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commons-collections4-4.2-sources.jar - Apache Commons Collections
commons-collections4-4.2-sources.jar is the source JAR file for Apache Commons Collections 4.2, which
provides additional collection handling functionalities on top of JDK library.
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JAR name: commons-collections4-4.2-sources.jar Target JDK version: 1.7 Dependency: None File size: 708,599 bytes Release date: 08-Jul-2018 Download: Apache Commons Collections
⏎ org/apache/commons/collections4/bidimap/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap; import static org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap.TreeBidiMap.DataElement.KEY; import static org.apache.commons.collections4.bidimap.TreeBidiMap.DataElement.VALUE; import; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractSet; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.collections4.KeyValue; import org.apache.commons.collections4.MapIterator; import org.apache.commons.collections4.OrderedBidiMap; import org.apache.commons.collections4.OrderedIterator; import org.apache.commons.collections4.OrderedMapIterator; import org.apache.commons.collections4.iterators.EmptyOrderedMapIterator; import org.apache.commons.collections4.keyvalue.UnmodifiableMapEntry; /** * Red-Black tree-based implementation of BidiMap where all objects added * implement the <code>Comparable</code> interface. * <p> * This class guarantees that the map will be in both ascending key order * and ascending value order, sorted according to the natural order for * the key's and value's classes. * <p> * This Map is intended for applications that need to be able to look * up a key-value pairing by either key or value, and need to do so * with equal efficiency. * <p> * While that goal could be accomplished by taking a pair of TreeMaps * and redirecting requests to the appropriate TreeMap (e.g., * containsKey would be directed to the TreeMap that maps values to * keys, containsValue would be directed to the TreeMap that maps keys * to values), there are problems with that implementation. * If the data contained in the TreeMaps is large, the cost of redundant * storage becomes significant. The {@link DualTreeBidiMap} and * {@link DualHashBidiMap} implementations use this approach. * <p> * This solution keeps minimizes the data storage by holding data only once. * The red-black algorithm is based on {@link java.util.TreeMap}, but has been modified * to simultaneously map a tree node by key and by value. This doubles the * cost of put operations (but so does using two TreeMaps), and nearly doubles * the cost of remove operations (there is a savings in that the lookup of the * node to be removed only has to be performed once). And since only one node * contains the key and value, storage is significantly less than that * required by two TreeMaps. * <p> * The Map.Entry instances returned by the appropriate methods will * not allow setValue() and will throw an * UnsupportedOperationException on attempts to call that method. * * @param <K> the type of the keys in this map * @param <V> the type of the values in this map * * @since 3.0 (previously DoubleOrderedMap v2.0) */ public class TreeBidiMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends Comparable<V>> implements OrderedBidiMap<K, V>, Serializable { enum DataElement { KEY("key"), VALUE("value"); private final String description; /** * Create a new TreeBidiMap.DataElement. * * @param description the description for the element */ private DataElement(final String description) { this.description = description; } @Override public String toString() { return description; } } private static final long serialVersionUID = 721969328361807L; private transient Node<K, V>[] rootNode; private transient int nodeCount = 0; private transient int modifications = 0; private transient Set<K> keySet; private transient Set<V> valuesSet; private transient Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet; private transient Inverse inverse = null; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Constructs a new empty TreeBidiMap. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TreeBidiMap() { super(); rootNode = new Node[2]; } /** * Constructs a new TreeBidiMap by copying an existing Map. * * @param map the map to copy * @throws ClassCastException if the keys/values in the map are * not Comparable or are not mutually comparable * @throws NullPointerException if any key or value in the map is null */ public TreeBidiMap(final Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { this(); putAll(map); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map. * * @return the number of key-value mappings in this map */ @Override public int size() { return nodeCount; } /** * Checks whether the map is empty or not. * * @return true if the map is empty */ @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return nodeCount == 0; } /** * Checks whether this map contains the a mapping for the specified key. * <p> * The key must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested * @return true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null */ @Override public boolean containsKey(final Object key) { checkKey(key); return lookupKey(key) != null; } /** * Checks whether this map contains the a mapping for the specified value. * <p> * The value must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param value value whose presence in this map is to be tested * @return true if this map contains a mapping for the specified value * @throws ClassCastException if the value is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null */ @Override public boolean containsValue(final Object value) { checkValue(value); return lookupValue(value) != null; } /** * Gets the value to which this map maps the specified key. * Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this key. * <p> * The key must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param key key whose associated value is to be returned * @return the value to which this map maps the specified key, * or null if the map contains no mapping for this key * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null */ @Override public V get(final Object key) { checkKey(key); final Node<K, V> node = lookupKey(key); return node == null ? null : node.getValue(); } /** * Puts the key-value pair into the map, replacing any previous pair. * <p> * When adding a key-value pair, the value may already exist in the map * against a different key. That mapping is removed, to ensure that the * value only occurs once in the inverse map. * <pre> * BidiMap map1 = new TreeBidiMap(); * map.put("A","B"); // contains A mapped to B, as per Map * map.put("A","C"); // contains A mapped to C, as per Map * * BidiMap map2 = new TreeBidiMap(); * map.put("A","B"); // contains A mapped to B, as per Map * map.put("C","B"); // contains C mapped to B, key A is removed * </pre> * <p> * Both key and value must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param key key with which the specified value is to be associated * @param value value to be associated with the specified key * @return the previous value for the key * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null */ @Override public V put(final K key, final V value) { final V result = get(key); doPut(key, value); return result; } /** * Puts all the mappings from the specified map into this map. * <p> * All keys and values must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param map the map to copy from */ @Override public void putAll(final Map<? extends K, ? extends V> map) { for (final Map.Entry<? extends K, ? extends V> e : map.entrySet()) { put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } /** * Removes the mapping for this key from this map if present. * <p> * The key must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param key key whose mapping is to be removed from the map. * @return previous value associated with specified key, * or null if there was no mapping for key. * @throws ClassCastException if the key is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the key is null */ @Override public V remove(final Object key) { return doRemoveKey(key); } /** * Removes all mappings from this map. */ @Override public void clear() { modify(); nodeCount = 0; rootNode[KEY.ordinal()] = null; rootNode[VALUE.ordinal()] = null; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns the key to which this map maps the specified value. * Returns null if the map contains no mapping for this value. * <p> * The value must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param value value whose associated key is to be returned. * @return the key to which this map maps the specified value, * or null if the map contains no mapping for this value. * @throws ClassCastException if the value is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null */ @Override public K getKey(final Object value) { checkValue(value); final Node<K, V> node = lookupValue(value); return node == null ? null : node.getKey(); } /** * Removes the mapping for this value from this map if present. * <p> * The value must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param value value whose mapping is to be removed from the map * @return previous key associated with specified value, * or null if there was no mapping for value. * @throws ClassCastException if the value is of an inappropriate type * @throws NullPointerException if the value is null */ @Override public K removeValue(final Object value) { return doRemoveValue(value); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the first (lowest) key currently in this map. * * @return the first (lowest) key currently in this sorted map * @throws NoSuchElementException if this map is empty */ @Override public K firstKey() { if (nodeCount == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Map is empty"); } return leastNode(rootNode[KEY.ordinal()], KEY).getKey(); } /** * Gets the last (highest) key currently in this map. * * @return the last (highest) key currently in this sorted map * @throws NoSuchElementException if this map is empty */ @Override public K lastKey() { if (nodeCount == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Map is empty"); } return greatestNode(rootNode[KEY.ordinal()], KEY).getKey(); } /** * Gets the next key after the one specified. * <p> * The key must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param key the key to search for next from * @return the next key, null if no match or at end */ @Override public K nextKey(final K key) { checkKey(key); final Node<K, V> node = nextGreater(lookupKey(key), KEY); return node == null ? null : node.getKey(); } /** * Gets the previous key before the one specified. * <p> * The key must implement <code>Comparable</code>. * * @param key the key to search for previous from * @return the previous key, null if no match or at start */ @Override public K previousKey(final K key) { checkKey(key); final Node<K, V> node = nextSmaller(lookupKey(key), KEY); return node == null ? null : node.getKey(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a set view of the keys contained in this map in key order. * <p> * The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in * the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over * the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. * <p> * The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping * from the map. It does not support the add or addAll operations. * * @return a set view of the keys contained in this map. */ @Override public Set<K> keySet() { if (keySet == null) { keySet = new KeyView(KEY); } return keySet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a set view of the values contained in this map in key order. * The returned object can be cast to a Set. * <p> * The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in * the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over * the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. * <p> * The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping * from the map. It does not support the add or addAll operations. * * @return a set view of the values contained in this map. */ @Override public Set<V> values() { if (valuesSet == null) { valuesSet = new ValueView(KEY); } return valuesSet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Returns a set view of the entries contained in this map in key order. * For simple iteration through the map, the MapIterator is quicker. * <p> * The set is backed by the map, so changes to the map are reflected in * the set, and vice-versa. If the map is modified while an iteration over * the set is in progress, the results of the iteration are undefined. * <p> * The set supports element removal, which removes the corresponding mapping * from the map. It does not support the add or addAll operations. * The returned MapEntry objects do not support setValue. * * @return a set view of the values contained in this map. */ @Override public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() { if (entrySet == null) { entrySet = new EntryView(); } return entrySet; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public OrderedMapIterator<K, V> mapIterator() { if (isEmpty()) { return EmptyOrderedMapIterator.<K, V>emptyOrderedMapIterator(); } return new ViewMapIterator(KEY); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the inverse map for comparison. * * @return the inverse map */ @Override public OrderedBidiMap<V, K> inverseBidiMap() { if (inverse == null) { inverse = new Inverse(); } return inverse; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compares for equals as per the API. * * @param obj the object to compare to * @return true if equal */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { return this.doEquals(obj, KEY); } /** * Gets the hash code value for this map as per the API. * * @return the hash code value for this map */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.doHashCode(KEY); } /** * Returns a string version of this Map in standard format. * * @return a standard format string version of the map */ @Override public String toString() { return this.doToString(KEY); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Put logic. * * @param key the key, always the main map key * @param value the value, always the main map value */ private void doPut(final K key, final V value) { checkKeyAndValue(key, value); // store previous and remove previous mappings doRemoveKey(key); doRemoveValue(value); Node<K, V> node = rootNode[KEY.ordinal()]; if (node == null) { // map is empty final Node<K, V> root = new Node<>(key, value); rootNode[KEY.ordinal()] = root; rootNode[VALUE.ordinal()] = root; grow(); } else { // add new mapping while (true) { final int cmp = compare(key, node.getKey()); if (cmp == 0) { // shouldn't happen throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot store a duplicate key (\"" + key + "\") in this Map"); } else if (cmp < 0) { if (node.getLeft(KEY) != null) { node = node.getLeft(KEY); } else { final Node<K, V> newNode = new Node<>(key, value); insertValue(newNode); node.setLeft(newNode, KEY); newNode.setParent(node, KEY); doRedBlackInsert(newNode, KEY); grow(); break; } } else { // cmp > 0 if (node.getRight(KEY) != null) { node = node.getRight(KEY); } else { final Node<K, V> newNode = new Node<>(key, value); insertValue(newNode); node.setRight(newNode, KEY); newNode.setParent(node, KEY); doRedBlackInsert(newNode, KEY); grow(); break; } } } } } private V doRemoveKey(final Object key) { final Node<K, V> node = lookupKey(key); if (node == null) { return null; } doRedBlackDelete(node); return node.getValue(); } private K doRemoveValue(final Object value) { final Node<K, V> node = lookupValue(value); if (node == null) { return null; } doRedBlackDelete(node); return node.getKey(); } /** * do the actual lookup of a piece of data * * @param data the key or value to be looked up * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the desired Node, or null if there is no mapping of the * specified data */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T extends Comparable<T>> Node<K, V> lookup(final Object data, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> rval = null; Node<K, V> node = rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()]; while (node != null) { final int cmp = compare((T) data, (T) node.getData(dataElement)); if (cmp == 0) { rval = node; break; } node = cmp < 0 ? node.getLeft(dataElement) : node.getRight(dataElement); } return rval; } private Node<K, V> lookupKey(final Object key) { return this.<K>lookup(key, KEY); } private Node<K, V> lookupValue(final Object value) { return this.<V>lookup(value, VALUE); } /** * get the next larger node from the specified node * * @param node the node to be searched from * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the specified node */ private Node<K, V> nextGreater(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> rval; if (node == null) { rval = null; } else if (node.getRight(dataElement) != null) { // everything to the node's right is larger. The least of // the right node's descendants is the next larger node rval = leastNode(node.getRight(dataElement), dataElement); } else { // traverse up our ancestry until we find an ancestor that // is null or one whose left child is our ancestor. If we // find a null, then this node IS the largest node in the // tree, and there is no greater node. Otherwise, we are // the largest node in the subtree on that ancestor's left // ... and that ancestor is the next greatest node Node<K, V> parent = node.getParent(dataElement); Node<K, V> child = node; while (parent != null && child == parent.getRight(dataElement)) { child = parent; parent = parent.getParent(dataElement); } rval = parent; } return rval; } /** * get the next larger node from the specified node * * @param node the node to be searched from * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the specified node */ private Node<K, V> nextSmaller(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> rval; if (node == null) { rval = null; } else if (node.getLeft(dataElement) != null) { // everything to the node's left is smaller. The greatest of // the left node's descendants is the next smaller node rval = greatestNode(node.getLeft(dataElement), dataElement); } else { // traverse up our ancestry until we find an ancestor that // is null or one whose right child is our ancestor. If we // find a null, then this node IS the largest node in the // tree, and there is no greater node. Otherwise, we are // the largest node in the subtree on that ancestor's right // ... and that ancestor is the next greatest node Node<K, V> parent = node.getParent(dataElement); Node<K, V> child = node; while (parent != null && child == parent.getLeft(dataElement)) { child = parent; parent = parent.getParent(dataElement); } rval = parent; } return rval; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compare two objects * * @param o1 the first object * @param o2 the second object * * @return negative value if o1 < o2; 0 if o1 == o2; positive * value if o1 > o2 */ private static <T extends Comparable<T>> int compare(final T o1, final T o2) { return o1.compareTo(o2); } /** * Find the least node from a given node. * * @param node the node from which we will start searching * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the smallest node, from the specified node, in the * specified mapping */ private Node<K, V> leastNode(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> rval = node; if (rval != null) { while (rval.getLeft(dataElement) != null) { rval = rval.getLeft(dataElement); } } return rval; } /** * Find the greatest node from a given node. * * @param node the node from which we will start searching * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the greatest node, from the specified node */ private Node<K, V> greatestNode(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> rval = node; if (rval != null) { while (rval.getRight(dataElement) != null) { rval = rval.getRight(dataElement); } } return rval; } /** * copy the color from one node to another, dealing with the fact * that one or both nodes may, in fact, be null * * @param from the node whose color we're copying; may be null * @param to the node whose color we're changing; may be null * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void copyColor(final Node<K, V> from, final Node<K, V> to, final DataElement dataElement) { if (to != null) { if (from == null) { // by default, make it black to.setBlack(dataElement); } else { to.copyColor(from, dataElement); } } } /** * is the specified node red? if the node does not exist, no, it's * black, thank you * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private static boolean isRed(final Node<?, ?> node, final DataElement dataElement) { return node != null && node.isRed(dataElement); } /** * is the specified black red? if the node does not exist, sure, * it's black, thank you * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private static boolean isBlack(final Node<?, ?> node, final DataElement dataElement) { return node == null || node.isBlack(dataElement); } /** * force a node (if it exists) red * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private static void makeRed(final Node<?, ?> node, final DataElement dataElement) { if (node != null) { node.setRed(dataElement); } } /** * force a node (if it exists) black * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private static void makeBlack(final Node<?, ?> node, final DataElement dataElement) { if (node != null) { node.setBlack(dataElement); } } /** * get a node's grandparent. mind you, the node, its parent, or * its grandparent may not exist. no problem * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private Node<K, V> getGrandParent(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { return getParent(getParent(node, dataElement), dataElement); } /** * get a node's parent. mind you, the node, or its parent, may not * exist. no problem * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private Node<K, V> getParent(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { return node == null ? null : node.getParent(dataElement); } /** * get a node's right child. mind you, the node may not exist. no * problem * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private Node<K, V> getRightChild(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { return node == null ? null : node.getRight(dataElement); } /** * get a node's left child. mind you, the node may not exist. no * problem * * @param node the node (may be null) in question * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private Node<K, V> getLeftChild(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { return node == null ? null : node.getLeft(dataElement); } /** * do a rotate left. standard fare in the world of balanced trees * * @param node the node to be rotated * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void rotateLeft(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { final Node<K, V> rightChild = node.getRight(dataElement); node.setRight(rightChild.getLeft(dataElement), dataElement); if (rightChild.getLeft(dataElement) != null) { rightChild.getLeft(dataElement).setParent(node, dataElement); } rightChild.setParent(node.getParent(dataElement), dataElement); if (node.getParent(dataElement) == null) { // node was the root ... now its right child is the root rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = rightChild; } else if (node.getParent(dataElement).getLeft(dataElement) == node) { node.getParent(dataElement).setLeft(rightChild, dataElement); } else { node.getParent(dataElement).setRight(rightChild, dataElement); } rightChild.setLeft(node, dataElement); node.setParent(rightChild, dataElement); } /** * do a rotate right. standard fare in the world of balanced trees * * @param node the node to be rotated * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void rotateRight(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { final Node<K, V> leftChild = node.getLeft(dataElement); node.setLeft(leftChild.getRight(dataElement), dataElement); if (leftChild.getRight(dataElement) != null) { leftChild.getRight(dataElement).setParent(node, dataElement); } leftChild.setParent(node.getParent(dataElement), dataElement); if (node.getParent(dataElement) == null) { // node was the root ... now its left child is the root rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = leftChild; } else if (node.getParent(dataElement).getRight(dataElement) == node) { node.getParent(dataElement).setRight(leftChild, dataElement); } else { node.getParent(dataElement).setLeft(leftChild, dataElement); } leftChild.setRight(node, dataElement); node.setParent(leftChild, dataElement); } /** * complicated red-black insert stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap * implementation, though it's barely recognizable any more * * @param insertedNode the node to be inserted * @param dataElement the KEY or VALUE int */ private void doRedBlackInsert(final Node<K, V> insertedNode, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> currentNode = insertedNode; makeRed(currentNode, dataElement); while (currentNode != null && currentNode != rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] && isRed(currentNode.getParent(dataElement), dataElement)) { if (currentNode.isLeftChild(dataElement)) { final Node<K, V> y = getRightChild(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); if (isRed(y, dataElement)) { makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeBlack(y, dataElement); makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); currentNode = getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement); } else { //dead code? if (currentNode.isRightChild(dataElement)) { currentNode = getParent(currentNode, dataElement); rotateLeft(currentNode, dataElement); } makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); if (getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement) != null) { rotateRight(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); } } } else { // just like clause above, except swap left for right final Node<K, V> y = getLeftChild(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); if (isRed(y, dataElement)) { makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeBlack(y, dataElement); makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); currentNode = getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement); } else { //dead code? if (currentNode.isLeftChild(dataElement)) { currentNode = getParent(currentNode, dataElement); rotateRight(currentNode, dataElement); } makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeRed(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); if (getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement) != null) { rotateLeft(getGrandParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); } } } } makeBlack(rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()], dataElement); } /** * complicated red-black delete stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap * implementation, though it's barely recognizable any more * * @param deletedNode the node to be deleted */ private void doRedBlackDelete(final Node<K, V> deletedNode) { for (final DataElement dataElement : DataElement.values()) { // if deleted node has both left and children, swap with // the next greater node if (deletedNode.getLeft(dataElement) != null && deletedNode.getRight(dataElement) != null) { swapPosition(nextGreater(deletedNode, dataElement), deletedNode, dataElement); } final Node<K, V> replacement = deletedNode.getLeft(dataElement) != null ? deletedNode.getLeft(dataElement) : deletedNode.getRight(dataElement); if (replacement != null) { replacement.setParent(deletedNode.getParent(dataElement), dataElement); if (deletedNode.getParent(dataElement) == null) { rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = replacement; } else if (deletedNode == deletedNode.getParent(dataElement).getLeft(dataElement)) { deletedNode.getParent(dataElement).setLeft(replacement, dataElement); } else { deletedNode.getParent(dataElement).setRight(replacement, dataElement); } deletedNode.setLeft(null, dataElement); deletedNode.setRight(null, dataElement); deletedNode.setParent(null, dataElement); if (isBlack(deletedNode, dataElement)) { doRedBlackDeleteFixup(replacement, dataElement); } } else { // replacement is null if (deletedNode.getParent(dataElement) == null) { // empty tree rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = null; } else { // deleted node had no children if (isBlack(deletedNode, dataElement)) { doRedBlackDeleteFixup(deletedNode, dataElement); } if (deletedNode.getParent(dataElement) != null) { if (deletedNode == deletedNode.getParent(dataElement).getLeft(dataElement)) { deletedNode.getParent(dataElement).setLeft(null, dataElement); } else { deletedNode.getParent(dataElement).setRight(null, dataElement); } deletedNode.setParent(null, dataElement); } } } } shrink(); } /** * complicated red-black delete stuff. Based on Sun's TreeMap * implementation, though it's barely recognizable any more. This * rebalances the tree (somewhat, as red-black trees are not * perfectly balanced -- perfect balancing takes longer) * * @param replacementNode the node being replaced * @param dataElement the KEY or VALUE int */ private void doRedBlackDeleteFixup(final Node<K, V> replacementNode, final DataElement dataElement) { Node<K, V> currentNode = replacementNode; while (currentNode != rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] && isBlack(currentNode, dataElement)) { if (currentNode.isLeftChild(dataElement)) { Node<K, V> siblingNode = getRightChild(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); if (isRed(siblingNode, dataElement)) { makeBlack(siblingNode, dataElement); makeRed(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); rotateLeft(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); siblingNode = getRightChild(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); } if (isBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement) && isBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement)) { makeRed(siblingNode, dataElement); currentNode = getParent(currentNode, dataElement); } else { if (isBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement)) { makeBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeRed(siblingNode, dataElement); rotateRight(siblingNode, dataElement); siblingNode = getRightChild(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); } copyColor(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), siblingNode, dataElement); makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement); rotateLeft(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); currentNode = rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()]; } } else { Node<K, V> siblingNode = getLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); if (isRed(siblingNode, dataElement)) { makeBlack(siblingNode, dataElement); makeRed(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); rotateRight(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); siblingNode = getLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); } if (isBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement) && isBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement)) { makeRed(siblingNode, dataElement); currentNode = getParent(currentNode, dataElement); } else { if (isBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement)) { makeBlack(getRightChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeRed(siblingNode, dataElement); rotateLeft(siblingNode, dataElement); siblingNode = getLeftChild(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); } copyColor(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), siblingNode, dataElement); makeBlack(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); makeBlack(getLeftChild(siblingNode, dataElement), dataElement); rotateRight(getParent(currentNode, dataElement), dataElement); currentNode = rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()]; } } } makeBlack(currentNode, dataElement); } /** * swap two nodes (except for their content), taking care of * special cases where one is the other's parent ... hey, it * happens. * * @param x one node * @param y another node * @param dataElement the KEY or VALUE int */ private void swapPosition(final Node<K, V> x, final Node<K, V> y, final DataElement dataElement) { // Save initial values. final Node<K, V> xFormerParent = x.getParent(dataElement); final Node<K, V> xFormerLeftChild = x.getLeft(dataElement); final Node<K, V> xFormerRightChild = x.getRight(dataElement); final Node<K, V> yFormerParent = y.getParent(dataElement); final Node<K, V> yFormerLeftChild = y.getLeft(dataElement); final Node<K, V> yFormerRightChild = y.getRight(dataElement); final boolean xWasLeftChild = x.getParent(dataElement) != null && x == x.getParent(dataElement).getLeft(dataElement); final boolean yWasLeftChild = y.getParent(dataElement) != null && y == y.getParent(dataElement).getLeft(dataElement); // Swap, handling special cases of one being the other's parent. if (x == yFormerParent) { // x was y's parent x.setParent(y, dataElement); if (yWasLeftChild) { y.setLeft(x, dataElement); y.setRight(xFormerRightChild, dataElement); } else { y.setRight(x, dataElement); y.setLeft(xFormerLeftChild, dataElement); } } else { x.setParent(yFormerParent, dataElement); if (yFormerParent != null) { if (yWasLeftChild) { yFormerParent.setLeft(x, dataElement); } else { yFormerParent.setRight(x, dataElement); } } y.setLeft(xFormerLeftChild, dataElement); y.setRight(xFormerRightChild, dataElement); } if (y == xFormerParent) { // y was x's parent y.setParent(x, dataElement); if (xWasLeftChild) { x.setLeft(y, dataElement); x.setRight(yFormerRightChild, dataElement); } else { x.setRight(y, dataElement); x.setLeft(yFormerLeftChild, dataElement); } } else { y.setParent(xFormerParent, dataElement); if (xFormerParent != null) { if (xWasLeftChild) { xFormerParent.setLeft(y, dataElement); } else { xFormerParent.setRight(y, dataElement); } } x.setLeft(yFormerLeftChild, dataElement); x.setRight(yFormerRightChild, dataElement); } // Fix children's parent pointers if (x.getLeft(dataElement) != null) { x.getLeft(dataElement).setParent(x, dataElement); } if (x.getRight(dataElement) != null) { x.getRight(dataElement).setParent(x, dataElement); } if (y.getLeft(dataElement) != null) { y.getLeft(dataElement).setParent(y, dataElement); } if (y.getRight(dataElement) != null) { y.getRight(dataElement).setParent(y, dataElement); } x.swapColors(y, dataElement); // Check if root changed if (rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] == x) { rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = y; } else if (rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] == y) { rootNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = x; } } /** * check if an object is fit to be proper input ... has to be * Comparable and non-null * * @param o the object being checked * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * * @throws NullPointerException if o is null * @throws ClassCastException if o is not Comparable */ private static void checkNonNullComparable(final Object o, final DataElement dataElement) { if (o == null) { throw new NullPointerException(dataElement + " cannot be null"); } if (!(o instanceof Comparable)) { throw new ClassCastException(dataElement + " must be Comparable"); } } /** * check a key for validity (non-null and implements Comparable) * * @param key the key to be checked * * @throws NullPointerException if key is null * @throws ClassCastException if key is not Comparable */ private static void checkKey(final Object key) { checkNonNullComparable(key, KEY); } /** * check a value for validity (non-null and implements Comparable) * * @param value the value to be checked * * @throws NullPointerException if value is null * @throws ClassCastException if value is not Comparable */ private static void checkValue(final Object value) { checkNonNullComparable(value, VALUE); } /** * check a key and a value for validity (non-null and implements * Comparable) * * @param key the key to be checked * @param value the value to be checked * * @throws NullPointerException if key or value is null * @throws ClassCastException if key or value is not Comparable */ private static void checkKeyAndValue(final Object key, final Object value) { checkKey(key); checkValue(value); } /** * increment the modification count -- used to check for * concurrent modification of the map through the map and through * an Iterator from one of its Set or Collection views */ private void modify() { modifications++; } /** * bump up the size and note that the map has changed */ private void grow() { modify(); nodeCount++; } /** * decrement the size and note that the map has changed */ private void shrink() { modify(); nodeCount--; } /** * insert a node by its value * * @param newNode the node to be inserted * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the node already exists * in the value mapping */ private void insertValue(final Node<K, V> newNode) throws IllegalArgumentException { Node<K, V> node = rootNode[VALUE.ordinal()]; while (true) { final int cmp = compare(newNode.getValue(), node.getValue()); if (cmp == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot store a duplicate value (\"" + newNode.getData(VALUE) + "\") in this Map"); } else if (cmp < 0) { if (node.getLeft(VALUE) != null) { node = node.getLeft(VALUE); } else { node.setLeft(newNode, VALUE); newNode.setParent(node, VALUE); doRedBlackInsert(newNode, VALUE); break; } } else { // cmp > 0 if (node.getRight(VALUE) != null) { node = node.getRight(VALUE); } else { node.setRight(newNode, VALUE); newNode.setParent(node, VALUE); doRedBlackInsert(newNode, VALUE); break; } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Compares for equals as per the API. * * @param obj the object to compare to * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return true if equal */ private boolean doEquals(final Object obj, final DataElement dataElement) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj instanceof Map == false) { return false; } final Map<?, ?> other = (Map<?, ?>) obj; if (other.size() != size()) { return false; } if (nodeCount > 0) { try { for (final MapIterator<?, ?> it = getMapIterator(dataElement); it.hasNext(); ) { final Object key =; final Object value = it.getValue(); if (value.equals(other.get(key)) == false) { return false; } } } catch (final ClassCastException ex) { return false; } catch (final NullPointerException ex) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Gets the hash code value for this map as per the API. * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the hash code value for this map */ private int doHashCode(final DataElement dataElement) { int total = 0; if (nodeCount > 0) { for (final MapIterator<?, ?> it = getMapIterator(dataElement); it.hasNext(); ) { final Object key =; final Object value = it.getValue(); total += key.hashCode() ^ value.hashCode(); } } return total; } /** * Gets the string form of this map as per AbstractMap. * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the string form of this map */ private String doToString(final DataElement dataElement) { if (nodeCount == 0) { return "{}"; } final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(nodeCount * 32); buf.append('{'); final MapIterator<?, ?> it = getMapIterator(dataElement); boolean hasNext = it.hasNext(); while (hasNext) { final Object key =; final Object value = it.getValue(); buf.append(key == this ? "(this Map)" : key) .append('=') .append(value == this ? "(this Map)" : value); hasNext = it.hasNext(); if (hasNext) { buf.append(", "); } } buf.append('}'); return buf.toString(); } private MapIterator<?, ?> getMapIterator(final DataElement dataElement) { switch (dataElement) { case KEY: return new ViewMapIterator(KEY); case VALUE: return new InverseViewMapIterator(VALUE); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Reads the content of the stream. * * @param stream the input stream * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading from the stream * @throws ClassNotFoundException if an object read from the stream can not be loaded */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // This will fail at runtime if the stream is incorrect private void readObject(final ObjectInputStream stream) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{ stream.defaultReadObject(); rootNode = new Node[2]; final int size = stream.readInt(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++){ final K k =(K) stream.readObject(); final V v =(V) stream.readObject(); put(k, v); } } /** * Writes the content to the stream for serialization. * * @param stream the output stream * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing to the stream */ private void writeObject(final ObjectOutputStream stream) throws IOException{ stream.defaultWriteObject(); stream.writeInt(this.size()); for (final Entry<K, V> entry : entrySet()) { stream.writeObject(entry.getKey()); stream.writeObject(entry.getValue()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A view of this map. */ abstract class View<E> extends AbstractSet<E> { /** Whether to return KEY or VALUE order. */ final DataElement orderType; /** * Constructor. * @param orderType the KEY or VALUE int for the order */ View(final DataElement orderType) { super(); this.orderType = orderType; } @Override public int size() { return TreeBidiMap.this.size(); } @Override public void clear() { TreeBidiMap.this.clear(); } } class KeyView extends View<K> { /** * Create a new TreeBidiMap.KeyView. */ public KeyView(final DataElement orderType) { super(orderType); } @Override public Iterator<K> iterator() { return new ViewMapIterator(orderType); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object obj) { checkNonNullComparable(obj, KEY); return lookupKey(obj) != null; } @Override public boolean remove(final Object o) { return doRemoveKey(o) != null; } } class ValueView extends View<V> { /** * Create a new TreeBidiMap.ValueView. */ public ValueView(final DataElement orderType) { super(orderType); } @Override public Iterator<V> iterator() { return new InverseViewMapIterator(orderType); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object obj) { checkNonNullComparable(obj, VALUE); return lookupValue(obj) != null; } @Override public boolean remove(final Object o) { return doRemoveValue(o) != null; } } /** * A view of this map. */ class EntryView extends View<Map.Entry<K, V>> { EntryView() { super(KEY); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Map.Entry == false) { return false; } final Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) obj; final Object value = entry.getValue(); final Node<K, V> node = lookupKey(entry.getKey()); return node != null && node.getValue().equals(value); } @Override public boolean remove(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Map.Entry == false) { return false; } final Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) obj; final Object value = entry.getValue(); final Node<K, V> node = lookupKey(entry.getKey()); if (node != null && node.getValue().equals(value)) { doRedBlackDelete(node); return true; } return false; } @Override public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator() { return new ViewMapEntryIterator(); } } /** * A view of this map. */ class InverseEntryView extends View<Map.Entry<V, K>> { InverseEntryView() { super(VALUE); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Map.Entry == false) { return false; } final Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) obj; final Object value = entry.getValue(); final Node<K, V> node = lookupValue(entry.getKey()); return node != null && node.getKey().equals(value); } @Override public boolean remove(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Map.Entry == false) { return false; } final Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) obj; final Object value = entry.getValue(); final Node<K, V> node = lookupValue(entry.getKey()); if (node != null && node.getKey().equals(value)) { doRedBlackDelete(node); return true; } return false; } @Override public Iterator<Map.Entry<V, K>> iterator() { return new InverseViewMapEntryIterator(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * An iterator over the map. */ abstract class ViewIterator { /** Whether to return KEY or VALUE order. */ private final DataElement orderType; /** The last node returned by the iterator. */ Node<K, V> lastReturnedNode; /** The next node to be returned by the iterator. */ private Node<K, V> nextNode; /** The previous node in the sequence returned by the iterator. */ private Node<K, V> previousNode; /** The modification count. */ private int expectedModifications; /** * Constructor. * @param orderType the KEY or VALUE int for the order */ ViewIterator(final DataElement orderType) { super(); this.orderType = orderType; expectedModifications = modifications; nextNode = leastNode(rootNode[orderType.ordinal()], orderType); lastReturnedNode = null; previousNode = null; } public final boolean hasNext() { return nextNode != null; } protected Node<K, V> navigateNext() { if (nextNode == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } if (modifications != expectedModifications) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } lastReturnedNode = nextNode; previousNode = nextNode; nextNode = nextGreater(nextNode, orderType); return lastReturnedNode; } public boolean hasPrevious() { return previousNode != null; } protected Node<K, V> navigatePrevious() { if (previousNode == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } if (modifications != expectedModifications) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } nextNode = lastReturnedNode; if (nextNode == null) { nextNode = nextGreater(previousNode, orderType); } lastReturnedNode = previousNode; previousNode = nextSmaller(previousNode, orderType); return lastReturnedNode; } public final void remove() { if (lastReturnedNode == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (modifications != expectedModifications) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } doRedBlackDelete(lastReturnedNode); expectedModifications++; lastReturnedNode = null; if (nextNode == null) { previousNode = greatestNode(rootNode[orderType.ordinal()], orderType); } else { previousNode = nextSmaller(nextNode, orderType); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * An iterator over the map. */ class ViewMapIterator extends ViewIterator implements OrderedMapIterator<K, V> { /** * Constructor. */ ViewMapIterator(final DataElement orderType) { super(orderType); } @Override public K getKey() { if (lastReturnedNode == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Iterator getKey() can only be called after next() and before remove()"); } return lastReturnedNode.getKey(); } @Override public V getValue() { if (lastReturnedNode == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Iterator getValue() can only be called after next() and before remove()"); } return lastReturnedNode.getValue(); } @Override public V setValue(final V obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public K next() { return navigateNext().getKey(); } @Override public K previous() { return navigatePrevious().getKey(); } } /** * An iterator over the map. */ class InverseViewMapIterator extends ViewIterator implements OrderedMapIterator<V, K> { /** * Create a new TreeBidiMap.InverseViewMapIterator. */ public InverseViewMapIterator(final DataElement orderType) { super(orderType); } @Override public V getKey() { if (lastReturnedNode == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Iterator getKey() can only be called after next() and before remove()"); } return lastReturnedNode.getValue(); } @Override public K getValue() { if (lastReturnedNode == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Iterator getValue() can only be called after next() and before remove()"); } return lastReturnedNode.getKey(); } @Override public K setValue(final K obj) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public V next() { return navigateNext().getValue(); } @Override public V previous() { return navigatePrevious().getValue(); } } /** * An iterator over the map entries. */ class ViewMapEntryIterator extends ViewIterator implements OrderedIterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> { /** * Constructor. */ ViewMapEntryIterator() { super(KEY); } @Override public Map.Entry<K, V> next() { return navigateNext(); } @Override public Map.Entry<K, V> previous() { return navigatePrevious(); } } /** * An iterator over the inverse map entries. */ class InverseViewMapEntryIterator extends ViewIterator implements OrderedIterator<Map.Entry<V, K>> { /** * Constructor. */ InverseViewMapEntryIterator() { super(VALUE); } @Override public Map.Entry<V, K> next() { return createEntry(navigateNext()); } @Override public Map.Entry<V, K> previous() { return createEntry(navigatePrevious()); } private Map.Entry<V, K> createEntry(final Node<K, V> node) { return new UnmodifiableMapEntry<>(node.getValue(), node.getKey()); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A node used to store the data. */ static class Node<K extends Comparable<K>, V extends Comparable<V>> implements Map.Entry<K, V>, KeyValue<K, V> { private final K key; private final V value; private final Node<K, V>[] leftNode; private final Node<K, V>[] rightNode; private final Node<K, V>[] parentNode; private final boolean[] blackColor; private int hashcodeValue; private boolean calculatedHashCode; /** * Make a new cell with given key and value, and with null * links, and black (true) colors. * * @param key the key of this node * @param value the value of this node */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Node(final K key, final V value) { super(); this.key = key; this.value = value; leftNode = new Node[2]; rightNode = new Node[2]; parentNode = new Node[2]; blackColor = new boolean[] { true, true }; calculatedHashCode = false; } private Object getData(final DataElement dataElement) { switch (dataElement) { case KEY: return getKey(); case VALUE: return getValue(); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } private void setLeft(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { leftNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = node; } private Node<K, V> getLeft(final DataElement dataElement) { return leftNode[dataElement.ordinal()]; } private void setRight(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { rightNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = node; } private Node<K, V> getRight(final DataElement dataElement) { return rightNode[dataElement.ordinal()]; } /** * Set this node's parent node. * * @param node the new parent node * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void setParent(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { parentNode[dataElement.ordinal()] = node; } /** * Get the parent node. * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return the parent node, may be null */ private Node<K, V> getParent(final DataElement dataElement) { return parentNode[dataElement.ordinal()]; } /** * Exchange colors with another node. * * @param node the node to swap with * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void swapColors(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { // Swap colors -- old hacker's trick blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()] ^= node.blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()]; node.blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()] ^= blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()]; blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()] ^= node.blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()]; } /** * Is this node black? * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return true if black (which is represented as a true boolean) */ private boolean isBlack(final DataElement dataElement) { return blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()]; } /** * Is this node red? * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. * @return true if non-black */ private boolean isRed(final DataElement dataElement) { return !blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()]; } /** * Make this node black. * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void setBlack(final DataElement dataElement) { blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()] = true; } /** * Make this node red. * * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void setRed(final DataElement dataElement) { blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()] = false; } /** * Make this node the same color as another * * @param node the node whose color we're adopting * @param dataElement either {@link DataElement#KEY} key} * or the {@link DataElement#VALUE value}. */ private void copyColor(final Node<K, V> node, final DataElement dataElement) { blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()] = node.blackColor[dataElement.ordinal()]; } private boolean isLeftChild(final DataElement dataElement) { return parentNode[dataElement.ordinal()] != null && parentNode[dataElement.ordinal()].leftNode[dataElement.ordinal()] == this; } private boolean isRightChild(final DataElement dataElement) { return parentNode[dataElement.ordinal()] != null && parentNode[dataElement.ordinal()].rightNode[dataElement.ordinal()] == this; } //------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Gets the key. * * @return the key corresponding to this entry. */ @Override public K getKey() { return key; } /** * Gets the value. * * @return the value corresponding to this entry. */ @Override public V getValue() { return value; } /** * Optional operation that is not permitted in this implementation * * @param ignored this parameter is ignored. * @return does not return * @throws UnsupportedOperationException always */ @Override public V setValue(final V ignored) throws UnsupportedOperationException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Map.Entry.setValue is not supported"); } /** * Compares the specified object with this entry for equality. * Returns true if the given object is also a map entry and * the two entries represent the same mapping. * * @param obj the object to be compared for equality with this entry. * @return true if the specified object is equal to this entry. */ @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Map.Entry)) { return false; } final Map.Entry<?, ?> e = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) obj; return getKey().equals(e.getKey()) && getValue().equals(e.getValue()); } /** * @return the hash code value for this map entry. */ @Override public int hashCode() { if (!calculatedHashCode) { hashcodeValue = getKey().hashCode() ^ getValue().hashCode(); calculatedHashCode = true; } return hashcodeValue; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The inverse map implementation. */ class Inverse implements OrderedBidiMap<V, K> { /** Store the keySet once created. */ private Set<V> inverseKeySet; /** Store the valuesSet once created. */ private Set<K> inverseValuesSet; /** Store the entrySet once created. */ private Set<Map.Entry<V, K>> inverseEntrySet; @Override public int size() { return TreeBidiMap.this.size(); } @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return TreeBidiMap.this.isEmpty(); } @Override public K get(final Object key) { return TreeBidiMap.this.getKey(key); } @Override public V getKey(final Object value) { return TreeBidiMap.this.get(value); } @Override public boolean containsKey(final Object key) { return TreeBidiMap.this.containsValue(key); } @Override public boolean containsValue(final Object value) { return TreeBidiMap.this.containsKey(value); } @Override public V firstKey() { if (TreeBidiMap.this.nodeCount == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Map is empty"); } return leastNode(TreeBidiMap.this.rootNode[VALUE.ordinal()], VALUE).getValue(); } @Override public V lastKey() { if (TreeBidiMap.this.nodeCount == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException("Map is empty"); } return greatestNode(TreeBidiMap.this.rootNode[VALUE.ordinal()], VALUE).getValue(); } @Override public V nextKey(final V key) { checkKey(key); final Node<K, V> node = nextGreater(TreeBidiMap.this.<V>lookup(key, VALUE), VALUE); return node == null ? null : node.getValue(); } @Override public V previousKey(final V key) { checkKey(key); final Node<K, V> node = TreeBidiMap.this.nextSmaller(TreeBidiMap.this.<V>lookup(key, VALUE), VALUE); return node == null ? null : node.getValue(); } @Override public K put(final V key, final K value) { final K result = get(key); TreeBidiMap.this.doPut(value, key); return result; } @Override public void putAll(final Map<? extends V, ? extends K> map) { for (final Map.Entry<? extends V, ? extends K> e : map.entrySet()) { put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } @Override public K remove(final Object key) { return TreeBidiMap.this.removeValue(key); } @Override public V removeValue(final Object value) { return TreeBidiMap.this.remove(value); } @Override public void clear() { TreeBidiMap.this.clear(); } @Override public Set<V> keySet() { if (inverseKeySet == null) { inverseKeySet = new ValueView(VALUE); } return inverseKeySet; } @Override public Set<K> values() { if (inverseValuesSet == null) { inverseValuesSet = new KeyView(VALUE); } return inverseValuesSet; } @Override public Set<Map.Entry<V, K>> entrySet() { if (inverseEntrySet == null) { inverseEntrySet = new InverseEntryView(); } return inverseEntrySet; } @Override public OrderedMapIterator<V, K> mapIterator() { if (isEmpty()) { return EmptyOrderedMapIterator.<V, K>emptyOrderedMapIterator(); } return new InverseViewMapIterator(VALUE); } @Override public OrderedBidiMap<K, V> inverseBidiMap() { return TreeBidiMap.this; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { return TreeBidiMap.this.doEquals(obj, DataElement.VALUE); } @Override public int hashCode() { return TreeBidiMap.this.doHashCode(DataElement.VALUE); } @Override public String toString() { return TreeBidiMap.this.doToString(DataElement.VALUE); } } }
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