Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.util.Objects;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JacksonStdImpl;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.CoercionAction;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.CoercionInputShape;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.ReadableObjectId.Referring;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
     * Basic serializer that can take JSON "Array" structure and
     * construct a {@link java.util.Collection} instance, with typed contents.
     * Note: for untyped content (one indicated by passing Object.class
     * as the type), {@link UntypedObjectDeserializer} is used instead.
     * It can also construct {@link java.util.List}s, but not with specific
     * POJO types, only other containers and primitives/wrappers.
    public class CollectionDeserializer
        extends ContainerDeserializerBase<Collection<Object>>
        implements ContextualDeserializer
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; // since 2.5
        // // Configuration
         * Value deserializer.
        protected final JsonDeserializer<Object> _valueDeserializer;
         * If element instances have polymorphic type information, this
         * is the type deserializer that can handle it
        protected final TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer;
        // // Instance construction settings:
        protected final ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator;
         * Deserializer that is used iff delegate-based creator is
         * to be used for deserializing from JSON Object.
        protected final JsonDeserializer<Object> _delegateDeserializer;
        // NOTE: no PropertyBasedCreator, as JSON Arrays have no properties
        /* Life-cycle
         * Constructor for context-free instances, where we do not yet know
         * which property is using this deserializer.
        public CollectionDeserializer(JavaType collectionType,
                JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDeser,
                TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser, ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator)
            this(collectionType, valueDeser, valueTypeDeser, valueInstantiator, null, null, null);
         * Constructor used when creating contextualized instances.
         * @since 2.9
        protected CollectionDeserializer(JavaType collectionType,
                JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDeser, TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser,
                ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator, JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser,
                NullValueProvider nuller, Boolean unwrapSingle)
            super(collectionType, nuller, unwrapSingle);
            _valueDeserializer = valueDeser;
            _valueTypeDeserializer = valueTypeDeser;
            _valueInstantiator = valueInstantiator;
            _delegateDeserializer = delegateDeser;
         * Copy-constructor that can be used by sub-classes to allow
         * copy-on-write styling copying of settings of an existing instance.
        protected CollectionDeserializer(CollectionDeserializer src)
            _valueDeserializer = src._valueDeserializer;
            _valueTypeDeserializer = src._valueTypeDeserializer;
            _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator;
            _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer;
         * Fluent-factory method call to construct contextual instance.
         * @since 2.9
        protected CollectionDeserializer withResolved(JsonDeserializer<?> dd,
                JsonDeserializer<?> vd, TypeDeserializer vtd,
                NullValueProvider nuller, Boolean unwrapSingle)
            return new CollectionDeserializer(_containerType,
                    (JsonDeserializer<Object>) vd, vtd,
                    _valueInstantiator, (JsonDeserializer<Object>) dd,
                    nuller, unwrapSingle);
        // Important: do NOT cache if polymorphic values
        @Override // since 2.5
        public boolean isCachable() {
            // 26-Mar-2015, tatu: As per [databind#735], need to be careful
            return (_valueDeserializer == null)
                    && (_valueTypeDeserializer == null)
                    && (_delegateDeserializer == null)
        @Override // since 2.12
        public LogicalType logicalType() {
            return LogicalType.Collection;
        /* Validation, post-processing (ResolvableDeserializer)
         * Method called to finalize setup of this deserializer,
         * when it is known for which property deserializer is needed
         * for.
        public CollectionDeserializer createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt,
                BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException
            // May need to resolve types for delegate-based creators:
            JsonDeserializer<Object> delegateDeser = null;
            if (_valueInstantiator != null) {
                if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate()) {
                    JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig());
                    if (delegateType == null) {
                        ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_containerType, String.format(
    "Invalid delegate-creator definition for %s: value instantiator (%s) returned true for 'canCreateUsingDelegate()', but null for 'getDelegateType()'",
                    delegateDeser = findDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, property);
                } else if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()) {
                    JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getArrayDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig());
                    if (delegateType == null) {
                        ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_containerType, String.format(
    "Invalid delegate-creator definition for %s: value instantiator (%s) returned true for 'canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()', but null for 'getArrayDelegateType()'",
                    delegateDeser = findDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, property);
            // [databind#1043]: allow per-property allow-wrapping of single overrides:
            // 11-Dec-2015, tatu: Should we pass basic `Collection.class`, or more refined? Mostly
            //   comes down to "List vs Collection" I suppose... for now, pass Collection
            Boolean unwrapSingle = findFormatFeature(ctxt, property, Collection.class,
            // also, often value deserializer is resolved here:
            JsonDeserializer<?> valueDeser = _valueDeserializer;
            // May have a content converter
            valueDeser = findConvertingContentDeserializer(ctxt, property, valueDeser);
            final JavaType vt = _containerType.getContentType();
            if (valueDeser == null) {
                valueDeser = ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(vt, property);
            } else { // if directly assigned, probably not yet contextual, so:
                valueDeser = ctxt.handleSecondaryContextualization(valueDeser, property, vt);
            // and finally, type deserializer needs context as well
            TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer;
            if (valueTypeDeser != null) {
                valueTypeDeser = valueTypeDeser.forProperty(property);
            NullValueProvider nuller = findContentNullProvider(ctxt, property, valueDeser);
            if ((!Objects.equals(unwrapSingle, _unwrapSingle))
                    || (nuller != _nullProvider)
                    || (delegateDeser != _delegateDeserializer)
                    || (valueDeser != _valueDeserializer)
                    || (valueTypeDeser != _valueTypeDeserializer)
            ) {
                return withResolved(delegateDeser, valueDeser, valueTypeDeser,
                        nuller, unwrapSingle);
            return this;
        /* ContainerDeserializerBase API
        public JsonDeserializer<Object> getContentDeserializer() {
            return _valueDeserializer;
        public ValueInstantiator getValueInstantiator() {
            return _valueInstantiator;
        /* JsonDeserializer API
        public Collection<Object> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt)
            throws IOException
            if (_delegateDeserializer != null) {
                return (Collection<Object>) _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt,
                        _delegateDeserializer.deserialize(p, ctxt));
            // 16-May-2020, tatu: As per [dataformats-text#199] need to first check for
            //   possible Array-coercion and only after that String coercion
            if (p.isExpectedStartArrayToken()) {
                return _deserializeFromArray(p, ctxt, createDefaultInstance(ctxt));
            // Empty String may be ok; bit tricky to check, however, since
            // there is also possibility of "auto-wrapping" of single-element arrays.
            // Hence we only accept empty String here.
            if (p.hasToken(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING)) {
                return _deserializeFromString(p, ctxt, p.getText());
            return handleNonArray(p, ctxt, createDefaultInstance(ctxt));
         * @since 2.9
        protected Collection<Object> createDefaultInstance(DeserializationContext ctxt)
            throws IOException
            return (Collection<Object>) _valueInstantiator.createUsingDefault(ctxt);
        public Collection<Object> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
                Collection<Object> result)
            throws IOException
            // Ok: must point to START_ARRAY (or equivalent)
            if (p.isExpectedStartArrayToken()) {
                return _deserializeFromArray(p, ctxt, result);
            return handleNonArray(p, ctxt, result);
        public Object deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
                TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer)
            throws IOException
            // In future could check current token... for now this should be enough:
            return typeDeserializer.deserializeTypedFromArray(p, ctxt);
         * Logic extracted to deal with incoming String value.
         * @since 2.12
        protected Collection<Object> _deserializeFromString(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
                String value)
            throws IOException
            final Class<?> rawTargetType = handledType();
            // 05-Nov-2020, ckozak: As per [jackson-databind#2922] string values may be handled
            // using handleNonArray, however empty strings may result in a null or empty collection
            // depending on configuration.
            // Start by verifying if we got empty/blank string since accessing
            // CoercionAction may be costlier than String value we'll almost certainly
            // need anyway
            if (value.isEmpty()) {
                CoercionAction act = ctxt.findCoercionAction(logicalType(), rawTargetType,
                // handleNonArray may successfully deserialize the result (if
                // ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY is enabled, for example) otherwise it
                // is capable of failing just as well as _deserializeFromEmptyString.
                if (act != null && act != CoercionAction.Fail) {
                    return (Collection<Object>) _deserializeFromEmptyString(
                            p, ctxt, act, rawTargetType, "empty String (\"\")");
                // note: `CoercionAction.Fail` falls through because we may need to allow
                // `ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY` handling later on
            // 26-Mar-2021, tatu: Some day is today; as per [dataformat-xml#460],
            //    we do need to support blank String too...
            else if (_isBlank(value)) {
                final CoercionAction act = ctxt.findCoercionFromBlankString(logicalType(), rawTargetType,
                if (act != CoercionAction.Fail) {
                    return (Collection<Object>) _deserializeFromEmptyString(
                            p, ctxt, act, rawTargetType, "blank String (all whitespace)");
                // note: `CoercionAction.Fail` falls through because we may need to allow
                // `ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY` handling later on
            return handleNonArray(p, ctxt, createDefaultInstance(ctxt));
         * @since 2.12
        protected Collection<Object> _deserializeFromArray(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
                Collection<Object> result)
            throws IOException
            // [databind#631]: Assign current value, to be accessible by custom serializers
            JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer;
            // Let's offline handling of values with Object Ids (simplifies code here)
            if (valueDes.getObjectIdReader() != null) {
                return _deserializeWithObjectId(p, ctxt, result);
            final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer;
            JsonToken t;
            while ((t = p.nextToken()) != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
                try {
                    Object value;
                    if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
                        if (_skipNullValues) {
                        value = _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt);
                    } else if (typeDeser == null) {
                        value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt);
                    } else {
                        value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser);
                    /* 17-Dec-2017, tatu: should not occur at this level...
                } catch (UnresolvedForwardReference reference) {
                    throw JsonMappingException
                        .from(p, "Unresolved forward reference but no identity info", reference);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    boolean wrap = (ctxt == null) || ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.WRAP_EXCEPTIONS);
                    if (!wrap) {
                    throw JsonMappingException.wrapWithPath(e, result, result.size());
            return result;
         * Helper method called when current token is no START_ARRAY. Will either
         * throw an exception, or try to handle value as if member of implicit
         * array, depending on configuration.
        protected final Collection<Object> handleNonArray(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
                Collection<Object> result)
            throws IOException
            // Implicit arrays from single values?
            boolean canWrap = (_unwrapSingle == Boolean.TRUE) ||
                    ((_unwrapSingle == null) &&
            if (!canWrap) {
                return (Collection<Object>) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(_containerType, p);
            JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer;
            final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer;
            Object value;
            try {
                if (p.hasToken(JsonToken.VALUE_NULL)) {
                    // 03-Feb-2017, tatu: Hmmh. I wonder... let's try skipping here, too
                    if (_skipNullValues) {
                        return result;
                    value = _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt);
                } else if (typeDeser == null) {
                    value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt);
                } else {
                    value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                boolean wrap = ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.WRAP_EXCEPTIONS);
                if (!wrap) {
                // note: pass Object.class, not Object[].class, as we need element type for error info
                throw JsonMappingException.wrapWithPath(e, Object.class, result.size());
            return result;
        protected Collection<Object> _deserializeWithObjectId(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt,
                Collection<Object> result)
            throws IOException
            // Ok: must point to START_ARRAY (or equivalent)
            if (!p.isExpectedStartArrayToken()) {
                return handleNonArray(p, ctxt, result);
            // [databind#631]: Assign current value, to be accessible by custom serializers
            final JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer;
            final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer;
            CollectionReferringAccumulator referringAccumulator =
                    new CollectionReferringAccumulator(_containerType.getContentType().getRawClass(), result);
            JsonToken t;
            while ((t = p.nextToken()) != JsonToken.END_ARRAY) {
                try {
                    Object value;
                    if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) {
                        if (_skipNullValues) {
                        value = _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt);
                    } else if (typeDeser == null) {
                        value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt);
                    } else {
                        value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser);
                } catch (UnresolvedForwardReference reference) {
                    Referring ref = referringAccumulator.handleUnresolvedReference(reference);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    boolean wrap = (ctxt == null) || ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.WRAP_EXCEPTIONS);
                    if (!wrap) {
                    throw JsonMappingException.wrapWithPath(e, result, result.size());
            return result;
         * Helper class for dealing with Object Id references for values contained in
         * collections being deserialized.
        public static class CollectionReferringAccumulator {
            private final Class<?> _elementType;
            private final Collection<Object> _result;
             * A list of {@link CollectionReferring} to maintain ordering.
            private List<CollectionReferring> _accumulator = new ArrayList<CollectionReferring>();
            public CollectionReferringAccumulator(Class<?> elementType, Collection<Object> result) {
                _elementType = elementType;
                _result = result;
            public void add(Object value)
                if (_accumulator.isEmpty()) {
                } else {
                    CollectionReferring ref = _accumulator.get(_accumulator.size() - 1);
            public Referring handleUnresolvedReference(UnresolvedForwardReference reference)
                CollectionReferring id = new CollectionReferring(this, reference, _elementType);
                return id;
            public void resolveForwardReference(Object id, Object value) throws IOException
                Iterator<CollectionReferring> iterator = _accumulator.iterator();
                // Resolve ordering after resolution of an id. This mean either:
                // 1- adding to the result collection in case of the first unresolved id.
                // 2- merge the content of the resolved id with its previous unresolved id.
                Collection<Object> previous = _result;
                while (iterator.hasNext()) {
                    CollectionReferring ref = iterator.next();
                    if (ref.hasId(id)) {
                    previous = ref.next;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to resolve a forward reference with id [" + id
                        + "] that wasn't previously seen as unresolved.");
         * Helper class to maintain processing order of value. The resolved
         * object associated with {@link #_id} comes before the values in
         * {@link #next}.
        private final static class CollectionReferring extends Referring {
            private final CollectionReferringAccumulator _parent;
            public final List<Object> next = new ArrayList<Object>();
            CollectionReferring(CollectionReferringAccumulator parent,
                    UnresolvedForwardReference reference, Class<?> contentType)
                super(reference, contentType);
                _parent = parent;
            public void handleResolvedForwardReference(Object id, Object value) throws IOException {
                _parent.resolveForwardReference(id, value);



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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