iText io.jar Source Code

io.jar is a component in iText Java library to provide input/output functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided together with the JAR file in the binary packge like You can download it at iText 7 Core Download site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using io.pom as the build configuration file.

The source code of io-7.1.4.jar is provided below:



/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

   Distributed under MIT license.
   See file LICENSE for detail or copy at


 * API for Brotli decompression.
final class Decode {

  private static final int DEFAULT_CODE_LENGTH = 8;
  private static final int CODE_LENGTH_REPEAT_CODE = 16;
  private static final int NUM_LITERAL_CODES = 256;
  private static final int NUM_INSERT_AND_COPY_CODES = 704;
  private static final int NUM_BLOCK_LENGTH_CODES = 26;
  private static final int LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS = 6;
  private static final int DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS = 2;

  private static final int HUFFMAN_TABLE_BITS = 8;
  private static final int HUFFMAN_TABLE_MASK = 0xFF;

  private static final int CODE_LENGTH_CODES = 18;
  private static final int[] CODE_LENGTH_CODE_ORDER = {
      1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 5, 17, 6, 16, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,

  private static final int NUM_DISTANCE_SHORT_CODES = 16;
  private static final int[] DISTANCE_SHORT_CODE_INDEX_OFFSET = {
      3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

  private static final int[] DISTANCE_SHORT_CODE_VALUE_OFFSET = {
      0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3, -1, 1, -2, 2, -3, 3

   * Static Huffman code for the code length code lengths.
  private static final int[] FIXED_TABLE = {
      0x020000, 0x020004, 0x020003, 0x030002, 0x020000, 0x020004, 0x020003, 0x040001,
      0x020000, 0x020004, 0x020003, 0x030002, 0x020000, 0x020004, 0x020003, 0x040005

   * Decodes a number in the range [0..255], by reading 1 - 11 bits.
  private static int decodeVarLenUnsignedByte(BitReader br) {
    if (BitReader.readBits(br, 1) != 0) {
      int n = BitReader.readBits(br, 3);
      if (n == 0) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return BitReader.readBits(br, n) + (1 << n);
    return 0;

  private static void decodeMetaBlockLength(BitReader br, State state) {
    state.inputEnd = BitReader.readBits(br, 1) == 1;
    state.metaBlockLength = 0;
    state.isUncompressed = false;
    state.isMetadata = false;
    if (state.inputEnd && BitReader.readBits(br, 1) != 0) {
    int sizeNibbles = BitReader.readBits(br, 2) + 4;
    if (sizeNibbles == 7) {
      state.isMetadata = true;
      if (BitReader.readBits(br, 1) != 0) {
        throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Corrupted reserved bit");
      int sizeBytes = BitReader.readBits(br, 2);
      if (sizeBytes == 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < sizeBytes; i++) {
        int bits = BitReader.readBits(br, 8);
        if (bits == 0 && i + 1 == sizeBytes && sizeBytes > 1) {
          throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Exuberant nibble");
        state.metaBlockLength |= bits << (i * 8);
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < sizeNibbles; i++) {
        int bits = BitReader.readBits(br, 4);
        if (bits == 0 && i + 1 == sizeNibbles && sizeNibbles > 4) {
          throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Exuberant nibble");
        state.metaBlockLength |= bits << (i * 4);
    if (!state.inputEnd) {
      state.isUncompressed = BitReader.readBits(br, 1) == 1;

   * Decodes the next Huffman code from bit-stream.
  private static int readSymbol(int[] table, int offset, BitReader br) {
    int val = (int) (br.accumulator >>> br.bitOffset);
    offset += val & HUFFMAN_TABLE_MASK;
    int bits = table[offset] >> 16;
    int sym = table[offset] & 0xFFFF;
    if (bits <= HUFFMAN_TABLE_BITS) {
      br.bitOffset += bits;
      return sym;
    offset += sym;
    int mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
    offset += (val & mask) >>> HUFFMAN_TABLE_BITS;
    br.bitOffset += ((table[offset] >> 16) + HUFFMAN_TABLE_BITS);
    return table[offset] & 0xFFFF;

  private static int readBlockLength(int[] table, int offset, BitReader br) {
    int code = readSymbol(table, offset, br);
    int n = Prefix.BLOCK_LENGTH_N_BITS[code];
    return Prefix.BLOCK_LENGTH_OFFSET[code] + BitReader.readBits(br, n);

  private static int translateShortCodes(int code, int[] ringBuffer, int index) {
    if (code < NUM_DISTANCE_SHORT_CODES) {
      index &= 3;
      return ringBuffer[index] + DISTANCE_SHORT_CODE_VALUE_OFFSET[code];
    return code - NUM_DISTANCE_SHORT_CODES + 1;

  private static void moveToFront(int[] v, int index) {
    int value = v[index];
    for (; index > 0; index--) {
      v[index] = v[index - 1];
    v[0] = value;

  private static void inverseMoveToFrontTransform(byte[] v, int vLen) {
    int[] mtf = new int[256];
    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
      mtf[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < vLen; i++) {
      int index = v[i] & 0xFF;
      v[i] = (byte) mtf[index];
      if (index != 0) {
        moveToFront(mtf, index);

  private static void readHuffmanCodeLengths(
      int[] codeLengthCodeLengths, int numSymbols, int[] codeLengths, BitReader br) {
    int symbol = 0;
    int prevCodeLen = DEFAULT_CODE_LENGTH;
    int repeat = 0;
    int repeatCodeLen = 0;
    int space = 32768;
    int[] table = new int[32];

    Huffman.buildHuffmanTable(table, 0, 5, codeLengthCodeLengths, CODE_LENGTH_CODES);

    while (symbol < numSymbols && space > 0) {
      int p = (int) ((br.accumulator >>> br.bitOffset)) & 31;
      br.bitOffset += table[p] >> 16;
      int codeLen = table[p] & 0xFFFF;
      if (codeLen < CODE_LENGTH_REPEAT_CODE) {
        repeat = 0;
        codeLengths[symbol++] = codeLen;
        if (codeLen != 0) {
          prevCodeLen = codeLen;
          space -= 32768 >> codeLen;
      } else {
        int extraBits = codeLen - 14;
        int newLen = 0;
        if (codeLen == CODE_LENGTH_REPEAT_CODE) {
          newLen = prevCodeLen;
        if (repeatCodeLen != newLen) {
          repeat = 0;
          repeatCodeLen = newLen;
        int oldRepeat = repeat;
        if (repeat > 0) {
          repeat -= 2;
          repeat <<= extraBits;
        repeat += BitReader.readBits(br, extraBits) + 3;
        int repeatDelta = repeat - oldRepeat;
        if (symbol + repeatDelta > numSymbols) {
          throw new BrotliRuntimeException("symbol + repeatDelta > numSymbols"); // COV_NF_LINE
        for (int i = 0; i < repeatDelta; i++) {
          codeLengths[symbol++] = repeatCodeLen;
        if (repeatCodeLen != 0) {
          space -= repeatDelta << (15 - repeatCodeLen);
    if (space != 0) {
      throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Unused space"); // COV_NF_LINE
    // TODO: Pass max_symbol to Huffman table builder instead?
    Utils.fillWithZeroes(codeLengths, symbol, numSymbols - symbol);

  // TODO: Use specialized versions for smaller tables.
  static void readHuffmanCode(int alphabetSize, int[] table, int offset, BitReader br) {
    boolean ok = true;
    int simpleCodeOrSkip;
    // TODO: Avoid allocation.
    int[] codeLengths = new int[alphabetSize];
    simpleCodeOrSkip = BitReader.readBits(br, 2);
    if (simpleCodeOrSkip == 1) { // Read symbols, codes & code lengths directly.
      int maxBitsCounter = alphabetSize - 1;
      int maxBits = 0;
      int[] symbols = new int[4];
      int numSymbols = BitReader.readBits(br, 2) + 1;
      while (maxBitsCounter != 0) {
        maxBitsCounter >>= 1;
      // TODO: uncomment when codeLengths is reused.
      // Utils.fillWithZeroes(codeLengths, 0, alphabetSize);
      for (int i = 0; i < numSymbols; i++) {
        symbols[i] = BitReader.readBits(br, maxBits) % alphabetSize;
        codeLengths[symbols[i]] = 2;
      codeLengths[symbols[0]] = 1;
      switch (numSymbols) {
        case 1:
        case 2:
          ok = symbols[0] != symbols[1];
          codeLengths[symbols[1]] = 1;
        case 3:
          ok = symbols[0] != symbols[1] && symbols[0] != symbols[2] && symbols[1] != symbols[2];
        case 4:
          ok = symbols[0] != symbols[1] && symbols[0] != symbols[2] && symbols[0] != symbols[3]
              && symbols[1] != symbols[2] && symbols[1] != symbols[3] && symbols[2] != symbols[3];
          if (BitReader.readBits(br, 1) == 1) {
            codeLengths[symbols[2]] = 3;
            codeLengths[symbols[3]] = 3;
          } else {
            codeLengths[symbols[0]] = 2;
    } else { // Decode Huffman-coded code lengths.
      int[] codeLengthCodeLengths = new int[CODE_LENGTH_CODES];
      int space = 32;
      int numCodes = 0;
      for (int i = simpleCodeOrSkip; i < CODE_LENGTH_CODES && space > 0; i++) {
        int codeLenIdx = CODE_LENGTH_CODE_ORDER[i];
        int p = (int) (br.accumulator >>> br.bitOffset) & 15;
        // TODO: Demultiplex FIXED_TABLE.
        br.bitOffset += FIXED_TABLE[p] >> 16;
        int v = FIXED_TABLE[p] & 0xFFFF;
        codeLengthCodeLengths[codeLenIdx] = v;
        if (v != 0) {
          space -= (32 >> v);
      ok = (numCodes == 1 || space == 0);
      readHuffmanCodeLengths(codeLengthCodeLengths, alphabetSize, codeLengths, br);
    if (!ok) {
      throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Can't readHuffmanCode"); // COV_NF_LINE
    Huffman.buildHuffmanTable(table, offset, HUFFMAN_TABLE_BITS, codeLengths, alphabetSize);

  private static int decodeContextMap(int contextMapSize, byte[] contextMap, BitReader br) {
    int numTrees = decodeVarLenUnsignedByte(br) + 1;

    if (numTrees == 1) {
      Utils.fillWithZeroes(contextMap, 0, contextMapSize);
      return numTrees;

    boolean useRleForZeros = BitReader.readBits(br, 1) == 1;
    int maxRunLengthPrefix = 0;
    if (useRleForZeros) {
      maxRunLengthPrefix = BitReader.readBits(br, 4) + 1;
    int[] table = new int[Huffman.HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE];
    readHuffmanCode(numTrees + maxRunLengthPrefix, table, 0, br);
    for (int i = 0; i < contextMapSize; ) {
      int code = readSymbol(table, 0, br);
      if (code == 0) {
        contextMap[i] = 0;
      } else if (code <= maxRunLengthPrefix) {
        int reps = (1 << code) + BitReader.readBits(br, code);
        while (reps != 0) {
          if (i >= contextMapSize) {
            throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Corrupted context map"); // COV_NF_LINE
          contextMap[i] = 0;
      } else {
        contextMap[i] = (byte) (code - maxRunLengthPrefix);
    if (BitReader.readBits(br, 1) == 1) {
      inverseMoveToFrontTransform(contextMap, contextMapSize);
    return numTrees;

  private static void decodeBlockTypeAndLength(State state, int treeType) {
    final BitReader br =;
    final int[] ringBuffers = state.blockTypeRb;
    final int offset = treeType * 2;
    int blockType = readSymbol(
        state.blockTypeTrees, treeType * Huffman.HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, br);
    state.blockLength[treeType] = readBlockLength(state.blockLenTrees,
        treeType * Huffman.HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, br);

    if (blockType == 1) {
      blockType = ringBuffers[offset + 1] + 1;
    } else if (blockType == 0) {
      blockType = ringBuffers[offset];
    } else {
      blockType -= 2;
    if (blockType >= state.numBlockTypes[treeType]) {
      blockType -= state.numBlockTypes[treeType];
    ringBuffers[offset] = ringBuffers[offset + 1];
    ringBuffers[offset + 1] = blockType;

  private static void decodeLiteralBlockSwitch(State state) {
    decodeBlockTypeAndLength(state, 0);
    int literalBlockType = state.blockTypeRb[1];
    state.contextMapSlice = literalBlockType << LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS;
    state.literalTreeIndex = state.contextMap[state.contextMapSlice] & 0xFF;
    state.literalTree = state.hGroup0.trees[state.literalTreeIndex];
    int contextMode = state.contextModes[literalBlockType];
    state.contextLookupOffset1 = Context.LOOKUP_OFFSETS[contextMode];
    state.contextLookupOffset2 = Context.LOOKUP_OFFSETS[contextMode + 1];

  private static void decodeCommandBlockSwitch(State state) {
    decodeBlockTypeAndLength(state, 1);
    state.treeCommandOffset = state.hGroup1.trees[state.blockTypeRb[3]];

  private static void decodeDistanceBlockSwitch(State state) {
    decodeBlockTypeAndLength(state, 2);
    state.distContextMapSlice = state.blockTypeRb[5] << DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS;

  private static void maybeReallocateRingBuffer(State state) {
    int newSize = state.maxRingBufferSize;
    if ((long) newSize > state.expectedTotalSize) {
      /* TODO: Handle 2GB+ cases more gracefully. */
      int minimalNewSize = (int) state.expectedTotalSize + state.customDictionary.length;
      while ((newSize >> 1) > minimalNewSize) {
        newSize >>= 1;
      if (!state.inputEnd && newSize < 16384 && state.maxRingBufferSize >= 16384) {
        newSize = 16384;
    if (newSize <= state.ringBufferSize) {
    int ringBufferSizeWithSlack = newSize + Dictionary.MAX_TRANSFORMED_WORD_LENGTH;
    byte[] newBuffer = new byte[ringBufferSizeWithSlack];
    if (state.ringBuffer != null) {
      System.arraycopy(state.ringBuffer, 0, newBuffer, 0, state.ringBufferSize);
    } else {
      /* Prepend custom dictionary, if any. */
      if (state.customDictionary.length != 0) {
        int length = state.customDictionary.length;
        int offset = 0;
        if (length > state.maxBackwardDistance) {
          offset = length - state.maxBackwardDistance;
          length = state.maxBackwardDistance;
        System.arraycopy(state.customDictionary, offset, newBuffer, 0, length);
        state.pos = length;
        state.bytesToIgnore = length;
    state.ringBuffer = newBuffer;
    state.ringBufferSize = newSize;

   * Reads next metablock header.
   * @param state decoding state
  private static void readMetablockInfo(State state) {
    final BitReader br =;

    if (state.inputEnd) {
      state.nextRunningState = RunningState.FINISHED;
      state.bytesToWrite = state.pos;
      state.bytesWritten = 0;
      state.runningState = RunningState.WRITE;
    // TODO: Reset? Do we need this? = null;
    state.hGroup0.trees = null; = null;
    state.hGroup1.trees = null; = null;
    state.hGroup2.trees = null;

    decodeMetaBlockLength(br, state);
    if (state.metaBlockLength == 0 && !state.isMetadata) {
    if (state.isUncompressed || state.isMetadata) {
      state.runningState = state.isMetadata ? RunningState.READ_METADATA : RunningState.COPY_UNCOMPRESSED;
    } else {
      state.runningState = RunningState.COMPRESSED_BLOCK_START;

    if (state.isMetadata) {
    state.expectedTotalSize += state.metaBlockLength;
    if (state.ringBufferSize < state.maxRingBufferSize) {

  private static void readMetablockHuffmanCodesAndContextMaps(State state) {
    final BitReader br =;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      state.numBlockTypes[i] = decodeVarLenUnsignedByte(br) + 1;
      state.blockLength[i] = 1 << 28;
      if (state.numBlockTypes[i] > 1) {
        readHuffmanCode(state.numBlockTypes[i] + 2, state.blockTypeTrees,
            i * Huffman.HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, br);
        readHuffmanCode(NUM_BLOCK_LENGTH_CODES, state.blockLenTrees,
            i * Huffman.HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, br);
        state.blockLength[i] = readBlockLength(state.blockLenTrees,
            i * Huffman.HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE, br);

    state.distancePostfixBits = BitReader.readBits(br, 2);
    state.numDirectDistanceCodes =
        NUM_DISTANCE_SHORT_CODES + (BitReader.readBits(br, 4) << state.distancePostfixBits);
    state.distancePostfixMask = (1 << state.distancePostfixBits) - 1;
    int numDistanceCodes = state.numDirectDistanceCodes + (48 << state.distancePostfixBits);
    // TODO: Reuse?
    state.contextModes = new byte[state.numBlockTypes[0]];
    for (int i = 0; i < state.numBlockTypes[0];) {
      /* Ensure that less than 256 bits read between readMoreInput. */
      int limit = Math.min(i + 96, state.numBlockTypes[0]);
      for (; i < limit; ++i) {
        state.contextModes[i] = (byte) (BitReader.readBits(br, 2) << 1);

    // TODO: Reuse?
    state.contextMap = new byte[state.numBlockTypes[0] << LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS];
    int numLiteralTrees = decodeContextMap(state.numBlockTypes[0] << LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS,
        state.contextMap, br);
    state.trivialLiteralContext = true;
    for (int j = 0; j < state.numBlockTypes[0] << LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS; j++) {
      if (state.contextMap[j] != j >> LITERAL_CONTEXT_BITS) {
        state.trivialLiteralContext = false;

    // TODO: Reuse?
    state.distContextMap = new byte[state.numBlockTypes[2] << DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS];
    int numDistTrees = decodeContextMap(state.numBlockTypes[2] << DISTANCE_CONTEXT_BITS,
        state.distContextMap, br);

    HuffmanTreeGroup.init(state.hGroup0, NUM_LITERAL_CODES, numLiteralTrees);
    HuffmanTreeGroup.init(state.hGroup1, NUM_INSERT_AND_COPY_CODES, state.numBlockTypes[1]);
    HuffmanTreeGroup.init(state.hGroup2, numDistanceCodes, numDistTrees);

    HuffmanTreeGroup.decode(state.hGroup0, br);
    HuffmanTreeGroup.decode(state.hGroup1, br);
    HuffmanTreeGroup.decode(state.hGroup2, br);

    state.contextMapSlice = 0;
    state.distContextMapSlice = 0;
    state.contextLookupOffset1 = Context.LOOKUP_OFFSETS[state.contextModes[0]];
    state.contextLookupOffset2 = Context.LOOKUP_OFFSETS[state.contextModes[0] + 1];
    state.literalTreeIndex = 0;
    state.literalTree = state.hGroup0.trees[0];
    state.treeCommandOffset = state.hGroup1.trees[0]; // TODO: == 0?

    state.blockTypeRb[0] = state.blockTypeRb[2] = state.blockTypeRb[4] = 1;
    state.blockTypeRb[1] = state.blockTypeRb[3] = state.blockTypeRb[5] = 0;

  private static void copyUncompressedData(State state) {
    final BitReader br =;
    final byte[] ringBuffer = state.ringBuffer;

    // Could happen if block ends at ring buffer end.
    if (state.metaBlockLength <= 0) {
      state.runningState = RunningState.BLOCK_START;

    int chunkLength = Math.min(state.ringBufferSize - state.pos, state.metaBlockLength);
    BitReader.copyBytes(br, ringBuffer, state.pos, chunkLength);
    state.metaBlockLength -= chunkLength;
    state.pos += chunkLength;
    if (state.pos == state.ringBufferSize) {
        state.nextRunningState = RunningState.COPY_UNCOMPRESSED;
        state.bytesToWrite = state.ringBufferSize;
        state.bytesWritten = 0;
        state.runningState = RunningState.WRITE;

    state.runningState = RunningState.BLOCK_START;

  private static boolean writeRingBuffer(State state) {
    /* Ignore custom dictionary bytes. */
    if (state.bytesToIgnore != 0) {
      state.bytesWritten += state.bytesToIgnore;
      state.bytesToIgnore = 0;
    int toWrite = Math.min(state.outputLength - state.outputUsed,
        state.bytesToWrite - state.bytesWritten);
    if (toWrite != 0) {
      System.arraycopy(state.ringBuffer, state.bytesWritten, state.output,
          state.outputOffset + state.outputUsed, toWrite);
      state.outputUsed += toWrite;
      state.bytesWritten += toWrite;

    return state.outputUsed < state.outputLength;

  static void setCustomDictionary(State state, byte[] data) {
    state.customDictionary = (data == null) ? new byte[0] : data;

   * Actual decompress implementation.
  static void decompress(State state) {
    if (state.runningState == RunningState.UNINITIALIZED) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Can't decompress until initialized");
    if (state.runningState == RunningState.CLOSED) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Can't decompress after close");
    final BitReader br =;
    int ringBufferMask = state.ringBufferSize - 1;
    byte[] ringBuffer = state.ringBuffer;

    while (state.runningState != RunningState.FINISHED) {
      // TODO: extract cases to methods for the better readability.
      switch (state.runningState) {
        case RunningState.BLOCK_START:
          if (state.metaBlockLength < 0) {
            throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Invalid metablock length");
          /* Ring-buffer would be reallocated here. */
          ringBufferMask = state.ringBufferSize - 1;
          ringBuffer = state.ringBuffer;

        case RunningState.COMPRESSED_BLOCK_START:
          state.runningState = RunningState.MAIN_LOOP;
          // Fall through

        case RunningState.MAIN_LOOP:
          if (state.metaBlockLength <= 0) {
            state.runningState = RunningState.BLOCK_START;
          if (state.blockLength[1] == 0) {
          int cmdCode = readSymbol(, state.treeCommandOffset, br);
          int rangeIdx = cmdCode >>> 6;
          state.distanceCode = 0;
          if (rangeIdx >= 2) {
            rangeIdx -= 2;
            state.distanceCode = -1;
          int insertCode = Prefix.INSERT_RANGE_LUT[rangeIdx] + ((cmdCode >>> 3) & 7);
          int copyCode = Prefix.COPY_RANGE_LUT[rangeIdx] + (cmdCode & 7);
          state.insertLength = Prefix.INSERT_LENGTH_OFFSET[insertCode] + BitReader
              .readBits(br, Prefix.INSERT_LENGTH_N_BITS[insertCode]);
          state.copyLength = Prefix.COPY_LENGTH_OFFSET[copyCode] + BitReader
              .readBits(br, Prefix.COPY_LENGTH_N_BITS[copyCode]);

          state.j = 0;
          state.runningState = RunningState.INSERT_LOOP;

          // Fall through
        case RunningState.INSERT_LOOP:
          if (state.trivialLiteralContext) {
            while (state.j < state.insertLength) {
              if (state.blockLength[0] == 0) {
              ringBuffer[state.pos] =
                  (byte) readSymbol(, state.literalTree, br);
              if (state.pos++ == ringBufferMask) {
                state.nextRunningState = RunningState.INSERT_LOOP;
                state.bytesToWrite = state.ringBufferSize;
                state.bytesWritten = 0;
                state.runningState = RunningState.WRITE;
          } else {
            int prevByte1 = ringBuffer[(state.pos - 1) & ringBufferMask] & 0xFF;
            int prevByte2 = ringBuffer[(state.pos - 2) & ringBufferMask] & 0xFF;
            while (state.j < state.insertLength) {
              if (state.blockLength[0] == 0) {
              int literalTreeIndex = state.contextMap[state.contextMapSlice
                + (Context.LOOKUP[state.contextLookupOffset1 + prevByte1]
                    | Context.LOOKUP[state.contextLookupOffset2 + prevByte2])] & 0xFF;
              prevByte2 = prevByte1;
              prevByte1 = readSymbol(
        , state.hGroup0.trees[literalTreeIndex], br);
              ringBuffer[state.pos] = (byte) prevByte1;
              if (state.pos++ == ringBufferMask) {
                state.nextRunningState = RunningState.INSERT_LOOP;
                state.bytesToWrite = state.ringBufferSize;
                state.bytesWritten = 0;
                state.runningState = RunningState.WRITE;
          if (state.runningState != RunningState.INSERT_LOOP) {
          state.metaBlockLength -= state.insertLength;
          if (state.metaBlockLength <= 0) {
            state.runningState = RunningState.MAIN_LOOP;
          if (state.distanceCode < 0) {
            if (state.blockLength[2] == 0) {
            state.distanceCode = readSymbol(, state.hGroup2.trees[
                    + (state.copyLength > 4 ? 3 : state.copyLength - 2)] & 0xFF], br);
            if (state.distanceCode >= state.numDirectDistanceCodes) {
              state.distanceCode -= state.numDirectDistanceCodes;
              int postfix = state.distanceCode & state.distancePostfixMask;
              state.distanceCode >>>= state.distancePostfixBits;
              int n = (state.distanceCode >>> 1) + 1;
              int offset = ((2 + (state.distanceCode & 1)) << n) - 4;
              state.distanceCode = state.numDirectDistanceCodes + postfix
                  + ((offset + BitReader.readBits(br, n)) << state.distancePostfixBits);

          // Convert the distance code to the actual distance by possibly looking up past distances
          // from the ringBuffer.
          state.distance = translateShortCodes(state.distanceCode, state.distRb, state.distRbIdx);
          if (state.distance < 0) {
            throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Negative distance"); // COV_NF_LINE

          if (state.maxDistance != state.maxBackwardDistance
              && state.pos < state.maxBackwardDistance) {
            state.maxDistance = state.pos;
          } else {
            state.maxDistance = state.maxBackwardDistance;

          state.copyDst = state.pos;
          if (state.distance > state.maxDistance) {
            state.runningState = RunningState.TRANSFORM;

          if (state.distanceCode > 0) {
            state.distRb[state.distRbIdx & 3] = state.distance;

          if (state.copyLength > state.metaBlockLength) {
            throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Invalid backward reference"); // COV_NF_LINE
          state.j = 0;
          state.runningState = RunningState.COPY_LOOP;
          // fall through
        case RunningState.COPY_LOOP:
          int src = (state.pos - state.distance) & ringBufferMask;
          int dst = state.pos;
          int copyLength = state.copyLength - state.j;
          if ((src + copyLength < ringBufferMask) && (dst + copyLength < ringBufferMask)) {
            for (int k = 0; k < copyLength; ++k) {
              ringBuffer[dst++] = ringBuffer[src++];
            state.j += copyLength;
            state.metaBlockLength -= copyLength;
            state.pos += copyLength;
          } else {
            for (; state.j < state.copyLength;) {
              ringBuffer[state.pos] =
                  ringBuffer[(state.pos - state.distance) & ringBufferMask];
              if (state.pos++ == ringBufferMask) {
                state.nextRunningState = RunningState.COPY_LOOP;
                state.bytesToWrite = state.ringBufferSize;
                state.bytesWritten = 0;
                state.runningState = RunningState.WRITE;
          if (state.runningState == RunningState.COPY_LOOP) {
            state.runningState = RunningState.MAIN_LOOP;

        case RunningState.TRANSFORM:
          if (state.copyLength >= Dictionary.MIN_WORD_LENGTH
              && state.copyLength <= Dictionary.MAX_WORD_LENGTH) {
            int offset = Dictionary.OFFSETS_BY_LENGTH[state.copyLength];
            int wordId = state.distance - state.maxDistance - 1;
            int shift = Dictionary.SIZE_BITS_BY_LENGTH[state.copyLength];
            int mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
            int wordIdx = wordId & mask;
            int transformIdx = wordId >>> shift;
            offset += wordIdx * state.copyLength;
            if (transformIdx < Transform.TRANSFORMS.length) {
              int len = Transform.transformDictionaryWord(ringBuffer, state.copyDst,
                  Dictionary.getData(), offset, state.copyLength,
              state.copyDst += len;
              state.pos += len;
              state.metaBlockLength -= len;
              if (state.copyDst >= state.ringBufferSize) {
                state.nextRunningState = RunningState.COPY_WRAP_BUFFER;
                state.bytesToWrite = state.ringBufferSize;
                state.bytesWritten = 0;
                state.runningState = RunningState.WRITE;
            } else {
              throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Invalid backward reference"); // COV_NF_LINE
          } else {
            throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Invalid backward reference"); // COV_NF_LINE
          state.runningState = RunningState.MAIN_LOOP;

        case RunningState.COPY_WRAP_BUFFER:
          System.arraycopy(ringBuffer, state.ringBufferSize, ringBuffer, 0,
              state.copyDst - state.ringBufferSize);
          state.runningState = RunningState.MAIN_LOOP;

        case RunningState.READ_METADATA:
          while (state.metaBlockLength > 0) {
            // Optimize
            BitReader.readBits(br, 8);
          state.runningState = RunningState.BLOCK_START;

        case RunningState.COPY_UNCOMPRESSED:

        case RunningState.WRITE:
          if (!writeRingBuffer(state)) {
            // Output buffer is full.
          if (state.pos >= state.maxBackwardDistance) {
            state.maxDistance = state.maxBackwardDistance;
          state.pos &= ringBufferMask;
          state.runningState = state.nextRunningState;

          throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Unexpected state " + state.runningState);
    if (state.runningState == RunningState.FINISHED) {
      if (state.metaBlockLength < 0) {
        throw new BrotliRuntimeException("Invalid metablock length");
      BitReader.checkHealth(, true);



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