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Jackson Data Binding Source Code
Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".
Jackson Databind Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.
You can also browse Jackson Databind Source Code below:
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/type/
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType; /** * Simple types are defined as anything other than one of recognized * container types (arrays, Collections, Maps). For our needs we * need not know anything further, since we have no way of dealing * with generic types other than Collections and Maps. */ public class SimpleType // note: until 2.6 was final extends TypeBase { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************** */ /** * Constructor only used by core Jackson databind functionality; * should never be called by application code. *<p> * As with other direct construction that by-passes {@link TypeFactory}, * no introspection occurs with respect to super-types; caller must be * aware of consequences if using this method. */ protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls) { this(cls, TypeBindings.emptyBindings(), null, null); } protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts) { this(cls, bindings, superClass, superInts, null, null, false); } /** * Simple copy-constructor, usually used when upgrading/refining a simple type * into more specialized type. * * @since 2.7 */ protected SimpleType(TypeBase base) { super(base); } protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler, boolean asStatic) { super(cls, bindings, superClass, superInts, 0, valueHandler, typeHandler, asStatic); } /** * Pass-through constructor used by {@link ReferenceType}. * * @since 2.6 */ protected SimpleType(Class<?> cls, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, int extraHash, Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler, boolean asStatic) { super(cls, bindings, superClass, superInts, extraHash, valueHandler, typeHandler, asStatic); } /** * Method used by core Jackson classes: NOT to be used by application code: * it does NOT properly handle inspection of super-types, so neither parent * Classes nor implemented Interfaces are accessible with resulting type * instance. *<p> * NOTE: public only because it is called by <code>ObjectMapper</code> which is * not in same package */ public static SimpleType constructUnsafe(Class<?> raw) { return new SimpleType(raw, null, // 18-Oct-2015, tatu: Should be ok to omit possible super-types, right? null, null, null, null, false); } /** * Method that should NOT to be used by application code: * it does NOT properly handle inspection of super-types, so neither parent * Classes nor implemented Interfaces are accessible with resulting type * instance. Instead, please use {@link TypeFactory}'s <code>constructType</code> * methods which handle introspection appropriately. *<p> * Note that prior to 2.7, method usage was not limited and would typically * have worked acceptably: the problem comes from inability to resolve super-type * information, for which {@link TypeFactory} is needed. * * @deprecated Since 2.7 */ @Deprecated public static SimpleType construct(Class<?> cls) { /* Let's add sanity checks, just to ensure no * Map/Collection entries are constructed */ if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot construct SimpleType for a Map (class: "+cls.getName()+")"); } if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(cls)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot construct SimpleType for a Collection (class: "+cls.getName()+")"); } // ... and while we are at it, not array types either if (cls.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot construct SimpleType for an array (class: "+cls.getName()+")"); } TypeBindings b = TypeBindings.emptyBindings(); return new SimpleType(cls, b, _buildSuperClass(cls.getSuperclass(), b), null, null, null, false); } @Override @Deprecated protected JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass) { if (_class == subclass) { return this; } // Should we check that there is a sub-class relationship? // 15-Jan-2016, tatu: Almost yes, but there are some complications with // placeholder values (`Void`, `NoClass`), so cannot quite do yet. // TODO: fix in 2.9 if (!_class.isAssignableFrom(subclass)) { /* throw new IllegalArgumentException("Class "+subclass.getName()+" not sub-type of " +_class.getName()); */ return new SimpleType(subclass, _bindings, this, _superInterfaces, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } // Otherwise, stitch together the hierarchy. First, super-class Class<?> next = subclass.getSuperclass(); if (next == _class) { // straight up parent class? Great. return new SimpleType(subclass, _bindings, this, _superInterfaces, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } if ((next != null) && _class.isAssignableFrom(next)) { JavaType superb = _narrow(next); return new SimpleType(subclass, _bindings, superb, null, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } // if not found, try a super-interface Class<?>[] nextI = subclass.getInterfaces(); for (Class<?> iface : nextI) { if (iface == _class) { // directly implemented return new SimpleType(subclass, _bindings, null, new JavaType[] { this }, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } if (_class.isAssignableFrom(iface)) { // indirect, so recurse JavaType superb = _narrow(iface); return new SimpleType(subclass, _bindings, null, new JavaType[] { superb }, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } } // should not get here but... throw new IllegalArgumentException("Internal error: Cannot resolve sub-type for Class "+subclass.getName()+" to " +_class.getName()); } @Override public JavaType withContentType(JavaType contentType) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Simple types have no content types; cannot call withContentType()"); } @Override public SimpleType withTypeHandler(Object h) { if (_typeHandler == h) { return this; } return new SimpleType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _valueHandler, h, _asStatic); } @Override public JavaType withContentTypeHandler(Object h) { // no content type, so: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Simple types have no content types; cannot call withContenTypeHandler()"); } @Override public SimpleType withValueHandler(Object h) { if (h == _valueHandler) { return this; } return new SimpleType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, h, _typeHandler, _asStatic); } @Override public SimpleType withContentValueHandler(Object h) { // no content type, so: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Simple types have no content types; cannot call withContenValueHandler()"); } @Override public SimpleType withStaticTyping() { return _asStatic ? this : new SimpleType(_class, _bindings, _superClass, _superInterfaces, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, true); } @Override public JavaType refine(Class<?> rawType, TypeBindings bindings, JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInterfaces) { // SimpleType means something not-specialized, so: return null; } @Override protected String buildCanonicalName() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(_class.getName()); final int count = _bindings.size(); // 10-Apr-2021, tatu: [databind#3108] Ensure we have at least nominally // compatible type declaration (weak guarantee but better than nothing) if ((count > 0) && _hasNTypeParameters(count)) { sb.append('<'); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { JavaType t = containedType(i); if (i > 0) { sb.append(','); } sb.append(t.toCanonical()); } sb.append('>'); } return sb.toString(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean isContainerType() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasContentType() { return false; } @Override public StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb) { return _classSignature(_class, sb, true); } @Override public StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb) { _classSignature(_class, sb, false); final int count = _bindings.size(); if (count > 0) { sb.append('<'); for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { sb = containedType(i).getGenericSignature(sb); } sb.append('>'); } sb.append(';'); return sb; } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods /********************************************************** */ /** * Helper method we need to recursively build skeletal representations * of superclasses. * * @since 2.7 -- remove when not needed (2.8?) */ private static JavaType _buildSuperClass(Class<?> superClass, TypeBindings b) { if (superClass == null) { return null; } if (superClass == Object.class) { return TypeFactory.unknownType(); } JavaType superSuper = _buildSuperClass(superClass.getSuperclass(), b); return new SimpleType(superClass, b, superSuper, null, null, null, false); } /* /********************************************************** /* Standard methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40); sb.append("[simple type, class ").append(buildCanonicalName()).append(']'); return sb.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (o.getClass() != getClass()) return false; SimpleType other = (SimpleType) o; // Classes must be identical... if (other._class != this._class) return false; // And finally, generic bindings, if any TypeBindings b1 = _bindings; TypeBindings b2 = other._bindings; return b1.equals(b2); } }
⏎ com/fasterxml/jackson/databind/type/
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File name: jackson-databind-2.14.0-sources.jar File size: 1187952 bytes Release date: 2022-11-05 Download
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