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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/deser/std/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std; import; import java.util.Arrays; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.JsonNodeFeature; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.RawValue; /** * Deserializer that can build instances of {@link JsonNode} from any * JSON content, using appropriate {@link JsonNode} type. *<p> * Rewritten in Jackson 2.13 to avoid recursion and allow handling of * very deeply nested structures. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class JsonNodeDeserializer extends BaseNodeDeserializer<JsonNode> { /** * Singleton instance of generic deserializer for {@link JsonNode}. * Only used for types other than JSON Object and Array. */ private final static JsonNodeDeserializer instance = new JsonNodeDeserializer(); protected JsonNodeDeserializer() { // `null` means that explicit "merge" is honored and may or may not work, but // that per-type and global defaults do not enable merging. This because // some node types (Object, Array) do support, others don't. super(JsonNode.class, null); } protected JsonNodeDeserializer(JsonNodeDeserializer base, boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { super(base, mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } @Override protected JsonDeserializer<?> _createWithMerge(boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { return new JsonNodeDeserializer(this, mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } /** * Factory method for accessing deserializer for specific node type */ public static JsonDeserializer<? extends JsonNode> getDeserializer(Class<?> nodeClass) { if (nodeClass == ObjectNode.class) { return ObjectDeserializer.getInstance(); } if (nodeClass == ArrayNode.class) { return ArrayDeserializer.getInstance(); } // For others, generic one works fine return instance; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Actual deserialization method implementations /********************************************************************** */ @Override public JsonNode getNullValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) { return ctxt.getNodeFactory().nullNode(); } /** * Overridden variant to ensure that absent values are NOT coerced into * {@code NullNode}s, unlike incoming {@code null} values. */ @Override // since 2.13 public Object getAbsentValue(DeserializationContext ctxt) { return null; } /** * Implementation that will produce types of any JSON nodes; not just one * deserializer is registered to handle (in case of more specialized handler). * Overridden by typed sub-classes for more thorough checking */ @Override public JsonNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { final ContainerStack stack = new ContainerStack(); final JsonNodeFactory nodeF = ctxt.getNodeFactory(); switch (p.currentTokenId()) { case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT: return _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeF, stack, nodeF.objectNode()); case JsonTokenId.ID_END_OBJECT: return nodeF.objectNode(); case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY: return _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeF, stack, nodeF.arrayNode()); case JsonTokenId.ID_FIELD_NAME: return _deserializeObjectAtName(p, ctxt, nodeF, stack); default: } return _deserializeAnyScalar(p, ctxt); } @Override public Boolean supportsUpdate(DeserializationConfig config) { return _supportsUpdates; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Specific instances for more accurate types /********************************************************************** */ /** * Implementation used when declared type is specifically {@link ObjectNode}. */ final static class ObjectDeserializer extends BaseNodeDeserializer<ObjectNode> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final static ObjectDeserializer _instance = new ObjectDeserializer(); protected ObjectDeserializer() { super(ObjectNode.class, true); } public static ObjectDeserializer getInstance() { return _instance; } protected ObjectDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer base, boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { super(base, mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } @Override protected JsonDeserializer<?> _createWithMerge(boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { return new ObjectDeserializer(this, mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } @Override public ObjectNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { final JsonNodeFactory nodeF = ctxt.getNodeFactory(); if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { final ObjectNode root = nodeF.objectNode(); _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeF, new ContainerStack(), root); return root; } if (p.hasToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)) { return _deserializeObjectAtName(p, ctxt, nodeF, new ContainerStack()); } // 23-Sep-2015, tatu: Ugh. We may also be given END_OBJECT (similar to FIELD_NAME), // if caller has advanced to the first token of Object, but for empty Object if (p.hasToken(JsonToken.END_OBJECT)) { return nodeF.objectNode(); } return (ObjectNode) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(ObjectNode.class, p); } /** * Variant needed to support both root-level `updateValue()` and merging. * * @since 2.9 */ @Override public ObjectNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, ObjectNode node) throws IOException { if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken() || p.hasToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)) { return (ObjectNode) updateObject(p, ctxt, (ObjectNode) node, new ContainerStack()); } return (ObjectNode) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(ObjectNode.class, p); } } /** * Implementation used when declared type is specifically {@link ArrayNode}. */ final static class ArrayDeserializer extends BaseNodeDeserializer<ArrayNode> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final static ArrayDeserializer _instance = new ArrayDeserializer(); protected ArrayDeserializer() { super(ArrayNode.class, true); } public static ArrayDeserializer getInstance() { return _instance; } protected ArrayDeserializer(ArrayDeserializer base, boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { super(base, mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } @Override protected JsonDeserializer<?> _createWithMerge(boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { return new ArrayDeserializer(this, mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } @Override public ArrayNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { if (p.isExpectedStartArrayToken()) { final JsonNodeFactory nodeF = ctxt.getNodeFactory(); final ArrayNode arrayNode = nodeF.arrayNode(); _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeF, new ContainerStack(), arrayNode); return arrayNode; } return (ArrayNode) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(ArrayNode.class, p); } /** * Variant needed to support both root-level {@code updateValue()} and merging. */ @Override public ArrayNode deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, ArrayNode arrayNode) throws IOException { if (p.isExpectedStartArrayToken()) { _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, ctxt.getNodeFactory(), new ContainerStack(), arrayNode); return arrayNode; } return (ArrayNode) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(ArrayNode.class, p); } } } /** * Base class for all actual {@link JsonNode} deserializer implementations. *<p> * Starting with Jackson 2.13 uses iteration instead of recursion: this allows * handling of very deeply nested input structures. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") abstract class BaseNodeDeserializer<T extends JsonNode> extends StdDeserializer<T> implements ContextualDeserializer { protected final Boolean _supportsUpdates; protected final boolean _mergeArrays; protected final boolean _mergeObjects; public BaseNodeDeserializer(Class<T> vc, Boolean supportsUpdates) { super(vc); _supportsUpdates = supportsUpdates; _mergeArrays = true; _mergeObjects = true; } protected BaseNodeDeserializer(BaseNodeDeserializer<?> base, boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects) { super(base); _supportsUpdates = base._supportsUpdates; _mergeArrays = mergeArrays; _mergeObjects = mergeObjects; } @Override public Object deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer) throws IOException { // Output can be as JSON Object, Array or scalar: no way to know a priori: return typeDeserializer.deserializeTypedFromAny(p, ctxt); } @Override // since 2.12 public LogicalType logicalType() { return LogicalType.Untyped; } // 07-Nov-2014, tatu: When investigating [databind#604], realized that it makes // sense to also mark this is cachable, since lookup not exactly free, and // since it's not uncommon to "read anything" @Override public boolean isCachable() { return true; } @Override // since 2.9 public Boolean supportsUpdate(DeserializationConfig config) { return _supportsUpdates; } @Override // @since 2.14 public JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException { // 13-Jun-2022, tatu: Should we care about property? For now, let's not yet. // (merge info there accessible via "property.getMetadata().getMergeInfo()") final DeserializationConfig cfg = ctxt.getConfig(); Boolean mergeArr = cfg.getDefaultMergeable(ArrayNode.class); Boolean mergeObj = cfg.getDefaultMergeable(ObjectNode.class); Boolean mergeNode = cfg.getDefaultMergeable(JsonNode.class); final boolean mergeArrays = _shouldMerge(mergeArr, mergeNode); final boolean mergeObjects = _shouldMerge(mergeObj, mergeNode); if ((mergeArrays != _mergeArrays) || (mergeObjects != _mergeObjects)) { return _createWithMerge(mergeArrays, mergeObjects); } return this; } private static boolean _shouldMerge(Boolean specificMerge, Boolean generalMerge) { if (specificMerge != null) { return specificMerge.booleanValue(); } if (generalMerge != null) { return generalMerge.booleanValue(); } return true; } // @since 2.14 protected abstract JsonDeserializer<?> _createWithMerge(boolean mergeArrays, boolean mergeObjects); /* /********************************************************************** /* Duplicate handling /********************************************************************** */ /** * Method called when there is a duplicate value for a field. * By default we don't care, and the last value is used. * Can be overridden to provide alternate handling, such as throwing * an exception, or choosing different strategy for combining values * or choosing which one to keep. * * @param fieldName Name of the field for which duplicate value was found * @param objectNode Object node that contains values * @param oldValue Value that existed for the object node before newValue * was added * @param newValue Newly added value just added to the object node */ protected void _handleDuplicateField(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory, String fieldName, ObjectNode objectNode, JsonNode oldValue, JsonNode newValue) throws IOException { // [databind#237]: Report an error if asked to do so: if (ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_READING_DUP_TREE_KEY)) { // 11-Sep-2019, tatu: Can not pass "property name" because we may be // missing enclosing JSON content context... // ctxt.reportPropertyInputMismatch(JsonNode.class, fieldName, ctxt.reportInputMismatch(JsonNode.class, "Duplicate field '%s' for `ObjectNode`: not allowed when `DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_READING_DUP_TREE_KEY` enabled", fieldName); } // [databind#2732]: Special case for XML; automatically coerce into `ArrayNode` if (ctxt.isEnabled(StreamReadCapability.DUPLICATE_PROPERTIES)) { // Note that ideally we wouldn't have to shuffle things but... Map.putIfAbsent() // only added in JDK 8, to efficiently check for add. So... if (oldValue.isArray()) { // already was array, to append ((ArrayNode) oldValue).add(newValue); objectNode.replace(fieldName, oldValue); } else { // was not array, convert ArrayNode arr = nodeFactory.arrayNode(); arr.add(oldValue); arr.add(newValue); objectNode.replace(fieldName, arr); } } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper methods, deserialization /********************************************************************** */ /** * Alternate deserialization method used when parser already points to first * FIELD_NAME and not START_OBJECT. */ protected final ObjectNode _deserializeObjectAtName(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, final JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory, final ContainerStack stack) throws IOException { final ObjectNode node = nodeFactory.objectNode(); String key = p.currentName(); for (; key != null; key = p.nextFieldName()) { JsonNode value; JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if (t == null) { // can this ever occur? t = JsonToken.NOT_AVAILABLE; // can this ever occur? } switch ( { case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT: value = _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, stack, nodeFactory.objectNode()); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY: value = _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, stack, nodeFactory.arrayNode()); break; default: value = _deserializeAnyScalar(p, ctxt); } JsonNode old = node.replace(key, value); if (old != null) { _handleDuplicateField(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, key, node, old, value); } } return node; } /** * Alternate deserialization method that is to update existing {@link ObjectNode} * if possible. * * @since 2.9 */ protected final JsonNode updateObject(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, final ObjectNode node, final ContainerStack stack) throws IOException { String key; if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { key = p.nextFieldName(); } else { if (!p.hasToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)) { return deserialize(p, ctxt); } key = p.currentName(); } final JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory = ctxt.getNodeFactory(); for (; key != null; key = p.nextFieldName()) { // If not, fall through to regular handling JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); // First: see if we can merge things: JsonNode old = node.get(key); if (old != null) { if (old instanceof ObjectNode) { // [databind#3056]: merging only if had Object and // getting an Object if ((t == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) && _mergeObjects) { JsonNode newValue = updateObject(p, ctxt, (ObjectNode) old, stack); if (newValue != old) { node.set(key, newValue); } continue; } } else if (old instanceof ArrayNode) { // [databind#3056]: related to Object handling, ensure // Array values also match for mergeability if ((t == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) && _mergeArrays) { // 28-Mar-2021, tatu: We'll only append entries so not very different // from "regular" deserializeArray... _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, stack, (ArrayNode) old); continue; } } } if (t == null) { // can this ever occur? t = JsonToken.NOT_AVAILABLE; } JsonNode value; switch ( { case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT: value = _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, stack, nodeFactory.objectNode()); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY: value = _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, stack, nodeFactory.arrayNode()); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_STRING: value = nodeFactory.textNode(p.getText()); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_INT: value = _fromInt(p, ctxt, nodeFactory); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_TRUE: value = nodeFactory.booleanNode(true); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_FALSE: value = nodeFactory.booleanNode(false); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_NULL: // 20-Mar-2022, tatu: [databind#3421] Allow skipping `null`s from JSON if (!ctxt.isEnabled(JsonNodeFeature.READ_NULL_PROPERTIES)) { continue; } value = nodeFactory.nullNode(); break; default: value = _deserializeRareScalar(p, ctxt); } // 15-Feb-2021, tatu: I don't think this should have been called // on update case (was until 2.12.2) and was simply result of // copy-paste. /* if (old != null) { _handleDuplicateField(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, key, node, old, value); } */ node.set(key, value); } return node; } // Non-recursive alternative, used beyond certain nesting level // @since 2.13.0 protected final ContainerNode<?> _deserializeContainerNoRecursion(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory, ContainerStack stack, final ContainerNode<?> root) throws IOException { ContainerNode<?> curr = root; final int intCoercionFeats = ctxt.getDeserializationFeatures() & F_MASK_INT_COERCIONS; outer_loop: do { if (curr instanceof ObjectNode) { ObjectNode currObject = (ObjectNode) curr; String propName = p.nextFieldName(); objectLoop: for (; propName != null; propName = p.nextFieldName()) { JsonNode value; JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if (t == null) { // unexpected end-of-input (or bad buffering?) t = JsonToken.NOT_AVAILABLE; // to trigger an exception } switch ( { case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT: { ObjectNode newOb = nodeFactory.objectNode(); JsonNode old = currObject.replace(propName, newOb); if (old != null) { _handleDuplicateField(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, propName, currObject, old, newOb); } stack.push(curr); curr = currObject = newOb; // We can actually take a short-cut with nested Objects... continue objectLoop; } case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY: { ArrayNode newOb = nodeFactory.arrayNode(); JsonNode old = currObject.replace(propName, newOb); if (old != null) { _handleDuplicateField(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, propName, currObject, old, newOb); } stack.push(curr); curr = newOb; } continue outer_loop; case JsonTokenId.ID_STRING: value = nodeFactory.textNode(p.getText()); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_INT: value = _fromInt(p, intCoercionFeats, nodeFactory); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_FLOAT: value = _fromFloat(p, ctxt, nodeFactory); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_TRUE: value = nodeFactory.booleanNode(true); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_FALSE: value = nodeFactory.booleanNode(false); break; case JsonTokenId.ID_NULL: // 20-Mar-2022, tatu: [databind#3421] Allow skipping `null`s from JSON if (!ctxt.isEnabled(JsonNodeFeature.READ_NULL_PROPERTIES)) { continue; } value = nodeFactory.nullNode(); break; default: value = _deserializeRareScalar(p, ctxt); } JsonNode old = currObject.replace(propName, value); if (old != null) { _handleDuplicateField(p, ctxt, nodeFactory, propName, currObject, old, value); } } // reached not-property-name, should be END_OBJECT (verify?) } else { // Otherwise we must have an array final ArrayNode currArray = (ArrayNode) curr; arrayLoop: while (true) { JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if (t == null) { // unexpected end-of-input (or bad buffering?) t = JsonToken.NOT_AVAILABLE; // to trigger an exception } switch ( { case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT: stack.push(curr); curr = nodeFactory.objectNode(); currArray.add(curr); continue outer_loop; case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY: stack.push(curr); curr = nodeFactory.arrayNode(); currArray.add(curr); continue outer_loop; case JsonTokenId.ID_END_ARRAY: break arrayLoop; case JsonTokenId.ID_STRING: currArray.add(nodeFactory.textNode(p.getText())); continue arrayLoop; case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_INT: currArray.add(_fromInt(p, intCoercionFeats, nodeFactory)); continue arrayLoop; case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_FLOAT: currArray.add(_fromFloat(p, ctxt, nodeFactory)); continue arrayLoop; case JsonTokenId.ID_TRUE: currArray.add(nodeFactory.booleanNode(true)); continue arrayLoop; case JsonTokenId.ID_FALSE: currArray.add(nodeFactory.booleanNode(false)); continue arrayLoop; case JsonTokenId.ID_NULL: currArray.add(nodeFactory.nullNode()); continue arrayLoop; default: currArray.add(_deserializeRareScalar(p, ctxt)); continue arrayLoop; } } // Reached end of array (or input), so... } // Either way, Object or Array ended, return up nesting level: curr = stack.popOrNull(); } while (curr != null); return root; } // Was called "deserializeAny()" in 2.12 and prior protected final JsonNode _deserializeAnyScalar(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { final JsonNodeFactory nodeF = ctxt.getNodeFactory(); switch (p.currentTokenId()) { case JsonTokenId.ID_END_OBJECT: return nodeF.objectNode(); case JsonTokenId.ID_STRING: return nodeF.textNode(p.getText()); case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_INT: return _fromInt(p, ctxt, nodeF); case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_FLOAT: return _fromFloat(p, ctxt, nodeF); case JsonTokenId.ID_TRUE: return nodeF.booleanNode(true); case JsonTokenId.ID_FALSE: return nodeF.booleanNode(false); case JsonTokenId.ID_NULL: return nodeF.nullNode(); case JsonTokenId.ID_EMBEDDED_OBJECT: return _fromEmbedded(p, ctxt); // Caller should check for anything else default: } return (JsonNode) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(handledType(), p); } protected final JsonNode _deserializeRareScalar(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { // 28-Mar-2021, tatu: Only things that caller does not check switch (p.currentTokenId()) { case JsonTokenId.ID_END_OBJECT: // for empty JSON Objects we may point to this? return ctxt.getNodeFactory().objectNode(); case JsonTokenId.ID_NUMBER_FLOAT: return _fromFloat(p, ctxt, ctxt.getNodeFactory()); case JsonTokenId.ID_EMBEDDED_OBJECT: return _fromEmbedded(p, ctxt); // Caller should check for anything else default: } return (JsonNode) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(handledType(), p); } protected final JsonNode _fromInt(JsonParser p, int coercionFeatures, JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory) throws IOException { if (coercionFeatures != 0) { if (DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_INTEGER_FOR_INTS.enabledIn(coercionFeatures)) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getBigIntegerValue()); } return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getLongValue()); } final JsonParser.NumberType nt = p.getNumberType(); if (nt == JsonParser.NumberType.INT) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getIntValue()); } if (nt == JsonParser.NumberType.LONG) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getLongValue()); } return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getBigIntegerValue()); } protected final JsonNode _fromInt(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory) throws IOException { JsonParser.NumberType nt; int feats = ctxt.getDeserializationFeatures(); if ((feats & F_MASK_INT_COERCIONS) != 0) { if (DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_INTEGER_FOR_INTS.enabledIn(feats)) { nt = JsonParser.NumberType.BIG_INTEGER; } else if (DeserializationFeature.USE_LONG_FOR_INTS.enabledIn(feats)) { nt = JsonParser.NumberType.LONG; } else { nt = p.getNumberType(); } } else { nt = p.getNumberType(); } if (nt == JsonParser.NumberType.INT) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getIntValue()); } if (nt == JsonParser.NumberType.LONG) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getLongValue()); } return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getBigIntegerValue()); } protected final JsonNode _fromFloat(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, JsonNodeFactory nodeFactory) throws IOException { JsonParser.NumberType nt = p.getNumberType(); if (nt == JsonParser.NumberType.BIG_DECIMAL) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getDecimalValue()); } if (ctxt.isEnabled(DeserializationFeature.USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS)) { // 20-May-2016, tatu: As per [databind#1028], need to be careful // (note: JDK 1.8 would have `Double.isFinite()`) if (p.isNaN()) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getDoubleValue()); } return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getDecimalValue()); } if (nt == JsonParser.NumberType.FLOAT) { return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getFloatValue()); } return nodeFactory.numberNode(p.getDoubleValue()); } protected final JsonNode _fromEmbedded(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { final JsonNodeFactory nodeF = ctxt.getNodeFactory(); final Object ob = p.getEmbeddedObject(); if (ob == null) { // should this occur? return nodeF.nullNode(); } Class<?> type = ob.getClass(); if (type == byte[].class) { // most common special case return nodeF.binaryNode((byte[]) ob); } // [databind#743]: Don't forget RawValue if (ob instanceof RawValue) { return nodeF.rawValueNode((RawValue) ob); } if (ob instanceof JsonNode) { // [databind#433]: but could also be a JsonNode hiding in there! return (JsonNode) ob; } // any other special handling needed? return nodeF.pojoNode(ob); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************************** */ /** * Optimized variant similar in functionality to (a subset of) * {@link java.util.ArrayDeque}; used to hold enclosing Array/Object * nodes during recursion-as-iteration. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") final static class ContainerStack { private ContainerNode[] _stack; private int _top, _end; public ContainerStack() { } // Not used yet but useful for limits (fail at [some high depth]) public int size() { return _top; } public void push(ContainerNode node) { if (_top < _end) { _stack[_top++] = node; // lgtm [java/dereferenced-value-may-be-null] return; } if (_stack == null) { _end = 10; _stack = new ContainerNode[_end]; } else { // grow by 50%, for most part _end += Math.min(4000, Math.max(20, _end>>1)); _stack = Arrays.copyOf(_stack, _end); } _stack[_top++] = node; } public ContainerNode popOrNull() { if (_top == 0) { return null; } // note: could clean up stack but due to usage pattern, should not make // any difference -- all nodes joined during and after construction and // after construction the whole stack is discarded return _stack[--_top]; } } }
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