JDK 10 lib/src.zip - Source Code


What is the lib\src.zip file in JDK 10 installation directory?

✍: FYIcenter


lib\src.zip file in JDK 10 installation directory is the JDK 10 source code file, which includes source code for Java language modules and JDK tool modules.

You can unzip lib\src.zip and see the list of modules:

C:>dir \fyicenter\jdk-10.0.2\lib\src

<DIR>   java.activation
<DIR>   java.base
<DIR>   java.compiler
<DIR>   java.corba
<DIR>   java.datatransfer
<DIR>   java.desktop
<DIR>   java.instrument
<DIR>   java.logging
<DIR>   java.management
<DIR>   java.management.rmi


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JDK 10 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

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2020-03-25, 1698🔥, 0💬