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JDK 17 jdk.jcmd.jmod - JCmd Tool
JDK 17 jdk.jcmd.jmod is the JMOD file for JDK 17 JCmd tool, which can be invoked by the "jcmd" command.
JDK 17 JCmd tool compiled class files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\jmods\jdk.jcmd.jmod.
JDK 17 JCmd tool compiled class files are also linked and stored in the \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\modules JImage file.
JDK 17 JCmd source code files are stored in \fyicenter\jdk-17.0.5\lib\\jdk.jcmd.
You can click and view the content of each source code file in the list below.
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⏎ sun/tools/jstat/
/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ package; import*; import java.util.*; /** * A class implementing a simple predictive parser for output format * specification language for the jstat command. * * @author Brian Doherty * @since 1.5 */ public class Parser { private static boolean pdebug = Boolean.getBoolean("jstat.parser.debug"); private static boolean ldebug = Boolean.getBoolean("jstat.lex.debug"); private static final char OPENBLOCK = '{'; private static final char CLOSEBLOCK = '}'; private static final char DOUBLEQUOTE = '"'; private static final char PERCENT_CHAR = '%'; private static final char OPENPAREN = '('; private static final char CLOSEPAREN = ')'; private static final char OPERATOR_PLUS = '+'; private static final char OPERATOR_MINUS = '-'; private static final char OPERATOR_MULTIPLY = '*'; private static final char OPERATOR_DIVIDE = '/'; private static final String OPTION = "option"; private static final String COLUMN = "column"; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final String HEADER = "header"; private static final String WIDTH = "width"; private static final String FORMAT = "format"; private static final String ALIGN = "align"; private static final String SCALE = "scale"; private static final String REQUIRED = "required"; private static final String START = OPTION; private static final Set<String> scaleKeyWords = Scale.keySet(); private static final Set<String> alignKeyWords = Alignment.keySet(); private static final Set<String> boolKeyWords = Set.of("true", "false"); private static String[] otherKeyWords = { OPTION, COLUMN, DATA, HEADER, WIDTH, FORMAT, ALIGN, SCALE, REQUIRED }; private static char[] infixOps = { OPERATOR_PLUS, OPERATOR_MINUS, OPERATOR_MULTIPLY, OPERATOR_DIVIDE }; private static char[] delimiters = { OPENBLOCK, CLOSEBLOCK, PERCENT_CHAR, OPENPAREN, CLOSEPAREN }; private static Set<String> reservedWords; private StreamTokenizer st; private String filename; private Token lookahead; private Token previous; private int columnCount; private OptionFormat optionFormat; public Parser(String filename) throws FileNotFoundException { this.filename = filename; Reader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); } public Parser(Reader r) { st = new StreamTokenizer(r); // allow both c++ style comments st.ordinaryChar('/'); st.wordChars('_','_'); st.slashSlashComments(true); st.slashStarComments(true); reservedWords = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < otherKeyWords.length; i++) { reservedWords.add(otherKeyWords[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < delimiters.length; i++ ) { st.ordinaryChar(delimiters[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < infixOps.length; i++ ) { st.ordinaryChar(infixOps[i]); } } /** * push back the lookahead token and restore the lookahead token * to the previous token. */ private void pushBack() { lookahead = previous; st.pushBack(); } /** * retrieve the next token, placing the token value in the lookahead * member variable, storing its previous value in the previous member * variable. */ private void nextToken() throws ParserException, IOException { int t = st.nextToken(); previous = lookahead; lookahead = new Token(st.ttype, st.sval, st.nval); log(ldebug, "lookahead = " + lookahead); } /** * match one of the token values in the given set of key words * token is assumed to be of type TT_WORD, and the set is assumed * to contain String objects. */ private Token matchOne(Set<String> keyWords) throws ParserException, IOException { if ((lookahead.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && keyWords.contains(lookahead.sval)) { Token t = lookahead; nextToken(); return t; } throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), keyWords, lookahead); } /** * match a token with TT_TYPE=type, and the token value is a given sequence * of characters. */ private void match(int ttype, String token) throws ParserException, IOException { if (lookahead.ttype == ttype && lookahead.sval.compareTo(token) == 0) { nextToken(); } else { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), new Token(ttype, token), lookahead); } } /** * match a token with TT_TYPE=type */ private void match(int ttype) throws ParserException, IOException { if (lookahead.ttype == ttype) { nextToken(); } else { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), new Token(ttype), lookahead); } } /** * match a token with TT_TYPE=char, where the token value is the given char. */ private void match(char ttype) throws ParserException, IOException { if (lookahead.ttype == (int)ttype) { nextToken(); } else { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), new Token((int)ttype), lookahead); } } /** * match a token with TT_TYPE='"', where the token value is a sequence * of characters between matching quote characters. */ private void matchQuotedString() throws ParserException, IOException { match(DOUBLEQUOTE); } /** * match a TT_NUMBER token that matches a parsed number value */ private void matchNumber() throws ParserException, IOException { match(StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER); } /** * match a TT_WORD token that matches an arbitrary, not quoted token. */ private void matchID() throws ParserException, IOException { match(StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD); } /** * match a TT_WORD token that matches the given string */ private void match(String token) throws ParserException, IOException { match(StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD, token); } /** * determine if the given word is a reserved key word */ private boolean isReservedWord(String word) { return reservedWords.contains(word); } /** * determine if the give work is a reserved key word */ private boolean isInfixOperator(char op) { for (int i = 0; i < infixOps.length; i++) { if (op == infixOps[i]) { return true; } } return false; } /** * scalestmt -> 'scale' scalespec * scalespec -> <see above scaleTerminals array> */ private void scaleStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(SCALE); Token t = matchOne(scaleKeyWords); cf.setScale(Scale.toScale(t.sval)); String scaleString = t.sval; log(pdebug, "Parsed: scale -> " + scaleString); } /** * alignstmt -> 'align' alignspec * alignspec -> <see above alignTerminals array> */ private void alignStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(ALIGN); Token t = matchOne(alignKeyWords); cf.setAlignment(Alignment.toAlignment(t.sval)); String alignString = t.sval; log(pdebug, "Parsed: align -> " + alignString); } /** * headerstmt -> 'header' quotedstring */ private void headerStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(HEADER); String headerString = lookahead.sval; matchQuotedString(); cf.setHeader(headerString); log(pdebug, "Parsed: header -> " + headerString); } /** * widthstmt -> 'width' integer */ private void widthStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(WIDTH); double width = lookahead.nval; matchNumber(); cf.setWidth((int)width); log(pdebug, "Parsed: width -> " + width ); } /** * formatstmt -> 'format' quotedstring */ private void formatStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(FORMAT); String formatString = lookahead.sval; matchQuotedString(); cf.setFormat(formatString); log(pdebug, "Parsed: format -> " + formatString); } /** * Primary -> Literal | Identifier | '(' Expression ')' */ private Expression primary() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = null; switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPENPAREN: match(OPENPAREN); e = expression(); match(CLOSEPAREN); break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD: String s = lookahead.sval; if (isReservedWord(s)) { throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), "IDENTIFIER", "Reserved Word: " + lookahead.sval); } matchID(); e = new Identifier(s); log(pdebug, "Parsed: ID -> " + s); break; case StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER: double literal = lookahead.nval; matchNumber(); e = new Literal(Double.valueOf(literal)); log(pdebug, "Parsed: number -> " + literal); break; default: throw new SyntaxException(st.lineno(), "IDENTIFIER", lookahead); } log(pdebug, "Parsed: primary -> " + e); return e; } /** * Unary -> ('+'|'-') Unary | Primary */ private Expression unary() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = null; Operator op = null; while (true) { switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPERATOR_PLUS: match(OPERATOR_PLUS); op = Operator.PLUS; break; case OPERATOR_MINUS: match(OPERATOR_MINUS); op = Operator.MINUS; break; default: e = primary(); log(pdebug, "Parsed: unary -> " + e); return e; } Expression e1 = new Expression(); e1.setOperator(op); e1.setRight(e); log(pdebug, "Parsed: unary -> " + e1); e1.setLeft(new Literal(Double.valueOf(0))); e = e1; } } /** * MultExpression -> Unary (('*' | '/') Unary)* */ private Expression multExpression() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = unary(); Operator op = null; while (true) { switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPERATOR_MULTIPLY: match(OPERATOR_MULTIPLY); op = Operator.MULTIPLY; break; case OPERATOR_DIVIDE: match(OPERATOR_DIVIDE); op = Operator.DIVIDE; break; default: log(pdebug, "Parsed: multExpression -> " + e); return e; } Expression e1 = new Expression(); e1.setOperator(op); e1.setLeft(e); e1.setRight(unary()); e = e1; log(pdebug, "Parsed: multExpression -> " + e); } } /** * AddExpression -> MultExpression (('+' | '-') MultExpression)* */ private Expression addExpression() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = multExpression(); Operator op = null; while (true) { switch (lookahead.ttype) { case OPERATOR_PLUS: match(OPERATOR_PLUS); op = Operator.PLUS; break; case OPERATOR_MINUS: match(OPERATOR_MINUS); op = Operator.MINUS; break; default: log(pdebug, "Parsed: addExpression -> " + e); return e; } Expression e1 = new Expression(); e1.setOperator(op); e1.setLeft(e); e1.setRight(multExpression()); e = e1; log(pdebug, "Parsed: addExpression -> " + e); } } /** * Expression -> AddExpression */ private Expression expression() throws ParserException, IOException { Expression e = addExpression(); log(pdebug, "Parsed: expression -> " + e); return e; } /** * datastmt -> 'data' expression */ private void dataStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(DATA); Expression e = expression(); cf.setExpression(e); log(pdebug, "Parsed: data -> " + e); } /** * requiredstmt -> 'required' expression */ private void requiredStmt(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { match(REQUIRED); Token t = matchOne(boolKeyWords); cf.setRequired(Boolean.parseBoolean(t.sval)); log(pdebug, "Parsed: required -> " + cf.isRequired()); } /** * statementlist -> optionalstmt statementlist * optionalstmt -> 'data' expression * 'header' quotedstring * 'width' integer * 'format' formatstring * 'align' alignspec * 'scale' scalespec * 'required' boolean */ private void statementList(ColumnFormat cf) throws ParserException, IOException { while (true) { if (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { return; } if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(DATA) == 0) { dataStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(HEADER) == 0) { headerStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(WIDTH) == 0) { widthStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(FORMAT) == 0) { formatStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(ALIGN) == 0) { alignStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(SCALE) == 0) { scaleStmt(cf); } else if (lookahead.sval.compareTo(REQUIRED) == 0) { requiredStmt(cf); } else { return; } } } /** * optionlist -> columspec optionlist * null * columspec -> 'column' '{' statementlist '}' */ private void optionList(OptionFormat of) throws ParserException, IOException { while (true) { if (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { return; } match(COLUMN); match(OPENBLOCK); ColumnFormat cf = new ColumnFormat(columnCount++); statementList(cf); match(CLOSEBLOCK); cf.validate(); of.addSubFormat(cf); } } /** * optionstmt -> 'option' ID '{' optionlist '}' */ private OptionFormat optionStmt() throws ParserException, IOException { match(OPTION); String optionName=lookahead.sval; matchID(); match(OPENBLOCK); OptionFormat of = new OptionFormat(optionName); optionList(of); match(CLOSEBLOCK); return of; } /** * parse the specification for the given option identifier */ public OptionFormat parse(String option) throws ParserException, IOException { nextToken(); /* * this search stops on the first occurance of an option * statement with a name matching the given option. Any * duplicate options are ignored. */ while (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { // look for the start symbol if ((lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) || (lookahead.sval.compareTo(START) != 0)) { // skip tokens until a start symbol is found nextToken(); continue; } // check if the option name is the one we are interested in match(START); if ((lookahead.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) && (lookahead.sval.compareTo(option) == 0)) { // this is the one we are looking for, parse it pushBack(); return optionStmt(); } else { // not what we are looking for, start skipping tokens nextToken(); } } return null; } public Set<OptionFormat> parseOptions() throws ParserException, IOException { Set<OptionFormat> options = new HashSet<OptionFormat>(); nextToken(); while (lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { // look for the start symbol if ((lookahead.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) || (lookahead.sval.compareTo(START) != 0)) { // skip tokens until a start symbol is found nextToken(); continue; } // note: if a duplicate option statement exists, then // first one encountered is the chosen definition. OptionFormat of = optionStmt(); options.add(of); } return options; } OptionFormat getOptionFormat() { return optionFormat; } private void log(boolean logging, String s) { if (logging) { System.out.println(s); } } }
⏎ sun/tools/jstat/
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