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JDK 17 java.desktop.jmod - Desktop Module
JDK 17 java.desktop.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 Desktop module.
JDK 17 Desktop module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\java.desktop.jmod.
JDK 17 Desktop module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Desktop module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\java.desktop.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ com/sun/imageio/plugins/bmp/
/* * Copyright (c) 2003, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package com.sun.imageio.plugins.bmp; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageTypeSpecifier; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadata; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataNode; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat; import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormatImpl; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.sun.imageio.plugins.common.I18N; import com.sun.imageio.plugins.common.ImageUtil; public class BMPMetadata extends IIOMetadata implements BMPConstants { public static final String nativeMetadataFormatName = "javax_imageio_bmp_1.0"; // Fields for Image Descriptor public String bmpVersion; public int width ; public int height; public short bitsPerPixel; public int compression; public int imageSize; // Fields for PixelsPerMeter public int xPixelsPerMeter; public int yPixelsPerMeter; public int colorsUsed; public int colorsImportant; // Fields for BI_BITFIELDS compression(Mask) public int redMask; public int greenMask; public int blueMask; public int alphaMask; public int colorSpace; // Fields for CIE XYZ for the LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB color space public double redX; public double redY; public double redZ; public double greenX; public double greenY; public double greenZ; public double blueX; public double blueY; public double blueZ; // Fields for Gamma values for the LCS_CALIBRATED_RGB color space public int gammaRed; public int gammaGreen; public int gammaBlue; public int intent; // Fields for the Palette and Entries public byte[] palette = null; public int paletteSize; public int red; public int green; public int blue; public BMPMetadata() { super(true, nativeMetadataFormatName, "com.sun.imageio.plugins.bmp.BMPMetadataFormat", null, null); } public boolean isReadOnly() { return true; } public Node getAsTree(String formatName) { if (formatName.equals(nativeMetadataFormatName)) { return getNativeTree(); } else if (formatName.equals (IIOMetadataFormatImpl.standardMetadataFormatName)) { return getStandardTree(); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(I18N.getString("BMPMetadata0")); } } private String toISO8859(byte[] data) { try { return new String(data, "ISO-8859-1"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return ""; } } private Node getNativeTree() { IIOMetadataNode root = new IIOMetadataNode(nativeMetadataFormatName); addChildNode(root, "BMPVersion", bmpVersion); addChildNode(root, "Width", width); addChildNode(root, "Height", height); addChildNode(root, "BitsPerPixel", Short.valueOf(bitsPerPixel)); addChildNode(root, "Compression", compression); addChildNode(root, "ImageSize", imageSize); IIOMetadataNode node = addChildNode(root, "PixelsPerMeter", null); addChildNode(node, "X", xPixelsPerMeter); addChildNode(node, "Y", yPixelsPerMeter); addChildNode(root, "ColorsUsed", colorsUsed); addChildNode(root, "ColorsImportant", colorsImportant); int version = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bmpVersion.length(); i++) if (Character.isDigit(bmpVersion.charAt(i))) version = bmpVersion.charAt(i) -'0'; if (version >= 4) { node = addChildNode(root, "Mask", null); addChildNode(node, "Red", redMask); addChildNode(node, "Green", greenMask); addChildNode(node, "Blue", blueMask); addChildNode(node, "Alpha", alphaMask); addChildNode(root, "ColorSpaceType", colorSpace); node = addChildNode(root, "CIEXYZEndPoints", null); addXYZPoints(node, "Red", redX, redY, redZ); addXYZPoints(node, "Green", greenX, greenY, greenZ); addXYZPoints(node, "Blue", blueX, blueY, blueZ); node = addChildNode(root, "Intent", intent); } // Palette if ((palette != null) && (paletteSize > 0)) { node = addChildNode(root, "Palette", null); int numComps = palette.length / paletteSize; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < paletteSize; i++) { IIOMetadataNode entry = addChildNode(node, "PaletteEntry", null); red = palette[j++] & 0xff; green = palette[j++] & 0xff; blue = palette[j++] & 0xff; addChildNode(entry, "Red", Byte.valueOf((byte)red)); addChildNode(entry, "Green", Byte.valueOf((byte)green)); addChildNode(entry, "Blue", Byte.valueOf((byte)blue)); if (numComps == 4) addChildNode(entry, "Alpha", Byte.valueOf((byte)(palette[j++] & 0xff))); } } return root; } // Standard tree node methods protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardChromaNode() { if ((palette != null) && (paletteSize > 0)) { IIOMetadataNode node = new IIOMetadataNode("Chroma"); IIOMetadataNode subNode = new IIOMetadataNode("Palette"); int numComps = palette.length / paletteSize; subNode.setAttribute("value", "" + numComps); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < paletteSize; i++) { IIOMetadataNode subNode1 = new IIOMetadataNode("PaletteEntry"); subNode1.setAttribute("index", ""+i); subNode1.setAttribute("red", "" + palette[j++]); subNode1.setAttribute("green", "" + palette[j++]); subNode1.setAttribute("blue", "" + palette[j++]); if (numComps == 4 && palette[j] != 0) subNode1.setAttribute("alpha", "" + palette[j++]); subNode.appendChild(subNode1); } node.appendChild(subNode); return node; } return null; } protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardCompressionNode() { IIOMetadataNode node = new IIOMetadataNode("Compression"); // CompressionTypeName IIOMetadataNode subNode = new IIOMetadataNode("CompressionTypeName"); subNode.setAttribute("value", BMPCompressionTypes.getName(compression)); node.appendChild(subNode); return node; } protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardDataNode() { IIOMetadataNode node = new IIOMetadataNode("Data"); String bits = ""; if (bitsPerPixel == 24) bits = "8 8 8 "; else if (bitsPerPixel == 16 || bitsPerPixel == 32) { bits = "" + countBits(redMask) + " " + countBits(greenMask) + countBits(blueMask) + "" + countBits(alphaMask); } IIOMetadataNode subNode = new IIOMetadataNode("BitsPerSample"); subNode.setAttribute("value", bits); node.appendChild(subNode); return node; } protected IIOMetadataNode getStandardDimensionNode() { if (yPixelsPerMeter > 0.0F && xPixelsPerMeter > 0.0F) { IIOMetadataNode node = new IIOMetadataNode("Dimension"); float ratio = yPixelsPerMeter / xPixelsPerMeter; IIOMetadataNode subNode = new IIOMetadataNode("PixelAspectRatio"); subNode.setAttribute("value", "" + ratio); node.appendChild(subNode); subNode = new IIOMetadataNode("HorizontalPhysicalPixelSpacing"); subNode.setAttribute("value", "" + (1000.0F / xPixelsPerMeter)); node.appendChild(subNode); subNode = new IIOMetadataNode("VerticalPhysicalPixelSpacing"); subNode.setAttribute("value", "" + (1000.0F / yPixelsPerMeter)); node.appendChild(subNode); return node; } return null; } public void setFromTree(String formatName, Node root) { throw new IllegalStateException(I18N.getString("BMPMetadata1")); } public void mergeTree(String formatName, Node root) { throw new IllegalStateException(I18N.getString("BMPMetadata1")); } public void reset() { throw new IllegalStateException(I18N.getString("BMPMetadata1")); } private String countBits(int num) { int count = 0; while(num > 0) { if ((num & 1) == 1) count++; num >>>= 1; } return count == 0 ? "" : "" + count; } private void addXYZPoints(IIOMetadataNode root, String name, double x, double y, double z) { IIOMetadataNode node = addChildNode(root, name, null); addChildNode(node, "X", Double.valueOf(x)); addChildNode(node, "Y", Double.valueOf(y)); addChildNode(node, "Z", Double.valueOf(z)); } private IIOMetadataNode addChildNode(IIOMetadataNode root, String name, Object object) { IIOMetadataNode child = new IIOMetadataNode(name); if (object != null) { child.setUserObject(object); child.setNodeValue(ImageUtil.convertObjectToString(object)); } root.appendChild(child); return child; } }
⏎ com/sun/imageio/plugins/bmp/
Or download all of them as a single archive file:
File name: File size: 9152233 bytes Release date: 2022-09-13 Download
⇒ JDK 17 java.instrument.jmod - Instrument Module
2023-09-16, 74542👍, 0💬
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