iText kernel.jar Source Code

kernel.jar is a component in iText Java library to provide low-level functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided together with the JAR file in the binary packge like You can download it at iText 7 Core Download site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using kernel.pom as the build configuration file.

The source code of kernel-7.1.4.jar is provided below:




    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2018 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see or write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
    of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
    Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

    In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
    a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
    or manipulated using iText.

    You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
    a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
    develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
    disclosing the source code of your own applications.
    These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
    serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
    source product.

    For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
package com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.tagging;

import com.itextpdf.kernel.PdfException;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfArray;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDictionary;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfDocument;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfName;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfNumber;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfObject;
import com.itextpdf.kernel.pdf.PdfPage;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * Internal helper class which is used to copy, clone or move tag structure across documents.
class StructureTreeCopier {

    private static List<PdfName> ignoreKeysForCopy = new ArrayList<PdfName>();

    private static List<PdfName> ignoreKeysForClone = new ArrayList<PdfName>();

    static {


     * Copies structure to a {@code destDocument}.
     * <br/><br/>
     * NOTE: Works only for {@code PdfStructTreeRoot} that is read from the document opened in reading mode,
     * otherwise an exception is thrown.
     * @param destDocument document to copy structure to. Shall not be current document.
     * @param page2page  association between original page and copied page.
    public static void copyTo(PdfDocument destDocument, Map<PdfPage, PdfPage> page2page, PdfDocument callingDocument) {
        if (!destDocument.isTagged())

        copyTo(destDocument, page2page, callingDocument, false);

     * Copies structure to a {@code destDocument} and insert it in a specified position in the document.
     * <br/><br/>
     * NOTE: Works only for {@code PdfStructTreeRoot} that is read from the document opened in reading mode,
     * otherwise an exception is thrown.
     * <br/>
     * Also, to insert a tagged page into existing tag structure, existing tag structure shouldn't be flushed, otherwise
     * an exception may be raised.
     * @param destDocument       document to copy structure to.
     * @param insertBeforePage indicates where the structure to be inserted.
     * @param page2page        association between original page and copied page.
    public static void copyTo(PdfDocument destDocument, int insertBeforePage, Map<PdfPage, PdfPage> page2page, PdfDocument callingDocument) {
        if (!destDocument.isTagged())

        copyTo(destDocument, insertBeforePage, page2page, callingDocument, false);

     * Move tag structure of page to other place in the same document
     * @param document document in which modifications will take place (should be opened in read-write mode)
     * @param from page, which tag structure will be moved
     * @param insertBefore indicates before what page number structure will be inserted to
    public static void move(PdfDocument document, PdfPage from, int insertBefore) {
        if (!document.isTagged() || insertBefore < 1 || insertBefore > document.getNumberOfPages() + 1 )

        int fromNum = document.getPageNumber(from);
        if (fromNum == 0 || fromNum == insertBefore || fromNum + 1 == insertBefore)

        int destStruct;
        int currStruct = 0;
        if (fromNum > insertBefore) {
            destStruct = currStruct = separateStructure(document, 1, insertBefore, 0);
            currStruct = separateStructure(document, insertBefore, fromNum, currStruct);
            currStruct = separateStructure(document, fromNum, fromNum + 1, currStruct);
        } else {
            currStruct = separateStructure(document, 1, fromNum, 0);
            currStruct = separateStructure(document, fromNum, fromNum + 1, currStruct);
            destStruct = currStruct = separateStructure(document, fromNum + 1, insertBefore, currStruct);

        Set<PdfDictionary> topsToMove = new HashSet<>();
        Collection<PdfMcr> mcrs = document.getStructTreeRoot().getPageMarkedContentReferences(from);
        if (mcrs != null) {
            for (PdfMcr mcr : mcrs) {
                PdfDictionary top = getTopmostParent(mcr);
                if (top != null) {
                    if (top.isFlushed()) {
                        throw new PdfException(PdfException.CannotMoveFlushedTag);

        List<PdfDictionary> orderedTopsToMove = new ArrayList<>();
        PdfArray tops = document.getStructTreeRoot().getKidsObject();
        for (int i = 0; i < tops.size(); ++i) {
            PdfDictionary top = tops.getAsDictionary(i);
            if (topsToMove.contains(top)) {
                if (i < destStruct) {
        for (PdfDictionary top : orderedTopsToMove) {
            document.getStructTreeRoot().addKidObject(destStruct++, top);

     * @return structure tree index of first separated (cloned) top
    private static int separateStructure(PdfDocument document, int beforePage) {
        return separateStructure(document, 1, beforePage, 0);

    private static int separateStructure(PdfDocument document, int startPage, int beforePage, int startPageStructTopIndex) {
        if (!document.isTagged() || 1 > startPage || startPage > beforePage || beforePage > document.getNumberOfPages() + 1) {
            return -1;
        } else if (beforePage == startPage) {
            return startPageStructTopIndex;
        } else if(beforePage == document.getNumberOfPages() + 1) {
            return document.getStructTreeRoot().getKidsObject().size();
        // Here we separate the structure tree in two parts: struct elems that belong to the pages which indexes are
        // less then separateBeforePage and those struct elems that belong to other pages. Some elems might belong
        // to both parts and actually these are the ones that we are looking for.
        Set<PdfObject> firstPartElems = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = startPage; i < beforePage; ++i) {
            PdfPage pageOfFirstHalf = document.getPage(i);
            Collection<PdfMcr> pageMcrs = document.getStructTreeRoot().getPageMarkedContentReferences(pageOfFirstHalf);
            if (pageMcrs != null) {
                for (PdfMcr mcr : pageMcrs) {
                    PdfDictionary top = addAllParentsToSet(mcr, firstPartElems);
                    if (top != null && top.isFlushed()) {
                        throw new PdfException(PdfException.TagFromTheExistingTagStructureIsFlushedCannotAddCopiedPageTags);

        List<PdfDictionary> clonedTops = new ArrayList<>();
        PdfArray tops = document.getStructTreeRoot().getKidsObject();

        // Now we "walk" through all the elems which belong to the first part, and look for the ones that contain both
        // kids from first and second part. We clone found elements and move kids from the second part to cloned elems.
        int lastTopBefore = startPageStructTopIndex - 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < tops.size(); ++i) {
            PdfDictionary top = tops.getAsDictionary(i);
            if (firstPartElems.contains(top)) {
                lastTopBefore = i;

                LastClonedAncestor lastCloned = new LastClonedAncestor();
                lastCloned.ancestor = top;
                PdfDictionary topClone = top.clone(ignoreKeysForClone);
                topClone.put(PdfName.P, document.getStructTreeRoot().getPdfObject());
                lastCloned.clone = topClone;

                separateKids(top, firstPartElems, lastCloned, document);

                if (topClone.containsKey(PdfName.K)) {

        for (int i = 0; i < clonedTops.size(); ++i) {
            document.getStructTreeRoot().addKidObject(lastTopBefore + 1 + i, clonedTops.get(i));
        return lastTopBefore + 1;

    private static void copyTo(PdfDocument destDocument, int insertBeforePage, Map<PdfPage, PdfPage> page2page, PdfDocument callingDocument, boolean copyFromDestDocument) {
        if (!destDocument.isTagged())

        int insertIndex = separateStructure(destDocument, insertBeforePage);
        //Opposite should never happened.
        if (insertIndex > 0) {
            copyTo(destDocument, page2page, callingDocument, copyFromDestDocument, insertIndex);

     * Copies structure to a {@code destDocument}.
     * @param destDocument document to cpt structure to.
     * @param page2page  association between original page and copied page.
     * @param copyFromDestDocument indicates if <code>page2page</code> keys and values represent pages from {@code destDocument}.
    private static void copyTo(PdfDocument destDocument, Map<PdfPage, PdfPage> page2page, PdfDocument callingDocument, boolean copyFromDestDocument) {
        copyTo(destDocument, page2page, callingDocument, copyFromDestDocument, -1);

    private static void copyTo(PdfDocument destDocument, Map<PdfPage, PdfPage> page2page, PdfDocument callingDocument, boolean copyFromDestDocument, int insertIndex) {
        CopyStructureResult copiedStructure = copyStructure(destDocument, page2page, callingDocument, copyFromDestDocument);
        PdfStructTreeRoot destStructTreeRoot = destDocument.getStructTreeRoot();
        for (PdfDictionary copied : copiedStructure.getTopsList()) {
            destStructTreeRoot.addKidObject(insertIndex, copied);
            if (insertIndex > -1) {

        if (!copyFromDestDocument) {
            if (!copiedStructure.getCopiedNamespaces().isEmpty()) {

            PdfDictionary srcRoleMap = callingDocument.getStructTreeRoot().getRoleMap();
            PdfDictionary destRoleMap =  destStructTreeRoot.getRoleMap();
            for (Map.Entry<PdfName, PdfObject> mappingEntry: srcRoleMap.entrySet()) {
                if (!destRoleMap.containsKey(mappingEntry.getKey())) {
                    destRoleMap.put(mappingEntry.getKey(), mappingEntry.getValue());

                } else if (!mappingEntry.getValue().equals(destRoleMap.get(mappingEntry.getKey()))) {
                    String srcMapping = mappingEntry.getKey() + " -> " + mappingEntry.getValue();
                    String destMapping = mappingEntry.getKey() + " -> " + destRoleMap.get(mappingEntry.getKey());

                    Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StructureTreeCopier.class);
                    logger.warn(MessageFormat.format(LogMessageConstant.ROLE_MAPPING_FROM_SOURCE_IS_NOT_COPIED_ALREADY_EXIST, srcMapping, destMapping));

    private static CopyStructureResult copyStructure(PdfDocument destDocument, Map<PdfPage, PdfPage> page2page, PdfDocument callingDocument, boolean copyFromDestDocument) {
        PdfDocument fromDocument = copyFromDestDocument ? destDocument : callingDocument;
        Map<PdfDictionary, PdfDictionary> topsToFirstDestPage = new HashMap<>();
        Set<PdfObject> objectsToCopy = new HashSet<>();
        Map<PdfDictionary, PdfDictionary> page2pageDictionaries = new HashMap<>();
        for (Map.Entry<PdfPage, PdfPage> page : page2page.entrySet()) {
            page2pageDictionaries.put(page.getKey().getPdfObject(), page.getValue().getPdfObject());
            Collection<PdfMcr> mcrs = fromDocument.getStructTreeRoot().getPageMarkedContentReferences(page.getKey());
            if (mcrs != null) {
                for (PdfMcr mcr : mcrs) {
                    if (mcr instanceof PdfMcrDictionary || mcr instanceof PdfObjRef) {
                    PdfDictionary top = addAllParentsToSet(mcr, objectsToCopy);
                    if (top != null) {
                        if (top.isFlushed()) {
                            throw new PdfException(PdfException.CannotCopyFlushedTag);
                        if (!topsToFirstDestPage.containsKey(top)) {
                            topsToFirstDestPage.put(top, page.getValue().getPdfObject());

        List<PdfDictionary> topsInOriginalOrder = new ArrayList<>();
        for (IStructureNode kid : fromDocument.getStructTreeRoot().getKids()) {
            if (kid == null)  continue;

            PdfDictionary kidObject = ((PdfStructElem) kid).getPdfObject();
            if (topsToFirstDestPage.containsKey(kidObject)) {
        StructElemCopyingParams structElemCopyingParams = new StructElemCopyingParams(objectsToCopy, destDocument, page2pageDictionaries, copyFromDestDocument);
        PdfStructTreeRoot destStructTreeRoot = destDocument.getStructTreeRoot();
        List<PdfDictionary> copiedTops = new ArrayList<>();
        for (PdfDictionary top : topsInOriginalOrder) {
            PdfDictionary copied = copyObject(top, topsToFirstDestPage.get(top), false, structElemCopyingParams);
        return new CopyStructureResult(copiedTops, structElemCopyingParams.getCopiedNamespaces());

    private static PdfDictionary copyObject(PdfDictionary source, PdfDictionary destPage, boolean parentChangePg, StructElemCopyingParams copyingParams) {
        PdfDictionary copied;
        if (copyingParams.isCopyFromDestDocument()) {
            //TODO: detect wether object is needed to be cloned at all
            copied = source.clone(ignoreKeysForClone);
            if (source.isIndirect()) {

            PdfDictionary pg = source.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg);
            if (pg != null) {
                if (copyingParams.isCopyFromDestDocument()) {
                    if (pg != destPage) {
                        copied.put(PdfName.Pg, destPage);
                        parentChangePg = true;
                    } else {
                        parentChangePg = false;
        } else {
            copied = source.copyTo(copyingParams.getToDocument(), ignoreKeysForCopy, true);

            PdfDictionary obj = source.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Obj);
            if (obj != null) {
                // Link annotations could be not added to the toDocument, so we need to identify this case.
                // When obj.copyTo is called, and annotation was already copied, we would get this already created copy.
                // If it was already copied and added, /P key would be set. Otherwise /P won't be set.
                obj = obj.copyTo(copyingParams.getToDocument(), Arrays.asList(PdfName.P), false);
                copied.put(PdfName.Obj, obj);

            PdfDictionary nsDict = source.getAsDictionary(PdfName.NS);
            if (nsDict != null) {
                PdfDictionary copiedNsDict = copyNamespaceDict(nsDict, copyingParams);
                copied.put(PdfName.NS, copiedNsDict);

            PdfDictionary pg = source.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Pg);
            if (pg != null) {
                PdfDictionary pageAnalog = copyingParams.getPage2page().get(pg);
                if (pageAnalog == null) {
                    pageAnalog = destPage;
                    parentChangePg = true;
                } else {
                    parentChangePg = false;
                copied.put(PdfName.Pg, pageAnalog);

        PdfObject k = source.get(PdfName.K);
        if (k != null) {
            if (k.isArray()) {
                PdfArray kArr = (PdfArray) k;
                PdfArray newArr = new PdfArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < kArr.size(); i++) {
                    PdfObject copiedKid = copyObjectKid(kArr.get(i), copied, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams);
                    if (copiedKid != null) {
                if (!newArr.isEmpty()) {
                    if (newArr.size() == 1) {
                        copied.put(PdfName.K, newArr.get(0));
                    } else {
                        copied.put(PdfName.K, newArr);
            } else {
                PdfObject copiedKid = copyObjectKid(k, copied, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams);
                if (copiedKid != null) {
                    copied.put(PdfName.K, copiedKid);
        return copied;

    private static PdfObject copyObjectKid(PdfObject kid, PdfDictionary copiedParent, PdfDictionary destPage, boolean parentChangePg, StructElemCopyingParams copyingParams) {
        if (kid.isNumber()) {
            if (!parentChangePg) {
                        .registerMcr(new PdfMcrNumber((PdfNumber) kid, new PdfStructElem(copiedParent)));
                return kid;
        } else if (kid.isDictionary()) {
            PdfDictionary kidAsDict = (PdfDictionary) kid;
            if (copyingParams.getObjectsToCopy().contains(kidAsDict)) {
                boolean hasParent = kidAsDict.containsKey(PdfName.P);
                PdfDictionary copiedKid = copyObject(kidAsDict, destPage, parentChangePg, copyingParams);
                if (hasParent) {
                    copiedKid.put(PdfName.P, copiedParent);
                } else {
                    PdfMcr mcr;
                    if (copiedKid.containsKey(PdfName.Obj)) {
                        mcr = new PdfObjRef(copiedKid, new PdfStructElem(copiedParent));
                        PdfDictionary contentItemObject = copiedKid.getAsDictionary(PdfName.Obj);
                        if (PdfName.Link.equals(contentItemObject.getAsName(PdfName.Subtype))
                                && !contentItemObject.containsKey(PdfName.P)) {
                            // Some link annotations may be not copied, because their destination page is not copied.
                            return null;
                        contentItemObject.put(PdfName.StructParent, new PdfNumber((int) copyingParams.getToDocument().getNextStructParentIndex()));
                    } else {
                        mcr = new PdfMcrDictionary(copiedKid, new PdfStructElem(copiedParent));
                return copiedKid;
        return null;

    private static PdfDictionary copyNamespaceDict(PdfDictionary srcNsDict, StructElemCopyingParams copyingParams) {
        List<PdfName> excludeKeys = Collections.<PdfName>singletonList(PdfName.RoleMapNS);
        PdfDocument toDocument = copyingParams.getToDocument();
        PdfDictionary copiedNsDict = srcNsDict.copyTo(toDocument, excludeKeys, false);

        PdfDictionary srcRoleMapNs = srcNsDict.getAsDictionary(PdfName.RoleMapNS);
        // if this src namespace was already copied (or in the process of copying) it will contain role map already
        PdfDictionary copiedRoleMap = copiedNsDict.getAsDictionary(PdfName.RoleMapNS);
        if (srcRoleMapNs != null && copiedRoleMap == null) {
            copiedRoleMap = new PdfDictionary();
            copiedNsDict.put(PdfName.RoleMapNS, copiedRoleMap);

            for (Map.Entry<PdfName, PdfObject> entry : srcRoleMapNs.entrySet()) {
                PdfObject copiedMapping;
                if (entry.getValue().isArray()) {
                    PdfArray srcMappingArray = (PdfArray) entry.getValue();
                    if (srcMappingArray.size() > 1 && srcMappingArray.get(1).isDictionary()) {
                        PdfArray copiedMappingArray = new PdfArray();
                        PdfDictionary copiedNamespace = copyNamespaceDict(srcMappingArray.getAsDictionary(1), copyingParams);
                        copiedMapping = copiedMappingArray;
                    } else {
                        Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StructureTreeCopier.class);
                        logger.warn(MessageFormat.format(LogMessageConstant.ROLE_MAPPING_FROM_SOURCE_IS_NOT_COPIED_INVALID, entry.getKey().toString()));
                } else {
                    copiedMapping = entry.getValue().copyTo(toDocument);
                PdfName copiedRoleFrom = (PdfName) entry.getKey().copyTo(toDocument);
                copiedRoleMap.put(copiedRoleFrom, copiedMapping);

        return copiedNsDict;

    private static void separateKids(PdfDictionary structElem, Set<PdfObject> firstPartElems, LastClonedAncestor lastCloned, PdfDocument document) {
        PdfObject k = structElem.get(PdfName.K);

        // If /K entry is not a PdfArray - it would be a kid which we won't clone at the moment, because it won't contain
        // kids from both parts at the same time. It would either be cloned as an ancestor later, or not cloned at all.
        // If it's kid is struct elem - it would definitely be structElem from the first part, so we simply call separateKids for it.
        if (!k.isArray()) {
            if (k.isDictionary() && PdfStructElem.isStructElem((PdfDictionary) k)) {
                separateKids((PdfDictionary) k, firstPartElems, lastCloned, document);
        } else {
            PdfArray kids = (PdfArray) k;

            for (int i = 0; i < kids.size(); ++i) {
                PdfObject kid = kids.get(i);
                PdfDictionary dictKid = null;
                if (kid.isDictionary()) {
                    dictKid = (PdfDictionary) kid;

                if (dictKid != null && PdfStructElem.isStructElem(dictKid)) {
                    if (firstPartElems.contains(kid)) {
                        separateKids((PdfDictionary) kid, firstPartElems, lastCloned, document);
                    } else {
                        if (dictKid.isFlushed()) {
                            throw new PdfException(PdfException.TagFromTheExistingTagStructureIsFlushedCannotAddCopiedPageTags);

                        // elems with no kids will not be marked as from the first part,
                        // but nonetheless we don't want to move all of them to the second part; we just leave them as is
                        if (dictKid.containsKey(PdfName.K)) {
                            cloneParents(structElem, lastCloned, document);

                            PdfStructElem.addKidObject(lastCloned.clone, -1, kid);
                } else {
                    if (!firstPartElems.contains(kid)) {
                        cloneParents(structElem, lastCloned, document);

                        PdfMcr mcr;
                        if (dictKid != null) {
                            if (dictKid.get(PdfName.Type).equals(PdfName.MCR)) {
                                mcr = new PdfMcrDictionary(dictKid, new PdfStructElem(lastCloned.clone));
                            } else {
                                mcr = new PdfObjRef(dictKid, new PdfStructElem(lastCloned.clone));
                        } else {
                            mcr = new PdfMcrNumber((PdfNumber) kid, new PdfStructElem(lastCloned.clone));

                        PdfStructElem.addKidObject(lastCloned.clone, -1, kid);
                        document.getStructTreeRoot().getParentTreeHandler().registerMcr(mcr); // re-register mcr

        if (lastCloned.ancestor == structElem) {
            lastCloned.ancestor = lastCloned.ancestor.getAsDictionary(PdfName.P);
            lastCloned.clone = lastCloned.clone.getAsDictionary(PdfName.P);

    private static void cloneParents(PdfDictionary structElem, LastClonedAncestor lastCloned, PdfDocument document) {
        if (lastCloned.ancestor != structElem) {
            PdfDictionary structElemClone = (PdfDictionary) structElem.clone(ignoreKeysForClone).makeIndirect(document);
            PdfDictionary currClone = structElemClone;
            PdfDictionary currElem = structElem;
            while (currElem.get(PdfName.P) != lastCloned.ancestor) {
                PdfDictionary parent = currElem.getAsDictionary(PdfName.P);
                PdfDictionary parentClone = (PdfDictionary) parent.clone(ignoreKeysForClone).makeIndirect(document);
                currClone.put(PdfName.P, parentClone);
                parentClone.put(PdfName.K, currClone);
                currClone = parentClone;
                currElem = parent;
            PdfStructElem.addKidObject(lastCloned.clone, -1, currClone);
            lastCloned.clone = structElemClone;
            lastCloned.ancestor = structElem;

     * @return the topmost parent added to set. If encountered flushed element - stops and returns this flushed element.
    private static PdfDictionary addAllParentsToSet(PdfMcr mcr, Set<PdfObject> set) {
        List<PdfDictionary> allParents = retrieveParents(mcr, true);
        return allParents.isEmpty() ? null : allParents.get(allParents.size() - 1);

     * Gets the topmost non-root structure element parent. May be flushed.
     * @param mcr starting element
     * @return topmost non-root structure element parent, or {@code null} if it doesn't have any
    private static PdfDictionary getTopmostParent(PdfMcr mcr) {
        return retrieveParents(mcr, false).get(0);

    private static List<PdfDictionary> retrieveParents(PdfMcr mcr, boolean all) {
        List<PdfDictionary> parents = new ArrayList<>();
        IStructureNode firstParent = mcr.getParent();
        PdfDictionary previous = null;
        PdfDictionary current = firstParent instanceof PdfStructElem ? ((PdfStructElem) firstParent).getPdfObject() : null;
        while (current != null && !PdfName.StructTreeRoot.equals(current.getAsName(PdfName.Type))) {
            if (all) {
            previous = current;
            current = previous.isFlushed() ? null : previous.getAsDictionary(PdfName.P);
        if (!all) {
        return parents;

    static class LastClonedAncestor {
        PdfDictionary ancestor;
        PdfDictionary clone;

    private static class StructElemCopyingParams {
        private final Set<PdfObject> objectsToCopy;
        private final PdfDocument toDocument;
        private final Map<PdfDictionary, PdfDictionary> page2page;
        private final boolean copyFromDestDocument;

        private final Set<PdfObject> copiedNamespaces;

        public StructElemCopyingParams(Set<PdfObject> objectsToCopy, PdfDocument toDocument, Map<PdfDictionary, PdfDictionary> page2page, boolean copyFromDestDocument) {
            this.objectsToCopy = objectsToCopy;
            this.toDocument = toDocument;
            this.page2page = page2page;
            this.copyFromDestDocument = copyFromDestDocument;
            this.copiedNamespaces = new LinkedHashSet<>();

        public Set<PdfObject> getObjectsToCopy() {
            return objectsToCopy;

        public PdfDocument getToDocument() {
            return toDocument;

        public Map<PdfDictionary, PdfDictionary> getPage2page() {
            return page2page;

        public boolean isCopyFromDestDocument() {
            return copyFromDestDocument;

        public void addCopiedNamespace(PdfDictionary copiedNs) {

        public Set<PdfObject> getCopiedNamespaces() {
            return copiedNamespaces;

    private static class CopyStructureResult {
        private final List<PdfDictionary> topsList;
        private final Set<PdfObject> copiedNamespaces;

        public CopyStructureResult(List<PdfDictionary> topsList, Set<PdfObject> copiedNamespaces) {
            this.topsList = topsList;
            this.copiedNamespaces = copiedNamespaces;

        public Set<PdfObject> getCopiedNamespaces() {
            return copiedNamespaces;

        public List<PdfDictionary> getTopsList() {
            return topsList;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: kernel-7.1.4-sources.jar
File size: 1201221 bytes
Release date: 2018-10-09


iText io.jar Source Code

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