iText io.jar Source Code

io.jar is a component in iText Java library to provide input/output functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided together with the JAR file in the binary packge like You can download it at iText 7 Core Download site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using io.pom as the build configuration file.

The source code of io-7.1.4.jar is provided below:




    This file is part of the iText (R) project.
    Copyright (c) 1998-2018 iText Group NV
    Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
    as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
    following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
    along with this program; if not, see or write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:

    The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
    of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
    Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.

    In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
    a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
    or manipulated using iText.

    You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
    a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
    develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
    disclosing the source code of your own applications.
    These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
    serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
    source product.

    For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this

 * Class containing constants to be used in logging.
public final class LogMessageConstant {

    public static final String ACTION_WAS_SET_TO_LINK_ANNOTATION_WITH_DESTINATION = "Action was set for a link annotation containing destination. The old destination will be cleared.";
    public static final String ALREADY_FLUSHED_INDIRECT_OBJECT_MADE_FREE = "An attempt is made to free already flushed indirect object reference. Indirect reference wasn't freed.";
    public static final String ALREADY_TAGGED_HINT_MARKED_ARTIFACT = "A layout tagging hint for which an actual tag was already created in tags structure is marked as artifact. Existing tag will be left in the tags tree.";
    public static final String ASSOCIATED_FILE_SPEC_SHALL_INCLUDE_AFRELATIONSHIP = "For associated files their associated file specification dictionaries shall include the AFRelationship key.";
    public static final String ATTEMPT_TO_CREATE_A_TAG_FOR_FINISHED_HINT = "Attempt to create a tag for a hint which is already marked as finished, tag will not be created.";
    public static final String ATTEMPT_TO_MOVE_TO_FLUSHED_PARENT = "An attempt is made to move the tag tree pointer to the tag parent which has been already flushed. Tag tree pointer is moved to the root tag instead.";
    public static final String CALCULATE_HASHCODE_FOR_MODIFIED_PDFNUMBER = "Calculate hashcode for modified PdfNumber.";
    public static final String CANNOT_ADD_FINISHED_HINT_AS_A_NEW_KID_HINT = "Layout tagging hints addition failed: cannot add a hint that is already marked as finished. Consider using com.itextpdf.layout.tagging.LayoutTaggingHelper#moveKidHint method for moving already finished kid hint from not yet finished parent hint.";
    public static final String CANNOT_ADD_HINTS_TO_FINISHED_PARENT = "Layout tagging hints addition failed: cannot add new kid hints to a parent which hint is already marked as finished. Consider using com.itextpdf.layout.tagging.LayoutTaggingHelper#replaceKidHint method for replacing not yet finished kid hint of a finished parent hint.";
    public static final String CANNOT_ADD_KID_HINT_WHICH_IS_ALREADY_ADDED_TO_ANOTHER_PARENT = "Layout tagging hints addition failed: cannot add a kid hint to a new parent if it is already added to another parent. Consider using com.itextpdf.layout.tagging.LayoutTaggingHelper#moveHint method instead.";
    public static final String CANNOT_MOVE_FINISHED_HINT = "Layout tagging hints modification failed: cannot move kid hint for which both itself and it's parent are already marked as finished.";
    public static final String CANNOT_MOVE_HINT_TO_FINISHED_PARENT = "Layout tagging hints modification failed: cannot move kid hint to a parent that is already marked as finished.";
    public static final String CANNOT_REPLACE_FINISHED_HINT = "Layout tagging hints modification failed: cannot replace a kid hint that is already marked as finished.";
    public static final String CANNOT_RESOLVE_ROLE_IN_NAMESPACE_TOO_MUCH_TRANSITIVE_MAPPINGS = "Cannot resolve \"{0}\" role in {1} namespace mapping to standard role, because of the too much transitive mappings.";
    public static final String CANNOT_RESOLVE_ROLE_TOO_MUCH_TRANSITIVE_MAPPINGS = "Cannot resolve \"{0}\" role mapping to standard role, because of the too much transitive mappings.";
    public static final String CLIP_ELEMENT = "Element content was clipped because some height properties are set.";
    public static final String COLLECTION_DICTIONARY_ALREADY_EXISTS_IT_WILL_BE_MODIFIED = "Collection dictionary already exists. It will be modified.";
    public static final String COLORANT_INTENSITIES_INVALID = "Some of colorant intensities are invalid: they are bigger than 1 or less than 0. We will force them to become 1 or 0 respectively.";
    public static final String COLOR_ALPHA_CHANNEL_IS_IGNORED = "Alpha channel {0} was ignored during color creation. Note that opacity can be achieved in some places by using 'setOpacity' method or 'TransparentColor' class";
    public static final String COLOR_NOT_PARSED = "Color \"{0}\" was not parsed. It has invalid value. Defaulting to black color.";
    public static final String COULD_NOT_FIND_GLYPH_WITH_CODE = "Could not find glyph with the following code: {0}";
    public static final String CREATED_ROOT_TAG_HAS_MAPPING = "Created root tag has role mapping: \"/Document\" role{0} is mapped{1}. Resulting tag structure might have invalid root tag.";
    public static final String DESTINATION_NOT_PERMITTED_WHEN_ACTION_IS_SET = "Destinations are not permitted for link annotations that already have actions. The old action will be removed.";
    public static final String DIRECTONLY_OBJECT_CANNOT_BE_INDIRECT = "DirectOnly object cannot be indirect";
    public static final String DOCFONT_HAS_ILLEGAL_DIFFERENCES = "Document Font has illegal differences array. Entry {0} references a glyph ID over 255 and will be ignored.";
    public static final String DOCUMENT_ALREADY_HAS_FIELD = "The document already has field {0}. Annotations of the fields with this name will be added to the existing one as children. If you want to have separate fields, please, rename them manually before copying.";
    public static final String DOCUMENT_SERIALIZATION_EXCEPTION_RAISED = "Unhandled exception while serialization";
    public static final String ELEMENT_DOES_NOT_FIT_AREA = "Element does not fit current area. {0}";
    public static final String ELEMENT_WAS_FORCE_PLACED_KEEP_WITH_NEXT_WILL_BE_IGNORED = "Element was placed in a forced way. Keep with next property will be ignored";
    public static final String EMBEDDED_GO_TO_DESTINATION_NOT_SPECIFIED = "No destination in the target was specified for action. Destination entry is mandatory for embedded go-to actions.";
    public static final String ENCOUNTERED_INVALID_MCR = "Corrupted tag structure: encountered invalid marked content reference - it doesn't refer to any page or any mcid. This content reference will be ignored.";
    public static final String ENCRYPTED_PAYLOAD_FILE_SPEC_SHALL_HAVE_AFRELATIONSHIP_FILED_EQUAL_TO_ENCRYPTED_PAYLOAD = "Encrypted payload file spec shall have 'AFRelationship' filed equal to 'EncryptedPayload'";
    public static final String ENCRYPTION_ENTRIES_P_AND_ENCRYPT_METADATA_NOT_CORRESPOND_PERMS_ENTRY = "Encryption dictionary entries P and EncryptMetadata have value that does not correspond to encrypted values in Perms key.";
    public static final String EXCEPTION_WHILE_CREATING_DEFAULT_FONT = "Exception while creating default font (Helvetica, WinAnsi)";
    public static final String EXCEPTION_WHILE_UPDATING_XMPMETADATA = "Exception while updating XmpMetadata";
    public static final String EXISTING_TAG_STRUCTURE_ROOT_IS_NOT_STANDARD = "Existing tag structure of the document has a root of \"{0}\" role in \"{1}\" namespace that is not mapped to the standard role.";
    public static final String FAILED_TO_DETERMINE_CID_FONT_SUBTYPE = "Failed to determine CIDFont subtype. The type of CIDFont shall be CIDFontType0 or CIDFontType2.";
    public static final String FAILED_TO_PARSE_ENCODING_STREAM = "Failed to parse encoding stream.";
    public static final String FILE_CHANNEL_CLOSING_FAILED = "Closing of the file channel this source is based on failed.";
    public static final String FLUSHED_OBJECT_CONTAINS_FREE_REFERENCE = "Flushed object contains indirect reference which is free. Null object will be written instead.";
    public static final String FLUSHED_OBJECT_CONTAINS_REFERENCE_WHICH_NOT_REFER_TO_ANY_OBJECT = "Flushed object contains indirect reference which doesn't refer to any other object. Null object will be written instead.";
    public static final String FONT_HAS_INVALID_GLYPH = "Font {0} has invalid glyph: {1}";
    public static final String FONT_PROPERTY_MUST_BE_PDF_FONT_OBJECT = "The Font Property must be a PdfFont object";
    public static final String FONT_SUBSET_ISSUE = "Font subset issue. Full font will be embedded.";
    public static final String FORBID_RELEASE_IS_SET = "ForbidRelease flag is set and release is called. Releasing will not be performed.";
    public static final String FORM_FIELD_WAS_FLUSHED = "A form field was flushed. There's no way to create this field in the AcroForm dictionary.";
    public static final String GRAPHICS_STATE_WAS_DELETED = "Graphics state is always deleted after event dispatching. If you want to preserve it in renderer info, use preserveGraphicsState method after receiving renderer info.";
    public static final String IF_PATH_IS_SET_VERTICES_SHALL_NOT_BE_PRESENT = "If Path key is set, Vertices key shall not be present. Remove Vertices key before setting Path";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_AMBIGUOUS_SCALE = "The image cannot be auto scaled and scaled by a certain parameter simultaneously";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_ICC_PROFILE_WITH_INCOMPATIBLE_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_COMPONENTS_COMPARED_TO_BASE_COLOR_SPACE_IN_INDEXED_COLOR_SPACE = "Image has icc profile with incompatible number of color components compared to base color space in image indexed color space. The icc profile will be ignored.";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_ICC_PROFILE_WITH_INCOMPATIBLE_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_COMPONENTS_COMPARED_TO_COLOR_SPACE = "Image has icc profile with incompatible number of color components compared to image color space. The icc profile will be ignored.";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_INCORRECT_OR_UNSUPPORTED_BASE_COLOR_SPACE_IN_INDEXED_COLOR_SPACE_OVERRIDDEN_BY_ICC_PROFILE = "Image has incorrect or unsupported base color space in indexed color space, it will be overridden by one based on embedded icc profile.";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_INCORRECT_OR_UNSUPPORTED_COLOR_SPACE_OVERRIDDEN_BY_ICC_PROFILE = "Image has incorrect or unsupported color space, that will be overridden by one based on embedded icc profile.";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_JBIG2DECODE_FILTER = "Image cannot be inline if it has JBIG2Decode filter. It will be added as an ImageXObject";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_JPXDECODE_FILTER = "Image cannot be inline if it has JPXDecode filter. It will be added as an ImageXObject";
    public static final String IMAGE_HAS_MASK = "Image cannot be inline if it has a Mask";
    public static final String IMAGE_SIZE_CANNOT_BE_MORE_4KB = "Inline image size cannot be more than 4KB. It will be added as an ImageXObject";
    public static final String INCORRECT_PAGEROTATION = "Encounterd a page rotation that was not a multiple of 90°/ (Pi/2) when generating default appearances for form fields";
    public static final String INDIRECT_REFERENCE_USED_IN_FLUSHED_OBJECT_MADE_FREE = "An attempt is made to free an indirect reference which was already used in the flushed object. Indirect reference wasn't freed.";
    public static final String INLINE_BLOCK_ELEMENT_WILL_BE_CLIPPED = "Inline block element does not fit into parent element and will be clipped";
    public static final String INPUT_STREAM_CONTENT_IS_LOST_ON_PDFSTREAM_SERIALIZATION = "PdfStream contains not null input stream. It's content will be lost in serialized object.";
    public static final String INVALID_DESTINATION_TYPE = "When destination's not associated with a Remote or Embedded Go-To action, it shall specify page dictionary instead of page number. Otherwise destination might be considered invalid";
    public static final String INVALID_INDIRECT_REFERENCE = "Invalid indirect reference {0} {1} R";
    public static final String INVALID_KEY_VALUE_KEY_0_HAS_NULL_VALUE = "Invalid key value: key {0} has null value.";
    public static final String LAST_ROW_IS_NOT_COMPLETE = "Last row is not completed. Table bottom border may collapse as you do not expect it";
    public static final String MAKE_COPY_OF_CATALOG_DICTIONARY_IS_FORBIDDEN = "Make copy of Catalog dictionary is forbidden.";
    public static final String MAPPING_IN_NAMESPACE_OVERWRITTEN = "Existing mapping for {0} in {1} namespace was overwritten.";
    public static final String MAPPING_IN_STRUCT_ROOT_OVERWRITTEN = "Existing mapping for {0} in structure tree root role map was {1} and it was overwritten with {2}.";
    public static final String METHOD_IS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_BY_DEFAULT_OTHER_METHOD_WILL_BE_USED = "Method {0} is not implemented by default: please, override and implement it. {1} will be used instead.";
    public static final String NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS_IN_THE_NAME_TREE = "Name \"{0}\" already exists in the name tree; old value will be replaced by the new one.";
    public static final String NOT_TAGGED_PAGES_IN_TAGGED_DOCUMENT = "Not tagged pages are copied to the tagged document. Destination document now may contain not tagged content.";
    public static final String NO_FIELDS_IN_ACROFORM = "Required AcroForm entry /Fields does not exist in the document. Empty array /Fields will be created.";
    public static final String NUM_TREE_SHALL_NOT_END_WITH_KEY = "Number tree ends with a key which is invalid according to the PDF specification.";
    public static final String OCCUPIED_AREA_HAS_NOT_BEEN_INITIALIZED = "Occupied area has not been initialized. {0}";
    public static final String OCSP_STATUS_IS_REVOKED = "OCSP status is revoked.";
    public static final String OCSP_STATUS_IS_UNKNOWN = "OCSP status is unknown.";
    public static final String ONE_OF_GROUPED_SOURCES_CLOSING_FAILED = "Closing of one of the grouped sources failed.";
    public static final String ONLY_ONE_OF_ARTBOX_OR_TRIMBOX_CAN_EXIST_IN_THE_PAGE = "Only one of artbox or trimbox can exist on the page. The trimbox will be deleted";
    public static final String OPENTYPE_GDEF_TABLE_ERROR = "OpenType GDEF table error: {0}";
    public static final String PAGE_TREE_IS_BROKEN_FAILED_TO_RETRIEVE_PAGE = "Page tree is broken. Failed to retrieve page number {0}. Null will be returned.";
    public static final String PATH_KEY_IS_PRESENT_VERTICES_WILL_BE_IGNORED = "Path key is present. Vertices will be ignored";
    public static final String PDF_OBJECT_FLUSHING_NOT_PERFORMED = "PdfObject flushing is not performed: PdfDocument is opened in append mode and the object is not marked as modified ( see PdfObject#setModified() ).";
    public static final String PDF_READER_CLOSING_FAILED = "PdfReader closing failed due to the error occurred!";
    public static final String PDF_WRITER_CLOSING_FAILED = "PdfWriter closing failed due to the error occurred!";
    public static final String PNG_IMAGE_HAS_ICC_PROFILE_WITH_INCOMPATIBLE_NUMBER_OF_COLOR_COMPONENTS = "Png image has color profile with incompatible number of color components.";
    public static final String POPUP_ENTRY_IS_NOT_POPUP_ANNOTATION = "Popup entry in the markup annotations refers not to the annotation with Popup subtype.";
    public static final String PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED = "Property {0} in percents is not supported";
    public static final String RECTANGLE_HAS_NEGATIVE_OR_ZERO_SIZES = "The {0} rectangle has negative or zero sizes. It will not be displayed.";
    public static final String RECTANGLE_HAS_NEGATIVE_SIZE = "The {0} rectangle has negative size. It will not be displayed.";
    public static final String REMOVING_PAGE_HAS_ALREADY_BEEN_FLUSHED = "The removing page has already been flushed.";
    public static final String RENDERER_WAS_NOT_ABLE_TO_PROCESS_KEEP_WITH_NEXT = "The renderer was not able to process keep with next property properly";
    public static final String ROLE_MAPPING_FROM_SOURCE_IS_NOT_COPIED_ALREADY_EXIST = "Role mapping \"{0}\" from source document is not copied. Destination document already has \"{1}\" mapping.";
    public static final String ROLE_MAPPING_FROM_SOURCE_IS_NOT_COPIED_INVALID = "Role mapping for \"{0}\" from source document is not copied. Mapping to namespace is in an invalid form (should be [PdfName, PdfDictionary]).";
    public static final String ROTATION_WAS_NOT_CORRECTLY_PROCESSED_FOR_RENDERER = "Rotation was not correctly processed for {0}";
    public static final String SOME_TARGET_FIELDS_ARE_NOT_SET_OR_INCORRECT = "Some fields in target dictionary are not set or incorrect. Null will be returned.";
    public static final String SOURCE_DOCUMENT_HAS_ACROFORM_DICTIONARY = "Source document has AcroForm dictionary. The pages you are going to copy may have FormFields, but they will not be copied, because you have not used any IPdfPageExtraCopier";
    public static final String START_MARKER_MISSING_IN_PFB_FILE = "Start marker is missing in the pfb file";
    public static final String STDSCRIPTCONFIG_DESIGNED_ONLY_FOR_STD_SCRIPTS = "StandardScriptConfig class is designed for only standard scripts, otherwise it might be incompatible.";
    public static final String STRUCTURE_ELEMENT_REPLACED_BY_ITS_ID_IN_STRUCTURE_DESTINATION = "Structure destinations shall specify structure element ID in remote go-to actions. Structure element has been replaced with its ID in the structure destination";
    public static final String SUM_OF_TABLE_COLUMNS_IS_GREATER_THAN_100 = "Sum of table columns is greater than 100%.";
    public static final String TABLE_WIDTH_IS_MORE_THAN_EXPECTED_DUE_TO_MIN_WIDTH = "Table width is more than expected due to min width of cell(s).";
    public static final String TAGGING_HINT_NOT_FINISHED_BEFORE_CLOSE = "Tagging hint wasn't finished before closing.";
    public static final String TAG_STRUCTURE_CONTEXT_WILL_BE_REINITIALIZED_ON_SERIALIZATION = "Tag structure context is not null and will be reinitialized in the copy of document. The copy may lose some data";
    public static final String TAG_STRUCTURE_INIT_FAILED = "Tag structure initialization failed, tag structure is ignored, it might be corrupted.";
    public static final String TOUNICODE_CMAP_MORE_THAN_2_BYTES_NOT_SUPPORTED = "ToUnicode CMap more than 2 bytes not supported.";
    public static final String TYPE3_FONT_CANNOT_BE_ADDED = "Type 3 font cannot be added to FontSet. Custom FontProvider class may be created for this purpose.";
    public static final String TYPE3_FONT_ISSUE_TAGGED_PDF = "Type 3 font issue. Font Descriptor is required for tagged PDF. FontName shall be specified.";
    public static final String UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_EVENT_DATA_HANDLER_SHUTDOWN_HOOK = "Unable to register event data handler shutdown hook because of security reasons.";
    public static final String UNABLE_TO_SEARCH_FOR_EVENT_CONTEXT = "It is impossible to retrieve event context because of the security reasons. Event counting may behave in unexpected way";
    public static final String UNEXPECTED_BEHAVIOUR_DURING_TABLE_ROW_COLLAPSING = "Unexpected behaviour during table row collapsing. Calculated rowspan was less then 1.";
    public static final String UNEXPECTED_EVENT_HANDLER_SERVICE_THREAD_EXCEPTION = "Unexpected exception encountered in service thread. Shutting it down.";
    public static final String UNKNOWN_CMAP = "Unknown CMap {0}";
    public static final String UNKNOWN_COLOR_FORMAT_MUST_BE_RGB_OR_RRGGBB = "Unknown color format: must be rgb or rrggbb.";
    public static final String UNKNOWN_DIGEST_METHOD = "Unknown digest method. Valid values are MD5, SHA1 SHA256, SHA384, SHA512 and RIPEMD160.";
    public static final String UNKNOWN_ERROR_WHILE_PROCESSING_CMAP = "Unknown error while processing CMap.";
    public static final String VERSION_INCOMPATIBILITY_FOR_DICTIONARY_ENTRY = "\"{0}\" entry in the \"{1}\" dictionary is a {2} and higher version feature. It is meaningless for the current {3} version.";
    public static final String WRITER_ENCRYPTION_IS_IGNORED_APPEND = "Writer encryption will be ignored, because append mode is used. Document will preserve the original encryption (or will stay unencrypted)";
    public static final String WRITER_ENCRYPTION_IS_IGNORED_PRESERVE = "Writer encryption will be ignored, because preservation of encryption is enabled. Document will preserve the original encryption (or will stay unencrypted)";
    public static final String XREF_ERROR = "Error occurred while reading cross reference table. Cross reference table will be rebuilt.";



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: io-7.1.4-sources.jar
File size: 608762 bytes
Release date: 2018-10-09


iText layout.jar Source Code

iText kernel.jar Source Code

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⇑⇑ iText for PDF Generation

2018-04-09, 91119👍, 5💬