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taglibs-mailer-1.1.jar - Mailer Tag library 1.1
Mailer Tag library, Release 1.1, is used to send e-mail.
JAR File Size and Download Location:
File name: taglibs-mailer.jar, taglibs-mailer-1.1.jar File size: 28427 bytes Date modified: 12/06/2002 Download: Mailer Tag library 1.1
✍: FYIcenter
Manifest of the JAR:
Comment: Mailer Tag library Fri Dec 06 07:16:45 CST 2002 Implementation-Title: org.apache.taglibs.mailer Implementation-Version: 1.1 Implementation-Vendor: Apache Software Foundation Implementation-URL:
List of Classes in the JAR:
org/apache/taglibs/mailer/AddRecipientTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/AttachTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/MailTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/ErrorTEI org/apache/taglibs/mailer/ErrorTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/FromTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/HeaderTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/MailAuthenticator org/apache/taglibs/mailer/MessageTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/ReplyToTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/SendTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/Mail org/apache/taglibs/mailer/ServerTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/SetRecipientTag org/apache/taglibs/mailer/SubjectTag
2009-02-07, 14050🔥, 0💬
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