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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/introspect/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.SimpleType; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil; public class BasicClassIntrospector extends ClassIntrospector implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; private final static Class<?> CLS_OBJECT = Object.class; private final static Class<?> CLS_STRING = String.class; private final static Class<?> CLS_JSON_NODE = JsonNode.class; /* We keep a small set of pre-constructed descriptions to use for * common non-structured values, such as Numbers and Strings. * This is strictly performance optimization to reduce what is * usually one-time cost, but seems useful for some cases considering * simplicity. * * @since 2.4 */ protected final static BasicBeanDescription STRING_DESC; static { STRING_DESC = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(null, SimpleType.constructUnsafe(String.class), AnnotatedClassResolver.createPrimordial(CLS_STRING)); } protected final static BasicBeanDescription BOOLEAN_DESC; static { BOOLEAN_DESC = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(null, SimpleType.constructUnsafe(Boolean.TYPE), AnnotatedClassResolver.createPrimordial(Boolean.TYPE)); } protected final static BasicBeanDescription INT_DESC; static { INT_DESC = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(null, SimpleType.constructUnsafe(Integer.TYPE), AnnotatedClassResolver.createPrimordial(Integer.TYPE)); } protected final static BasicBeanDescription LONG_DESC; static { LONG_DESC = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(null, SimpleType.constructUnsafe(Long.TYPE), AnnotatedClassResolver.createPrimordial(Long.TYPE)); } protected final static BasicBeanDescription OBJECT_DESC; static { OBJECT_DESC = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(null, SimpleType.constructUnsafe(Object.class), AnnotatedClassResolver.createPrimordial(CLS_OBJECT)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Life cycle /********************************************************** */ public BasicClassIntrospector() { } @Override public ClassIntrospector copy() { return new BasicClassIntrospector(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory method impls /********************************************************** */ @Override public BasicBeanDescription forSerialization(SerializationConfig config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { // minor optimization: for some JDK types do minimal introspection BasicBeanDescription desc = _findStdTypeDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { // As per [databind#550], skip full introspection for some of standard // structured types as well desc = _findStdJdkCollectionDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { desc = BasicBeanDescription.forSerialization(collectProperties(config, type, r, true)); } } return desc; } @Override public BasicBeanDescription forDeserialization(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { // minor optimization: for some JDK types do minimal introspection BasicBeanDescription desc = _findStdTypeDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { // As per [Databind#550], skip full introspection for some of standard // structured types as well desc = _findStdJdkCollectionDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { desc = BasicBeanDescription.forDeserialization(collectProperties(config, type, r, false)); } } return desc; } @Override public BasicBeanDescription forDeserializationWithBuilder(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType builderType, MixInResolver r, BeanDescription valueTypeDesc) { // no std JDK types with Builders, so: return BasicBeanDescription.forDeserialization(collectPropertiesWithBuilder(config, builderType, r, valueTypeDesc, false)); } @Override @Deprecated // since 2.12 public BasicBeanDescription forDeserializationWithBuilder(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { // no std JDK types with Builders, so: return BasicBeanDescription.forDeserialization(collectPropertiesWithBuilder(config, type, r, null, false)); } @Override public BasicBeanDescription forCreation(DeserializationConfig config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { BasicBeanDescription desc = _findStdTypeDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { // As per [databind#550], skip full introspection for some of standard // structured types as well desc = _findStdJdkCollectionDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { desc = BasicBeanDescription.forDeserialization( collectProperties(config, type, r, false)); } } return desc; } @Override public BasicBeanDescription forClassAnnotations(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { BasicBeanDescription desc = _findStdTypeDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { desc = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(config, type, _resolveAnnotatedClass(config, type, r)); } return desc; } @Override public BasicBeanDescription forDirectClassAnnotations(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { BasicBeanDescription desc = _findStdTypeDesc(config, type); if (desc == null) { desc = BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(config, type, _resolveAnnotatedWithoutSuperTypes(config, type, r)); } return desc; } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridable helper methods /********************************************************** */ /** * @since 2.12 */ protected POJOPropertiesCollector collectProperties(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r, boolean forSerialization) { final AnnotatedClass classDef = _resolveAnnotatedClass(config, type, r); final AccessorNamingStrategy accNaming = type.isRecordType() ? config.getAccessorNaming().forRecord(config, classDef) : config.getAccessorNaming().forPOJO(config, classDef); return constructPropertyCollector(config, classDef, type, forSerialization, accNaming); } @Deprecated // since 2.12 protected POJOPropertiesCollector collectProperties(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r, boolean forSerialization, String mutatorPrefix) { final AnnotatedClass classDef = _resolveAnnotatedClass(config, type, r); final AccessorNamingStrategy accNaming = new DefaultAccessorNamingStrategy.Provider().withSetterPrefix(mutatorPrefix).forPOJO(config, classDef); return constructPropertyCollector(config, classDef, type, forSerialization, accNaming); } /** * @since 2.12 */ protected POJOPropertiesCollector collectPropertiesWithBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r, BeanDescription valueTypeDesc, boolean forSerialization) { final AnnotatedClass builderClassDef = _resolveAnnotatedClass(config, type, r); final AccessorNamingStrategy accNaming = config.getAccessorNaming() .forBuilder(config, builderClassDef, valueTypeDesc); return constructPropertyCollector(config, builderClassDef, type, forSerialization, accNaming); } @Deprecated // since 2.12 protected POJOPropertiesCollector collectPropertiesWithBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r, boolean forSerialization) { return collectPropertiesWithBuilder(config, type, r, null, forSerialization); } /** * Overridable method called for creating {@link POJOPropertiesCollector} instance * to use; override is needed if a custom sub-class is to be used. * * @since 2.12 */ protected POJOPropertiesCollector constructPropertyCollector(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedClass classDef, JavaType type, boolean forSerialization, AccessorNamingStrategy accNaming) { return new POJOPropertiesCollector(config, forSerialization, type, classDef, accNaming); } @Deprecated // since 2.12 protected POJOPropertiesCollector constructPropertyCollector(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotatedClass ac, JavaType type, boolean forSerialization, String mutatorPrefix) { return new POJOPropertiesCollector(config, forSerialization, type, ac, mutatorPrefix); } /** * Method called to see if type is one of core JDK types * that we have cached for efficiency. */ protected BasicBeanDescription _findStdTypeDesc(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type) { Class<?> cls = type.getRawClass(); if (cls.isPrimitive()) { if (cls == Integer.TYPE) { return INT_DESC; } if (cls == Long.TYPE) { return LONG_DESC; } if (cls == Boolean.TYPE) { return BOOLEAN_DESC; } } else if (ClassUtil.isJDKClass(cls)) { if (cls == CLS_OBJECT) { return OBJECT_DESC; } if (cls == CLS_STRING) { return STRING_DESC; } if (cls == Integer.class) { return INT_DESC; } if (cls == Long.class) { return LONG_DESC; } if (cls == Boolean.class) { return BOOLEAN_DESC; } } else if (CLS_JSON_NODE.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { return BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(config, type, AnnotatedClassResolver.createPrimordial(cls)); } return null; } /** * Helper method used to decide whether we can omit introspection * for members (methods, fields, constructors); we may do so for * a limited number of container types JDK provides. */ protected boolean _isStdJDKCollection(JavaType type) { if (!type.isContainerType() || type.isArrayType()) { return false; } Class<?> raw = type.getRawClass(); if (ClassUtil.isJDKClass(raw)) { // 23-Sep-2014, tatu: Should we be conservative here (minimal number // of matches), or ambitious? Let's do latter for now. if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(raw) || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(raw)) { return true; } } return false; } protected BasicBeanDescription _findStdJdkCollectionDesc(MapperConfig<?> cfg, JavaType type) { if (_isStdJDKCollection(type)) { return BasicBeanDescription.forOtherUse(cfg, type, _resolveAnnotatedClass(cfg, type, cfg)); } return null; } /** * @since 2.9 */ protected AnnotatedClass _resolveAnnotatedClass(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { return AnnotatedClassResolver.resolve(config, type, r); } /** * @since 2.9 */ protected AnnotatedClass _resolveAnnotatedWithoutSuperTypes(MapperConfig<?> config, JavaType type, MixInResolver r) { return AnnotatedClassResolver.resolveWithoutSuperTypes(config, type, r); } }
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/introspect/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar File size: 1187952 bytes Release date: 2022-11-05 Download
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