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jmxtools-1.2.1.jar - JMX Tools
The JMX technology provides the tools for building distributed, Web-based, modular and dynamic solutions for managing and monitoring devices, applications, and service-driven networks. By design, this standard is suitable for adapting legacy systems, implementing new management and monitoring solutions, and plugging into those of the future. Starting with the J2SE platform 5.0, JMX technology is included in the Java SE platform. But if you need previous versions of JMX, you must download separate JAR files.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: jmxtools.jar, jmxtools-1.2.1.jar File size: 102394 bytes Date modified: 07/15/2003 Download: JMX Tools
Manifest of the JAR:
Built-By: dfuchs Sealed: false Specification-Title: Specification-Version: Specification-Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Implementation-Title: Implementation-Version: 1.2_8 ${BUILD_DATE} Implementation-Vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc
List of Classes in the JAR:
com/sun/jdmk/comm/ClientHandler com/sun/jdmk/comm/CommunicatorServer com/sun/jdmk/comm/CommunicatorServerMBean com/sun/jdmk/comm/CommunicationException com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlRequestHandler com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlAdaptorServer com/sun/jdmk/comm/AuthInfo com/sun/jdmk/comm/HttpRequest com/sun/jdmk/comm/HttpMessage com/sun/jdmk/comm/HttpBody com/sun/jdmk/comm/MalformedHttpException com/sun/jdmk/comm/HttpResponse com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlAdminPage com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlPage com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlDef com/sun/jdmk/comm/HttpDef com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlMasterPage com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlObjectPage com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlArrayPage com/sun/jdmk/comm/BASE64Decoder com/sun/jdmk/comm/CharacterDecoder com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlInvokePage com/sun/jdmk/comm/HtmlParser com/sun/jdmk/comm/CEFormatException com/sun/jdmk/comm/CEStreamExhausted com/sun/jdmk/comm/ClientNotificationHandler com/sun/jdmk/comm/ConnectorAddress com/sun/jdmk/Enumerated com/sun/jdmk/NotificationRegistration com/sun/jdmk/trace/Trace com/sun/jdmk/trace/TraceTags com/sun/jdmk/trace/TraceDestination com/sun/jdmk/defaults/JdmkProperties com/sun/jdmk/defaults/DefaultPaths com/sun/jdmk/Introspector com/sun/jdmk/MBeanServerForwarder com/sun/jdmk/ServiceName com/sun/jdmk/TraceFilter com/sun/jdmk/TraceListener com/sun/jdmk/TraceManager com/sun/jdmk/TraceNotification
2024-12-24, 33060🔥, 7💬
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