Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
     * Configurable handler used to select aspects of selecting
     * constructor to use as "Creator" for POJOs.
     * Defines the API for handlers, a pre-defined set of standard instances
     * and methods for constructing alternative configurations.
     * @since 2.12
    public final class ConstructorDetector
        implements java.io.Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         * Definition of alternate handling modes of single-argument constructors
         * that are annotated with {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator}
         * but without "mode" definition (or explicit name for the argument):
         * this is the case where two interpretations
         * are possible -- "properties" (in which case the argument is named parameter
         * of a JSON Object) and "delegating (in which case the argument maps to the
         * whole JSON value).
         * Default choice is {@code HEURISTIC} (which is Jackson pre-2.12 always uses)
         * NOTE: does NOT have any effect if explicit {@code @JsonCreator}} annotation
         * is required.
         * @since 2.12
        public enum SingleArgConstructor {
             * Assume "delegating" mode if not explicitly annotated otherwise
             * Assume "properties" mode if not explicitly annotated otherwise
             * Use heuristics to see if "properties" mode is to be used (POJO has a
             * property with the same name as the implicit name [if available] of
             * the constructor argument).
             * Note: this is the default choice for Jackson versions before 2.12.
             * Refuse to decide implicit mode and instead throw a
             * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException}
             * in ambiguous case.
        /* Global default instances to use
         * Instance used by default, which:
         * <li>Uses {@link SingleArgConstructor#HEURISTIC} for single-argument constructor case
         *  </li>
         * <li>Does not require explicit {@code @JsonCreator} annotations (so allows
         * auto-detection of Visible constructors} (except for JDK types)
         *  </li>
         * <li>Does not allow auto-detection of Visible constructors for so-called JDK
         *   types; that is, classes in packages {@code java.*} and {@code javax.*}
         *  </li>
        public final static ConstructorDetector DEFAULT
            = new ConstructorDetector(SingleArgConstructor.HEURISTIC);
         * Instance similar to {@link #DEFAULT} except that for single-argument case
         * uses setting of {@link SingleArgConstructor#PROPERTIES}.
        public final static ConstructorDetector USE_PROPERTIES_BASED
            = new ConstructorDetector(SingleArgConstructor.PROPERTIES);
         * Instance similar to {@link #DEFAULT} except that for single-argument case
         * uses setting of {@link SingleArgConstructor#DELEGATING}.
        public final static ConstructorDetector USE_DELEGATING
            = new ConstructorDetector(SingleArgConstructor.DELEGATING);
         * Instance similar to {@link #DEFAULT} except that for single-argument case
         * uses setting of {@link SingleArgConstructor#REQUIRE_MODE}.
        public final static ConstructorDetector EXPLICIT_ONLY
            = new ConstructorDetector(SingleArgConstructor.REQUIRE_MODE);
        /* Configuration
        protected final SingleArgConstructor _singleArgMode;
         * Whether explicit {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator}
         * is always required for detecting constructors (even if visible) other
         * than the default (no argument) constructor.
        protected final boolean _requireCtorAnnotation;
         * Whether auto-detection of constructors of "JDK types" (those in
         * packages {@code java.} and {@code javax.}) is allowed or not
        protected final boolean _allowJDKTypeCtors;
        /* Life-cycle
        protected ConstructorDetector(SingleArgConstructor singleArgMode,
                boolean requireCtorAnnotation,
                boolean allowJDKTypeCtors)
            _singleArgMode = singleArgMode;
            _requireCtorAnnotation = requireCtorAnnotation;
            _allowJDKTypeCtors = allowJDKTypeCtors;
         * Constructors used for default configurations which only varies
         * by {@code _singleArgMode}
        protected ConstructorDetector(SingleArgConstructor singleArgMode) {
            this(singleArgMode, false, false);
        public ConstructorDetector withSingleArgMode(SingleArgConstructor singleArgMode) {
            return new ConstructorDetector(singleArgMode,
                    _requireCtorAnnotation, _allowJDKTypeCtors);
        public ConstructorDetector withRequireAnnotation(boolean state) {
            return new ConstructorDetector(_singleArgMode,
                    state, _allowJDKTypeCtors);
        public ConstructorDetector withAllowJDKTypeConstructors(boolean state) {
            return new ConstructorDetector(_singleArgMode,
                    _requireCtorAnnotation, state);
        /* API
        public SingleArgConstructor singleArgMode() {
            return _singleArgMode;
        public boolean requireCtorAnnotation() {
            return _requireCtorAnnotation;
        public boolean allowJDKTypeConstructors() {
            return _allowJDKTypeCtors;
        public boolean singleArgCreatorDefaultsToDelegating() {
            return _singleArgMode == SingleArgConstructor.DELEGATING;
        public boolean singleArgCreatorDefaultsToProperties() {
            return _singleArgMode == SingleArgConstructor.PROPERTIES;
         * Accessor that combines checks for whether implicit creators are allowed
         * and, if so, whether JDK type constructors are allowed (if type is JDK type)
         * to determine whether implicit constructor
         * detection should be enabled for given type or not.
         * @param rawType Value type to consider
         * @return True if implicit constructor detection should be enabled; false if not
        public boolean shouldIntrospectorImplicitConstructors(Class<?> rawType) {
            // May not allow implicit creator introspection at all:
            if (_requireCtorAnnotation) {
                return false;
            // But if it is allowed, may further limit use for JDK types
            if (!_allowJDKTypeCtors) {
                if (ClassUtil.isJDKClass(rawType)) {
                    // 18-Sep-2020, tatu: Looks like must make an exception for Exception
                    //    types (ha!) -- at this point, single-String-arg constructor
                    //    is to be auto-detected
                    if (!Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(rawType)) {
                        return false;
            return true;



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


    Jackson Annotations Source Code

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