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JSP JSTL implementation distributed as part of Jetty. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.0.v 201105211821.jarFile size: 51761 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Jetty Manifest of the JAR: Bundle-Vendor: %bundleProvider Bundle-Localization: plugin Bundl...
2022-11-21, 6113🔥, 2💬

commons-jexl-2.1.jar - Java Expression Language (JEXL)
JEXL is a library intended to facilitate the implementation of dynamic and scripting features in applications and frameworks written in Java. JEXL implements an Expression Language based on some extensions to the JSTL Expression Language supporting most of the constructs seen in shell-script or ECMA...
2016-06-24, 7814🔥, 1💬

EL (Expression Language) Sun reference implementation distributed as part of Jetty. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: com.sun.el-2.2.0.v201108011116 .jarFile size: 129393 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Jetty Manifest of the JAR: Bundle-Description: Javax El RI el-impl-2.2.1...
2015-05-20, 2949🔥, 0💬

>EL (Expression Language) implementation distributed as part of Jetty. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: javax.el-2.2.0.v201108011116.j arFile size: 51114 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Manifest of the JAR: Bundle-Vendor: %bundleProvider Bundle-Localization: plugin Bundle-R...
2015-05-20, 1973🔥, 0💬

JSP implementation distributed as part of Jetty. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: javax.servlet.jsp-2.2.0.v20111 2011158.jarFile size: 106024 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Jetty Manifest of the JAR: Bundle-Vendor: %bundleProvider Bundle-Localization: plugin Bundle-Require...
2015-05-18, 3453🔥, 0💬

Standard JSP Tag Libary implementation for Glassfish distributed as part of Jetty. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: assfish-1.2.0.v201112081803.ja rFile size: 429246 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Jetty Manifest of the JAR: Bundle-Vendor: %bun...
2015-05-15, 3810🔥, 0💬

Jasper 2 JSP Engine implementation from Glassfish distributed as part of Jetty. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: org.apache.jasper.glassfish-2. 2.2.v201112011158.jarFile size: 592687 bytes Date modified: 10-Sep-2012 Download: Jetty Manifest of the JAR: Bundle-DocURL:
2015-05-15, 2688🔥, 0💬

commons-jexl-1.1.jar - Java Expression Language (JEXL)
JEXL is a library intended to facilitate the implementation of dynamic and scripting features in applications and frameworks written in Java. JEXL implements an Expression Language based on some extensions to the JSTL Expression Language supporting most of the constructs seen in shell-script or ECMA...
2012-01-26, 5543🔥, 0💬

bsf-3.1.jar - Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) 3.1
Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) is a set of Java classes which provides scripting language support within Java applications, and access to Java objects and methods from scripting languages. BSF allows one to write JSPs in languages other than Java while providing access to the Java class library. In ...
2011-12-30, 5878🔥, 0💬

qdox-1.7.jar - QDox 1.7
QDox is a high speed, small footprint parser for extracting class/interface/method definitions from source files complete with JavaDoc @tags. It is designed to be used by active code generators or documentation tools. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: qdox.jar, qdox-1.7.jar File size: ...
2009-02-07, 8937🔥, 0💬

taglibs-xsl-1.0.1.jar - Simple XSL Tag library 1.0.1
The XSL custom tag library contains an working examples of the tags described in the JSP specification, Version 1.1. As such, the tags are focused more on being examples of custom tag library code techniques, and less on being useful in production applications. With this custom tag library you can p...
2009-02-07, 7474🔥, 0💬

taglibs-mailer-1.1.jar - Mailer Tag library 1.1
Mailer Tag library, Release 1.1, is used to send e-mail. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: taglibs-mailer.jar, taglibs-mailer-1.1.jar File size: 28427 bytes Date modified: 12/06/2002 Download: Mailer Tag library 1.1 Manifest of the JAR: Comment: Mailer Tag library Fri Dec 06 07:16:45 C...
2009-02-07, 14025🔥, 0💬

taglibs-application-1.0.1.jar - Application Tag library 1.0.1
The Application custom tag library contains tags which can be used to access information contained in the ServletContext for a web application. Tags are provided to access information in "application"-scoped attributes and web application initialization parameters, which are defined in the "/WEB-INF...
2009-02-07, 8516🔥, 0💬

taglibs-session-1.0.1.jar - Session Tag library 1.0.1
The Session JSP tag library provides tags for reading or modifying client HttpSession information. A servlet container uses an HttpSession to store information about a clients session on the server. By default a JSP page will create a session for a user. The user is tied to the session using either ...
2009-02-07, 10038🔥, 0💬

taglibs-response-1.0.1.jar - Response Tag library 1.0.1
The Response custom tag library contains tags which can be used to set all the information for an HTTP response for a JSP page. This includes creating cookies and setting their values, setting HTTP headers, returning back an HTTP error, or sending an HTTP redirect. JAR File Size and Download Locatio...
2009-02-07, 7843🔥, 0💬

taglibs-request-1.0.1.jar - Request Tag library 1.0.1
The Request custom tag library contains tags which can be used to access all the information about the HTTP request for a JSP page. Tags are provided to access information in the HTTP request for HTTP input parameters from a POST or GET, HTTP Headers, Cookies, request attributes, and session informa...
2009-02-07, 9510🔥, 0💬

jstl-api-1.1.2.jar - Jakarta Standard 1.1 Taglib - API
JSP(tm) Standard Tag Library 1.1 implementation - Jakarta Taglibs hosts the Standard Taglib 1.1, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.1, which was developed under the Java Community Process. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jstl.jar, jstl-1.1.2.jar, jstl...
2009-02-07, 34229🔥, 0💬

jstl-standard-1.1.2.jar - Jakarta Standard 1.1 Taglib - Standard
JSP(tm) Standard Tag Library 1.1 implementation - Jakarta Taglibs hosts the Standard Taglib 1.1, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.1, which was developed under the Java Community Process. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: standard.jar, jstl-standard-1....
2009-02-07, 15474🔥, 0💬

jstl-standard-1.0.6.jar - Jakarta Standard 1.0 Taglib - Standard
JSP(tm) Standard Tag Library 1.0 implementation - Jakarta Taglibs hosts the Standard Taglib 1.0, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.0, which was developed under the Java Community Process. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: standard.jar, jstl-standard-1....
2009-02-07, 23547🔥, 0💬

jstl-api-1.0.6.jar - Jakarta Standard 1.0 Taglib - API
JSP(tm) Standard Tag Library 1.0 implementation - Jakarta Taglibs hosts the Standard Taglib 1.0, an implementation of the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL), version 1.0, which was developed under the Java Community Process. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jstl.jar, jstl-1.0.6.jar, jstl...
2009-02-07, 13050🔥, 0💬

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