param ury the upper right y corner of the activation area */ public void remoteGoto(final String filename, final int page, final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury) { pdf.remoteGoto(filename, page, llx, lly, urx, ury); } /** * Adds a round rectangle to the current path. * * @param x x-coordinate of the starting point * @param y y-coordinate of the starting point * @param w width * @param h height * @param r radius of the arc corner */ public void roundRectangle(float x, float y, float w, float h, float r) { roundRectangle((double) x, (double) y, (double) w, (double) h, (double) r); } /** * Adds a round rectangle to the current path. * * @param x x-coordinate of the starting point * @param y y-coordinate of the starting point * @param w width * @param h height * @param r radius of the arc corner */ public void roundRectangle(double x, double y, double w, double h, double r) { if (w < 0) { x += w; w = -w; } if (h < 0) { y += h; h = -h; } if (r < 0) r = -r; float b = 0.4477f; moveTo(x + r, y); lineTo(x + w - r, y); curveTo(x + w - r * b, y, x + w, y + r * b, x + w, y + r); lineTo(x + w, y + h - r); curveTo(x + w, y + h - r * b, x + w - r * b, y + h, x + w - r, y + h); lineTo(x + r, y + h); curveTo(x + r * b, y + h, x, y + h - r * b, x, y + h - r); lineTo(x, y + r); curveTo(x, y + r * b, x + r * b, y, x + r, y); } /** Implements an action in an area. * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> * @param llx the lower left x corner of the activation area * @param lly the lower left y corner of the activation area * @param urx the upper right x corner of the activation area * @param ury the upper right y corner of the activation area */ public void setAction(final PdfAction action, final float llx, final float lly, final float urx, final float ury) { pdf.setAction(action, llx, lly, urx, ury); } /** Outputs a <CODE>String</CODE> directly to the content. * @param s the <CODE>String</CODE> */ public void setLiteral(final String s) { content.append(s); } /** Outputs a <CODE>char</CODE> directly to the content. * @param c the <CODE>char</CODE> */ public void setLiteral(final char c) { content.append(c); } /** Outputs a <CODE>float</CODE> directly to the content. * @param n the <CODE>float</CODE> */ public void setLiteral(final float n) { content.append(n); } /** Throws an error if it is a pattern. * @param t the object to check */ void checkNoPattern(final PdfTemplate t) { if (t.getType() == PdfTemplate.TYPE_PATTERN) throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.use.of.a.pattern.a.template.was.expected")); } /** * Draws a TextField. * @param llx * @param lly * @param urx * @param ury * @param on */ public void drawRadioField(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, final boolean on) { drawRadioField((double) llx, (double) lly, (double) urx, (double) ury, on); } /** * Draws a TextField. * @param llx * @param lly * @param urx * @param ury * @param on */ public void drawRadioField(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, final boolean on) { if (llx > urx) { double x = llx; llx = urx; urx = x; } if (lly > ury) { double y = lly; lly = ury; ury = y; } saveState(); // silver circle setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(1); setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0)); arc(llx + 1f, lly + 1f, urx - 1f, ury - 1f, 0f, 360f); stroke(); // gray circle-segment setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(1); setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0)); arc(llx + 0.5f, lly + 0.5f, urx - 0.5f, ury - 0.5f, 45, 180); stroke(); // black circle-segment setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(1); setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); arc(llx + 1.5f, lly + 1.5f, urx - 1.5f, ury - 1.5f, 45, 180); stroke(); if (on) { // gray circle setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(1); setColorFill(new BaseColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); arc(llx + 4f, lly + 4f, urx - 4f, ury - 4f, 0, 360); fill(); } restoreState(); } /** * Draws a TextField. * @param llx * @param lly * @param urx * @param ury */ public void drawTextField(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury) { drawTextField((double) llx, (double) lly, (double) urx, (double) ury); } /** * Draws a TextField. * @param llx * @param lly * @param urx * @param ury */ public void drawTextField(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury) { if (llx > urx) { double x = llx; llx = urx; urx = x; } if (lly > ury) { double y = lly; lly = ury; ury = y; } // silver rectangle not filled saveState(); setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); rectangle(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly); stroke(); // white rectangle filled setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); setColorFill(new BaseColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); rectangle(llx + 0.5f, lly + 0.5f, urx - llx - 1f, ury -lly - 1f); fill(); // silver lines setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); moveTo(llx + 1f, lly + 1.5f); lineTo(urx - 1.5f, lly + 1.5f); lineTo(urx - 1.5f, ury - 1f); stroke(); // gray lines setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); moveTo(llx + 1f, lly + 1); lineTo(llx + 1f, ury - 1f); lineTo(urx - 1f, ury - 1f); stroke(); // black lines setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); moveTo(llx + 2f, lly + 2f); lineTo(llx + 2f, ury - 2f); lineTo(urx - 2f, ury - 2f); stroke(); restoreState(); } /** * Draws a button. * @param llx * @param lly * @param urx * @param ury * @param text * @param bf * @param size */ public void drawButton(float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, final String text, final BaseFont bf, final float size) { drawButton((double)llx, (double)lly, (double)urx, (double)ury, text, bf, size); } /** * Draws a button. * @param llx * @param lly * @param urx * @param ury * @param text * @param bf * @param size */ public void drawButton(double llx, double lly, double urx, double ury, final String text, final BaseFont bf, final float size) { if (llx > urx) { double x = llx; llx = urx; urx = x; } if (lly > ury) { double y = lly; lly = ury; ury = y; } // black rectangle not filled saveState(); setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); rectangle(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly); stroke(); // silver rectangle filled setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); setColorFill(new BaseColor(0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0)); rectangle(llx + 0.5f, lly + 0.5f, urx - llx - 1f, ury - lly - 1f); fill(); // white lines setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); moveTo(llx + 1f, lly + 1f); lineTo(llx + 1f, ury - 1f); lineTo(urx - 1f, ury - 1f); stroke(); // dark grey lines setColorStroke(new BaseColor(0xA0, 0xA0, 0xA0)); setLineWidth(1); setLineCap(0); moveTo(llx + 1f, lly + 1f); lineTo(urx - 1f, lly + 1f); lineTo(urx - 1f, ury - 1f); stroke(); // text resetRGBColorFill(); beginText(); setFontAndSize(bf, size); showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_CENTER, text, (float)(llx + (urx - llx) / 2), (float)(lly + (ury - lly - size) / 2), 0); endText(); restoreState(); } PageResources getPageResources() { return pdf.getPageResources(); } /** Sets the graphic state * @param gstate the graphic state */ public void setGState(final PdfGState gstate) { PdfObject obj[] = writer.addSimpleExtGState(gstate); PageResources prs = getPageResources(); PdfName name = prs.addExtGState((PdfName)obj[0], (PdfIndirectReference)obj[1]); state.extGState = gstate; content.append(name.getBytes()).append(" gs").append_i(separator); } /** * Begins a graphic block whose visibility is controlled by the <CODE>layer</CODE>. * Blocks can be nested. Each block must be terminated by an {@link #endLayer()}.<p> * Note that nested layers with {@link PdfLayer#addChild(PdfLayer)} only require a single * call to this method and a single call to {@link #endLayer()}; all the nesting control * is built in. * @param layer the layer */ public void beginLayer(final PdfOCG layer) { if (layer instanceof PdfLayer && ((PdfLayer)layer).getTitle() != null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); if (layerDepth == null) layerDepth = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (layer instanceof PdfLayerMembership) { layerDepth.add(Integer.valueOf(1)); beginLayer2(layer); return; } int n = 0; PdfLayer la = (PdfLayer)layer; while (la != null) { if (la.getTitle() == null) { beginLayer2(la); ++n; } la = la.getParent(); } layerDepth.add(Integer.valueOf(n)); } private void beginLayer2(final PdfOCG layer) { PdfName name = (PdfName)writer.addSimpleProperty(layer, layer.getRef())[0]; PageResources prs = getPageResources(); name = prs.addProperty(name, layer.getRef()); content.append("/OC ").append(name.getBytes()).append(" BDC").append_i(separator); } /** * Ends a layer controlled graphic block. It will end the most recent open block. */ public void endLayer() { int n = 1; if (layerDepth != null && !layerDepth.isEmpty()) { n = layerDepth.get(layerDepth.size() - 1).intValue(); layerDepth.remove(layerDepth.size() - 1); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.layer.operators")); } while (n-- > 0) content.append("EMC").append_i(separator); } /** Concatenates a transformation to the current transformation * matrix. * @param af the transformation */ public void transform(final AffineTransform af) { if (inText && isTagged()) { endText(); } double matrix[] = new double[6]; af.getMatrix(matrix); state.CTM.concatenate(af); content.append(matrix[0]).append(' ').append(matrix[1]).append(' ').append(matrix[2]).append(' '); content.append(matrix[3]).append(' ').append(matrix[4]).append(' ').append(matrix[5]).append(" cm").append_i(separator); } void addAnnotation(final PdfAnnotation annot) { boolean needToTag = isTagged() && annot.getRole() != null && (!(annot instanceof PdfFormField) || ((PdfFormField)annot).getKids() == null); if (needToTag) { openMCBlock(annot); } writer.addAnnotation(annot); if (needToTag) { PdfStructureElement strucElem = pdf.getStructElement(annot.getId()); if (strucElem != null) { int structParent = pdf.getStructParentIndex(annot); annot.put(PdfName.STRUCTPARENT, new PdfNumber(structParent)); strucElem.setAnnotation(annot, getCurrentPage()); writer.getStructureTreeRoot().setAnnotationMark(structParent, strucElem.getReference()); } closeMCBlock(annot); } } public void addAnnotation(final PdfAnnotation annot, boolean applyCTM) { if (applyCTM && state.CTM.getType() != AffineTransform.TYPE_IDENTITY) { annot.applyCTM(state.CTM); } addAnnotation(annot); } /** * Sets the default colorspace. * @param name the name of the colorspace. It can be <CODE>PdfName.DEFAULTGRAY</CODE>, <CODE>PdfName.DEFAULTRGB</CODE> * or <CODE>PdfName.DEFAULTCMYK</CODE> * @param obj the colorspace. A <CODE>null</CODE> or <CODE>PdfNull</CODE> removes any colorspace with the same name */ public void setDefaultColorspace(final PdfName name, final PdfObject obj) { PageResources prs = getPageResources(); prs.addDefaultColor(name, obj); } /** * Begins a marked content sequence. This sequence will be tagged with the structure <CODE>struc</CODE>. * The same structure can be used several times to connect text that belongs to the same logical segment * but is in a different location, like the same paragraph crossing to another page, for example. * @param struc the tagging structure */ public void beginMarkedContentSequence(final PdfStructureElement struc) { beginMarkedContentSequence(struc, null); } /** * Begins a marked content sequence. This sequence will be tagged with the structure <CODE>struc</CODE>. * The same structure can be used several times to connect text that belongs to the same logical segment * but is in a different location, like the same paragraph crossing to another page, for example. * <CODE>expansion</CODE> is token's expansion. * @param struc the tagging structure * @param expansion the expansion */ private void beginMarkedContentSequence(final PdfStructureElement struc, String expansion) { PdfObject obj = struc.get(PdfName.K); int[] structParentMarkPoint = pdf.getStructParentIndexAndNextMarkPoint(getCurrentPage()); int structParent = structParentMarkPoint[0]; int mark = structParentMarkPoint[1]; if (obj != null) { PdfArray ar = null; if (obj.isNumber()) { ar = new PdfArray(); ar.add(obj); struc.put(PdfName.K, ar); } else if (obj.isArray()) { ar = (PdfArray)obj; } else throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("", obj.getClass().toString())); if (ar.getAsNumber(0) != null) { PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.MCR); dic.put(PdfName.PG, getCurrentPage()); dic.put(PdfName.MCID, new PdfNumber(mark)); ar.add(dic); } struc.setPageMark(pdf.getStructParentIndex(getCurrentPage()), -1); } else { struc.setPageMark(structParent, mark); struc.put(PdfName.PG, getCurrentPage()); } setMcDepth(getMcDepth() + 1); int contentSize = content.size(); content.append(struc.get(PdfName.S).getBytes()).append(" <</MCID ").append(mark); if (null != expansion) { content.append("/E (").append(expansion).append(")"); } content.append(">> BDC").append_i(separator); markedContentSize += content.size() - contentSize; } protected PdfIndirectReference getCurrentPage() { return writer.getCurrentPage(); } /** * Ends a marked content sequence */ public void endMarkedContentSequence() { if (getMcDepth() == 0) { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.begin.end.marked.content.operators")); } int contentSize = content.size(); setMcDepth(getMcDepth() - 1); content.append("EMC").append_i(separator); markedContentSize += content.size() - contentSize; } /** * Begins a marked content sequence. If property is <CODE>null</CODE> the mark will be of the type * <CODE>BMC</CODE> otherwise it will be <CODE>BDC</CODE>. * @param tag the tag * @param property the property * @param inline <CODE>true</CODE> to include the property in the content or <CODE>false</CODE> * to include the property in the resource dictionary with the possibility of reusing */ public void beginMarkedContentSequence(final PdfName tag, final PdfDictionary property, final boolean inline) { int contentSize = content.size(); if (property == null) { content.append(tag.getBytes()).append(" BMC").append_i(separator); setMcDepth(getMcDepth() + 1); } else { content.append(tag.getBytes()).append(' '); if (inline) try { property.toPdf(writer, content); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } else { PdfObject[] objs; if (writer.propertyExists(property)) objs = writer.addSimpleProperty(property, null); else objs = writer.addSimpleProperty(property, writer.getPdfIndirectReference()); PdfName name = (PdfName)objs[0]; PageResources prs = getPageResources(); name = prs.addProperty(name, (PdfIndirectReference)objs[1]); content.append(name.getBytes()); } content.append(" BDC").append_i(separator); setMcDepth(getMcDepth() + 1); } markedContentSize += content.size() - contentSize; } /** * This is just a shorthand to <CODE>beginMarkedContentSequence(tag, null, false)</CODE>. * @param tag the tag */ public void beginMarkedContentSequence(final PdfName tag) { beginMarkedContentSequence(tag, null, false); } /** * Checks for any dangling state: Mismatched save/restore state, begin/end text, * begin/end layer, or begin/end marked content sequence. * If found, this function will throw. This function is called automatically * during a reset() (from Document.newPage() for example), and before writing * itself out in toPdf(). * One possible cause: not calling myPdfGraphics2D.dispose() will leave dangling * saveState() calls. * @since 2.1.6 * @throws IllegalPdfSyntaxException (a runtime exception) */ public void sanityCheck() { if (getMcDepth() != 0) { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.marked.content.operators")); } if (inText) { if (isTagged()) { endText(); } else { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.begin.end.text.operators")); } } if (layerDepth != null && !layerDepth.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("unbalanced.layer.operators")); } if (!stateList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalPdfSyntaxException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("")); } } public void openMCBlock(IAccessibleElement element) { if (isTagged()) { ensureDocumentTagIsOpen(); if (element != null/* && element.getRole() != null*/) { if (!getMcElements().contains(element)) { PdfStructureElement structureElement = openMCBlockInt(element); getMcElements().add(element); if (structureElement != null) { pdf.saveStructElement(element.getId(), structureElement); } } } } } private PdfDictionary getParentStructureElement() { PdfDictionary parent = null; if (getMcElements().size() > 0) parent = pdf.getStructElement(getMcElements().get(getMcElements().size() - 1).getId()); if (parent == null) { parent = writer.getStructureTreeRoot(); } return parent; } private PdfStructureElement openMCBlockInt(IAccessibleElement element) { PdfStructureElement structureElement = null; if (isTagged()) { IAccessibleElement parent = null; if (getMcElements().size() > 0) parent = getMcElements().get(getMcElements().size() - 1); writer.checkElementRole(element, parent); if (element.getRole() != null) { if (!PdfName.ARTIFACT.equals(element.getRole())) { structureElement = pdf.getStructElement(element.getId()); if (structureElement == null) { structureElement = new PdfStructureElement(getParentStructureElement(), element.getRole(), element.getId()); } } if (PdfName.ARTIFACT.equals(element.getRole())) { HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject> properties = element.getAccessibleAttributes(); PdfDictionary propertiesDict = null; if (properties != null && !properties.isEmpty()) { propertiesDict = new PdfDictionary(); for (Map.Entry<PdfName, PdfObject> entry : properties.entrySet()) { propertiesDict.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } boolean inTextLocal = inText; if (inText) endText(); beginMarkedContentSequence(element.getRole(), propertiesDict, true); if (inTextLocal) beginText(true); } else { if (writer.needToBeMarkedInContent(element)) { boolean inTextLocal = inText; if (inText) endText(); if (null != element.getAccessibleAttributes() && null != element.getAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.E)) { beginMarkedContentSequence(structureElement, element.getAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.E).toString()); element.setAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.E, null); } else { beginMarkedContentSequence(structureElement); } if (inTextLocal) beginText(true); } } } } return structureElement; } public void closeMCBlock(IAccessibleElement element) { if (isTagged() && element != null/* && element.getRole() != null*/) { if (getMcElements().contains(element)) { closeMCBlockInt(element); getMcElements().remove(element); } } } private void closeMCBlockInt(IAccessibleElement element) { if (isTagged() && element.getRole() != null) { PdfStructureElement structureElement = pdf.getStructElement(element.getId()); if (structureElement != null) { structureElement.writeAttributes(element); } if (writer.needToBeMarkedInContent(element)) { boolean inTextLocal = inText; if (inText) endText(); endMarkedContentSequence(); if (inTextLocal) beginText(true); } } } private void ensureDocumentTagIsOpen() { if (pdf.openMCDocument) { pdf.openMCDocument = false; writer.getDirectContentUnder().openMCBlock(pdf); } } protected ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> saveMCBlocks() { ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> mc = new ArrayList<IAccessibleElement>(); if (isTagged()) { mc = getMcElements(); for (int i = 0; i < mc.size(); i++) { closeMCBlockInt(mc.get(i)); } setMcElements(new ArrayList<IAccessibleElement>()); } return mc; } protected void restoreMCBlocks(ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> mcElements) { if (isTagged() && mcElements != null) { setMcElements(mcElements); for (int i = 0; i < this.getMcElements().size(); i++) { openMCBlockInt(this.getMcElements().get(i)); } } } protected int getMcDepth() { if (duplicatedFrom != null) return duplicatedFrom.getMcDepth(); else return mcDepth; } protected void setMcDepth(int value) { if (duplicatedFrom != null) duplicatedFrom.setMcDepth(value); else mcDepth = value; } protected ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> getMcElements() { if (duplicatedFrom != null) return duplicatedFrom.getMcElements(); else return mcElements; } protected void setMcElements(ArrayList<IAccessibleElement> value) { if (duplicatedFrom != null) duplicatedFrom.setMcElements(value); else mcElements = value; } protected void updateTx(String text, float Tj) { state.tx += getEffectiveStringWidth(text, false, Tj); } private void saveColor(BaseColor color, boolean fill) { if (fill) { state.colorFill = color; } else { state.colorStroke = color; } } static class UncoloredPattern extends PatternColor { protected BaseColor color; protected float tint; protected UncoloredPattern(final PdfPatternPainter p, final BaseColor color, final float tint) { super(p); this.color = color; this.tint = tint; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return obj instanceof UncoloredPattern && (((UncoloredPattern)obj).painter).equals(this.painter) && (((UncoloredPattern)obj).color).equals(this.color) && ((UncoloredPattern)obj).tint == this.tint; } } protected boolean getInText() { return inText; } protected void checkState() { boolean stroke = false; boolean fill = false; if (state.textRenderMode == TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL) { fill = true; } else if (state.textRenderMode == TEXT_RENDER_MODE_STROKE) { stroke = true; } else if (state.textRenderMode == TEXT_RENDER_MODE_FILL_STROKE) { fill = true; stroke = true; } if (fill) { PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorFill); } if (stroke) { PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_COLOR, state.colorStroke); } PdfWriter.checkPdfIsoConformance(writer, PdfIsoKeys.PDFISOKEY_GSTATE, state.extGState); } // AWT related methods (remove this if you port to Android / GAE) /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to write on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands as shapes. No PDF fonts will appear. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createGraphicsShapes(final float width, final float height) { return new PdfGraphics2D(this, width, height, true); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands as shapes. No PDF fonts will appear. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param printerJob a printer job * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphicsShapes(final float width, final float height, final java.awt.print.PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(this, width, height, true, printerJob); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to write on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createGraphics(final float width, final float height) { return new PdfGraphics2D(this, width, height); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param printerJob * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(final float width, final float height, final java.awt.print.PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(this, width, height, printerJob); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to write on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param convertImagesToJPEG * @param quality * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createGraphics(final float width, final float height, final boolean convertImagesToJPEG, final float quality) { return new PdfGraphics2D(this, width, height, null, false, convertImagesToJPEG, quality); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param convertImagesToJPEG * @param quality * @param printerJob * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(final float width, final float height, final boolean convertImagesToJPEG, final float quality, final java.awt.print.PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(this, width, height, null, false, convertImagesToJPEG, quality, printerJob); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width * @param height * @param convertImagesToJPEG * @param quality * @return A Graphics2D object * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createGraphicsShapes(final float width, final float height, final boolean convertImagesToJPEG, final float quality) { return new PdfGraphics2D(this, width, height, null, true, convertImagesToJPEG, quality); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width * @param height * @param convertImagesToJPEG * @param quality * @param printerJob * @return a Graphics2D object * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphicsShapes(final float width, final float height, final boolean convertImagesToJPEG, final float quality, final java.awt.print.PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(this, width, height, null, true, convertImagesToJPEG, quality, printerJob); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to write on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param fontMapper the mapping from awt fonts to <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createGraphics(final float width, final float height, final FontMapper fontMapper) { return new PdfGraphics2D(this, width, height, fontMapper); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param fontMapper the mapping from awt fonts to <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> * @param printerJob a printer job * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(final float width, final float height, final FontMapper fontMapper, final java.awt.print.PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(this, width, height, fontMapper, printerJob); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to write on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param fontMapper the mapping from awt fonts to <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> * @param convertImagesToJPEG converts awt images to jpeg before inserting in pdf * @param quality the quality of the jpeg * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createGraphics(final float width, final float height, final FontMapper fontMapper, final boolean convertImagesToJPEG, final float quality) { return new PdfGraphics2D(this, width, height, fontMapper, false, convertImagesToJPEG, quality); } /** Gets a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> to print on. The graphics * are translated to PDF commands. * @param width the width of the panel * @param height the height of the panel * @param fontMapper the mapping from awt fonts to <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> * @param convertImagesToJPEG converts awt images to jpeg before inserting in pdf * @param quality the quality of the jpeg * @param printerJob a printer job * @return a <CODE>Graphics2D</CODE> * @deprecated use the constructor in PdfPrinterGraphics2D */ public java.awt.Graphics2D createPrinterGraphics(final float width, final float height, final FontMapper fontMapper, final boolean convertImagesToJPEG, final float quality, final java.awt.print.PrinterJob printerJob) { return new PdfPrinterGraphics2D(this, width, height, fontMapper, false, convertImagesToJPEG, quality, printerJob); } /** * adds an image with the given matrix. * @param image image to add * @param transform transform to apply to the template prior to adding it. * @since 5.0.1 * @deprecated use com.itextpdf.text.geom.AffineTransform as parameter */ public void addImage(final Image image, final java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform) throws DocumentException { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); addImage(image, new AffineTransform(matrix)); } /** * adds a template with the given matrix. * @param template template to add * @param transform transform to apply to the template prior to adding it. * @deprecated use com.itextpdf.text.geom.AffineTransform as parameter */ public void addTemplate(final PdfTemplate template, final java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); addTemplate(template, new AffineTransform(matrix)); } /** * Concatenate a matrix to the current transformation matrix. * @param transform added to the Current Transformation Matrix * @deprecated use com.itextpdf.text.geom.AffineTransform as parameter */ public void concatCTM(final java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); concatCTM(new AffineTransform(matrix)); } /** * Changes the text matrix. * <P> * @param transform overwrite the current text matrix with this one * @deprecated use com.itextpdf.text.geom.AffineTransform as parameter */ public void setTextMatrix(final java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; transform.getMatrix(matrix); setTextMatrix(new AffineTransform(matrix)); } /** Concatenates a transformation to the current transformation * matrix. * @param af the transformation * @deprecated use com.itextpdf.text.geom.AffineTransform as parameter */ public void transform(final java.awt.geom.AffineTransform af) { double matrix[] = new double[6]; af.getMatrix(matrix); transform(new AffineTransform(matrix)); } }
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