Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
    import java.io.Closeable;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
     * Checked exception used to signal fatal problems with mapping of
     * content, distinct from low-level I/O problems (signaled using
     * simple {@link java.io.IOException}s) or data encoding/decoding
     * problems (signaled with {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.exc.StreamReadException},
     * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.exc.StreamWriteException}).
     * One additional feature is the ability to denote relevant path
     * of references (during serialization/deserialization) to help in
     * troubleshooting.
    public class JsonMappingException
        extends DatabindException // @since 2.13
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 3L;
         * Let's limit length of reference chain, to limit damage in cases
         * of infinite recursion.
        final static int MAX_REFS_TO_LIST = 1000;
        /* Helper classes
         * Simple bean class used to contain references. References
         * can be added to indicate execution/reference path that
         * lead to the problem that caused this exception to be
         * thrown.
        public static class Reference implements Serializable
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; // changes between 2.7 and 2.8
            // transient since 2.8
            protected transient Object _from;
             * Name of field (for beans) or key (for Maps) that is part
             * of the reference. May be null for Collection types (which
             * generally have {@link #_index} defined), or when resolving
             * Map classes without (yet) having an instance to operate on.
            protected String _fieldName;
             * Index within a {@link Collection} instance that contained
             * the reference; used if index is relevant and available.
             * If either not applicable, or not available, -1 is used to
             * denote "not known" (or not relevant).
            protected int _index = -1;
             * Lazily-constructed description of this instance; needed mostly to
             * allow JDK serialization to work in case where {@link #_from} is
             * non-serializable (and has to be dropped) but we still want to pass
             * actual description along.
             * @since 2.8
            protected String _desc;
             * Default constructor for deserialization/sub-classing purposes
            protected Reference() { }
            public Reference(Object from) { _from = from; }
            public Reference(Object from, String fieldName) {
                _from = from;
                if (fieldName == null) {
                    throw new NullPointerException("Cannot pass null fieldName");
                _fieldName = fieldName;
            public Reference(Object from, int index) {
                _from = from;
                _index = index;
            // Setters to let Jackson deserialize instances, but not to be called from outside
            void setFieldName(String n) { _fieldName = n; }
            void setIndex(int ix) { _index = ix; }
            void setDescription(String d) { _desc = d; }
             * Object through which reference was resolved. Can be either
             * actual instance (usually the case for serialization), or
             * Class (usually the case for deserialization).
             * Note that this value must be `transient` to allow serializability (as
             * often such Object is NOT serializable; or, in case of `Class`, may
             * not available at the point of deserialization). As such will return
             * `null` if instance has been passed using JDK serialization.
            public Object getFrom() { return _from; }
            public String getFieldName() { return _fieldName; }
            public int getIndex() { return _index; }
            public String getDescription() {
                if (_desc == null) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    if (_from == null) { // can this ever occur?
                    } else {
                        Class<?> cls = (_from instanceof Class<?>) ? (Class<?>)_from : _from.getClass();
                        // Hmmh. Although Class.getName() is mostly ok, it does look
                        // butt-ugly for arrays.
                        // 06-Oct-2016, tatu: as per [databind#1403], `getSimpleName()` not so good
                        //   as it drops enclosing class. So let's try bit different approach
                        int arrays = 0;
                        while (cls.isArray()) {
                            cls = cls.getComponentType();
                        while (--arrays >= 0) {
                    if (_fieldName != null) {
                    } else if (_index >= 0) {
                    } else {
                    _desc = sb.toString();
                return _desc;
            public String toString() {
                return getDescription();
             * May need some cleaning here, given that `from` may or may not be serializable.
             * since 2.8
            Object writeReplace() {
                // as per [databind#1195], need to ensure description is not null, since
                // `_from` is transient
                return this;
        /* State/configuration
         * Path through which problem that triggering throwing of
         * this exception was reached.
        protected LinkedList<Reference> _path;
         * Underlying processor ({@link JsonParser} or {@link JsonGenerator}),
         * if known.
         * NOTE: typically not serializable hence <code>transient</code>
         * @since 2.7
        protected transient Closeable _processor;
        /* Life-cycle
         * @deprecated Since 2.7 Use variant that takes {@link JsonParser} instead
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(String msg) { super(msg); }
         * @deprecated Since 2.7 Use variant that takes {@link JsonParser} instead
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(String msg, Throwable rootCause) { super(msg, rootCause); }
         * @deprecated Since 2.7 Use variant that takes {@link JsonParser} instead
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(String msg, JsonLocation loc) { super(msg, loc); }
         * @deprecated Since 2.7 Use variant that takes {@link JsonParser} instead
        @Deprecated // since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(String msg, JsonLocation loc, Throwable rootCause) { super(msg, loc, rootCause); }
         * @since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(Closeable processor, String msg) {
            _processor = processor;
            if (processor instanceof JsonParser) {
                // 17-Aug-2015, tatu: Use of token location makes some sense from databinding,
                //   since actual parsing (current) location is typically only needed for low-level
                //   parsing exceptions.
                _location = ((JsonParser) processor).getTokenLocation();
         * @since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(Closeable processor, String msg, Throwable problem) {
            super(msg, problem);
            _processor = processor;
            // 31-Jan-2020: [databind#2482] Retain original location
            if (problem instanceof JacksonException) {
                _location = ((JacksonException) problem).getLocation();
            } else if (processor instanceof JsonParser) {
                _location = ((JsonParser) processor).getTokenLocation();
         * @since 2.7
        public JsonMappingException(Closeable processor, String msg, JsonLocation loc) {
            super(msg, loc);
            _processor = processor;
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(JsonParser p, String msg) {
            return new JsonMappingException(p, msg);
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(JsonParser p, String msg, Throwable problem) {
            return new JsonMappingException(p, msg, problem);
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(JsonGenerator g, String msg) {
            return new JsonMappingException(g, msg, (Throwable) null);
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(JsonGenerator g, String msg, Throwable problem) {
            return new JsonMappingException(g, msg, problem);
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(DeserializationContext ctxt, String msg) {
            return new JsonMappingException(_parser(ctxt), msg);
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(DeserializationContext ctxt, String msg, Throwable t) {
            return new JsonMappingException(_parser(ctxt), msg, t);
        // @since 2.14
        private static JsonParser _parser(DeserializationContext ctxt) {
            return (ctxt == null) ? null : ctxt.getParser();
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(SerializerProvider ctxt, String msg) {
            return new JsonMappingException(_generator(ctxt), msg);
         * @since 2.7
        public static JsonMappingException from(SerializerProvider ctxt, String msg, Throwable problem) {
            /* 17-Aug-2015, tatu: As per [databind#903] this is bit problematic as
             *   SerializerProvider instance does not currently hold on to generator...
            return new JsonMappingException(_generator(ctxt), msg, problem);
        // @since 2.14
        private static JsonGenerator _generator(SerializerProvider ctxt) {
            return (ctxt == null) ? null : ctxt.getGenerator();
         * Factory method used when "upgrading" an {@link IOException} into
         * {@link JsonMappingException}: usually only needed to comply with
         * a signature.
         * NOTE: since 2.9 should usually NOT be used on input-side (deserialization)
         *    exceptions; instead use method(s) of <code>InputMismatchException</code>
         * @since 2.1
        public static JsonMappingException fromUnexpectedIOE(IOException src) {
            return new JsonMappingException(null,
                    String.format("Unexpected IOException (of type %s): %s",
         * Method that can be called to either create a new JsonMappingException
         * (if underlying exception is not a JsonMappingException), or augment
         * given exception with given path/reference information.
         * This version of method is called when the reference is through a
         * non-indexed object, such as a Map or POJO/bean.
        public static JsonMappingException wrapWithPath(Throwable src, Object refFrom,
                String refFieldName) {
            return wrapWithPath(src, new Reference(refFrom, refFieldName));
         * Method that can be called to either create a new JsonMappingException
         * (if underlying exception is not a JsonMappingException), or augment
         * given exception with given path/reference information.
         * This version of method is called when the reference is through an
         * index, which happens with arrays and Collections.
        public static JsonMappingException wrapWithPath(Throwable src, Object refFrom, int index) {
            return wrapWithPath(src, new Reference(refFrom, index));
         * Method that can be called to either create a new JsonMappingException
         * (if underlying exception is not a JsonMappingException), or augment
         * given exception with given path/reference information.
        public static JsonMappingException wrapWithPath(Throwable src, Reference ref)
            JsonMappingException jme;
            if (src instanceof JsonMappingException) {
                jme = (JsonMappingException) src;
            } else {
                // [databind#2128]: try to avoid duplication
                String msg = ClassUtil.exceptionMessage(src);
                // Let's use a more meaningful placeholder if all we have is null
                if (msg == null || msg.isEmpty()) {
                    msg = "(was "+src.getClass().getName()+")";
                // 17-Aug-2015, tatu: Let's also pass the processor (parser/generator) along
                Closeable proc = null;
                if (src instanceof JacksonException) {
                    Object proc0 = ((JacksonException) src).getProcessor();
                    if (proc0 instanceof Closeable) {
                        proc = (Closeable) proc0;
                jme = new JsonMappingException(proc, msg, src);
            return jme;
         * @since 2.13
        public JsonMappingException withCause(Throwable cause) {
            return this;
        /* Accessors/mutators
         * Method for accessing full structural path within type hierarchy
         * down to problematic property.
        public List<Reference> getPath()
            if (_path == null) {
                return Collections.emptyList();
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(_path);
         * Method for accessing description of path that lead to the
         * problem that triggered this exception
        public String getPathReference()
            return getPathReference(new StringBuilder()).toString();
        public StringBuilder getPathReference(StringBuilder sb)
            return sb;
         * Method called to prepend a reference information in front of
         * current path
        public void prependPath(Object referrer, String fieldName) {
            prependPath(new Reference(referrer, fieldName));
         * Method called to prepend a reference information in front of
         * current path
        public void prependPath(Object referrer, int index) {
            prependPath(new Reference(referrer, index));
        public void prependPath(Reference r)
            if (_path == null) {
                _path = new LinkedList<Reference>();
            /* Also: let's not increase without bounds. Could choose either
             * head or tail; tail is easier (no need to ever remove), as
             * well as potentially more useful so let's use it:
            if (_path.size() < MAX_REFS_TO_LIST) {
        /* Overridden methods
        @Override // since 2.8
        @JsonIgnore // as per [databind#1368]
        public Object getProcessor() { return _processor; }
        public String getLocalizedMessage() {
            return _buildMessage();
         * Method is overridden so that we can properly inject description
         * of problem path, if such is defined.
        public String getMessage() {
            return _buildMessage();
        protected String _buildMessage()
            // First: if we have no path info, let's just use parent's definition as is
            String msg = super.getMessage();
            if (_path == null) {
                return msg;
            StringBuilder sb = (msg == null) ? new StringBuilder() : new StringBuilder(msg);
            /* 18-Feb-2009, tatu: initially there was a linefeed between
             *    message and path reference; but unfortunately many systems
             *   (loggers, junit) seem to assume linefeeds are only added to
             *   separate stack trace.
            sb.append(" (through reference chain: ");
            sb = getPathReference(sb);
            return sb.toString();
        public String toString()
            return getClass().getName()+": "+getMessage();
        /* Internal methods
        protected void _appendPathDesc(StringBuilder sb)
            if (_path == null) {
            Iterator<Reference> it = _path.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                if (it.hasNext()) {



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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