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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/node/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.RawValue; /** * Base class that specifies methods for getting access to * Node instances (newly constructed, or shared, depending * on type), as well as basic implementation of the methods. * Designed to be sub-classed if extended functionality (additions * to behavior of node types, mostly) is needed. */ public class JsonNodeFactory implements, // since 2.1 JsonNodeCreator // since 2.3 { // with 2.2 private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Constant that defines maximum {@code JsonPointer} element index we * use for inserts. */ protected final static int MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX_FOR_INSERT = 9999; private final boolean _cfgBigDecimalExact; private static final JsonNodeFactory decimalsNormalized = new JsonNodeFactory(false); private static final JsonNodeFactory decimalsAsIs = new JsonNodeFactory(true); /** * Default singleton instance that construct "standard" node instances: * given that this class is stateless, a globally shared singleton * can be used. */ public final static JsonNodeFactory instance = decimalsNormalized; /** * Main constructor * * <p>The only argument to this constructor is a boolean telling whether * {@link DecimalNode} instances must be built with exact representations of * {@link BigDecimal} instances.</p> * * <p>This has quite an influence since, for instance, a BigDecimal (and, * therefore, a DecimalNode) constructed from input string {@code "1.0"} and * another constructed with input string {@code "1.00"} <b>will not</b> be * equal, since their scale differs (1 in the first case, 2 in the second * case).</p> * * <p>Note that setting the argument to {@code true} does <i>not</i> * guarantee a strict inequality between JSON representations: input texts * {@code "0.1"} and {@code "1e-1"}, for instance, yield two equivalent * BigDecimal instances since they have the same scale (1).</p> * * <p>The no-arg constructor (and the default {@link #instance}) calls this * constructor with {@code false} as an argument.</p> * * @param bigDecimalExact see description * * @see BigDecimal */ public JsonNodeFactory(boolean bigDecimalExact) { _cfgBigDecimalExact = bigDecimalExact; } /** * Default constructor * * <p>This calls {@link #JsonNodeFactory(boolean)} with {@code false} * as an argument.</p> */ protected JsonNodeFactory() { this(false); } /** * Return a factory instance with the desired behavior for BigDecimals * <p>See {@link #JsonNodeFactory(boolean)} for a full description.</p> * * @param bigDecimalExact see description * @return a factory instance */ public static JsonNodeFactory withExactBigDecimals(boolean bigDecimalExact) { return bigDecimalExact ? decimalsAsIs : decimalsNormalized; } /* /********************************************************** /* Metadata/config access /********************************************************** */ /** * @since 2.14 */ public int getMaxElementIndexForInsert() { return MAX_ELEMENT_INDEX_FOR_INSERT; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for literal values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON boolean value * (either literal 'true' or 'false') */ @Override public BooleanNode booleanNode(boolean v) { return v ? BooleanNode.getTrue() : BooleanNode.getFalse(); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON null node (which * represents literal null value) */ @Override public NullNode nullNode() { return NullNode.getInstance(); } public JsonNode missingNode() { return MissingNode.getInstance(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for numeric values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 8-bit value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(byte v) { return IntNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Byte value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : IntNode.valueOf(value.intValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 16-bit integer value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(short v) { return ShortNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Short value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : ShortNode.valueOf(value); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 32-bit integer value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(int v) { return IntNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Integer value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : IntNode.valueOf(value.intValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 64-bit integer value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(long v) { return LongNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Long v) { if (v == null) { return nullNode(); } return LongNode.valueOf(v.longValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given unlimited range integer value */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(BigInteger v) { if (v == null) { return nullNode(); } return BigIntegerNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 32-bit floating point value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(float v) { return FloatNode.valueOf((float) v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Float value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : FloatNode.valueOf(value.floatValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given 64-bit floating point value */ @Override public NumericNode numberNode(double v) { return DoubleNode.valueOf(v); } /** * Alternate factory method that will handle wrapper value, which may * be null. * Due to possibility of null, returning type is not guaranteed to be * {@link NumericNode}, but just {@link ValueNode}. */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(Double value) { return (value == null) ? nullNode() : DoubleNode.valueOf(value.doubleValue()); } /** * Factory method for getting an instance of JSON numeric value * that expresses given unlimited precision floating point value * * <p>In the event that the factory has been built to normalize decimal * values, the BigDecimal argument will be stripped off its trailing zeroes, * using {@link BigDecimal#stripTrailingZeros()}.</p> * * @see #JsonNodeFactory(boolean) */ @Override public ValueNode numberNode(BigDecimal v) { if (v == null) { return nullNode(); } /* * If the user wants the exact representation of this big decimal, * return the value directly */ if (_cfgBigDecimalExact) return DecimalNode.valueOf(v); /* * If the user has asked to strip trailing zeroes, however, there is * this bug to account for: * * * * In short: zeroes are never stripped out of 0! We therefore _have_ * to compare with BigDecimal.ZERO... */ // 24-Mar-2021, tatu: But isn't it more efficient to use "signum()"? // Especially as we now have a special case to consider if (v.signum() == 0) { return DecimalNode.ZERO; } // 24-Mar-2021, tatu: [dataformats-binary#264] barfs on a specific value... // Must skip normalization in that particular case. Alas, haven't found // another way to check it instead of getting "Overflow", catching try { v = v.stripTrailingZeros(); } catch (ArithmeticException e) { // If we can't, we can't... ; } return DecimalNode.valueOf(v); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods for textual values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for constructing a node that represents JSON * String value */ @Override public TextNode textNode(String text) { return TextNode.valueOf(text); } /** * Factory method for constructing a node that represents given * binary data, and will get serialized as equivalent base64-encoded * String value */ @Override public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] data) { return BinaryNode.valueOf(data); } /** * Factory method for constructing a node that represents given * binary data, and will get serialized as equivalent base64-encoded * String value */ @Override public BinaryNode binaryNode(byte[] data, int offset, int length) { return BinaryNode.valueOf(data, offset, length); } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory method for structured values /********************************************************** */ /** * Factory method for constructing an empty JSON Array node */ @Override public ArrayNode arrayNode() { return new ArrayNode(this); } /** * Factory method for constructing a JSON Array node with an initial capacity * * @since 2.8 */ @Override public ArrayNode arrayNode(int capacity) { return new ArrayNode(this, capacity); } /** * Factory method for constructing an empty JSON Object ("struct") node */ @Override public ObjectNode objectNode() { return new ObjectNode(this); } /** * Factory method for constructing a wrapper for POJO * ("Plain Old Java Object") objects; these will get serialized * using data binding, usually as JSON Objects, but in some * cases as JSON Strings or other node types. */ @Override public ValueNode pojoNode(Object pojo) { return new POJONode(pojo); } @Override public ValueNode rawValueNode(RawValue value) { return new POJONode(value); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */ protected boolean _inIntRange(long l) { int i = (int) l; long l2 = (long) i; return (l2 == l); } }
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/node/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar File size: 1187952 bytes Release date: 2022-11-05 Download
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