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Other Resources:
taglibs-response-1.0.1.jar - Response Tag library 1.0.1
The Response custom tag library contains tags which can be used to set all the information for an HTTP response for a JSP page. This includes creating cookies and setting their values, setting HTTP headers, returning back an HTTP error, or sending an HTTP redirect.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: taglibs-response.jar, taglibs-response-1.0.1.jar File size: 25753 bytes Date modified: 12/01/2002 Download: Response Tag library 1.0.1
✍: FYIcenter
Manifest of the JAR:
Comment: Response Tag library Sun Dec 01 08:12:42 CST 2002 Implementation-Title: org.apache.taglibs.response Implementation-Version: 1.0.1 Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-URL:
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/apache/taglibs/response/AddDateHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/AddCookieTag org/apache/taglibs/response/AddIntHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/AddHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/EncodeRedirectURLTag org/apache/taglibs/response/ContainsHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookieCommentTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookieDomainTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookieMaxAgeTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookiePathTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookieSecureTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookieValueTag org/apache/taglibs/response/CookieVersionTag org/apache/taglibs/response/EncodeURLTag org/apache/taglibs/response/FlushBufferTag org/apache/taglibs/response/IsCommittedTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SendErrorTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SendRedirectTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SetContentTypeTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SetDateHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SetHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SetIntHeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SetStatusTag org/apache/taglibs/response/SkipPageTag
2009-02-07, 7727🔥, 0💬
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