JDK 9 lib/src.zip - Source Code


What is the lib\src.zip file in JDK 9 installation directory?

✍: FYIcenter


lib\src.zip file in JDK 9 installation directory is the JDK 9 source code file, which includes source code for Java language modules and JDK tool modules.

You can unzip lib\src.zip and see the list of modules:

C:>dir \fyicenter\jdk-9.0.4\lib\src

<DIR>   java.activation
<DIR>   java.base
<DIR>   java.compiler
<DIR>   java.corba
<DIR>   java.datatransfer
<DIR>   java.desktop
<DIR>   java.instrument
<DIR>   java.logging
<DIR>   java.management
<DIR>   java.management.rmi


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JDK 9 lib/modules - Runtime JImage File

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2020-02-20, 1825🔥, 0💬