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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind; import*; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.exc.StreamReadException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.FilteringParserDelegate; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.JsonPointerBasedFilter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.TokenFilter; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter.TokenFilter.Inclusion; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.ResolvedType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.ContextAttributes; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.DatatypeFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DataFormatReaders; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DefaultDeserializationContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.DeserializationProblemHandler; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TreeTraversingParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil; /** * Builder object that can be used for per-serialization configuration of * deserialization parameters, such as root type to use or object * to update (instead of constructing new instance). *<p> * Uses "mutant factory" pattern so that instances are immutable * (and thus fully thread-safe with no external synchronization); * new instances are constructed for different configurations. * Instances are initially constructed by {@link ObjectMapper} and can be * reused, shared, cached; both because of thread-safety and because * instances are relatively light-weight. *<p> * NOTE: this class is NOT meant as sub-classable (with Jackson 2.8 and * above) by users. It is left as non-final mostly to allow frameworks * that require bytecode generation for proxying and similar use cases, * but there is no expecation that functionality should be extended * by sub-classing. */ public class ObjectReader extends ObjectCodec implements Versioned, // since 2.1 { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; // since 2.9 /* /********************************************************** /* Immutable configuration from ObjectMapper /********************************************************** */ /** * General serialization configuration settings; while immutable, * can use copy-constructor to create modified instances as necessary. */ protected final DeserializationConfig _config; /** * Blueprint instance of deserialization context; used for creating * actual instance when needed. */ protected final DefaultDeserializationContext _context; /** * Factory used for constructing {@link JsonGenerator}s */ protected final JsonFactory _parserFactory; /** * Flag that indicates whether root values are expected to be unwrapped or not */ protected final boolean _unwrapRoot; /** * Filter to be consider for JsonParser. * Default value to be null as filter not considered. */ private final TokenFilter _filter; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration that can be changed during building /********************************************************** */ /** * Declared type of value to instantiate during deserialization. * Defines which deserializer to use; as well as base type of instance * to construct if an updatable value is not configured to be used * (subject to changes by embedded type information, for polymorphic * types). If {@link #_valueToUpdate} is non-null, only used for * locating deserializer. */ protected final JavaType _valueType; /** * We may pre-fetch deserializer as soon as {@link #_valueType} * is known, and if so, reuse it afterwards. * This allows avoiding further deserializer lookups and increases * performance a bit on cases where readers are reused. * * @since 2.1 */ protected final JsonDeserializer<Object> _rootDeserializer; /** * Instance to update with data binding; if any. If null, * a new instance is created, if non-null, properties of * this value object will be updated instead. * Note that value can be of almost any type, except not * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.ArrayType}; array * types cannot be modified because array size is immutable. */ protected final Object _valueToUpdate; /** * When using data format that uses a schema, schema is passed * to parser. */ protected final FormatSchema _schema; /** * Values that can be injected during deserialization, if any. */ protected final InjectableValues _injectableValues; /** * Optional detector used for auto-detecting data format that byte-based * input uses. *<p> * NOTE: If defined non-null, <code>readValue()</code> methods that take * {@link Reader} or {@link String} input <b>will fail with exception</b>, * because format-detection only works on byte-sources. Also, if format * cannot be detect reliably (as per detector settings), * a {@link StreamReadException} will be thrown). * * @since 2.1 */ protected final DataFormatReaders _dataFormatReaders; /* /********************************************************** /* Caching /********************************************************** */ /** * Root-level cached deserializers. * Passed by {@link ObjectMapper}, shared with it. */ final protected ConcurrentHashMap<JavaType, JsonDeserializer<Object>> _rootDeserializers; /** * Lazily resolved {@link JavaType} for {@link JsonNode} */ protected transient JavaType _jsonNodeType; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle, construction /********************************************************** */ /** * Constructor used by {@link ObjectMapper} for initial instantiation */ protected ObjectReader(ObjectMapper mapper, DeserializationConfig config) { this(mapper, config, null, null, null, null); } /** * Constructor called when a root deserializer should be fetched based * on other configuration. */ protected ObjectReader(ObjectMapper mapper, DeserializationConfig config, JavaType valueType, Object valueToUpdate, FormatSchema schema, InjectableValues injectableValues) { _config = config; _context = mapper._deserializationContext; _rootDeserializers = mapper._rootDeserializers; _parserFactory = mapper._jsonFactory; _valueType = valueType; _valueToUpdate = valueToUpdate; _schema = schema; _injectableValues = injectableValues; _unwrapRoot = config.useRootWrapping(); _rootDeserializer = _prefetchRootDeserializer(valueType); _dataFormatReaders = null; _filter = null; } /** * Copy constructor used for building variations. */ protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config, JavaType valueType, JsonDeserializer<Object> rootDeser, Object valueToUpdate, FormatSchema schema, InjectableValues injectableValues, DataFormatReaders dataFormatReaders) { _config = config; _context = base._context; _rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers; _parserFactory = base._parserFactory; _valueType = valueType; _rootDeserializer = rootDeser; _valueToUpdate = valueToUpdate; _schema = schema; _injectableValues = injectableValues; _unwrapRoot = config.useRootWrapping(); _dataFormatReaders = dataFormatReaders; _filter = base._filter; } /** * Copy constructor used when modifying simple feature flags */ protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config) { _config = config; _context = base._context; _rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers; _parserFactory = base._parserFactory; _valueType = base._valueType; _rootDeserializer = base._rootDeserializer; _valueToUpdate = base._valueToUpdate; _schema = base._schema; _injectableValues = base._injectableValues; _unwrapRoot = config.useRootWrapping(); _dataFormatReaders = base._dataFormatReaders; _filter = base._filter; } protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, JsonFactory f) { // may need to override ordering, based on data format capabilities _config = base._config .with(MapperFeature.SORT_PROPERTIES_ALPHABETICALLY, f.requiresPropertyOrdering()); _context = base._context; _rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers; _parserFactory = f; _valueType = base._valueType; _rootDeserializer = base._rootDeserializer; _valueToUpdate = base._valueToUpdate; _schema = base._schema; _injectableValues = base._injectableValues; _unwrapRoot = base._unwrapRoot; _dataFormatReaders = base._dataFormatReaders; _filter = base._filter; } protected ObjectReader(ObjectReader base, TokenFilter filter) { _config = base._config; _context = base._context; _rootDeserializers = base._rootDeserializers; _parserFactory = base._parserFactory; _valueType = base._valueType; _rootDeserializer = base._rootDeserializer; _valueToUpdate = base._valueToUpdate; _schema = base._schema; _injectableValues = base._injectableValues; _unwrapRoot = base._unwrapRoot; _dataFormatReaders = base._dataFormatReaders; _filter = filter; } /** * Method that will return version information stored in and read from jar * that contains this class. */ @Override public Version version() { return com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.PackageVersion.VERSION; } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods used internally for invoking constructors /* Need to be overridden if sub-classing (not recommended) /* is used. /********************************************************** */ /** * Overridable factory method called by various "withXxx()" methods * * @since 2.5 */ protected ObjectReader _new(ObjectReader base, JsonFactory f) { return new ObjectReader(base, f); } /** * Overridable factory method called by various "withXxx()" methods * * @since 2.5 */ protected ObjectReader _new(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config) { return new ObjectReader(base, config); } /** * Overridable factory method called by various "withXxx()" methods * * @since 2.5 */ protected ObjectReader _new(ObjectReader base, DeserializationConfig config, JavaType valueType, JsonDeserializer<Object> rootDeser, Object valueToUpdate, FormatSchema schema, InjectableValues injectableValues, DataFormatReaders dataFormatReaders) { return new ObjectReader(base, config, valueType, rootDeser, valueToUpdate, schema, injectableValues, dataFormatReaders); } /** * Factory method used to create {@link MappingIterator} instances; * either default, or custom subtype. * * @since 2.5 */ protected <T> MappingIterator<T> _newIterator(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonDeserializer<?> deser, boolean parserManaged) { return new MappingIterator<T>(_valueType, p, ctxt, deser, parserManaged, _valueToUpdate); } /* /********************************************************** /* Methods for initializing parser instance to use /********************************************************** */ protected JsonToken _initForReading(DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonParser p) throws IOException { _config.initialize(p, _schema); /* First: must point to a token; if not pointing to one, advance. * This occurs before first read from JsonParser, as well as * after clearing of current token. */ JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t == null) { // and then we must get something... t = p.nextToken(); if (t == null) { // Throw mapping exception, since it's failure to map, not an actual parsing problem ctxt.reportInputMismatch(_valueType, "No content to map due to end-of-input"); } } return t; } /** * Alternative to {@link #_initForReading} used in cases where reading * of multiple values means that we may or may not want to advance the stream, * but need to do other initialization. *<p> * Base implementation only sets configured {@link FormatSchema}, if any, on parser. * * @since 2.8 */ protected void _initForMultiRead(DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonParser p) throws IOException { _config.initialize(p, _schema); } /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for DeserializationFeatures /********************************************************** */ /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature enabled. */ public ObjectReader with(DeserializationFeature feature) { return _with(_config.with(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features enabled. */ public ObjectReader with(DeserializationFeature first, DeserializationFeature... other) { return _with(_config.with(first, other)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features enabled. */ public ObjectReader withFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features) { return _with(_config.withFeatures(features)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature disabled. */ public ObjectReader without(DeserializationFeature feature) { return _with(_config.without(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features disabled. */ public ObjectReader without(DeserializationFeature first, DeserializationFeature... other) { return _with(_config.without(first, other)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features disabled. */ public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(DeserializationFeature... features) { return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features)); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for DatatypeFeatures (2.14+) /********************************************************************** */ /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature enabled. * * @since 2.14 */ public ObjectReader with(DatatypeFeature feature) { return _with(_config.with(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features enabled. * * @since 2.14 */ public ObjectReader withFeatures(DatatypeFeature... features) { return _with(_config.withFeatures(features)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature disabled. * * @since 2.14 */ public ObjectReader without(DatatypeFeature feature) { return _with(_config.without(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features disabled. * * @since 2.14 */ public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(DatatypeFeature... features) { return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for JsonParser.Features /* (to be deprecated in 2.12?) /********************************************************** */ /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature enabled. * * @param feature Feature to enable * * @return Reader instance with specified feature enabled */ public ObjectReader with(JsonParser.Feature feature) { return _with(_config.with(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features enabled. * * @param features Features to enable * * @return Reader instance with specified features enabled */ public ObjectReader withFeatures(JsonParser.Feature... features) { return _with(_config.withFeatures(features)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature disabled. * * @param feature Feature to disable * * @return Reader instance with specified feature disabled */ public ObjectReader without(JsonParser.Feature feature) { return _with(_config.without(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features disabled. * * @param features Features to disable * * @return Reader instance with specified features disabled */ public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(JsonParser.Feature... features) { return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features)); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for StreamReadFeatures (added in 2.11) /********************************************************************** */ /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature enabled. * * @return Reader instance with specified feature enabled * * @since 2.11 */ public ObjectReader with(StreamReadFeature feature) { return _with(_config.with(feature.mappedFeature())); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature disabled. * * @return Reader instance with specified feature enabled * * @since 2.11 */ public ObjectReader without(StreamReadFeature feature) { return _with(_config.without(feature.mappedFeature())); } /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods for FormatFeature (2.7) /********************************************************** */ /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature enabled. * * @since 2.7 */ public ObjectReader with(FormatFeature feature) { return _with(_config.with(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features enabled. * * @since 2.7 */ public ObjectReader withFeatures(FormatFeature... features) { return _with(_config.withFeatures(features)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified feature disabled. * * @since 2.7 */ public ObjectReader without(FormatFeature feature) { return _with(_config.without(feature)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * with specified features disabled. * * @since 2.7 */ public ObjectReader withoutFeatures(FormatFeature... features) { return _with(_config.withoutFeatures(features)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle, fluent factory methods, other /********************************************************** */ /** * Convenience method to bind from {@link JsonPointer}. * {@link JsonPointerBasedFilter} is registered and will be used for parsing later. * @since 2.6 */ public ObjectReader at(final String pointerExpr) { _assertNotNull("pointerExpr", pointerExpr); return new ObjectReader(this, new JsonPointerBasedFilter(pointerExpr)); } /** * Convenience method to bind from {@link JsonPointer} * {@link JsonPointerBasedFilter} is registered and will be used for parsing later. * @since 2.6 */ public ObjectReader at(final JsonPointer pointer) { _assertNotNull("pointer", pointer); return new ObjectReader(this, new JsonPointerBasedFilter(pointer)); } /** * Mutant factory method that will construct a new instance that has * specified underlying {@link DeserializationConfig}. *<p> * NOTE: use of this method is not recommended, as there are many other * re-configuration methods available. */ public ObjectReader with(DeserializationConfig config) { return _with(config); } /** * Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that uses * passed {@link InjectableValues} to provide injectable values. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. */ public ObjectReader with(InjectableValues injectableValues) { if (_injectableValues == injectableValues) { return this; } return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, _valueToUpdate, _schema, injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance with configuration that uses * passed {@link JsonNodeFactory} for constructing {@link JsonNode} * instances. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. */ public ObjectReader with(JsonNodeFactory f) { return _with(_config.with(f)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance with configuration that uses * passed {@link JsonFactory} for constructing underlying Readers. *<p> * NOTE: only factories that <b>DO NOT REQUIRE SPECIAL MAPPERS</b> * (that is, ones that return <code>false</code> for * {@link JsonFactory#requiresCustomCodec()}) can be used: trying * to use one that requires custom codec will throw exception * * @since 2.1 */ public ObjectReader with(JsonFactory f) { if (f == _parserFactory) { return this; } ObjectReader r = _new(this, f); // Also, try re-linking, if possible... if (f.getCodec() == null) { f.setCodec(r); } return r; } /** * Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that * specifies what root name to expect for "root name unwrapping". * See {@link DeserializationConfig#withRootName(String)} for * details. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. */ public ObjectReader withRootName(String rootName) { return _with(_config.withRootName(rootName)); } /** * @since 2.6 */ public ObjectReader withRootName(PropertyName rootName) { return _with(_config.withRootName(rootName)); } /** * Convenience method that is same as calling: *<code> * withRootName("") *</code> * which will forcibly prevent use of root name wrapping when writing * values with this {@link ObjectReader}. * * @since 2.6 */ public ObjectReader withoutRootName() { return _with(_config.withRootName(PropertyName.NO_NAME)); } /** * Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that * passes specified {@link FormatSchema} to {@link JsonParser} that * is constructed for parsing content. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. */ public ObjectReader with(FormatSchema schema) { if (_schema == schema) { return this; } _verifySchemaType(schema); return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, _valueToUpdate, schema, _injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * to data bind into specified type. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. * * @since 2.5 */ public ObjectReader forType(JavaType valueType) { if (valueType != null && valueType.equals(_valueType)) { return this; } JsonDeserializer<Object> rootDeser = _prefetchRootDeserializer(valueType); // type is stored here, no need to make a copy of config DataFormatReaders det = _dataFormatReaders; if (det != null) { det = det.withType(valueType); } return _new(this, _config, valueType, rootDeser, _valueToUpdate, _schema, _injectableValues, det); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * to data bind into specified type. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. * * @since 2.5 */ public ObjectReader forType(Class<?> valueType) { return forType(_config.constructType(valueType)); } /** * Method for constructing a new reader instance that is configured * to data bind into specified type. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. * * @since 2.5 */ public ObjectReader forType(TypeReference<?> valueTypeRef) { return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueTypeRef.getType())); } /** * @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(JavaType)} instead */ @Deprecated public ObjectReader withType(JavaType valueType) { return forType(valueType); } /** * @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(Class)} instead */ @Deprecated public ObjectReader withType(Class<?> valueType) { return forType(_config.constructType(valueType)); } /** * @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(Class)} instead */ @Deprecated public ObjectReader withType(java.lang.reflect.Type valueType) { return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueType)); } /** * @deprecated since 2.5 Use {@link #forType(TypeReference)} instead */ @Deprecated public ObjectReader withType(TypeReference<?> valueTypeRef) { return forType(_config.getTypeFactory().constructType(valueTypeRef.getType())); } /** * Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that * updates passed Object (as root value), instead of constructing * a new value. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. */ public ObjectReader withValueToUpdate(Object value) { if (value == _valueToUpdate) return this; if (value == null) { // 18-Oct-2016, tatu: Actually, should be allowed, to remove value // to update, if any return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, null, _schema, _injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders); } JavaType t; /* no real benefit from pre-fetching, as updating readers are much * less likely to be reused, and value type may also be forced * with a later chained call... */ if (_valueType == null) { t = _config.constructType(value.getClass()); } else { t = _valueType; } return _new(this, _config, t, _rootDeserializer, value, _schema, _injectableValues, _dataFormatReaders); } /** * Method for constructing a new instance with configuration that * uses specified View for filtering. *<p> * Note that the method does NOT change state of this reader, but * rather construct and returns a newly configured instance. */ public ObjectReader withView(Class<?> activeView) { return _with(_config.withView(activeView)); } public ObjectReader with(Locale l) { return _with(_config.with(l)); } public ObjectReader with(TimeZone tz) { return _with(_config.with(tz)); } public ObjectReader withHandler(DeserializationProblemHandler h) { return _with(_config.withHandler(h)); } public ObjectReader with(Base64Variant defaultBase64) { return _with(_config.with(defaultBase64)); } /** * Fluent factory method for constructing a reader that will try to * auto-detect underlying data format, using specified list of * {@link JsonFactory} instances, and default {@link DataFormatReaders} settings * (for customized {@link DataFormatReaders}, you can construct instance yourself). * to construct appropriate {@link JsonParser} for actual parsing. *<p> * Note: since format detection only works with byte sources, it is possible to * get a failure from some 'readValue()' methods. Also, if input cannot be reliably * (enough) detected as one of specified types, an exception will be thrown. *<p> * Note: not all {@link JsonFactory} types can be passed: specifically, ones that * require "custom codec" (like XML factory) will not work. Instead, use * method that takes {@link ObjectReader} instances instead of factories. * * @param readers Data formats accepted, in decreasing order of priority (that is, * matches checked in listed order, first match wins) * * @return Newly configured writer instance * * @since 2.1 */ public ObjectReader withFormatDetection(ObjectReader... readers) { return withFormatDetection(new DataFormatReaders(readers)); } /** * Fluent factory method for constructing a reader that will try to * auto-detect underlying data format, using specified * {@link DataFormatReaders}. *<p> * NOTE: since format detection only works with byte sources, it is possible to * get a failure from some 'readValue()' methods. Also, if input cannot be reliably * (enough) detected as one of specified types, an exception will be thrown. * * @param readers DataFormatReaders to use for detecting underlying format. * * @return Newly configured writer instance * * @since 2.1 */ public ObjectReader withFormatDetection(DataFormatReaders readers) { return _new(this, _config, _valueType, _rootDeserializer, _valueToUpdate, _schema, _injectableValues, readers); } /** * @since 2.3 */ public ObjectReader with(ContextAttributes attrs) { return _with(_config.with(attrs)); } /** * @since 2.3 */ public ObjectReader withAttributes(Map<?,?> attrs) { return _with(_config.withAttributes(attrs)); } /** * @since 2.3 */ public ObjectReader withAttribute(Object key, Object value) { return _with( _config.withAttribute(key, value)); } /** * @since 2.3 */ public ObjectReader withoutAttribute(Object key) { return _with(_config.withoutAttribute(key)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridable factory methods may override /********************************************************** */ protected ObjectReader _with(DeserializationConfig newConfig) { if (newConfig == _config) { return this; } ObjectReader r = _new(this, newConfig); if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { r = r.withFormatDetection(_dataFormatReaders.with(newConfig)); } return r; } /* /********************************************************** /* Simple accessors /********************************************************** */ public boolean isEnabled(DeserializationFeature f) { return _config.isEnabled(f); } public boolean isEnabled(MapperFeature f) { return _config.isEnabled(f); } /** * @since 2.14 */ public boolean isEnabled(DatatypeFeature f) { return _config.isEnabled(f); } public boolean isEnabled(JsonParser.Feature f) { return _config.isEnabled(f, _parserFactory); } /** * @since 2.11 */ public boolean isEnabled(StreamReadFeature f) { return _config.isEnabled(f.mappedFeature(), _parserFactory); } /** * @since 2.2 */ public DeserializationConfig getConfig() { return _config; } /** * @since 2.1 */ @Override public JsonFactory getFactory() { return _parserFactory; } public TypeFactory getTypeFactory() { return _config.getTypeFactory(); } /** * @since 2.3 */ public ContextAttributes getAttributes() { return _config.getAttributes(); } /** * @since 2.6 */ public InjectableValues getInjectableValues() { return _injectableValues; } /** * @since 2.10 */ public JavaType getValueType() { return _valueType; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for creating JsonParsers (added in 2.11) /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified {@link File}. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(File src) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("src", src); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(src), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified {@link File}. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(URL src) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("src", src); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(src), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content using specified {@link InputStream}. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(InputStream in) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("in", in); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(in), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content using specified {@link Reader}. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(Reader r) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("r", r); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(r), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified byte array. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(byte[] content) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified byte array. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(byte[] content, int offset, int len) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content, offset, len), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified String. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(String content) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified character array * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(char[] content) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content from specified character array. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(char[] content, int offset, int len) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content, offset, len), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content using specified {@link DataInput}. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createParser(DataInput content) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createParser(content), _schema); } /** * Factory method for constructing properly initialized {@link JsonParser} * to read content using non-blocking (asynchronous) mode. * Parser is not managed (or "owned") by ObjectReader: caller is responsible * for properly closing it once content reading is complete. * * @since 2.11 */ public JsonParser createNonBlockingByteArrayParser() throws IOException { return _config.initialize(_parserFactory.createNonBlockingByteArrayParser(), _schema); } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserialization methods; basic ones to support ObjectCodec first /* (ones that take JsonParser) /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that binds content read using given parser, using * configuration of this reader, including expected result type. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return (T) _bind(p, _valueToUpdate); } /** * Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using * configuration of this reader, except that expected value type * is specified with the call (instead of currently configured root type). * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(p); } /** * Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using * configuration of this reader, except that expected value type * is specified with the call (instead of currently configured root type). * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, TypeReference<T> valueTypeRef) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return (T) forType(valueTypeRef).readValue(p); } /** * Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using * configuration of this reader, except that expected value type * is specified with the call (instead of currently configured root type). * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, ResolvedType valueType) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return (T) forType((JavaType)valueType).readValue(p); } /** * Type-safe overloaded method, basically alias for {@link #readValue(JsonParser, ResolvedType)}. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(JsonParser p, JavaType valueType) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(p); } /** * Convenience method that is equivalent to: *<pre> * withType(valueType).readValues(p); *</pre> *<p> * Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream. * Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding * JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array. * In either case {@link JsonParser} <b>MUST</b> point to the first token of * the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced * to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences, * parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding <code>START_ARRAY</code> (one that * contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first * token of the first value to read. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @Override public <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return forType(valueType).readValues(p); } /** * Convenience method that is equivalent to: *<pre> * withType(valueTypeRef).readValues(p); *</pre> *<p> * Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream. * Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding * JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array. * In either case {@link JsonParser} <b>MUST</b> point to the first token of * the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced * to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences, * parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding <code>START_ARRAY</code> (one that * contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first * token of the first value to read. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @Override public <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, TypeReference<T> valueTypeRef) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return forType(valueTypeRef).readValues(p); } /** * Convenience method that is equivalent to: *<pre> * withType(valueType).readValues(p); *</pre> *<p> * Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream. * Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding * JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array. * In either case {@link JsonParser} <b>MUST</b> point to the first token of * the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced * to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences, * parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding <code>START_ARRAY</code> (one that * contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first * token of the first value to read. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @Override public <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, ResolvedType valueType) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return readValues(p, (JavaType) valueType); } /** * Convenience method that is equivalent to: *<pre> * withType(valueType).readValues(p); *</pre> *<p> * Method reads a sequence of Objects from parser stream. * Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding * JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array. * In either case {@link JsonParser} <b>MUST</b> point to the first token of * the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced * to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences, * parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding <code>START_ARRAY</code> (one that * contains values to read) but rather to the token following it which is the first * token of the first value to read. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ public <T> Iterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p, JavaType valueType) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return forType(valueType).readValues(p); } /* /********************************************************** /* TreeCodec impl /********************************************************** */ @Override public JsonNode createArrayNode() { return _config.getNodeFactory().arrayNode(); } @Override public JsonNode createObjectNode() { return _config.getNodeFactory().objectNode(); } @Override // since 2.10 public JsonNode missingNode() { return _config.getNodeFactory().missingNode(); } @Override // since 2.10 public JsonNode nullNode() { return _config.getNodeFactory().nullNode(); } @Override public JsonParser treeAsTokens(TreeNode n) { _assertNotNull("n", n); // 05-Dec-2017, tatu: Important! Must clear "valueToUpdate" since we do not // want update to be applied here, as a side effect ObjectReader codec = withValueToUpdate(null); return new TreeTraversingParser((JsonNode) n, codec); } /** * Convenience method that binds content read using given parser, using * configuration of this reader, except that content is bound as * JSON tree instead of configured root value type. * Returns {@link JsonNode} that represents the root of the resulting tree, if there * was content to read, or {@code null} if no more content is accessible * via passed {@link JsonParser}. *<p> * NOTE! Behavior with end-of-input (no more content) differs between this * {@code readTree} method, and all other methods that take input source: latter * will return "missing node", NOT {@code null} *<p> * Note: if an object was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate}, it * will be ignored. *<p> * NOTE: this method never tries to auto-detect format, since actual * (data-format specific) parser is given. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T extends TreeNode> T readTree(JsonParser p) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); return (T) _bindAsTreeOrNull(p); } @Override public void writeTree(JsonGenerator g, TreeNode rootNode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserialization methods; others similar to what ObjectMapper has /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that binds content read from given input source, * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. * * @param src Source to read content from */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(InputStream src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return (T) _detectBindAndClose(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src), false); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(InputStream)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param src Source to read content from * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(InputStream src, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src); } /** * Method that binds content read from given input source, * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. * * @param src Source to read content from */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(Reader src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(Reader)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param src Source to read content from * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(Reader src, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src); } /** * Method that binds content read from given JSON string, * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. * * @param src String that contains content to read */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(String src) throws JsonProcessingException, JsonMappingException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } try { // since 2.10 remove "impossible" IOException as per [databind#1675] return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { // shouldn't really happen but being declared need to throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e); } } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(String)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param src String that contains content to read * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(String src, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src); } /** * Method that binds content read from given byte array, * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. * * @param content Byte array that contains encoded content to read */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(byte[] content) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return (T) _detectBindAndClose(content, 0, content.length); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(content), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(byte[])} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param content Byte array that contains encoded content to read * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(byte[] content, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(content); } /** * Method that binds content read from given byte array, * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. * * @param buffer Byte array that contains encoded content to read * @param offset Offset of the first content byte in {@code buffer} * @param length Length of content in {@code buffer}, in bytes */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return (T) _detectBindAndClose(buffer, offset, length); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(buffer, offset, length), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(byte[],int,int)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param buffer Byte array that contains encoded content to read * @param offset Offset of the first content byte in {@code buffer} * @param length Length of content in {@code buffer}, in bytes * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(buffer, offset, length); } /** * Method that binds content read from given {@link File} * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. * * @param src File that contains content to read */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(File src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return (T) _detectBindAndClose(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), true); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(File)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param src File that contains content to read * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(File src, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src); } /** * Method that binds content read from given input source, * using configuration of this reader. * Value return is either newly constructed, or root value that * was specified with {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)}. *<p> *<p> * NOTE: handling of {@link} is delegated to * {@link JsonFactory#createParser(} and usually simply * calls {@link}, meaning no special handling * is done. If different HTTP connection options are needed you will need * to create {@link} separately. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(URL src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return (T) _detectBindAndClose(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), true); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(URL)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param src URL pointing to resource that contains content to read * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(URL src, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(src); } /** * Convenience method for converting results from given JSON tree into given * value type. Basically short-cut for: *<pre> * objectReader.readValue(src.traverse()) *</pre> * * @param content Tree that contains content to convert */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public <T> T readValue(JsonNode content) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("content", content); if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(content); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(treeAsTokens(content), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(JsonNode)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param content Tree that contains content to convert * @param valueType Target type to convert content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public <T> T readValue(JsonNode content, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(content); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(DataInput src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } return (T) _bindAndClose(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readValue(DataInput)} except that target value type * overridden as {@code valueType} * * @param content DataInput that contains content to read * @param valueType Target type to bind content to * * @since 2.11 */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T readValue(DataInput content, Class<T> valueType) throws IOException { return (T) forType(valueType).readValue(content); } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserialization methods; JsonNode ("tree") /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that reads content from given input source, * using configuration of this reader, and binds it as JSON Tree. * Returns {@link JsonNode} that represents the root of the resulting tree, if there * was content to read, or "missing node" (instance of {@link JsonNode} for which * {@link JsonNode#isMissingNode()} returns true, and behaves otherwise similar to * "null node") if no more content is accessible through passed-in input source. *<p> * NOTE! Behavior with end-of-input (no more content) differs between this * {@code readTree} method, and {@link #readTree(JsonParser)} -- latter returns * {@code null} for "no content" case. *<p> * Note that if an object was specified with a call to * {@link #withValueToUpdate(Object)} * it will just be ignored; result is always a newly constructed * {@link JsonNode} instance. */ public JsonNode readTree(InputStream src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndCloseAsTree(src); } return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content accessed through * passed-in {@link Reader} */ public JsonNode readTree(Reader src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read from * passed-in {@link String} */ public JsonNode readTree(String json) throws JsonProcessingException, JsonMappingException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(json); } try { // since 2.10 remove "impossible" IOException as per [databind#1675] return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(json), false)); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { // shouldn't really happen but being declared need to throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e); } } /** * Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read from * passed-in byte array. */ public JsonNode readTree(byte[] json) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("json", json); if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(json); } return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(json), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read from * passed-in byte array. */ public JsonNode readTree(byte[] json, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(json); } return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(json, offset, len), false)); } /** * Same as {@link #readTree(InputStream)} except content read using * passed-in {@link DataInput}. */ public JsonNode readTree(DataInput src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } return _bindAndCloseAsTree(_considerFilter(createParser(src), false)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserialization methods; reading sequence of values /********************************************************** */ /** * Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream. *<p> * Sequence can be either root-level "unwrapped" sequence (without surrounding * JSON array), or a sequence contained in a JSON Array. * In either case {@link JsonParser} must point to the first token of * the first element, OR not point to any token (in which case it is advanced * to the next token). This means, specifically, that for wrapped sequences, * parser MUST NOT point to the surrounding <code>START_ARRAY</code> but rather * to the token following it. */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(JsonParser p) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("p", p); DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); // false -> do not close as caller gave parser instance return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), false); } /** * Method for reading sequence of Objects from parser stream. *<p> * Sequence can be either wrapped or unwrapped root-level sequence: * wrapped means that the elements are enclosed in JSON Array; * and unwrapped that elements are directly accessed at main level. * Assumption is that iff the first token of the document is * <code>START_ARRAY</code>, we have a wrapped sequence; otherwise * unwrapped. For wrapped sequences, leading <code>START_ARRAY</code> * is skipped, so that for both cases, underlying {@link JsonParser} * will point to what is expected to be the first token of the first * element. *<p> * Note that the wrapped vs unwrapped logic means that it is NOT * possible to use this method for reading an unwrapped sequence * of elements written as JSON Arrays: to read such sequences, one * has to use {@link #readValues(JsonParser)}, making sure parser * points to the first token of the first element (i.e. the second * <code>START_ARRAY</code> which is part of the first element). */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(InputStream src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndReadValues(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src), false); } return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true)); } /** * Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}. */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(Reader src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } JsonParser p = _considerFilter(createParser(src), true); DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); _initForMultiRead(ctxt, p); p.nextToken(); return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), true); } /** * Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}. * * @param json String that contains JSON content to parse */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(String json) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(json); } JsonParser p = _considerFilter(createParser(json), true); DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); _initForMultiRead(ctxt, p); p.nextToken(); return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), true); } /** * Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}. */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(byte[] src, int offset, int length) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndReadValues(_dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src, offset, length), false); } return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src, offset, length), true)); } /** * Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}. */ public final <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(byte[] src) throws IOException { _assertNotNull("src", src); return readValues(src, 0, src.length); } /** * Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}. */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(File src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndReadValues( _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), false); } return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true)); } /** * Overloaded version of {@link #readValue(InputStream)}. *<p> * NOTE: handling of {@link} is delegated to * {@link JsonFactory#createParser(} and usually simply * calls {@link}, meaning no special handling * is done. If different HTTP connection options are needed you will need * to create {@link} separately. * * @param src URL to read to access JSON content to parse. */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(URL src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { return _detectBindAndReadValues( _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(_inputStream(src)), true); } return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true)); } /** * @since 2.8 */ public <T> MappingIterator<T> readValues(DataInput src) throws IOException { if (_dataFormatReaders != null) { _reportUndetectableSource(src); } return _bindAndReadValues(_considerFilter(createParser(src), true)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Implementation of rest of ObjectCodec methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public <T> T treeToValue(TreeNode n, Class<T> valueType) throws JsonProcessingException { _assertNotNull("n", n); try { return readValue(treeAsTokens(n), valueType); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { // should not occur, no real i/o... throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e); } } /** * Same as {@link #treeToValue(TreeNode, Class)} but with type-resolved target value type. * * @since 2.13 */ public <T> T treeToValue(TreeNode n, JavaType valueType) throws JsonProcessingException { _assertNotNull("n", n); try { return readValue(treeAsTokens(n), valueType); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (IOException e) { // should not occur, no real i/o... throw JsonMappingException.fromUnexpectedIOE(e); } } @Override public void writeValue(JsonGenerator gen, Object value) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented for ObjectReader"); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods, data-binding /********************************************************** */ /** * Actual implementation of value reading+binding operation. */ protected Object _bind(JsonParser p, Object valueToUpdate) throws IOException { // First: may need to read the next token, to initialize state (either // before first read from parser, or after previous token has been cleared) Object result; final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); JsonToken t = _initForReading(ctxt, p); if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (valueToUpdate == null) { result = _findRootDeserializer(ctxt).getNullValue(ctxt); } else { result = valueToUpdate; } } else if (t == JsonToken.END_ARRAY || t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { result = valueToUpdate; } else { // pointing to event other than null result = ctxt.readRootValue(p, _valueType, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), _valueToUpdate); } // Need to consume the token too p.clearCurrentToken(); if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) { _verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _valueType); } return result; } protected Object _bindAndClose(JsonParser p0) throws IOException { try (JsonParser p = p0) { Object result; final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); JsonToken t = _initForReading(ctxt, p); if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (_valueToUpdate == null) { result = _findRootDeserializer(ctxt).getNullValue(ctxt); } else { result = _valueToUpdate; } } else if (t == JsonToken.END_ARRAY || t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { result = _valueToUpdate; } else { result = ctxt.readRootValue(p, _valueType, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), _valueToUpdate); } // No need to consume the token as parser gets closed anyway if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) { _verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _valueType); } return result; } } protected final JsonNode _bindAndCloseAsTree(JsonParser p0) throws IOException { try (JsonParser p = p0) { return _bindAsTree(p); } } protected final JsonNode _bindAsTree(JsonParser p) throws IOException { // 16-Apr-2021, tatu: Should usually NOT be called this way but // as per [databind#3122] should still work if (_valueToUpdate != null) { return (JsonNode) _bind(p, _valueToUpdate); } // Need to inline `_initForReading()` due to tree reading handling end-of-input specially _config.initialize(p); if (_schema != null) { p.setSchema(_schema); } JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t == null) { t = p.nextToken(); if (t == null) { return _config.getNodeFactory().missingNode(); } } final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); final JsonNode resultNode; if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { resultNode = _config.getNodeFactory().nullNode(); } else { // Will not be called for merge (need not pass _valueToUpdate) resultNode = (JsonNode) ctxt.readRootValue(p, _jsonNodeType(), _findTreeDeserializer(ctxt), null); } // Need to consume the token too p.clearCurrentToken(); if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) { _verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _jsonNodeType()); } return resultNode; } /** * Same as {@link #_bindAsTree} except end-of-input is reported by returning * {@code null}, not "missing node" */ protected final JsonNode _bindAsTreeOrNull(JsonParser p) throws IOException { // 16-Apr-2021, tatu: Should usually NOT be called this way but // as per [databind#3122] should still work if (_valueToUpdate != null) { return (JsonNode) _bind(p, _valueToUpdate); } // Need to inline `_initForReading()` (as per above) _config.initialize(p); if (_schema != null) { p.setSchema(_schema); } JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t == null) { t = p.nextToken(); if (t == null) { return null; } } final DefaultDeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); final JsonNode resultNode; if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { resultNode = _config.getNodeFactory().nullNode(); } else { // Will not be called for merge (need not pass _valueToUpdate) resultNode = (JsonNode) ctxt.readRootValue(p, _jsonNodeType(), _findTreeDeserializer(ctxt), null); } // Need to consume the token too p.clearCurrentToken(); if (_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_TRAILING_TOKENS)) { _verifyNoTrailingTokens(p, ctxt, _jsonNodeType()); } return resultNode; } /** * @since 2.1 */ protected <T> MappingIterator<T> _bindAndReadValues(JsonParser p) throws IOException { DeserializationContext ctxt = createDeserializationContext(p); _initForMultiRead(ctxt, p); p.nextToken(); return _newIterator(p, ctxt, _findRootDeserializer(ctxt), true); } /** * Consider filter when creating JsonParser. */ protected JsonParser _considerFilter(final JsonParser p, boolean multiValue) { // 26-Mar-2016, tatu: Need to allow multiple-matches at least if we have // have a multiple-value read (that is, "readValues()"). return ((_filter == null) || FilteringParserDelegate.class.isInstance(p)) ? p : new FilteringParserDelegate(p, _filter, Inclusion.ONLY_INCLUDE_ALL, multiValue); } /** * @since 2.9 */ protected final void _verifyNoTrailingTokens(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType bindType) throws IOException { JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if (t != null) { Class<?> bt = ClassUtil.rawClass(bindType); if (bt == null) { if (_valueToUpdate != null) { bt = _valueToUpdate.getClass(); } } ctxt.reportTrailingTokens(bt, p, t); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods, format auto-detection /********************************************************** */ protected Object _detectBindAndClose(byte[] src, int offset, int length) throws IOException { DataFormatReaders.Match match = _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(src, offset, length); if (!match.hasMatch()) { _reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match); } JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch(); return match.getReader()._bindAndClose(p); } protected Object _detectBindAndClose(DataFormatReaders.Match match, boolean forceClosing) throws IOException { if (!match.hasMatch()) { _reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match); } JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch(); // One more thing: we Own the input stream now; and while it's // not super clean way to do it, we must ensure closure so: if (forceClosing) { p.enable(JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE); } // important: use matching ObjectReader (may not be 'this') return match.getReader()._bindAndClose(p); } protected <T> MappingIterator<T> _detectBindAndReadValues(DataFormatReaders.Match match, boolean forceClosing) throws IOException { if (!match.hasMatch()) { _reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match); } JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch(); // One more thing: we Own the input stream now; and while it's // not super clean way to do it, we must ensure closure so: if (forceClosing) { p.enable(JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE); } // important: use matching ObjectReader (may not be 'this') return match.getReader()._bindAndReadValues(p); } protected JsonNode _detectBindAndCloseAsTree(InputStream in) throws IOException { DataFormatReaders.Match match = _dataFormatReaders.findFormat(in); if (!match.hasMatch()) { _reportUnkownFormat(_dataFormatReaders, match); } JsonParser p = match.createParserWithMatch(); p.enable(JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE); return match.getReader()._bindAndCloseAsTree(p); } /** * Method called to indicate that format detection failed to detect format * of given input */ protected void _reportUnkownFormat(DataFormatReaders detector, DataFormatReaders.Match match) throws IOException { // 17-Aug-2015, tatu: Unfortunately, no parser/generator available so: throw new JsonParseException(null, "Cannot detect format from input, does not look like any of detectable formats " +detector.toString()); } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods, other /********************************************************** */ /** * @since 2.2 */ protected void _verifySchemaType(FormatSchema schema) { if (schema != null) { if (!_parserFactory.canUseSchema(schema)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use FormatSchema of type "+schema.getClass().getName() +" for format "+_parserFactory.getFormatName()); } } } /** * Internal helper method called to create an instance of {@link DeserializationContext} * for deserializing a single root value. * Can be overridden if a custom context is needed. */ protected DefaultDeserializationContext createDeserializationContext(JsonParser p) { return _context.createInstance(_config, p, _injectableValues); } // @since 2.12 -- needed for Deserializer pre-fetch protected DefaultDeserializationContext createDummyDeserializationContext() { return _context.createDummyInstance(_config); } protected InputStream _inputStream(URL src) throws IOException { return src.openStream(); } protected InputStream _inputStream(File f) throws IOException { return new FileInputStream(f); } protected void _reportUndetectableSource(Object src) throws StreamReadException { // 17-Aug-2015, tatu: Unfortunately, no parser/generator available so: throw new JsonParseException(null, "Cannot use source of type " +src.getClass().getName()+" with format auto-detection: must be byte- not char-based"); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods, locating deserializers etc /********************************************************** */ /** * Method called to locate deserializer for the passed root-level value. */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _findRootDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws DatabindException { if (_rootDeserializer != null) { return _rootDeserializer; } // Sanity check: must have actual type... JavaType t = _valueType; if (t == null) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition((JavaType) null, "No value type configured for ObjectReader"); } // First: have we already seen it? JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _rootDeserializers.get(t); if (deser != null) { return deser; } // Nope: need to ask provider to resolve it deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(t); if (deser == null) { // can this happen? ctxt.reportBadDefinition(t, "Cannot find a deserializer for type "+t); } _rootDeserializers.put(t, deser); return deser; } /** * @since 2.6 */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _findTreeDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws DatabindException { final JavaType nodeType = _jsonNodeType(); JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _rootDeserializers.get(nodeType); if (deser == null) { // Nope: need to ask provider to resolve it deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(nodeType); if (deser == null) { // can this happen? ctxt.reportBadDefinition(nodeType, "Cannot find a deserializer for type "+nodeType); } _rootDeserializers.put(nodeType, deser); } return deser; } /** * Method called to locate deserializer ahead of time, if permitted * by configuration. Method also is NOT to throw an exception if * access fails. */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _prefetchRootDeserializer(JavaType valueType) { if ((valueType == null) || !_config.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.EAGER_DESERIALIZER_FETCH)) { return null; } // already cached? JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _rootDeserializers.get(valueType); if (deser == null) { try { // If not, need to resolve; for which we need a temporary context as well: DeserializationContext ctxt = createDummyDeserializationContext(); deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(valueType); if (deser != null) { _rootDeserializers.put(valueType, deser); } return deser; } catch (JacksonException e) { // need to swallow? } } return deser; } /** * @since 2.10 */ protected final JavaType _jsonNodeType() { JavaType t = _jsonNodeType; if (t == null) { t = getTypeFactory().constructType(JsonNode.class); _jsonNodeType = t; } return t; } protected final void _assertNotNull(String paramName, Object src) { if (src == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("argument \"%s\" is null", paramName)); } } }
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