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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/deser/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser.NumberType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDelegatingDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.IgnoredPropertyException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.ClassKey; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.*; /** * Base class for <code>BeanDeserializer</code>. */ public abstract class BeanDeserializerBase extends StdDeserializer<Object> implements ContextualDeserializer, ResolvableDeserializer, ValueInstantiator.Gettable, // since 2.9 // since 2.1 { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; protected final static PropertyName TEMP_PROPERTY_NAME = new PropertyName("#temporary-name"); /* /********************************************************** /* Information regarding type being deserialized /********************************************************** */ /** * Declared type of the bean this deserializer handles. */ final protected JavaType _beanType; /** * Requested shape from bean class annotations. */ final protected JsonFormat.Shape _serializationShape; /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration for creating value instance /********************************************************** */ /** * Object that handles details of constructing initial * bean value (to which bind data to), unless instance * is passed (via updateValue()) */ protected final ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator; /** * Deserializer that is used iff delegate-based creator is * to be used for deserializing from JSON Object. *<p> * NOTE: cannot be {@code final} because we need to get it during * {@code resolve()} method (and not contextualization). */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _delegateDeserializer; /** * Deserializer that is used iff array-delegate-based creator * is to be used for deserializing from JSON Object. *<p> * NOTE: cannot be {@code final} because we need to get it during * {@code resolve()} method (and not contextualization). */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _arrayDelegateDeserializer; /** * If the bean needs to be instantiated using constructor * or factory method * that takes one or more named properties as argument(s), * this creator is used for instantiation. * This value gets resolved during general resolution. */ protected PropertyBasedCreator _propertyBasedCreator; /** * Flag that is set to mark cases where deserialization from Object value * using otherwise "standard" property binding will need to use non-default * creation method: namely, either "full" delegation (array-delegation does * not apply), or properties-based Creator method is used. *<p> * Note that flag is somewhat mis-named as it is not affected by scalar-delegating * creators; it only has effect on Object Value binding. */ protected boolean _nonStandardCreation; /** * Flag that indicates that no "special features" whatsoever * are enabled, so the simplest processing is possible. */ protected boolean _vanillaProcessing; /* /********************************************************** /* Property information, setters /********************************************************** */ /** * Mapping of property names to properties, built when all properties * to use have been successfully resolved. */ final protected BeanPropertyMap _beanProperties; /** * List of {@link ValueInjector}s, if any injectable values are * expected by the bean; otherwise null. * This includes injectors used for injecting values via setters * and fields, but not ones passed through constructor parameters. */ final protected ValueInjector[] _injectables; /** * Fallback setter used for handling any properties that are not * mapped to regular setters. If setter is not null, it will be * called once for each such property. */ protected SettableAnyProperty _anySetter; /** * In addition to properties that are set, we will also keep * track of recognized but ignorable properties: these will * be skipped without errors or warnings. */ final protected Set<String> _ignorableProps; /** * Keep track of the the properties that needs to be specifically included. */ final protected Set<String> _includableProps; /** * Flag that can be set to ignore and skip unknown properties. * If set, will not throw an exception for unknown properties. */ final protected boolean _ignoreAllUnknown; /** * Flag that indicates that some aspect of deserialization depends * on active view used (if any) */ final protected boolean _needViewProcesing; /** * We may also have one or more back reference fields (usually * zero or one). */ final protected Map<String, SettableBeanProperty> _backRefs; /* /********************************************************** /* Related handlers /********************************************************** */ /** * Lazily constructed map used to contain deserializers needed * for polymorphic subtypes. * Note that this is <b>only needed</b> for polymorphic types, * that is, when the actual type is not statically known. * For other types this remains null. */ protected transient HashMap<ClassKey, JsonDeserializer<Object>> _subDeserializers; /** * If one of properties has "unwrapped" value, we need separate * helper object */ protected UnwrappedPropertyHandler _unwrappedPropertyHandler; /** * Handler that we need iff any of properties uses external * type id. */ protected ExternalTypeHandler _externalTypeIdHandler; /** * If an Object Id is to be used for value handled by this * deserializer, this reader is used for handling. */ protected final ObjectIdReader _objectIdReader; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle, construction, initialization /********************************************************** */ /** * Constructor used when initially building a deserializer * instance, given a {@link BeanDeserializerBuilder} that * contains configuration. */ protected BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBuilder builder, BeanDescription beanDesc, BeanPropertyMap properties, Map<String, SettableBeanProperty> backRefs, Set<String> ignorableProps, boolean ignoreAllUnknown, Set<String> includableProps, boolean hasViews) { super(beanDesc.getType()); _beanType = beanDesc.getType(); _valueInstantiator = builder.getValueInstantiator(); _delegateDeserializer = null; _arrayDelegateDeserializer = null; _propertyBasedCreator = null; _beanProperties = properties; _backRefs = backRefs; _ignorableProps = ignorableProps; _ignoreAllUnknown = ignoreAllUnknown; _includableProps = includableProps; _anySetter = builder.getAnySetter(); List<ValueInjector> injectables = builder.getInjectables(); _injectables = (injectables == null || injectables.isEmpty()) ? null : injectables.toArray(new ValueInjector[injectables.size()]); _objectIdReader = builder.getObjectIdReader(); // 02-May-2020, tatu: This boolean setting is only used when binding from // Object value, and hence does not consider "array-delegating" or various // scalar-delegation cases. It is set when default (0-argument) constructor // is NOT to be used when binding an Object value (or in case of // POJO-as-array, Array value). _nonStandardCreation = (_unwrappedPropertyHandler != null) || _valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate() // [databind#2486]: as per above, array-delegating creator should not be considered // as doing so will prevent use of Array-or-standard-Object deserialization // || _valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingArrayDelegate() || _valueInstantiator.canCreateFromObjectWith() || !_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDefault() ; // Any transformation we may need to apply? final JsonFormat.Value format = beanDesc.findExpectedFormat(null); _serializationShape = format.getShape(); _needViewProcesing = hasViews; _vanillaProcessing = !_nonStandardCreation && (_injectables == null) && !_needViewProcesing // also, may need to reorder stuff if we expect Object Id: && (_objectIdReader == null) ; } protected BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src) { this(src, src._ignoreAllUnknown); } protected BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src, boolean ignoreAllUnknown) { super(src._beanType); _beanType = src._beanType; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _arrayDelegateDeserializer = src._arrayDelegateDeserializer; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _beanProperties = src._beanProperties; _backRefs = src._backRefs; _ignorableProps = src._ignorableProps; _ignoreAllUnknown = ignoreAllUnknown; _includableProps = src._includableProps; _anySetter = src._anySetter; _injectables = src._injectables; _objectIdReader = src._objectIdReader; _nonStandardCreation = src._nonStandardCreation; _unwrappedPropertyHandler = src._unwrappedPropertyHandler; _needViewProcesing = src._needViewProcesing; _serializationShape = src._serializationShape; _vanillaProcessing = src._vanillaProcessing; } protected BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src, NameTransformer unwrapper) { super(src._beanType); _beanType = src._beanType; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _arrayDelegateDeserializer = src._arrayDelegateDeserializer; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _backRefs = src._backRefs; _ignorableProps = src._ignorableProps; _ignoreAllUnknown = (unwrapper != null) || src._ignoreAllUnknown; _includableProps = src._includableProps; _anySetter = src._anySetter; _injectables = src._injectables; _objectIdReader = src._objectIdReader; _nonStandardCreation = src._nonStandardCreation; UnwrappedPropertyHandler uph = src._unwrappedPropertyHandler; if (unwrapper != null) { // delegate further unwraps, if any if (uph != null) { // got handler, delegate uph = uph.renameAll(unwrapper); } // and handle direct unwrapping as well: _beanProperties = src._beanProperties.renameAll(unwrapper); } else { _beanProperties = src._beanProperties; } _unwrappedPropertyHandler = uph; _needViewProcesing = src._needViewProcesing; _serializationShape = src._serializationShape; // probably adds a twist, so: _vanillaProcessing = false; } public BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src, ObjectIdReader oir) { super(src._beanType); _beanType = src._beanType; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _arrayDelegateDeserializer = src._arrayDelegateDeserializer; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _backRefs = src._backRefs; _ignorableProps = src._ignorableProps; _ignoreAllUnknown = src._ignoreAllUnknown; _includableProps = src._includableProps; _anySetter = src._anySetter; _injectables = src._injectables; _nonStandardCreation = src._nonStandardCreation; _unwrappedPropertyHandler = src._unwrappedPropertyHandler; _needViewProcesing = src._needViewProcesing; _serializationShape = src._serializationShape; // then actual changes: _objectIdReader = oir; if (oir == null) { _beanProperties = src._beanProperties; _vanillaProcessing = src._vanillaProcessing; } else { /* 18-Nov-2012, tatu: May or may not have annotations for id property; * but no easy access. But hard to see id property being optional, * so let's consider required at this point. */ ObjectIdValueProperty idProp = new ObjectIdValueProperty(oir, PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED); _beanProperties = src._beanProperties.withProperty(idProp); _vanillaProcessing = false; } } /** * @since 2.12 */ public BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src, Set<String> ignorableProps, Set<String> includableProps) { super(src._beanType); _beanType = src._beanType; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _arrayDelegateDeserializer = src._arrayDelegateDeserializer; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _backRefs = src._backRefs; _ignorableProps = ignorableProps; _ignoreAllUnknown = src._ignoreAllUnknown; _includableProps = includableProps; _anySetter = src._anySetter; _injectables = src._injectables; _nonStandardCreation = src._nonStandardCreation; _unwrappedPropertyHandler = src._unwrappedPropertyHandler; _needViewProcesing = src._needViewProcesing; _serializationShape = src._serializationShape; _vanillaProcessing = src._vanillaProcessing; _objectIdReader = src._objectIdReader; // 01-May-2016, tatu: [databind#1217]: Remove properties from mapping, // to avoid them being deserialized _beanProperties = src._beanProperties.withoutProperties(ignorableProps, includableProps); } /** * @since 2.8 */ protected BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src, BeanPropertyMap beanProps) { super(src._beanType); _beanType = src._beanType; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _arrayDelegateDeserializer = src._arrayDelegateDeserializer; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _beanProperties = beanProps; _backRefs = src._backRefs; _ignorableProps = src._ignorableProps; _ignoreAllUnknown = src._ignoreAllUnknown; _includableProps = src._includableProps; _anySetter = src._anySetter; _injectables = src._injectables; _objectIdReader = src._objectIdReader; _nonStandardCreation = src._nonStandardCreation; _unwrappedPropertyHandler = src._unwrappedPropertyHandler; _needViewProcesing = src._needViewProcesing; _serializationShape = src._serializationShape; _vanillaProcessing = src._vanillaProcessing; } @Deprecated // since 2.12 protected BeanDeserializerBase(BeanDeserializerBase src, Set<String> ignorableProps) { this(src, ignorableProps, src._includableProps); } @Override public abstract JsonDeserializer<Object> unwrappingDeserializer(NameTransformer unwrapper); public abstract BeanDeserializerBase withObjectIdReader(ObjectIdReader oir); /** * @since 2.12 */ public abstract BeanDeserializerBase withByNameInclusion(Set<String> ignorableProps, Set<String> includableProps); /** * @since 2.11 */ public abstract BeanDeserializerBase withIgnoreAllUnknown(boolean ignoreUnknown); /** * Mutant factory method that custom sub-classes must override; not left as * abstract to prevent more drastic backwards compatibility problems. * * @since 2.8 */ public BeanDeserializerBase withBeanProperties(BeanPropertyMap props) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Class "+getClass().getName() +" does not override `withBeanProperties()`, needs to"); } /** * Fluent factory for creating a variant that can handle * POJO output as a JSON Array. Implementations may ignore this request * if no such input is possible. * * @since 2.1 */ protected abstract BeanDeserializerBase asArrayDeserializer(); /** * @deprecated Since 2.12 use {@link #withByNameInclusion} instead */ @Deprecated public BeanDeserializerBase withIgnorableProperties(Set<String> ignorableProps) { return withByNameInclusion(ignorableProps, _includableProps); } /* /********************************************************** /* Validation, post-processing /********************************************************** */ /** * Method called to finalize setup of this deserializer, * after deserializer itself has been registered. * This is needed to handle recursive and transitive dependencies. */ @Override public void resolve(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws JsonMappingException { ExternalTypeHandler.Builder extTypes = null; // if ValueInstantiator can use "creator" approach, need to resolve it here... SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps; if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromObjectWith()) { creatorProps = _valueInstantiator.getFromObjectArguments(ctxt.getConfig()); // 22-Jan-2018, tatu: May need to propagate "ignorable" status (from `Access.READ_ONLY` // or perhaps class-ignorables) into Creator properties too. Can not just delete, // at this point, but is needed for further processing down the line if (_ignorableProps != null || _includableProps != null) { for (int i = 0, end = creatorProps.length; i < end; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = creatorProps[i]; if (IgnorePropertiesUtil.shouldIgnore(prop.getName(), _ignorableProps, _includableProps)) { creatorProps[i].markAsIgnorable(); } } } } else { creatorProps = null; } UnwrappedPropertyHandler unwrapped = null; // 24-Mar-2017, tatu: Looks like we may have to iterate over // properties twice, to handle potential issues with recursive // types (see [databind#1575] f.ex). // First loop: find deserializer if not yet known, but do not yet // contextualize (since that can lead to problems with self-references) // 22-Jan-2018, tatu: NOTE! Need not check for `isIgnorable` as that can // only happen for props in `creatorProps` for (SettableBeanProperty prop : _beanProperties) { if (!prop.hasValueDeserializer()) { // [databind#125]: allow use of converters JsonDeserializer<?> deser = findConvertingDeserializer(ctxt, prop); if (deser == null) { deser = ctxt.findNonContextualValueDeserializer(prop.getType()); } SettableBeanProperty newProp = prop.withValueDeserializer(deser); _replaceProperty(_beanProperties, creatorProps, prop, newProp); } } // Second loop: contextualize, find other pieces for (SettableBeanProperty origProp : _beanProperties) { SettableBeanProperty prop = origProp; JsonDeserializer<?> deser = prop.getValueDeserializer(); deser = ctxt.handlePrimaryContextualization(deser, prop, prop.getType()); prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(deser); // Need to link managed references with matching back references prop = _resolveManagedReferenceProperty(ctxt, prop); // [databind#351]: need to wrap properties that require object id resolution. if (!(prop instanceof ManagedReferenceProperty)) { prop = _resolvedObjectIdProperty(ctxt, prop); } // Support unwrapped values (via @JsonUnwrapped) NameTransformer xform = _findPropertyUnwrapper(ctxt, prop); if (xform != null) { JsonDeserializer<Object> orig = prop.getValueDeserializer(); JsonDeserializer<Object> unwrapping = orig.unwrappingDeserializer(xform); if (unwrapping != orig && unwrapping != null) { prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(unwrapping); if (unwrapped == null) { unwrapped = new UnwrappedPropertyHandler(); } unwrapped.addProperty(prop); // 12-Dec-2014, tatu: As per [databind#647], we will have problems if // the original property is left in place. So let's remove it now. // 25-Mar-2017, tatu: Wonder if this could be problematic wrt creators? // (that is, should be remove it from creator too) _beanProperties.remove(prop); continue; } } // 26-Oct-2016, tatu: Need to have access to value deserializer to know if // merging needed, and now seems to be reasonable time to do that. final PropertyMetadata md = prop.getMetadata(); prop = _resolveMergeAndNullSettings(ctxt, prop, md); // non-static inner classes too: prop = _resolveInnerClassValuedProperty(ctxt, prop); if (prop != origProp) { _replaceProperty(_beanProperties, creatorProps, origProp, prop); } // one more thing: if this property uses "external property" type inclusion, // it needs different handling altogether if (prop.hasValueTypeDeserializer()) { TypeDeserializer typeDeser = prop.getValueTypeDeserializer(); if (typeDeser.getTypeInclusion() == JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY) { if (extTypes == null) { extTypes = ExternalTypeHandler.builder(_beanType); } extTypes.addExternal(prop, typeDeser); // In fact, remove from list of known properties to simplify later handling _beanProperties.remove(prop); continue; } } } // "any setter" may also need to be resolved now if ((_anySetter != null) && !_anySetter.hasValueDeserializer()) { _anySetter = _anySetter.withValueDeserializer(findDeserializer(ctxt, _anySetter.getType(), _anySetter.getProperty())); } // as well as delegate-based constructor: if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate()) { JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig()); if (delegateType == null) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_beanType, String.format( "Invalid delegate-creator definition for %s: value instantiator (%s) returned true for 'canCreateUsingDelegate()', but null for 'getDelegateType()'", ClassUtil.getTypeDescription(_beanType), ClassUtil.classNameOf(_valueInstantiator))); } _delegateDeserializer = _findDelegateDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, _valueInstantiator.getDelegateCreator()); } // and array-delegate-based constructor: if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()) { JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getArrayDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig()); if (delegateType == null) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_beanType, String.format( "Invalid delegate-creator definition for %s: value instantiator (%s) returned true for 'canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()', but null for 'getArrayDelegateType()'", ClassUtil.getTypeDescription(_beanType), ClassUtil.classNameOf(_valueInstantiator))); } _arrayDelegateDeserializer = _findDelegateDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, _valueInstantiator.getArrayDelegateCreator()); } // And now that we know CreatorProperty instances are also resolved can finally create the creator: if (creatorProps != null) { _propertyBasedCreator = PropertyBasedCreator.construct(ctxt, _valueInstantiator, creatorProps, _beanProperties); } if (extTypes != null) { // 21-Jun-2016, tatu: related to [databind#999], may need to link type ids too, // so need to pass collected properties _externalTypeIdHandler =; // we consider this non-standard, to offline handling _nonStandardCreation = true; } _unwrappedPropertyHandler = unwrapped; if (unwrapped != null) { // we consider this non-standard, to offline handling _nonStandardCreation = true; } // may need to disable vanilla processing, if unwrapped handling was enabled... _vanillaProcessing = _vanillaProcessing && !_nonStandardCreation; } /** * @since 2.8.8 */ protected void _replaceProperty(BeanPropertyMap props, SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps, SettableBeanProperty origProp, SettableBeanProperty newProp) { props.replace(origProp, newProp); // [databind#795]: Make sure PropertyBasedCreator's properties stay in sync if (creatorProps != null) { // 18-May-2015, tatu: _Should_ start with consistent set. But can we really // fully count on this? May need to revisit in future; seems to hold for now. for (int i = 0, len = creatorProps.length; i < len; ++i) { if (creatorProps[i] == origProp) { creatorProps[i] = newProp; return; } } /* // ... as per above, it is possible we'd need to add this as fallback // if (but only if) identity check fails? for (int i = 0, len = creatorProps.length; i < len; ++i) { if (creatorProps[i].getName().equals(origProp.getName())) { creatorProps[i] = newProp; return; } } */ } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private JsonDeserializer<Object> _findDelegateDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType delegateType, AnnotatedWithParams delegateCreator) throws JsonMappingException { // Need to create a temporary property to allow contextual deserializers: BeanProperty.Std property = new BeanProperty.Std(TEMP_PROPERTY_NAME, delegateType, null, delegateCreator, PropertyMetadata.STD_OPTIONAL); TypeDeserializer td = delegateType.getTypeHandler(); if (td == null) { td = ctxt.getConfig().findTypeDeserializer(delegateType); } // 04-May-2018, tatu: [databind#2021] check if there's custom deserializer attached // to type (resolved from parameter) JsonDeserializer<Object> dd = delegateType.getValueHandler(); if (dd == null) { dd = findDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, property); } else { dd = (JsonDeserializer<Object>) ctxt.handleSecondaryContextualization(dd, property, delegateType); } if (td != null) { td = td.forProperty(property); return new TypeWrappedDeserializer(td, dd); } return dd; } /** * Helper method that can be used to see if specified property is annotated * to indicate use of a converter for property value (in case of container types, * it is container type itself, not key or content type). *<p> * NOTE: returned deserializer is NOT yet contextualized, caller needs to take * care to do that. * * @since 2.2 */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> findConvertingDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt, SettableBeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException { final AnnotationIntrospector intr = ctxt.getAnnotationIntrospector(); if (intr != null) { Object convDef = intr.findDeserializationConverter(prop.getMember()); if (convDef != null) { Converter<Object,Object> conv = ctxt.converterInstance(prop.getMember(), convDef); JavaType delegateType = conv.getInputType(ctxt.getTypeFactory()); // 25-Mar-2017, tatu: should not yet contextualize // JsonDeserializer<?> deser = ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(delegateType, prop); JsonDeserializer<?> deser = ctxt.findNonContextualValueDeserializer(delegateType); return new StdDelegatingDeserializer<Object>(conv, delegateType, deser); } } return null; } /** * Although most of post-processing is done in resolve(), we only get * access to referring property's annotations here; and this is needed * to support per-property ObjectIds. * We will also consider Shape transformations (read from Array) at this * point, since it may come from either Class definition or property. */ @Override public JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException { ObjectIdReader oir = _objectIdReader; // First: may have an override for Object Id: final AnnotationIntrospector intr = ctxt.getAnnotationIntrospector(); final AnnotatedMember accessor = _neitherNull(property, intr) ? property.getMember() : null; if (accessor != null) { ObjectIdInfo objectIdInfo = intr.findObjectIdInfo(accessor); if (objectIdInfo != null) { // some code duplication here as well (from BeanDeserializerFactory) // 2.1: allow modifications by "id ref" annotations as well: objectIdInfo = intr.findObjectReferenceInfo(accessor, objectIdInfo); Class<?> implClass = objectIdInfo.getGeneratorType(); // Property-based generator is trickier JavaType idType; SettableBeanProperty idProp; ObjectIdGenerator<?> idGen; ObjectIdResolver resolver = ctxt.objectIdResolverInstance(accessor, objectIdInfo); if (implClass == ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class) { PropertyName propName = objectIdInfo.getPropertyName(); idProp = findProperty(propName); if (idProp == null) { return ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_beanType, String.format( "Invalid Object Id definition for %s: cannot find property with name %s", ClassUtil.nameOf(handledType()),; } idType = idProp.getType(); idGen = new PropertyBasedObjectIdGenerator(objectIdInfo.getScope()); } else { // other types are to be simpler JavaType type = ctxt.constructType(implClass); idType = ctxt.getTypeFactory().findTypeParameters(type, ObjectIdGenerator.class)[0]; idProp = null; idGen = ctxt.objectIdGeneratorInstance(accessor, objectIdInfo); } JsonDeserializer<?> deser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(idType); oir = ObjectIdReader.construct(idType, objectIdInfo.getPropertyName(), idGen, deser, idProp, resolver); } } // either way, need to resolve serializer: BeanDeserializerBase contextual = this; if (oir != null && oir != _objectIdReader) { contextual = contextual.withObjectIdReader(oir); } // And possibly add more properties to ignore if (accessor != null) { contextual = _handleByNameInclusion(ctxt, intr, contextual, accessor); } // One more thing: are we asked to serialize POJO as array? JsonFormat.Value format = findFormatOverrides(ctxt, property, handledType()); JsonFormat.Shape shape = null; if (format != null) { if (format.hasShape()) { shape = format.getShape(); } // 16-May-2016, tatu: How about per-property case-insensitivity? Boolean B = format.getFeature(JsonFormat.Feature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES); if (B != null) { BeanPropertyMap propsOrig = _beanProperties; BeanPropertyMap props = propsOrig.withCaseInsensitivity(B.booleanValue()); if (props != propsOrig) { contextual = contextual.withBeanProperties(props); } } } if (shape == null) { shape = _serializationShape; } if (shape == JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY) { contextual = contextual.asArrayDeserializer(); } return contextual; } // @since 2.12 protected BeanDeserializerBase _handleByNameInclusion(DeserializationContext ctxt, AnnotationIntrospector intr, BeanDeserializerBase contextual, AnnotatedMember accessor) throws JsonMappingException { final DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig(); JsonIgnoreProperties.Value ignorals = intr.findPropertyIgnoralByName(config, accessor); // 30-Mar-2020, tatu: As per [databind#2627], need to also allow // per-property override to "ignore all unknown". // NOTE: there is no way to override with `false` because annotation // defaults to `false` (i.e. can not know if `false` is explicit value) if (ignorals.getIgnoreUnknown() && !_ignoreAllUnknown) { contextual = contextual.withIgnoreAllUnknown(true); } final Set<String> namesToIgnore = ignorals.findIgnoredForDeserialization(); final Set<String> prevNamesToIgnore = contextual._ignorableProps; final Set<String> newNamesToIgnore; if (namesToIgnore.isEmpty()) { newNamesToIgnore = prevNamesToIgnore; } else if ((prevNamesToIgnore == null) || prevNamesToIgnore.isEmpty()) { newNamesToIgnore = namesToIgnore; } else { newNamesToIgnore = new HashSet<String>(prevNamesToIgnore); newNamesToIgnore.addAll(namesToIgnore); } final Set<String> prevNamesToInclude = contextual._includableProps; final Set<String> newNamesToInclude = IgnorePropertiesUtil.combineNamesToInclude(prevNamesToInclude, intr.findPropertyInclusionByName(config, accessor).getIncluded()); if ((newNamesToIgnore != prevNamesToIgnore) || (newNamesToInclude != prevNamesToInclude)) { contextual = contextual.withByNameInclusion(newNamesToIgnore, newNamesToInclude); } return contextual; } /** * Helper method called to see if given property is part of 'managed' property * pair (managed + back reference), and if so, handle resolution details. */ protected SettableBeanProperty _resolveManagedReferenceProperty(DeserializationContext ctxt, SettableBeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException { String refName = prop.getManagedReferenceName(); if (refName == null) { return prop; } JsonDeserializer<?> valueDeser = prop.getValueDeserializer(); SettableBeanProperty backProp = valueDeser.findBackReference(refName); if (backProp == null) { return ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_beanType, String.format( "Cannot handle managed/back reference %s: no back reference property found from type %s",, ClassUtil.getTypeDescription(prop.getType()))); } // also: verify that type is compatible JavaType referredType = _beanType; JavaType backRefType = backProp.getType(); boolean isContainer = prop.getType().isContainerType(); if (!backRefType.getRawClass().isAssignableFrom(referredType.getRawClass())) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_beanType, String.format( "Cannot handle managed/back reference %s: back reference type (%s) not compatible with managed type (%s)",, ClassUtil.getTypeDescription(backRefType), referredType.getRawClass().getName())); } return new ManagedReferenceProperty(prop, refName, backProp, isContainer); } /** * Method that wraps given property with {@link ObjectIdReferenceProperty} * in case where object id resolution is required. */ protected SettableBeanProperty _resolvedObjectIdProperty(DeserializationContext ctxt, SettableBeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException { ObjectIdInfo objectIdInfo = prop.getObjectIdInfo(); JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDeser = prop.getValueDeserializer(); ObjectIdReader objectIdReader = (valueDeser == null) ? null : valueDeser.getObjectIdReader(); if (objectIdInfo == null && objectIdReader == null) { return prop; } return new ObjectIdReferenceProperty(prop, objectIdInfo); } /** * Helper method called to see if given property might be so-called unwrapped * property: these require special handling. */ protected NameTransformer _findPropertyUnwrapper(DeserializationContext ctxt, SettableBeanProperty prop) throws JsonMappingException { AnnotatedMember am = prop.getMember(); if (am != null) { NameTransformer unwrapper = ctxt.getAnnotationIntrospector().findUnwrappingNameTransformer(am); if (unwrapper != null) { // 01-Dec-2016, tatu: As per [databind#265] we cannot yet support passing // of unwrapped values through creator properties, so fail fast if (prop instanceof CreatorProperty) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition(getValueType(), String.format( "Cannot define Creator property \"%s\" as `@JsonUnwrapped`: combination not yet supported", prop.getName())); } return unwrapper; } } return null; } /** * Helper method that will handle gruesome details of dealing with properties * that have non-static inner class as value... */ protected SettableBeanProperty _resolveInnerClassValuedProperty(DeserializationContext ctxt, SettableBeanProperty prop) { /* Should we encounter a property that has non-static inner-class * as value, we need to add some more magic to find the "hidden" constructor... */ JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = prop.getValueDeserializer(); // ideally wouldn't rely on it being BeanDeserializerBase; but for now it'll have to do if (deser instanceof BeanDeserializerBase) { BeanDeserializerBase bd = (BeanDeserializerBase) deser; ValueInstantiator vi = bd.getValueInstantiator(); if (!vi.canCreateUsingDefault()) { // no default constructor Class<?> valueClass = prop.getType().getRawClass(); // NOTE: almost same as `isNonStaticInnerClass()` but need to know enclosing... Class<?> enclosing = ClassUtil.getOuterClass(valueClass); // and is inner class of the bean class... if ((enclosing != null) && (enclosing == _beanType.getRawClass())) { for (Constructor<?> ctor : valueClass.getConstructors()) { if (ctor.getParameterCount() == 1) { Class<?>[] paramTypes = ctor.getParameterTypes(); if (enclosing.equals(paramTypes[0])) { if (ctxt.canOverrideAccessModifiers()) { ClassUtil.checkAndFixAccess(ctor, ctxt.isEnabled(MapperFeature.OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_ACCESS_MODIFIERS)); } return new InnerClassProperty(prop, ctor); } } } } } } return prop; } // @since 2.9 protected SettableBeanProperty _resolveMergeAndNullSettings(DeserializationContext ctxt, SettableBeanProperty prop, PropertyMetadata propMetadata) throws JsonMappingException { PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo merge = propMetadata.getMergeInfo(); // First mergeability if (merge != null) { JsonDeserializer<?> valueDeser = prop.getValueDeserializer(); Boolean mayMerge = valueDeser.supportsUpdate(ctxt.getConfig()); if (mayMerge == null) { // we don't really know if it's ok; so only use if explicitly specified if (merge.fromDefaults) { return prop; } } else if (!mayMerge.booleanValue()) { // prevented if (!merge.fromDefaults) { // If attempt was made via explicit annotation/per-type config override, // should be reported; may or may not result in exception ctxt.handleBadMerge(valueDeser); } return prop; } // Anyway; if we get this far, do enable merging AnnotatedMember accessor = merge.getter; accessor.fixAccess(ctxt.isEnabled(MapperFeature.OVERRIDE_PUBLIC_ACCESS_MODIFIERS)); if (!(prop instanceof SetterlessProperty)) { prop = MergingSettableBeanProperty.construct(prop, accessor); } } // And after this, see if we require non-standard null handling NullValueProvider nuller = findValueNullProvider(ctxt, prop, propMetadata); if (nuller != null) { prop = prop.withNullProvider(nuller); } return prop; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public accessors; null/empty value providers /********************************************************** */ @Override public AccessPattern getNullAccessPattern() { // POJO types do not have custom `null` values return AccessPattern.ALWAYS_NULL; } @Override public AccessPattern getEmptyAccessPattern() { // Empty values cannot be shared return AccessPattern.DYNAMIC; } @Override // since 2.9 public Object getEmptyValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws JsonMappingException { // alas, need to promote exception, if any: try { return _valueInstantiator.createUsingDefault(ctxt); } catch (IOException e) { return ClassUtil.throwAsMappingException(ctxt, e); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Public accessors; other /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean isCachable() { return true; } /** * Accessor for checking whether this deserializer is operating * in case-insensitive manner. * * @return True if this deserializer should match property names without * considering casing; false if case has to match exactly. * * @since 2.12 */ public boolean isCaseInsensitive() { return _beanProperties.isCaseInsensitive(); } @Override // since 2.9 public Boolean supportsUpdate(DeserializationConfig config) { // although with possible caveats, yes, values can be updated // 23-Oct-2016, tatu: Perhaps in future could and should verify from // bean settings... return Boolean.TRUE; } @Override public Class<?> handledType() { return _beanType.getRawClass(); } /** * Overridden to return true for those instances that are * handling value for which Object Identity handling is enabled * (either via value type or referring property). */ @Override public ObjectIdReader getObjectIdReader() { return _objectIdReader; } public boolean hasProperty(String propertyName) { return _beanProperties.find(propertyName) != null; } public boolean hasViews() { return _needViewProcesing; } /** * Accessor for checking number of deserialized properties. */ public int getPropertyCount() { return _beanProperties.size(); } @Override public Collection<Object> getKnownPropertyNames() { ArrayList<Object> names = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (SettableBeanProperty prop : _beanProperties) { names.add(prop.getName()); } return names; } /** * @deprecated Since 2.3, use {@link #handledType()} instead */ @Deprecated public final Class<?> getBeanClass() { return _beanType.getRawClass(); } @Override public JavaType getValueType() { return _beanType; } @Override // since 2.12 public LogicalType logicalType() { return LogicalType.POJO; } /** * Accessor for iterating over properties this deserializer uses; with * the exception that properties passed via Creator methods * (specifically, "property-based constructor") are not included, * but can be accessed separate by calling * {@link #creatorProperties} */ public Iterator<SettableBeanProperty> properties() { if (_beanProperties == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Can only call after BeanDeserializer has been resolved"); } return _beanProperties.iterator(); } /** * Accessor for finding properties that represents values to pass * through property-based creator method (constructor or * factory method) * * @since 2.0 */ public Iterator<SettableBeanProperty> creatorProperties() { if (_propertyBasedCreator == null) { return Collections.<SettableBeanProperty>emptyList().iterator(); } return; } public SettableBeanProperty findProperty(PropertyName propertyName) { // TODO: start matching full name? return findProperty(propertyName.getSimpleName()); } /** * Accessor for finding the property with given name, if POJO * has one. Name used is the external name, i.e. name used * in external data representation (JSON). * * @since 2.0 */ public SettableBeanProperty findProperty(String propertyName) { SettableBeanProperty prop = (_beanProperties == null) ? null : _beanProperties.find(propertyName); if (prop == null && _propertyBasedCreator != null) { prop = _propertyBasedCreator.findCreatorProperty(propertyName); } return prop; } /** * Alternate find method that tries to locate a property with given * <code>property index</code>. * Note that access by index is not necessarily faster than by name, * since properties are not directly indexable; however, for most * instances difference is not significant as number of properties * is low. * * @since 2.3 */ public SettableBeanProperty findProperty(int propertyIndex) { SettableBeanProperty prop = (_beanProperties == null) ? null : _beanProperties.find(propertyIndex); if (prop == null && _propertyBasedCreator != null) { prop = _propertyBasedCreator.findCreatorProperty(propertyIndex); } return prop; } /** * Method needed by {@link BeanDeserializerFactory} to properly link * managed- and back-reference pairs. */ @Override public SettableBeanProperty findBackReference(String logicalName) { if (_backRefs == null) { return null; } return _backRefs.get(logicalName); } @Override // ValueInstantiator.Gettable public ValueInstantiator getValueInstantiator() { return _valueInstantiator; } /* /********************************************************** /* Mutators /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that can be used to replace an existing property with * a modified one. *<p> * NOTE: only ever use this method if you know what you are doing; * incorrect usage can break deserializer. * * @param original Property to replace * @param replacement Property to replace it with * * @since 2.1 */ public void replaceProperty(SettableBeanProperty original, SettableBeanProperty replacement) { _beanProperties.replace(original, replacement); } /* /********************************************************** /* Partial deserializer implementation /********************************************************** */ /** * General version used when handling needs more advanced * features. */ public abstract Object deserializeFromObject(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException; @Override public Object deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer) throws IOException { // 16-Feb-2012, tatu: ObjectId may be used as well... need to check that first if (_objectIdReader != null) { // 05-Aug-2013, tatu: May use native Object Id if (p.canReadObjectId()) { Object id = p.getObjectId(); if (id != null) { Object ob = typeDeserializer.deserializeTypedFromObject(p, ctxt); return _handleTypedObjectId(p, ctxt, ob, id); } } // or, Object Ids Jackson explicitly sets JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t != null) { // Most commonly, a scalar (int id, uuid String, ...) if (t.isScalarValue()) { return deserializeFromObjectId(p, ctxt); } // but, with 2.5+, a simple Object-wrapped value also legal: if (t == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) { t = p.nextToken(); } if ((t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) && _objectIdReader.maySerializeAsObject() && _objectIdReader.isValidReferencePropertyName(p.currentName(), p)) { return deserializeFromObjectId(p, ctxt); } } } // In future could check current token... for now this should be enough: return typeDeserializer.deserializeTypedFromObject(p, ctxt); } /** * Offlined method called to handle "native" Object Id that has been read * and known to be associated with given deserialized POJO. * * @since 2.3 */ protected Object _handleTypedObjectId(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object pojo, Object rawId) throws IOException { // One more challenge: type of id may not be type of property we are expecting // later on; specifically, numeric ids vs Strings. JsonDeserializer<Object> idDeser = _objectIdReader.getDeserializer(); final Object id; // Ok, this is bit ridiculous; let's see if conversion is needed: if (idDeser.handledType() == rawId.getClass()) { // nope: already same type id = rawId; } else { id = _convertObjectId(p, ctxt, rawId, idDeser); } ReadableObjectId roid = ctxt.findObjectId(id, _objectIdReader.generator, _objectIdReader.resolver); roid.bindItem(pojo); // also: may need to set a property value as well SettableBeanProperty idProp = _objectIdReader.idProperty; if (idProp != null) { return idProp.setAndReturn(pojo, id); } return pojo; } /** * Helper method we need to do necessary conversion from whatever native object id * type is, into declared type that Jackson internals expect. This may be * simple cast (for String ids), or something more complicated; in latter * case we may need to create bogus content buffer to allow use of * id deserializer. * * @since 2.3 */ @SuppressWarnings("resource") // TokenBuffers don't need close, nor parser thereof protected Object _convertObjectId(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object rawId, JsonDeserializer<Object> idDeser) throws IOException { TokenBuffer buf = ctxt.bufferForInputBuffering(p); if (rawId instanceof String) { buf.writeString((String) rawId); } else if (rawId instanceof Long) { buf.writeNumber(((Long) rawId).longValue()); } else if (rawId instanceof Integer) { buf.writeNumber(((Integer) rawId).intValue()); } else { // should we worry about UUIDs? They should be fine, right? // 07-Aug-2014, tatu: Maybe, but not necessarily; had issues with // Smile format; [dataformat-smile#19], possibly related. // 01-Sep-2016, tatu: For non-JSON, might want to consider `writeEmbeddedObject` // but that won't work for default impl (JSON and most dataformats) buf.writeObject(rawId); } JsonParser bufParser = buf.asParser(); bufParser.nextToken(); return idDeser.deserialize(bufParser, ctxt); } // NOTE: currently only used by standard BeanDeserializer (not Builder-based) /** * Alternative deserialization method used when we expect to see Object Id; * if so, we will need to ensure that the Id is seen before anything * else, to ensure that it is available for solving references, * even if JSON itself is not ordered that way. This may require * buffering in some cases, but usually just a simple lookup to ensure * that ordering is correct. */ protected Object deserializeWithObjectId(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { return deserializeFromObject(p, ctxt); } /** * Method called in cases where it looks like we got an Object Id * to parse and use as a reference. */ protected Object deserializeFromObjectId(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { Object id = _objectIdReader.readObjectReference(p, ctxt); ReadableObjectId roid = ctxt.findObjectId(id, _objectIdReader.generator, _objectIdReader.resolver); // do we have it resolved? Object pojo = roid.resolve(); if (pojo == null) { // not yet; should wait... throw new UnresolvedForwardReference(p, "Could not resolve Object Id ["+id+"] (for "+_beanType+").", p.getCurrentLocation(), roid); } return pojo; } protected Object deserializeFromObjectUsingNonDefault(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { final JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); if (delegateDeser != null) { final Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } if (_propertyBasedCreator != null) { return _deserializeUsingPropertyBased(p, ctxt); } // 25-Jan-2017, tatu: We do not actually support use of Creators for non-static // inner classes -- with one and only one exception; that of default constructor! // -- so let's indicate it Class<?> raw = _beanType.getRawClass(); if (ClassUtil.isNonStaticInnerClass(raw)) { return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(raw, null, p, "non-static inner classes like this can only by instantiated using default, no-argument constructor"); } // 01-May-2022, tatu: [databind#3417] special handling for (Graal) native images if (NativeImageUtil.needsReflectionConfiguration(raw)) { return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(raw, null, p, "cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate- or property-based Creator): this appears to be a native image, in which case you may need to configure reflection for the class that is to be deserialized"); } return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(raw, getValueInstantiator(), p, "cannot deserialize from Object value (no delegate- or property-based Creator)"); } protected abstract Object _deserializeUsingPropertyBased(final JsonParser p, final DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException; public Object deserializeFromNumber(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { // First things first: id Object Id is used, most likely that's it if (_objectIdReader != null) { return deserializeFromObjectId(p, ctxt); } final JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); NumberType nt = p.getNumberType(); if (nt == NumberType.INT) { if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromInt()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } return _valueInstantiator.createFromInt(ctxt, p.getIntValue()); } if (nt == NumberType.LONG) { if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromInt()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } return _valueInstantiator.createFromLong(ctxt, p.getLongValue()); } if (nt == NumberType.BIG_INTEGER) { if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromBigInteger()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } return _valueInstantiator.createFromBigInteger(ctxt, p.getBigIntegerValue()); } return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(handledType(), getValueInstantiator(), p, "no suitable creator method found to deserialize from Number value (%s)", p.getNumberValue()); } public Object deserializeFromString(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { // First things first: id Object Id is used, most likely that's it if (_objectIdReader != null) { return deserializeFromObjectId(p, ctxt); } // Bit complicated if we have delegating creator; may need to use it, // or might not... JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromString()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } return _deserializeFromString(p, ctxt); } /** * Method called to deserialize POJO value from a JSON floating-point * number. */ public Object deserializeFromDouble(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { NumberType t = p.getNumberType(); // no separate methods for taking float... if ((t == NumberType.DOUBLE) || (t == NumberType.FLOAT)) { JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromDouble()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } return _valueInstantiator.createFromDouble(ctxt, p.getDoubleValue()); } if (t == NumberType.BIG_DECIMAL) { JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromBigDecimal()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } return _valueInstantiator.createFromBigDecimal(ctxt, p.getDecimalValue()); } return ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(handledType(), getValueInstantiator(), p, "no suitable creator method found to deserialize from Number value (%s)", p.getNumberValue()); } /** * Method called to deserialize POJO value from a JSON boolean value (true, false) */ public Object deserializeFromBoolean(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromBoolean()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } boolean value = (p.currentToken() == JsonToken.VALUE_TRUE); return _valueInstantiator.createFromBoolean(ctxt, value); } /** * @deprecated Since 2.11 Should not be used: was never meant to be called by * code other than sub-classes (implementations), and implementations details * differ */ @Deprecated public Object deserializeFromArray(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { // should work as subtypes ought to override this method: return _deserializeFromArray(p, ctxt); } public Object deserializeFromEmbedded(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { // First things first: id Object Id is used, most likely that's it; specifically, // true for UUIDs when written as binary (with Smile, other binary formats) if (_objectIdReader != null) { return deserializeFromObjectId(p, ctxt); } // 26-Jul-2017, tatu: as per [databind#1711] need to support delegating case too JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = _delegateDeserializer(); if (delegateDeser != null) { if (!_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromString()) { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegateDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt)); if (_injectables != null) { injectValues(ctxt, bean); } return bean; } } // TODO: maybe add support for ValueInstantiator, embedded? // 26-Jul-2017, tatu: related to [databind#1711], let's actually verify assignment // compatibility before returning. Bound to catch misconfigured cases and produce // more meaningful exceptions. Object value = p.getEmbeddedObject(); if (value != null) { if (!_beanType.isTypeOrSuperTypeOf(value.getClass())) { // allow this to be handled... value = ctxt.handleWeirdNativeValue(_beanType, value, p); } } return value; } /** * @since 2.9 */ protected final JsonDeserializer<Object> _delegateDeserializer() { JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _delegateDeserializer; if (deser == null) { deser = _arrayDelegateDeserializer; } return deser; } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridable helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected void injectValues(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean) throws IOException { for (ValueInjector injector : _injectables) { injector.inject(ctxt, bean); } } /** * Method called to handle set of one or more unknown properties, * stored in their entirety in given {@link TokenBuffer} * (as field entries, name and value). */ protected Object handleUnknownProperties(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean, TokenBuffer unknownTokens) throws IOException { // First: add closing END_OBJECT as marker unknownTokens.writeEndObject(); // note: buffer does NOT have starting START_OBJECT JsonParser bufferParser = unknownTokens.asParser(); while (bufferParser.nextToken() != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { String propName = bufferParser.currentName(); // Unknown: let's call handler method bufferParser.nextToken(); handleUnknownProperty(bufferParser, ctxt, bean, propName); } return bean; } /** * Helper method called for an unknown property, when using "vanilla" * processing. * * @param beanOrBuilder Either POJO instance (if constructed), or builder * (in case of builder-based approach), that has property we haven't been * able to handle yet. */ protected void handleUnknownVanilla(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object beanOrBuilder, String propName) throws IOException { if (IgnorePropertiesUtil.shouldIgnore(propName, _ignorableProps, _includableProps)) { handleIgnoredProperty(p, ctxt, beanOrBuilder, propName); } else if (_anySetter != null) { try { // should we consider return type of any setter? _anySetter.deserializeAndSet(p, ctxt, beanOrBuilder, propName); } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(e, beanOrBuilder, propName, ctxt); } } else { // Unknown: let's call handler method handleUnknownProperty(p, ctxt, beanOrBuilder, propName); } } /** * Method called when a JSON property is encountered that has not matching * setter, any-setter or field, and thus cannot be assigned. */ @Override protected void handleUnknownProperty(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object beanOrClass, String propName) throws IOException { if (_ignoreAllUnknown) { p.skipChildren(); return; } if (IgnorePropertiesUtil.shouldIgnore(propName, _ignorableProps, _includableProps)) { handleIgnoredProperty(p, ctxt, beanOrClass, propName); } // Otherwise use default handling (call handler(s); if not // handled, throw exception or skip depending on settings) super.handleUnknownProperty(p, ctxt, beanOrClass, propName); } /** * Method called when an explicitly ignored property (one specified with a * name to match, either by property annotation or class annotation) is encountered. * * @since 2.3 */ protected void handleIgnoredProperty(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object beanOrClass, String propName) throws IOException { if (ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_IGNORED_PROPERTIES)) { throw IgnoredPropertyException.from(p, beanOrClass, propName, getKnownPropertyNames()); } p.skipChildren(); } /** * Method called in cases where we may have polymorphic deserialization * case: that is, type of Creator-constructed bean is not the type * of deserializer itself. It should be a sub-class or implementation * class; either way, we may have more specific deserializer to use * for handling it. * * @param p (optional) If not null, parser that has more properties to handle * (in addition to buffered properties); if null, all properties are passed * in buffer */ protected Object handlePolymorphic(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean, TokenBuffer unknownTokens) throws IOException { // First things first: maybe there is a more specific deserializer available? JsonDeserializer<Object> subDeser = _findSubclassDeserializer(ctxt, bean, unknownTokens); if (subDeser != null) { if (unknownTokens != null) { // need to add END_OBJECT marker first unknownTokens.writeEndObject(); JsonParser p2 = unknownTokens.asParser(); p2.nextToken(); // to get to first data field bean = subDeser.deserialize(p2, ctxt, bean); } // Original parser may also have some leftovers if (p != null) { bean = subDeser.deserialize(p, ctxt, bean); } return bean; } // nope; need to use this deserializer. Unknowns we've seen so far? if (unknownTokens != null) { bean = handleUnknownProperties(ctxt, bean, unknownTokens); } // and/or things left to process via main parser? if (p != null) { bean = deserialize(p, ctxt, bean); } return bean; } /** * Helper method called to (try to) locate deserializer for given sub-type of * type that this deserializer handles. */ protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _findSubclassDeserializer(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean, TokenBuffer unknownTokens) throws IOException { JsonDeserializer<Object> subDeser; // First: maybe we have already created sub-type deserializer? synchronized (this) { subDeser = (_subDeserializers == null) ? null : _subDeserializers.get(new ClassKey(bean.getClass())); } if (subDeser != null) { return subDeser; } // If not, maybe we can locate one. First, need provider JavaType type = ctxt.constructType(bean.getClass()); /* 30-Jan-2012, tatu: Ideally we would be passing referring * property; which in theory we could keep track of via * ResolvableDeserializer (if we absolutely must...). * But for now, let's not bother. */ // subDeser = ctxt.findValueDeserializer(type, _property); subDeser = ctxt.findRootValueDeserializer(type); // Also, need to cache it if (subDeser != null) { synchronized (this) { if (_subDeserializers == null) { _subDeserializers = new HashMap<ClassKey,JsonDeserializer<Object>>();; } _subDeserializers.put(new ClassKey(bean.getClass()), subDeser); } } return subDeser; } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods for error reporting /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that will modify caught exception (passed in as argument) * as necessary to include reference information, and to ensure it * is a subtype of {@link IOException}, or an unchecked exception. *<p> * Rules for wrapping and unwrapping are bit complicated; essentially: *<ul> * <li>Errors are to be passed as is (if uncovered via unwrapping) * <li>"Plain" IOExceptions (ones that are not of type * {@link JsonMappingException} are to be passed as is *</ul> */ public void wrapAndThrow(Throwable t, Object bean, String fieldName, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { // Need to add reference information throw JsonMappingException.wrapWithPath(throwOrReturnThrowable(t, ctxt), bean, fieldName); } private Throwable throwOrReturnThrowable(Throwable t, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { /* 05-Mar-2009, tatu: But one nasty edge is when we get * StackOverflow: usually due to infinite loop. But that * often gets hidden within an InvocationTargetException... */ while (t instanceof InvocationTargetException && t.getCause() != null) { t = t.getCause(); } // Errors to be passed as is ClassUtil.throwIfError(t); boolean wrap = (ctxt == null) || ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.WRAP_EXCEPTIONS); // Ditto for IOExceptions; except we may want to wrap JSON exceptions if (t instanceof IOException) { if (!wrap || !(t instanceof JacksonException)) { throw (IOException) t; } } else if (!wrap) { // [JACKSON-407] -- allow disabling wrapping for unchecked exceptions ClassUtil.throwIfRTE(t); } return t; } protected Object wrapInstantiationProblem(Throwable t, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { while (t instanceof InvocationTargetException && t.getCause() != null) { t = t.getCause(); } // Errors and "plain" IOExceptions to be passed as is ClassUtil.throwIfError(t); if (t instanceof IOException) { // Since we have no more information to add, let's not actually wrap.. throw (IOException) t; } if (ctxt == null) { // only to please LGTM... throw new IllegalArgumentException(t.getMessage(), t); } if (!ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.WRAP_EXCEPTIONS)) { ClassUtil.throwIfRTE(t); } return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_beanType.getRawClass(), null, t); } }
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