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JDK 17 java.xml.jmod - XML Module
JDK 17 java.xml.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 XML (eXtensible Markup Language) module.
JDK 17 XML module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\java.xml.jmod.
JDK 17 XML module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 XML module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\java.xml.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
✍: FYIcenter
⏎ com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/dv/xs/
/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. */ /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * the base factory to create/return built-in schema DVs and create user-defined DVs * * @xerces.internal * * @author Neeraj Bajaj, Sun Microsystems, inc. * @author Sandy Gao, IBM * @author Khaled Noaman, IBM * */ public abstract class BaseSchemaDVFactory extends SchemaDVFactory { static final String URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA = ""; protected XSDeclarationPool fDeclPool = null; // create common built-in types protected static void createBuiltInTypes(SymbolHash builtInTypes, XSSimpleTypeDecl baseAtomicType) { // all schema simple type names final String ANYSIMPLETYPE = "anySimpleType"; final String ANYURI = "anyURI"; final String BASE64BINARY = "base64Binary"; final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; final String BYTE = "byte"; final String DATE = "date"; final String DATETIME = "dateTime"; final String DAY = "gDay"; final String DECIMAL = "decimal"; final String DOUBLE = "double"; final String DURATION = "duration"; final String ENTITY = "ENTITY"; final String ENTITIES = "ENTITIES"; final String FLOAT = "float"; final String HEXBINARY = "hexBinary"; final String ID = "ID"; final String IDREF = "IDREF"; final String IDREFS = "IDREFS"; final String INT = "int"; final String INTEGER = "integer"; final String LONG = "long"; final String NAME = "Name"; final String NEGATIVEINTEGER = "negativeInteger"; final String MONTH = "gMonth"; final String MONTHDAY = "gMonthDay"; final String NCNAME = "NCName"; final String NMTOKEN = "NMTOKEN"; final String NMTOKENS = "NMTOKENS"; final String LANGUAGE = "language"; final String NONNEGATIVEINTEGER= "nonNegativeInteger"; final String NONPOSITIVEINTEGER= "nonPositiveInteger"; final String NORMALIZEDSTRING = "normalizedString"; final String NOTATION = "NOTATION"; final String POSITIVEINTEGER = "positiveInteger"; final String QNAME = "QName"; final String SHORT = "short"; final String STRING = "string"; final String TIME = "time"; final String TOKEN = "token"; final String UNSIGNEDBYTE = "unsignedByte"; final String UNSIGNEDINT = "unsignedInt"; final String UNSIGNEDLONG = "unsignedLong"; final String UNSIGNEDSHORT = "unsignedShort"; final String YEAR = "gYear"; final String YEARMONTH = "gYearMonth"; final XSFacets facets = new XSFacets(); builtInTypes.put(ANYSIMPLETYPE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.fAnySimpleType); XSSimpleTypeDecl stringDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, STRING, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_STRING, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.STRING_DT); builtInTypes.put(STRING, stringDV); builtInTypes.put(BOOLEAN, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, BOOLEAN, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_BOOLEAN, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, true, false, true, XSConstants.BOOLEAN_DT)); XSSimpleTypeDecl decimalDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, DECIMAL, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DECIMAL, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_TOTAL, false, false, true, true, XSConstants.DECIMAL_DT); builtInTypes.put(DECIMAL, decimalDV); builtInTypes.put(ANYURI, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, ANYURI, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ANYURI, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ANYURI_DT)); builtInTypes.put(BASE64BINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, BASE64BINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_BASE64BINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.BASE64BINARY_DT)); XSSimpleTypeDecl durationDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, DURATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DURATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DURATION_DT); builtInTypes.put(DURATION, durationDV); builtInTypes.put(DATETIME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, DATETIME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DATETIME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DATETIME_DT)); builtInTypes.put(TIME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, TIME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_TIME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.TIME_DT)); builtInTypes.put(DATE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, DATE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DATE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.DATE_DT)); builtInTypes.put(YEARMONTH, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, YEARMONTH, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_GYEARMONTH, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.GYEARMONTH_DT)); builtInTypes.put(YEAR, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, YEAR, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_GYEAR, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.GYEAR_DT)); builtInTypes.put(MONTHDAY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, MONTHDAY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_GMONTHDAY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.GMONTHDAY_DT)); builtInTypes.put(DAY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, DAY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_GDAY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.GDAY_DT)); builtInTypes.put(MONTH, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, MONTH, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_GMONTH, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.GMONTH_DT)); XSSimpleTypeDecl integerDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(decimalDV, INTEGER, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_INTEGER, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_TOTAL, false, false, true, true, XSConstants.INTEGER_DT); builtInTypes.put(INTEGER, integerDV); facets.maxInclusive = "0"; XSSimpleTypeDecl nonPositiveDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(integerDV, NONPOSITIVEINTEGER, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_DT); nonPositiveDV.applyFacets1(facets , XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, (short)0); builtInTypes.put(NONPOSITIVEINTEGER, nonPositiveDV); facets.maxInclusive = "-1"; XSSimpleTypeDecl negativeDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nonPositiveDV, NEGATIVEINTEGER, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NEGATIVEINTEGER_DT); negativeDV.applyFacets1(facets , XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, (short)0); builtInTypes.put(NEGATIVEINTEGER, negativeDV); facets.maxInclusive = "9223372036854775807"; facets.minInclusive = "-9223372036854775808"; XSSimpleTypeDecl longDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(integerDV, LONG, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LONG_DT); longDV.applyFacets1(facets , (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE | XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE), (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(LONG, longDV); facets.maxInclusive = "2147483647"; facets.minInclusive = "-2147483648"; XSSimpleTypeDecl intDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(longDV, INT, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.INT_DT); intDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE | XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE), (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(INT, intDV); facets.maxInclusive = "32767"; facets.minInclusive = "-32768"; XSSimpleTypeDecl shortDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(intDV, SHORT , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.SHORT_DT); shortDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE | XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE), (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(SHORT, shortDV); facets.maxInclusive = "127"; facets.minInclusive = "-128"; XSSimpleTypeDecl byteDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(shortDV, BYTE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.BYTE_DT); byteDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE | XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE), (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(BYTE, byteDV); facets.minInclusive = "0" ; XSSimpleTypeDecl nonNegativeDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(integerDV, NONNEGATIVEINTEGER , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_DT); nonNegativeDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(NONNEGATIVEINTEGER, nonNegativeDV); facets.maxInclusive = "18446744073709551615" ; XSSimpleTypeDecl unsignedLongDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nonNegativeDV, UNSIGNEDLONG , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.UNSIGNEDLONG_DT); unsignedLongDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(UNSIGNEDLONG, unsignedLongDV); facets.maxInclusive = "4294967295" ; XSSimpleTypeDecl unsignedIntDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(unsignedLongDV, UNSIGNEDINT , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.UNSIGNEDINT_DT); unsignedIntDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(UNSIGNEDINT, unsignedIntDV); facets.maxInclusive = "65535" ; XSSimpleTypeDecl unsignedShortDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(unsignedIntDV, UNSIGNEDSHORT , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.UNSIGNEDSHORT_DT); unsignedShortDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(UNSIGNEDSHORT, unsignedShortDV); facets.maxInclusive = "255" ; XSSimpleTypeDecl unsignedByteDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(unsignedShortDV, UNSIGNEDBYTE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.UNSIGNEDBYTE_DT); unsignedByteDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MAXINCLUSIVE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(UNSIGNEDBYTE, unsignedByteDV); facets.minInclusive = "1" ; XSSimpleTypeDecl positiveIntegerDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nonNegativeDV, POSITIVEINTEGER , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.POSITIVEINTEGER_DT); positiveIntegerDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MININCLUSIVE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(POSITIVEINTEGER, positiveIntegerDV); builtInTypes.put(FLOAT, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, FLOAT, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_FLOAT, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.FLOAT_DT)); builtInTypes.put(DOUBLE, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, DOUBLE, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_DOUBLE, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_PARTIAL, true, true, true, true, XSConstants.DOUBLE_DT)); builtInTypes.put(HEXBINARY, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, HEXBINARY, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_HEXBINARY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.HEXBINARY_DT)); builtInTypes.put(NOTATION, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, NOTATION, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_NOTATION, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.NOTATION_DT)); facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_REPLACE; XSSimpleTypeDecl normalizedDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(stringDV, NORMALIZEDSTRING , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NORMALIZEDSTRING_DT); normalizedDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(NORMALIZEDSTRING, normalizedDV); facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE; XSSimpleTypeDecl tokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(normalizedDV, TOKEN , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.TOKEN_DT); tokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0 ); builtInTypes.put(TOKEN, tokenDV); facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE; facets.pattern = "([a-zA-Z]{1,8})(-[a-zA-Z0-9]{1,8})*"; XSSimpleTypeDecl languageDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, LANGUAGE , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.LANGUAGE_DT); languageDV.applyFacets1(facets, (short)(XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE | XSSimpleType.FACET_PATTERN) ,(short)0); builtInTypes.put(LANGUAGE, languageDV); facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE; XSSimpleTypeDecl nameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NAME_DT); nameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NAME); builtInTypes.put(NAME, nameDV); facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE; XSSimpleTypeDecl ncnameDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(nameDV, NCNAME , URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NCNAME_DT) ; ncnameDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NCNAME); builtInTypes.put(NCNAME, ncnameDV); builtInTypes.put(QNAME, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(baseAtomicType, QNAME, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_QNAME, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.QNAME_DT)); builtInTypes.put(ID, new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ID, XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ID, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false , true, XSConstants.ID_DT)); XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, IDREF , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_IDREF, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.IDREF_DT); builtInTypes.put(IDREF, idrefDV); facets.minLength = 1; XSSimpleTypeDecl tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, idrefDV, true, null); XSSimpleTypeDecl idrefsDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, IDREFS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null); idrefsDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0); builtInTypes.put(IDREFS, idrefsDV); XSSimpleTypeDecl entityDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(ncnameDV, ENTITY , XSSimpleTypeDecl.DV_ENTITY, XSSimpleType.ORDERED_FALSE, false, false, false, true, XSConstants.ENTITY_DT); builtInTypes.put(ENTITY, entityDV); facets.minLength = 1; tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, entityDV, true, null); XSSimpleTypeDecl entitiesDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, ENTITIES, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null); entitiesDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0); builtInTypes.put(ENTITIES, entitiesDV); facets.whiteSpace = XSSimpleType.WS_COLLAPSE; XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokenDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tokenDV, NMTOKEN, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null, XSConstants.NMTOKEN_DT); nmtokenDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_WHITESPACE, (short)0, XSSimpleTypeDecl.SPECIAL_PATTERN_NMTOKEN); builtInTypes.put(NMTOKEN, nmtokenDV); facets.minLength = 1; tempDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(null, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, nmtokenDV, true, null); XSSimpleTypeDecl nmtokensDV = new XSSimpleTypeDecl(tempDV, NMTOKENS, URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA, (short)0, false, null); nmtokensDV.applyFacets1(facets, XSSimpleType.FACET_MINLENGTH, (short)0); builtInTypes.put(NMTOKENS, nmtokensDV); } //createBuiltInTypes() /** * Create a new simple type which is derived by restriction from another * simple type. * * @param name name of the new type, could be null * @param targetNamespace target namespace of the new type, could be null * @param finalSet value of "final" * @param base base type of the new type * @param annotations set of annotations * @return the newly created simple type */ public XSSimpleType createTypeRestriction(String name, String targetNamespace, short finalSet, XSSimpleType base, XSObjectList annotations) { if (fDeclPool != null) { XSSimpleTypeDecl st= fDeclPool.getSimpleTypeDecl(); return st.setRestrictionValues((XSSimpleTypeDecl)base, name, targetNamespace, finalSet, annotations); } return new XSSimpleTypeDecl((XSSimpleTypeDecl)base, name, targetNamespace, finalSet, false, annotations); } /** * Create a new simple type which is derived by list from another simple * type. * * @param name name of the new type, could be null * @param targetNamespace target namespace of the new type, could be null * @param finalSet value of "final" * @param itemType item type of the list type * @param annotations set of annotations * @return the newly created simple type */ public XSSimpleType createTypeList(String name, String targetNamespace, short finalSet, XSSimpleType itemType, XSObjectList annotations) { if (fDeclPool != null) { XSSimpleTypeDecl st= fDeclPool.getSimpleTypeDecl(); return st.setListValues(name, targetNamespace, finalSet, (XSSimpleTypeDecl)itemType, annotations); } return new XSSimpleTypeDecl(name, targetNamespace, finalSet, (XSSimpleTypeDecl)itemType, false, annotations); } /** * Create a new simple type which is derived by union from a list of other * simple types. * * @param name name of the new type, could be null * @param targetNamespace target namespace of the new type, could be null * @param finalSet value of "final" * @param memberTypes member types of the union type * @param annotations set of annotations * @return the newly created simple type */ public XSSimpleType createTypeUnion(String name, String targetNamespace, short finalSet, XSSimpleType[] memberTypes, XSObjectList annotations) { int typeNum = memberTypes.length; XSSimpleTypeDecl[] mtypes = new XSSimpleTypeDecl[typeNum]; System.arraycopy(memberTypes, 0, mtypes, 0, typeNum); if (fDeclPool != null) { XSSimpleTypeDecl st= fDeclPool.getSimpleTypeDecl(); return st.setUnionValues(name, targetNamespace, finalSet, mtypes, annotations); } return new XSSimpleTypeDecl(name, targetNamespace, finalSet, mtypes, annotations); } public void setDeclPool (XSDeclarationPool declPool){ fDeclPool = declPool; } /** Implementation internal **/ public XSSimpleTypeDecl newXSSimpleTypeDecl() { return new XSSimpleTypeDecl(); } } //BaseSchemaDVFactory
⏎ com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/impl/dv/xs/
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