FAQ for JDK (Java Development Kit)


Where to find answers to frequently asked questions on JDK (Java Development Kit)?

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Here is a list of frequently asked questions and their answers compiled by FYIcenter.com team on JDK (Java Development Kit):

FAQ for JDK (Java Development Kit) 17

Understanding JDK (Java Development Kit)

What Is JDK (Java Development Kit)

Release History of JDK

List of Java and JDK Modules

Tools Supported from JDK 9+ lib\modules JImage

java.base/com.sun.java.util.jar.pack.Driver - Pack200 Tool

java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern - Regex Pattern Parser

java.base/sun.security.tools.keytool.Main - "keytool" Command

java.scripting/com.sun.tools.script.shell.Main - JavaScript Shell

java.xml/com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.impl.xpath.regex.REUtil - Regular Expression Tool

jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.doclint.DocLint - DocLint Tool

jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.launcher.Main - Java Launcher

jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.Main - "javac" Command

jdk.compiler/sun.tools.serialver.SerialVer - "serialver" Command

jdkjdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.HeapDumper - JVM Heap Dumper

jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.HeapSummary - JVM Heap Summary

jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.jcore.ClassDump - JVM Class Dumper

jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.StackTrace - JVM Stack Tracer

jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.tools.SysPropsDumper - JVM Properties Dumper

jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.RBTree - RB Tree Test

jdk.internal.le/jdk.internal.jline.console.internal.ConsoleRunner - Console Runner

jdk.jartool/sun.security.tools.jarsigner.Main - "jarsigner" Command

jdk.jartool/sun.tools.jar.Main - "jar" Command

jdk.javadoc/com.sun.tools.javadoc.Main - "javadoc" Command

jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool.Main - "javadoc" Command

jdk.jcmd/sun.tools.jcmd.JCmd - "jcmd" Command

jdk.jcmd/sun.tools.jinfo.JInfo - "jinfo" Command

jdk.jcmd/sun.tools.jmap.JMap - "jmap" Command

jdk.jcmd/sun.tools.jps.Jps - "jps" Command

jdk.jcmd/sun.tools.jstat.Jstat - "jstat" Command

jdk.jconsole/sun.tools.jconsole.JConsole - "jconsole" Command

jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.javap.Main - "javap" Command

jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.jdeprscan.Main - "jdeprscan" Command

jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.jdeps.Main - "jdeps" Command

jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.jdeps.Profile - JDeps Profiler

jdk.jdi/com.sun.tools.example.debug.expr.ExpressionParser - Expression Parser

jdk.jdi/com.sun.tools.example.debug.tty.TTY - "jdb" Command

jdk.jfr/jdk.jfr.internal.cmd.Execute - JFR Tool

jdk.jlink/jdk.tools.jimage.Main - "jimage" Command

jdk.jlink/jdk.tools.jlink.internal.Main - "jlink" Command

jdk.jlink/jdk.tools.jmod.Main - "jmod" Command

jdk.jshell/jdk.internal.jshell.tool.JShellToolProvider - "jshell" Command

jdk.jstatd/sun.tools.jstatd.Jstatd - "jstatd" Command

jdk.rmic/sun.rmi.rmic.Main - "rmic" Command

jdk.rmic/sun.tools.javac.Main - Compiler Tool

jdk.scripting.nashorn/jdk.nashorn.tools.Shell - JavaScript Shell Tool

jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell/jdk.nashorn.tools.jjs.Main - "jjs" Command

jdk.security.auth/com.sun.security.auth.module.Crypt - Crypt Tool

jdk.zipfs/jdk.nio.zipfs.ZipInfo - ZipInfo Tool

Download and Use JDK 11

Download and Install JDK 11

JDK 11 Installed Directories and Files

JDK 11 jmods/*.jmod - List of JMod Files

JDK 11 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

JDK 11 lib/src.zip - Source Code

JDK 11 Modules List

JDK 11 java.base.jmod - Base Module

JDK 11 java.compiler.jmod - Compiler Module

JDK 11 java.datatransfer.jmod - Data Transfer Module

JDK 11 java.desktop.jmod - Desktop Module

JDK 11 java.instrument.jmod - Instrument Module

JDK 11 java.logging.jmod - Logging Module

JDK 11 java.management.jmod - Management Module

JDK 11 java.management.rmi.jmod - Management RMI Module

JDK 11 java.naming.jmod - Naming Module

JDK 11 java.net.http.jmod - Net HTTP Module

JDK 11 java.prefs.jmod - Prefs Module

JDK 11 java.rmi.jmod - RMI Module

JDK 11 java.scripting.jmod - Scripting Module

JDK 11 java.se.jmod - SE Module

JDK 11 java.security.jgss.jmod - Security JGSS Module

JDK 11 java.security.sasl.jmod - Security SASL Module

JDK 11 java.smartcardio.jmod - Smart Card IO Module

JDK 11 java.sql.jmod - SQL Module

JDK 11 java.sql.rowset.jmod - SQL Rowset Module

JDK 11 java.transaction.xa.jmod - Transaction XA Module

JDK 11 java.xml.jmod - XML Module

JDK 11 java.xml.crypto.jmod - XML Crypto Module

JDK 11 jdk.accessibility.jmod - Accessibility Module

JDK 11 jdk.aot.jmod - AOT Compiler Module

JDK 11 jdk.attach.jmod - Attach Module

JDK 11 jdk.charsets.jmod - Charsets Module

JDK 11 jdk.compiler.jmod - Compiler Tool

JDK 11 jdk.crypto.cryptoki.jmod - Crypto KI Module

JDK 11 jdk.crypto.ec.jmod - Crypto EC Module

JDK 11 jdk.crypto.mscapi.jmod - Crypto MSCAPI Module

JDK 11 jdk.dynalink.jmod - Dynamic Linking Module

JDK 11 jdk.editpad.jmod - Edit Pad Module

JDK 11 jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod - Hotspot Agent Module

JDK 11 jdk.httpserver.jmod - HTTP Server Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.ed.jmod - Internal Editor Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.jvmstat.jmod - Internal JVM Stat Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.le.jmod - Internal Line Editing Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.opt.jmod - Internal Opt Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.vm.ci.jmod - Internal VM CI Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.vm.compiler.jmod - Internal VM Compiler Module

JDK 11 jdk.internal.vm.compiler.management.jmod - Internal VM Compiler Management Module

JDK 11 jdk.jartool.jmod - JAR Tool

JDK 11 jdk.javadoc.jmod - Java Document Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jcmd.jmod - JCmd Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jconsole.jmod - JConsole Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jdeps.jmod - JDeps Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jdi.jmod - JDI Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jdwp.agent.jmod - JDWP Agent Module

JDK 11 jdk.jfr.jmod - JFR Module

JDK 11 jdk.jlink.jmod - JLink Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jshell.jmod - JShell Tool

JDK 11 jdk.jsobject.jmod - JS Object Module

JDK 11 jdk.jstatd.jmod - JStatd Module

JDK 11 jdk.localedata.jmod - Locale Data Module

JDK 11 jdk.management.jmod - Management Module

JDK 11 jdk.management.agent.jmod - Management Agent Module

JDK 11 jdk.management.jfr.jmod - Management JFR Module

JDK 11 jdk.naming.dns.jmod - Naming DNS Module

JDK 11 jdk.naming.rmi.jmod - Naming RMI Module

JDK 11 jdk.net.jmod - Net Module

JDK 11 jdk.pack.jmod - Pack Module

JDK 11 jdk.rmic.jmod - RMI Compiler Tool

JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Module

JDK 11 jdk.scripting.nashorn.shell.jmod - Scripting Nashorn Shell Module

JDK 11 jdk.sctp.jmod - SCTP Module

JDK 11 jdk.security.auth.jmod - Security Auth Module

JDK 11 jdk.security.jgss.jmod - Security JGSS Module

JDK 11 jdk.unsupported.jmod - Unsupported Module

JDK 11 jdk.unsupported.desktop.jmod - Unsupported Desktop Module

JDK 11 jdk.xml.dom.jmod - XML DOM Module

JDK 11 jdk.zipfs.jmod - ZIP FS Module

JDK 11 jrt-fs.jar - JRT-FS

Download and Use JDK 10

Download and Install JDK 10

JDK 10 Installed Directories and Files

JDK 10 jmods/*.jmod - List of JMod Files

JDK 10 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

JDK 10 lib/src.zip - Source Code

JRE 10 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

JDK 10 Modules List

Backup JDK 10 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 10 from Windows Computer

Download and Use JDK 9

Download and Install JDK 9

JDK 9 Installed Directories and Files

JDK 9 jmods/*.jmod - List of JMod Files

JDK 9 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

JDK 9 lib/src.zip - Source Code

JRE 9 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

JDK 9 Modules List

Backup JDK 9 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 9 from Windows Computer

Tools Supported from JDK 8- JAR Files

sun.tools.javac.Main - "javac" Command

sun.tools.jar.Main - "jar" Command

sun.security.tools.jarsigner.Main - "jarsigner" Command

sun.tools.jcmd.JCmd - "jcmd" Command

sun.tools.jinfo.JInfo - "jinfo" Command

sun.tools.jps.Jps - "jps" Command

sun.tools.jmap.JMap - "jmap" Command

sun.tools.jstack.JStack - "jstack" Command

sun.tools.jstatd.Jstatd - "jstatd" Command

sun.tools.jstat.Jstat - "jstat" Command

sun.tools.native2ascii.Main - "native2ascii" Command

sun.tools.serialver.SerialVer - "serialver" Command

sun.applet.Main - "appletviewer" Command

sun.rmi.rmic.Main - "rmic" Command

Tools Supported from JRE JAR Files

com.sun.deploy.panel.ControlPanel - Java Control Panel

com.sun.deploy.jardiff.JarDiff - Compare JAR Files

com.sun.deploy.panel.JreLocator - Locates Installed JRE

com.sun.deploy.net.cookie.GenericCookieHandler - Cookies in Java Update

com.oracle.deploy.update.Updater - Update JRE

sun.plugin2.applet.viewer.Applet2Viewer - Applet Viewer

sun.plugin2.applet.viewer.JNLP2Viewer - JNLP Viewer

com.sun.javaws.Main - Java Web Start

Download and Use JDK 8

Download and Install JDK 8

JDK 8 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 8 JAR Files List

JDK 8 ant-javafx.jar - JavaFX Ant Task Tool

JDK 8 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 8 javafx-mx.jar - JavaFX JMX JSON Tool

JDK 8 jconsole.jar - JConsole

JDK 8 packager.jar - Packager Tool

JDK 8 sa-jdi.jar - HSDB (Hotspot Debugger)

JDK 8 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 8 charsets.jar - Character Set Encoding

JRE 8 deploy.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel

JRE 8 javaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 8 jce.jar - JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)

JRE 8 jfr.jar - JFR (Java Flight Recorder)

JRE 8 jfxswt.jar - JavaFX with SWT

JRE 8 jsse.jar - JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)

JRE 8 plugin.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel Plugin

JRE 8 rt.jar - java.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar - javax.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar - org.* Package Source Code

JRE 8 rt.jar - com.* Package Source Code

Backup JDK 8 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 8 from Windows Computer

Download and Use JDK 7

Download and Install JDK 7

JDK 7 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 7 JAR Files List

JDK 7 ant-javafx.jar - JavaFX Ant Task Tool

JDK 7 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 7 javafx-doclet.jar - JavaFX Doclet Tool

JDK 7 javafx-mx.jar - JavaFX JMX JSON Tool

JDK 7 jconsole.jar - JConsole

JDK 7 sa-jdi.jar - HSDB (Hotspot Debugger)

JDK 7 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 7 alt-rt.jar - Alternative RT (RunTime)

JRE 7 charsets.jar - Character Set Encoding

JRE 7 deploy.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel

JRE 7 javaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 7 jce.jar - JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)

JRE 7 jfr.jar - JFR (Java Flight Recorder)

JRE 7 jfxrt.jar - JavaFX RunTime

JRE 7 jsse.jar - JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)

JRE 7 plugin.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel Plugin

JRE 7 rt.jar - RunTime Library

Backup JDK 7 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 7 from Windows Computer

Download and Use JDK 6

Download and Install JDK 6

JDK 6 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 6 JAR Files List

JDK 6 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 6 htmlconverter.jar - HTML Converter

JDK 6 jconsole.jar - JConsole

JDK 6 sa-jdi.jar - HSDB (Hotspot Debugger)

JDK 6 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 6 alt-rt.jar - Alternative RT (RunTime)

JRE 6 alt-string.jar - Alternative String

JRE 6 charsets.jar - Character Set Encoding

JRE 6 deploy.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel

JRE 6 javaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 6 jce.jar - JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)

JRE 6 jsse.jar - JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)

JRE 6 plugin.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel Plugin

JRE 6 rt.jar - RunTime Library

Backup JDK 6 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 6 from Windows Computer

Download and Review JDK 5

Download and Install JDK 5

JDK 5 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 5 JAR Files List

JDK 5 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 5 htmlconverter.jar - HTML Converter

JDK 5 jconsole.jar - JConsole

JDK 5 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 5 charsets.jar - Character Set Encoding

JRE 5 deploy.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel

JRE 5 javaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 5 jce.jar - JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)

JRE 5 jsse.jar - JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)

JRE 5 plugin.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel Plugin

JRE 5 rt.jar - RunTime Library

JRE 5 dnsns.jar - DNS Name Service

JRE 5 localedata.jar - Locale Data

JRE 5 sunjce_provider.jar - Sun JCE Provider

JRE 5 sunpkcs11.jar - Sun PKCS11 Implementation

Backup JDK 5 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 5 from Windows Computer

Download and Review JDK 1.4

Download and Install JDK 1.4

JDK 1.4 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 1.4 JAR Files List

JDK 1.4 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 1.4 htmlconverter.jar - HTML Converter

JDK 1.4 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 1.4 charsets.jar - Character Set Encoding

JRE 1.4 javaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 1.4 jce.jar - JCE (Java Cryptography Extension)

JRE 1.4 jsse.jar - JSSE (Java Secure Socket Extension)

JRE 1.4 plugin.jar - Java Deploy Control Panel Plugin

JRE 1.4 rt.jar - RunTime Library

JRE 1.4 sunrsasign.jar - RSA Sign Library

JRE 1.4 dnsns.jar - DNS Name Service

JRE 1.4 ldapsec.jar - LDAP Security

JRE 1.4 localedata.jar - Locale Data

JRE 1.4 sunjce_provider.jar - Sun JCE Provider

Backup JDK 1.4 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 1.4 from Windows Computer

Download and Review JDK 1.3

Download and Install JDK 1.3

JDK 1.3 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 1.3 JAR Files List

JDK 1.3 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 1.3 htmlconverter.jar - HTML Converter

JDK 1.3 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 1.3 i18n.jar - Internationalization Support

JRE 1.3 jaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 1.3 rt.jar - RunTime Library

JRE 1.3 sunrsasign.jar - RSA Sign Library

Backup JDK 1.3 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 1.3 from Windows Computer

Download and Review JDK 1.2

Download and Install JDK 1.2

JDK 1.2 Installed Directories and Files

JDK/JRE 1.2 JAR Files List

JDK 1.2 dt.jar - Java Swing Desktop

JDK 1.2 tools.jar - JDK Tools

JRE 1.2 i18n.jar - Internationalization Support

JRE 1.2 jaws.jar - Java Web Start

JRE 1.2 plugprov.jar - RSA Sign Library

JRE 1.2 rt.jar - RunTime Library

JRE/Ext 1.2 iiimp.jar - AWT IM (Input Method)

Backup JDK 1.2 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 1.2 from Windows Computer

Download and Review JDK 1.1

Download and Install JDK 1.1

JDK 1.1 Installed Directories and Files

JDK 1.1 Class ZIP Files List

JDK 1.1 classes.zip - Java Core Classes

JDK 1.1 Source Code Directory

Backup JDK 1.1 Installation Directory

Uninstall JDK 1.1 from Windows Computer

FAQ for JDK (Java Development Kit) 17

Copyright © FYIcenter.com. All rights reserved. JDK v1.08


Understanding JDK (Java Development Kit)

2018-11-04, 8534🔥, 0💬