iText io.jar Source Code

io.jar is a component in iText Java library to provide input/output functionalities. iText Java library allows you to generate and manage PDF documents.

The Source Code files are provided together with the JAR file in the binary packge like You can download it at iText 7 Core Download site.

You can compile it to generate your JAR file, using io.pom as the build configuration file.

The source code of io-7.1.4.jar is provided below:



/* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.

   Distributed under MIT license.
   See file LICENSE for detail or copy at


 * Utilities for building Huffman decoding tables.
final class Huffman {

   * Maximum possible Huffman table size for an alphabet size of 704, max code length 15 and root
   * table bits 8.
  static final int HUFFMAN_MAX_TABLE_SIZE = 1080;

  private static final int MAX_LENGTH = 15;

   * Returns reverse(reverse(key, len) + 1, len).
   * <p> reverse(key, len) is the bit-wise reversal of the len least significant bits of key.
  private static int getNextKey(int key, int len) {
    int step = 1 << (len - 1);
    while ((key & step) != 0) {
      step >>= 1;
    return (key & (step - 1)) + step;

   * Stores {@code item} in {@code table[0], table[step], table[2 * step] .., table[end]}.
   * <p> Assumes that end is an integer multiple of step.
  private static void replicateValue(int[] table, int offset, int step, int end, int item) {
    do {
      end -= step;
      table[offset + end] = item;
    } while (end > 0);

   * @param count histogram of bit lengths for the remaining symbols,
   * @param len code length of the next processed symbol.
   * @return table width of the next 2nd level table.
  private static int nextTableBitSize(int[] count, int len, int rootBits) {
    int left = 1 << (len - rootBits);
    while (len < MAX_LENGTH) {
      left -= count[len];
      if (left <= 0) {
      left <<= 1;
    return len - rootBits;

   * Builds Huffman lookup table assuming code lengths are in symbol order.
  static void buildHuffmanTable(int[] rootTable, int tableOffset, int rootBits, int[] codeLengths,
      int codeLengthsSize) {
    int key; // Reversed prefix code.
    int[] sorted = new int[codeLengthsSize]; // Symbols sorted by code length.
    // TODO: fill with zeroes?
    int[] count = new int[MAX_LENGTH + 1]; // Number of codes of each length.
    int[] offset = new int[MAX_LENGTH + 1]; // Offsets in sorted table for each length.
    int symbol;

    // Build histogram of code lengths.
    for (symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; symbol++) {

    // Generate offsets into sorted symbol table by code length.
    offset[1] = 0;
    for (int len = 1; len < MAX_LENGTH; len++) {
      offset[len + 1] = offset[len] + count[len];

    // Sort symbols by length, by symbol order within each length.
    for (symbol = 0; symbol < codeLengthsSize; symbol++) {
      if (codeLengths[symbol] != 0) {
        sorted[offset[codeLengths[symbol]]++] = symbol;

    int tableBits = rootBits;
    int tableSize = 1 << tableBits;
    int totalSize = tableSize;

    // Special case code with only one value.
    if (offset[MAX_LENGTH] == 1) {
      for (key = 0; key < totalSize; key++) {
        rootTable[tableOffset + key] = sorted[0];

    // Fill in root table.
    key = 0;
    symbol = 0;
    for (int len = 1, step = 2; len <= rootBits; len++, step <<= 1) {
      for (; count[len] > 0; count[len]--) {
        replicateValue(rootTable, tableOffset + key, step, tableSize, len << 16 | sorted[symbol++]);
        key = getNextKey(key, len);

    // Fill in 2nd level tables and add pointers to root table.
    int mask = totalSize - 1;
    int low = -1;
    int currentOffset = tableOffset;
    for (int len = rootBits + 1, step = 2; len <= MAX_LENGTH; len++, step <<= 1) {
      for (; count[len] > 0; count[len]--) {
        if ((key & mask) != low) {
          currentOffset += tableSize;
          tableBits = nextTableBitSize(count, len, rootBits);
          tableSize = 1 << tableBits;
          totalSize += tableSize;
          low = key & mask;
          rootTable[tableOffset + low] =
              (tableBits + rootBits) << 16 | (currentOffset - tableOffset - low);
        replicateValue(rootTable, currentOffset + (key >> rootBits), step, tableSize,
            (len - rootBits) << 16 | sorted[symbol++]);
        key = getNextKey(key, len);



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: io-7.1.4-sources.jar
File size: 608762 bytes
Release date: 2018-10-09


iText layout.jar Source Code

iText kernel.jar Source Code

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