Woodstox 6.4.0 - Source Code Files

Woodstox 6.4.0 Source Code Files are provided at the Woodstox GitHub Website.

You can download them from the "src/main/java" folder.

You can also browse Woodstox Source Code files below:

✍: FYIcenter


package com.ctc.wstx.evt;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.*;

import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;
import javax.xml.stream.events.Namespace;

import com.ctc.wstx.util.BaseNsContext;
import com.ctc.wstx.util.DataUtil;

 * Hierarchic {@link NamespaceContext} implementation used when constructing
 * event and namespace information explicitly via
 * {@link javax.xml.stream.XMLEventFactory},
 * not by a stream reader.
 * TODO:
 * <li>Figure out a way to check for namespace masking; tricky but not
 *    impossible to determine
 *  </li>
public class MergedNsContext
    extends BaseNsContext
    final NamespaceContext mParentCtxt;

     * List of {@link Namespace} instances.
    final List<Namespace> mNamespaces;

    Map<String,Namespace> mNsByPrefix = null;

    Map<String,Namespace> mNsByURI = null;

    protected MergedNsContext(NamespaceContext parentCtxt, List<Namespace> localNs)
        mParentCtxt = parentCtxt;
        if (localNs == null){
            mNamespaces = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            mNamespaces = localNs;

    public static BaseNsContext construct(NamespaceContext parentCtxt,
                                          List<Namespace> localNs)
        return new MergedNsContext(parentCtxt, localNs);

    // NamespaceContext API

    public String doGetNamespaceURI(String prefix)
        // Note: base class checks for 'known' problems and prefixes:
        if (mNsByPrefix == null) {
            mNsByPrefix = buildByPrefixMap();
        Namespace ns = mNsByPrefix.get(prefix);
        if (ns == null && mParentCtxt != null) {
            return mParentCtxt.getNamespaceURI(prefix);
        return (ns == null) ? null : ns.getNamespaceURI();

    public String doGetPrefix(String nsURI)
        // Note: base class checks for 'known' problems and prefixes:
        if (mNsByURI == null) {
            mNsByURI = buildByNsURIMap();
        Namespace ns = mNsByURI.get(nsURI);
        if (ns == null && mParentCtxt != null) {
            return mParentCtxt.getPrefix(nsURI);
        return (ns == null) ? null : ns.getPrefix();

    public Iterator<String> doGetPrefixes(String nsURI)
        // Note: base class checks for 'known' problems and prefixes:
        ArrayList<String> l = null;

        for (int i = 0, len = mNamespaces.size(); i < len; ++i) {
            Namespace ns = mNamespaces.get(i);
            String uri = ns.getNamespaceURI();
            if (uri == null) {
                uri = "";
            if (uri.equals(nsURI)) {
                if (l == null) {
                    l = new ArrayList<String>();
                String prefix = ns.getPrefix();
                l.add((prefix == null) ? "" : prefix);

        if (mParentCtxt != null) {
            Iterator<String> it = /*(Iterator<String>)*/mParentCtxt.getPrefixes(nsURI);
            if (l == null) {
                return it;
            while (it.hasNext()) {

        if (l == null) {
            return DataUtil.emptyIterator();
        return l.iterator();

    // Extended API

     * Method that returns information about namespace definition declared
     * in this scope; not including ones declared in outer scopes.
    public Iterator<Namespace> getNamespaces() {
        return mNamespaces.iterator();

    public void outputNamespaceDeclarations(Writer w) throws IOException
        for (int i = 0, len = mNamespaces.size(); i < len; ++i) {
            Namespace ns = mNamespaces.get(i);
            w.write(' ');
            if (!ns.isDefaultNamespaceDeclaration()) {

     * Method called by the matching start element class to
     * output all namespace declarations active in current namespace
     * scope, if any.
    public void outputNamespaceDeclarations(XMLStreamWriter w) throws XMLStreamException
        for (int i = 0, len = mNamespaces.size(); i < len; ++i) {
            Namespace ns = mNamespaces.get(i);
            if (ns.isDefaultNamespaceDeclaration()) {
            } else {
                w.writeNamespace(ns.getPrefix(), ns.getNamespaceURI());

    // Private methods:

    private Map<String,Namespace> buildByPrefixMap()
        int len = mNamespaces.size();
        if (len == 0) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        LinkedHashMap<String,Namespace> m = new LinkedHashMap<String,Namespace>(1 + len + (len>>1));
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            Namespace ns = mNamespaces.get(i);
            String prefix = ns.getPrefix();
            if (prefix == null) { // shouldn't happen but...
                prefix = "";
            m.put(prefix, ns);
        return m;

    private Map<String,Namespace> buildByNsURIMap()
        int len = mNamespaces.size();
        if (len == 0) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        LinkedHashMap<String,Namespace> m = new LinkedHashMap<String,Namespace>(1 + len + (len>>1));
        for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            Namespace ns = mNamespaces.get(i);
            String uri = ns.getNamespaceURI();
            if (uri == null) { // shouldn't happen but...
                uri = "";
            m.put(uri, ns);
        return m;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: woodstox-core-6.4.0-fyi.zip
File size: 552992 bytes
Release date: 2022-10-25



woodstox-core-6.4.0.jar - Woodstox Core 6.4.0

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