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xalan-2.6.0.jar - Xalan-Java 2.6.0
Xalan-Java, Version 2.6.0, is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 and can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module...
2009-10-01, 7881🔥, 0💬

xalan-2.6.0.jar - Xalan-Java 2.6.0 - Part 2
Xalan-Java, Version 2.6.0, is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text, or other XML document types. It implements XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPath) Version 1.0 and can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a module...
2009-10-01, 5882🔥, 0💬

xmldb-api-20021118.jar - XML:DB API
XML:DB provides a community for collaborative development of specifications for XML databases and data manipulation technologies. Along with each specification an open source reference implementation will be developed to validate the ideas. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xmldb-api.j...
2009-02-11, 9884🔥, 0💬

jettison-1.0.1.jar - A JSON StAX Implementation
Jettison is a collection of Java APIs (like STaX and DOM) which read and write JSON. This allows nearly transparent enablement of JSON based web services in services frameworks like CXF or XML serialization frameworks like XStream. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jettison.jar, jettis...
2009-02-09, 18450🔥, 0💬

Old version of xml-apis.jar. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xmlParserAPIs.jar File size: 78440 bytes Date modified: 06/21/2002 Download: xmlParserAPIs.jar No Manifest in the JAR. List of Classes in the JAR: org/xml/sax/InputSource org/xml/sax/SAXException org/xml/sax/EntityResolver ...
2009-02-09, 21454🔥, 0💬

crimson-1.1.3.jar - Crimson 1.1.3
Crimson is a Java XML parser which supports XML 1.0 via the following APIs: JAXP 1.1, SAX 2.0, DOM Level 2. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: crimson.jar, crimson-1.1.3.jar File size: 205045 bytes Date modified: 10/31/2001 Download: Crimson 1.1.3 Manifest of the JAR: Sealed: false Spec...
2009-02-08, 13956🔥, 0💬

xpp3_xpath-1.1.4c.jar - XML Pull Parser 3rd Edition XPath
Xml Pull Parser (in short XPP) is a streaming pull XML parser and should be used when there is a need to process quickly and efficiently all input elements (for example in SOAP processors). Pull parsing is just one level up from tokenizing XML (and that is actually how XPP2 default implementation is...
2009-02-08, 6890🔥, 0💬

xpp3-1.1.4c.jar - XML Pull Parser 3rd Edition
Xml Pull Parser (in short XPP) is a streaming pull XML parser and should be used when there is a need to process quickly and efficiently all input elements (for example in SOAP processors). Pull parsing is just one level up from tokenizing XML (and that is actually how XPP2 default implementation is...
2009-02-08, 10235🔥, 0💬

stax-1.2.0.jar - StAX Reference Implementation
The Streaming API for XML (StAX) Reference Implementation (RI) - StAX is a standard XML processing API that allows you to stream XML data from and to your application. This StAX implementation is the standard pull parser implementation for JSR-173 specification. JAR File Size and Download Location: ...
2009-02-08, 7649🔥, 0💬

xsdlib-20030807.jar - MSV XSD Library
The Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator (MSV) is a Java technology tool to validate XML documents against several kinds of XML schemata. It supports RELAX NG, RELAX Namespace, RELAX Core, TREX, XML DTDs, and a subset of XML Schema Part 1. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xsdlib.jar, xsdlib...
2009-02-08, 10248🔥, 0💬

jdom-1.1.jar - JDOM 1.1
JDOM provides a solution for using XML from Java that is as simple as Java itself. There is no compelling reason for a Java API to manipulate XML to be complex, tricky, unintuitive, or a pain in the neck. JDOM is both Java-centric and Java-optimized. It behaves like Java, it uses Java collections, i...
2009-02-08, 20724🔥, 0💬

jaxmepm-0.5.2.jar - JaxMe Persistence Management 0.5.2
The JaxMe Persistence Management means the ability to read JaxMe objects from, insert them into, update them in, or delete them from the database. These operations are supported by JaxMe's persistence managers. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jaxmepm.jar, jaxmepm-0.5.2.jar File size:...
2009-02-08, 6452🔥, 0💬

jaxme-api-0.3.jar - JaxMe API 0.3
JaxMeAPI is clean room implementation of the JAXB API. Unlike the reference implementation this one comes under a very moderate open source license, the Apache License. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jaxme-api.jar, jaxme-api-0.3.jar File size: 30482 bytes Date modified: 05/16/2005 D...
2009-02-08, 7213🔥, 0💬

jaxmeapi-0.5.2.jar - JaxMe API 0.5.2
JaxMeAPI is clean room implementation of the JAXB API. Unlike the reference implementation this one comes under a very moderate open source license, the Apache License. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jaxmeapi.jar, jaxmeapi-0.5.2.jar File size: 32927 bytes Date modified: 10/25/2006 D...
2009-02-08, 8174🔥, 0💬

jaxme-xs-0.3.jar - JaxMe parser 0.3
The JaxMe parser for XML Schema, JaxMeXS, is a parser for XML schema. Yet another one, to be precise. As there are a lot of other parsers around, the question arises: What makes it different? What advantages does it have? JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jaxme-xs.jar, jaxme-xs-0.3.jar...
2009-02-08, 5711🔥, 0💬

jaxmexs-0.5.2.jar - JaxMe parser 0.5.2
The JaxMe parser for XML Schema, JaxMeXS, is a parser for XML schema. Yet another one, to be precise. As there are a lot of other parsers around, the question arises: What makes it different? What advantages does it have? JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jaxmexs.jar, jaxmexs-0.5.2.jar...
2009-02-08, 5569🔥, 0💬

jaxme-0.3.jar - JaxMe 0.3
JaxMe is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding. A Java/XML binding compiler takes as input a schema description (in most cases an XML schema but it may be a DTD, a RelaxNG schema, a Java class inspected via reflection or a database schema). JAR File Size and D...
2009-02-08, 6083🔥, 0💬

jaxme2-rt-0.5.2.jar - JaxMe 2 Runtime 0.5.2
JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding. A Java/XML binding compiler takes as input a schema description (in most cases an XML schema but it may be a DTD, a RelaxNG schema, a Java class inspected via reflection or a database schema). JAR File Size and...
2009-02-08, 6652🔥, 0💬

jaxme2-0.5.2.jar - JaxMe 2 0.5.2
JaxMe 2 is an open source implementation of JAXB, the specification for Java/XML binding. A Java/XML binding compiler takes as input a schema description (in most cases an XML schema but it may be a DTD, a RelaxNG schema, a Java class inspected via reflection or a database schema). JAR File Size and...
2009-02-08, 5849🔥, 0💬

msv-20081113.jar - XML Multi Schema Validator 20081113
The Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator (MSV) is a Java technology tool to validate XML documents against several kinds of XML schemata. It supports RELAX NG, RELAX Namespace, RELAX Core, TREX, XML DTDs, and a subset of XML Schema Part 1. This latest (version 1.2) release includes several bug fixes and a...
2009-02-08, 7562🔥, 0💬

msv-20030225.jar - XML Multi Schema Validator 20030225
The Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator (MSV) is a Java technology tool to validate XML documents against several kinds of XML schemata. It supports RELAX NG, RELAX Namespace, RELAX Core, TREX, XML DTDs, and a subset of XML Schema Part 1. This latest (version 1.2) release includes several bug fixes and a...
2009-02-08, 9621🔥, 0💬

dom4j-1.6.1.jar - XML framework for Java 1.6.1
dom4j is an easy to use, open source library for working with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform using the Java Collections Framework and with full support for DOM, SAX and JAXP. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: dom4j.jar, dom4j-1.6.1.jar File size: 313898 bytes Date modified: 0...
2009-02-08, 12403🔥, 0💬

xom-1.1.jar - XOM 1.1
XOMâ„¢ is a new XML object model. It is an open source (LGPL), tree-based API for processing XML with Java that strives for correctness, simplicity, and performance, in that order. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: xom.jar, xom-1.1.jar File size: 431568 bytes Date modified: 08/03/2006 Do...
2009-02-08, 20007🔥, 0💬

jibx-run-1.1.6a.jar - JiBX Runtime 1.1.6a
JiBX is a framework for binding XML data to Java objects. It lets you work with data from XML documents using your own class structures. The JiBX framework handles all the details of converting your data to and from XML based on your instructions. JiBX is designed to perform the translation between ...
2009-02-07, 7430🔥, 0💬

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