Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

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    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedField;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedMethod;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedParameter;
     * Container for standard {@link PropertyNamingStrategy} implementations
     * and singleton instances.
     * Added in Jackson 2.12 to resolve issue
     * <a href="https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind/issues/2715">databind#2715</a>.
     * @since 2.12
    public abstract class PropertyNamingStrategies
        implements java.io.Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
        /* Static instances that may be referenced
         * Naming convention used in Java, where words other than first are capitalized
         * and no separator is used between words. Since this is the native Java naming convention,
         * naming strategy will not do any transformation between names in data (JSON) and
         * POJOS.
         * Example external property names would be "numberValue", "namingStrategy", "theDefiniteProof".
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy LOWER_CAMEL_CASE = LowerCamelCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
         * Naming convention used in languages like Pascal, where all words are capitalized
         * and no separator is used between words.
         * See {@link UpperCamelCaseStrategy} for details.
         * Example external property names would be "NumberValue", "NamingStrategy", "TheDefiniteProof".
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy UPPER_CAMEL_CASE = UpperCamelCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
         * Naming convention used in languages like C, where words are in lower-case
         * letters, separated by underscores.
         * See {@link SnakeCaseStrategy} for details.
         * Example external property names would be "number_value", "naming_strategy", "the_definite_proof".
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy SNAKE_CASE = SnakeCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
         * Naming convention in which the words are in upper-case letters, separated by underscores.
         * See {@link UpperSnakeCaseStrategy} for details.
         * @since 2.13
         * <p>
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy UPPER_SNAKE_CASE = UpperSnakeCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
         * Naming convention in which all words of the logical name are in lower case, and
         * no separator is used between words.
         * See {@link LowerCaseStrategy} for details.
         * Example external property names would be "numbervalue", "namingstrategy", "thedefiniteproof".
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy LOWER_CASE = LowerCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
         * Naming convention used in languages like Lisp, where words are in lower-case
         * letters, separated by hyphens.
         * See {@link KebabCaseStrategy} for details.
         * Example external property names would be "number-value", "naming-strategy", "the-definite-proof".
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy KEBAB_CASE = KebabCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
         * Naming convention widely used as configuration properties name, where words are in
         * lower-case letters, separated by dots.
         * See {@link LowerDotCaseStrategy} for details.
         * Example external property names would be "number.value", "naming.strategy", "the.definite.proof".
        public static final PropertyNamingStrategy LOWER_DOT_CASE = LowerDotCaseStrategy.INSTANCE;
        /* Public base class for simple implementations
         * Intermediate base class for simple implementations
        public static abstract class NamingBase
            extends PropertyNamingStrategy
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
            public String nameForField(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedField field, String defaultName) {
                return translate(defaultName);
            public String nameForGetterMethod(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedMethod method, String defaultName) {
                return translate(defaultName);
            public String nameForSetterMethod(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedMethod method, String defaultName) {
                return translate(defaultName);
            public String nameForConstructorParameter(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedParameter ctorParam,
                    String defaultName) {
                return translate(defaultName);
            public abstract String translate(String propertyName);
             * Helper method to share implementation between snake and dotted case.
            protected String translateLowerCaseWithSeparator(final String input, final char separator)
                if (input == null) {
                    return input; // garbage in, garbage out
                final int length = input.length();
                if (length == 0) {
                    return input;
                final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(length + (length >> 1));
                int upperCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
                    char ch = input.charAt(i);
                    char lc = Character.toLowerCase(ch);
                    if (lc == ch) { // lower-case letter means we can get new word
                        // but need to check for multi-letter upper-case (acronym), where assumption
                        // is that the last upper-case char is start of a new word
                        if (upperCount > 1) {
                            // so insert hyphen before the last character now
                            result.insert(result.length() - 1, separator);
                        upperCount = 0;
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise starts new word, unless beginning of string
                        if ((upperCount == 0) && (i > 0)) {
                return result.toString();
        /* Standard implementations
         * A {@link PropertyNamingStrategy} that translates typical camel case Java
         * property names to lower case JSON element names, separated by
         * underscores.  This implementation is somewhat lenient, in that it
         * provides some additional translations beyond strictly translating from
         * camel case only.  In particular, the following translations are applied
         * by this PropertyNamingStrategy.
         * <ul><li>Every upper case letter in the Java property name is translated
         * into two characters, an underscore and the lower case equivalent of the
         * target character, with three exceptions.
         * <ol><li>For contiguous sequences of upper case letters, characters after
         * the first character are replaced only by their lower case equivalent,
         * and are not preceded by an underscore.
         * <ul><li>This provides for reasonable translations of upper case acronyms,
         * e.g., &quot;theWWW&quot; is translated to &quot;the_www&quot;.</li></ul></li>
         * <li>An upper case character in the first position of the Java property
         * name is not preceded by an underscore character, and is translated only
         * to its lower case equivalent.
         * <ul><li>For example, &quot;Results&quot; is translated to &quot;results&quot;,
         * and not to &quot;_results&quot;.</li></ul></li>
         * <li>An upper case character in the Java property name that is already
         * preceded by an underscore character is translated only to its lower case
         * equivalent, and is not preceded by an additional underscore.
         * <ul><li>For example, &quot;user_Name&quot; is translated to
         * &quot;user_name&quot;, and not to &quot;user__name&quot; (with two
         * underscore characters).</li></ul></li></ol></li>
         * <li>If the Java property name starts with an underscore, then that
         * underscore is not included in the translated name, unless the Java
         * property name is just one character in length, i.e., it is the
         * underscore character.  This applies only to the first character of the
         * Java property name.</li></ul>
         * These rules result in the following additional example translations from
         * Java property names to JSON element names.
         * <ul><li>&quot;userName&quot; is translated to &quot;user_name&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;UserName&quot; is translated to &quot;user_name&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;USER_NAME&quot; is translated to &quot;user_name&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;user_name&quot; is translated to &quot;user_name&quot; (unchanged)</li>
         * <li>&quot;user&quot; is translated to &quot;user&quot; (unchanged)</li>
         * <li>&quot;User&quot; is translated to &quot;user&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;USER&quot; is translated to &quot;user&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;_user&quot; is translated to &quot;user&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;_User&quot; is translated to &quot;user&quot;</li>
         * <li>&quot;__user&quot; is translated to &quot;_user&quot;
         * (the first of two underscores was removed)</li>
         * <li>&quot;user__name&quot; is translated to &quot;user__name&quot;
         * (unchanged, with two underscores)</li></ul>
        public static class SnakeCaseStrategy extends NamingBase
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy();
            public String translate(String input)
                if (input == null) return input; // garbage in, garbage out
                int length = input.length();
                StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(length * 2);
                int resultLength = 0;
                boolean wasPrevTranslated = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    char c = input.charAt(i);
                    if (i > 0 || c != '_') // skip first starting underscore
                        if (Character.isUpperCase(c))
                            if (!wasPrevTranslated && resultLength > 0 && result.charAt(resultLength - 1) != '_')
                            c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
                            wasPrevTranslated = true;
                            wasPrevTranslated = false;
                return resultLength > 0 ? result.toString() : input;
         * A {@link PropertyNamingStrategy} that translates an input to the equivalent upper case snake
         * case. The class extends {@link PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy} to retain the
         * snake case conversion functionality offered by the strategy.
         * @since 2.13
        public static class UpperSnakeCaseStrategy extends SnakeCaseStrategy
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperSnakeCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperSnakeCaseStrategy();
            public String translate(String input) {
                String output = super.translate(input);
                if (output == null)
                    return null;
                return super.translate(input).toUpperCase();
         * "No-operation" strategy that is equivalent to not specifying any
         * strategy: will simply return suggested standard bean naming as-is.
        public static class LowerCamelCaseStrategy extends NamingBase
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerCamelCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerCamelCaseStrategy();
            public String translate(String input) {
                return input;
         * A {@link PropertyNamingStrategy} that translates typical camelCase Java 
         * property names to PascalCase JSON element names (i.e., with a capital
         * first letter).  In particular, the following translations are applied by 
         * this PropertyNamingStrategy.
         * <ul><li>The first lower-case letter in the Java property name is translated 
         * into its equivalent upper-case representation.</li></ul>
         * This rules result in the following example translation from 
         * Java property names to JSON element names.
         * <ul><li>&quot;userName&quot; is translated to &quot;UserName&quot;</li></ul>
        public static class UpperCamelCaseStrategy extends NamingBase
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperCamelCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.UpperCamelCaseStrategy();
             * Converts camelCase to PascalCase
             * For example, "userName" would be converted to
             * "UserName".
             * @param input formatted as camelCase string
             * @return input converted to PascalCase format
            public String translate(String input) {
                if (input == null || input.isEmpty()){
                    return input; // garbage in, garbage out
                // Replace first lower-case letter with upper-case equivalent
                char c = input.charAt(0);
                char uc = Character.toUpperCase(c);
                if (c == uc) {
                    return input;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input);
                sb.setCharAt(0, uc);
                return sb.toString();
         * Simple strategy where external name simply only uses lower-case characters,
         * and no separators.
         * Conversion from internal name like "someOtherValue" would be into external name
         * if "someothervalue".
        public static class LowerCaseStrategy extends NamingBase
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerCaseStrategy();
            public String translate(String input) {
                return input.toLowerCase();
         * Naming strategy similar to {@link PropertyNamingStrategies.SnakeCaseStrategy},
         * but instead of underscores
         * as separators, uses hyphens. Naming convention traditionally used for languages
         * like Lisp.
        public static class KebabCaseStrategy extends NamingBase
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.KebabCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.KebabCaseStrategy();
            public String translate(String input) {
                return translateLowerCaseWithSeparator(input, '-');
         * Naming strategy similar to {@link PropertyNamingStrategies.KebabCaseStrategy},
         * but instead of hyphens
         * as separators, uses dots. Naming convention widely used as configuration properties name.
        public static class LowerDotCaseStrategy extends NamingBase
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L;
             * @since 2.14
            public final static PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerDotCaseStrategy INSTANCE
                = new PropertyNamingStrategies.LowerDotCaseStrategy();
            public String translate(String input){
                return translateLowerCaseWithSeparator(input, '.');



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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