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ANTLR Tool Source Code
ANTLR is a powerful parser generator for multiple programming languages including Java.
ANTLR contains 2 major modules:
ANTLR Tool Source Code files are provided in the distribution packge ( You can download them at ANTLR Website.
You can also browse the source code below:
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ org/antlr/v4/tool/
/* * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved. * Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that * can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root. */ package org.antlr.v4.tool; import org.antlr.v4.Tool; import org.stringtemplate.v4.ST; import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroup; import org.stringtemplate.v4.STGroupFile; import org.stringtemplate.v4.misc.ErrorBuffer; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.Set; public class ErrorManager { public static final String FORMATS_DIR = "org/antlr/v4/tool/templates/messages/formats/"; public Tool tool; public int errors; public int warnings; /** All errors that have been generated */ public Set<ErrorType> errorTypes = EnumSet.noneOf(ErrorType.class); /** The group of templates that represent the current message format. */ STGroup format; String formatName; ErrorBuffer initSTListener = new ErrorBuffer(); public ErrorManager(Tool tool) { this.tool = tool; } public void resetErrorState() { errors = 0; warnings = 0; } public ST getMessageTemplate(ANTLRMessage msg) { ST messageST = msg.getMessageTemplate(tool.longMessages); ST locationST = getLocationFormat(); ST reportST = getReportFormat(msg.getErrorType().severity); ST messageFormatST = getMessageFormat(); boolean locationValid = false; if (msg.line != -1) { locationST.add("line", msg.line); locationValid = true; } if (msg.charPosition != -1) { locationST.add("column", msg.charPosition); locationValid = true; } if (msg.fileName != null) { String displayFileName = msg.fileName; if (formatName.equals("antlr")) { // Don't show path to file in messages in ANTLR format; // they're too long. File f = new File(msg.fileName); if ( f.exists() ) { displayFileName = f.getName(); } } else { // For other message formats, use the full filename in the // message. This assumes that these formats are intended to // be parsed by IDEs, and so they need the full path to // resolve correctly. } locationST.add("file", displayFileName); locationValid = true; } messageFormatST.add("id", msg.getErrorType().code); messageFormatST.add("text", messageST); if (locationValid) reportST.add("location", locationST); reportST.add("message", messageFormatST); //((DebugST)reportST).inspect(); // reportST.impl.dump(); return reportST; } /** Return a StringTemplate that refers to the current format used for * emitting messages. */ public ST getLocationFormat() { return format.getInstanceOf("location"); } public ST getReportFormat(ErrorSeverity severity) { ST st = format.getInstanceOf("report"); st.add("type", severity.getText()); return st; } public ST getMessageFormat() { return format.getInstanceOf("message"); } public boolean formatWantsSingleLineMessage() { return format.getInstanceOf("wantsSingleLineMessage").render().equals("true"); } public void info(String msg) {; } public void syntaxError(ErrorType etype, String fileName, org.antlr.runtime.Token token, org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException antlrException, Object... args) { ANTLRMessage msg = new GrammarSyntaxMessage(etype,fileName,token,antlrException,args); emit(etype, msg); } public static void fatalInternalError(String error, Throwable e) { internalError(error, e); throw new RuntimeException(error, e); } public static void internalError(String error, Throwable e) { StackTraceElement location = getLastNonErrorManagerCodeLocation(e); internalError("Exception "+e+"@"+location+": "+error); } public static void internalError(String error) { StackTraceElement location = getLastNonErrorManagerCodeLocation(new Exception()); String msg = location+": "+error; System.err.println("internal error: "+msg); } /** * Raise a predefined message with some number of parameters for the StringTemplate but for which there * is no location information possible. * @param errorType The Message Descriptor * @param args The arguments to pass to the StringTemplate */ public void toolError(ErrorType errorType, Object... args) { toolError(errorType, null, args); } public void toolError(ErrorType errorType, Throwable e, Object... args) { ToolMessage msg = new ToolMessage(errorType, e, args); emit(errorType, msg); } public void grammarError(ErrorType etype, String fileName, org.antlr.runtime.Token token, Object... args) { ANTLRMessage msg = new GrammarSemanticsMessage(etype,fileName,token,args); emit(etype, msg); } public void leftRecursionCycles(String fileName, Collection<? extends Collection<Rule>> cycles) { errors++; ANTLRMessage msg = new LeftRecursionCyclesMessage(fileName, cycles); tool.error(msg); } public int getNumErrors() { return errors; } /** Return first non ErrorManager code location for generating messages */ private static StackTraceElement getLastNonErrorManagerCodeLocation(Throwable e) { StackTraceElement[] stack = e.getStackTrace(); int i = 0; for (; i < stack.length; i++) { StackTraceElement t = stack[i]; if (!t.toString().contains("ErrorManager")) { break; } } StackTraceElement location = stack[i]; return location; } // S U P P O R T C O D E @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public void emit(ErrorType etype, ANTLRMessage msg) { switch ( etype.severity ) { case WARNING_ONE_OFF: if ( errorTypes.contains(etype) ) break; // fall thru case WARNING: warnings++; tool.warning(msg); break; case ERROR_ONE_OFF: if ( errorTypes.contains(etype) ) break; // fall thru case ERROR: errors++; tool.error(msg); break; default: break; } errorTypes.add(etype); } /** The format gets reset either from the Tool if the user supplied a command line option to that effect * Otherwise we just use the default "antlr". */ public void setFormat(String formatName) { this.formatName = formatName; String fileName = FORMATS_DIR +formatName+STGroup.GROUP_FILE_EXTENSION; ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); URL url = cl.getResource(fileName); if ( url==null ) { cl = ErrorManager.class.getClassLoader(); url = cl.getResource(fileName); } if ( url==null && formatName.equals("antlr") ) { rawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; cannot find ANTLR messages format file "+fileName); panic(); } else if ( url==null ) { rawError("no such message format file "+fileName+" retrying with default ANTLR format"); setFormat("antlr"); // recurse on this rule, trying the default message format return; } format = new STGroupFile(url, "UTF-8", '<', '>'); format.load(); if ( !initSTListener.errors.isEmpty() ) { rawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; can't load messages format file:\n"+ initSTListener.toString()); panic(); } boolean formatOK = verifyFormat(); if ( !formatOK && formatName.equals("antlr") ) { rawError("ANTLR installation corrupted; ANTLR messages format file "+formatName+".stg incomplete"); panic(); } else if ( !formatOK ) { setFormat("antlr"); // recurse on this rule, trying the default message format } } /** Verify the message format template group */ protected boolean verifyFormat() { boolean ok = true; if (!format.isDefined("location")) { System.err.println("Format template 'location' not found in " + formatName); ok = false; } if (!format.isDefined("message")) { System.err.println("Format template 'message' not found in " + formatName); ok = false; } if (!format.isDefined("report")) { System.err.println("Format template 'report' not found in " + formatName); ok = false; } return ok; } /** If there are errors during ErrorManager init, we have no choice * but to go to System.err. */ static void rawError(String msg) { System.err.println(msg); } static void rawError(String msg, Throwable e) { rawError(msg); e.printStackTrace(System.err); } public void panic(ErrorType errorType, Object... args) { ToolMessage msg = new ToolMessage(errorType, args); ST msgST = getMessageTemplate(msg); String outputMsg = msgST.render(); if ( formatWantsSingleLineMessage() ) { outputMsg = outputMsg.replace('\n', ' '); } panic(outputMsg); } public static void panic(String msg) { rawError(msg); panic(); } public static void panic() { // can't call tool.panic since there may be multiple tools; just // one error manager throw new Error("ANTLR ErrorManager panic"); } }
⏎ org/antlr/v4/tool/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: antlr-tool-4.10.1-sources.jar File size: 347718 bytes Release date: 2022-04-15 Download
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