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swingx-all-1.6.4.jar - SwingX
Swingx is the SwingLabs Swing Component Extensions. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: swingx-all.jar, swingx-all-1.6.4.jar File size: 1487304 bytes Date modified: 01-Jul-2012 Download: SwingX Manifest of the JAR: Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver Built-By: kschaefer Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_32...
2024-01-20, 18063🔥, 8💬

💬 2024-01-20 ss: nice

💬 2018-11-17 lian: nice

💬 2018-06-27 Walter Zhang: Thanks a lot!

(More comments ...)

jai_codec-1.1.3.jar - Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is a Java platform extension API that provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which allows developers to create their own image manipulation routines without the additional cost or licensing restrictions, associated...
2023-11-07, 18133🔥, 6💬

💬 2023-11-07 Bashar Alwan: ok

💬 2020-10-12 guangwei.li: thanky

💬 2020-09-24 lili: 需要转换图片

(More comments ...)

gt-opengis-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-opengis.jar is the Open GIS module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-opengis.jar, gt-opengis-10.2.jar File size: 345671 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Mani...
2021-01-21, 5166🔥, 1💬

💬 2021-01-21 duolin: ok

gt-geometry-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-geometry.jar is the Geometry module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-geometry.jar, gt-geometry-10.2.jar File size: 344935 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools M...
2020-04-24, 4105🔥, 1💬

gt-render-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-render.jar is the Render module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-render.jar, gt-render-10.2.jar File size: 438797 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest ...
2020-02-25, 3788🔥, 1💬

💬 2020-02-25 bishal: good

gt-main-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-main.jar is the Main module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-main.jar, gt-main-10.2.jar File size: 1654140 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest of the ...
2019-01-30, 8700🔥, 1💬

💬 2019-01-30 test: 个人爱好

xmlgraphics-commons-1.3.1.jar - Apache XML Graphics Commons 1.3.1
Apache XML Graphics Commons, Version 1.3.1, is a library that consists of several reusable components used by Apache Batik and Apache FOP. Many of these components can easily be used separately outside the domains of SVG and XSL-FO. You will find components such as a PDF library, an RTF library, Gra...
2019-01-14, 11169🔥, 2💬

💬 2019-01-14 wuerli: nice

rsyntaxtextarea-2.5.1.jar - RSyntaxTextArea
RSyntaxTextArea is a syntax highlighting, code folding text component written in Swing. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: rsyntaxtextarea-2.5.1.jar File size: 973531 bytes Date modified: 08-Nov-2013 Download: RSyntaxTextArea Manifest of the JAR: Specification-Title: RSyntaxTextArea Spe...
2017-01-15, 5481🔥, 1💬

💬 2017-01-15 MeiChunLo: Thanks for help

javaGeom-0.11.1.jar - javaGeom
A java library for geometry applications. Provides a general framework for manipulating and creating geometric primitives, computing intersection points between shapes, composing them to create new shapes, and performing some measurements. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: javaGeom.jar...
2016-06-28, 5988🔥, 1💬

💬 2016-06-28 juwa: very powerful library

jai_core-1.1.3.jar - Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) - Part 2
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is a Java platform extension API that provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which allows developers to create their own image manipulation routines without the additional cost or licensing restrictions, associated...
2016-06-25, 6162🔥, 1💬

jai_core-1.1.3.jar - Java Advanced Imaging (JAI)
Java Advanced Imaging (JAI) is a Java platform extension API that provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which allows developers to create their own image manipulation routines without the additional cost or licensing restrictions, associated...
2014-08-06, 6231🔥, 0💬

geom4j-1.0.0.jar - Geom4J
Geom4J is a computational geometry library for Java. It contains implementation of the most important computational geometry data structures and algorithms coded in pure Java, designed for ease of use and optimized for performance. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: geom4j.jar, geom4j-1...
2014-02-21, 3415🔥, 0💬

jts-1.13.jar - JTS Topology Suite
The JTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: jts....
2014-02-20, 5415🔥, 0💬

Downloading JTS Topology Suite 1.13
The JTS Topology Suite is an API for modelling and manipulating 2-dimensional linear geometry. It provides numerous geometric predicates and functions. JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium. Download File Size and Download Location: File name:...
2014-02-20, 4793🔥, 0💬

gt-main-10.2.jar - GeoTools - Part 2
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-main.jar is the Main module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-main.jar, gt-main-10.2.jar File size: 1654140 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools List of Classes ...
2014-02-13, 4027🔥, 0💬

gt-coverage-api-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-coverage.jar is the Coverage module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-coverage.jar, gt-coverage-api-10.2.jar File size: 104037 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoToo...
2014-02-03, 3077🔥, 0💬

gt-metadata-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-metadata.jar is the Metadata module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-metadata.jar, gt-metadata-10.2.jar File size: 505722 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools M...
2014-01-30, 4170🔥, 0💬

gt-imagemosaic-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-imagemosaic.jar is the Image Mosaic module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-imagemosaic.jar, gt-imagemosaic-10.2.jar File size: 323192 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Downloa...
2014-01-30, 3566🔥, 0💬

gt-referencing-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-referencing.jar is the Metadata module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-referencing.jar, gt-referencing-10.2.jar File size: 1142524 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: ...
2014-01-29, 4065🔥, 0💬

gt-graph-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-graph.jar is the Graph module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-graph.jar, gt-graph-10.2.jar File size: 170025 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest of t...
2014-01-28, 3962🔥, 0💬

gt-jdbc-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-jdbc.jar is the JDBC module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-jdbc.jar, gt-jdbc-10.2.jar File size: 188053 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest of the J...
2014-01-28, 3302🔥, 0💬

gt-swing-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-swing.jar is the Swing module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-swing.jar, gt-swing-10.2.jar File size: 340643 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest of t...
2014-01-27, 4208🔥, 0💬

gt-swt-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-swt.jar is the SWT module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-swt.jar, gt-swt-10.2.jar File size: 246081 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest of the JAR: ...
2014-01-27, 3986🔥, 0💬

gt-xml-10.2.jar - GeoTools
GeoTools, The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit, is a Java library that provides tools for geospatial data. gt-xml.jar is the XML module. JAR File Size and Download Location: File name: gt-xml.jar, gt-xml-10.2.jar File size: 640670 bytes Date modified: 17-Nov-2013 Download: GeoTools Manifest of the JAR: ...
2014-01-24, 3445🔥, 0💬

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