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Other Resources:
jdk.hotspot.agent/ - JVM Properties Dumper
How to run "jdk.hotspot.agent/" tool from JDK lib\modules JImage file?
✍: FYIcenter
"jdk.hotspot.agent/" tool allows you to
dump system properties of a given JVM process.
"jdk.hotspot.agent/" tool is supported by the jmods\jdk.hotspot.agent.jmod module file, which is also linked into the lib\modules JImage file.
You can run the "jdk.hotspot.agent/" tool using the lib\modules JImage file as described below:
fyicenter> %JDK_HOME%\bin\java --module jdk.hotspot.agent/ Usage: java [option] <pid> (to connect to a live java process) or java [option] <executable> <core> (to connect to a core file) or java [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname> (to connect to a remote debug server) where option must be one of: -h | -help to print this help message
⇒ jdk.hotspot.agent/sun.jvm.hotspot.utilities.RBTree - RB Tree Test
⇐ jdk.hotspot.agent/ - JVM Stack Tracer
2019-08-23, 1539🔥, 0💬
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