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JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod - JDK Incubator Vector
JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 HTTP Server module.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.incubator.vector.jmod.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\jdk.incubator.vector.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.incubator.vector; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport; import static jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport.*; import static jdk.incubator.vector.VectorOperators.*; // -- This file was mechanically generated: Do not edit! -- // @SuppressWarnings("cast") // warning: redundant cast final class Long256Vector extends LongVector { static final LongSpecies VSPECIES = (LongSpecies) LongVector.SPECIES_256; static final VectorShape VSHAPE = VSPECIES.vectorShape(); static final Class<Long256Vector> VCLASS = Long256Vector.class; static final int VSIZE = VSPECIES.vectorBitSize(); static final int VLENGTH = VSPECIES.laneCount(); // used by the JVM static final Class<Long> ETYPE = long.class; // used by the JVM Long256Vector(long[] v) { super(v); } // For compatibility as Long256Vector::new, // stored into species.vectorFactory. Long256Vector(Object v) { this((long[]) v); } static final Long256Vector ZERO = new Long256Vector(new long[VLENGTH]); static final Long256Vector IOTA = new Long256Vector(VSPECIES.iotaArray()); static { // Warm up a few species caches. // If we do this too much we will // get NPEs from bootstrap circularity. VSPECIES.dummyVector(); VSPECIES.withLanes(LaneType.BYTE); } // Specialized extractors @ForceInline final @Override public LongSpecies vspecies() { // ISSUE: This should probably be a @Stable // field inside AbstractVector, rather than // a megamorphic method. return VSPECIES; } @ForceInline @Override public final Class<Long> elementType() { return long.class; } @ForceInline @Override public final int elementSize() { return Long.SIZE; } @ForceInline @Override public final VectorShape shape() { return VSHAPE; } @ForceInline @Override public final int length() { return VLENGTH; } @ForceInline @Override public final int bitSize() { return VSIZE; } @ForceInline @Override public final int byteSize() { return VSIZE / Byte.SIZE; } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline final @Override long[] vec() { return (long[])getPayload(); } // Virtualized constructors @Override @ForceInline public final Long256Vector broadcast(long e) { return (Long256Vector) super.broadcastTemplate(e); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline Long256Mask maskFromArray(boolean[] bits) { return new Long256Mask(bits); } @Override @ForceInline Long256Shuffle iotaShuffle() { return Long256Shuffle.IOTA; } @ForceInline Long256Shuffle iotaShuffle(int start, int step, boolean wrap) { if (wrap) { return (Long256Shuffle)VectorSupport.shuffleIota(ETYPE, Long256Shuffle.class, VSPECIES, VLENGTH, start, step, 1, (l, lstart, lstep, s) -> s.shuffleFromOp(i -> (VectorIntrinsics.wrapToRange(i*lstep + lstart, l)))); } else { return (Long256Shuffle)VectorSupport.shuffleIota(ETYPE, Long256Shuffle.class, VSPECIES, VLENGTH, start, step, 0, (l, lstart, lstep, s) -> s.shuffleFromOp(i -> (i*lstep + lstart))); } } @Override @ForceInline Long256Shuffle shuffleFromBytes(byte[] reorder) { return new Long256Shuffle(reorder); } @Override @ForceInline Long256Shuffle shuffleFromArray(int[] indexes, int i) { return new Long256Shuffle(indexes, i); } @Override @ForceInline Long256Shuffle shuffleFromOp(IntUnaryOperator fn) { return new Long256Shuffle(fn); } // Make a vector of the same species but the given elements: @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector vectorFactory(long[] vec) { return new Long256Vector(vec); } @ForceInline final @Override Byte256Vector asByteVectorRaw() { return (Byte256Vector) super.asByteVectorRawTemplate(); // specialize } @ForceInline final @Override AbstractVector<?> asVectorRaw(LaneType laneType) { return super.asVectorRawTemplate(laneType); // specialize } // Unary operator @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector uOp(FUnOp f) { return (Long256Vector) super.uOpTemplate(f); // specialize } @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector uOp(VectorMask<Long> m, FUnOp f) { return (Long256Vector) super.uOpTemplate((Long256Mask)m, f); // specialize } // Binary operator @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector bOp(Vector<Long> v, FBinOp f) { return (Long256Vector) super.bOpTemplate((Long256Vector)v, f); // specialize } @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector bOp(Vector<Long> v, VectorMask<Long> m, FBinOp f) { return (Long256Vector) super.bOpTemplate((Long256Vector)v, (Long256Mask)m, f); // specialize } // Ternary operator @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector tOp(Vector<Long> v1, Vector<Long> v2, FTriOp f) { return (Long256Vector) super.tOpTemplate((Long256Vector)v1, (Long256Vector)v2, f); // specialize } @ForceInline final @Override Long256Vector tOp(Vector<Long> v1, Vector<Long> v2, VectorMask<Long> m, FTriOp f) { return (Long256Vector) super.tOpTemplate((Long256Vector)v1, (Long256Vector)v2, (Long256Mask)m, f); // specialize } @ForceInline final @Override long rOp(long v, FBinOp f) { return super.rOpTemplate(v, f); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public final <F> Vector<F> convertShape(VectorOperators.Conversion<Long,F> conv, VectorSpecies<F> rsp, int part) { return super.convertShapeTemplate(conv, rsp, part); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public final <F> Vector<F> reinterpretShape(VectorSpecies<F> toSpecies, int part) { return super.reinterpretShapeTemplate(toSpecies, part); // specialize } // Specialized algebraic operations: // The following definition forces a specialized version of this // crucial method into the v-table of this class. A call to add() // will inline to a call to lanewise(ADD,), at which point the JIT // intrinsic will have the opcode of ADD, plus all the metadata // for this particular class, enabling it to generate precise // code. // // There is probably no benefit to the JIT to specialize the // masked or broadcast versions of the lanewise method. @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector lanewise(Unary op) { return (Long256Vector) super.lanewiseTemplate(op); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector lanewise(Binary op, Vector<Long> v) { return (Long256Vector) super.lanewiseTemplate(op, v); // specialize } /*package-private*/ @Override @ForceInline Long256Vector lanewiseShift(VectorOperators.Binary op, int e) { return (Long256Vector) super.lanewiseShiftTemplate(op, e); // specialize } /*package-private*/ @Override @ForceInline public final Long256Vector lanewise(VectorOperators.Ternary op, Vector<Long> v1, Vector<Long> v2) { return (Long256Vector) super.lanewiseTemplate(op, v1, v2); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public final Long256Vector addIndex(int scale) { return (Long256Vector) super.addIndexTemplate(scale); // specialize } // Type specific horizontal reductions @Override @ForceInline public final long reduceLanes(VectorOperators.Associative op) { return super.reduceLanesTemplate(op); // specialized } @Override @ForceInline public final long reduceLanes(VectorOperators.Associative op, VectorMask<Long> m) { return super.reduceLanesTemplate(op, m); // specialized } @Override @ForceInline public final long reduceLanesToLong(VectorOperators.Associative op) { return (long) super.reduceLanesTemplate(op); // specialized } @Override @ForceInline public final long reduceLanesToLong(VectorOperators.Associative op, VectorMask<Long> m) { return (long) super.reduceLanesTemplate(op, m); // specialized } @ForceInline public VectorShuffle<Long> toShuffle() { return super.toShuffleTemplate(Long256Shuffle.class); // specialize } // Specialized unary testing @Override @ForceInline public final Long256Mask test(Test op) { return super.testTemplate(Long256Mask.class, op); // specialize } // Specialized comparisons @Override @ForceInline public final Long256Mask compare(Comparison op, Vector<Long> v) { return super.compareTemplate(Long256Mask.class, op, v); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public final Long256Mask compare(Comparison op, long s) { return super.compareTemplate(Long256Mask.class, op, s); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector blend(Vector<Long> v, VectorMask<Long> m) { return (Long256Vector) super.blendTemplate(Long256Mask.class, (Long256Vector) v, (Long256Mask) m); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector slice(int origin, Vector<Long> v) { return (Long256Vector) super.sliceTemplate(origin, v); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector slice(int origin) { return (Long256Vector) super.sliceTemplate(origin); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector unslice(int origin, Vector<Long> w, int part) { return (Long256Vector) super.unsliceTemplate(origin, w, part); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector unslice(int origin, Vector<Long> w, int part, VectorMask<Long> m) { return (Long256Vector) super.unsliceTemplate(Long256Mask.class, origin, w, part, (Long256Mask) m); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector unslice(int origin) { return (Long256Vector) super.unsliceTemplate(origin); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector rearrange(VectorShuffle<Long> s) { return (Long256Vector) super.rearrangeTemplate(Long256Shuffle.class, (Long256Shuffle) s); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector rearrange(VectorShuffle<Long> shuffle, VectorMask<Long> m) { return (Long256Vector) super.rearrangeTemplate(Long256Shuffle.class, (Long256Shuffle) shuffle, (Long256Mask) m); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector rearrange(VectorShuffle<Long> s, Vector<Long> v) { return (Long256Vector) super.rearrangeTemplate(Long256Shuffle.class, (Long256Shuffle) s, (Long256Vector) v); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector selectFrom(Vector<Long> v) { return (Long256Vector) super.selectFromTemplate((Long256Vector) v); // specialize } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector selectFrom(Vector<Long> v, VectorMask<Long> m) { return (Long256Vector) super.selectFromTemplate((Long256Vector) v, (Long256Mask) m); // specialize } @ForceInline @Override public long lane(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return laneHelper(0); case 1: return laneHelper(1); case 2: return laneHelper(2); case 3: return laneHelper(3); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index " + i + " must be zero or positive, and less than " + VLENGTH); } } public long laneHelper(int i) { return (long) VectorSupport.extract( VCLASS, ETYPE, VLENGTH, this, i, (vec, ix) -> { long[] vecarr = vec.vec(); return (long)vecarr[ix]; }); } @ForceInline @Override public Long256Vector withLane(int i, long e) { switch (i) { case 0: return withLaneHelper(0, e); case 1: return withLaneHelper(1, e); case 2: return withLaneHelper(2, e); case 3: return withLaneHelper(3, e); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index " + i + " must be zero or positive, and less than " + VLENGTH); } } public Long256Vector withLaneHelper(int i, long e) { return VectorSupport.insert( VCLASS, ETYPE, VLENGTH, this, i, (long)e, (v, ix, bits) -> { long[] res = v.vec().clone(); res[ix] = (long)bits; return v.vectorFactory(res); }); } // Mask static final class Long256Mask extends AbstractMask<Long> { static final int VLENGTH = VSPECIES.laneCount(); // used by the JVM static final Class<Long> ETYPE = long.class; // used by the JVM Long256Mask(boolean[] bits) { this(bits, 0); } Long256Mask(boolean[] bits, int offset) { super(prepare(bits, offset)); } Long256Mask(boolean val) { super(prepare(val)); } private static boolean[] prepare(boolean[] bits, int offset) { boolean[] newBits = new boolean[VSPECIES.laneCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < newBits.length; i++) { newBits[i] = bits[offset + i]; } return newBits; } private static boolean[] prepare(boolean val) { boolean[] bits = new boolean[VSPECIES.laneCount()]; Arrays.fill(bits, val); return bits; } @ForceInline final @Override public LongSpecies vspecies() { // ISSUE: This should probably be a @Stable // field inside AbstractMask, rather than // a megamorphic method. return VSPECIES; } @ForceInline boolean[] getBits() { return (boolean[])getPayload(); } @Override Long256Mask uOp(MUnOp f) { boolean[] res = new boolean[vspecies().laneCount()]; boolean[] bits = getBits(); for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = f.apply(i, bits[i]); } return new Long256Mask(res); } @Override Long256Mask bOp(VectorMask<Long> m, MBinOp f) { boolean[] res = new boolean[vspecies().laneCount()]; boolean[] bits = getBits(); boolean[] mbits = ((Long256Mask)m).getBits(); for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) { res[i] = f.apply(i, bits[i], mbits[i]); } return new Long256Mask(res); } @ForceInline @Override public final Long256Vector toVector() { return (Long256Vector) super.toVectorTemplate(); // specialize } /** * Helper function for lane-wise mask conversions. * This function kicks in after intrinsic failure. */ @ForceInline private final <E> VectorMask<E> defaultMaskCast(AbstractSpecies<E> dsp) { if (length() != dsp.laneCount()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("VectorMask length and species length differ"); boolean[] maskArray = toArray(); return dsp.maskFactory(maskArray).check(dsp); } @Override @ForceInline public <E> VectorMask<E> cast(VectorSpecies<E> dsp) { AbstractSpecies<E> species = (AbstractSpecies<E>) dsp; if (length() != species.laneCount()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("VectorMask length and species length differ"); if (VSIZE == species.vectorBitSize()) { Class<?> dtype = species.elementType(); Class<?> dmtype = species.maskType(); return VectorSupport.convert(VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_REINTERPRET, this.getClass(), ETYPE, VLENGTH, dmtype, dtype, VLENGTH, this, species, Long256Mask::defaultMaskCast); } return this.defaultMaskCast(species); } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Mask eq(VectorMask<Long> mask) { Objects.requireNonNull(mask); Long256Mask m = (Long256Mask)mask; return xor(m.not()); } // Unary operations @Override @ForceInline public Long256Mask not() { return xor(maskAll(true)); } // Binary operations @Override @ForceInline public Long256Mask and(VectorMask<Long> mask) { Objects.requireNonNull(mask); Long256Mask m = (Long256Mask)mask; return VectorSupport.binaryOp(VECTOR_OP_AND, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, m, (m1, m2) -> m1.bOp(m2, (i, a, b) -> a & b)); } @Override @ForceInline public Long256Mask or(VectorMask<Long> mask) { Objects.requireNonNull(mask); Long256Mask m = (Long256Mask)mask; return VectorSupport.binaryOp(VECTOR_OP_OR, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, m, (m1, m2) -> m1.bOp(m2, (i, a, b) -> a | b)); } @ForceInline /* package-private */ Long256Mask xor(VectorMask<Long> mask) { Objects.requireNonNull(mask); Long256Mask m = (Long256Mask)mask; return VectorSupport.binaryOp(VECTOR_OP_XOR, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, m, (m1, m2) -> m1.bOp(m2, (i, a, b) -> a ^ b)); } // Mask Query operations @Override @ForceInline public int trueCount() { return VectorSupport.maskReductionCoerced(VECTOR_OP_MASK_TRUECOUNT, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, (m) -> trueCountHelper(((Long256Mask)m).getBits())); } @Override @ForceInline public int firstTrue() { return VectorSupport.maskReductionCoerced(VECTOR_OP_MASK_FIRSTTRUE, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, (m) -> firstTrueHelper(((Long256Mask)m).getBits())); } @Override @ForceInline public int lastTrue() { return VectorSupport.maskReductionCoerced(VECTOR_OP_MASK_LASTTRUE, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, (m) -> lastTrueHelper(((Long256Mask)m).getBits())); } // Reductions @Override @ForceInline public boolean anyTrue() { return VectorSupport.test(BT_ne, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, vspecies().maskAll(true), (m, __) -> anyTrueHelper(((Long256Mask)m).getBits())); } @Override @ForceInline public boolean allTrue() { return VectorSupport.test(BT_overflow, Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, this, vspecies().maskAll(true), (m, __) -> allTrueHelper(((Long256Mask)m).getBits())); } @ForceInline /*package-private*/ static Long256Mask maskAll(boolean bit) { return VectorSupport.broadcastCoerced(Long256Mask.class, long.class, VLENGTH, (bit ? -1 : 0), null, (v, __) -> (v != 0 ? TRUE_MASK : FALSE_MASK)); } private static final Long256Mask TRUE_MASK = new Long256Mask(true); private static final Long256Mask FALSE_MASK = new Long256Mask(false); } // Shuffle static final class Long256Shuffle extends AbstractShuffle<Long> { static final int VLENGTH = VSPECIES.laneCount(); // used by the JVM static final Class<Long> ETYPE = long.class; // used by the JVM Long256Shuffle(byte[] reorder) { super(VLENGTH, reorder); } public Long256Shuffle(int[] reorder) { super(VLENGTH, reorder); } public Long256Shuffle(int[] reorder, int i) { super(VLENGTH, reorder, i); } public Long256Shuffle(IntUnaryOperator fn) { super(VLENGTH, fn); } @Override public LongSpecies vspecies() { return VSPECIES; } static { // There must be enough bits in the shuffle lanes to encode // VLENGTH valid indexes and VLENGTH exceptional ones. assert(VLENGTH < Byte.MAX_VALUE); assert(Byte.MIN_VALUE <= -VLENGTH); } static final Long256Shuffle IOTA = new Long256Shuffle(IDENTITY); @Override @ForceInline public Long256Vector toVector() { return VectorSupport.shuffleToVector(VCLASS, ETYPE, Long256Shuffle.class, this, VLENGTH, (s) -> ((Long256Vector)(((AbstractShuffle<Long>)(s)).toVectorTemplate()))); } @Override @ForceInline public <F> VectorShuffle<F> cast(VectorSpecies<F> s) { AbstractSpecies<F> species = (AbstractSpecies<F>) s; if (length() != species.laneCount()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("VectorShuffle length and species length differ"); int[] shuffleArray = toArray(); return s.shuffleFromArray(shuffleArray, 0).check(s); } @ForceInline @Override public Long256Shuffle rearrange(VectorShuffle<Long> shuffle) { Long256Shuffle s = (Long256Shuffle) shuffle; byte[] reorder1 = reorder(); byte[] reorder2 = s.reorder(); byte[] r = new byte[reorder1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < reorder1.length; i++) { int ssi = reorder2[i]; r[i] = reorder1[ssi]; // throws on exceptional index } return new Long256Shuffle(r); } } // ================================================ // Specialized low-level memory operations. @ForceInline @Override final LongVector fromArray0(long[] a, int offset) { return super.fromArray0Template(a, offset); // specialize } @ForceInline @Override final LongVector fromByteArray0(byte[] a, int offset) { return super.fromByteArray0Template(a, offset); // specialize } @ForceInline @Override final LongVector fromByteBuffer0(ByteBuffer bb, int offset) { return super.fromByteBuffer0Template(bb, offset); // specialize } @ForceInline @Override final void intoArray0(long[] a, int offset) { super.intoArray0Template(a, offset); // specialize } @ForceInline @Override final void intoByteArray0(byte[] a, int offset) { super.intoByteArray0Template(a, offset); // specialize } // End of specialized low-level memory operations. // ================================================ }
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