What Is jxl.jar 2.6.12

What is jxl.jar 2.6.12?

✍: fyicenter.com

jxl.jar 2.6.12 is the JAR file for Java Excel API 2.6.12, which is a Java library for reading, writing and modifying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: jxl-2.6.12.jar
Target JDK version: 1.6
Dependency: None

File name: jxl.jar
File size: 725735 bytes
Release date: 24-Oct-2009
Download: Java Excel API Website.

Here are Java Source Code files for jxl-2.6.12.jar:


*      Copyright (C) 2001 Andrew Khan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package jxl.write.biff;

import jxl.common.Assert;
import jxl.common.Logger;

import jxl.Cell;
import jxl.CellFeatures;
import jxl.CellReferenceHelper;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.biff.DataValidation;
import jxl.biff.DataValiditySettingsRecord;
import jxl.biff.DVParser;
import jxl.biff.FormattingRecords;
import jxl.biff.IntegerHelper;
import jxl.biff.NumFormatRecordsException;
import jxl.biff.Type;
import jxl.biff.WritableRecordData;
import jxl.biff.XFRecord;
import jxl.biff.drawing.ComboBox;
import jxl.biff.drawing.Comment;
import jxl.format.CellFormat;
import jxl.write.WritableCell;
import jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures;
import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;

 * Abstract class which stores the jxl.common.data used for cells, such
 * as row, column and formatting information.  
 * Any record which directly represents the contents of a cell, such
 * as labels and numbers, are derived from this class
 * data store
public abstract class CellValue extends WritableRecordData 
  implements WritableCell
   * The logger
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CellValue.class);
   * The row in the worksheet at which this cell is located
  private int row;

   * The column in the worksheet at which this cell is located
  private int column;

   * The format applied to this cell
  private XFRecord format;
   * A handle to the formatting records, used in case we want
   * to change the format of the cell once it has been added
   * to the spreadsheet
  private FormattingRecords formattingRecords;

   * A flag to indicate that this record is already referenced within
   * a worksheet
  private boolean referenced;

   * A handle to the sheet
  private WritableSheetImpl sheet;

   * The cell features
  private WritableCellFeatures features;

   * Internal copied flag, to prevent cell features being added multiple
   * times to the drawing array
  private boolean copied;

   * Constructor used when building writable cells from the Java API
   * @param c the column
   * @param t the type indicator
   * @param r the row
  protected CellValue(Type t, int c, int r)
    this(t, c, r, WritableWorkbook.NORMAL_STYLE);
    copied = false;

   * Constructor used when creating a writable cell from a read-only cell 
   * (when copying a workbook)
   * @param c the cell to clone
   * @param t the type of this cell
  protected CellValue(Type t, Cell c)
    this(t, c.getColumn(), c.getRow());
    copied = true;

    format = (XFRecord) c.getCellFormat();
    if (c.getCellFeatures() != null)
      features = new WritableCellFeatures(c.getCellFeatures());

   * Overloaded constructor used when building writable cells from the 
   * Java API which also takes a format
   * @param c the column
   * @param t the cell type
   * @param r the row
   * @param st the format to apply to this cell
  protected CellValue(Type t, int c, int r, CellFormat st)
    row    = r;
    column = c;
    format = (XFRecord) st;
    referenced = false;
    copied = false;

   * Copy constructor 
   * @param c the column
   * @param t the cell type
   * @param r the row
   * @param cv the value to copy
  protected CellValue(Type t, int c, int r, CellValue cv)
    row    = r;
    column = c;
    format = cv.format;
    referenced = false;
    copied = false; // used during a deep copy, so the cell features need 
                    // to be added again

    if (cv.features != null)
      features = new WritableCellFeatures(cv.features);

   * An API function which sets the format to apply to this cell
   * @param cf the format to apply to this cell
  public void setCellFormat(CellFormat cf)
    format = (XFRecord) cf;

    // If the referenced flag has not been set, this cell has not
    // been added to the spreadsheet, so we don't need to perform
    // any further logic
    if (!referenced)

    // The cell has already been added to the spreadsheet, so the 
    // formattingRecords reference must be initialized
    Assert.verify(formattingRecords != null);


   * Returns the row number of this cell
   * @return the row number of this cell
  public int getRow()
    return row;

   * Returns the column number of this cell
   * @return the column number of this cell
  public int getColumn()
    return column;

   * Indicates whether or not this cell is hidden, by virtue of either
   * the entire row or column being collapsed
   * @return TRUE if this cell is hidden, FALSE otherwise
  public boolean isHidden()
    ColumnInfoRecord cir = sheet.getColumnInfo(column);
    if (cir != null && cir.getWidth() == 0)
      return true;

    RowRecord rr = sheet.getRowInfo(row);

    if (rr != null && (rr.getRowHeight() == 0 || rr.isCollapsed()))
      return true;

    return false;

   * Gets the data to write to the output file
   * @return the binary data
  public byte[] getData()
    byte[] mydata = new byte[6];
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(row, mydata, 0);
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(column, mydata, 2);
    IntegerHelper.getTwoBytes(format.getXFIndex(), mydata, 4);
    return mydata;

   * Called when the cell is added to the worksheet in order to indicate
   * that this object is already added to the worksheet
   * This method also verifies that the associated formats and formats
   * have been initialized correctly
   * @param fr the formatting records
   * @param ss the shared strings used within the workbook
   * @param s the sheet this is being added to
  void setCellDetails(FormattingRecords fr, SharedStrings ss, 
                      WritableSheetImpl s)
    referenced = true;
    sheet = s;
    formattingRecords = fr;


   * Internal method to see if this cell is referenced within the workbook.
   * Once this has been placed in the workbook, it becomes immutable
   * @return TRUE if this cell has been added to a sheet, FALSE otherwise
  final boolean isReferenced()
    return referenced;

   * Gets the internal index of the formatting record
   * @return the index of the format record
  final int getXFIndex()
    return format.getXFIndex();

   * API method which gets the format applied to this cell
   * @return the format for this cell
  public CellFormat getCellFormat()
    return format;

   * Increments the row of this cell by one.  Invoked by the sheet when 
   * inserting rows
  void incrementRow()

    if (features != null)
      Comment c = features.getCommentDrawing();
      if (c != null)

   * Decrements the row of this cell by one.  Invoked by the sheet when 
   * removing rows
  void decrementRow()

    if (features != null)
      Comment c = features.getCommentDrawing();
      if ( c!= null)

      if (features.hasDropDown())
        logger.warn("need to change value for drop down drawing");

   * Increments the column of this cell by one.  Invoked by the sheet when 
   * inserting columns
  void incrementColumn()

    if (features != null)
      Comment c = features.getCommentDrawing();
      if (c != null)


   * Decrements the column of this cell by one.  Invoked by the sheet when 
   * removing columns
  void decrementColumn()

    if (features != null)
      Comment c = features.getCommentDrawing();
      if (c != null)


   * Called when a column is inserted on the specified sheet.  Notifies all
   * RCIR cells of this change. The default implementation here does nothing
   * @param s the sheet on which the column was inserted
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param col the column number which was inserted
  void columnInserted(Sheet s, int sheetIndex, int col)

   * Called when a column is removed on the specified sheet.  Notifies all
   * RCIR cells of this change. The default implementation here does nothing
   * @param s the sheet on which the column was inserted
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param col the column number which was inserted
  void columnRemoved(Sheet s, int sheetIndex, int col)

   * Called when a row is inserted on the specified sheet.  Notifies all
   * RCIR cells of this change. The default implementation here does nothing
   * @param s the sheet on which the column was inserted
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was inserted
   * @param row the column number which was inserted
  void rowInserted(Sheet s, int sheetIndex, int row)

   * Called when a row is inserted on the specified sheet.  Notifies all
   * RCIR cells of this change. The default implementation here does nothing
   * @param s the sheet on which the row was removed
   * @param sheetIndex the sheet index on which the column was removed
   * @param row the column number which was removed
  void rowRemoved(Sheet s, int sheetIndex, int row)

   * Accessor for the sheet containing this cell
   * @return the sheet containing this cell
  public WritableSheetImpl getSheet()
    return sheet;

   * Adds the format information to the shared records.  Performs the necessary
   * checks (and clones) to ensure that the formats are not shared.
   * Called from setCellDetails and setCellFormat
  private void addCellFormat()
    // Check to see if the format is one of the shared Workbook defaults.  If
    // so, then get hold of the Workbook's specific instance
    Styles styles = sheet.getWorkbook().getStyles();
    format = styles.getFormat(format);

      if (!format.isInitialized())
    catch (NumFormatRecordsException e)
      logger.warn("Maximum number of format records exceeded.  Using " +
                  "default format.");
      format = styles.getNormalStyle();

   * Accessor for the cell features
   * @return the cell features or NULL if this cell doesn't have any
  public CellFeatures getCellFeatures()
    return features;

   * Accessor for the cell features
   * @return the cell features or NULL if this cell doesn't have any
  public WritableCellFeatures getWritableCellFeatures()
    return features;

   * Sets the cell features
   * @param cf the cell features
  public void setCellFeatures(WritableCellFeatures cf)
    if (features != null) 
      logger.warn("current cell features for " + 
                  CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(this) + 
                  " not null - overwriting");

      // Check to see if the features include a shared data validation
      if (features.hasDataValidation() &&
          features.getDVParser() != null &&
        DVParser dvp = features.getDVParser();
        logger.warn("Cannot add cell features to " + 
                    CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(this) + 
                    " because it is part of the shared cell validation " +
                    "group " +
                                                         dvp.getFirstRow()) +
                    "-" +

    features = cf;

    // If the cell is already on the worksheet, then add the cell features
    // to the workbook
    if (referenced)

   * Handles any addition cell features, such as comments or data 
   * validation.  Called internally from this class when a cell is 
   * added to the workbook, and also externally from BaseCellFeatures
   * following a call to setComment
  public final void addCellFeatures()
    if (features == null)

    if (copied == true)
      copied = false;


    if (features.getComment() != null)
      Comment comment = new Comment(features.getComment(), 
                                    column, row);

    if (features.hasDataValidation())
      catch (jxl.biff.formula.FormulaException e)

      if (!features.hasDropDown())
      // Get the combo box drawing object for list validations
      if (sheet.getComboBox() == null)
        // Need to add the combo box the first time, since even though
        // it doesn't need a separate Sp entry, it still needs to increment
        // the shape id
        ComboBox cb = new ComboBox();


   * Internal function invoked by WritableSheetImpl called when shared data 
   * validation is removed
  public final void removeCellFeatures()
    // Remove the comment

    // Remove the data validation

    features = null;

   * Called by the cell features to remove a comment
   * @param c the comment to remove
  public final void removeComment(Comment c)

   * Called by the cell features to remove the data validation
  public final void removeDataValidation()

   * Called when doing a copy of a writable object to indicate the source
   * was writable than a read only copy and certain things (most notably
   * the comments will need to be re-evaluated)
   * @param boolean the copied flag
  final void setCopied(boolean c)
    copied = c;




Or download all of them as a single archive file:

File name: jxl-2.6.12-src.zip
File size: 824057 bytes
Release date: 2009-10-24


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