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Other Resources:
Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/jsontype/
/** * Package that contains interfaces that define how to implement * functionality for dynamically resolving type during deserialization. * This is needed for complete handling of polymorphic types, where * actual type cannot be determined statically (declared type is * a supertype of actual polymorphic serialized types). */ package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype;
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/jsontype/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar File size: 1187952 bytes Release date: 2022-11-05 Download
⇒ Jackson Annotations Source Code
⇐ Download and Install Jackson Binary Package
2022-03-29, 110705👍, 0💬
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