What Is jxl.jar 2.6.12

What is jxl.jar 2.6.12?

✍: fyicenter.com

jxl.jar 2.6.12 is the JAR file for Java Excel API 2.6.12, which is a Java library for reading, writing and modifying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: jxl-2.6.12.jar
Target JDK version: 1.6
Dependency: None

File name: jxl.jar
File size: 725735 bytes
Release date: 24-Oct-2009
Download: Java Excel API Website.

Here are Java Source Code files for jxl-2.6.12.jar:


*      Copyright (C) 2002 Andrew Khan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package jxl;

import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;

import jxl.read.biff.BiffException;
import jxl.read.biff.File;
import jxl.read.biff.PasswordException;
import jxl.read.biff.WorkbookParser;
import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;
import jxl.write.biff.WritableWorkbookImpl;

 * Represents a Workbook.  Contains the various factory methods and provides
 * a variety of accessors which provide access to the work sheets.
public abstract class Workbook
   * The current version of the software
  private static final String VERSION = "2.6.12";

   * The constructor
  protected Workbook()

   * Gets the sheets within this workbook.  Use of this method for
   * large worksheets can cause performance problems.
   * @return an array of the individual sheets
  public abstract Sheet[] getSheets();

   * Gets the sheet names
   * @return an array of strings containing the sheet names
  public abstract String[] getSheetNames();

   * Gets the specified sheet within this workbook
   * As described in the accompanying technical notes, each call
   * to getSheet forces a reread of the sheet (for memory reasons).
   * Therefore, do not make unnecessary calls to this method.  Furthermore,
   * do not hold unnecessary references to Sheets in client code, as
   * this will prevent the garbage collector from freeing the memory
   * @param index the zero based index of the reQuired sheet
   * @return The sheet specified by the index
   * @exception IndexOutOfBoundException when index refers to a non-existent
   *            sheet
  public abstract Sheet getSheet(int index)
    throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;

   * Gets the sheet with the specified name from within this workbook.
   * As described in the accompanying technical notes, each call
   * to getSheet forces a reread of the sheet (for memory reasons).
   * Therefore, do not make unnecessary calls to this method.  Furthermore,
   * do not hold unnecessary references to Sheets in client code, as
   * this will prevent the garbage collector from freeing the memory
   * @param name the sheet name
   * @return The sheet with the specified name, or null if it is not found
  public abstract Sheet getSheet(String name);

   * Accessor for the software version
   * @return the version
  public static String getVersion()
    return VERSION;

   * Returns the number of sheets in this workbook
   * @return the number of sheets in this workbook
  public abstract int getNumberOfSheets();

   * Gets the named cell from this workbook.  If the name refers to a
   * range of cells, then the cell on the top left is returned.  If
   * the name cannot be found, null is returned.
   * This is a convenience function to quickly access the contents
   * of a single cell.  If you need further information (such as the
   * sheet or adjacent cells in the range) use the functionally
   * richer method, findByName which returns a list of ranges
   * @param  name the name of the cell/range to search for
   * @return the cell in the top left of the range if found, NULL
   *         otherwise
  public abstract Cell findCellByName(String name);

   * Returns the cell for the specified location eg. "Sheet1!A4".
   * This is identical to using the CellReferenceHelper with its
   * associated performance overheads, consequently it should
   * be use sparingly
   * @param loc the cell to retrieve
   * @return the cell at the specified location
  public abstract Cell getCell(String loc);

   * Gets the named range from this workbook.  The Range object returns
   * contains all the cells from the top left to the bottom right
   * of the range.
   * If the named range comprises an adjacent range,
   * the Range[] will contain one object; for non-adjacent
   * ranges, it is necessary to return an array of length greater than
   * one.
   * If the named range contains a single cell, the top left and
   * bottom right cell will be the same cell
   * @param  name the name of the cell/range to search for
   * @return the range of cells, or NULL if the range does not exist
  public abstract Range[] findByName(String name);

   * Gets the named ranges
   * @return the list of named cells within the workbook
  public abstract String[] getRangeNames();

   * Determines whether the sheet is protected
   * @return TRUE if the workbook is protected, FALSE otherwise
  public abstract boolean isProtected();

   * Parses the excel file.
   * If the workbook is password protected a PasswordException is thrown
   * in case consumers of the API wish to handle this in a particular way
   * @exception BiffException
   * @exception PasswordException
  protected abstract void parse() throws BiffException, PasswordException;

   * Closes this workbook, and frees makes any memory allocated available
   * for garbage collection
  public abstract void close();

   * A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
   * @exception IOException
   * @exception BiffException
   * @param file the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
   * @return a workbook instance
  public static Workbook getWorkbook(java.io.File file)
    throws IOException, BiffException
    return getWorkbook(file, new WorkbookSettings());

   * A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
   * @exception IOException
   * @exception BiffException
   * @param file the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
   * @param ws the settings for the workbook
   * @return a workbook instance
  public static Workbook getWorkbook(java.io.File file, WorkbookSettings ws)
    throws IOException, BiffException
    FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);

    // Always close down the input stream, regardless of whether or not the
    // file can be parsed.  Thanks to Steve Hahn for this
    File dataFile = null;

      dataFile = new File(fis, ws);
    catch (IOException e)
      throw e;
    catch (BiffException e)
      throw e;


    Workbook workbook = new WorkbookParser(dataFile, ws);

    return workbook;

   * A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
   * @param is an open stream which is the the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
   * @return a workbook instance
   * @exception IOException
   * @exception BiffException
  public static Workbook getWorkbook(InputStream is)
    throws IOException, BiffException
    return getWorkbook(is, new WorkbookSettings());

   * A factory method which takes in an excel file and reads in the contents.
   * @param is an open stream which is the the excel 97 spreadsheet to parse
   * @param ws the settings for the workbook
   * @return a workbook instance
   * @exception IOException
   * @exception BiffException
  public static Workbook getWorkbook(InputStream is, WorkbookSettings ws)
    throws IOException, BiffException
    File dataFile = new File(is, ws);

    Workbook workbook = new WorkbookParser(dataFile, ws);

    return workbook;

   * Creates a writable workbook with the given file name
   * @param file the workbook to copy
   * @return a writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(java.io.File file)
    throws IOException
    return createWorkbook(file, new WorkbookSettings());

   * Creates a writable workbook with the given file name
   * @param file the file to copy from
   * @param ws the global workbook settings
   * @return a writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(java.io.File file,
                                                WorkbookSettings ws)
    throws IOException
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
    WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(fos, true, ws);
    return w;

   * Creates a writable workbook with the given filename as a copy of
   * the workbook passed in.  Once created, the contents of the writable
   * workbook may be modified
   * @param file the output file for the copy
   * @param in the workbook to copy
   * @return a writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(java.io.File file,
                                                Workbook in)
    throws IOException
    return createWorkbook(file, in, new WorkbookSettings());

   * Creates a writable workbook with the given filename as a copy of
   * the workbook passed in.  Once created, the contents of the writable
   * workbook may be modified
   * @param file the output file for the copy
   * @param in the workbook to copy
   * @param ws the configuration for this workbook
   * @return a writable workbook
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(java.io.File file,
                                                Workbook in,
                                                WorkbookSettings ws)
    throws IOException
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);
    WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(fos, in, true, ws);
    return w;

   * Creates a writable workbook as a copy of
   * the workbook passed in.  Once created, the contents of the writable
   * workbook may be modified
   * @param os the stream to write to
   * @param in the workbook to copy
   * @return a writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(OutputStream os,
                                                Workbook in)
    throws IOException
    return createWorkbook(os, in, ((WorkbookParser) in).getSettings());

   * Creates a writable workbook as a copy of
   * the workbook passed in.  Once created, the contents of the writable
   * workbook may be modified
   * @param os the output stream to write to
   * @param in the workbook to copy
   * @param ws the configuration for this workbook
   * @return a writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(OutputStream os,
                                                Workbook in,
                                                WorkbookSettings ws)
    throws IOException
    WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(os, in, false, ws);
    return w;

   * Creates a writable workbook.  When the workbook is closed,
   * it will be streamed directly to the output stream.  In this
   * manner, a generated excel spreadsheet can be passed from
   * a servlet to the browser over HTTP
   * @param os the output stream
   * @return the writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(OutputStream os)
    throws IOException
    return createWorkbook(os, new WorkbookSettings());

   * Creates a writable workbook.  When the workbook is closed,
   * it will be streamed directly to the output stream.  In this
   * manner, a generated excel spreadsheet can be passed from
   * a servlet to the browser over HTTP
   * @param os the output stream
   * @param ws the configuration for this workbook
   * @return the writable workbook
   * @exception IOException
  public static WritableWorkbook createWorkbook(OutputStream os,
                                                WorkbookSettings ws)
    throws IOException
    WritableWorkbook w = new WritableWorkbookImpl(os, false, ws);
    return w;



Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jxl-2.6.12-src.zip
File size: 824057 bytes
Release date: 2009-10-24


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