Jackson Data Binding Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

  • Jackson Data Binding module allows you to converts JSON to and from POJO (Plain Old Java Object) using property accessor or using annotations.
  • Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

    You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:

    ✍: FYIcenter.com


    package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeSerializer;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.*;
     * Helper class for {@link BeanSerializerFactory} that is used to
     * construct {@link BeanPropertyWriter} instances. Can be sub-classed
     * to change behavior.
    public class PropertyBuilder
        // @since 2.7
        private final static Object NO_DEFAULT_MARKER = Boolean.FALSE;
        final protected SerializationConfig _config;
        final protected BeanDescription _beanDesc;
        final protected AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector;
         * If a property has serialization inclusion value of
         * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include#NON_DEFAULT},
         * we may need to know the default value of the bean, to know if property value
         * equals default one.
         * NOTE: only used if enclosing class defines NON_DEFAULT, but NOT if it is the
         * global default OR per-property override.
        protected Object _defaultBean;
         * Default inclusion mode for properties of the POJO for which
         * properties are collected; possibly overridden on
         * per-property basis. Combines global inclusion defaults and
         * per-type (annotation and type-override) inclusion overrides.
        final protected JsonInclude.Value _defaultInclusion;
         * Marker flag used to indicate that "real" default values are to be used
         * for properties, as per per-type value inclusion of type <code>NON_DEFAULT</code>
         * @since 2.8
        final protected boolean _useRealPropertyDefaults;
        public PropertyBuilder(SerializationConfig config, BeanDescription beanDesc)
            _config = config;
            _beanDesc = beanDesc;
            // 08-Sep-2016, tatu: This gets tricky, with 3 levels of definitions:
            //  (a) global default inclusion
            //  (b) per-type default inclusion (from annotation or config overrides;
            //     config override having precedence)
            //  (c) per-property override (from annotation on specific property or
            //     config overrides per type of property;
            //     annotation having precedence)
            //  and not only requiring merging, but also considering special handling
            //  for NON_DEFAULT in case of (b) (vs (a) or (c))
            JsonInclude.Value inclPerType = JsonInclude.Value.merge(
            _defaultInclusion = JsonInclude.Value.merge(config.getDefaultPropertyInclusion(),
            _useRealPropertyDefaults = inclPerType.getValueInclusion() == JsonInclude.Include.NON_DEFAULT;
            _annotationIntrospector = _config.getAnnotationIntrospector();
        /* Public API
        public Annotations getClassAnnotations() {
            return _beanDesc.getClassAnnotations();
         * @param contentTypeSer Optional explicit type information serializer
         *    to use for contained values (only used for properties that are
         *    of container type)
        protected BeanPropertyWriter buildWriter(SerializerProvider prov,
                BeanPropertyDefinition propDef, JavaType declaredType, JsonSerializer<?> ser,
                TypeSerializer typeSer, TypeSerializer contentTypeSer,
                AnnotatedMember am, boolean defaultUseStaticTyping)
            throws JsonMappingException
            // do we have annotation that forces type to use (to declared type or its super type)?
            JavaType serializationType;
            try {
                serializationType = findSerializationType(am, defaultUseStaticTyping, declaredType);
            } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
                if (propDef == null) {
                    return prov.reportBadDefinition(declaredType, ClassUtil.exceptionMessage(e));
                return prov.reportBadPropertyDefinition(_beanDesc, propDef, ClassUtil.exceptionMessage(e));
            // Container types can have separate type serializers for content (value / element) type
            if (contentTypeSer != null) {
                // 04-Feb-2010, tatu: Let's force static typing for collection, if there is
                //    type information for contents. Should work well (for JAXB case); can be
                //    revisited if this causes problems.
                if (serializationType == null) {
    //                serializationType = TypeFactory.type(am.getGenericType(), _beanDesc.getType());
                    serializationType = declaredType;
                JavaType ct = serializationType.getContentType();
                // Not exactly sure why, but this used to occur; better check explicitly:
                if (ct == null) {
                    prov.reportBadPropertyDefinition(_beanDesc, propDef,
                            "serialization type "+serializationType+" has no content");
                serializationType = serializationType.withContentTypeHandler(contentTypeSer);
                ct = serializationType.getContentType();
            Object valueToSuppress = null;
            boolean suppressNulls = false;
            // 12-Jul-2016, tatu: [databind#1256] Need to make sure we consider type refinement
            JavaType actualType = (serializationType == null) ? declaredType : serializationType;
            // 17-Mar-2017: [databind#1522] Allow config override per property type
            AnnotatedMember accessor = propDef.getAccessor(); // lgtm [java/dereferenced-value-may-be-null]
            if (accessor == null) {
                // neither Setter nor ConstructorParameter are expected here
                return prov.reportBadPropertyDefinition(_beanDesc, propDef,
                        "could not determine property type");
            Class<?> rawPropertyType = accessor.getRawType();
            // 17-Aug-2016, tatu: Default inclusion covers global default (for all types), as well
            //   as type-default for enclosing POJO. What we need, then, is per-type default (if any)
            //   for declared property type... and finally property annotation overrides
            JsonInclude.Value inclV = _config.getDefaultInclusion(actualType.getRawClass(),
                    rawPropertyType, _defaultInclusion);
            // property annotation override
            inclV = inclV.withOverrides(propDef.findInclusion());
            JsonInclude.Include inclusion = inclV.getValueInclusion();
            if (inclusion == JsonInclude.Include.USE_DEFAULTS) { // should not occur but...
                inclusion = JsonInclude.Include.ALWAYS;
            switch (inclusion) {
            case NON_DEFAULT:
                // 11-Nov-2015, tatu: This is tricky because semantics differ between cases,
                //    so that if enclosing class has this, we may need to access values of property,
                //    whereas for global defaults OR per-property overrides, we have more
                //    static definition. Sigh.
                // First: case of class/type specifying it; try to find POJO property defaults
                Object defaultBean;
                // 16-Oct-2016, tatu: Note: if we cannot for some reason create "default instance",
                //    revert logic to the case of general/per-property handling, so both
                //    type-default AND null are to be excluded.
                //    (as per [databind#1417]
                if (_useRealPropertyDefaults && (defaultBean = getDefaultBean()) != null) {
                    // 07-Sep-2016, tatu: may also need to front-load access forcing now
                    if (prov.isEnabled(MapperFeature.CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS)) {
                    try {
                        valueToSuppress = am.getValue(defaultBean);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        _throwWrapped(e, propDef.getName(), defaultBean);
                } else {
                    valueToSuppress = BeanUtil.getDefaultValue(actualType);
                    suppressNulls = true;
                if (valueToSuppress == null) {
                    suppressNulls = true;
                } else {
                    if (valueToSuppress.getClass().isArray()) {
                        valueToSuppress = ArrayBuilders.getArrayComparator(valueToSuppress);
            case NON_ABSENT: // new with 2.6, to support Guava/JDK8 Optionals
                // always suppress nulls
                suppressNulls = true;
                // and for referential types, also "empty", which in their case means "absent"
                if (actualType.isReferenceType()) {
                    valueToSuppress = BeanPropertyWriter.MARKER_FOR_EMPTY;
            case NON_EMPTY:
                // always suppress nulls
                suppressNulls = true;
                // but possibly also 'empty' values:
                valueToSuppress = BeanPropertyWriter.MARKER_FOR_EMPTY;
            case CUSTOM: // new with 2.9
                valueToSuppress = prov.includeFilterInstance(propDef, inclV.getValueFilter());
            case NON_NULL:
                suppressNulls = true;
                // fall through
            case ALWAYS: // default
                // we may still want to suppress empty collections
                final SerializationFeature emptyJsonArrays = SerializationFeature.WRITE_EMPTY_JSON_ARRAYS;
                if (actualType.isContainerType() && !_config.isEnabled(emptyJsonArrays)) {
                    valueToSuppress = BeanPropertyWriter.MARKER_FOR_EMPTY;
            Class<?>[] views = propDef.findViews();
            if (views == null) {
                views = _beanDesc.findDefaultViews();
            BeanPropertyWriter bpw = _constructPropertyWriter(propDef,
                    am, _beanDesc.getClassAnnotations(), declaredType,
                    ser, typeSer, serializationType, suppressNulls, valueToSuppress, views);
            // How about custom null serializer?
            Object serDef = _annotationIntrospector.findNullSerializer(am);
            if (serDef != null) {
                bpw.assignNullSerializer(prov.serializerInstance(am, serDef));
            // And then, handling of unwrapping
            NameTransformer unwrapper = _annotationIntrospector.findUnwrappingNameTransformer(am);
            if (unwrapper != null) {
                bpw = bpw.unwrappingWriter(unwrapper);
            return bpw;
         * Overridable factory method for actual construction of {@link BeanPropertyWriter};
         * often needed if subclassing {@link #buildWriter} method.
         * @since 2.12
        protected BeanPropertyWriter _constructPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef,
                AnnotatedMember member, Annotations contextAnnotations,
                JavaType declaredType,
                JsonSerializer<?> ser, TypeSerializer typeSer, JavaType serType,
                boolean suppressNulls, Object suppressableValue,
                Class<?>[] includeInViews)
            throws JsonMappingException
            return new BeanPropertyWriter(propDef,
                    member, contextAnnotations, declaredType,
                    ser, typeSer, serType, suppressNulls, suppressableValue, includeInViews);
        /* Helper methods; annotation access
         * Method that will try to determine statically defined type of property
         * being serialized, based on annotations (for overrides), and alternatively
         * declared type (if static typing for serialization is enabled).
         * If neither can be used (no annotations, dynamic typing), returns null.
        protected JavaType findSerializationType(Annotated a, boolean useStaticTyping, JavaType declaredType)
            throws JsonMappingException
            JavaType secondary = _annotationIntrospector.refineSerializationType(_config, a, declaredType);
            // 11-Oct-2015, tatu: As of 2.7, not 100% sure following checks are needed. But keeping
            //    for now, just in case
            if (secondary != declaredType) {
                Class<?> serClass = secondary.getRawClass();
                // Must be a super type to be usable
                Class<?> rawDeclared = declaredType.getRawClass();
                if (serClass.isAssignableFrom(rawDeclared)) {
                    ; // fine as is
                } else {
                    /* 18-Nov-2010, tatu: Related to fixing [JACKSON-416], an issue with such
                     *   check is that for deserialization more specific type makes sense;
                     *   and for serialization more generic. But alas JAXB uses but a single
                     *   annotation to do both... Hence, we must just discard type, as long as
                     *   types are related
                    if (!rawDeclared.isAssignableFrom(serClass)) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal concrete-type annotation for method '"+a.getName()+"': class "+serClass.getName()+" not a super-type of (declared) class "+rawDeclared.getName());
                    /* 03-Dec-2010, tatu: Actually, ugh, we may need to further relax this
                     *   and actually accept subtypes too for serialization. Bit dangerous in theory
                     *   but need to trust user here...
                useStaticTyping = true;
                declaredType = secondary;
            // If using static typing, declared type is known to be the type...
            JsonSerialize.Typing typing = _annotationIntrospector.findSerializationTyping(a);
            if ((typing != null) && (typing != JsonSerialize.Typing.DEFAULT_TYPING)) {
                useStaticTyping = (typing == JsonSerialize.Typing.STATIC);
            if (useStaticTyping) {
                // 11-Oct-2015, tatu: Make sure JavaType also "knows" static-ness...
                return declaredType.withStaticTyping();
            return null;
        /* Helper methods for default value handling
        protected Object getDefaultBean()
            Object def = _defaultBean;
            if (def == null) {
                /* If we can fix access rights, we should; otherwise non-public
                 * classes or default constructor will prevent instantiation
                def = _beanDesc.instantiateBean(_config.canOverrideAccessModifiers());
                if (def == null) {
                    // 06-Nov-2015, tatu: As per [databind#998], do not fail.
                    Class<?> cls = _beanDesc.getClassInfo().getAnnotated();
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class "+cls.getName()+" has no default constructor; cannot instantiate default bean value to support 'properties=JsonSerialize.Inclusion.NON_DEFAULT' annotation");
                    // And use a marker
                    def = NO_DEFAULT_MARKER;
                _defaultBean = def;
            return (def == NO_DEFAULT_MARKER) ? null : _defaultBean;
         * Accessor used to find out "default value" for given property, to use for
         * comparing values to serialize, to determine whether to exclude value from serialization with
         * inclusion type of {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include#NON_DEFAULT}.
         * This method is called when we specifically want to know default value within context
         * of a POJO, when annotation is within containing class, and not for property or
         * defined as global baseline.
         * Note that returning of pseudo-type
         * {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude.Include#NON_EMPTY} requires special handling.
         * @since 2.7
         * @deprecated Since 2.9 since this will not allow determining difference between "no default instance"
         *    case and default being `null`.
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        protected Object getPropertyDefaultValue(String name, AnnotatedMember member,
                JavaType type)
            Object defaultBean = getDefaultBean();
            if (defaultBean == null) {
                return getDefaultValue(type);
            try {
                return member.getValue(defaultBean);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                return _throwWrapped(e, name, defaultBean);
         * @deprecated Since 2.9
        @Deprecated // since 2.9
        protected Object getDefaultValue(JavaType type) {
            return BeanUtil.getDefaultValue(type);
        /* Helper methods for exception handling
        protected Object _throwWrapped(Exception e, String propName, Object defaultBean)
            Throwable t = e;
            while (t.getCause() != null) {
                t = t.getCause();
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to get property '"+propName+"' of default "+defaultBean.getClass().getName()+" instance");



    Or download all of them as a single archive file:

    File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar
    File size: 1187952 bytes
    Release date: 2022-11-05


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