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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/node/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.WritableTypeId; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeSerializer; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.RawValue; /** * Node class that represents Arrays mapped from JSON content. *<p> * Note: class was <code>final</code> temporarily for Jackson 2.2. */ public class ArrayNode extends ContainerNode<ArrayNode> implements // since 2.10 { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final List<JsonNode> _children; public ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory nf) { super(nf); _children = new ArrayList<JsonNode>(); } /** * @since 2.8 */ public ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory nf, int capacity) { super(nf); _children = new ArrayList<JsonNode>(capacity); } /** * @since 2.7 */ public ArrayNode(JsonNodeFactory nf, List<JsonNode> children) { super(nf); _children = children; } @Override protected JsonNode _at(JsonPointer ptr) { return get(ptr.getMatchingIndex()); } // note: co-variant to allow caller-side type safety @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ArrayNode deepCopy() { ArrayNode ret = new ArrayNode(_nodeFactory); for (JsonNode element: _children) ret._children.add(element.deepCopy()); return ret; } /* /********************************************************** /* Support for withArray()/withObject() /********************************************************** */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Deprecated @Override public ObjectNode with(String exprOrProperty) { JsonPointer ptr = _jsonPointerIfValid(exprOrProperty); if (ptr != null) { return withObject(ptr); } return super.with(exprOrProperty); // to give failure } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public ArrayNode withArray(String exprOrProperty) { JsonPointer ptr = _jsonPointerIfValid(exprOrProperty); if (ptr != null) { return withArray(ptr); } return super.withArray(exprOrProperty); // to give failure } @Override protected ObjectNode _withObject(JsonPointer origPtr, JsonPointer currentPtr, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, boolean preferIndex) { if (currentPtr.matches()) { // Cannot return, not an ObjectNode so: return null; } JsonNode n = _at(currentPtr); // If there's a path, follow it if ((n != null) && (n instanceof BaseJsonNode)) { ObjectNode found = ((BaseJsonNode) n)._withObject(origPtr, currentPtr.tail(), overwriteMode, preferIndex); if (found != null) { return found; } // Ok no; must replace if allowed to _withXxxVerifyReplace(origPtr, currentPtr, overwriteMode, preferIndex, n); } // Either way; must replace or add a new property return _withObjectAddTailElement(currentPtr, preferIndex); } @Override protected ArrayNode _withArray(JsonPointer origPtr, JsonPointer currentPtr, OverwriteMode overwriteMode, boolean preferIndex) { if (currentPtr.matches()) { return this; } JsonNode n = _at(currentPtr); // If there's a path, follow it if ((n != null) && (n instanceof BaseJsonNode)) { ArrayNode found = ((BaseJsonNode) n)._withArray(origPtr, currentPtr.tail(), overwriteMode, preferIndex); if (found != null) { return found; } // Ok no; must replace if allowed to _withXxxVerifyReplace(origPtr, currentPtr, overwriteMode, preferIndex, n); } // Either way; must replace or add a new property return _withArrayAddTailElement(currentPtr, preferIndex); } protected ObjectNode _withObjectAddTailElement(JsonPointer tail, boolean preferIndex) { final int index = tail.getMatchingIndex(); if (index < 0) { return null; } tail = tail.tail(); // First: did we complete traversal? If so, easy, we got our result if (tail.matches()) { ObjectNode result = this.objectNode(); _withXxxSetArrayElement(index, result); return result; } // Otherwise, do we want Array or Object if (preferIndex && tail.mayMatchElement()) { // array! ArrayNode next = this.arrayNode(); _withXxxSetArrayElement(index, next); return next._withObjectAddTailElement(tail, preferIndex); } ObjectNode next = this.objectNode(); _withXxxSetArrayElement(index, next); return next._withObjectAddTailProperty(tail, preferIndex); } protected ArrayNode _withArrayAddTailElement(JsonPointer tail, boolean preferIndex) { final int index = tail.getMatchingIndex(); if (index < 0) { return null; } tail = tail.tail(); // First: did we complete traversal? If so, easy, we got our result if (tail.matches()) { ArrayNode result = this.arrayNode(); _withXxxSetArrayElement(index, result); return result; } // Otherwise, do we want Array or Object if (preferIndex && tail.mayMatchElement()) { // array! ArrayNode next = this.arrayNode(); _withXxxSetArrayElement(index, next); return next._withArrayAddTailElement(tail, preferIndex); } ArrayNode next = this.arrayNode(); _withXxxSetArrayElement(index, next); return next._withArrayAddTailElement(tail, preferIndex); } protected void _withXxxSetArrayElement(int index, JsonNode value) { // 27-Jul-2022, tatu: Let's make it less likely anyone OOMs by // humongous index... if (index >= size()) { final int max = _nodeFactory.getMaxElementIndexForInsert(); if (index > max) { _reportWrongNodeOperation("Too big Array index (%d; max %d) to use for insert with `JsonPointer`", index, max); } while (index >= this.size()) { addNull(); } } set(index, value); } /* /********************************************************** /* Overrides for JsonSerializable.Base /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean isEmpty(SerializerProvider serializers) { return _children.isEmpty(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Implementation of core JsonNode API /********************************************************** */ @Override public JsonNodeType getNodeType() { return JsonNodeType.ARRAY; } @Override public boolean isArray() { return true; } @Override public JsonToken asToken() { return JsonToken.START_ARRAY; } @Override public int size() { return _children.size(); } @Override // since 2.10 public boolean isEmpty() { return _children.isEmpty(); } @Override public Iterator<JsonNode> elements() { return _children.iterator(); } @Override public JsonNode get(int index) { if ((index >= 0) && (index < _children.size())) { return _children.get(index); } return null; } @Override public JsonNode get(String fieldName) { return null; } @Override public JsonNode path(String fieldName) { return MissingNode.getInstance(); } @Override public JsonNode path(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < _children.size()) { return _children.get(index); } return MissingNode.getInstance(); } @Override public JsonNode required(int index) { if ((index >= 0) && (index < _children.size())) { return _children.get(index); } return _reportRequiredViolation("No value at index #%d [0, %d) of `ArrayNode`", index, _children.size()); } @Override public boolean equals(Comparator<JsonNode> comparator, JsonNode o) { if (!(o instanceof ArrayNode)) { return false; } ArrayNode other = (ArrayNode) o; final int len = _children.size(); if (other.size() != len) { return false; } List<JsonNode> l1 = _children; List<JsonNode> l2 = other._children; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!l1.get(i).equals(comparator, l2.get(i))) { return false; } } return true; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API, serialization /********************************************************** */ @Override public void serialize(JsonGenerator g, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { final List<JsonNode> c = _children; final int size = c.size(); g.writeStartArray(this, size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { // we'll typically have array list JsonNode value = c.get(i); value.serialize(g, provider); } g.writeEndArray(); } @Override public void serializeWithType(JsonGenerator g, SerializerProvider provider, TypeSerializer typeSer) throws IOException { WritableTypeId typeIdDef = typeSer.writeTypePrefix(g, typeSer.typeId(this, JsonToken.START_ARRAY)); for (JsonNode n : _children) { ((BaseJsonNode)n).serialize(g, provider); } typeSer.writeTypeSuffix(g, typeIdDef); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API, finding value nodes /********************************************************** */ @Override public JsonNode findValue(String fieldName) { for (JsonNode node : _children) { JsonNode value = node.findValue(fieldName); if (value != null) { return value; } } return null; } @Override public List<JsonNode> findValues(String fieldName, List<JsonNode> foundSoFar) { for (JsonNode node : _children) { foundSoFar = node.findValues(fieldName, foundSoFar); } return foundSoFar; } @Override public List<String> findValuesAsText(String fieldName, List<String> foundSoFar) { for (JsonNode node : _children) { foundSoFar = node.findValuesAsText(fieldName, foundSoFar); } return foundSoFar; } @Override public ObjectNode findParent(String fieldName) { for (JsonNode node : _children) { JsonNode parent = node.findParent(fieldName); if (parent != null) { return (ObjectNode) parent; } } return null; } @Override public List<JsonNode> findParents(String fieldName, List<JsonNode> foundSoFar) { for (JsonNode node : _children) { foundSoFar = node.findParents(fieldName, foundSoFar); } return foundSoFar; } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended ObjectNode API, accessors /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that will set specified field, replacing old value, * if any. * * @param value to set field to; if null, will be converted * to a {@link NullNode} first (to remove field entry, call * {@link #remove} instead) * * @return Old value of the field, if any; null if there was no * old value. */ public JsonNode set(int index, JsonNode value) { if (value == null) { // let's not store 'raw' nulls but nodes value = nullNode(); } if (index < 0 || index >= _children.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index "+ index +", array size "+size()); } return _children.set(index, value); } /** * Method for adding specified node at the end of this array. * * @return This node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(JsonNode value) { if (value == null) { // let's not store 'raw' nulls but nodes value = nullNode(); } _add(value); return this; } /** * Method for adding all child nodes of given Array, appending to * child nodes this array contains * * @param other Array to add contents from * * @return This node (to allow chaining) */ public ArrayNode addAll(ArrayNode other) { _children.addAll(other._children); return this; } /** * Method for adding given nodes as child nodes of this array node. * * @param nodes Nodes to add * * @return This node (to allow chaining) */ public ArrayNode addAll(Collection<? extends JsonNode> nodes) { for (JsonNode node : nodes) { add(node); } return this; } /** * Method for inserting specified child node as an element * of this Array. If index is 0 or less, it will be inserted as * the first element; if {@code >= size()}, appended at the end, and otherwise * inserted before existing element in specified index. * No exceptions are thrown for any index. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, JsonNode value) { if (value == null) { value = nullNode(); } _insert(index, value); return this; } /** * Method for removing an entry from this ArrayNode. * Will return value of the entry at specified index, if entry existed; * null if not. * * @return Node removed, if any; null if none */ public JsonNode remove(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < _children.size()) { return _children.remove(index); } return null; } /** * Method for removing all elements of this array, leaving the * array empty. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) */ @Override public ArrayNode removeAll() { _children.clear(); return this; } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended ObjectNode API, mutators, generic; addXxx()/insertXxx()/setXxx() /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that will construct an ArrayNode and add it at the end * of this array node. * * @return Newly constructed ArrayNode (NOTE: NOT `this` ArrayNode) */ public ArrayNode addArray() { ArrayNode n = arrayNode(); _add(n); return n; } /** * Method that will construct an ObjectNode and add it at the end * of this array node. * * @return Newly constructed ObjectNode (NOTE: NOT `this` ArrayNode) */ public ObjectNode addObject() { ObjectNode n = objectNode(); _add(n); return n; } /** * Method that will construct a POJONode and add it at the end * of this array node. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode addPOJO(Object pojo) { return _add((pojo == null) ? nullNode() : pojoNode(pojo)); } /** * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.6 */ public ArrayNode addRawValue(RawValue raw) { return _add((raw == null) ? nullNode() : rawValueNode(raw)); } /** * Method that will add a null value at the end of this array node. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode addNull() { return _add(nullNode()); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode add(short v) { return _add(numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode add(Short v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.shortValue())); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(int v) { return _add(numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(Integer v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.intValue())); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(long v) { return _add(numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(Long v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.longValue())); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(float v) { return _add(numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(Float v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.floatValue())); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(double v) { return _add(numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(Double v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.doubleValue())); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(BigDecimal v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v)); } /** * Method for adding specified number at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.9 */ public ArrayNode add(BigInteger v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v)); } /** * Method for adding specified String value at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(String v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : textNode(v)); } /** * Method for adding specified boolean value at the end of this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(boolean v) { return _add(booleanNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(Boolean v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : booleanNode(v.booleanValue())); } /** * Method for adding specified binary value at the end of this array * (note: when serializing as JSON, will be output Base64 encoded) * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode add(byte[] v) { return _add((v == null) ? nullNode() : binaryNode(v)); } /** * Method for creating an array node, inserting it at the * specified point in the array, * and returning the <b>newly created array</b> * (note: NOT 'this' array) * * @return Newly constructed {@code ArrayNode} (note! NOT `this` ArrayNode) */ public ArrayNode insertArray(int index) { ArrayNode n = arrayNode(); _insert(index, n); return n; } /** * Method for creating an {@link ObjectNode}, appending it at the end * of this array, and returning the <b>newly created node</b> * (note: NOT 'this' array) * * @return Newly constructed {@code ObjectNode} (note! NOT `this` ArrayNode) */ public ObjectNode insertObject(int index) { ObjectNode n = objectNode(); _insert(index, n); return n; } /** * Method that will insert a null value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insertNull(int index) { return _insert(index, nullNode()); } /** * Method that will construct a POJONode and * insert it at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insertPOJO(int index, Object pojo) { return _insert(index, (pojo == null) ? nullNode() : pojoNode(pojo)); } /** * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode insertRawValue(int index, RawValue raw) { return _insert(index, (raw == null) ? nullNode() : rawValueNode(raw)); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, short v) { return _insert(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, Short value) { return _insert(index, (value == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(value.shortValue())); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, int v) { return _insert(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, Integer v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.intValue())); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, long v) { return _insert(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, Long v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.longValue())); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, float v) { return _insert(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, Float v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.floatValue())); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, double v) { return _insert(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, Double v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.doubleValue())); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, BigDecimal v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v)); } /** * Method that will insert specified numeric value * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.9 */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, BigInteger v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v)); } /** * Method that will insert specified String * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, String v) { return _insert(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : textNode(v)); } /** * Method that will insert specified String * at specified position in this array. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, boolean v) { return _insert(index, booleanNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, Boolean value) { if (value == null) { return insertNull(index); } return _insert(index, booleanNode(value.booleanValue())); } /** * Method that will insert specified binary value * at specified position in this array * (note: when written as JSON, will be Base64 encoded) * * @return This array node, to allow chaining */ public ArrayNode insert(int index, byte[] v) { if (v == null) { return insertNull(index); } return _insert(index, binaryNode(v)); } /** * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode setNull(int index) { return _set(index, nullNode()); } /** * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode setPOJO(int index, Object pojo) { return _set(index, (pojo == null) ? nullNode() : pojoNode(pojo)); } /** * @return This array node, to allow chaining * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode setRawValue(int index, RawValue raw) { return _set(index, (raw == null) ? nullNode() : rawValueNode(raw)); } /** * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, short v) { return _set(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, Short v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.shortValue())); } /** * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, int v) { return _set(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, Integer v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.intValue())); } /** * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, long v) { return _set(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, Long v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.longValue())); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified numeric value. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, float v) { return _set(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, Float v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.floatValue())); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified numeric value. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, double v) { return _set(index, numberNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, Double v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v.doubleValue())); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified numeric value. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, BigDecimal v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v)); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified numeric value. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, BigInteger v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : numberNode(v)); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified String value. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, String v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : textNode(v)); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified String value. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, boolean v) { return _set(index, booleanNode(v)); } /** * Alternative method that we need to avoid bumping into NPE issues * with auto-unboxing. * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, Boolean v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : booleanNode(v.booleanValue())); } /** * Method for setting value of a field to specified binary value * * @return This node (to allow chaining) * * @since 2.13 */ public ArrayNode set(int index, byte[] v) { return _set(index, (v == null) ? nullNode() : binaryNode(v)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Standard methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (o instanceof ArrayNode) { return _children.equals(((ArrayNode) o)._children); } return false; } /** * @since 2.3 */ protected boolean _childrenEqual(ArrayNode other) { return _children.equals(other._children); } @Override public int hashCode() { return _children.hashCode(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods (overridable) /********************************************************** */ protected ArrayNode _set(int index, JsonNode node) { if (index < 0 || index >= _children.size()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Illegal index "+ index +", array size "+size()); } _children.set(index, node); return this; } protected ArrayNode _add(JsonNode node) { _children.add(node); return this; } protected ArrayNode _insert(int index, JsonNode node) { if (index < 0) { _children.add(0, node); } else if (index >= _children.size()) { _children.add(node); } else { _children.add(index, node); } return this; } }
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