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java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern - Regex Pattern Parser
How to run "java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern" tool from JDK lib\modules JImage file?
✍: FYIcenter
"java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern" tool allows you
to parse a regular expression pattern and print out its components.
"java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern" tool is supported by the jmods\jdk.base.jmod module file, which is also linked into the lib\modules JImage file.
"java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern" tool using the lib\modules JImage file as described below:
fyicenter> %JDK_HOME%\bin\java --module java.base/java.util.regex.PrintPattern ^\D\w+(\.\w+)*[@]\w+(\.\w+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$ Pattern: \D\w+(\.\w+)*[@]\w+(\.\w+)*\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$ 0: <Start> 1: <CharProperty> 2: <BmpCharPropertyGreedy Single "ASCII.WORD"+> 3: <Prolog> 4: <Loop * > 5: <Group.head 1> 6: <BmpCharProperty> 7: <BmpCharPropertyGreedy Single "ASCII.WORD"+> 8: </Group.tail 1> < (=>%d)> </Loop> 9: <BmpCharProperty> 10: <BmpCharPropertyGreedy Single "ASCII.WORD"+> 11: <Prolog> 12: <Loop * > 13: <Group.head 2> 14: <BmpCharProperty> 15: <BmpCharPropertyGreedy Single "ASCII.WORD"+> 16: </Group.tail 2> < (=>%d)> </Loop> 17: <BmpCharProperty> 18: <Curly GREEDY {2, 4}> 19: <BmpCharProperty> </Curly> 20: <Dollar> 21: <END>
⇒ java.base/ - "keytool" Command
⇐ java.base/ - Pack200 Tool
2019-10-18, 2010🔥, 0💬
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