Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code

Jackson is "the Java JSON library" or "the best JSON parser for Java". Or simply as "JSON for Java".

Jackson also allows you to parse or generate XML messages with the Jackson Dataformat XML Extension.

Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code files are provided in the source packge (jackson-dataformat-xml-2.14.0-sources.jar). You can download it at Jackson Maven Website.

You can also browse Jackson Dataformat XML Source Code below:

✍: FYIcenter.com


package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.ser;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.*;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlNameProcessor;
import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamWriter2;
import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2WriterAdapter;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.GeneratorBase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.IOContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.JacksonFeatureSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.XmlPrettyPrinter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.util.DefaultXmlPrettyPrinter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.util.StaxUtil;

 * {@link JsonGenerator} that outputs JAXB-style XML output instead of JSON content.
 * Operation requires calling code (usually either standard Jackson serializers,
 * or in some cases (like <code>BeanSerializer</code>) customized ones) to do
 * additional configuration calls beyond regular {@link JsonGenerator} API,
 * mostly to pass namespace information.
public class ToXmlGenerator
// non-final since 2.12 but only sub-class if you really know what you are doing...
    extends GeneratorBase
     * If we support optional definition of element names, this is the element
     * name to use...
    protected final static String DEFAULT_UNKNOWN_ELEMENT = "unknown";

     * Enumeration that defines all togglable extra XML-specific features
    public enum Feature implements FormatFeature
         * Feature that controls whether XML declaration should be written before
         * when generator is initialized (true) or not (false)

         * Feature that controls whether output should be done as XML 1.1; if so,
         * certain aspects may differ from default (1.0) processing: for example,
         * XML declaration will be automatically added (regardless of setting
         * <code>WRITE_XML_DECLARATION</code>) as this is required for reader to
         * know to use 1.1 compliant handling. XML 1.1 can be used to allow quoted
         * control characters (Ascii codes 0 through 31) as well as additional linefeeds
         * and name characters.

         * Feature that controls whether serialization of Java {@code null} values adds
         * XML attribute of `xsi:nil`, as defined by XML Schema (see
         * <a href="https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/xml-in-a/0596007647/re166.html">this article</a>
         * for details) or not.
         * If enabled, `xsi:nil` attribute will be added to the empty element; if disabled,
         * it will not.
         * Feature is disabled by default for backwards compatibility.
         * @since 2.10

         * Feature that determines writing of root values of type {@code ObjectNode}
         * ({@code JsonNode} subtype that represents Object content values),
         * regarding XML output.
         * If enabled and {@code ObjectNode} has exactly one entry (key/value pair),
         * then key of that entry is used as the root element name (and value
         * is written as contents. Otherwise (if feature disabled, or if root
         * {@code ObjectNode} has any other number of key/value entries,
         * root element name is determined using normal logic (either explicitly
         * configured, or {@code ObjectNode} otherwise).
         * Default setting is {@code disabled} in Jackson 2.x, for backwards compatibility:
         * likely to be changed in 3.0 to {@code enabled}.
         * @since 2.13

        final boolean _defaultState;
        final int _mask;

         * Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that
         * are enabled by default.
        public static int collectDefaults()
            int flags = 0;
            for (Feature f : values()) {
                if (f.enabledByDefault()) {
                    flags |= f.getMask();
            return flags;

        private Feature(boolean defaultState) {
            _defaultState = defaultState;
            _mask = (1 << ordinal());

        @Override public boolean enabledByDefault() { return _defaultState; }
        @Override public int getMask() { return _mask; }
        @Override public boolean enabledIn(int flags) { return (flags & getMask()) != 0; }

    /* Configuration

    protected final XMLStreamWriter2 _xmlWriter;

    protected final XMLStreamWriter _originalXmlWriter;
     * Marker flag set if the underlying stream writer has to emulate
     * Stax2 API: this is problematic if trying to use {@link #writeRaw} calls.
    protected final boolean _stax2Emulation;
    protected final IOContext _ioContext;

     * Bit flag composed of bits that indicate which
     * {@link ToXmlGenerator.Feature}s
     * are enabled.
    protected int _formatFeatures;

     * We may need to use XML-specific indentation as well
    protected XmlPrettyPrinter _xmlPrettyPrinter;

     * Escapes names with invalid XML characters
     * @since 2.14
    protected XmlNameProcessor _nameProcessor;

    /* XML Output state

     * Marker set when {@link #initGenerator()} has been called or not.
     * @since 2.2
    protected boolean _initialized;

     * Element or attribute name to use for next output call.
     * Assigned by either code that initiates serialization
     * or bean serializer.
    protected QName _nextName = null;

     * Marker flag that indicates whether next name to write
     * implies an attribute (true) or element (false)
    protected boolean _nextIsAttribute = false;

     * Marker flag used to indicate that the next write of a (property)
     * value should be done without using surrounding start/end
     * elements. Flag is to be cleared once unwrapping has been triggered
     * once.
    protected boolean _nextIsUnwrapped = false;

     * Marker flag used to indicate that the next write of a (property)
     * value should be as CData
    protected boolean _nextIsCData = false;

     * To support proper serialization of arrays it is necessary to keep
     * stack of element names, so that we can "revert" to earlier 
    protected LinkedList<QName> _elementNameStack = new LinkedList<QName>();

     * Reusable internal value object
     * @since 2.14
    protected XmlNameProcessor.XmlName _nameToEncode = new XmlNameProcessor.XmlName();

    /* Life-cycle

    public ToXmlGenerator(IOContext ctxt, int stdFeatures, int xmlFeatures,
            ObjectCodec codec, XMLStreamWriter sw, XmlNameProcessor nameProcessor)
        super(stdFeatures, codec);
        _formatFeatures = xmlFeatures;
        _ioContext = ctxt;
        _originalXmlWriter = sw;
        _xmlWriter = Stax2WriterAdapter.wrapIfNecessary(sw);
        _stax2Emulation = (_xmlWriter != sw);
        _nameProcessor = nameProcessor;
        _xmlPrettyPrinter = (_cfgPrettyPrinter instanceof XmlPrettyPrinter) ?
        		(XmlPrettyPrinter) _cfgPrettyPrinter : null;

     * Method called before writing any other output, to optionally
     * output XML declaration.
    public void initGenerator()  throws IOException
        if (_initialized) {
        _initialized = true;
        try {
            if (Feature.WRITE_XML_1_1.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.1");
            } else if (Feature.WRITE_XML_DECLARATION.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0");
            } else {
            // as per [dataformat-xml#172], try adding indentation
            if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                // ... but only if it is likely to succeed:
                if (!_stax2Emulation) {
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    /* Overridden methods, configuration

    protected PrettyPrinter _constructDefaultPrettyPrinter() {
        return new DefaultXmlPrettyPrinter();

    public JsonGenerator setPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter pp) {
        _cfgPrettyPrinter = pp;
        _xmlPrettyPrinter = (pp instanceof XmlPrettyPrinter) ?
               (XmlPrettyPrinter) pp : null;
        return this;

    public Object getOutputTarget() {
        // Stax2 does not expose underlying target, so best we can do is to return
        // the Stax XMLStreamWriter instance:
        return _originalXmlWriter;

     * Stax2 does not expose buffered content amount, so we can only return
     * <code>-1</code> from here
    public int getOutputBuffered() {
        return -1;

    public int getFormatFeatures() {
        return _formatFeatures;

    @Override // since 2.7
    public JsonGenerator overrideFormatFeatures(int values, int mask)
        int oldF = _formatFeatures;
        int newF = (_formatFeatures & ~mask) | (values & mask);

        if (oldF != newF) {
            _formatFeatures = newF;
        return this;

    /* Extended API, configuration

    public ToXmlGenerator enable(Feature f) {
        _formatFeatures |= f.getMask();
        return this;

    public ToXmlGenerator disable(Feature f) {
        _formatFeatures &= ~f.getMask();
        return this;

    public final boolean isEnabled(Feature f) {
        return (_formatFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0;

    public ToXmlGenerator configure(Feature f, boolean state) {
        if (state) {
        } else {
        return this;

    public boolean canWriteFormattedNumbers() { return true; }

    @Override // @since 2.12
    public JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> getWriteCapabilities() {

    // @since 2.7.5
    public boolean inRoot() {
        return _writeContext.inRoot();

    /* Extended API, access to some internal components

     * Method that allows application direct access to underlying
     * Stax {@link XMLStreamWriter}. Note that use of writer is
     * discouraged, and may interfere with processing of this writer;
     * however, occasionally it may be necessary.
     * Note: writer instance will always be of type
     * {@link org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamWriter2} (including
     * Typed Access API) so upcasts are safe.
    public XMLStreamWriter getStaxWriter() {
        return _xmlWriter;
    /* Extended API, passing XML specific settings

    public void setNextIsAttribute(boolean isAttribute)
        _nextIsAttribute = isAttribute;

    public void setNextIsUnwrapped(boolean isUnwrapped)
        _nextIsUnwrapped = isUnwrapped;

    public void setNextIsCData(boolean isCData)
        _nextIsCData = isCData;
    public final void setNextName(QName name)
        _nextName = name;

     * Method that does same as {@link #setNextName}, unless
     * a name has already been set.
     * @since 2.1.2
    public final boolean setNextNameIfMissing(QName name)
        if (_nextName == null) {
            _nextName = name;
            return true;
        return false;
     * Methdod called when a structured (collection, array, map) is being
     * output.
     * @param wrapperName Element used as wrapper around elements, if any (null if none)
     * @param wrappedName Element used around individual content items (can not
     *   be null)
    public void startWrappedValue(QName wrapperName, QName wrappedName) throws IOException
        if (wrapperName != null) {
            try {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                            wrapperName.getNamespaceURI(), wrapperName.getLocalPart());
                } else {
                    _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(wrapperName.getNamespaceURI(), wrapperName.getLocalPart());
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

     * Method called after a structured collection output has completed
    public void finishWrappedValue(QName wrapperName, QName wrappedName) throws IOException
        // First: wrapper to close?
        if (wrapperName != null) {
            try {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                    _xmlPrettyPrinter.writeEndElement(_xmlWriter, _writeContext.getEntryCount());
                } else {
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

     * Trivial helper method called when to add a replicated wrapper name
     * @since 2.2
    public void writeRepeatedFieldName() throws IOException
        if (_writeContext.writeFieldName(_nextName.getLocalPart()) == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) {
            _reportError("Can not write a field name, expecting a value");
    /* JsonGenerator method overrides
    /* Most overrides in this section are just to make methods final,
     * to allow better inlining...

    public final void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException
        if (_writeContext.writeFieldName(name) == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_VALUE) {
            _reportError("Can not write a field name, expecting a value");
        // Should this ever get called?
        String ns = (_nextName == null) ? "" : _nextName.getNamespaceURI();
        _nameToEncode.namespace = ns;
        _nameToEncode.localPart = name;
        setNextName(new QName(_nameToEncode.namespace, _nameToEncode.localPart));

    public final void writeStringField(String fieldName, String value) throws IOException

    // 03-Aug-2017, tatu: We could use this as mentioned in comment below BUT
    //    since there is no counterpart for deserialization this will not
    //    help us. Approaches that could/would help probably require different
    //    handling...
    //    See [dataformat-xml#4] for more context.
    // @since 2.9
    public WritableTypeId writeTypePrefix(WritableTypeId typeIdDef) throws IOException
        // 03-Aug-2017, tatu: Due to XML oddities, we do need to massage things
        //     a bit: specifically, change WRAPPER_ARRAY into WRAPPER_OBJECT, always
        if (typeIdDef.include == WritableTypeId.Inclusion.WRAPPER_ARRAY) {
            typeIdDef.include = WritableTypeId.Inclusion.WRAPPER_OBJECT;
        return super.writeTypePrefix(typeIdDef);

    /* JsonGenerator output method implementations, structural

    public final void writeStartArray() throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("start an array");
        _writeContext = _writeContext.createChildArrayContext();
        if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) {
        } else {
            // nothing to do here; no-operation
    public final void writeEndArray() throws IOException
        if (!_writeContext.inArray()) {
            _reportError("Current context not Array but "+_writeContext.typeDesc());
        if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) {
            _cfgPrettyPrinter.writeEndArray(this, _writeContext.getEntryCount());
        } else {
            // nothing to do here; no-operation
        _writeContext = _writeContext.getParent();

    public final void writeStartObject() throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("start an object");
        _writeContext = _writeContext.createChildObjectContext();
        if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) {
        } else {

    public final void writeEndObject() throws IOException
        if (!_writeContext.inObject()) {
            _reportError("Current context not Object but "+_writeContext.typeDesc());
        _writeContext = _writeContext.getParent();
        if (_cfgPrettyPrinter != null) {
            // as per [Issue#45], need to suppress indentation if only attributes written:
            int count = _nextIsAttribute ? 0 : _writeContext.getEntryCount();
            _cfgPrettyPrinter.writeEndObject(this, count);
        } else {

    // note: public just because pretty printer needs to make a callback
    public final void _handleStartObject() throws IOException
        if (_nextName == null) {
        // Need to keep track of names to make Lists work correctly
        try {
            _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);
    // note: public just because pretty printer needs to make a callback
    public final void _handleEndObject() throws IOException
        // We may want to repeat same element, so:
        if (_elementNameStack.isEmpty()) {
            throw new JsonGenerationException("Can not write END_ELEMENT without open START_ELEMENT", this);
        _nextName = _elementNameStack.removeLast();
        try {
            // note: since attributes don't nest, can only have one attribute active, so:
            _nextIsAttribute = false;
            // [databind-xml#172]: possibly also need indentation
            if (_elementNameStack.isEmpty() && (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null)) {
                // ... but only if it is likely to succeed:
                if (!_stax2Emulation) {
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);
    /* Output method implementations, textual

    public void writeFieldName(SerializableString name) throws IOException

    public void writeString(String text) throws IOException
        if (text == null) { // [dataformat-xml#413]
        _verifyValueWrite("write String value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) { // must write attribute name and value with one call
                _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), text);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
                // [dataformat-xml#56] Should figure out how to prevent indentation for end element
                //   but for now, let's just make sure structure is correct
                //if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) { ... }
                if(_nextIsCData) {
                } else {
            } else if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                        _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                        text, _nextIsCData);
            } else {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                if(_nextIsCData) {
                } else {
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);
    public void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write String value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), new String(text, offset, len));
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            	// should we consider pretty-printing or not?
                if(_nextIsCData) {
                    _xmlWriter.writeCData(text, offset, len);
                } else {
                    _xmlWriter.writeCharacters(text, offset, len);
            } else if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                        _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                        text, offset, len, _nextIsCData);
            } else {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                if(_nextIsCData) {
                    _xmlWriter.writeCData(text, offset, len);
                } else {
                    _xmlWriter.writeCharacters(text, offset, len);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeString(SerializableString text) throws IOException {
    public void writeRawUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException
        // could add support for this case if we really want it (and can make Stax2 support it)

    public void writeUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int length) throws IOException
        // could add support for this case if we really want it (and can make Stax2 support it)

    /* Output method implementations, unprocessed ("raw")

    public void writeRawValue(String text) throws IOException {
        // [dataformat-xml#39]
        if (_stax2Emulation) {
        try {
            _verifyValueWrite("write raw value");
            if (_nextName == null) {

            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), text);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            } else {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeRawValue(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
        // [dataformat-xml#39]
        if (_stax2Emulation) {
        try {
            _verifyValueWrite("write raw value");
            if (_nextName == null) {

            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), text.substring(offset, offset + len));
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
                _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, len);
            } else {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, len);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeRawValue(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException {
        // [dataformat-xml#39]
        if (_stax2Emulation) {
        _verifyValueWrite("write raw value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeAttribute(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), new String(text, offset, len));
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
                _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, len);
            } else {
                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, len);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeRawValue(SerializableString text) throws IOException {

    public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException
        // [dataformat-xml#39]
        if (_stax2Emulation) {
        try {
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeRaw(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
        // [dataformat-xml#39]
        if (_stax2Emulation) {
        try {
            _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, len);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException
        // [dataformat-xml#39]
        if (_stax2Emulation) {
        try {
            _xmlWriter.writeRaw(text, offset, len);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException
    /* Output method implementations, base64-encoded binary

    public void writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant,
    		byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException
        if (data == null) {
        _verifyValueWrite("write Binary value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        final org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant stax2base64v = StaxUtil.toStax2Base64Variant(b64variant);
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                // Stax2 API only has 'full buffer' write method:
                byte[] fullBuffer = toFullBuffer(data, offset, len);
                        "", _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), fullBuffer);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            	// should we consider pretty-printing or not?
                _xmlWriter.writeBinary(stax2base64v, data, offset, len);
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                            _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                            stax2base64v, data, offset, len);
                } else {
                    _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                    _xmlWriter.writeBinary(stax2base64v, data, offset, len);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public int writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, InputStream data, int dataLength) throws IOException
        if (data == null) {
            return 0;
        _verifyValueWrite("write Binary value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        final org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant stax2base64v = StaxUtil.toStax2Base64Variant(b64variant);
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                // Stax2 API only has 'full buffer' write method:
                byte[] fullBuffer = toFullBuffer(data, dataLength);
                        "", _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), fullBuffer);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
              // should we consider pretty-printing or not?
                writeStreamAsBinary(stax2base64v, data, dataLength);

            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                            _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                            stax2base64v, toFullBuffer(data, dataLength), 0, dataLength);
                } else {
                    _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                    writeStreamAsBinary(stax2base64v, data, dataLength);
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

        return dataLength;

    private void writeStreamAsBinary(org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant stax2base64v,
            InputStream data, int len) throws IOException, XMLStreamException 
        // base64 encodes up to 3 bytes into a 4 bytes string
        byte[] tmp = new byte[3];
        int offset = 0;
        int read;
        while((read = data.read(tmp, offset, Math.min(3 - offset, len))) != -1) {
            offset += read;
            len -= read;
            if(offset == 3) {
                offset = 0;
                _xmlWriter.writeBinary(stax2base64v, tmp, 0, 3);
            if (len == 0) {

        // we still have < 3 bytes in the buffer
        if(offset > 0) {
            _xmlWriter.writeBinary(stax2base64v, tmp, 0, offset);

    private byte[] toFullBuffer(byte[] data, int offset, int len)
        // might already be ok:
        if (offset == 0 && len == data.length) {
            return data;
        byte[] result = new byte[len];
        if (len > 0) {
            System.arraycopy(data, offset, result, 0, len);
        return result;

    private byte[] toFullBuffer(InputStream data, final int len) throws IOException 
        byte[] result = new byte[len];
        int offset = 0;

        for (; offset < len; ) {
            int count = data.read(result, offset, len - offset);
            if (count < 0) {
                _reportError("Too few bytes available: missing "+(len - offset)+" bytes (out of "+len+")");
            offset += count;
        return result;

    /* Output method implementations, primitive

    public void writeBoolean(boolean value) throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write boolean value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeBooleanAttribute(null, _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), value);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            	// should we consider pretty-printing or not?
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                			_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNull() throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write null value");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                // With attributes, best just leave it out, right? (since there's no way
                // to use 'xsi:nil')
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            	// as with above, best left unwritten?
            } else {
                final boolean asXsiNil = isEnabled(Feature.WRITE_NULLS_AS_XSI_NIL);
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                    // 12-Nov-2020, tatu: Not clean, due to backwards-compat challenges..
                    //    but has to do
                    if (asXsiNil && (_xmlPrettyPrinter instanceof DefaultXmlPrettyPrinter)) {
                        ((DefaultXmlPrettyPrinter) _xmlPrettyPrinter).writeLeafXsiNilElement(_xmlWriter,
                                _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                    } else {
                                _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                } else {
                    if (asXsiNil) {
                        _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
                        _xmlWriter.writeAttribute("xsi", XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS_URI, "nil", "true");
                    } else {
                        _xmlWriter.writeEmptyElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(int i) throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write number");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeIntAttribute(null, _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), i);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            	// should we consider pretty-printing or not?
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                			_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(long l) throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write number");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeLongAttribute(null, _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), l);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                			_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(double d) throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write number");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeDoubleAttribute(null, _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), d);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                			_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(float f) throws IOException
        _verifyValueWrite("write number");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                _xmlWriter.writeFloatAttribute(null, _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), f);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                			_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(BigDecimal dec) throws IOException
        if (dec == null) {
        _verifyValueWrite("write number");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        boolean usePlain = isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN);
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                if (usePlain) {
                    _xmlWriter.writeAttribute("", _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
                    _xmlWriter.writeDecimalAttribute("", _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), dec);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
                if (usePlain) {
                } else {
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                    if (usePlain) {
                                _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                                dec.toPlainString(), false);
                    } else {
                                _nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
	                if (usePlain) {
	                } else {
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(BigInteger value) throws IOException
        if (value == null) {
        _verifyValueWrite("write number");
        if (_nextName == null) {
        try {
            if (_nextIsAttribute) {
                		_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(), value);
            } else if (checkNextIsUnwrapped()) {
            } else {
                if (_xmlPrettyPrinter != null) {
                			_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart(),
                } else {
	                _xmlWriter.writeStartElement(_nextName.getNamespaceURI(), _nextName.getLocalPart());
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void writeNumber(String encodedValue) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException

    /* Implementations, overrides for other methods

    protected final void _verifyValueWrite(String typeMsg) throws IOException
        int status = _writeContext.writeValue();
        if (status == JsonWriteContext.STATUS_EXPECT_NAME) {
            _reportError("Can not "+typeMsg+", expecting field name");

    /* Low-level output handling

    public void flush() throws IOException
        if (isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM)) {
            try {
            } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
                StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    public void close() throws IOException
//        boolean wasClosed = _closed;

        // First: let's see that we still have buffers...
        if (isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_JSON_CONTENT)) {
            try {
                while (true) {
		    /* 28-May-2016, tatu: To work around incompatibility introduced by
		     *     `jackson-core` 2.8 where return type of `getOutputContext()`
		     *     changed, let's do direct access here.
//                    JsonStreamContext ctxt = getOutputContext();
		    JsonStreamContext ctxt = _writeContext;
                    if (ctxt.inArray()) {
                    } else if (ctxt.inObject()) {
                    } else {
            } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
                /* 29-Nov-2010, tatu: Stupid, stupid SJSXP doesn't do array checks, so we get
                 *   hit by this as a collateral problem in some cases. Yuck.
                throw new JsonGenerationException(e, this);
        try {
            if (_ioContext.isResourceManaged() || isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET)) {
            } else {
        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {
            StaxUtil.throwAsGenerationException(e, this);

    protected void _releaseBuffers() {
        // Nothing to do here, as we have no buffers

    /* Internal methods

     * Method called to see if unwrapping is required; and if so,
     * clear the flag (so further calls will return 'false' unless
     * state is re-set)
    protected boolean checkNextIsUnwrapped()
        if (_nextIsUnwrapped) {
    		    _nextIsUnwrapped = false;
    		    return true;
        return false;
    protected void handleMissingName() {
        throw new IllegalStateException("No element/attribute name specified when trying to output element");

     * Method called in case access to native Stax2 API implementation is required.
    protected void  _reportUnimplementedStax2(String missingMethod) throws IOException
        throw new JsonGenerationException("Underlying Stax XMLStreamWriter (of type "
                +") does not implement Stax2 API natively and is missing method '"
                +missingMethod+"': this breaks functionality such as indentation that relies on it. "
                +"You need to upgrade to using compliant Stax implementation like Woodstox or Aalto",



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File name: jackson-dataformat-xml-2.14.0-sources.jar
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Release date: 2022-11-05


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