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Apache ZooKeeper 3.7.0 Server Source Code
Apache ZooKeeper is an open-source server which enables highly
reliable distributed coordination.
Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code files are provided in the source packge (apache-zookeeper-3.7.0.tar.gz). You can download it at Apache ZooKeeper Website.
You can also browse Apache ZooKeeper Server Source Code below:
⏎ org/apache/zookeeper/server/
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.zookeeper.server; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey; import java.nio.channels.Selector; import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * NIOServerCnxnFactory implements a multi-threaded ServerCnxnFactory using * NIO non-blocking socket calls. Communication between threads is handled via * queues. * * - 1 accept thread, which accepts new connections and assigns to a * selector thread * - 1-N selector threads, each of which selects on 1/N of the connections. * The reason the factory supports more than one selector thread is that * with large numbers of connections, select() itself can become a * performance bottleneck. * - 0-M socket I/O worker threads, which perform basic socket reads and * writes. If configured with 0 worker threads, the selector threads * do the socket I/O directly. * - 1 connection expiration thread, which closes idle connections; this is * necessary to expire connections on which no session is established. * * Typical (default) thread counts are: on a 32 core machine, 1 accept thread, * 1 connection expiration thread, 4 selector threads, and 64 worker threads. */ public class NIOServerCnxnFactory extends ServerCnxnFactory { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NIOServerCnxnFactory.class); /** Default sessionless connection timeout in ms: 10000 (10s) */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_NIO_SESSIONLESS_CNXN_TIMEOUT = "zookeeper.nio.sessionlessCnxnTimeout"; /** * With 500 connections to an observer with watchers firing on each, is * unable to exceed 1GigE rates with only 1 selector. * Defaults to using 2 selector threads with 8 cores and 4 with 32 cores. * Expressed as sqrt(numCores/2). Must have at least 1 selector thread. */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_NIO_NUM_SELECTOR_THREADS = "zookeeper.nio.numSelectorThreads"; /** Default: 2 * numCores */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_NIO_NUM_WORKER_THREADS = "zookeeper.nio.numWorkerThreads"; /** Default: 64kB */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_NIO_DIRECT_BUFFER_BYTES = "zookeeper.nio.directBufferBytes"; /** Default worker pool shutdown timeout in ms: 5000 (5s) */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER_NIO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = "zookeeper.nio.shutdownTimeout"; static { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler((t, e) -> LOG.error("Thread {} died", t, e)); /** * Value of 0 disables use of direct buffers and instead uses * gathered write call. * * Default to using 64k direct buffers. */ directBufferBytes = Integer.getInteger(ZOOKEEPER_NIO_DIRECT_BUFFER_BYTES, 64 * 1024); } /** * AbstractSelectThread is an abstract base class containing a few bits * of code shared by the AcceptThread (which selects on the listen socket) * and SelectorThread (which selects on client connections) classes. */ private abstract class AbstractSelectThread extends ZooKeeperThread { protected final Selector selector; public AbstractSelectThread(String name) throws IOException { super(name); // Allows the JVM to shutdown even if this thread is still running. setDaemon(true); this.selector =; } public void wakeupSelector() { selector.wakeup(); } /** * Close the selector. This should be called when the thread is about to * exit and no operation is going to be performed on the Selector or * SelectionKey */ protected void closeSelector() { try { selector.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("ignored exception during selector close.", e); } } protected void cleanupSelectionKey(SelectionKey key) { if (key != null) { try { key.cancel(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.debug("ignoring exception during selectionkey cancel", ex); } } } protected void fastCloseSock(SocketChannel sc) { if (sc != null) { try { // Hard close immediately, discarding buffers sc.socket().setSoLinger(true, 0); } catch (SocketException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to set socket linger to 0, socket close may stall in CLOSE_WAIT", e); } NIOServerCnxn.closeSock(sc); } } } /** * There is a single AcceptThread which accepts new connections and assigns * them to a SelectorThread using a simple round-robin scheme to spread * them across the SelectorThreads. It enforces maximum number of * connections per IP and attempts to cope with running out of file * descriptors by briefly sleeping before retrying. */ private class AcceptThread extends AbstractSelectThread { private final ServerSocketChannel acceptSocket; private final SelectionKey acceptKey; private final RateLogger acceptErrorLogger = new RateLogger(LOG); private final Collection<SelectorThread> selectorThreads; private Iterator<SelectorThread> selectorIterator; private volatile boolean reconfiguring = false; public AcceptThread(ServerSocketChannel ss, InetSocketAddress addr, Set<SelectorThread> selectorThreads) throws IOException { super("NIOServerCxnFactory.AcceptThread:" + addr); this.acceptSocket = ss; this.acceptKey = acceptSocket.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); this.selectorThreads = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<SelectorThread>(selectorThreads)); selectorIterator = this.selectorThreads.iterator(); } public void run() { try { while (!stopped && !acceptSocket.socket().isClosed()) { try { select(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected runtime exception", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected exception", e); } } } finally { closeSelector(); // This will wake up the selector threads, and tell the // worker thread pool to begin shutdown. if (!reconfiguring) { NIOServerCnxnFactory.this.stop(); }"accept thread exitted run method"); } } public void setReconfiguring() { reconfiguring = true; } private void select() { try {; Iterator<SelectionKey> selectedKeys = selector.selectedKeys().iterator(); while (!stopped && selectedKeys.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; selectedKeys.remove(); if (!key.isValid()) { continue; } if (key.isAcceptable()) { if (!doAccept()) { // If unable to pull a new connection off the accept // queue, pause accepting to give us time to free // up file descriptors and so the accept thread // doesn't spin in a tight loop. pauseAccept(10); } } else { LOG.warn("Unexpected ops in accept select {}", key.readyOps()); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring IOException while selecting", e); } } /** * Mask off the listen socket interest ops and use select() to sleep * so that other threads can wake us up by calling wakeup() on the * selector. */ private void pauseAccept(long millisecs) { acceptKey.interestOps(0); try {; } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } finally { acceptKey.interestOps(SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); } } /** * Accept new socket connections. Enforces maximum number of connections * per client IP address. Round-robin assigns to selector thread for * handling. Returns whether pulled a connection off the accept queue * or not. If encounters an error attempts to fast close the socket. * * @return whether was able to accept a connection or not */ private boolean doAccept() { boolean accepted = false; SocketChannel sc = null; try { sc = acceptSocket.accept(); accepted = true; if (limitTotalNumberOfCnxns()) { throw new IOException("Too many connections max allowed is " + maxCnxns); } InetAddress ia = sc.socket().getInetAddress(); int cnxncount = getClientCnxnCount(ia); if (maxClientCnxns > 0 && cnxncount >= maxClientCnxns) { throw new IOException("Too many connections from " + ia + " - max is " + maxClientCnxns); } LOG.debug("Accepted socket connection from {}", sc.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress()); sc.configureBlocking(false); // Round-robin assign this connection to a selector thread if (!selectorIterator.hasNext()) { selectorIterator = selectorThreads.iterator(); } SelectorThread selectorThread =; if (!selectorThread.addAcceptedConnection(sc)) { throw new IOException("Unable to add connection to selector queue" + (stopped ? " (shutdown in progress)" : "")); } acceptErrorLogger.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { // accept, maxClientCnxns, configureBlocking ServerMetrics.getMetrics().CONNECTION_REJECTED.add(1); acceptErrorLogger.rateLimitLog("Error accepting new connection: " + e.getMessage()); fastCloseSock(sc); } return accepted; } } /** * The SelectorThread receives newly accepted connections from the * AcceptThread and is responsible for selecting for I/O readiness * across the connections. This thread is the only thread that performs * any non-threadsafe or potentially blocking calls on the selector * (registering new connections and reading/writing interest ops). * * Assignment of a connection to a SelectorThread is permanent and only * one SelectorThread will ever interact with the connection. There are * 1-N SelectorThreads, with connections evenly apportioned between the * SelectorThreads. * * If there is a worker thread pool, when a connection has I/O to perform * the SelectorThread removes it from selection by clearing its interest * ops and schedules the I/O for processing by a worker thread. When the * work is complete, the connection is placed on the ready queue to have * its interest ops restored and resume selection. * * If there is no worker thread pool, the SelectorThread performs the I/O * directly. */ public class SelectorThread extends AbstractSelectThread { private final int id; private final Queue<SocketChannel> acceptedQueue; private final Queue<SelectionKey> updateQueue; public SelectorThread(int id) throws IOException { super("NIOServerCxnFactory.SelectorThread-" + id); = id; acceptedQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<SocketChannel>(); updateQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<SelectionKey>(); } /** * Place new accepted connection onto a queue for adding. Do this * so only the selector thread modifies what keys are registered * with the selector. */ public boolean addAcceptedConnection(SocketChannel accepted) { if (stopped || !acceptedQueue.offer(accepted)) { return false; } wakeupSelector(); return true; } /** * Place interest op update requests onto a queue so that only the * selector thread modifies interest ops, because interest ops * reads/sets are potentially blocking operations if other select * operations are happening. */ public boolean addInterestOpsUpdateRequest(SelectionKey sk) { if (stopped || !updateQueue.offer(sk)) { return false; } wakeupSelector(); return true; } /** * The main loop for the thread selects() on the connections and * dispatches ready I/O work requests, then registers all pending * newly accepted connections and updates any interest ops on the * queue. */ public void run() { try { while (!stopped) { try { select(); processAcceptedConnections(); processInterestOpsUpdateRequests(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected runtime exception", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected exception", e); } } // Close connections still pending on the selector. Any others // with in-flight work, let drain out of the work queue. for (SelectionKey key : selector.keys()) { NIOServerCnxn cnxn = (NIOServerCnxn) key.attachment(); if (cnxn.isSelectable()) { cnxn.close(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason.SERVER_SHUTDOWN); } cleanupSelectionKey(key); } SocketChannel accepted; while ((accepted = acceptedQueue.poll()) != null) { fastCloseSock(accepted); } updateQueue.clear(); } finally { closeSelector(); // This will wake up the accept thread and the other selector // threads, and tell the worker thread pool to begin shutdown. NIOServerCnxnFactory.this.stop();"selector thread exitted run method"); } } private void select() { try {; Set<SelectionKey> selected = selector.selectedKeys(); ArrayList<SelectionKey> selectedList = new ArrayList<SelectionKey>(selected); Collections.shuffle(selectedList); Iterator<SelectionKey> selectedKeys = selectedList.iterator(); while (!stopped && selectedKeys.hasNext()) { SelectionKey key =; selected.remove(key); if (!key.isValid()) { cleanupSelectionKey(key); continue; } if (key.isReadable() || key.isWritable()) { handleIO(key); } else { LOG.warn("Unexpected ops in select {}", key.readyOps()); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring IOException while selecting", e); } } /** * Schedule I/O for processing on the connection associated with * the given SelectionKey. If a worker thread pool is not being used, * I/O is run directly by this thread. */ private void handleIO(SelectionKey key) { IOWorkRequest workRequest = new IOWorkRequest(this, key); NIOServerCnxn cnxn = (NIOServerCnxn) key.attachment(); // Stop selecting this key while processing on its // connection cnxn.disableSelectable(); key.interestOps(0); touchCnxn(cnxn); workerPool.schedule(workRequest); } /** * Iterate over the queue of accepted connections that have been * assigned to this thread but not yet placed on the selector. */ private void processAcceptedConnections() { SocketChannel accepted; while (!stopped && (accepted = acceptedQueue.poll()) != null) { SelectionKey key = null; try { key = accepted.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ); NIOServerCnxn cnxn = createConnection(accepted, key, this); key.attach(cnxn); addCnxn(cnxn); } catch (IOException e) { // register, createConnection cleanupSelectionKey(key); fastCloseSock(accepted); } } } /** * Iterate over the queue of connections ready to resume selection, * and restore their interest ops selection mask. */ private void processInterestOpsUpdateRequests() { SelectionKey key; while (!stopped && (key = updateQueue.poll()) != null) { if (!key.isValid()) { cleanupSelectionKey(key); } NIOServerCnxn cnxn = (NIOServerCnxn) key.attachment(); if (cnxn.isSelectable()) { key.interestOps(cnxn.getInterestOps()); } } } } /** * IOWorkRequest is a small wrapper class to allow doIO() calls to be * run on a connection using a WorkerService. */ private class IOWorkRequest extends WorkerService.WorkRequest { private final SelectorThread selectorThread; private final SelectionKey key; private final NIOServerCnxn cnxn; IOWorkRequest(SelectorThread selectorThread, SelectionKey key) { this.selectorThread = selectorThread; this.key = key; this.cnxn = (NIOServerCnxn) key.attachment(); } public void doWork() throws InterruptedException { if (!key.isValid()) { selectorThread.cleanupSelectionKey(key); return; } if (key.isReadable() || key.isWritable()) { cnxn.doIO(key); // Check if we shutdown or doIO() closed this connection if (stopped) { cnxn.close(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason.SERVER_SHUTDOWN); return; } if (!key.isValid()) { selectorThread.cleanupSelectionKey(key); return; } touchCnxn(cnxn); } // Mark this connection as once again ready for selection cnxn.enableSelectable(); // Push an update request on the queue to resume selecting // on the current set of interest ops, which may have changed // as a result of the I/O operations we just performed. if (!selectorThread.addInterestOpsUpdateRequest(key)) { cnxn.close(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason.CONNECTION_MODE_CHANGED); } } @Override public void cleanup() { cnxn.close(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason.CLEAN_UP); } } /** * This thread is responsible for closing stale connections so that * connections on which no session is established are properly expired. */ private class ConnectionExpirerThread extends ZooKeeperThread { ConnectionExpirerThread() { super("ConnnectionExpirer"); } public void run() { try { while (!stopped) { long waitTime = cnxnExpiryQueue.getWaitTime(); if (waitTime > 0) { Thread.sleep(waitTime); continue; } for (NIOServerCnxn conn : cnxnExpiryQueue.poll()) { ServerMetrics.getMetrics().SESSIONLESS_CONNECTIONS_EXPIRED.add(1); conn.close(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason.CONNECTION_EXPIRED); } } } catch (InterruptedException e) {"ConnnectionExpirerThread interrupted"); } } } ServerSocketChannel ss; /** * We use this buffer to do efficient socket I/O. Because I/O is handled * by the worker threads (or the selector threads directly, if no worker * thread pool is created), we can create a fixed set of these to be * shared by connections. */ private static final ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer> directBuffer = new ThreadLocal<ByteBuffer>() { @Override protected ByteBuffer initialValue() { return ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(directBufferBytes); } }; public static ByteBuffer getDirectBuffer() { return directBufferBytes > 0 ? directBuffer.get() : null; } // ipMap is used to limit connections per IP private final ConcurrentHashMap<InetAddress, Set<NIOServerCnxn>> ipMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<InetAddress, Set<NIOServerCnxn>>(); protected int maxClientCnxns = 60; int listenBacklog = -1; int sessionlessCnxnTimeout; private ExpiryQueue<NIOServerCnxn> cnxnExpiryQueue; protected WorkerService workerPool; private static int directBufferBytes; private int numSelectorThreads; private int numWorkerThreads; private long workerShutdownTimeoutMS; /** * Construct a new server connection factory which will accept an unlimited number * of concurrent connections from each client (up to the file descriptor * limits of the operating system). startup(zks) must be called subsequently. */ public NIOServerCnxnFactory() { } private volatile boolean stopped = true; private ConnectionExpirerThread expirerThread; private AcceptThread acceptThread; private final Set<SelectorThread> selectorThreads = new HashSet<SelectorThread>(); @Override public void configure(InetSocketAddress addr, int maxcc, int backlog, boolean secure) throws IOException { if (secure) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("SSL isn't supported in NIOServerCnxn"); } configureSaslLogin(); maxClientCnxns = maxcc; initMaxCnxns(); sessionlessCnxnTimeout = Integer.getInteger(ZOOKEEPER_NIO_SESSIONLESS_CNXN_TIMEOUT, 10000); // We also use the sessionlessCnxnTimeout as expiring interval for // cnxnExpiryQueue. These don't need to be the same, but the expiring // interval passed into the ExpiryQueue() constructor below should be // less than or equal to the timeout. cnxnExpiryQueue = new ExpiryQueue<NIOServerCnxn>(sessionlessCnxnTimeout); expirerThread = new ConnectionExpirerThread(); int numCores = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); // 32 cores sweet spot seems to be 4 selector threads numSelectorThreads = Integer.getInteger( ZOOKEEPER_NIO_NUM_SELECTOR_THREADS, Math.max((int) Math.sqrt((float) numCores / 2), 1)); if (numSelectorThreads < 1) { throw new IOException("numSelectorThreads must be at least 1"); } numWorkerThreads = Integer.getInteger(ZOOKEEPER_NIO_NUM_WORKER_THREADS, 2 * numCores); workerShutdownTimeoutMS = Long.getLong(ZOOKEEPER_NIO_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, 5000); String logMsg = "Configuring NIO connection handler with " + (sessionlessCnxnTimeout / 1000) + "s sessionless connection timeout, " + numSelectorThreads + " selector thread(s), " + (numWorkerThreads > 0 ? numWorkerThreads : "no") + " worker threads, and " + (directBufferBytes == 0 ? "gathered writes." : ("" + (directBufferBytes / 1024) + " kB direct buffers."));; for (int i = 0; i < numSelectorThreads; ++i) { selectorThreads.add(new SelectorThread(i)); } listenBacklog = backlog; =; ss.socket().setReuseAddress(true);"binding to port {}", addr); if (listenBacklog == -1) { ss.socket().bind(addr); } else { ss.socket().bind(addr, listenBacklog); } ss.configureBlocking(false); acceptThread = new AcceptThread(ss, addr, selectorThreads); } private void tryClose(ServerSocketChannel s) { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException sse) { LOG.error("Error while closing server socket.", sse); } } @Override public void reconfigure(InetSocketAddress addr) { ServerSocketChannel oldSS = ss; try { acceptThread.setReconfiguring(); tryClose(oldSS); acceptThread.wakeupSelector(); try { acceptThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Error joining old acceptThread when reconfiguring client port.", e); Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } =; ss.socket().setReuseAddress(true);"binding to port {}", addr); ss.socket().bind(addr); ss.configureBlocking(false); acceptThread = new AcceptThread(ss, addr, selectorThreads); acceptThread.start(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Error reconfiguring client port to {}", addr, e); tryClose(oldSS); } } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int getMaxClientCnxnsPerHost() { return maxClientCnxns; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void setMaxClientCnxnsPerHost(int max) { maxClientCnxns = max; } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public int getSocketListenBacklog() { return listenBacklog; } @Override public void start() { stopped = false; if (workerPool == null) { workerPool = new WorkerService("NIOWorker", numWorkerThreads, false); } for (SelectorThread thread : selectorThreads) { if (thread.getState() == Thread.State.NEW) { thread.start(); } } // ensure thread is started once and only once if (acceptThread.getState() == Thread.State.NEW) { acceptThread.start(); } if (expirerThread.getState() == Thread.State.NEW) { expirerThread.start(); } } @Override public void startup(ZooKeeperServer zks, boolean startServer) throws IOException, InterruptedException { start(); setZooKeeperServer(zks); if (startServer) { zks.startdata(); zks.startup(); } } @Override public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress() { return (InetSocketAddress) ss.socket().getLocalSocketAddress(); } @Override public int getLocalPort() { return ss.socket().getLocalPort(); } /** * De-registers the connection from the various mappings maintained * by the factory. */ public boolean removeCnxn(NIOServerCnxn cnxn) { // If the connection is not in the master list it's already been closed if (!cnxns.remove(cnxn)) { return false; } cnxnExpiryQueue.remove(cnxn); removeCnxnFromSessionMap(cnxn); InetAddress addr = cnxn.getSocketAddress(); if (addr != null) { Set<NIOServerCnxn> set = ipMap.get(addr); if (set != null) { set.remove(cnxn); // Note that we make no effort here to remove empty mappings // from ipMap. } } // unregister from JMX unregisterConnection(cnxn); return true; } /** * Add or update cnxn in our cnxnExpiryQueue * @param cnxn */ public void touchCnxn(NIOServerCnxn cnxn) { cnxnExpiryQueue.update(cnxn, cnxn.getSessionTimeout()); } private void addCnxn(NIOServerCnxn cnxn) throws IOException { InetAddress addr = cnxn.getSocketAddress(); if (addr == null) { throw new IOException("Socket of " + cnxn + " has been closed"); } Set<NIOServerCnxn> set = ipMap.get(addr); if (set == null) { // in general we will see 1 connection from each // host, setting the initial cap to 2 allows us // to minimize mem usage in the common case // of 1 entry -- we need to set the initial cap // to 2 to avoid rehash when the first entry is added // Construct a ConcurrentHashSet using a ConcurrentHashMap set = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<NIOServerCnxn, Boolean>(2)); // Put the new set in the map, but only if another thread // hasn't beaten us to it Set<NIOServerCnxn> existingSet = ipMap.putIfAbsent(addr, set); if (existingSet != null) { set = existingSet; } } set.add(cnxn); cnxns.add(cnxn); touchCnxn(cnxn); } protected NIOServerCnxn createConnection(SocketChannel sock, SelectionKey sk, SelectorThread selectorThread) throws IOException { return new NIOServerCnxn(zkServer, sock, sk, this, selectorThread); } private int getClientCnxnCount(InetAddress cl) { Set<NIOServerCnxn> s = ipMap.get(cl); if (s == null) { return 0; } return s.size(); } /** * clear all the connections in the selector * */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void closeAll(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason reason) { // clear all the connections on which we are selecting for (ServerCnxn cnxn : cnxns) { try { // This will remove the cnxn from cnxns cnxn.close(reason); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn( "Ignoring exception closing cnxn session id 0x{}", Long.toHexString(cnxn.getSessionId()), e); } } } public void stop() { stopped = true; // Stop queuing connection attempts try { ss.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Error closing listen socket", e); } if (acceptThread != null) { if (acceptThread.isAlive()) { acceptThread.wakeupSelector(); } else { acceptThread.closeSelector(); } } if (expirerThread != null) { expirerThread.interrupt(); } for (SelectorThread thread : selectorThreads) { if (thread.isAlive()) { thread.wakeupSelector(); } else { thread.closeSelector(); } } if (workerPool != null) { workerPool.stop(); } } public void shutdown() { try { // close listen socket and signal selector threads to stop stop(); // wait for selector and worker threads to shutdown join(); // close all open connections closeAll(ServerCnxn.DisconnectReason.SERVER_SHUTDOWN); if (login != null) { login.shutdown(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring interrupted exception during shutdown", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected exception during shutdown", e); } if (zkServer != null) { zkServer.shutdown(); } } @Override public void join() throws InterruptedException { if (acceptThread != null) { acceptThread.join(); } for (SelectorThread thread : selectorThreads) { thread.join(); } if (workerPool != null) { workerPool.join(workerShutdownTimeoutMS); } } @Override public Iterable<ServerCnxn> getConnections() { return cnxns; } public void dumpConnections(PrintWriter pwriter) { pwriter.print("Connections "); cnxnExpiryQueue.dump(pwriter); } @Override public void resetAllConnectionStats() { // No need to synchronize since cnxns is backed by a ConcurrentHashMap for (ServerCnxn c : cnxns) { c.resetStats(); } } @Override public Iterable<Map<String, Object>> getAllConnectionInfo(boolean brief) { HashSet<Map<String, Object>> info = new HashSet<Map<String, Object>>(); // No need to synchronize since cnxns is backed by a ConcurrentHashMap for (ServerCnxn c : cnxns) { info.add(c.getConnectionInfo(brief)); } return info; } }
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