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iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code
itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.
The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.
You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.
The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:
⏎ com/itextpdf/text/pdf/
/* * * This file is part of the iText (R) project. Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): * FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY * ITEXT GROUP. ITEXT GROUP DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON INFRINGEMENT * OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program; if not, see or write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL: * * * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License. * * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License, * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created * or manipulated using iText. * * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without * disclosing the source code of your own applications. * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP, * serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed * source product. * * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this * address: */ package com.itextpdf.text.pdf; import; import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle; /** * Creates a pushbutton field. It supports all the text and icon alignments. * The icon may be an image or a template. * <p> * Example usage: * <p> * <PRE> * Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); * PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("output.pdf")); *; * PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); * Image img = Image.getInstance("image.png"); * PushbuttonField bt = new PushbuttonField(writer, new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 200), "Button1"); * bt.setText("My Caption"); * bt.setFontSize(0); * bt.setImage(img); * bt.setLayout(PushbuttonField.LAYOUT_ICON_TOP_LABEL_BOTTOM); * bt.setBackgroundColor(Color.cyan); * bt.setBorderStyle(PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_SOLID); * bt.setBorderColor(; * bt.setBorderWidth(3); * PdfFormField ff = bt.getField(); * PdfAction ac = PdfAction.createSubmitForm("", null, 0); * ff.setAction(ac); * writer.addAnnotation(ff); * document.close(); * </PRE> * @author Paulo Soares */ public class PushbuttonField extends BaseField { /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY = 1; /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY = 2; /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_ICON_TOP_LABEL_BOTTOM = 3; /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_LABEL_TOP_ICON_BOTTOM = 4; /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_ICON_LEFT_LABEL_RIGHT = 5; /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_LABEL_LEFT_ICON_RIGHT = 6; /** A layout option */ public static final int LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON = 7; /** An icon scaling option */ public static final int SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS = 1; /** An icon scaling option */ public static final int SCALE_ICON_NEVER = 2; /** An icon scaling option */ public static final int SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG = 3; /** An icon scaling option */ public static final int SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL = 4; /** * Holds value of property layout. */ private int layout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; /** * Holds value of property image. */ private Image image; /** * Holds value of property template. */ private PdfTemplate template; /** * Holds value of property scaleIcon. */ private int scaleIcon = SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS; /** * Holds value of property proportionalIcon. */ private boolean proportionalIcon = true; /** * Holds value of property iconVerticalAdjustment. */ private float iconVerticalAdjustment = 0.5f; /** * Holds value of property iconHorizontalAdjustment. */ private float iconHorizontalAdjustment = 0.5f; /** * Holds value of property iconFitToBounds. */ private boolean iconFitToBounds; private PdfTemplate tp; /** * Creates a new instance of PushbuttonField * @param writer the document <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> * @param box the field location and dimensions * @param fieldName the field name. If <CODE>null</CODE> only the widget keys * will be included in the field allowing it to be used as a kid field. */ public PushbuttonField(PdfWriter writer, Rectangle box, String fieldName) { super(writer, box, fieldName); } /** * Getter for property layout. * @return Value of property layout. */ public int getLayout() { return this.layout; } /** * Sets the icon and label layout. Possible values are <CODE>LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY</CODE>, * <CODE>LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY</CODE>, <CODE>LAYOUT_ICON_TOP_LABEL_BOTTOM</CODE>, * <CODE>LAYOUT_LABEL_TOP_ICON_BOTTOM</CODE>, <CODE>LAYOUT_ICON_LEFT_LABEL_RIGHT</CODE>, * <CODE>LAYOUT_LABEL_LEFT_ICON_RIGHT</CODE> and <CODE>LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON</CODE>. * The default is <CODE>LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY</CODE>. * @param layout New value of property layout. */ public void setLayout(int layout) { if (layout < LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY || layout > LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON) throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("layout.out.of.bounds")); this.layout = layout; } /** * Getter for property image. * @return Value of property image. */ public Image getImage() { return this.image; } /** * Sets the icon as an image. * @param image the image */ public void setImage(Image image) { this.image = image; template = null; } /** * Getter for property template. * @return Value of property template. */ public PdfTemplate getTemplate() { return this.template; } /** * Sets the icon as a template. * @param template the template */ public void setTemplate(PdfTemplate template) { this.template = template; image = null; } /** * Getter for property scaleIcon. * @return Value of property scaleIcon. */ public int getScaleIcon() { return this.scaleIcon; } /** * Sets the way the icon will be scaled. Possible values are * <CODE>SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS</CODE>, <CODE>SCALE_ICON_NEVER</CODE>, * <CODE>SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG</CODE> and <CODE>SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL</CODE>. * The default is <CODE>SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS</CODE>. * @param scaleIcon the way the icon will be scaled */ public void setScaleIcon(int scaleIcon) { if (scaleIcon < SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS || scaleIcon > SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL) scaleIcon = SCALE_ICON_ALWAYS; this.scaleIcon = scaleIcon; } /** * Getter for property proportionalIcon. * @return Value of property proportionalIcon. */ public boolean isProportionalIcon() { return this.proportionalIcon; } /** * Sets the way the icon is scaled. If <CODE>true</CODE> the icon is scaled proportionally, * if <CODE>false</CODE> the scaling is done anamorphicaly. * @param proportionalIcon the way the icon is scaled */ public void setProportionalIcon(boolean proportionalIcon) { this.proportionalIcon = proportionalIcon; } /** * Getter for property iconVerticalAdjustment. * @return Value of property iconVerticalAdjustment. */ public float getIconVerticalAdjustment() { return this.iconVerticalAdjustment; } /** * A number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the bottom of the icon. * A value of 0 positions the icon at the bottom of the annotation rectangle. * A value of 0.5 centers it within the rectangle. The default is 0.5. * @param iconVerticalAdjustment a number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the bottom of the icon */ public void setIconVerticalAdjustment(float iconVerticalAdjustment) { if (iconVerticalAdjustment < 0) iconVerticalAdjustment = 0; else if (iconVerticalAdjustment > 1) iconVerticalAdjustment = 1; this.iconVerticalAdjustment = iconVerticalAdjustment; } /** * Getter for property iconHorizontalAdjustment. * @return Value of property iconHorizontalAdjustment. */ public float getIconHorizontalAdjustment() { return this.iconHorizontalAdjustment; } /** * A number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the left of the icon. * A value of 0 positions the icon at the left of the annotation rectangle. * A value of 0.5 centers it within the rectangle. The default is 0.5. * @param iconHorizontalAdjustment a number between 0 and 1 indicating the fraction of leftover space to allocate at the left of the icon */ public void setIconHorizontalAdjustment(float iconHorizontalAdjustment) { if (iconHorizontalAdjustment < 0) iconHorizontalAdjustment = 0; else if (iconHorizontalAdjustment > 1) iconHorizontalAdjustment = 1; this.iconHorizontalAdjustment = iconHorizontalAdjustment; } private float calculateFontSize(float w, float h) throws IOException, DocumentException { BaseFont ufont = getRealFont(); float fsize = fontSize; if (fsize == 0) { float bw = ufont.getWidthPoint(text, 1); if (bw == 0) fsize = 12; else fsize = w / bw; float nfsize = h / (1 - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, 1)); fsize = Math.min(fsize, nfsize); if (fsize < 4) fsize = 4; } return fsize; } /** * Gets the button appearance. * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return the button appearance */ public PdfAppearance getAppearance() throws IOException, DocumentException { PdfAppearance app = getBorderAppearance(); Rectangle box = new Rectangle(app.getBoundingBox()); if ((text == null || text.length() == 0) && (layout == LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY || (image == null && template == null && iconReference == null))) { return app; } if (layout == LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY && image == null && template == null && iconReference == null) return app; BaseFont ufont = getRealFont(); boolean borderExtra = borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_BEVELED || borderStyle == PdfBorderDictionary.STYLE_INSET; float h = box.getHeight() - borderWidth * 2; float bw2 = borderWidth; if (borderExtra) { h -= borderWidth * 2; bw2 *= 2; } float offsetX = (borderExtra ? 2 * borderWidth : borderWidth); offsetX = Math.max(offsetX, 1); float offX = Math.min(bw2, offsetX); tp = null; float textX = Float.NaN; float textY = 0; float fsize = fontSize; float wt = box.getWidth() - 2 * offX - 2; float ht = box.getHeight() - 2 * offX; float adj = (iconFitToBounds ? 0 : offX + 1); int nlayout = layout; if (image == null && template == null && iconReference == null) nlayout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; Rectangle iconBox = null; while (true) { switch (nlayout) { case LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY: case LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON: if (text != null && text.length() > 0 && wt > 0 && ht > 0) { fsize = calculateFontSize(wt, ht); textX = (box.getWidth() - ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2; textY = (box.getHeight() - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fsize)) / 2; } case LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY: if (nlayout == LAYOUT_LABEL_OVER_ICON || nlayout == LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY) iconBox = new Rectangle(box.getLeft() + adj, box.getBottom() + adj, box.getRight() - adj, box.getTop() - adj); break; case LAYOUT_ICON_TOP_LABEL_BOTTOM: if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } float nht = box.getHeight() * 0.35f - offX; if (nht > 0) fsize = calculateFontSize(wt, nht); else fsize = 4; textX = (box.getWidth() - ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2; textY = offX - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fsize); iconBox = new Rectangle(box.getLeft() + adj, textY + fsize, box.getRight() - adj, box.getTop() - adj); break; case LAYOUT_LABEL_TOP_ICON_BOTTOM: if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } nht = box.getHeight() * 0.35f - offX; if (nht > 0) fsize = calculateFontSize(wt, nht); else fsize = 4; textX = (box.getWidth() - ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize)) / 2; textY = box.getHeight() - offX - fsize; if (textY < offX) textY = offX; iconBox = new Rectangle(box.getLeft() + adj, box.getBottom() + adj, box.getRight() - adj, textY + ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, fsize)); break; case LAYOUT_LABEL_LEFT_ICON_RIGHT: if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } float nw = box.getWidth() * 0.35f - offX; if (nw > 0) fsize = calculateFontSize(wt, nw); else fsize = 4; if (ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize) >= wt) { nlayout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; fsize = fontSize; continue; } textX = offX + 1; textY = (box.getHeight() - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fsize)) / 2; iconBox = new Rectangle(textX + ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize), box.getBottom() + adj, box.getRight() - adj, box.getTop() - adj); break; case LAYOUT_ICON_LEFT_LABEL_RIGHT: if (text == null || text.length() == 0 || wt <= 0 || ht <= 0) { nlayout = LAYOUT_ICON_ONLY; continue; } nw = box.getWidth() * 0.35f - offX; if (nw > 0) fsize = calculateFontSize(wt, nw); else fsize = 4; if (ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize) >= wt) { nlayout = LAYOUT_LABEL_ONLY; fsize = fontSize; continue; } textX = box.getWidth() - ufont.getWidthPoint(text, fsize) - offX - 1; textY = (box.getHeight() - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, fsize)) / 2; iconBox = new Rectangle(box.getLeft() + adj, box.getBottom() + adj, textX - 1, box.getTop() - adj); break; } break; } if (textY < box.getBottom() + offX) textY = box.getBottom() + offX; if (iconBox != null && (iconBox.getWidth() <= 0 || iconBox.getHeight() <= 0)) iconBox = null; boolean haveIcon = false; float boundingBoxWidth = 0; float boundingBoxHeight = 0; PdfArray matrix = null; if (iconBox != null) { if (image != null) { tp = new PdfTemplate(writer); tp.setBoundingBox(new Rectangle(image)); writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(tp, PdfName.FRM); tp.addImage(image, image.getWidth(), 0, 0, image.getHeight(), 0, 0); haveIcon = true; boundingBoxWidth = tp.getBoundingBox().getWidth(); boundingBoxHeight = tp.getBoundingBox().getHeight(); } else if (template != null) { tp = new PdfTemplate(writer); tp.setBoundingBox(new Rectangle(template.getWidth(), template.getHeight())); writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(tp, PdfName.FRM); tp.addTemplate(template, template.getBoundingBox().getLeft(), template.getBoundingBox().getBottom()); haveIcon = true; boundingBoxWidth = tp.getBoundingBox().getWidth(); boundingBoxHeight = tp.getBoundingBox().getHeight(); } else if (iconReference != null) { PdfDictionary dic = (PdfDictionary)PdfReader.getPdfObject(iconReference); if (dic != null) { Rectangle r2 = PdfReader.getNormalizedRectangle(dic.getAsArray(PdfName.BBOX)); matrix = dic.getAsArray(PdfName.MATRIX); haveIcon = true; boundingBoxWidth = r2.getWidth(); boundingBoxHeight = r2.getHeight(); } } } if (haveIcon) { float icx = iconBox.getWidth() / boundingBoxWidth; float icy = iconBox.getHeight() / boundingBoxHeight; if (proportionalIcon) { switch (scaleIcon) { case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG: icx = Math.min(icx, icy); icx = Math.min(icx, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL: icx = Math.min(icx, icy); icx = Math.max(icx, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_NEVER: icx = 1; break; default: icx = Math.min(icx, icy); break; } icy = icx; } else { switch (scaleIcon) { case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG: icx = Math.min(icx, 1); icy = Math.min(icy, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL: icx = Math.max(icx, 1); icy = Math.max(icy, 1); break; case SCALE_ICON_NEVER: icx = icy = 1; break; default: break; } } float xpos = iconBox.getLeft() + (iconBox.getWidth() - (boundingBoxWidth * icx)) * iconHorizontalAdjustment; float ypos = iconBox.getBottom() + (iconBox.getHeight() - (boundingBoxHeight * icy)) * iconVerticalAdjustment; app.saveState(); app.rectangle(iconBox.getLeft(), iconBox.getBottom(), iconBox.getWidth(), iconBox.getHeight()); app.clip(); app.newPath(); if (tp != null) app.addTemplate(tp, icx, 0, 0, icy, xpos, ypos); else { float cox = 0; float coy = 0; if (matrix != null && matrix.size() == 6) { PdfNumber nm = matrix.getAsNumber(4); if (nm != null) cox = nm.floatValue(); nm = matrix.getAsNumber(5); if (nm != null) coy = nm.floatValue(); } app.addTemplateReference(iconReference, PdfName.FRM, icx, 0, 0, icy, xpos - cox * icx, ypos - coy * icy); } app.restoreState(); } if (!Float.isNaN(textX)) { app.saveState(); app.rectangle(offX, offX, box.getWidth() - 2 * offX, box.getHeight() - 2 * offX); app.clip(); app.newPath(); if (textColor == null) app.resetGrayFill(); else app.setColorFill(textColor); app.beginText(); app.setFontAndSize(ufont, fsize); app.setTextMatrix(textX, textY); app.showText(text); app.endText(); app.restoreState(); } return app; } /** * Gets the pushbutton field. * @throws IOException on error * @throws DocumentException on error * @return the pushbutton field */ public PdfFormField getField() throws IOException, DocumentException { PdfFormField field = PdfFormField.createPushButton(writer); field.setWidget(box, PdfAnnotation.HIGHLIGHT_INVERT); if (fieldName != null) { field.setFieldName(fieldName); if ((options & READ_ONLY) != 0) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_READ_ONLY); if ((options & REQUIRED) != 0) field.setFieldFlags(PdfFormField.FF_REQUIRED); } if (text != null) field.setMKNormalCaption(text); if (rotation != 0) field.setMKRotation(rotation); field.setBorderStyle(new PdfBorderDictionary(borderWidth, borderStyle, new PdfDashPattern(3))); PdfAppearance tpa = getAppearance(); field.setAppearance(PdfAnnotation.APPEARANCE_NORMAL, tpa); PdfAppearance da = (PdfAppearance)tpa.getDuplicate(); da.setFontAndSize(getRealFont(), fontSize); if (textColor == null) da.setGrayFill(0); else da.setColorFill(textColor); field.setDefaultAppearanceString(da); if (borderColor != null) field.setMKBorderColor(borderColor); if (backgroundColor != null) field.setMKBackgroundColor(backgroundColor); switch (visibility) { case HIDDEN: field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT | PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_HIDDEN); break; case VISIBLE_BUT_DOES_NOT_PRINT: break; case HIDDEN_BUT_PRINTABLE: field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT | PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_NOVIEW); break; default: field.setFlags(PdfAnnotation.FLAGS_PRINT); break; } if (tp != null) field.setMKNormalIcon(tp); field.setMKTextPosition(layout - 1); PdfName scale = PdfName.A; if (scaleIcon == SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_BIG) scale = PdfName.B; else if (scaleIcon == SCALE_ICON_IS_TOO_SMALL) scale = PdfName.S; else if (scaleIcon == SCALE_ICON_NEVER) scale = PdfName.N; field.setMKIconFit(scale, proportionalIcon ? PdfName.P : PdfName.A, iconHorizontalAdjustment, iconVerticalAdjustment, iconFitToBounds); return field; } /** * Getter for property iconFitToBounds. * @return Value of property iconFitToBounds. */ public boolean isIconFitToBounds() { return this.iconFitToBounds; } /** * If <CODE>true</CODE> the icon will be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation, * if <CODE>false</CODE> the border width will be taken into account. The default * is <CODE>false</CODE>. * @param iconFitToBounds if <CODE>true</CODE> the icon will be scaled to fit fully within the bounds of the annotation, * if <CODE>false</CODE> the border width will be taken into account */ public void setIconFitToBounds(boolean iconFitToBounds) { this.iconFitToBounds = iconFitToBounds; } /** * Holds value of property iconReference. */ private PRIndirectReference iconReference; /** * Gets the reference to an existing icon. * @return the reference to an existing icon. */ public PRIndirectReference getIconReference() { return this.iconReference; } /** * Sets the reference to an existing icon. * @param iconReference the reference to an existing icon */ public void setIconReference(PRIndirectReference iconReference) { this.iconReference = iconReference; } }
⏎ com/itextpdf/text/pdf/
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⇒ iText-2.1.6.jar - iText, a JAVA-PDF library
⇐ iText layout.jar Source Code
2021-07-03, 132786👍, 0💬
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