Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;
    import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
    import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
    import java.lang.annotation.Target;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collections;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Map;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.AnnotationIntrospector;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeBindings;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.Annotations;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
     * Helper class that contains logic for resolving annotations to construct
     * {@link AnnotatedClass} instances.
     * @since 2.9
    public class AnnotatedClassResolver
        private final static Annotations NO_ANNOTATIONS = AnnotationCollector.emptyAnnotations();
        private final static Class<?> CLS_OBJECT = Object.class;
        private final static Class<?> CLS_ENUM = Enum.class;
        private final static Class<?> CLS_LIST = List.class;
        private final static Class<?> CLS_MAP = Map.class;
        private final MapperConfig<?> _config;
        private final AnnotationIntrospector _intr;
        private final MixInResolver _mixInResolver;
        private final TypeBindings _bindings;
        private final JavaType _type;
        private final Class<?> _class;
        private final Class<?> _primaryMixin;
         * @since 2.11
        private final boolean _collectAnnotations;
        AnnotatedClassResolver(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) {
            _config = config;
            _type = type;
            _class = type.getRawClass();
            _mixInResolver = r;
            _bindings = type.getBindings();
            _intr = config.isAnnotationProcessingEnabled()
                    ? config.getAnnotationIntrospector() : null;
            _primaryMixin = (r == null) ? null : r.findMixInClassFor(_class);
            // Also... JDK types do not have annotations that are of interest to us
            // At least JDK container types
            _collectAnnotations = (_intr != null) &&
                    (!ClassUtil.isJDKClass(_class) || !_type.isContainerType());
        AnnotatedClassResolver(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> cls, MixInResolver r) {
            _config = config;
            _type = null;
            _class = cls;
            _mixInResolver = r;
            _bindings = TypeBindings.emptyBindings();
            if (config == null) {
                _intr = null;
                _primaryMixin = null;
            } else {
                _intr = config.isAnnotationProcessingEnabled()
                        ? config.getAnnotationIntrospector() : null;
                _primaryMixin = (r == null) ? null : r.findMixInClassFor(_class);
            _collectAnnotations = (_intr != null);
        public static AnnotatedClass resolve(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType forType,
                MixInResolver r)
            if (forType.isArrayType() && skippableArray(config, forType.getRawClass())) {
                return createArrayType(config, forType.getRawClass());
            return new AnnotatedClassResolver(config, forType, r).resolveFully();
        public static AnnotatedClass resolveWithoutSuperTypes(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> forType) {
            return resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, forType, config);
        public static AnnotatedClass resolveWithoutSuperTypes(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType forType,
                MixInResolver r)
            if (forType.isArrayType() && skippableArray(config, forType.getRawClass())) {
                return createArrayType(config, forType.getRawClass());
            return new AnnotatedClassResolver(config, forType, r).resolveWithoutSuperTypes();
        public static AnnotatedClass resolveWithoutSuperTypes(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> forType,
                MixInResolver r)
            if (forType.isArray() && skippableArray(config, forType)) {
                return createArrayType(config, forType);
            return new AnnotatedClassResolver(config, forType, r).resolveWithoutSuperTypes();
        private static boolean skippableArray(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> type) {
            return (config == null) || (config.findMixInClassFor(type) == null);
         * Internal helper method used for resolving a small set of "primordial" types for which
         * we do not accept any annotation information or overrides. 
        static AnnotatedClass createPrimordial(Class<?> raw) {
            return new AnnotatedClass(raw);
         * Internal helper method used for resolving array types, unless they happen
         * to have associated mix-in to apply.
        static AnnotatedClass createArrayType(MapperConfig<?> config, Class<?> raw) {
            return new AnnotatedClass(raw);
        AnnotatedClass resolveFully() {
            List<JavaType> superTypes = new ArrayList<JavaType>(8);
            if (!_type.hasRawClass(Object.class)) {
                if (_type.isInterface()) {
                    _addSuperInterfaces(_type, superTypes, false);
                } else {
                    _addSuperTypes(_type, superTypes, false);
    //System.err.println("resolveFully("+_type.getRawClass().getSimpleName()+") ("+superTypes.size()+") -> "+superTypes);
            return new AnnotatedClass(_type, _class, superTypes, _primaryMixin,
                    _bindings, _intr, _mixInResolver, _config.getTypeFactory(),
        AnnotatedClass resolveWithoutSuperTypes() {
            List<JavaType> superTypes = Collections.<JavaType>emptyList();
            return new AnnotatedClass(null, _class, superTypes, _primaryMixin,
                    _bindings, _intr, _mixInResolver, _config.getTypeFactory(),
        private static void _addSuperTypes(JavaType type, List<JavaType> result,
                boolean addClassItself)
            final Class<?> cls = type.getRawClass();
            // 15-Oct-2019, tatu: certain paths do not lead to useful information, so prune
            //    as optimization
            if ((cls == CLS_OBJECT) || (cls == CLS_ENUM)) {
            if (addClassItself) {
                if (_contains(result, cls)) { // already added, no need to check supers
            for (JavaType intCls : type.getInterfaces()) {
                _addSuperInterfaces(intCls, result, true);
            final JavaType superType = type.getSuperClass();
            if (superType != null) {
                _addSuperTypes(superType, result, true);
        private static void _addSuperInterfaces(JavaType type, List<JavaType> result,
                boolean addClassItself)
            final Class<?> cls = type.getRawClass();
            if (addClassItself) {
                if (_contains(result, cls)) { // already added, no need to check supers
                // 30-Oct-2019, tatu: Further, no point going beyond some containers
                if ((cls == CLS_LIST) || (cls == CLS_MAP)) {
            for (JavaType intCls : type.getInterfaces()) {
                _addSuperInterfaces(intCls, result, true);
        private static boolean _contains(List<JavaType> found, Class<?> raw) {
            for (int i = 0, end = found.size(); i < end; ++i) {
                if (found.get(i).getRawClass() == raw) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        /* Class annotation resolution
         * Initialization method that will recursively collect Jackson
         * annotations for this class and all super classes and
         * interfaces.
        private Annotations resolveClassAnnotations(List<JavaType> superTypes)
            // Should skip processing if annotation processing disabled
            if (_intr == null) {
                return NO_ANNOTATIONS;
            // Plus we may or may not have mix-ins to consider
            final boolean checkMixIns = (_mixInResolver != null)
                    && (!(_mixInResolver instanceof SimpleMixInResolver)
                            || ((SimpleMixInResolver) _mixInResolver).hasMixIns());
            // also skip if there's nothing to do
            if (!checkMixIns && !_collectAnnotations) {
                return NO_ANNOTATIONS;
            AnnotationCollector resolvedCA = AnnotationCollector.emptyCollector();
            // add mix-in annotations first (overrides)
            if (_primaryMixin != null) {
                resolvedCA = _addClassMixIns(resolvedCA, _class, _primaryMixin);
            // then annotations from the class itself:
            // 06-Oct-2019, tatu: [databind#2464] Skip class annotations for JDK classes
            if (_collectAnnotations) {
                resolvedCA = _addAnnotationsIfNotPresent(resolvedCA,
            // and then from super types
            for (JavaType type : superTypes) {
                // and mix mix-in annotations in-between
                if (checkMixIns) {
                    Class<?> cls = type.getRawClass();
                    resolvedCA = _addClassMixIns(resolvedCA, cls,
                if (_collectAnnotations) {
                    resolvedCA = _addAnnotationsIfNotPresent(resolvedCA,
            // and finally... any annotations there might be for plain old Object.class:
            // separate because otherwise it is just ignored (not included in super types)
            // 12-Jul-2009, tatu: Should this be done for interfaces too?
            //  For now, yes, seems useful for some cases, and not harmful for any?
            if (checkMixIns) {
                resolvedCA = _addClassMixIns(resolvedCA, Object.class,
            return resolvedCA.asAnnotations();
        private AnnotationCollector _addClassMixIns(AnnotationCollector annotations,
                Class<?> target, Class<?> mixin)
            if (mixin != null) {
                // Ok, first: annotations from mix-in class itself:
                annotations = _addAnnotationsIfNotPresent(annotations, ClassUtil.findClassAnnotations(mixin));
                // And then from its supertypes, if any. But note that we will only consider
                // super-types up until reaching the masked class (if found); this because
                // often mix-in class is a sub-class (for convenience reasons).
                // And if so, we absolutely must NOT include super types of masked class,
                // as that would inverse precedence of annotations.
                for (Class<?> parent : ClassUtil.findSuperClasses(mixin, target, false)) {
                    annotations = _addAnnotationsIfNotPresent(annotations, ClassUtil.findClassAnnotations(parent));
            return annotations;
        private AnnotationCollector _addAnnotationsIfNotPresent(AnnotationCollector c,
                Annotation[] anns)
            if (anns != null) {
                for (Annotation ann : anns) { // first: direct annotations
                    // note: we will NOT filter out non-Jackson annotations any more
                    if (!c.isPresent(ann)) {
                        c = c.addOrOverride(ann);
                        if (_intr.isAnnotationBundle(ann)) {
                            c = _addFromBundleIfNotPresent(c, ann);
            return c;
        private AnnotationCollector _addFromBundleIfNotPresent(AnnotationCollector c,
                Annotation bundle)
            for (Annotation ann : ClassUtil.findClassAnnotations(bundle.annotationType())) {
                // minor optimization: by-pass 2 common JDK meta-annotations
                if ((ann instanceof Target) || (ann instanceof Retention)) {
                if (!c.isPresent(ann)) {
                    c = c.addOrOverride(ann);
                    if (_intr.isAnnotationBundle(ann)) {
                        c = _addFromBundleIfNotPresent(c, ann);
            return c;



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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