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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/deser/std/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JacksonStdImpl; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedWithParams; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; /** * Default {@link ValueInstantiator} implementation, which supports * Creator methods that can be indicated by standard Jackson * annotations. */ @JacksonStdImpl public class StdValueInstantiator extends ValueInstantiator implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Type of values that are instantiated; used * for error reporting purposes. */ protected final String _valueTypeDesc; /** * @since 2.8 */ protected final Class<?> _valueClass; // // // Default (no-args) construction /** * Default (no-argument) constructor to use for instantiation * (with {@link #createUsingDefault}) */ protected AnnotatedWithParams _defaultCreator; // // // With-args (property-based) construction protected AnnotatedWithParams _withArgsCreator; protected SettableBeanProperty[] _constructorArguments; // // // Delegate construction protected JavaType _delegateType; protected AnnotatedWithParams _delegateCreator; protected SettableBeanProperty[] _delegateArguments; // // // Array delegate construction protected JavaType _arrayDelegateType; protected AnnotatedWithParams _arrayDelegateCreator; protected SettableBeanProperty[] _arrayDelegateArguments; // // // Scalar construction protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromStringCreator; protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromIntCreator; protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromLongCreator; protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromBigIntegerCreator; protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromDoubleCreator; protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromBigDecimalCreator; protected AnnotatedWithParams _fromBooleanCreator; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************** */ /** * @deprecated Since 2.7 use constructor that takes {@link JavaType} instead */ @Deprecated public StdValueInstantiator(DeserializationConfig config, Class<?> valueType) { _valueTypeDesc = ClassUtil.nameOf(valueType); _valueClass = (valueType == null) ? Object.class : valueType; } public StdValueInstantiator(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType valueType) { _valueTypeDesc = (valueType == null) ? "UNKNOWN TYPE" : valueType.toString(); _valueClass = (valueType == null) ? Object.class : valueType.getRawClass(); } /** * Copy-constructor that sub-classes can use when creating new instances * by fluent-style construction */ protected StdValueInstantiator(StdValueInstantiator src) { _valueTypeDesc = src._valueTypeDesc; _valueClass = src._valueClass; _defaultCreator = src._defaultCreator; _constructorArguments = src._constructorArguments; _withArgsCreator = src._withArgsCreator; _delegateType = src._delegateType; _delegateCreator = src._delegateCreator; _delegateArguments = src._delegateArguments; _arrayDelegateType = src._arrayDelegateType; _arrayDelegateCreator = src._arrayDelegateCreator; _arrayDelegateArguments = src._arrayDelegateArguments; _fromStringCreator = src._fromStringCreator; _fromIntCreator = src._fromIntCreator; _fromLongCreator = src._fromLongCreator; _fromBigIntegerCreator = src._fromBigIntegerCreator; _fromDoubleCreator = src._fromDoubleCreator; _fromBigDecimalCreator = src._fromBigDecimalCreator; _fromBooleanCreator = src._fromBooleanCreator; } /** * Method for setting properties related to instantiating values * from JSON Object. We will choose basically only one approach (out of possible * three), and clear other properties */ public void configureFromObjectSettings(AnnotatedWithParams defaultCreator, AnnotatedWithParams delegateCreator, JavaType delegateType, SettableBeanProperty[] delegateArgs, AnnotatedWithParams withArgsCreator, SettableBeanProperty[] constructorArgs) { _defaultCreator = defaultCreator; _delegateCreator = delegateCreator; _delegateType = delegateType; _delegateArguments = delegateArgs; _withArgsCreator = withArgsCreator; _constructorArguments = constructorArgs; } public void configureFromArraySettings( AnnotatedWithParams arrayDelegateCreator, JavaType arrayDelegateType, SettableBeanProperty[] arrayDelegateArgs) { _arrayDelegateCreator = arrayDelegateCreator; _arrayDelegateType = arrayDelegateType; _arrayDelegateArguments = arrayDelegateArgs; } public void configureFromStringCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromStringCreator = creator; } public void configureFromIntCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromIntCreator = creator; } public void configureFromLongCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromLongCreator = creator; } public void configureFromBigIntegerCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromBigIntegerCreator = creator; } public void configureFromDoubleCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromDoubleCreator = creator; } public void configureFromBigDecimalCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromBigDecimalCreator = creator; } public void configureFromBooleanCreator(AnnotatedWithParams creator) { _fromBooleanCreator = creator; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API implementation; metadata /********************************************************** */ @Override public String getValueTypeDesc() { return _valueTypeDesc; } @Override public Class<?> getValueClass() { return _valueClass; } @Override public boolean canCreateFromString() { return (_fromStringCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateFromInt() { return (_fromIntCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateFromLong() { return (_fromLongCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateFromBigInteger() { return _fromBigIntegerCreator != null; } @Override public boolean canCreateFromDouble() { return (_fromDoubleCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateFromBigDecimal() { return _fromBigDecimalCreator != null; } @Override public boolean canCreateFromBoolean() { return (_fromBooleanCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateUsingDefault() { return (_defaultCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateUsingDelegate() { return (_delegateType != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateUsingArrayDelegate() { return (_arrayDelegateType != null); } @Override public boolean canCreateFromObjectWith() { return (_withArgsCreator != null); } @Override public boolean canInstantiate() { return canCreateUsingDefault() || canCreateUsingDelegate() || canCreateUsingArrayDelegate() || canCreateFromObjectWith() || canCreateFromString() || canCreateFromInt() || canCreateFromLong() || canCreateFromDouble() || canCreateFromBoolean(); } @Override public JavaType getDelegateType(DeserializationConfig config) { return _delegateType; } @Override public JavaType getArrayDelegateType(DeserializationConfig config) { return _arrayDelegateType; } @Override public SettableBeanProperty[] getFromObjectArguments(DeserializationConfig config) { return _constructorArguments; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API implementation; instantiation from JSON Object /********************************************************** */ @Override public Object createUsingDefault(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { if (_defaultCreator == null) { // sanity-check; caller should check return super.createUsingDefault(ctxt); } try { return; } catch (Exception e) { // 19-Apr-2017, tatu: Let's not catch Errors, just Exceptions return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_valueClass, null, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, e)); } } @Override public Object createFromObjectWith(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object[] args) throws IOException { if (_withArgsCreator == null) { // sanity-check; caller should check return super.createFromObjectWith(ctxt, args); } try { return; } catch (Exception e) { // 19-Apr-2017, tatu: Let's not catch Errors, just Exceptions return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_valueClass, args, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, e)); } } @Override public Object createUsingDelegate(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException { // 04-Oct-2016, tatu: Need delegation to work around [databind#1392]... if (_delegateCreator == null) { if (_arrayDelegateCreator != null) { return _createUsingDelegate(_arrayDelegateCreator, _arrayDelegateArguments, ctxt, delegate); } } return _createUsingDelegate(_delegateCreator, _delegateArguments, ctxt, delegate); } @Override public Object createUsingArrayDelegate(DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException { if (_arrayDelegateCreator == null) { if (_delegateCreator != null) { // sanity-check; caller should check // fallback to the classic delegate creator return createUsingDelegate(ctxt, delegate); } } return _createUsingDelegate(_arrayDelegateCreator, _arrayDelegateArguments, ctxt, delegate); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API implementation; instantiation from JSON scalars /********************************************************** */ @Override public Object createFromString(DeserializationContext ctxt, String value) throws IOException { if (_fromStringCreator != null) { try { return _fromStringCreator.call1(value); } catch (Throwable t) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromStringCreator.getDeclaringClass(), value, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t)); } } return super.createFromString(ctxt, value); } @Override public Object createFromInt(DeserializationContext ctxt, int value) throws IOException { // First: "native" int methods work best: if (_fromIntCreator != null) { Object arg = Integer.valueOf(value); try { return _fromIntCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromIntCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0)); } } // but if not, can do widening conversion if (_fromLongCreator != null) { Object arg = Long.valueOf(value); try { return _fromLongCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromLongCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0)); } } if (_fromBigIntegerCreator != null) { Object arg = BigInteger.valueOf(value); try { return _fromBigIntegerCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromBigIntegerCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0) ); } } return super.createFromInt(ctxt, value); } @Override public Object createFromLong(DeserializationContext ctxt, long value) throws IOException { if (_fromLongCreator != null) { Long arg = Long.valueOf(value); try { return _fromLongCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromLongCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0) ); } } if (_fromBigIntegerCreator != null) { BigInteger arg = BigInteger.valueOf(value); try { return _fromBigIntegerCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromBigIntegerCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0) ); } } return super.createFromLong(ctxt, value); } @Override public Object createFromBigInteger(DeserializationContext ctxt, BigInteger value) throws IOException { if (_fromBigIntegerCreator != null) { try { return _fromBigIntegerCreator.call1(value); } catch (Throwable t) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromBigIntegerCreator.getDeclaringClass(), value, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t) ); } } return super.createFromBigInteger(ctxt, value); } @Override public Object createFromDouble(DeserializationContext ctxt, double value) throws IOException { if(_fromDoubleCreator != null) { Double arg = Double.valueOf(value); try { return _fromDoubleCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromDoubleCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0)); } } if (_fromBigDecimalCreator != null) { BigDecimal arg = BigDecimal.valueOf(value); try { return _fromBigDecimalCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromBigDecimalCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0)); } } return super.createFromDouble(ctxt, value); } @Override public Object createFromBigDecimal(DeserializationContext ctxt, BigDecimal value) throws IOException { if (_fromBigDecimalCreator != null) { try { return _fromBigDecimalCreator.call1(value); } catch (Throwable t) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromBigDecimalCreator.getDeclaringClass(), value, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t) ); } } // 13-Dec-2020, ckozak: Unlike other types, BigDecimal values may be represented // with less precision as doubles. When written to a TokenBuffer for polymorphic // deserialization the most specific type is recorded, though a less precise // floating point value may be needed. if (_fromDoubleCreator != null) { Double dbl = tryConvertToDouble(value); if (dbl != null) { try { return _fromDoubleCreator.call1(dbl); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromDoubleCreator.getDeclaringClass(), dbl, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0)); } } } return super.createFromBigDecimal(ctxt, value); } // BigDecimal cannot represent special values NaN, positive infinity, or negative infinity. // When the value cannot be represented as a double, positive or negative infinity is returned. // // @since 2.12.1 static Double tryConvertToDouble(BigDecimal value) { double doubleValue = value.doubleValue(); return Double.isInfinite(doubleValue) ? null : doubleValue; } @Override public Object createFromBoolean(DeserializationContext ctxt, boolean value) throws IOException { if (_fromBooleanCreator == null) { return super.createFromBoolean(ctxt, value); } final Boolean arg = Boolean.valueOf(value); try { return _fromBooleanCreator.call1(arg); } catch (Throwable t0) { return ctxt.handleInstantiationProblem(_fromBooleanCreator.getDeclaringClass(), arg, rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t0)); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended API: configuration mutators, accessors /********************************************************** */ @Override public AnnotatedWithParams getDelegateCreator() { return _delegateCreator; } @Override public AnnotatedWithParams getArrayDelegateCreator() { return _arrayDelegateCreator; } @Override public AnnotatedWithParams getDefaultCreator() { return _defaultCreator; } @Override public AnnotatedWithParams getWithArgsCreator() { return _withArgsCreator; } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods /********************************************************** */ /** * @deprecated Since 2.7 call either {@link #rewrapCtorProblem} or * {@link #wrapAsJsonMappingException} */ @Deprecated // since 2.7 protected JsonMappingException wrapException(Throwable t) { // 05-Nov-2015, tatu: This used to always unwrap the whole exception, but now only // does so if and until `JsonMappingException` is found. for (Throwable curr = t; curr != null; curr = curr.getCause()) { if (curr instanceof JsonMappingException) { return (JsonMappingException) curr; } } return new JsonMappingException(null, "Instantiation of "+getValueTypeDesc()+" value failed: "+ClassUtil.exceptionMessage(t), t); } /** * @deprecated Since 2.7 call either {@link #rewrapCtorProblem} or * {@link #wrapAsJsonMappingException} */ @Deprecated // since 2.10 protected JsonMappingException unwrapAndWrapException(DeserializationContext ctxt, Throwable t) { // 05-Nov-2015, tatu: This used to always unwrap the whole exception, but now only // does so if and until `JsonMappingException` is found. for (Throwable curr = t; curr != null; curr = curr.getCause()) { if (curr instanceof JsonMappingException) { return (JsonMappingException) curr; } } return ctxt.instantiationException(getValueClass(), t); } /** * Helper method that will return given {@link Throwable} case as * a {@link JsonMappingException} (if it is of that type), or call * {@link DeserializationContext#instantiationException(Class, Throwable)} to * produce and return suitable {@link JsonMappingException}. * * @since 2.7 */ protected JsonMappingException wrapAsJsonMappingException(DeserializationContext ctxt, Throwable t) { // 05-Nov-2015, tatu: Only avoid wrapping if already a JsonMappingException if (t instanceof JsonMappingException) { return (JsonMappingException) t; } return ctxt.instantiationException(getValueClass(), t); } /** * Method that subclasses may call for standard handling of an exception thrown when * calling constructor or factory method. Will unwrap {@link ExceptionInInitializerError} * and {@link InvocationTargetException}s, then call {@link #wrapAsJsonMappingException}. * * @since 2.7 */ protected JsonMappingException rewrapCtorProblem(DeserializationContext ctxt, Throwable t) { // 05-Nov-2015, tatu: Seems like there are really only 2 useless wrapper errors/exceptions, // so just peel those, and nothing else if ((t instanceof ExceptionInInitializerError) // from static initialization block || (t instanceof InvocationTargetException) // from constructor/method ) { Throwable cause = t.getCause(); if (cause != null) { t = cause; } } return wrapAsJsonMappingException(ctxt, t); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ private Object _createUsingDelegate(AnnotatedWithParams delegateCreator, SettableBeanProperty[] delegateArguments, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object delegate) throws IOException { if (delegateCreator == null) { // sanity-check; caller should check throw new IllegalStateException("No delegate constructor for "+getValueTypeDesc()); } try { // First simple case: just delegate, no injectables if (delegateArguments == null) { return delegateCreator.call1(delegate); } // And then the case with at least one injectable... final int len = delegateArguments.length; Object[] args = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = delegateArguments[i]; if (prop == null) { // delegate args[i] = delegate; } else { // nope, injectable: args[i] = ctxt.findInjectableValue(prop.getInjectableValueId(), prop, null); } } // and then try calling with full set of arguments return; } catch (Throwable t) { throw rewrapCtorProblem(ctxt, t); } } }
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/deser/std/
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