iText kernel.jar Source Code

kernel.jar is a component in iText Java library to provide low-level functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided together with the JAR file in the binary packge like You can download it at iText 7 Core Download site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using kernel.pom as the build configuration file.

The source code of kernel-7.1.4.jar is provided below:




    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2018 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see or write to
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    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
    of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
    Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

    In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
    a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
    or manipulated using iText.

    You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
    a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
    develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
    disclosing the source code of your own applications.
    These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
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    source product.

    For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.colorspace;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfArray;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDictionary;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfName;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfNumber;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObject;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObjectWrapper;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfStream;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.function.PdfFunction;

 * The abstract PdfShading class that represents the Shading Dictionary PDF object.
public abstract class PdfShading extends PdfObjectWrapper<PdfDictionary> {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 4781809723744243508L;

     * constants of shading type (see ISO-320001 Table 78)
	private static class ShadingType {
        /** The int value of function-based shading type*/
        public static final int FUNCTION_BASED = 1;
        /** The int value of axial shading type*/
        public static final int AXIAL = 2;
        /** The int value of radial shading type*/
        public static final int RADIAL = 3;
        /** The int value of free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh shading type*/
        public static final int FREE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH = 4;
        /** The int value of lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh shading type*/
        public static final int LATTICE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH = 5;
        /** The int value of coons patch meshes shading type*/
        public static final int COONS_PATCH_MESH = 6;
        /** The int value of tensor-product patch meshes shading type*/
        public static final int TENSOR_PRODUCT_PATCH_MESH = 7;

     * Creates the {@link PdfShading} object from the existing {@link PdfDictionary} with corresponding type.
     * @param shadingDictionary {@link PdfDictionary} from which the {@link PdfShading} object will be created.
     * @return Created {@link PdfShading} object.
    public static PdfShading makeShading(PdfDictionary shadingDictionary) {
        if (!shadingDictionary.containsKey(PdfName.ShadingType)) {
            throw new PdfException(PdfException.ShadingTypeNotFound);
        if (!shadingDictionary.containsKey(PdfName.ColorSpace)) {
            throw new PdfException(PdfException.ColorSpaceNotFound);

        PdfShading shading;
        switch (shadingDictionary.getAsNumber(PdfName.ShadingType).intValue()) {
            case ShadingType.FUNCTION_BASED:
                shading = new FunctionBased(shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.AXIAL:
                shading = new Axial(shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.RADIAL:
                shading = new Radial(shadingDictionary);
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.COONS_PATCH_MESH:
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new CoonsPatchMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
            case ShadingType.TENSOR_PRODUCT_PATCH_MESH:
                if (!shadingDictionary.isStream()) {
                    throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
                shading = new TensorProductPatchMesh((PdfStream) shadingDictionary);
                throw new PdfException(PdfException.UnexpectedShadingType);
        return shading;

    protected PdfShading(PdfDictionary pdfObject) {

    protected PdfShading(PdfDictionary pdfObject, int type, PdfColorSpace colorSpace) {
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.ShadingType, new PdfNumber(type));
        if (colorSpace instanceof PdfSpecialCs.Pattern) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("colorSpace");
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.ColorSpace, colorSpace.getPdfObject());

     * Gets the shading type.
     * @return int value of {@link PdfName#ShadingType}.
    public int getShadingType() {
        return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.ShadingType);

     * Gets the color space in which colour values shall be expressed.
     * @return {@link PdfObject} Color space
    public PdfObject getColorSpace() {
        return getPdfObject().get(PdfName.ColorSpace);

     * Gets the function PdfObject that represents color transitions
     * across the shading geometry.
     * @return {@link PdfObject} Function
    public PdfObject getFunction() {
        return getPdfObject().get(PdfName.Function);

     * Sets the function that represents color transitions
     * across the shading geometry as one object.
     * @param function The {@link PdfFunction} to set.
    public void setFunction(PdfFunction function) {
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Function, function.getPdfObject());

     * Sets the function object that represents color transitions
     * across the shading geometry as an array of functions.
     * @param functions The array of {@link PdfFunction} to be set.
    public void setFunction(PdfFunction[] functions) {
        PdfArray arr = new PdfArray();
        for (PdfFunction func : functions) {
        getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Function, arr);

     * To manually flush a {@code PdfObject} behind this wrapper, you have to ensure
     * that this object is added to the document, i.e. it has an indirect reference.
     * Basically this means that before flushing you need to explicitly call {@link #makeIndirect(PdfDocument)}.
     * For example: wrapperInstance.makeIndirect(document).flush();
     * Note that not every wrapper require this, only those that have such warning in documentation.
    public void flush() {

    protected boolean isWrappedObjectMustBeIndirect() {
        return true;

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with function-based type,
     * that defines color at every point in the domain by a specified mathematical function.
    public static class FunctionBased extends PdfShading {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -4459197498902558052L;

		protected FunctionBased(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param colorSpace the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction}, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public FunctionBased(PdfColorSpace colorSpace, PdfFunction function) {
            this(colorSpace.getPdfObject(), function);

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param colorSpace the {@link PdfObject}, that represents color space in which colour values shall be expressed.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction}, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public FunctionBased(PdfObject colorSpace, PdfFunction function) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.FUNCTION_BASED, PdfColorSpace.makeColorSpace(colorSpace));


         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object that establishes an internal coordinate space
         * for the shading that is independent of the target coordinate space in which it shall be painted.
         * @return {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle.
        public PdfArray getDomain() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Domain);

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object that establishes an internal coordinate space
         * for the shading that is independent of the target coordinate space in which it shall be painted.
         * @param xmin the Xmin coordinate of rectangle.
         * @param xmax the Xmax coordinate of rectangle.
         * @param ymin the Ymin coordinate of rectangle.
         * @param ymax the Ymax coordinate of rectangle.
        public void setDomain(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) {
            setDomain(new PdfArray(new float[] {xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax}));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object that establishes an internal coordinate space
         * for the shading that is independent of the target coordinate space in which it shall be painted.
         * @param domain the {@link PdfArray} domain rectangle object to be set.
        public void setDomain(PdfArray domain) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Domain, domain);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of floats that represents the transformation matrix that maps the domain rectangle
         * into a corresponding figure in the target coordinate space.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of transformation matrix (identical matrix by default).
        public PdfArray getMatrix() {
            PdfArray matrix = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Matrix);
            if (matrix == null) {
                matrix = new PdfArray(new float[]{1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0});
            return matrix;

         * Sets the array of floats that represents the transformation matrix that maps the domain rectangle
         * into a corresponding figure in the target coordinate space.
         * @param matrix the {@code float[]} of transformation matrix to be set.
        public void setMatrix(float[] matrix) {
            setMatrix(new PdfArray(matrix));

         * Sets the array of floats that represents the transformation matrix that maps the domain rectangle
         * into a corresponding figure in the target coordinate space.
         * @param matrix the {@link PdfArray} transformation matrix object to be set.
        public void setMatrix(PdfArray matrix) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Matrix, matrix);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with axial type,
     * that define a colour blend that varies along a linear axis between two endpoints
     * and extends indefinitely perpendicular to that axis.
    public static class Axial extends PdfShading {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = 5504688740677023792L;

		protected Axial(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the start coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the start coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start point.
         * @param x1 the end coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the end coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end point.
        public Axial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float[] color1) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.AXIAL, cs);

            setCoords(x0, y0, x1, y1);
            PdfFunction func = new PdfFunction.Type2(new PdfArray(new float[] {0, 1}), null,
                    new PdfArray(color0), new PdfArray(color1), new PdfNumber(1));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the start coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the start coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start point.
         * @param x1 the end coordinate of X axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the end coordinate of Y axis expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end point.
         * @param extend the array of two booleans that specified whether to extend the shading
         *               beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively.
        public Axial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float[] color1, boolean[] extend) {
            this(cs, x0, y0, color0, x1, y1, color1);

            if (extend == null || extend.length != 2)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("extend");

            setExtend(extend[0], extend[1]);

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param coords the {@link PdfArray} of four number four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1] that specified the starting
         *               and the endings coordinates of thew axis, expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction} object, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public Axial(PdfColorSpace cs, PdfArray coords, PdfFunction function) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.AXIAL, cs);

         * Gets the Coords object - a {@link PdfArray} of four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1] that specified the starting
         * and the endings coordinates of thew axis, expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Coords object.
        public PdfArray getCoords() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Coords);

         * Sets the Choords object with the four params expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param x0 the start coordinate of X axis to be set.
         * @param y0 the start coordinate of Y axis to be set.
         * @param x1 the end coordinate of X axis to be set.
         * @param y1 the end coordinate of Y axis to be set.
        public void setCoords(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1) {
            setCoords(new PdfArray(new float[] {x0, y0, x1, y1}));

         * Sets the Choords object with the {@link PdfArray} of four numbers [x0 y0 x1 y1],
         * that specified the starting and the endings coordinates of thew axis,
         * expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
         * @param coords the Chords {@link PdfArray} to be set.
        public void setCoords(PdfArray coords) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Coords, coords);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values of a parametric
         * variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Domain object ([0.0 1.0] by default)
        public PdfArray getDomain() {
            PdfArray domain = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Domain);
            if (domain == null) {
                domain = new PdfArray(new float[]{0, 1});
            return domain;

         * Sets the Domain with the array of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param t0 first limit of variable t
         * @param t1 second limit of variable t
        public void setDomain(float t0, float t1) {
            setDomain(new PdfArray(new float[] {t0, t1}));

         * Sets the Domain with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param domain the {@PdfArray} that represents domain
        public void setDomain(PdfArray domain) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Domain, domain);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean} that specified whether to extend the shading
         * beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Extended object ([false false] by default)
        public PdfArray getExtend() {
            PdfArray extend = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Extend);
            if (extend == null) {
                extend = new PdfArray(new boolean[]{false, false});
            return extend;

         * Sets the Extend object with the two {@code boolean} value.
         * @param extendStart if true will extend shading beyond the starting point of Coords
         * @param extendEnd if true will extend shading beyond the ending point of Coords
        public void setExtend(boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
            setExtend(new PdfArray(new boolean[] {extendStart, extendEnd}));

         * Sets the Extend object with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean}.
         * If first is true shading will extend beyond the starting point of Coords.
         * If second is true shading will extend beyond the ending point of Coords.
         * @param extend the {@link PdfArray} representing Extend object
        public void setExtend(PdfArray extend) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Extend, extend);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with radial type,
     * that define a colour blend that varies between two circles.
     * This type of shading shall not be used with an Indexed colour space
    public static class Radial extends PdfShading {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5012819396006804845L;

        protected Radial(PdfDictionary pdfDictionary) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.         *
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The Indexed color space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the X coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the Y coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r0 the radius of starting circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then starting circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start circle.
         * @param x1 the X coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the Y coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r1 the radius of ending circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then ending circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end circle.
        public Radial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float r0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float r1, float[] color1) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.RADIAL, cs);

            setCoords(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1);
            PdfFunction func = new PdfFunction.Type2(new PdfArray(new float[] {0, 1}), null,
                    new PdfArray(color0), new PdfArray(color1), new PdfNumber(1));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.         *
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The Indexed color space isn't excepted.
         * @param x0 the X coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the Y coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r0 the radius of starting circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then starting circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color0 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the start circle.
         * @param x1 the X coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the Y coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r1 the radius of ending circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then ending circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param color1 the {@code float[]} that represents the color in the end circle.
         * @param extend the array of two {@code boolean} that specified whether to extend the shading
         *               beyond the starting and ending points of the axis, respectively.
        public Radial(PdfColorSpace cs, float x0, float y0, float r0, float[] color0, float x1, float y1, float r1, float[] color1, boolean[] extend) {
            this(cs, x0, y0, r0, color0, x1, y1, r1, color1);

            if (extend == null || extend.length != 2)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("extend");

            setExtend(extend[0], extend[1]);

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The Indexed color space isn't excepted.
         * @param coords the {@link PdfArray} of of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1],
         *               specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles,
         *               expressed in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         *               The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0.
         *               If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point;
         *               if both are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param function the {@link PdfFunction} object, that is used to calculate color transitions.
        public Radial(PdfColorSpace cs, PdfArray coords, PdfFunction function) {
            super(new PdfDictionary(), ShadingType.RADIAL, cs);

         * Gets the coords {@link PdfArray} object - an array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1],
         * specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles,
         * expressed in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0.
         * If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point;
         * if both are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} coords object.
        public PdfArray getCoords() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Coords);

         * Sets the coords object.
         * @param x0 the X coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y0 the Y coordinate of starting circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r0 the radius of starting circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then starting circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param x1 the X coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param y1 the Y coordinate of ending circle's centre, expressed in in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * @param r1 the radius of ending circle's centre, should be greater or equal to 0.
         *           If 0 then ending circle is treated as point.
         *           If both radii are 0, nothing shall be painted.
        public void setCoords(float x0, float y0, float r0, float x1, float y1, float r1) {
            setCoords(new PdfArray(new float[] {x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1}));

         * Sets the coords {@link PdfArray} object - an array of six numbers [x0 y0 r0 x1 y1 r1],
         * specifying the centres and radii of the starting and ending circles,
         * expressed in the shading’s target coordinate space.
         * The radii r0 and r1 shall both be greater than or equal to 0.
         * If one radius is 0, the corresponding circle shall be treated as a point;
         * if both are 0, nothing shall be painted.
         * @param coords - {@link PdfArray} choords object to be set.
        public void setCoords(PdfArray coords) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Coords, coords);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values of a parametric
         * variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Domain object ([0.0 1.0] by default)
        public PdfArray getDomain() {
            PdfArray domain = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Domain);
            if (domain == null) {
                domain = new PdfArray(new float[]{0, 1});
            return domain;

         * Sets the Domain with the array of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param t0 first limit of variable t
         * @param t1 second limit of variable t
        public void setDomain(float t0, float t1) {
            setDomain(new PdfArray(new float[] {t0, t1}));

         * Sets the Domain with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code float} [t0, t1] that represent the limiting values
         * of a parametric variable t, that becomes an input of color function(s).
         * @param domain the {@PdfArray} that represents domain
        public void setDomain(PdfArray domain) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Domain, domain);

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean} that specified whether to extend the shading
         * beyond the starting and ending circles of the axis, respectively.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} of Extended object ([false false] by default)
        public PdfArray getExtend() {
            PdfArray extend = getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Extend);
            if (extend == null) {
                extend = new PdfArray(new boolean[]{false, false});
            return extend;

         * Sets the Extend object with the two {@code boolean} value.
         * @param extendStart if true will extend shading beyond the starting circle of Coords.
         * @param extendEnd if true will extend shading beyond the ending circle of Coords.
        public void setExtend(boolean extendStart, boolean extendEnd) {
            setExtend(new PdfArray(new boolean[] {extendStart, extendEnd}));

         * Sets the Extend object with the {@link PdfArray} of two {@code boolean}.
         * If first is true shading will extend beyond the starting circle of Coords.
         * If second is true shading will extend beyond the ending circle of Coords.
         * @param extend the {@link PdfArray} representing Extend object
        public void setExtend(PdfArray extend) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Extend, extend);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * free-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type.
     * The area to be shaded is defined by a path composed entirely of triangles.
     * The colour at each vertex of the triangles is specified,
     * and a technique known as Gouraud interpolation is used to colour the interiors.
     * The object shall be represented as stream containing a sequence of vertex data.
     * Each vertex is specified by the following values, in the order shown:
     * f x y c1 ... cn where:
     * f -  the vertex's edge flag, that determines the vertex is connected to other vertices of the triangle mesh.
     *      For full description, see ISO-320001 Paragraph
     * x, y - vertex's horizontal and vertical coordinates, expressed in the shading's target coordinate space.
     * - vertex's colour components.
     * If the shading dictionary includes a Function entry, only a single parametric value, t,
     * shall be specified for each vertex in place of the colour components
    public static class FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2690557760051875972L;

        protected FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerFlag, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, or 2.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.FREE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH, cs);


         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1 or 2.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 2, 4 or 8.
        public int getBitsPerFlag() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerFlag);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1 or 2.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits to be set. Shall be 2, 4 or 8.
        public void setBitsPerFlag(int bitsPerFlag) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerFlag, new PdfNumber(bitsPerFlag));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * lattice-form Gouraud-shaded triangle mesh type.
     * This type is similar to {@link FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh} but instead of using free-form geometry,
     * the vertices are arranged in a pseudorectangular lattice,
     * which is topologically equivalent to a rectangular grid.
     * The vertices are organized into rows, which need not be geometrically linear.
     * The verticals data in stream is similar to {@link FreeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh},
     * except there is no edge flag.
    public static class LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -8776232978423888214L;

        protected LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param verticesPerRow the number of vertices in each row of the lattice (shall be &gt; 1).
         *                       The number of rows need not be specified.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int verticesPerRow, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, verticesPerRow, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param verticesPerRow the number of vertices in each row of the lattice (shall be &gt; 1).
         *                       The number of rows need not be specified.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public LatticeFormGouraudShadedTriangleMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int verticesPerRow, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.LATTICE_FORM_GOURAUD_SHADED_TRIANGLE_MESH, cs);


         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of vertices in each row of the lattice.
         * @return the number of vertices. Can only be greater than 1.
        public int getVerticesPerRow() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.VerticesPerRow);

         * Sets the number of vertices in each row of the lattice.
         * The number of rows need not be specified.
         * @param verticesPerRow the number of vertices to be set. Shall be greater than 1.
        public void setVerticesPerRow(int verticesPerRow) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.VerticesPerRow, new PdfNumber(verticesPerRow));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * Coons Patch mesh type.
     * This type of shading is constructed from one or more colour patches, each bounded by four cubic Bézier curves.
     * Degenerate Bézier curves are allowed and are useful for certain graphical effects.
     * At least one complete patch shall be specified.
     * The shape of patch is defined by 12 control points.
     * Colours are specified for each corner of the unit square,
     * and bilinear interpolation is used to fill in colours over the entire unit square.
     * Coordinates are mapped from the unit square into a four-sided patch whose sides are not necessarily linear.
     * The mapping is continuous: the corners of the unit square map to corners of the patch
     * and the sides of the unit square map to sides of the patch.
     * For the format of data stream, that defines patches (see ISO-320001 Table 85).
     * If the shading dictionary contains a Function entry, the colour data for each corner of a patch
     * shall be specified by a single parametric value t rather than by n separate colour components
    public static class CoonsPatchMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = 7296891352801419708L;

        protected CoonsPatchMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public CoonsPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerFlag, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public CoonsPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.COONS_PATCH_MESH, cs);

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 2, 4 or 8.
        public int getBitsPerFlag() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerFlag);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits to be set. Shall be 2, 4 or 8.
        public void setBitsPerFlag(int bitsPerFlag) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerFlag, new PdfNumber(bitsPerFlag));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);

     * The class that extends {@link PdfShading} class and is in charge of Shading Dictionary with
     * Tensor-Product Patch mesh type.
     * This type of shading is identical to {@link CoonsPatchMesh}, except that it's based on a
     * bicubic tensor-product patch defined by 16 control points.
     * For the format of data stream, that defines patches, see ISO-320001 Table 86.
    public static class TensorProductPatchMesh extends PdfShading {
    	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2750695839303504742L;

        protected TensorProductPatchMesh(PdfStream pdfStream) {

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@code int[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public TensorProductPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, float[] decode) {
            this(cs, bitsPerCoordinate, bitsPerComponent, bitsPerFlag, new PdfArray(decode));

         * Creates the new instance of the class.
         * @param cs the {@link PdfColorSpace} object in which colour values shall be expressed.
         *           The special Pattern space isn't excepted.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         *                          The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         *                         The value shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         *                    The value of BitsPerFlag shall be 2, 4, or 8,
         *                    but only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         *                    The value for the edge flag shall be 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         *               into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         *               [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         *               Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
        public TensorProductPatchMesh(PdfColorSpace cs, int bitsPerCoordinate, int bitsPerComponent, int bitsPerFlag, PdfArray decode) {
            super(new PdfStream(), ShadingType.TENSOR_PRODUCT_PATCH_MESH, cs);


         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public int getBitsPerCoordinate() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each vertex coordinate.
         * @param bitsPerCoordinate the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32.
        public void setBitsPerCoordinate(int bitsPerCoordinate) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerCoordinate, new PdfNumber(bitsPerCoordinate));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public int getBitsPerComponent() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerComponent);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent each colour component.
         * @param bitsPerComponent the number of bits to be set. Shall be 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, or 16.
        public void setBitsPerComponent(int bitsPerComponent) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerComponent, new PdfNumber(bitsPerComponent));

         * Gets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @return the number of bits. Can be 2, 4 or 8.
        public int getBitsPerFlag() {
            return (int) getPdfObject().getAsInt(PdfName.BitsPerFlag);

         * Sets the number of bits used to represent the edge flag for each vertex.
         * But only the least significant 2 bits in each flag value shall be used.
         * The valid flag values are 0, 1, 2 or 3.
         * @param bitsPerFlag the number of bits to be set. Shall be 2, 4 or 8.
        public void setBitsPerFlag(int bitsPerFlag) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.BitsPerFlag, new PdfNumber(bitsPerFlag));

         * Gets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @return the {@link PdfArray} Decode object.
        public PdfArray getDecode() {
            return getPdfObject().getAsArray(PdfName.Decode);

         * Sets the {@code float[]} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@code float[]} of Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(float[] decode) {
            setDecode(new PdfArray(decode));

         * Sets the {@link PdfArray} of numbers specifying how to map vertex coordinates and colour components
         * into the appropriate ranges of values. The ranges shall be specified as follows:
         * [x_min x_max y_min y_max c1_min c1_max … cn_min cn_max].
         * Only one pair of color values shall be specified if a Function entry is present.
         * @param decode the {@link PdfArray} Decode object to set.
        public void setDecode(PdfArray decode) {
            getPdfObject().put(PdfName.Decode, decode);



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