Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;
    import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.List;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Version;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonPOJOBuilder;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeResolverBuilder;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.BeanPropertyWriter;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.NameTransformer;
     * Helper class that allows using 2 introspectors such that one
     * introspector acts as the primary one to use; and second one
     * as a fallback used if the primary does not provide conclusive
     * or useful result for a method.
     * An obvious consequence of priority is that it is easy to construct
     * longer chains of introspectors by linking multiple pairs.
     * Currently most likely combination is that of using the default
     * Jackson provider, along with JAXB annotation introspector.
     * Note: up until 2.0, this class was an inner class of
     * {@link AnnotationIntrospector}; moved here for convenience.
     * @since 2.1
    public class AnnotationIntrospectorPair
        extends AnnotationIntrospector
        implements java.io.Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        protected final AnnotationIntrospector _primary, _secondary;
        public AnnotationIntrospectorPair(AnnotationIntrospector p, AnnotationIntrospector s)
            _primary = p;
            _secondary = s;
        public Version version() {
            return _primary.version();
         * Helper method for constructing a Pair from two given introspectors (if
         * neither is null); or returning non-null introspector if one is null
         * (and return just null if both are null)
        public static AnnotationIntrospector create(AnnotationIntrospector primary,
                AnnotationIntrospector secondary)
            if (primary == null) {
                return secondary;
            if (secondary == null) {
                return primary;
            return new AnnotationIntrospectorPair(primary, secondary);
        public Collection<AnnotationIntrospector> allIntrospectors() {
            return allIntrospectors(new ArrayList<AnnotationIntrospector>());
        public Collection<AnnotationIntrospector> allIntrospectors(Collection<AnnotationIntrospector> result)
            return result;
        // // // Generic annotation properties, lookup
        public boolean isAnnotationBundle(Annotation ann) {
            return _primary.isAnnotationBundle(ann) || _secondary.isAnnotationBundle(ann);
        /* General class annotations
        public PropertyName findRootName(AnnotatedClass ac)
            PropertyName name1 = _primary.findRootName(ac);
            if (name1 == null) {
                return _secondary.findRootName(ac);
            if (name1.hasSimpleName()) {
                return name1;
            // name1 is empty; how about secondary?
            PropertyName name2 = _secondary.findRootName(ac);
            return (name2 == null) ? name1 : name2;
        // since 2.12
        public JsonIgnoreProperties.Value findPropertyIgnoralByName(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated ann)
            JsonIgnoreProperties.Value v2 = _secondary.findPropertyIgnoralByName(config, ann);
            JsonIgnoreProperties.Value v1 = _primary.findPropertyIgnoralByName(config, ann);
            return (v2 == null) // shouldn't occur but
                ? v1 : v2.withOverrides(v1);
        public JsonIncludeProperties.Value findPropertyInclusionByName(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a)
            JsonIncludeProperties.Value v2 = _secondary.findPropertyInclusionByName(config, a);
            JsonIncludeProperties.Value v1 = _primary.findPropertyInclusionByName(config, a);
            return (v2 == null) // shouldn't occur but
                    ? v1 : v2.withOverrides(v1);
        public Boolean isIgnorableType(AnnotatedClass ac)
            Boolean result = _primary.isIgnorableType(ac);
            if (result == null) {
                result = _secondary.isIgnorableType(ac);
            return result;
        public Object findFilterId(Annotated ann)
            Object id = _primary.findFilterId(ann);
            if (id == null) {
                id = _secondary.findFilterId(ann);
            return id;
        public Object findNamingStrategy(AnnotatedClass ac)
            Object str = _primary.findNamingStrategy(ac);
            if (str == null) {
                str = _secondary.findNamingStrategy(ac);
            return str;
        public String findClassDescription(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            String str = _primary.findClassDescription(ac);
            if ((str == null) || str.isEmpty()) {
                str = _secondary.findClassDescription(ac);
            return str;
        @Deprecated // since 2.8
        public String[] findPropertiesToIgnore(Annotated ac, boolean forSerialization) {
            String[] result = _primary.findPropertiesToIgnore(ac, forSerialization);
            if (result == null) {
                result = _secondary.findPropertiesToIgnore(ac, forSerialization);
            return result;            
        @Deprecated // since 2.8
        public Boolean findIgnoreUnknownProperties(AnnotatedClass ac)
            Boolean result = _primary.findIgnoreUnknownProperties(ac);
            if (result == null) {
                result = _secondary.findIgnoreUnknownProperties(ac);
            return result;
        @Deprecated // since 2.12
        public JsonIgnoreProperties.Value findPropertyIgnorals(Annotated a)
            JsonIgnoreProperties.Value v2 = _secondary.findPropertyIgnorals(a);
            JsonIgnoreProperties.Value v1 = _primary.findPropertyIgnorals(a);
            return (v2 == null) // shouldn't occur but
                ? v1 : v2.withOverrides(v1);
        /* Property auto-detection
        public VisibilityChecker<?> findAutoDetectVisibility(AnnotatedClass ac,
            VisibilityChecker<?> checker)
            /* Note: to have proper priorities, we must actually call delegatees
             * in reverse order:
            checker = _secondary.findAutoDetectVisibility(ac, checker);
            return _primary.findAutoDetectVisibility(ac, checker);
        /* Type handling
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedClass ac, JavaType baseType)
            TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = _primary.findTypeResolver(config, ac, baseType);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.findTypeResolver(config, ac, baseType);
            return b;
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findPropertyTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedMember am, JavaType baseType)
            TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = _primary.findPropertyTypeResolver(config, am, baseType);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.findPropertyTypeResolver(config, am, baseType);
            return b;
        public TypeResolverBuilder<?> findPropertyContentTypeResolver(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedMember am, JavaType baseType)
            TypeResolverBuilder<?> b = _primary.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(config, am, baseType);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.findPropertyContentTypeResolver(config, am, baseType);
            return b;
        public List<NamedType> findSubtypes(Annotated a)
            List<NamedType> types1 = _primary.findSubtypes(a);
            List<NamedType> types2 = _secondary.findSubtypes(a);
            if (types1 == null || types1.isEmpty()) return types2;
            if (types2 == null || types2.isEmpty()) return types1;
            ArrayList<NamedType> result = new ArrayList<NamedType>(types1.size() + types2.size());
            return result;
        public String findTypeName(AnnotatedClass ac)
            String name = _primary.findTypeName(ac);
            if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
                name = _secondary.findTypeName(ac);                
            return name;
        /* General member (field, method/constructor) annotations
        public ReferenceProperty findReferenceType(AnnotatedMember member) {
            ReferenceProperty r = _primary.findReferenceType(member);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findReferenceType(member) : r;
        public NameTransformer findUnwrappingNameTransformer(AnnotatedMember member) {
            NameTransformer r = _primary.findUnwrappingNameTransformer(member);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findUnwrappingNameTransformer(member) : r;
        public JacksonInject.Value findInjectableValue(AnnotatedMember m) {
            JacksonInject.Value r = _primary.findInjectableValue(m);
            if (r == null || r.getUseInput() == null) {
                JacksonInject.Value secondary = _secondary.findInjectableValue(m);
                if (secondary != null) {
                    r = (r == null) ? secondary : r.withUseInput(secondary.getUseInput());
            return r;
        public boolean hasIgnoreMarker(AnnotatedMember m) {
            return _primary.hasIgnoreMarker(m) || _secondary.hasIgnoreMarker(m);
        public Boolean hasRequiredMarker(AnnotatedMember m) {
            Boolean r = _primary.hasRequiredMarker(m);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.hasRequiredMarker(m) : r;
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public Object findInjectableValueId(AnnotatedMember m) {
            Object r = _primary.findInjectableValueId(m);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findInjectableValueId(m) : r;
        // // // Serialization: general annotations
        public Object findSerializer(Annotated am) {
            Object r = _primary.findSerializer(am);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, JsonSerializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findSerializer(am),
        public Object findKeySerializer(Annotated a) {
            Object r = _primary.findKeySerializer(a);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, JsonSerializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findKeySerializer(a),
        public Object findContentSerializer(Annotated a) {
            Object r = _primary.findContentSerializer(a);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, JsonSerializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findContentSerializer(a),
        public Object findNullSerializer(Annotated a) {
            Object r = _primary.findNullSerializer(a);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, JsonSerializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findNullSerializer(a),
        public JsonInclude.Include findSerializationInclusion(Annotated a,
                JsonInclude.Include defValue)
            // note: call secondary first, to give lower priority
            defValue = _secondary.findSerializationInclusion(a, defValue);
            defValue = _primary.findSerializationInclusion(a, defValue);
            return defValue;
        public JsonInclude.Include findSerializationInclusionForContent(Annotated a, JsonInclude.Include defValue)
            // note: call secondary first, to give lower priority
            defValue = _secondary.findSerializationInclusionForContent(a, defValue);
            defValue = _primary.findSerializationInclusionForContent(a, defValue);
            return defValue;
        public JsonInclude.Value findPropertyInclusion(Annotated a)
            JsonInclude.Value v2 = _secondary.findPropertyInclusion(a);
            JsonInclude.Value v1 = _primary.findPropertyInclusion(a);
            if (v2 == null) { // shouldn't occur but
                return v1;
            return v2.withOverrides(v1);
        public JsonSerialize.Typing findSerializationTyping(Annotated a) {
            JsonSerialize.Typing r = _primary.findSerializationTyping(a);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationTyping(a) : r;
        public Object findSerializationConverter(Annotated a) {
            Object r = _primary.findSerializationConverter(a);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationConverter(a) : r;
        public Object findSerializationContentConverter(AnnotatedMember a) {
            Object r = _primary.findSerializationContentConverter(a);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationContentConverter(a) : r;
        public Class<?>[] findViews(Annotated a) {
            /* Theoretically this could be trickier, if multiple introspectors
             * return non-null entries. For now, though, we'll just consider
             * first one to return non-null to win.
            Class<?>[] result = _primary.findViews(a);
            if (result == null) {
                result = _secondary.findViews(a);
            return result;
        public Boolean isTypeId(AnnotatedMember member) {
            Boolean b = _primary.isTypeId(member);
            return (b == null) ? _secondary.isTypeId(member) : b;
        public ObjectIdInfo findObjectIdInfo(Annotated ann) {
            ObjectIdInfo r = _primary.findObjectIdInfo(ann);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findObjectIdInfo(ann) : r;
        public ObjectIdInfo findObjectReferenceInfo(Annotated ann, ObjectIdInfo objectIdInfo) {
            // to give precedence for primary, must start with secondary:
            objectIdInfo = _secondary.findObjectReferenceInfo(ann, objectIdInfo);
            objectIdInfo = _primary.findObjectReferenceInfo(ann, objectIdInfo);
            return objectIdInfo;
        public JsonFormat.Value findFormat(Annotated ann) {
            JsonFormat.Value v1 = _primary.findFormat(ann);
            JsonFormat.Value v2 = _secondary.findFormat(ann);
            if (v2 == null) { // shouldn't occur but just in case
                return v1;
            return v2.withOverrides(v1);
        public PropertyName findWrapperName(Annotated ann) {
            PropertyName name = _primary.findWrapperName(ann);
            if (name == null) {
                name = _secondary.findWrapperName(ann);
            } else if (name == PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT) {
                // does the other introspector have a better idea?
                PropertyName name2 = _secondary.findWrapperName(ann);
                if (name2 != null) {
                    name = name2;
            return name;
        public String findPropertyDefaultValue(Annotated ann) {
            String str = _primary.findPropertyDefaultValue(ann);
            return (str == null || str.isEmpty()) ? _secondary.findPropertyDefaultValue(ann) : str;
        public String findPropertyDescription(Annotated ann) {
            String r = _primary.findPropertyDescription(ann);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findPropertyDescription(ann) : r;
        public Integer findPropertyIndex(Annotated ann) {
            Integer r = _primary.findPropertyIndex(ann);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findPropertyIndex(ann) : r;
        public String findImplicitPropertyName(AnnotatedMember ann) {
            String r = _primary.findImplicitPropertyName(ann);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findImplicitPropertyName(ann) : r;
        public List<PropertyName> findPropertyAliases(Annotated ann) {
            List<PropertyName> r = _primary.findPropertyAliases(ann);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findPropertyAliases(ann) : r;
        public JsonProperty.Access findPropertyAccess(Annotated ann) {
            JsonProperty.Access acc = _primary.findPropertyAccess(ann);
            if ((acc != null) && (acc != JsonProperty.Access.AUTO)) {
                return acc;
            acc = _secondary.findPropertyAccess(ann);
            if (acc != null) {
                return acc;
            return JsonProperty.Access.AUTO;
        @Override // since 2.7
        public AnnotatedMethod resolveSetterConflict(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedMethod setter1, AnnotatedMethod setter2)
            AnnotatedMethod res = _primary.resolveSetterConflict(config, setter1, setter2);
            if (res == null) {
                res = _secondary.resolveSetterConflict(config, setter1, setter2);
            return res;
        @Override // since 2.11
        public PropertyName findRenameByField(MapperConfig<?> config,
                AnnotatedField f, PropertyName implName) {
            PropertyName n = _secondary.findRenameByField(config, f, implName);
            if (n == null) {
                n = _primary.findRenameByField(config, f, implName);
            return n;
        // // // Serialization: type refinements
        @Override // since 2.7
        public JavaType refineSerializationType(MapperConfig<?> config,
                Annotated a, JavaType baseType) throws JsonMappingException
            JavaType t = _secondary.refineSerializationType(config, a, baseType);
            return _primary.refineSerializationType(config, a, t);
        public Class<?> findSerializationType(Annotated a) {
            Class<?> r = _primary.findSerializationType(a);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationType(a) : r;
        public Class<?> findSerializationKeyType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
            Class<?> r = _primary.findSerializationKeyType(am, baseType);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationKeyType(am, baseType) : r;
        public Class<?> findSerializationContentType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
            Class<?> r = _primary.findSerializationContentType(am, baseType);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationContentType(am, baseType) : r;
        // // // Serialization: class annotations
        public String[] findSerializationPropertyOrder(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            String[] r = _primary.findSerializationPropertyOrder(ac);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationPropertyOrder(ac) : r;
        public Boolean findSerializationSortAlphabetically(Annotated ann) {
            Boolean r = _primary.findSerializationSortAlphabetically(ann);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findSerializationSortAlphabetically(ann) : r;
        public void findAndAddVirtualProperties(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedClass ac,
                List<BeanPropertyWriter> properties) {
            // first secondary, then primary, to give proper precedence
            _primary.findAndAddVirtualProperties(config, ac, properties);
            _secondary.findAndAddVirtualProperties(config, ac, properties);
        // // // Serialization: property annotations
        public PropertyName findNameForSerialization(Annotated a) {
            PropertyName n = _primary.findNameForSerialization(a);
            // note: "use default" should not block explicit answer, so:
            if (n == null) {
                n = _secondary.findNameForSerialization(a);
            } else if (n == PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT) {
                PropertyName n2 = _secondary.findNameForSerialization(a);
                if (n2 != null) {
                    n = n2;
            return n;
        public Boolean hasAsKey(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a) {
            Boolean b = _primary.hasAsKey(config, a);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.hasAsKey(config, a);
            return b;
        public Boolean hasAsValue(Annotated a) {
            Boolean b = _primary.hasAsValue(a);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.hasAsValue(a);
            return b;
        public Boolean hasAnyGetter(Annotated a) {
            Boolean b = _primary.hasAnyGetter(a);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.hasAnyGetter(a);
            return b;
        public  String[] findEnumValues(Class<?> enumType, Enum<?>[] enumValues, String[] names) {
            // reverse order to give _primary higher precedence
            names = _secondary.findEnumValues(enumType, enumValues, names);
            names = _primary.findEnumValues(enumType, enumValues, names);
            return names;
        public void findEnumAliases(Class<?> enumType, Enum<?>[] enumValues, String[][] aliases) {
            // reverse order to give _primary higher precedence
            _secondary.findEnumAliases(enumType, enumValues, aliases);
            _primary.findEnumAliases(enumType, enumValues, aliases);
        public Enum<?> findDefaultEnumValue(Class<Enum<?>> enumCls) {
            Enum<?> en = _primary.findDefaultEnumValue(enumCls);
            return (en == null) ? _secondary.findDefaultEnumValue(enumCls) : en;
        @Deprecated // since 2.8
        public String findEnumValue(Enum<?> value) {
            String r = _primary.findEnumValue(value);
            return (r == null) ? _secondary.findEnumValue(value) : r;
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasAsValueAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
            return _primary.hasAsValueAnnotation(am) || _secondary.hasAsValueAnnotation(am);
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasAnyGetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
            return _primary.hasAnyGetterAnnotation(am) || _secondary.hasAnyGetterAnnotation(am);
        // // // Deserialization: general annotations
        public Object findDeserializer(Annotated a) {
            Object r = _primary.findDeserializer(a);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, JsonDeserializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findDeserializer(a),
        public Object findKeyDeserializer(Annotated a) {
            Object r = _primary.findKeyDeserializer(a);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, KeyDeserializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findKeyDeserializer(a),
        public Object findContentDeserializer(Annotated am) {
            Object r = _primary.findContentDeserializer(am);
            if (_isExplicitClassOrOb(r, JsonDeserializer.None.class)) {
                return r;
            return _explicitClassOrOb(_secondary.findContentDeserializer(am),
        public Object findDeserializationConverter(Annotated a) {
            Object ob = _primary.findDeserializationConverter(a);
            return (ob == null) ? _secondary.findDeserializationConverter(a) : ob;
        public Object findDeserializationContentConverter(AnnotatedMember a) {
            Object ob = _primary.findDeserializationContentConverter(a);
            return (ob == null) ? _secondary.findDeserializationContentConverter(a) : ob;
        // // // Deserialization: type refinements
        // since 2.7
        public JavaType refineDeserializationType(MapperConfig<?> config,
                Annotated a, JavaType baseType) throws JsonMappingException
            JavaType t = _secondary.refineDeserializationType(config, a, baseType);
            return _primary.refineDeserializationType(config, a, t);
        public Class<?> findDeserializationType(Annotated am, JavaType baseType) {
            Class<?> r = _primary.findDeserializationType(am, baseType);
            return (r != null) ? r : _secondary.findDeserializationType(am, baseType);
        public Class<?> findDeserializationKeyType(Annotated am, JavaType baseKeyType) {
            Class<?> result = _primary.findDeserializationKeyType(am, baseKeyType);
            return (result == null) ? _secondary.findDeserializationKeyType(am, baseKeyType) : result;
        public Class<?> findDeserializationContentType(Annotated am, JavaType baseContentType) {
            Class<?> result = _primary.findDeserializationContentType(am, baseContentType);
            return (result == null) ? _secondary.findDeserializationContentType(am, baseContentType) : result;
        // // // Deserialization: class annotations
        public Object findValueInstantiator(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            Object result = _primary.findValueInstantiator(ac);
            return (result == null) ? _secondary.findValueInstantiator(ac) : result;
        public Class<?> findPOJOBuilder(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            Class<?> result = _primary.findPOJOBuilder(ac);
            return (result == null) ? _secondary.findPOJOBuilder(ac) : result;
        public JsonPOJOBuilder.Value findPOJOBuilderConfig(AnnotatedClass ac) {
            JsonPOJOBuilder.Value result = _primary.findPOJOBuilderConfig(ac);
            return (result == null) ? _secondary.findPOJOBuilderConfig(ac) : result;
        // // // Deserialization: method annotations
        public PropertyName findNameForDeserialization(Annotated a)
            // note: "use default" should not block explicit answer, so:
            PropertyName n = _primary.findNameForDeserialization(a);
            if (n == null) {
                n = _secondary.findNameForDeserialization(a);
            } else if (n == PropertyName.USE_DEFAULT) {
                PropertyName n2 = _secondary.findNameForDeserialization(a);
                if (n2 != null) {
                    n = n2;
            return n;
        public Boolean hasAnySetter(Annotated a) {
            Boolean b = _primary.hasAnySetter(a);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.hasAnySetter(a);
            return b;
        public JsonSetter.Value findSetterInfo(Annotated a) {
            JsonSetter.Value v2 = _secondary.findSetterInfo(a);
            JsonSetter.Value v1 = _primary.findSetterInfo(a);
            return (v2 == null) // shouldn't occur but
                ? v1 : v2.withOverrides(v1);
        @Override // since 2.9
        public Boolean findMergeInfo(Annotated a) {
            Boolean b = _primary.findMergeInfo(a);
            if (b == null) {
                b = _secondary.findMergeInfo(a);
            return b;
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasCreatorAnnotation(Annotated a) {
            return _primary.hasCreatorAnnotation(a) || _secondary.hasCreatorAnnotation(a);
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public JsonCreator.Mode findCreatorBinding(Annotated a) {
            JsonCreator.Mode mode = _primary.findCreatorBinding(a);
            if (mode != null) {
                return mode;
            return _secondary.findCreatorBinding(a);
        public JsonCreator.Mode findCreatorAnnotation(MapperConfig<?> config, Annotated a) {
            JsonCreator.Mode mode = _primary.findCreatorAnnotation(config, a);
            return (mode == null) ? _secondary.findCreatorAnnotation(config, a) : mode;
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        public boolean hasAnySetterAnnotation(AnnotatedMethod am) {
            return _primary.hasAnySetterAnnotation(am) || _secondary.hasAnySetterAnnotation(am);
        protected boolean _isExplicitClassOrOb(Object maybeCls, Class<?> implicit) {
            if ((maybeCls == null) || (maybeCls == implicit)) {
                return false;
            if (maybeCls instanceof Class<?>) {
                return !ClassUtil.isBogusClass((Class<?>) maybeCls);
            return true;
        // @since 2.9
        protected Object _explicitClassOrOb(Object maybeCls, Class<?> implicit) {
            if ((maybeCls == null) || (maybeCls == implicit)) {
                return null;
            if ((maybeCls instanceof Class<?>) && ClassUtil.isBogusClass((Class<?>) maybeCls)) {
                return null;
            return maybeCls;



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    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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