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JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod - JDK Incubator Vector
JDK 17 jdk.incubator.vector.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 HTTP Server module.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.incubator.vector.jmod.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 Incubator Vector module source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\jdk.incubator.vector.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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/* * Copyright (c) 2019, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package jdk.incubator.vector; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline; import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable; import jdk.internal.vm.vector.VectorSupport; /** * This class consists solely of static constants * that describe lane-wise vector operations, plus nested interfaces * which classify them. * The static constants serve as tokens denoting specifically * requested lane operations in vector expressions, such * as the token {@code ADD} in * {@code w = v0.}{@link * Vector#lanewise(VectorOperators.Binary,Vector) * lanewise}{@code (ADD, v1)}. * * <p> * * The documentation for each individual operator token is very brief, * giving a symbolic Java expression for the operation that the token * requests. Those symbolic expressions use the following conventional * elements: * <ul> * <li>{@code a}, {@code b}, {@code c} — names of lane values * * <li>Java operators like {@code +}, {@code ?:}, etc. — * expression operators * * <li>Java method names like {@code max}, {@code sin}, etc. — * methods in standard classes like {@code Math}, {@code Double}, etc. * Unqualified method names should be read as if in the context of a * static import, and with resolution of overloading. * * <li>{@code bits(x)} — a function call which produces the * underlying bits of the value {@code x}. If {@code x} is a floating * point value, this is either {@code doubleToLongBits(x)} or * {@code floatToIntBits(x)}. Otherwise, the value is just {@code x}. * * <li>{@code ESIZE} — the size in bytes of the operand type * * <li>{@code intVal}, {@code byteVal}, etc. — the operand of a * conversion, with the indicated type * </ul> * * <h2>Operations on floating point vectors</h2> * <ul> * <li>Lane-wise vector operations that apply to floating point vectors * follow the accuracy and monotonicity specifications of the equivalent * Java operation or method mentioned in its documentation unless specified otherwise. * If the vector element type is {@code float} and the Java operation or * method only accepts and returns {@code double} values, then the scalar operation * on each lane is adapted to cast operands and the result, specifically widening * {@code float} operands to {@code double} operands and narrowing the {@code double} * result to a {@code float}. * * <li id="fp_assoc">Certain associative operations that apply to floating point * vectors are not truly associative on the floating point lane values. * Specifically, {@link #ADD} and {@link #MUL} used with cross-lane reduction * operations, such as {@link FloatVector#reduceLanes(Associative)}. * The result of such an operation is a function both of the input * values (vector and mask) as well as the order of the scalar operations * applied to combine lane values. * In such cases the order is intentionally not defined. * This allows the JVM to generate optimal machine code for the underlying * platform at runtime. If the platform supports a vector instruction * to add or multiply all values in the vector, or if there is some * other efficient machine code sequence, then the JVM has the option of * generating this machine code. Otherwise, the default * implementation is applied, which adds vector elements * sequentially from beginning to end. For this reason, the * result of such an operation may vary for the same input values. * </ul> * * <p> Note that a particular operator token may apply to several * different lane types. Thus, these tokens behave like overloaded * operators or methods, not like type-specific method handles or * lambdas. Also unlike method handles or lambdas, these operators do * not possess operational semantics; they have no {@code apply} or * {@code invoke} method. They are used only to request lane * operations from vector objects, and cannot (by themselves) perform * operations on individual lane values. * */ public abstract class VectorOperators { private VectorOperators() { } /** * Root type for all operator tokens, providing queries for common * properties such as arity, argument and return types, symbolic * name, and operator name. * * @see VectorOperators.Unary Unary * @see VectorOperators.Binary Binary * @see VectorOperators.Ternary Ternary * @see VectorOperators.Associative Associative * @see VectorOperators.Comparison Comparison * @see VectorOperators.Test Test * @see VectorOperators.Conversion Conversion * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Operator { /** * Returns the symbolic name of this operator, * as a constant in {@link VectorOperators}. * * The operator symbol, Java method name, * or example expression, * such as {@code "+"}, {@code "max"} or {@code "-a"}, * is also available as {@link #operatorName()}. * * @return the symbolic name of this operator, * such as {@code "ADD"} */ String name(); /** * Returns the Java operator symbol or method * name corresponding to this operator. * If there is no symbol or method, return a * string containing a representative expression * for the operator, using operand names * {@code a}, {@code b} (for non-unary operators), * and {@code c} (for ternary operators). * * The symbolic name of the constant, * such as {@code "ADD"}, * is also available as {@link #name()}. * * @return an operator token, such as {@code "+"}, * or a method name, such as {@code "max"}, * or a representative expression, such as {@code "-a"} */ String operatorName(); /** * Returns the arity of this operator (1, 2, or 3). * @return the arity of this operator (1, 2, or 3) */ int arity(); /** * Reports whether this operator returns a boolean (a mask). * A boolean operator also reports {@code boolean} as the * {@code rangeType}. * @return whether this operator returns a boolean */ boolean isBoolean(); /** * Reports the special return type of this operator. * If this operator is a boolean, returns {@code boolean.class}. * If this operator is a {@code Conversion}, * returns its {@linkplain Conversion#rangeType range type}. * * Otherwise, the operator's return value always has * whatever type was given as an input, and this method * returns {@code Object.class} to denote that fact. * @return the special return type, or {@code Object.class} if none */ Class<?> rangeType(); /** * Returns the associativity of this operator. * Only binary operators can be associative. * @return the associativity of this operator */ boolean isAssociative(); /** * Reports whether this operator is compatible with * the proposed element type. * * First, unrestricted operators are compatible with all element * types. * * Next, if the element type is {@code double} or {@code float} * and the operator is restricted to floating point types, it is * compatible. * * Otherwise, if the element type is neither {@code double} nor * {@code float} and the operator is restricted to integral * types, it is compatible. Otherwise, the operator is not * compatible. * * @param elementType the proposed operand type for the operator * @return whether the proposed type is compatible with this operator */ boolean compatibleWith(Class<?> elementType); // FIXME: Maybe add a query about architectural support. } /** * Type for all * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * unary (one-argument) operators, * usable in expressions like {@code w = v0.}{@link * Vector#lanewise(VectorOperators.Unary) * lanewise}{@code (NEG)}. * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Unary extends Operator { } /** * Type for all * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * binary (two-argument) operators, * usable in expressions like {@code w = v0.}{@link * Vector#lanewise(VectorOperators.Binary,Vector) * lanewise}{@code (ADD, v1)}. * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Binary extends Operator { } /** * Type for all * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * ternary (three-argument) operators, * usable in expressions like {@code w = v0.}{@link * Vector#lanewise(VectorOperators.Ternary,Vector,Vector) * lanewise}{@code (FMA, v1, v2)}. * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Ternary extends Operator { } /** * Type for all reassociating * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * binary operators, * usable in expressions like {@code e = v0.}{@link * IntVector#reduceLanes(VectorOperators.Associative) * reduceLanes}{@code (ADD)}. * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Associative extends Binary { } /** * Type for all unary * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * boolean tests on lane values, * usable in expressions like {@code m = v0.}{@link * FloatVector#test(VectorOperators.Test) * test}{@code (IS_FINITE)}. * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Test extends Operator { } /** * Type for all binary * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * boolean comparisons on lane values, * usable in expressions like {@code m = v0.}{@link * Vector#compare(VectorOperators.Comparison,Vector) * compare}{@code (LT, v1)}. * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Comparison extends Operator { } /** * Type for all * <a href="Vector.html#lane-wise">lane-wise</a> * conversions on lane values, * usable in expressions like {@code w1 = v0.}{@link * Vector#convert(VectorOperators.Conversion,int) * convert}{@code (I2D, 1)}. * * @param <E> the boxed element type for the conversion * domain type (the input lane type) * @param <F> the boxed element type for the conversion * range type (the output lane type) * * @apiNote * User code should not implement this interface. A future release of * this type may restrict implementations to be members of the same * package. */ public interface Conversion<E,F> extends Operator { /** * The domain of this conversion, a primitive type. * @return the domain of this conversion */ Class<E> domainType(); /** * The range of this conversion, a primitive type. * @return the range of this conversion */ @Override Class<F> rangeType(); /** * Ensures that this conversion has the * desired domain and range types. * @param from the desired domain type * @param to the desired range type * @param <E> the desired domain type * @param <F> the desired range type * @return this conversion object, with validated domain and range */ <E,F> Conversion<E,F> check(Class<E> from, Class<F> to); /// Factories. /** * The Java language assignment or casting conversion between two types. * @param <E> the domain type (boxed version of a lane type) * @param <F> the range type (boxed version of a lane type) * @param from the type of the value to convert * @param to the desired type after conversion * @return a Java assignment or casting conversion */ @ForceInline static <E,F> Conversion<E,F> ofCast(Class<E> from, Class<F> to) { LaneType dom = LaneType.of(from); LaneType ran = LaneType.of(to); return ConversionImpl.ofCast(dom, ran).check(from, to); } /** * The bitwise reinterpretation between two types. * @param <E> the domain type (boxed version of a lane type) * @param <F> the range type (boxed version of a lane type) * @param from the type of the value to reinterpret * @param to the desired type after reinterpretation * @return a bitwise reinterpretation conversion */ @ForceInline static <E,F> Conversion<E,F> ofReinterpret(Class<E> from, Class<F> to) { LaneType dom = LaneType.of(from); LaneType ran = LaneType.of(to); return ConversionImpl.ofReinterpret(dom, ran).check(from, to); } } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline static int opCode(Operator op, int requireKind, int forbidKind) { return ((OperatorImpl)op).opCode(requireKind, forbidKind); } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline static boolean opKind(Operator op, int bit) { return ((OperatorImpl)op).opKind(bit); } /*package-private*/ static final int VO_ALL = 0, VO_UNARY = 0x001, VO_BINARY = 0x002, VO_TERNARY = 0x003, VO_ARITY_MASK = (VO_UNARY|VO_BINARY|VO_TERNARY), VO_ASSOC = 0x004, VO_SHIFT = 0x008, VO_BOOL = 0x010, VO_CONV = 0x020, VO_PRIVATE = 0x040, // not public, invisible VO_SPECIAL = 0x080, // random special handling VO_NOFP = 0x100, VO_ONLYFP = 0x200, VO_OPCODE_VALID = 0x800, VO_OPCODE_SHIFT = 12, VO_OPCODE_LIMIT = 0x400, VO_RAN_SHIFT = 0, VO_DOM_SHIFT = 4, VO_DOM_RAN_MASK = 0x0FF, VO_KIND_CAST = 0x000, VO_KIND_BITWISE = 0x100; private static final HashMap<Integer, String> OPC_NAME = new HashMap<>(); private static final HashMap<Integer, String> CMP_OPC_NAME = new HashMap<>(); private static final HashMap<Integer, String> CONV_OPC_NAME = new HashMap<>(); // Unary operators /** Produce {@code ~a}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Unary NOT = unary("NOT", "~", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_NOT*/, VO_NOFP | VO_SPECIAL); /** Produce {@code a==0?0:-1} (zero or minus one). Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Unary ZOMO = unary("ZOMO", "a==0?0:-1", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ZOMO*/, VO_NOFP); /** Produce {@code abs(a)}. */ public static final Unary ABS = unary("ABS", "abs", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ABS, VO_ALL); /** Produce {@code -a}. */ public static final Unary NEG = unary("NEG", "-a", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_NEG, VO_ALL|VO_SPECIAL); /** Produce {@code sin(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary SIN = unary("SIN", "sin", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_SIN, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code cos(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary COS = unary("COS", "cos", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_COS, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code tan(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary TAN = unary("TAN", "tan", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TAN, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code asin(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary ASIN = unary("ASIN", "asin", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ASIN, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code acos(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary ACOS = unary("ACOS", "acos", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ACOS, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code atan(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary ATAN = unary("ATAN", "atan", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ATAN, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code exp(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary EXP = unary("EXP", "exp", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_EXP, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code log(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary LOG = unary("LOG", "log", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_LOG, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code log10(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary LOG10 = unary("LOG10", "log10", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_LOG10, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code sqrt(a)}. Floating only. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary SQRT = unary("SQRT", "sqrt", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_SQRT, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code cbrt(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary CBRT = unary("CBRT", "cbrt", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_CBRT, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code sinh(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary SINH = unary("SINH", "sinh", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_SINH, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code cosh(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary COSH = unary("COSH", "cosh", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_COSH, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code tanh(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary TANH = unary("TANH", "tanh", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TANH, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code expm1(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary EXPM1 = unary("EXPM1", "expm1", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_EXPM1, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code log1p(a)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Unary LOG1P = unary("LOG1P", "log1p", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_LOG1P, VO_ONLYFP); // Binary operators /** Produce {@code a+b}. */ public static final Associative ADD = assoc("ADD", "+", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ADD, VO_ALL+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code a-b}. */ public static final Binary SUB = binary("SUB", "-", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_SUB, VO_ALL); /** Produce {@code a*b}. */ public static final Associative MUL = assoc("MUL", "*", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_MUL, VO_ALL+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code a/b}. Floating only. */ public static final Binary DIV = binary("DIV", "/", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_DIV, VO_ALL| VO_SPECIAL); /** Produce {@code min(a,b)}. */ public static final Associative MIN = assoc("MIN", "min", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_MIN, VO_ALL+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code max(a,b)}. */ public static final Associative MAX = assoc("MAX", "max", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_MAX, VO_ALL+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code bits(a)!=0?a:b}. */ public static final Associative FIRST_NONZERO = assoc("FIRST_NONZERO", "a!=0?a:b", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_FIRST_NONZERO*/, VO_ALL+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code a&b}. Integral only. */ public static final Associative AND = assoc("AND", "&", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_AND, VO_NOFP+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code a&~b}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Binary AND_NOT = binary("AND_NOT", "&~", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_AND_NOT*/, VO_NOFP); // FIXME /** Produce {@code a|b}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Associative OR = assoc("OR", "|", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_OR, VO_NOFP+VO_ASSOC); /*package-private*/ /** Version of OR which works on float and double too. */ static final Associative OR_UNCHECKED = assoc("OR_UNCHECKED", "|", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_OR, VO_ASSOC+VO_PRIVATE); /** Produce {@code a^b}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Associative XOR = assoc("XOR", "^", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_XOR, VO_NOFP+VO_ASSOC); /** Produce {@code a<<(n&(ESIZE*8-1))}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Binary LSHL = binary("LSHL", "<<", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_LSHIFT, VO_SHIFT); /** Produce {@code a>>(n&(ESIZE*8-1))}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Binary ASHR = binary("ASHR", ">>", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_RSHIFT, VO_SHIFT); /** Produce {@code a>>>(n&(ESIZE*8-1))}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Binary LSHR = binary("LSHR", ">>>", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_URSHIFT, VO_SHIFT); /** Produce {@code rotateLeft(a,n)}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Binary ROL = binary("ROL", "rotateLeft", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_LROTATE*/, VO_SHIFT | VO_SPECIAL); /** Produce {@code rotateRight(a,n)}. Integral only. */ public static final /*bitwise*/ Binary ROR = binary("ROR", "rotateRight", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_RROTATE*/, VO_SHIFT | VO_SPECIAL); /** Produce {@code atan2(a,b)}. See Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Binary ATAN2 = binary("ATAN2", "atan2", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_ATAN2, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code pow(a,b)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Binary POW = binary("POW", "pow", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_POW, VO_ONLYFP); /** Produce {@code hypot(a,b)}. Floating only. * Not guaranteed to be semi-monotonic. See section "Operations on floating point vectors" above */ public static final /*float*/ Binary HYPOT = binary("HYPOT", "hypot", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_HYPOT, VO_ONLYFP); // Ternary operators /** Produce {@code a^((a^b)&c)}. (Bitwise {@code (c(i)?b(i):a(i))}.) Integral only. */ public static final /*float*/ Ternary BITWISE_BLEND = ternary("BITWISE_BLEND", "a^((a^b)&c)", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_BITWISE_BLEND*/, VO_NOFP); /** Produce {@code fma(a,b,c)}. Floating only. */ public static final /*float*/ Ternary FMA = ternary("FMA", "fma", VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_FMA, VO_ONLYFP); // Unary boolean operators /** Test {@code bits(a)==0}. (Not true of {@code -0.0}.) */ public static final Test IS_DEFAULT = predicate("IS_DEFAULT", "bits(a)==0", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TEST_DEFAULT*/, VO_ALL); /** Test {@code bits(a)<0}. (True of {@code -0.0}.) */ public static final Test IS_NEGATIVE = predicate("IS_NEGATIVE", "bits(a)<0", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TEST_NEGATIVE*/, VO_ALL); /** Test {@code isFinite(a)}. Floating only. */ public static final Test IS_FINITE = predicate("IS_FINITE", "isFinite", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TEST_FINITE*/, VO_ONLYFP); /** Test {@code isNaN(a)}. Floating only. */ public static final Test IS_NAN = predicate("IS_NAN", "isNaN", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TEST_NAN*/, VO_ONLYFP); /** Test {@code isInfinite(a)}. Floating only. */ public static final Test IS_INFINITE = predicate("IS_INFINITE", "isInfinite", -1 /*VectorSupport.VECTOR_OP_TEST_INFINITE*/, VO_ONLYFP); // Binary boolean operators /** Compare {@code a==b}. */ public static final Comparison EQ = compare("EQ", "==", VectorSupport.BT_eq, VO_ALL); /** Compare {@code a!=b}. */ public static final Comparison NE = compare("NE", "!=", VectorSupport.BT_ne, VO_ALL); /** Compare {@code a<b}. */ public static final Comparison LT = compare("LT", "<", VectorSupport.BT_lt, VO_ALL); /** Compare {@code a<=b}. */ public static final Comparison LE = compare("LE", "<=", VectorSupport.BT_le, VO_ALL); /** Compare {@code a>b}. */ public static final Comparison GT = compare("GT", ">", VectorSupport.BT_gt, VO_ALL); /** Compare {@code a>=b}. */ public static final Comparison GE = compare("GE", ">=", VectorSupport.BT_ge, VO_ALL); /** Unsigned compare {@code a<b}. Integral only. * @see java.lang.Integer#compareUnsigned * @see java.lang.Long#compareUnsigned */ public static final Comparison UNSIGNED_LT = compare("UNSIGNED_LT", "<", VectorSupport.BT_ult, VO_NOFP); /** Unsigned compare {@code a<=b}. Integral only. * @see java.lang.Integer#compareUnsigned * @see java.lang.Long#compareUnsigned */ public static final Comparison UNSIGNED_LE = compare("UNSIGNED_LE", "<=", VectorSupport.BT_ule, VO_NOFP); /** Unsigned compare {@code a>b}. Integral only. * @see java.lang.Integer#compareUnsigned * @see java.lang.Long#compareUnsigned */ public static final Comparison UNSIGNED_GT = compare("UNSIGNED_GT", ">", VectorSupport.BT_ugt, VO_NOFP); /** Unsigned compare {@code a>=b}. Integral only. * @see java.lang.Integer#compareUnsigned * @see java.lang.Long#compareUnsigned */ public static final Comparison UNSIGNED_GE = compare("UNSIGNED_GE", ">=", VectorSupport.BT_uge, VO_NOFP); // Conversion operators /** Convert {@code byteVal} to {@code (double)byteVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Double> B2D = convert("B2D", 'C', byte.class, double.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code byteVal} to {@code (float)byteVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Float> B2F = convert("B2F", 'C', byte.class, float.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code byteVal} to {@code (int)byteVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Integer> B2I = convert("B2I", 'C', byte.class, int.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code byteVal} to {@code (long)byteVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Long> B2L = convert("B2L", 'C', byte.class, long.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code byteVal} to {@code (short)byteVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Short> B2S = convert("B2S", 'C', byte.class, short.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code doubleVal} to {@code (byte)doubleVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Double,Byte> D2B = convert("D2B", 'C', double.class, byte.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code doubleVal} to {@code (float)doubleVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Double,Float> D2F = convert("D2F", 'C', double.class, float.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code doubleVal} to {@code (int)doubleVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Double,Integer> D2I = convert("D2I", 'C', double.class, int.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code doubleVal} to {@code (long)doubleVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Double,Long> D2L = convert("D2L", 'C', double.class, long.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code doubleVal} to {@code (short)doubleVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Double,Short> D2S = convert("D2S", 'C', double.class, short.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code floatVal} to {@code (byte)floatVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Float,Byte> F2B = convert("F2B", 'C', float.class, byte.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code floatVal} to {@code (double)floatVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Float,Double> F2D = convert("F2D", 'C', float.class, double.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code floatVal} to {@code (int)floatVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Float,Integer> F2I = convert("F2I", 'C', float.class, int.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code floatVal} to {@code (long)floatVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Float,Long> F2L = convert("F2L", 'C', float.class, long.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code floatVal} to {@code (short)floatVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Float,Short> F2S = convert("F2S", 'C', float.class, short.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code intVal} to {@code (byte)intVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Byte> I2B = convert("I2B", 'C', int.class, byte.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code intVal} to {@code (double)intVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Double> I2D = convert("I2D", 'C', int.class, double.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code intVal} to {@code (float)intVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Float> I2F = convert("I2F", 'C', int.class, float.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code intVal} to {@code (long)intVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Long> I2L = convert("I2L", 'C', int.class, long.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code intVal} to {@code (short)intVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Short> I2S = convert("I2S", 'C', int.class, short.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code longVal} to {@code (byte)longVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Long,Byte> L2B = convert("L2B", 'C', long.class, byte.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code longVal} to {@code (double)longVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Long,Double> L2D = convert("L2D", 'C', long.class, double.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code longVal} to {@code (float)longVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Long,Float> L2F = convert("L2F", 'C', long.class, float.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code longVal} to {@code (int)longVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Long,Integer> L2I = convert("L2I", 'C', long.class, int.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code longVal} to {@code (short)longVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Long,Short> L2S = convert("L2S", 'C', long.class, short.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code shortVal} to {@code (byte)shortVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Byte> S2B = convert("S2B", 'C', short.class, byte.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code shortVal} to {@code (double)shortVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Double> S2D = convert("S2D", 'C', short.class, double.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code shortVal} to {@code (float)shortVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Float> S2F = convert("S2F", 'C', short.class, float.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code shortVal} to {@code (int)shortVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Integer> S2I = convert("S2I", 'C', short.class, int.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Convert {@code shortVal} to {@code (long)shortVal}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Long> S2L = convert("S2L", 'C', short.class, long.class, VO_KIND_CAST, VO_ALL); /** Reinterpret bits of {@code doubleVal} as {@code long}. As if by {@link Double#doubleToRawLongBits(double)} */ public static final Conversion<Double,Long> REINTERPRET_D2L = convert("REINTERPRET_D2L", 'R', double.class, long.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Reinterpret bits of {@code floatVal} as {@code int}. As if by {@link Float#floatToRawIntBits(float)} */ public static final Conversion<Float,Integer> REINTERPRET_F2I = convert("REINTERPRET_F2I", 'R', float.class, int.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Reinterpret bits of {@code intVal} as {@code float}. As if by {@link Float#intBitsToFloat(int)} */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Float> REINTERPRET_I2F = convert("REINTERPRET_I2F", 'R', int.class, float.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Reinterpret bits of {@code longVal} as {@code double}. As if by {@link Double#longBitsToDouble(long)} */ public static final Conversion<Long,Double> REINTERPRET_L2D = convert("REINTERPRET_L2D", 'R', long.class, double.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Zero-extend {@code byteVal} to {@code int}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Integer> ZERO_EXTEND_B2I = convert("ZERO_EXTEND_B2I", 'Z', byte.class, int.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Zero-extend {@code byteVal} to {@code long}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Long> ZERO_EXTEND_B2L = convert("ZERO_EXTEND_B2L", 'Z', byte.class, long.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Zero-extend {@code byteVal} to {@code short}. */ public static final Conversion<Byte,Short> ZERO_EXTEND_B2S = convert("ZERO_EXTEND_B2S", 'Z', byte.class, short.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Zero-extend {@code intVal} to {@code long}. */ public static final Conversion<Integer,Long> ZERO_EXTEND_I2L = convert("ZERO_EXTEND_I2L", 'Z', int.class, long.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Zero-extend {@code shortVal} to {@code int}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Integer> ZERO_EXTEND_S2I = convert("ZERO_EXTEND_S2I", 'Z', short.class, int.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); /** Zero-extend {@code shortVal} to {@code long}. */ public static final Conversion<Short,Long> ZERO_EXTEND_S2L = convert("ZERO_EXTEND_S2L", 'Z', short.class, long.class, VO_KIND_BITWISE, VO_ALL); // (End of conversion operators) private static int opInfo(int opCode, int bits) { if (opCode >= 0) { bits |= VO_OPCODE_VALID; } else { opCode &= (VO_OPCODE_LIMIT - 1); // not a valid op bits |= VO_SPECIAL; // mark for special handling } assert((bits >> VO_OPCODE_SHIFT) == 0); assert(opCode >= 0 && opCode < VO_OPCODE_LIMIT); return (opCode << VO_OPCODE_SHIFT) + bits; } private static Unary unary(String name, String opName, int opCode, int flags) { if (opCode >= 0 && (flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); return new UnaryImpl(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_UNARY)); } private static Binary binary(String name, String opName, int opCode, int flags) { if (opCode >= 0 && (flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); return new BinaryImpl(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_BINARY)); } private static Ternary ternary(String name, String opName, int opCode, int flags) { if (opCode >= 0 && (flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); return new TernaryImpl(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_TERNARY)); } private static Associative assoc(String name, String opName, int opCode, int flags) { if (opCode >= 0 && (flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); return new AssociativeImpl(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_BINARY | VO_ASSOC)); } private static Test predicate(String name, String opName, int opCode, int flags) { if (opCode >= 0 && (flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) CMP_OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); return new TestImpl(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_UNARY | VO_BOOL)); } private static Comparison compare(String name, String opName, int opCode, int flags) { if (opCode >= 0 && (flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) CMP_OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); return new ComparisonImpl(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_BINARY | VO_BOOL)); } private static <E,F> ConversionImpl<E,F> convert(String name, char kind, Class<E> dom, Class<F> ran, int opCode, int flags) { int domran = ((LaneType.of(dom).basicType << VO_DOM_SHIFT) + (LaneType.of(ran).basicType << VO_RAN_SHIFT)); if (opCode >= 0) { if ((opCode & VO_DOM_RAN_MASK) == 0) { opCode += domran; } if ((flags & VO_PRIVATE) == 0) CONV_OPC_NAME.put(opCode, name); } String opName = dom+"-"+kind+"-"+ran; //?? return new ConversionImpl<>(name, opName, opInfo(opCode, flags | VO_UNARY | VO_CONV), kind, dom, ran); } private static abstract class OperatorImpl implements Operator { private final String symName; private final String opName; private final int opInfo; OperatorImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { this.symName = symName; this.opName = opName; this.opInfo = opInfo; assert(opInfo != 0); } @Override public final String name() { return symName; } @Override public final String operatorName() { return opName; } @Override public final String toString() { return name(); } @Override public final int arity() { return opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK; } @Override public final boolean isBoolean() { return opKind(VO_BOOL); } @Override public Class<?> rangeType() { return Object.class; } @Override public final boolean isAssociative() { return opKind(VO_ASSOC); } @ForceInline public boolean compatibleWith(Class<?> elementType) { return compatibleWith(LaneType.of(elementType)); } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline int opInfo() { return opInfo; } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline int opCode(int requireKind, int forbidKind) { int opc = opCodeRaw(); if ((opInfo & requireKind) != requireKind || (forbidKind != 0 && (opInfo & forbidKind) == forbidKind)) { throw illegalOperation(requireKind, forbidKind); } return opc; } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline int opCodeRaw() { return (opInfo >> VO_OPCODE_SHIFT); } /*package-private*/ UnsupportedOperationException illegalOperation(int requireKind, int forbidKind) { String msg1 = ""; requireKind &=~ VO_OPCODE_VALID; switch (requireKind) { case VO_ONLYFP: msg1 = "floating point operator required here"; break; case VO_NOFP: msg1 = "integral/bitwise operator required here"; break; case VO_ASSOC: msg1 = "associative operator required here"; break; } String msg2 = ""; switch (forbidKind) { case VO_ONLYFP: msg2 = "inapplicable floating point operator"; break; case VO_NOFP: msg2 = "inapplicable integral/bitwise operator"; break; } if ((opInfo & VO_OPCODE_VALID) == 0) { msg2 = "operator is not implemented"; } return illegalOperation(msg1, msg2); } /*package-private*/ UnsupportedOperationException illegalOperation(String msg1, String msg2) { String dot = ""; if (!msg1.isEmpty() && !msg2.isEmpty()) { dot = "; "; } else if (msg1.isEmpty() && msg2.isEmpty()) { // Couldn't decode the *kind bits. msg1 = "illegal operator"; } String msg = String.format("%s: %s%s%s", this, msg1, dot, msg2); return new UnsupportedOperationException(msg); } /*package-private*/ @ForceInline boolean opKind(int kindBit) { return (opInfo & kindBit) != 0; } @ForceInline /*package-private*/ boolean compatibleWith(LaneType laneType) { if (laneType.elementKind == 'F') { return !opKind(VO_NOFP); } else if (laneType.elementKind == 'I') { return !opKind(VO_ONLYFP); } else { throw new AssertionError(); } } } private static class UnaryImpl extends OperatorImpl implements Unary { private UnaryImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); assert((opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK) == VO_UNARY); } } private static class BinaryImpl extends OperatorImpl implements Binary { private BinaryImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); assert((opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK) == VO_BINARY); } } private static class TernaryImpl extends OperatorImpl implements Ternary { private TernaryImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); assert((opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK) == VO_TERNARY); } } private static class AssociativeImpl extends BinaryImpl implements Associative { private AssociativeImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); } } /*package-private*/ static class ConversionImpl<E,F> extends OperatorImpl implements Conversion<E,F> { private ConversionImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo, char kind, Class<E> dom, Class<F> ran) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); assert((opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK) == VO_UNARY); this.kind = kind; this.dom = LaneType.of(dom); this.ran = LaneType.of(ran); check(dom, ran); // make sure it all lines up } private final char kind; private final LaneType dom; private final LaneType ran; // non-overrides are all package-private char kind() { return kind; } LaneType domain() { return dom; } LaneType range() { return ran; } int sizeChangeLog2() { return ran.elementSizeLog2 - dom.elementSizeLog2; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Class<E> domainType() { return (Class<E>) dom.elementType; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Class<F> rangeType() { return (Class<F>) ran.elementType; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @ForceInline public <E,F> Conversion<E,F> check(Class<E> dom, Class<F> ran) { if (this.dom.elementType != dom || this.ran.elementType != ran) throw checkFailed(dom, ran); return (Conversion<E,F>) this; } private RuntimeException checkFailed(Class<?> dom, Class<?> ran) { return new ClassCastException(toString()+": not "+dom+" -> "+ran); } static ConversionImpl<?,?> ofCopy(LaneType dom) { return findConv('I', dom, dom); } static ConversionImpl<?,?> ofCast(LaneType dom, LaneType ran) { if (dom == ran) return ofCopy(dom); return findConv('C', dom, ran); } static ConversionImpl<?,?> ofReinterpret(LaneType dom, LaneType ran) { if (dom == ran) return ofCopy(dom); if (dom.elementKind == 'I' && ran.elementKind == 'I' && dom.elementSize < ran.elementSize) { // Zero extension of field (unsigned semantics). return findConv('Z', dom, ran); } // if (dom.elementSize != ran.elementSize) { // throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad reinterpret"); // } return findConv('R', dom, ran); } @ForceInline private static ConversionImpl<?,?> findConv(char kind, LaneType dom, LaneType ran) { ConversionImpl<?,?>[] cache = cacheOf(kind, dom); int ranKey = ran.switchKey; ConversionImpl<?,?> conv = cache[ranKey]; if (conv != null) { return conv; } return makeConv(kind, dom, ran); } static String a2b(LaneType dom, LaneType ran) { return dom.typeChar + "2" + ran.typeChar; } static ConversionImpl<?,?> makeConv(char kind, LaneType dom, LaneType ran) { String name; Class<?> domType = dom.elementType; Class<?> ranType = ran.elementType; int domCode = (dom.basicType << VO_DOM_SHIFT); int ranCode = (ran.basicType << VO_RAN_SHIFT); int opCode = domCode + ranCode; switch (kind) { case 'I': assert(dom == ran); name = "COPY_"+a2b(dom, ran); opCode = VO_KIND_CAST; break; case 'C': name = ""+a2b(dom, ran); opCode = VO_KIND_CAST; break; case 'R': name = "REINTERPRET_"+a2b(dom, ran); opCode = VO_KIND_BITWISE; break; case 'Z': name = "ZERO_EXTEND_"+a2b(dom, ran); opCode = VO_KIND_BITWISE; break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } ConversionImpl<?,?> conv = convert(name, kind, domType, ranType, opCode, VO_ALL); // Put into the cache for next time. // The JIT can see into this cache // when kind/dom/ran are all constant. ConversionImpl<?,?>[] cache = cacheOf(kind, dom); int ranKey = ran.switchKey; // The extra "check" calls help validate that // we aren't cross-wiring the cache. conv.check(domType, ranType); synchronized (ConversionImpl.class) { if (cache[ranKey] == null) { cache[ranKey] = conv; } else { conv = cache[ranKey]; conv.check(domType, ranType); } } return conv; } private final void check(char kind, LaneType dom, LaneType ran) { if (this.kind != kind || this.dom != dom || this.ran != ran) { throw new AssertionError(this + " != " + dom + kind + ran); } } /** Helper for cache probes. */ @ForceInline private static ConversionImpl<?,?>[] cacheOf(char kind, LaneType dom) { assert("CIRZWN".indexOf(kind) >= 0); int k = (kind <= 'I' ? KIND_CI : (kind == 'R' || kind == 'Z') ? KIND_RZ : KIND_WN); return CACHES[k][dom.switchKey]; } private static final int LINE_LIMIT = LaneType.SK_LIMIT, KIND_CI = 0, KIND_RZ = 1, KIND_WN = 2, KIND_LIMIT = 3; private static final @Stable ConversionImpl<?,?>[][][] CACHES = new ConversionImpl<?,?>[KIND_LIMIT][LINE_LIMIT][LINE_LIMIT]; private synchronized static void initCaches() { for (var f : VectorOperators.class.getFields()) { if (f.getType() != Conversion.class) continue; ConversionImpl<?,?> conv; try { conv = (ConversionImpl) f.get(null); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } LaneType dom = conv.dom; LaneType ran = conv.ran; int opc = conv.opCodeRaw(); switch (conv.kind) { case 'W': int domCode = (opc >> VO_DOM_SHIFT) & 0xF; dom = LaneType.ofBasicType(domCode); break; case 'N': int ranCode = (opc >> VO_RAN_SHIFT) & 0xF; ran = LaneType.ofBasicType(ranCode); break; } assert((opc & VO_DOM_RAN_MASK) == ((dom.basicType << VO_DOM_SHIFT) + (ran.basicType << VO_RAN_SHIFT))); ConversionImpl<?,?>[] cache = cacheOf(conv.kind, dom); int ranKey = ran.switchKey; if (cache[ranKey] != conv) { assert(cache[ranKey] == null || cache[ranKey].name().equals( : conv + " vs. " + cache[ranKey]; cache[ranKey] = conv; } } } // hack for generating static field defs static { assert(genCode()); } private static boolean genCode() { if (true) return true; // remove to enable code ArrayList<String> defs = new ArrayList<>(); for (LaneType l1 : LaneType.values()) { for (LaneType l2 : LaneType.values()) { for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { ConversionImpl<?,?> c; try { c = ((i == 0) ? ofCast(l1, l2) : ofReinterpret(l1, l2)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { assert((i == 1 && l1.elementSize != l2.elementSize) || (i == 2 && l1.elementSize == l2.elementSize)); continue; // ignore this combo } if (c.kind == 'C' || c.kind == 'Z' || (c.kind == 'R' && l1.elementKind+l2.elementKind == 'F'+'I' && l1.elementSize == l2.elementSize) || (c.kind == 'N' || c.kind == 'W')) { int opc = c.opCodeRaw(); String opcs; switch (opc & ~VO_DOM_RAN_MASK) { case VO_KIND_CAST: opcs = "VO_KIND_CAST"; break; case VO_KIND_BITWISE: opcs = "VO_KIND_BITWISE"; break; default: opcs = Integer.toHexString(opc); } String code = c.genCode(opcs); if (!defs.contains(code)) defs.add(code); } } } } java.util.Collections.sort(defs); for (String def : defs) System.out.println(def); return true; } private String genCode(String opcs) { if (true) return null; // remove to enable code int domran = opCodeRaw() & VO_DOM_RAN_MASK; switch (kind()) { case 'W': case 'N': opcs += " + 0x" + Integer.toHexString(domran); } String doc; switch (kind()) { case 'R': doc = "Reinterpret bits of {@code _domVal} as {@code _ran}"; break; case 'Z': doc = "Zero-extend {@code _domVal} to {@code _ran}"; break; case 'W': doc = "In-place widen {@code _domVal} inside _ran to {@code (_ran)_domVal}"; LaneType logdom = LaneType.ofBasicType(domran >> VO_DOM_SHIFT & 0xF); doc = doc.replace("_dom", logdom.elementType.getSimpleName()); break; case 'N': doc = "In-place narrow {@code _domVal} to {@code (_ran)_domVal} inside _dom"; LaneType logran = LaneType.ofBasicType(domran >> VO_RAN_SHIFT & 0xF); doc = doc.replace("_ran", logran.elementType.getSimpleName()); break; default: doc = "Convert {@code _domVal} to {@code (_ran)_domVal}"; } String code = ( " /** _Doc. */" + "\n" + " public static final Conversion<_Dom,_Ran> _N" + " = convert(\"_N\", '_K', _dom.class, _ran.class, _opc, VO_ALL);"); return code .replace("_Doc", doc) .replace("_dom", dom.elementType.getSimpleName()) .replace("_ran", ran.elementType.getSimpleName()) .replace("_Dom", dom.genericElementType.getSimpleName()) .replace("_Ran", ran.genericElementType.getSimpleName()) .replace("_N", name()) .replace("_K", ""+kind()) .replace("_opc", ""+opcs); } } private static class TestImpl extends OperatorImpl implements Test { private TestImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); assert((opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK) == VO_UNARY); assert((opInfo & VO_BOOL) == VO_BOOL); } @Override public Class<?> rangeType() { return boolean.class; } } private static class ComparisonImpl extends OperatorImpl implements Comparison { private ComparisonImpl(String symName, String opName, int opInfo) { super(symName, opName, opInfo); assert((opInfo & VO_ARITY_MASK) == VO_BINARY); assert((opInfo & VO_BOOL) == VO_BOOL); } @Override public Class<?> rangeType() { return boolean.class; } /* --- * boolean test(long a, long b) { switch (opInfo() >> VO_OPCODE_SHIFT) { case VectorSupport.BT_eq: return a == b; case VectorSupport.BT_ne: return a != b; case VectorSupport.BT_lt: return a < b; case VectorSupport.BT_le: return a <= b; case VectorSupport.BT_gt: return a > b; case VectorSupport.BT_ge: return a >= b; } throw new AssertionError(); } * --- */ } static { ConversionImpl.initCaches(); assert(checkConstants()); } private static boolean checkConstants() { // Check uniqueness of opcodes, to prevent dumb aliasing errors. OperatorImpl[] ops = new OperatorImpl[VO_OPCODE_LIMIT << VO_OPCODE_SHIFT]; for (var f : VectorOperators.class.getFields()) { Class<?> ft = f.getType(); OperatorImpl op; try { op = (OperatorImpl) f.get(null); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { throw new AssertionError(ex); } assert( : op; assert(op.isAssociative() == (ft == Associative.class)) : op; if (op.isBoolean()) { assert(ft == (op.arity() == 2 ? Comparison.class : Test.class)) : op; } if (ft == Unary.class || ft == Conversion.class || ft == Test.class) { assert(op.arity() == 1) : op; } else if (ft == Ternary.class) { assert(op.arity() == 3) : op; } else { assert(op.arity() == 2) : op; if (ft != Associative.class && ft != Comparison.class) { assert(ft == Binary.class) : op; } } if (op.opKind(VO_OPCODE_VALID)) { int opsMask = (((VO_OPCODE_LIMIT-1) << VO_OPCODE_SHIFT) | VO_BOOL | VO_CONV | VO_ARITY_MASK); int opsIndex = op.opInfo & opsMask; OperatorImpl op0 = ops[opsIndex]; assert(op0 == null) : java.util.Arrays.asList(op0, Integer.toHexString(op0.opInfo), op, Integer.toHexString(op.opInfo)); ops[opsIndex] = op; } else { // These are all the "-1" opcode guys we know about: assert(op == ZOMO || op == FIRST_NONZERO || op == AND_NOT || op == NOT || op == ROL || op == ROR || op == IS_DEFAULT || op == IS_NEGATIVE || op == IS_FINITE || op == IS_NAN || op == IS_INFINITE || op == BITWISE_BLEND) : op; } } return true; } // Managing behavioral information on slow paths: /*package-private*/ static class ImplCache<OP extends Operator,T> { public ImplCache(Class<OP> whatKind, Class<? extends Vector<?>> whatVec) { this.whatKind = whatKind; this.whatVec = whatVec; } // These are used only for forming diagnostics: private final Class<OP> whatKind; private final Class<? extends Vector<?>> whatVec; private final @Stable Object[] cache = new Object[VO_OPCODE_LIMIT]; @ForceInline public T find(OP op, int opc, IntFunction<T> supplier) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T fn = (T) cache[opc]; if (fn != null) return fn; fn = supplier.apply(opc); if (fn == null) throw badOp(op); assert(VectorSupport.isNonCapturingLambda(fn)) : fn; // The JIT can see into this cache: cache[opc] = fn; return fn; } private UnsupportedOperationException badOp(Operator op) { String msg = String.format("%s: illegal %s in %s", op, whatKind.getSimpleName().toLowerCase(), whatVec.getSimpleName()); return new UnsupportedOperationException(msg); } @Override public String toString() { ArrayList<String> entries = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < cache.length; i++) { Object fn = cache[i]; if (fn != null) entries.add(i+": "+fn); } return String.format("ImplCache<%s,%s>[%s]", whatKind.getSimpleName(), whatVec.getSimpleName(), String.join(", ", entries)); } } }
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⇒ JDK 17 jdk.internal.ed.jmod - Internal Editor Module
2023-10-04, 4059👍, 0💬
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