iText 5 itextpdf.jar Source Code

itextpdf.jar is a component in iText 5 Java library to provide core functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided at iText GitHub site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using pom.xml as the build configuration file.

The source code of itextpdf-5.5.14.jar is provided below:



 * This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2020 iText Group NV
 * Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
 * following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
 * See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, see or write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:
 * The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
 * of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
 * Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
 * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
 * a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
 * or manipulated using iText.
 * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
 * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
 * develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
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 * These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
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 * For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
 * address:
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf.languages;

import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BidiLine;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BidiOrder;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter;
import java.util.HashMap;

 * Shape arabic characters. This code was inspired by an LGPL'ed C library:
 * Pango ( see ). Note that the code of this class is
 * the original work of Paulo Soares.
 * @author Paulo Soares
public class ArabicLigaturizer implements LanguageProcessor {
    private static final HashMap<Character,char[]> maptable = new HashMap<Character, char[]>();
     * Some fonts do not implement ligaturized variations on Arabic characters
     * e.g. Simplified Arabic has got code point 0xFEED but not 0xFEEE
    private static final HashMap<Character, Character> reverseLigatureMapTable = new HashMap<Character, Character>();
    static boolean isVowel(char s) {
        return ((s >= 0x064B) && (s <= 0x0655)) || (s == 0x0670);

    static char charshape(char s, int which)
    /* which 0=isolated 1=final 2=initial 3=medial */
        if ((s >= 0x0621) && (s <= 0x06D3)) {
            char[] c = maptable.get(Character.valueOf(s));
            if (c != null)
                return c[which + 1];
        else if (s >= 0xfef5 && s <= 0xfefb)
            return (char)(s + which);
        return s;

    static int shapecount(char s) {
        if ((s >= 0x0621) && (s <= 0x06D3) && !isVowel(s)) {
            char[] c = maptable.get(Character.valueOf(s));
            if (c != null)
                return c.length - 1;
        else if (s == ZWJ) {
            return 4;
        return 1;
    static int ligature(char newchar, charstruct oldchar) {
    /* 0 == no ligature possible; 1 == vowel; 2 == two chars; 3 == Lam+Alef */
        int retval = 0;
        if (oldchar.basechar == 0)
            return 0;
        if (isVowel(newchar)) {
            retval = 1;
            if ((oldchar.vowel != 0) && (newchar != SHADDA)) {
                retval = 2;           /* we eliminate the old vowel .. */
            switch (newchar) {
                case SHADDA:
                    if (oldchar.mark1 == 0) {
                        oldchar.mark1 = SHADDA;
                    else {
                        return 0;         /* no ligature possible */
                case HAMZABELOW:
                    switch (oldchar.basechar) {
                        case ALEF:
                            oldchar.basechar = ALEFHAMZABELOW;
                            retval = 2;
                        case LAM_ALEF:
                            oldchar.basechar = LAM_ALEFHAMZABELOW;
                            retval = 2;
                            oldchar.mark1 = HAMZABELOW;
                case HAMZAABOVE:
                    switch (oldchar.basechar) {
                        case ALEF:
                            oldchar.basechar = ALEFHAMZA;
                            retval = 2;
                        case LAM_ALEF:
                            oldchar.basechar = LAM_ALEFHAMZA;
                            retval = 2;
                        case WAW:
                            oldchar.basechar = WAWHAMZA;
                            retval = 2;
                        case YEH:
                        case ALEFMAKSURA:
                        case FARSIYEH:
                            oldchar.basechar = YEHHAMZA;
                            retval = 2;
                        default:           /* whatever sense this may make .. */
                            oldchar.mark1 = HAMZAABOVE;
                case MADDA:
                    switch (oldchar.basechar) {
                        case ALEF:
                            oldchar.basechar = ALEFMADDA;
                            retval = 2;
                    oldchar.vowel = newchar;
            if (retval == 1) {
            return retval;
        if (oldchar.vowel != 0) {  /* if we already joined a vowel, we can't join a Hamza */
            return 0;
        switch (oldchar.basechar) {
            case LAM:
                switch (newchar) {
                    case ALEF:
                        oldchar.basechar = LAM_ALEF;
                        oldchar.numshapes = 2;
                        retval = 3;
                    case ALEFHAMZA:
                        oldchar.basechar = LAM_ALEFHAMZA;
                        oldchar.numshapes = 2;
                        retval = 3;
                    case ALEFHAMZABELOW:
                        oldchar.basechar = LAM_ALEFHAMZABELOW;
                        oldchar.numshapes = 2;
                        retval = 3;
                    case ALEFMADDA:
                        oldchar.basechar = LAM_ALEFMADDA;
                        oldchar.numshapes = 2;
                        retval = 3;
            case 0:
                oldchar.basechar = newchar;
                oldchar.numshapes = shapecount(newchar);
                retval = 1;
        return retval;
    static void copycstostring(StringBuffer string, charstruct s, int level) {
    /* s is a shaped charstruct; i is the index into the string */
        if (s.basechar == 0)
        if (s.mark1 != 0) {
            if ((level & ar_novowel) == 0) {
            else {
        if (s.vowel != 0) {
            if ((level & ar_novowel) == 0) {
            else {                       /* vowel elimination */
//        while (s.lignum > 0) {                           /* NULL-insertion for Langbox-font */
//            string[i] = 0;
//            i++;
//            (s.lignum)--;
//        }
//        return i;

    // return len
    static void doublelig(StringBuffer string, int level)
    /* Ok. We have presentation ligatures in our font. */
        int len;
        int olen = len = string.length();
        int j = 0, si = 1;
        char lapresult;
        while (si < olen) {
            lapresult = 0;
            if ((level & ar_composedtashkeel) != 0) {
                switch (string.charAt(j)) {
                    case SHADDA:
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case KASRA:
                                lapresult = 0xFC62;
                            case FATHA:
                                lapresult = 0xFC60;
                            case DAMMA:
                                lapresult = 0xFC61;
                            case 0x064C:
                                lapresult = 0xFC5E;
                            case 0x064D:
                                lapresult = 0xFC5F;
                    case KASRA:
                        if (string.charAt(si) == SHADDA)
                            lapresult = 0xFC62;
                    case FATHA:
                        if (string.charAt(si) == SHADDA)
                            lapresult = 0xFC60;
                    case DAMMA:
                        if (string.charAt(si) == SHADDA)
                            lapresult = 0xFC61;
            if ((level & ar_lig) != 0) {
                switch (string.charAt(j)) {
                    case 0xFEDF:       /* LAM initial */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFE9E:
                                lapresult = 0xFC3F;
                                break;        /* JEEM final */
                            case 0xFEA0:
                                lapresult = 0xFCC9;
                                break;        /* JEEM medial */
                            case 0xFEA2:
                                lapresult = 0xFC40;
                                break;        /* HAH final */
                            case 0xFEA4:
                                lapresult = 0xFCCA;
                                break;        /* HAH medial */
                            case 0xFEA6:
                                lapresult = 0xFC41;
                                break;        /* KHAH final */
                            case 0xFEA8:
                                lapresult = 0xFCCB;
                                break;        /* KHAH medial */
                            case 0xFEE2:
                                lapresult = 0xFC42;
                                break;        /* MEEM final */
                            case 0xFEE4:
                                lapresult = 0xFCCC;
                                break;        /* MEEM medial */
                    case 0xFE97:       /* TEH inital */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFEA0:
                                lapresult = 0xFCA1;
                                break;        /* JEEM medial */
                            case 0xFEA4:
                                lapresult = 0xFCA2;
                                break;        /* HAH medial */
                            case 0xFEA8:
                                lapresult = 0xFCA3;
                                break;        /* KHAH medial */
                    case 0xFE91:       /* BEH inital */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFEA0:
                                lapresult = 0xFC9C;
                                break;        /* JEEM medial */
                            case 0xFEA4:
                                lapresult = 0xFC9D;
                                break;        /* HAH medial */
                            case 0xFEA8:
                                lapresult = 0xFC9E;
                                break;        /* KHAH medial */
                    case 0xFEE7:       /* NOON inital */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFEA0:
                                lapresult = 0xFCD2;
                                break;        /* JEEM initial */
                            case 0xFEA4:
                                lapresult = 0xFCD3;
                                break;        /* HAH medial */
                            case 0xFEA8:
                                lapresult = 0xFCD4;
                                break;        /* KHAH medial */
                    case 0xFEE8:       /* NOON medial */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFEAE:
                                lapresult = 0xFC8A;
                                break;        /* REH final  */
                            case 0xFEB0:
                                lapresult = 0xFC8B;
                                break;        /* ZAIN final */
                    case 0xFEE3:       /* MEEM initial */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFEA0:
                                lapresult = 0xFCCE;
                                break;        /* JEEM medial */
                            case 0xFEA4:
                                lapresult = 0xFCCF;
                                break;        /* HAH medial */
                            case 0xFEA8:
                                lapresult = 0xFCD0;
                                break;        /* KHAH medial */
                            case 0xFEE4:
                                lapresult = 0xFCD1;
                                break;        /* MEEM medial */
                    case 0xFED3:       /* FEH initial */
                        switch (string.charAt(si)) {
                            case 0xFEF2:
                                lapresult = 0xFC32;
                                break;        /* YEH final */
                }                   /* end switch string[si] */
            if (lapresult != 0) {
                string.setCharAt(j, lapresult);
                si++;                 /* jump over one character */
                /* we'll have to change this, too. */
            else {
                string.setCharAt(j, string.charAt(si));

    static boolean connects_to_left(charstruct a) {
        return a.numshapes > 2;
    static void shape(char text[], StringBuffer string, int level) {
  /* string is assumed to be empty and big enough.
   * text is the original text.
   * This routine does the basic arabic reshaping.
   * *len the number of non-null characters.
   * Note: We have to unshape each character first!
        int join;
        int which;
        char nextletter;
        int p = 0;                     /* initialize for output */
        charstruct oldchar = new charstruct();
        charstruct curchar = new charstruct();
        while (p < text.length) {
            nextletter = text[p++];
            //nextletter = unshape (nextletter);
            join = ligature(nextletter, curchar);
            if (join == 0) {                       /* shape curchar */
                int nc = shapecount(nextletter);
                if (nc == 1) {
                    which = 0;        /* final or isolated */
                else {
                    which = 2;        /* medial or initial */
                if (connects_to_left(oldchar)) {
                which = which % (curchar.numshapes);
                curchar.basechar = charshape(curchar.basechar, which);
                /* get rid of oldchar */
                copycstostring(string, oldchar, level);
                oldchar = curchar;    /* new values in oldchar */
                /* init new curchar */
                curchar = new charstruct();
                curchar.basechar = nextletter;
                curchar.numshapes = nc;
                //          (*len) += unligature (&curchar, level);
            else if (join == 1) {
            //      else
            //        {
            //          (*len) += unligature (&curchar, level);
            //        }
            //      p = g_utf8_next_char (p);
        /* Handle last char */
        if (connects_to_left(oldchar))
            which = 1;
            which = 0;
        which = which % (curchar.numshapes);
        curchar.basechar = charshape(curchar.basechar, which);
        /* get rid of oldchar */
        copycstostring(string, oldchar, level);
        copycstostring(string, curchar, level);

    public static int arabic_shape(char src[], int srcoffset, int srclength, char dest[], int destoffset, int destlength, int level) {
        char str[] = new char[srclength];
        for (int k = srclength + srcoffset - 1; k >= srcoffset; --k)
            str[k - srcoffset] = src[k];
        StringBuffer string = new StringBuffer(srclength);
        shape(str, string, level);
        if ((level & (ar_composedtashkeel | ar_lig)) != 0)
            doublelig(string, level);
//        string.reverse();
        System.arraycopy(string.toString().toCharArray(), 0, dest, destoffset, string.length());
        return string.length();

    public static void processNumbers(char text[], int offset, int length, int options) {
        int limit = offset + length;
        if ((options & DIGITS_MASK) != 0) {
            char digitBase = '\u0030'; // European digits
            switch (options & DIGIT_TYPE_MASK) {
                case DIGIT_TYPE_AN:
                    digitBase = '\u0660';  // Arabic-Indic digits
                case DIGIT_TYPE_AN_EXTENDED:
                    digitBase = '\u06f0';  // Eastern Arabic-Indic digits (Persian and Urdu)
            switch (options & DIGITS_MASK) {
                case DIGITS_EN2AN: {
                    int digitDelta = digitBase - '\u0030';
                    for (int i = offset; i < limit; ++i) {
                        char ch = text[i];
                        if (ch <= '\u0039' && ch >= '\u0030') {
                            text[i] += digitDelta;
                case DIGITS_AN2EN: {
                    char digitTop = (char)(digitBase + 9);
                    int digitDelta = '\u0030' - digitBase;
                    for (int i = offset; i < limit; ++i) {
                        char ch = text[i];
                        if (ch <= digitTop && ch >= digitBase) {
                            text[i] += digitDelta;
                case DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_LR:
                    shapeToArabicDigitsWithContext(text, 0, length, digitBase, false);
                case DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_AL:
                    shapeToArabicDigitsWithContext(text, 0, length, digitBase, true);
    static void shapeToArabicDigitsWithContext(char[] dest, int start, int length, char digitBase,  boolean lastStrongWasAL) {
        digitBase -= '0'; // move common adjustment out of loop
        int limit = start + length;
        for(int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
            char ch = dest[i];
            switch (BidiOrder.getDirection(ch)) {
            case BidiOrder.L:
            case BidiOrder.R:
                lastStrongWasAL = false;
            case BidiOrder.AL:
                lastStrongWasAL = true;
            case BidiOrder.EN:
                if (lastStrongWasAL && ch <= '\u0039') {
                    dest[i] = (char)(ch + digitBase);
    public static Character getReverseMapping(char c) {
        return reverseLigatureMapTable.get(c);

    private static final char ALEF = 0x0627;
    private static final char ALEFHAMZA = 0x0623;
    private static final char ALEFHAMZABELOW = 0x0625;
    private static final char ALEFMADDA = 0x0622;
    private static final char LAM = 0x0644;
    private static final char HAMZA = 0x0621;
    private static final char TATWEEL = 0x0640;
    private static final char ZWJ = 0x200D;

    private static final char HAMZAABOVE = 0x0654;
    private static final char HAMZABELOW = 0x0655;

    private static final char WAWHAMZA = 0x0624;
    private static final char YEHHAMZA = 0x0626;
    private static final char WAW = 0x0648;
    private static final char ALEFMAKSURA = 0x0649;
    private static final char YEH = 0x064A;
    private static final char FARSIYEH = 0x06CC;

    private static final char SHADDA = 0x0651;
    private static final char KASRA = 0x0650;
    private static final char FATHA = 0x064E;
    private static final char DAMMA = 0x064F;
    private static final char MADDA = 0x0653;

    private static final char LAM_ALEF = 0xFEFB;
    private static final char LAM_ALEFHAMZA = 0xFEF7;
    private static final char LAM_ALEFHAMZABELOW = 0xFEF9;
    private static final char LAM_ALEFMADDA = 0xFEF5;

    private static final char chartable[][] = {
        {0x0621, 0xFE80}, /* HAMZA */
        {0x0622, 0xFE81, 0xFE82}, /* ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE */
        {0x0623, 0xFE83, 0xFE84}, /* ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE */
        {0x0624, 0xFE85, 0xFE86}, /* WAW WITH HAMZA ABOVE */
        {0x0625, 0xFE87, 0xFE88}, /* ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW */
        {0x0626, 0xFE89, 0xFE8A, 0xFE8B, 0xFE8C}, /* YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE */
        {0x0627, 0xFE8D, 0xFE8E}, /* ALEF */
        {0x0628, 0xFE8F, 0xFE90, 0xFE91, 0xFE92}, /* BEH */
        {0x0629, 0xFE93, 0xFE94}, /* TEH MARBUTA */
        {0x062A, 0xFE95, 0xFE96, 0xFE97, 0xFE98}, /* TEH */
        {0x062B, 0xFE99, 0xFE9A, 0xFE9B, 0xFE9C}, /* THEH */
        {0x062C, 0xFE9D, 0xFE9E, 0xFE9F, 0xFEA0}, /* JEEM */
        {0x062D, 0xFEA1, 0xFEA2, 0xFEA3, 0xFEA4}, /* HAH */
        {0x062E, 0xFEA5, 0xFEA6, 0xFEA7, 0xFEA8}, /* KHAH */
        {0x062F, 0xFEA9, 0xFEAA}, /* DAL */
        {0x0630, 0xFEAB, 0xFEAC}, /* THAL */
        {0x0631, 0xFEAD, 0xFEAE}, /* REH */
        {0x0632, 0xFEAF, 0xFEB0}, /* ZAIN */
        {0x0633, 0xFEB1, 0xFEB2, 0xFEB3, 0xFEB4}, /* SEEN */
        {0x0634, 0xFEB5, 0xFEB6, 0xFEB7, 0xFEB8}, /* SHEEN */
        {0x0635, 0xFEB9, 0xFEBA, 0xFEBB, 0xFEBC}, /* SAD */
        {0x0636, 0xFEBD, 0xFEBE, 0xFEBF, 0xFEC0}, /* DAD */
        {0x0637, 0xFEC1, 0xFEC2, 0xFEC3, 0xFEC4}, /* TAH */
        {0x0638, 0xFEC5, 0xFEC6, 0xFEC7, 0xFEC8}, /* ZAH */
        {0x0639, 0xFEC9, 0xFECA, 0xFECB, 0xFECC}, /* AIN */
        {0x063A, 0xFECD, 0xFECE, 0xFECF, 0xFED0}, /* GHAIN */
        {0x0640, 0x0640, 0x0640, 0x0640, 0x0640}, /* TATWEEL */
        {0x0641, 0xFED1, 0xFED2, 0xFED3, 0xFED4}, /* FEH */
        {0x0642, 0xFED5, 0xFED6, 0xFED7, 0xFED8}, /* QAF */
        {0x0643, 0xFED9, 0xFEDA, 0xFEDB, 0xFEDC}, /* KAF */
        {0x0644, 0xFEDD, 0xFEDE, 0xFEDF, 0xFEE0}, /* LAM */
        {0x0645, 0xFEE1, 0xFEE2, 0xFEE3, 0xFEE4}, /* MEEM */
        {0x0646, 0xFEE5, 0xFEE6, 0xFEE7, 0xFEE8}, /* NOON */
        {0x0647, 0xFEE9, 0xFEEA, 0xFEEB, 0xFEEC}, /* HEH */
        {0x0648, 0xFEED, 0xFEEE}, /* WAW */
        {0x0649, 0xFEEF, 0xFEF0, 0xFBE8, 0xFBE9}, /* ALEF MAKSURA */
        {0x064A, 0xFEF1, 0xFEF2, 0xFEF3, 0xFEF4}, /* YEH */
        {0x0671, 0xFB50, 0xFB51}, /* ALEF WASLA */
        {0x0679, 0xFB66, 0xFB67, 0xFB68, 0xFB69}, /* TTEH */
        {0x067A, 0xFB5E, 0xFB5F, 0xFB60, 0xFB61}, /* TTEHEH */
        {0x067B, 0xFB52, 0xFB53, 0xFB54, 0xFB55}, /* BEEH */
        {0x067E, 0xFB56, 0xFB57, 0xFB58, 0xFB59}, /* PEH */
        {0x067F, 0xFB62, 0xFB63, 0xFB64, 0xFB65}, /* TEHEH */
        {0x0680, 0xFB5A, 0xFB5B, 0xFB5C, 0xFB5D}, /* BEHEH */
        {0x0683, 0xFB76, 0xFB77, 0xFB78, 0xFB79}, /* NYEH */
        {0x0684, 0xFB72, 0xFB73, 0xFB74, 0xFB75}, /* DYEH */
        {0x0686, 0xFB7A, 0xFB7B, 0xFB7C, 0xFB7D}, /* TCHEH */
        {0x0687, 0xFB7E, 0xFB7F, 0xFB80, 0xFB81}, /* TCHEHEH */
        {0x0688, 0xFB88, 0xFB89}, /* DDAL */
        {0x068C, 0xFB84, 0xFB85}, /* DAHAL */
        {0x068D, 0xFB82, 0xFB83}, /* DDAHAL */
        {0x068E, 0xFB86, 0xFB87}, /* DUL */
        {0x0691, 0xFB8C, 0xFB8D}, /* RREH */
        {0x0698, 0xFB8A, 0xFB8B}, /* JEH */
        {0x06A4, 0xFB6A, 0xFB6B, 0xFB6C, 0xFB6D}, /* VEH */
        {0x06A6, 0xFB6E, 0xFB6F, 0xFB70, 0xFB71}, /* PEHEH */
        {0x06A9, 0xFB8E, 0xFB8F, 0xFB90, 0xFB91}, /* KEHEH */
        {0x06AD, 0xFBD3, 0xFBD4, 0xFBD5, 0xFBD6}, /* NG */
        {0x06AF, 0xFB92, 0xFB93, 0xFB94, 0xFB95}, /* GAF */
        {0x06B1, 0xFB9A, 0xFB9B, 0xFB9C, 0xFB9D}, /* NGOEH */
        {0x06B3, 0xFB96, 0xFB97, 0xFB98, 0xFB99}, /* GUEH */
        {0x06BA, 0xFB9E, 0xFB9F}, /* NOON GHUNNA */
        {0x06BB, 0xFBA0, 0xFBA1, 0xFBA2, 0xFBA3}, /* RNOON */
        {0x06BE, 0xFBAA, 0xFBAB, 0xFBAC, 0xFBAD}, /* HEH DOACHASHMEE */
        {0x06C0, 0xFBA4, 0xFBA5}, /* HEH WITH YEH ABOVE */
        {0x06C1, 0xFBA6, 0xFBA7, 0xFBA8, 0xFBA9}, /* HEH GOAL */
        {0x06C5, 0xFBE0, 0xFBE1}, /* KIRGHIZ OE */
        {0x06C6, 0xFBD9, 0xFBDA}, /* OE */
        {0x06C7, 0xFBD7, 0xFBD8}, /* U */
        {0x06C8, 0xFBDB, 0xFBDC}, /* YU */
        {0x06C9, 0xFBE2, 0xFBE3}, /* KIRGHIZ YU */
        {0x06CB, 0xFBDE, 0xFBDF}, /* VE */
        {0x06CC, 0xFBFC, 0xFBFD, 0xFBFE, 0xFBFF}, /* FARSI YEH */
        {0x06D0, 0xFBE4, 0xFBE5, 0xFBE6, 0xFBE7}, /* E */
        {0x06D2, 0xFBAE, 0xFBAF}, /* YEH BARREE */
        {0x06D3, 0xFBB0, 0xFBB1} /* YEH BARREE WITH HAMZA ABOVE */

    public static final int ar_nothing  = 0x0;
    public static final int ar_novowel = 0x1;
    public static final int ar_composedtashkeel = 0x4;
    public static final int ar_lig = 0x8;
     * Digit shaping option: Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits.
    public static final int DIGITS_EN2AN = 0x20;

     * Digit shaping option: Replace Arabic-Indic digits by European digits (U+0030...U+0039).
    public static final int DIGITS_AN2EN = 0x40;

     * Digit shaping option:
     * Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits
     * if the most recent strongly directional character
     * is an Arabic letter (its Bidi direction value is RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC).
     * The initial state at the start of the text is assumed to be not an Arabic,
     * letter, so European digits at the start of the text will not change.
     * Compare to DIGITS_ALEN2AN_INIT_AL.
    public static final int DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_LR = 0x60;

     * Digit shaping option:
     * Replace European digits (U+0030...U+0039) by Arabic-Indic digits
     * if the most recent strongly directional character
     * is an Arabic letter (its Bidi direction value is RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC).
     * The initial state at the start of the text is assumed to be an Arabic,
     * letter, so European digits at the start of the text will change.
     * Compare to DIGITS_ALEN2AN_INT_LR.
    public static final int DIGITS_EN2AN_INIT_AL = 0x80;

    /** Not a valid option value. */
    private static final int DIGITS_RESERVED = 0xa0;

     * Bit mask for digit shaping options.
    public static final int DIGITS_MASK = 0xe0;

     * Digit type option: Use Arabic-Indic digits (U+0660...U+0669).
    public static final int DIGIT_TYPE_AN = 0;

     * Digit type option: Use Eastern (Extended) Arabic-Indic digits (U+06f0...U+06f9).
    public static final int DIGIT_TYPE_AN_EXTENDED = 0x100;

     * Bit mask for digit type options.
    public static final int DIGIT_TYPE_MASK = 0x0100; // 0x3f00?

    static class charstruct {
        char basechar;
        char mark1;               /* has to be initialized to zero */
        char vowel;
        int lignum;           /* is a ligature with lignum aditional characters */
        int numshapes = 1;

    protected int options = 0;
    protected int runDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL;

    public ArabicLigaturizer() {

    public ArabicLigaturizer(int runDirection, int options) {
        this.runDirection = runDirection;
        this.options = options;

    public String process(String s) {
        return BidiLine.processLTR(s, runDirection, options);

     * Arabic is written from right to left.
     * @return true
     * @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.languages.LanguageProcessor#isRTL()
    public boolean isRTL() {
        return true;
    static {
        for (char[] c : chartable) {
            maptable.put(c[0], c);
            switch (c.length) {
                // only store the 2->1 and 4->3 mapping, if they are there
                case 5:
                    reverseLigatureMapTable.put(c[4], c[3]);
                case 3:
                    reverseLigatureMapTable.put(c[2], c[1]);
                    reverseLigatureMapTable.put(c[1], c[0]);
            if (c[0] == 0x0637 || c[0] == 0x0638) {
                reverseLigatureMapTable.put(c[4], c[1]);
                reverseLigatureMapTable.put(c[3], c[1]);



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