iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code

itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.

The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:



 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
 * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
 * or manipulated using iText.
 * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
 * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
 * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
 * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
 * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
 * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
 * source product.
 * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
 * address:
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;

import com.itextpdf.text.*;
import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.IAccessibleElement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

 * A cell in a PdfPTable.
public class PdfPCell extends Rectangle implements IAccessibleElement {

    private ColumnText column = new ColumnText(null);

     * Vertical alignment of the cell.
    private int verticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_TOP;

     * Left padding of the cell.
    private float paddingLeft = 2;

     * Right padding of the cell.
    private float paddingRight = 2;

     * Top padding of the cell.
    private float paddingTop = 2;

     * Bottom padding of the cell.
    private float paddingBottom = 2;

     * Fixed height of the cell.
    private float fixedHeight = 0;
     * Fixed height of the cell.
    private float calculatedHeight = 0;

     * Minimum height of the cell.
    private float minimumHeight;

     * This field is used to cache the height which is calculated on getMaxHeight() method call;
     * this helps to avoid unnecessary recalculations on table drawing.
    private float cachedMaxHeight;

     * Holds value of property noWrap.
    private boolean noWrap = false;

     * Holds value of property table.
    private PdfPTable table;

     * Holds value of property colspan.
    private int colspan = 1;

     * Holds value of property rowspan.
     * @since	2.1.6
    private int rowspan = 1;

     * Holds value of property image.
    private Image image;

     * Holds value of property cellEvent.
    private PdfPCellEvent cellEvent;

     * Holds value of property useDescender.
    private boolean useDescender = false;

     * Increases padding to include border if true
    private boolean useBorderPadding = false;

     * The text in the cell.
    protected Phrase phrase;

     * The rotation of the cell. Possible values are 0, 90, 180 and 270.
    private int rotation;

    protected PdfName role = PdfName.TD;
    protected HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject> accessibleAttributes = null;
    protected AccessibleElementId id = new AccessibleElementId();

    protected ArrayList<PdfPHeaderCell> headers = null;

     * Constructs an empty <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE>. The default padding is 2.
    public PdfPCell() {
        super(0, 0, 0, 0);
        borderWidth = 0.5f;
        border = BOX;
        column.setLeading(0, 1);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> with a <CODE>Phrase</CODE>. The
     * default padding is 2.
     * @param phrase the text
    public PdfPCell(Phrase phrase) {
        super(0, 0, 0, 0);
        borderWidth = 0.5f;
        border = BOX;
        column.addText(this.phrase = phrase);
        column.setLeading(0, 1);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> with an <CODE>Image</CODE>. The
     * default padding is 0.
     * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE>
    public PdfPCell(Image image) {
        this(image, false);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> with an <CODE>Image</CODE>. The
     * default padding is 0.25 for a border width of 0.5.
     * @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE>
     * @param fit <CODE>true</CODE> to fit the image to the cell
    public PdfPCell(Image image, boolean fit) {
        super(0, 0, 0, 0);
        borderWidth = 0.5f;
        border = BOX;
        column.setLeading(0, 1);
        if (fit) {
            this.image = image;
            setPadding(borderWidth / 2);
        } else {
            column.addText(this.phrase = new Phrase(new Chunk(image, 0, 0, true)));

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> with a <CODE>PdfPtable</CODE>. This
     * constructor allows nested tables. The default padding is 0.
     * @param table The <CODE>PdfPTable</CODE>
    public PdfPCell(PdfPTable table) {
        this(table, null);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> with a <CODE>PdfPtable</CODE>. This
     * constructor allows nested tables.
     * @param table The <CODE>PdfPTable</CODE>
     * @param style	The style to apply to the cell (you could use
     * getDefaultCell())
     * @since 2.1.0
    public PdfPCell(PdfPTable table, PdfPCell style) {
        super(0, 0, 0, 0);
        borderWidth = 0.5f;
        border = BOX;
        column.setLeading(0, 1);
        this.table = table;
        if (style != null) {
            verticalAlignment = style.verticalAlignment;
            paddingLeft = style.paddingLeft;
            paddingRight = style.paddingRight;
            paddingTop = style.paddingTop;
            paddingBottom = style.paddingBottom;
            colspan = style.colspan;
            rowspan = style.rowspan;
            cellEvent = style.cellEvent;
            useDescender = style.useDescender;
            useBorderPadding = style.useBorderPadding;
            rotation = style.rotation;
        } else {

     * Constructs a deep copy of a <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE>.
     * @param cell the <CODE>PdfPCell</CODE> to duplicate
    public PdfPCell(PdfPCell cell) {
        super(cell.llx, cell.lly, cell.urx, cell.ury);
        verticalAlignment = cell.verticalAlignment;
        paddingLeft = cell.paddingLeft;
        paddingRight = cell.paddingRight;
        paddingTop = cell.paddingTop;
        paddingBottom = cell.paddingBottom;
        phrase = cell.phrase;
        fixedHeight = cell.fixedHeight;
        minimumHeight = cell.minimumHeight;
        noWrap = cell.noWrap;
        colspan = cell.colspan;
        rowspan = cell.rowspan;
        if (cell.table != null) {
            table = new PdfPTable(cell.table);
        image = Image.getInstance(cell.image);
        cellEvent = cell.cellEvent;
        useDescender = cell.useDescender;
        column = ColumnText.duplicate(cell.column);
        useBorderPadding = cell.useBorderPadding;
        rotation = cell.rotation;
        id =;
        role = cell.role;
        if (cell.accessibleAttributes != null) {
            accessibleAttributes = new HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject>(cell.accessibleAttributes);
        headers = cell.headers;

     * Adds an iText element to the cell.
     * @param element
    public void addElement(Element element) {
        if (table != null) {
            table = null;
        if (element instanceof PdfPTable) {
            ((PdfPTable) element).setSplitLate(false);
        } else if (element instanceof PdfDiv) {
            for (Element divChildElement : ((PdfDiv) element).getContent()) {
                if (divChildElement instanceof PdfPTable) {
                    ((PdfPTable) divChildElement).setSplitLate(false);

     * Gets the <CODE>Phrase</CODE> from this cell.
     * @return the <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
    public Phrase getPhrase() {
        return phrase;

     * Sets the <CODE>Phrase</CODE> for this cell.
     * @param phrase the <CODE>Phrase</CODE>
    public void setPhrase(Phrase phrase) {
        table = null;
        image = null;
        column.setText(this.phrase = phrase);

     * Gets the horizontal alignment for the cell.
     * @return the horizontal alignment for the cell
    public int getHorizontalAlignment() {
        return column.getAlignment();

     * Sets the horizontal alignment for the cell. It could be
     * <CODE>Element.ALIGN_CENTER</CODE> for example.
     * @param horizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment
    public void setHorizontalAlignment(int horizontalAlignment) {

     * Gets the vertical alignment for the cell.
     * @return the vertical alignment for the cell
    public int getVerticalAlignment() {
        return verticalAlignment;

     * Sets the vertical alignment for the cell. It could be
     * <CODE>Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE</CODE> for example.
     * @param verticalAlignment The vertical alignment
    public void setVerticalAlignment(int verticalAlignment) {
        if (table != null) {
            table.setExtendLastRow(verticalAlignment == Element.ALIGN_TOP);
        this.verticalAlignment = verticalAlignment;

     * Gets the effective left padding. This will include the left border width
     * if {@link #isUseBorderPadding()} is true.
     * @return effective value of property paddingLeft.
    public float getEffectivePaddingLeft() {
        if (isUseBorderPadding()) {
            float border = getBorderWidthLeft() / (isUseVariableBorders() ? 1f : 2f);
            return paddingLeft + border;
        return paddingLeft;

     * @return Value of property paddingLeft.
    public float getPaddingLeft() {
        return paddingLeft;

     * Setter for property paddingLeft.
     * @param paddingLeft New value of property paddingLeft.
    public void setPaddingLeft(float paddingLeft) {
        this.paddingLeft = paddingLeft;

     * Gets the effective right padding. This will include the right border
     * width if {@link #isUseBorderPadding()} is true.
     * @return effective value of property paddingRight.
    public float getEffectivePaddingRight() {
        if (isUseBorderPadding()) {
            float border = getBorderWidthRight() / (isUseVariableBorders() ? 1f : 2f);
            return paddingRight + border;
        return paddingRight;

     * Getter for property paddingRight.
     * @return Value of property paddingRight.
    public float getPaddingRight() {
        return paddingRight;

     * Setter for property paddingRight.
     * @param paddingRight New value of property paddingRight.
    public void setPaddingRight(float paddingRight) {
        this.paddingRight = paddingRight;

     * Gets the effective top padding. This will include the top border width if
     * {@link #isUseBorderPadding()} is true.
     * @return effective value of property paddingTop.
    public float getEffectivePaddingTop() {
        if (isUseBorderPadding()) {
            float border = getBorderWidthTop() / (isUseVariableBorders() ? 1f : 2f);
            return paddingTop + border;
        return paddingTop;

     * Getter for property paddingTop.
     * @return Value of property paddingTop.
    public float getPaddingTop() {
        return paddingTop;

     * Setter for property paddingTop.
     * @param paddingTop New value of property paddingTop.
    public void setPaddingTop(float paddingTop) {
        this.paddingTop = paddingTop;

     * Gets the effective bottom padding. This will include the bottom border
     * width if {@link #isUseBorderPadding()} is true.
     * @return effective value of property paddingBottom.
    public float getEffectivePaddingBottom() {
        if (isUseBorderPadding()) {
            float border = getBorderWidthBottom() / (isUseVariableBorders() ? 1f : 2f);
            return paddingBottom + border;
        return paddingBottom;

     * Getter for property paddingBottom.
     * @return Value of property paddingBottom.
    public float getPaddingBottom() {
        return paddingBottom;

     * Setter for property paddingBottom.
     * @param paddingBottom New value of property paddingBottom.
    public void setPaddingBottom(float paddingBottom) {
        this.paddingBottom = paddingBottom;

     * Sets the padding of the contents in the cell (space between content and
     * border).
     * @param padding
    public void setPadding(float padding) {
        paddingBottom = padding;
        paddingTop = padding;
        paddingLeft = padding;
        paddingRight = padding;

     * If true, then effective padding will include border widths
     * @return true if effective padding includes border widths
    public boolean isUseBorderPadding() {
        return useBorderPadding;

     * Adjusts effective padding to include border widths.
     * @param use adjust effective padding if true
    public void setUseBorderPadding(boolean use) {
        useBorderPadding = use;

     * Sets the leading fixed and variable. The resultant leading will be:
     * fixedLeading+multipliedLeading*maxFontSize where maxFontSize is the size
     * of the biggest font in the line.
     * @param fixedLeading the fixed leading
     * @param multipliedLeading the variable leading
    public void setLeading(float fixedLeading, float multipliedLeading) {
        column.setLeading(fixedLeading, multipliedLeading);

     * Gets the fixed leading.
     * @return the leading
    public float getLeading() {
        return column.getLeading();

     * Gets the variable leading.
     * @return the leading
    public float getMultipliedLeading() {
        return column.getMultipliedLeading();

     * Sets the first paragraph line indent.
     * @param indent the indent
    public void setIndent(float indent) {

     * Gets the first paragraph line indent.
     * @return the indent
    public float getIndent() {
        return column.getIndent();

     * Gets the extra space between paragraphs.
     * @return the extra space between paragraphs
    public float getExtraParagraphSpace() {
        return column.getExtraParagraphSpace();

     * Sets the extra space between paragraphs.
     * @param extraParagraphSpace the extra space between paragraphs
    public void setExtraParagraphSpace(float extraParagraphSpace) {

     * Set a calculated height for the cell.
     * @param calculatedHeight New value of property calculatedHeight.
    public void setCalculatedHeight(float calculatedHeight) {
        this.calculatedHeight = calculatedHeight;

     * Get the calculated height of the cell.
     * @return Value of property calculatedHeight.
    public float getCalculatedHeight() {
        return calculatedHeight;

     * Tells you whether the height was calculated.
     * @return	true if the height was calculated.
    public boolean hasCalculatedHeight() {
        return getCalculatedHeight() > 0;

     * Set a fixed height for the cell. This will automatically unset
     * minimumHeight, if set.
     * @param fixedHeight New value of property fixedHeight.
    public void setFixedHeight(float fixedHeight) {
        this.fixedHeight = fixedHeight;
        minimumHeight = 0;

     * Get the fixed height of the cell.
     * @return Value of property fixedHeight.
    public float getFixedHeight() {
        return fixedHeight;

     * Tells you whether the cell has a fixed height.
     * @return	true is a fixed height was set.
     * @since 2.1.5
    public boolean hasFixedHeight() {
        return getFixedHeight() > 0;

     * Gets the height which was calculated on last call of getMaxHeight().
     * If cell's bBox and content wasn't changed this value is actual maxHeight of the cell.
     * @return max height which was calculated on last call of getMaxHeight(); if getMaxHeight() wasn't called the return value is 0
    public float getCachedMaxHeight() {
        return cachedMaxHeight;

    public boolean hasCachedMaxHeight() {
        return cachedMaxHeight > 0;

     * Set a minimum height for the cell. This will automatically unset
     * fixedHeight, if set.
     * @param minimumHeight New value of property minimumHeight.
    public void setMinimumHeight(float minimumHeight) {
        this.minimumHeight = minimumHeight;
        fixedHeight = 0;

     * Get the minimum height of the cell.
     * @return Value of property minimumHeight.
    public float getMinimumHeight() {
        return minimumHeight;

     * Tells you whether the cell has a minimum height.
     * @return	true if a minimum height was set.
     * @since 2.1.5
    public boolean hasMinimumHeight() {
        return getMinimumHeight() > 0;

     * Getter for property noWrap.
     * @return Value of property noWrap.
    public boolean isNoWrap() {
        return noWrap;

     * Setter for property noWrap.
     * @param noWrap New value of property noWrap.
    public void setNoWrap(boolean noWrap) {
        this.noWrap = noWrap;

     * Getter for property table.
     * @return Value of property table.
     * @since 2.x
    public PdfPTable getTable() {
        return table;

    void setTable(PdfPTable table) {
        this.table = table;
        image = null;
        if (table != null) {
            table.setExtendLastRow(verticalAlignment == Element.ALIGN_TOP);

     * Getter for property colspan.
     * @return Value of property colspan.
    public int getColspan() {
        return colspan;

     * Setter for property colspan.
     * @param colspan New value of property colspan.
    public void setColspan(int colspan) {
        this.colspan = colspan;

     * Getter for property rowspan.
     * @return Value of property rowspan.
     * @since	2.1.6
    public int getRowspan() {
        return rowspan;

     * Setter for property rowspan.
     * @param rowspan New value of property rowspan.
     * @since	2.1.6
    public void setRowspan(int rowspan) {
        this.rowspan = rowspan;

     * Sets the following paragraph lines indent.
     * @param indent the indent
    public void setFollowingIndent(float indent) {

     * Gets the following paragraph lines indent.
     * @return the indent
    public float getFollowingIndent() {
        return column.getFollowingIndent();

     * Sets the right paragraph lines indent.
     * @param indent the indent
    public void setRightIndent(float indent) {

     * Gets the right paragraph lines indent.
     * @return the indent
    public float getRightIndent() {
        return column.getRightIndent();

     * Gets the space/character extra spacing ratio for fully justified text.
     * @return the space/character extra spacing ratio
    public float getSpaceCharRatio() {
        return column.getSpaceCharRatio();

     * Sets the ratio between the extra word spacing and the extra character
     * spacing when the text is fully justified. Extra word spacing will grow
     * <CODE>spaceCharRatio</CODE> times more than extra character spacing. If
     * the ratio is <CODE>PdfWriter.NO_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO</CODE> then the extra
     * character spacing will be zero.
     * @param spaceCharRatio the ratio between the extra word spacing and the
     * extra character spacing
    public void setSpaceCharRatio(float spaceCharRatio) {

     * Sets the run direction of the text content in the cell. May be either of:
     * @param runDirection
    public void setRunDirection(int runDirection) {

     * Gets the run direction of the text content in the cell
     * @return One of the following values: PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT,
     * PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL.
    public int getRunDirection() {
        return column.getRunDirection();

     * Getter for property image.
     * @return Value of property image.
    public Image getImage() {
        return image;

     * Setter for property image.
     * @param image New value of property image.
    public void setImage(Image image) {
        table = null;
        this.image = image;

     * Gets the cell event for this cell.
     * @return the cell event
    public PdfPCellEvent getCellEvent() {
        return cellEvent;

     * Sets the cell event for this cell.
     * @param cellEvent the cell event
    public void setCellEvent(PdfPCellEvent cellEvent) {
        if (cellEvent == null) {
            this.cellEvent = null;
        } else if (this.cellEvent == null) {
            this.cellEvent = cellEvent;
        } else if (this.cellEvent instanceof PdfPCellEventForwarder) {
            ((PdfPCellEventForwarder) this.cellEvent).addCellEvent(cellEvent);
        } else {
            PdfPCellEventForwarder forward = new PdfPCellEventForwarder();
            this.cellEvent = forward;

     * Gets the arabic shaping options.
     * @return the arabic shaping options
    public int getArabicOptions() {
        return column.getArabicOptions();

     * Sets the arabic shaping options. The option can be AR_NOVOWEL,
     * @param arabicOptions the arabic shaping options
    public void setArabicOptions(int arabicOptions) {

     * Gets state of first line height based on max ascender
     * @return true if an ascender is to be used.
    public boolean isUseAscender() {
        return column.isUseAscender();

     * Enables/ Disables adjustment of first line height based on max ascender.
     * @param useAscender adjust height if true
    public void setUseAscender(boolean useAscender) {

     * Getter for property useDescender.
     * @return Value of property useDescender.
    public boolean isUseDescender() {
        return useDescender;

     * Setter for property useDescender.
     * @param useDescender New value of property useDescender.
    public void setUseDescender(boolean useDescender) {
        this.useDescender = useDescender;

     * Gets the ColumnText with the content of the cell.
     * @return a columntext object
    public ColumnText getColumn() {
        return column;

     * Returns the list of composite elements of the column.
     * @return	a List object.
     * @since	2.1.1
    public List<Element> getCompositeElements() {
        return getColumn().compositeElements;

     * Sets the columntext in the cell.
     * @param column
    public void setColumn(ColumnText column) {
        this.column = column;

     * Gets the rotation of the cell.
     * @return the rotation of the cell.
    public int getRotation() {
        return rotation;

     * Sets the rotation of the cell. Possible values are 0, 90, 180 and 270.
     * @param rotation the rotation of the cell
    public void setRotation(int rotation) {
        rotation %= 360;
        if (rotation < 0) {
            rotation += 360;
        if (rotation % 90 != 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage(""));
        this.rotation = rotation;

     * Returns the height of the cell.
     * @return	the height of the cell
     * @since	3.0.0
    public float getMaxHeight() {
        boolean pivoted = getRotation() == 90 || getRotation() == 270;
        Image img = getImage();
        if (img != null) {
            float refWidth = pivoted ? img.getScaledHeight() : img.getScaledWidth();
            float scale = (getRight() - getEffectivePaddingRight()
                    - getEffectivePaddingLeft() - getLeft()) / refWidth;
            img.scalePercent(scale * 100);
            float refHeight = pivoted ? img.getScaledWidth() : img.getScaledHeight();
            setBottom(getTop() - getEffectivePaddingTop() - getEffectivePaddingBottom() - refHeight);
        } else {
            if ((pivoted && hasFixedHeight()) || getColumn() == null) {
                setBottom(getTop() - getFixedHeight());
            } else {
                ColumnText ct = ColumnText.duplicate(getColumn());
                float right, top, left, bottom;
                if (pivoted) {
                    right = PdfPRow.RIGHT_LIMIT;
                    top = getRight() - getEffectivePaddingRight();
                    left = 0;
                    bottom = getLeft() + getEffectivePaddingLeft();
                } else {
                    right = isNoWrap() ? PdfPRow.RIGHT_LIMIT : getRight() - getEffectivePaddingRight();
                    top = getTop() - getEffectivePaddingTop();
                    left = getLeft() + getEffectivePaddingLeft();
                    bottom = hasCalculatedHeight() ? getTop() + getEffectivePaddingBottom() - getCalculatedHeight() : PdfPRow.BOTTOM_LIMIT;
                PdfPRow.setColumn(ct, left, bottom, right, top);
                try {
                } catch (DocumentException e) {
                    throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
                if (pivoted) {
                    setBottom(getTop() - getEffectivePaddingTop() - getEffectivePaddingBottom() - ct.getFilledWidth());
                } else {
                    float yLine = ct.getYLine();
                    if (isUseDescender()) {
                        yLine += ct.getDescender();
                    setBottom(yLine - getEffectivePaddingBottom());
        float height = getHeight();
        if (height == getEffectivePaddingTop() + getEffectivePaddingBottom()) {
            height = 0;
        if (hasFixedHeight()) {
            height = getFixedHeight();
        } else if (hasMinimumHeight() && height < getMinimumHeight()) {
            height = getMinimumHeight();
        cachedMaxHeight = height;
        return height;

    public PdfObject getAccessibleAttribute(final PdfName key) {
        if (accessibleAttributes != null) {
            return accessibleAttributes.get(key);
        } else {
            return null;

    public void setAccessibleAttribute(final PdfName key, final PdfObject value) {
        if (accessibleAttributes == null) {
            accessibleAttributes = new HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject>();
        accessibleAttributes.put(key, value);

    public HashMap<PdfName, PdfObject> getAccessibleAttributes() {
        return accessibleAttributes;

    public PdfName getRole() {
        return role;

    public void setRole(final PdfName role) {
        this.role = role;

    public AccessibleElementId getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(final AccessibleElementId id) { = id;

    public boolean isInline() {
        return false;

    public void addHeader(PdfPHeaderCell header) {
        if (headers == null) {
            headers = new ArrayList<PdfPHeaderCell>();

    public ArrayList<PdfPHeaderCell> getHeaders() {
        return headers;



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File size: 2163839 bytes
Release date: 2009-10-09


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