maven-model-builder-3.5.4.jar - Model Builder Module

maven-model-builder-3.5.4.jar is the JAR file for Apache Maven 3.5.4 Model Builder module. Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

File: 2018-06-17 19:31        177426  lib\maven-model-builder-3.5.4.jar
Download: Apache Maven Website



package org.apache.maven.model.interpolation;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

import org.apache.maven.model.Model;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelBuildingRequest;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblem.Severity;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblem.Version;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblemCollector;
import org.apache.maven.model.building.ModelProblemCollectorRequest;
import org.codehaus.plexus.component.annotations.Component;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.InterpolationPostProcessor;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.Interpolator;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.StringSearchInterpolator;
import org.codehaus.plexus.interpolation.ValueSource;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

 * StringSearchModelInterpolator
@Component( role = ModelInterpolator.class )
public class StringSearchModelInterpolator
    extends AbstractStringBasedModelInterpolator

    private static final Map<Class<?>, InterpolateObjectAction.CacheItem> CACHED_ENTRIES =
        new ConcurrentHashMap<>( 80, 0.75f, 2 );
    // Empirical data from 3.x, actual =40

    public Model interpolateModel( Model model, File projectDir, ModelBuildingRequest config,
                                   ModelProblemCollector problems )
        interpolateObject( model, model, projectDir, config, problems );

        return model;

    protected void interpolateObject( Object obj, Model model, File projectDir, ModelBuildingRequest config,
                                      ModelProblemCollector problems )
            List<? extends ValueSource> valueSources = createValueSources( model, projectDir, config, problems );
            List<? extends InterpolationPostProcessor> postProcessors =
                createPostProcessors( model, projectDir, config );

            InterpolateObjectAction action =
                new InterpolateObjectAction( obj, valueSources, postProcessors, this, problems );

            AccessController.doPrivileged( action );

    protected Interpolator createInterpolator()
        StringSearchInterpolator interpolator = new StringSearchInterpolator();
        interpolator.setCacheAnswers( true );

        return interpolator;

    private static final class InterpolateObjectAction
        implements PrivilegedAction<Object>

        private final LinkedList<Object> interpolationTargets;

        private final StringSearchModelInterpolator modelInterpolator;

        private final List<? extends ValueSource> valueSources;

        private final List<? extends InterpolationPostProcessor> postProcessors;

        private final ModelProblemCollector problems;

        InterpolateObjectAction( Object target, List<? extends ValueSource> valueSources,
                                 List<? extends InterpolationPostProcessor> postProcessors,
                                 StringSearchModelInterpolator modelInterpolator, ModelProblemCollector problems )
            this.valueSources = valueSources;
            this.postProcessors = postProcessors;

            this.interpolationTargets = new LinkedList<>();
            interpolationTargets.add( target );

            this.modelInterpolator = modelInterpolator;

            this.problems = problems;

        public Object run()
            while ( !interpolationTargets.isEmpty() )
                Object obj = interpolationTargets.removeFirst();

                traverseObjectWithParents( obj.getClass(), obj );

            return null;

        private String interpolate( String value )
            return modelInterpolator.interpolateInternal( value, valueSources, postProcessors, problems );

        private void traverseObjectWithParents( Class<?> cls, Object target )
            if ( cls == null )

            CacheItem cacheEntry = getCacheEntry( cls );
            if ( cacheEntry.isArray() )
                evaluateArray( target, this );
            else if ( cacheEntry.isQualifiedForInterpolation )
                cacheEntry.interpolate( target, this );

                traverseObjectWithParents( cls.getSuperclass(), target );

        private CacheItem getCacheEntry( Class<?> cls )
            CacheItem cacheItem = CACHED_ENTRIES.get( cls );
            if ( cacheItem == null )
                cacheItem = new CacheItem( cls );
                CACHED_ENTRIES.put( cls, cacheItem );
            return cacheItem;

        private static void evaluateArray( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction ctx )
            int len = Array.getLength( target );
            for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ )
                Object value = Array.get( target, i );
                if ( value != null )
                    if ( String.class == value.getClass() )
                        String interpolated = ctx.interpolate( (String) value );

                        if ( !interpolated.equals( value ) )
                            Array.set( target, i, interpolated );
                        ctx.interpolationTargets.add( value );

        private static class CacheItem
            private final boolean isArray;

            private final boolean isQualifiedForInterpolation;

            private final CacheField[] fields;

            private boolean isQualifiedForInterpolation( Class<?> cls )
                return !cls.getName().startsWith( "java" );

            private boolean isQualifiedForInterpolation( Field field, Class<?> fieldType )
                if ( Map.class.equals( fieldType ) && "locations".equals( field.getName() ) )
                    return false;

                //noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement
                if ( fieldType.isPrimitive() )
                    return false;

                return !"parent".equals( field.getName() );

            CacheItem( Class clazz )
                this.isQualifiedForInterpolation = isQualifiedForInterpolation( clazz );
                this.isArray = clazz.isArray();
                List<CacheField> fields = new ArrayList<>();
                for ( Field currentField : clazz.getDeclaredFields() )
                    Class<?> type = currentField.getType();
                    if ( isQualifiedForInterpolation( currentField, type ) )
                        if ( String.class == type )
                            if ( !Modifier.isFinal( currentField.getModifiers() ) )
                                fields.add( new StringField( currentField ) );
                        else if ( List.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) )
                            fields.add( new ListField( currentField ) );
                        else if ( Collection.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) )
                            throw new RuntimeException( "We dont interpolate into collections, use a list instead" );
                        else if ( Map.class.isAssignableFrom( type ) )
                            fields.add( new MapField( currentField ) );
                            fields.add( new ObjectField( currentField ) );

                this.fields = fields.toArray( new CacheField[fields.size()] );


            public void interpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction interpolateObjectAction )
                for ( CacheField field : fields )
                    field.interpolate( target, interpolateObjectAction );

            public boolean isArray()
                return isArray;

        abstract static class CacheField
            protected final Field field;

            CacheField( Field field )
                this.field = field;

            void interpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction interpolateObjectAction )
                synchronized ( field )
                    boolean isAccessible = field.isAccessible();
                    field.setAccessible( true );
                        doInterpolate( target, interpolateObjectAction );
                    catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
                            new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE ).setMessage(
                                "Failed to interpolate field3: " + field + " on class: "
                                    + field.getType().getName() ).setException(
                                e ) ); // TODO Not entirely the same message
                    catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                            new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE ).setMessage(
                                "Failed to interpolate field4: " + field + " on class: "
                                    + field.getType().getName() ).setException( e ) );
                        field.setAccessible( isAccessible );


            abstract void doInterpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction ctx )
                throws IllegalAccessException;

        static final class StringField
            extends CacheField
            StringField( Field field )
                super( field );

            void doInterpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction ctx )
                throws IllegalAccessException
                String value = (String) field.get( target );
                if ( value == null )

                String interpolated = ctx.interpolate( value );

                if ( !interpolated.equals( value ) )
                    field.set( target, interpolated );

        static final class ListField
            extends CacheField
            ListField( Field field )
                super( field );

            void doInterpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction ctx )
                throws IllegalAccessException
                @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) List<Object> c = (List<Object>) field.get( target );
                if ( c == null )

                int size = c.size();
                Object value;
                for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )

                    value = c.get( i );

                    if ( value != null )
                        if ( String.class == value.getClass() )
                            String interpolated = ctx.interpolate( (String) value );

                            if ( !interpolated.equals( value ) )
                                    c.set( i, interpolated );
                                catch ( UnsupportedOperationException e )
                            if ( value.getClass().isArray() )
                                evaluateArray( value, ctx );
                                ctx.interpolationTargets.add( value );

        static final class MapField
            extends CacheField
            MapField( Field field )
                super( field );

            void doInterpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction ctx )
                throws IllegalAccessException
                @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) Map<Object, Object> m = (Map<Object, Object>) field.get( target );
                if ( m == null || m.isEmpty() )

                for ( Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : m.entrySet() )
                    Object value = entry.getValue();

                    if ( value == null )

                    if ( String.class == value.getClass() )
                        String interpolated = ctx.interpolate( (String) value );

                        if ( !interpolated.equals( value ) )
                                entry.setValue( interpolated );
                            catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ignore )
                                // nop
                    else if ( value.getClass().isArray() )
                        evaluateArray( value, ctx );
                        ctx.interpolationTargets.add( value );

        static final class ObjectField
            extends CacheField
            private final boolean isArray;

            ObjectField( Field field )
                super( field );
                this.isArray = field.getType().isArray();

            void doInterpolate( Object target, InterpolateObjectAction ctx )
                throws IllegalAccessException
                Object value = field.get( target );
                if ( value != null )
                    if ( isArray )
                        evaluateArray( value, ctx );
                        ctx.interpolationTargets.add( value );




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name:
File size: 146807 bytes
Release date: 2018-06-17


Using Apache Maven

maven-settings-builder-3.5.4.jar - Maven Settings Builder Module

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