What Is jxl.jar 2.6.12

What is jxl.jar 2.6.12?

✍: fyicenter.com

jxl.jar 2.6.12 is the JAR file for Java Excel API 2.6.12, which is a Java library for reading, writing and modifying Microsoft Excel spreadsheet files.

JAR File Size and Download Location:

JAR name: jxl-2.6.12.jar
Target JDK version: 1.6
Dependency: None

File name: jxl.jar
File size: 725735 bytes
Release date: 24-Oct-2009
Download: Java Excel API Website.

Here are Java Source Code files for jxl-2.6.12.jar:


*      Copyright (C) 2002 Andrew Khan
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

package jxl.write.biff;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import jxl.common.Assert;
import jxl.common.Logger;

import jxl.BooleanCell;
import jxl.Cell;
import jxl.CellFeatures;
import jxl.CellReferenceHelper;
import jxl.CellType;
import jxl.CellView;
import jxl.DateCell;
import jxl.HeaderFooter;
import jxl.Hyperlink;
import jxl.Image;
import jxl.LabelCell;
import jxl.NumberCell;
import jxl.Range;
import jxl.Sheet;
import jxl.SheetSettings;
import jxl.WorkbookSettings;
import jxl.biff.AutoFilter;
import jxl.biff.BuiltInName;
import jxl.biff.CellFinder;
import jxl.biff.ConditionalFormat;
import jxl.biff.DataValidation;
import jxl.biff.DVParser;
import jxl.biff.EmptyCell;
import jxl.biff.FormattingRecords;
import jxl.biff.FormulaData;
import jxl.biff.IndexMapping;
import jxl.biff.NumFormatRecordsException;
import jxl.biff.SheetRangeImpl;
import jxl.biff.WorkspaceInformationRecord;
import jxl.biff.XFRecord;
import jxl.biff.drawing.Chart;
import jxl.biff.drawing.ComboBox;
import jxl.biff.drawing.Drawing;
import jxl.biff.drawing.DrawingGroupObject;
import jxl.format.CellFormat;
import jxl.format.Font;
import jxl.format.PageOrientation;
import jxl.format.PaperSize;
import jxl.write.Blank;
import jxl.write.Boolean;
import jxl.write.DateTime;
import jxl.write.Label;
import jxl.write.Number;
import jxl.write.WritableCell;
import jxl.write.WritableCellFeatures;
import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;
import jxl.write.WritableFont;
import jxl.write.WritableHyperlink;
import jxl.write.WritableImage;
import jxl.write.WritableSheet;
import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook;
import jxl.write.WriteException;

 * A writable sheet.  This class contains implementation of all the
 * writable sheet methods which may be invoke by the API
class WritableSheetImpl implements WritableSheet
   * The logger
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(WritableSheetImpl.class);
   * The name of this sheet
  private String name;
   * A handle to the output file which the binary data is written to
  private File outputFile;
   * The rows within this sheet
  private RowRecord[] rows;
   * A handle to workbook format records
  private FormattingRecords formatRecords;
   * A handle to the shared strings used by this workbook
  private SharedStrings     sharedStrings;

   * The list of non-default column formats
  private TreeSet columnFormats;

   * The list of autosized columns
  private TreeSet autosizedColumns;

   * The list of hyperlinks
  private ArrayList hyperlinks;

   * The list of merged ranged
  private MergedCells mergedCells;

   * A number of rows.  This is a count of the maximum row number + 1
  private int numRows;

   * The number of columns.  This is a count of the maximum column number + 1
  private int numColumns;

   * The environment specific print record, copied from the read spreadsheet
  private PLSRecord plsRecord;

   * The buttons property set
  private ButtonPropertySetRecord buttonPropertySet;

   * A flag indicating that this sheet is a chart only
  private boolean chartOnly;

   * The data validations on this page.  Used to store data validations
   * from a read sheet
  private DataValidation dataValidation;

   * Array of row page breaks
  private ArrayList rowBreaks;

   * Array of column page breaks
  private ArrayList columnBreaks;

   * The drawings on this sheet
  private ArrayList drawings;

   * The images on this sheet.  This is a subset of the drawings list
  private ArrayList images;

   * The conditional formats on this sheet
  private ArrayList conditionalFormats;

   * The autofilter
  private AutoFilter autoFilter;

   * The writable cells on this sheet which may have validation added
   * to them
  private ArrayList validatedCells;

   * The combo box object used for list validations on this sheet
  private ComboBox comboBox;

   * Drawings modified flag.  Set to true if the drawings list has
   * been modified
  private boolean drawingsModified;

   * The maximum row outline level
  private int maxRowOutlineLevel;

   * The maximum column outline level
  private int maxColumnOutlineLevel;

   * The settings for this sheet
  private SheetSettings settings;

   * The sheet writer engine
  private SheetWriter sheetWriter;

   * The settings for the workbook
  private WorkbookSettings workbookSettings;

   * The workbook
  private WritableWorkbookImpl workbook;

   * The amount by which to grow the rows array
  private final static int rowGrowSize = 10;

   * The maximum number of rows excel allows in a worksheet
  private final static int numRowsPerSheet = 65536;

   * The maximum number of characters permissible for a sheet name
  private final static int maxSheetNameLength = 31;

   * The illegal characters for a sheet name
  private final static char[] illegalSheetNameCharacters = 
    new char[] {'*', ':', '?', '\\'}; 

   * The supported file types
  private static final String[] imageTypes = new String[] {"png"};

   * The comparator for column info record
  private static class ColumnInfoComparator implements Comparator
     * Equals method
     * @param o the object to compare
     * @return TRUE if equal, FALSE otherwise
    public boolean equals(Object o)
      return o == this;

     * Comparison function for to ColumnInfoRecords
     * @param o2 first object to compare
     * @param o1 second object to compare
     * @return the result of the comparison
    public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
      if (o1 == o2)
        return 0;

      Assert.verify(o1 instanceof ColumnInfoRecord);
      Assert.verify(o2 instanceof ColumnInfoRecord);
      ColumnInfoRecord ci1 = (ColumnInfoRecord) o1;
      ColumnInfoRecord ci2 = (ColumnInfoRecord) o2;

      return ci1.getColumn() - ci2.getColumn();

   * Constructor
   * @param fr the formatting records used by the workbook
   * @param of the output file to write the binary data
   * @param f the fonts used by the workbook
   * @param n the name of this sheet
   * @param ss the shared strings used by the workbook
   * @param ws the workbook settings
  public WritableSheetImpl(String n, 
                           File of, 
                           FormattingRecords fr, 
                           SharedStrings ss,
                           WorkbookSettings ws,
                           WritableWorkbookImpl ww)
    name = validateName(n);
    outputFile = of;
    rows = new RowRecord[0];
    numRows = 0;
    numColumns = 0;
    chartOnly = false;
    workbook = ww;

    formatRecords      = fr;
    sharedStrings      = ss;
    workbookSettings   = ws;
    drawingsModified   = false;
    columnFormats      = new TreeSet(new ColumnInfoComparator());
    autosizedColumns   = new TreeSet();
    hyperlinks         = new ArrayList();
    mergedCells        = new MergedCells(this);
    rowBreaks          = new ArrayList();
    columnBreaks       = new ArrayList();
    drawings           = new ArrayList();
    images             = new ArrayList();
    conditionalFormats = new ArrayList();
    validatedCells     = new ArrayList();
    settings           = new SheetSettings(this);

    sheetWriter = new SheetWriter(outputFile,

   * Returns the cell for the specified location eg. "A4", using the
   * CellReferenceHelper
   * @param loc the cell reference
   * @return the cell at the specified co-ordinates
  public Cell getCell(String loc)
    return getCell(CellReferenceHelper.getColumn(loc),

   * Returns the cell specified at this row and at this column
   * @param column the column number
   * @param row the row number
   * @return the cell at the specified co-ordinates
  public Cell getCell(int column, int row)
    return getWritableCell(column, row);

   * Returns the cell for the specified location eg. "A4".  Note that this
   * method is identical to calling getCell(CellReferenceHelper.getColumn(loc),
   * CellReferenceHelper.getRow(loc)) and its implicit performance
   * overhead for string parsing.  As such,this method should therefore
   * be used sparingly
   * @param loc the cell reference
   * @return the cell at the specified co-ordinates
  public WritableCell getWritableCell(String loc)
    return getWritableCell(CellReferenceHelper.getColumn(loc),

   * Returns the cell specified at this row and at this column
   * @param column the column number
   * @param row the row number
   * @return the cell at the specified co-ordinates
  public WritableCell getWritableCell(int column, int row)
    WritableCell c = null;

    if (row < rows.length && rows[row] != null)
      c = rows[row].getCell(column);

    if (c == null)
      c = new EmptyCell(column, row);
    return c;

   * Returns the number of rows in this sheet
   * @return the number of rows in this sheet
  public int getRows()
    return numRows;

   * Returns the number of columns in this sheet
   * @return the number of columns in this sheet
  public int getColumns()
    return numColumns;

   * Gets the cell whose contents match the string passed in.
   * If no match is found, then null is returned.  The search is performed
   * on a row by row basis, so the lower the row number, the more
   * efficiently the algorithm will perform
   * @param  contents the string to match
   * @return the Cell whose contents match the paramter, null if not found
  public Cell findCell(String contents)
    CellFinder cellFinder = new CellFinder(this);
    return cellFinder.findCell(contents);

   * Gets the cell whose contents match the string passed in.
   * If no match is found, then null is returned.  The search is performed
   * on a row by row basis, so the lower the row number, the more
   * efficiently the algorithm will perform
   * @param contents the string to match
   * @param firstCol the first column within the range
   * @param firstRow the first row of the range
   * @param lastCol the last column within the range
   * @param lastRow the last row within the range
   * @param reverse indicates whether to perform a reverse search or not
   * @return the Cell whose contents match the parameter, null if not found
  public Cell findCell(String contents, 
                       int firstCol, 
                       int firstRow, 
                       int lastCol, 
                       int lastRow, 
                       boolean reverse)
    CellFinder cellFinder = new CellFinder(this);
    return cellFinder.findCell(contents,

   * Gets the cell whose contents match the regular expressionstring passed in.
   * If no match is found, then null is returned.  The search is performed
   * on a row by row basis, so the lower the row number, the more
   * efficiently the algorithm will perform
   * @param pattern the regular expression string to match
   * @param firstCol the first column within the range
   * @param firstRow the first row of the range
   * @param lastRow the last row within the range
   * @param lastCol the last column within the ranage
   * @param reverse indicates whether to perform a reverse search or not
   * @return the Cell whose contents match the parameter, null if not found
  public Cell findCell(Pattern pattern, 
                       int firstCol, 
                       int firstRow, 
                       int lastCol, 
                       int lastRow, 
                       boolean reverse)
    CellFinder cellFinder = new CellFinder(this);
    return cellFinder.findCell(pattern,

   * Gets the cell whose contents match the string passed in.
   * If no match is found, then null is returned.  The search is performed
   * on a row by row basis, so the lower the row number, the more
   * efficiently the algorithm will perform.  This method differs
   * from the findCell methods in that only cells with labels are
   * queried - all numerical cells are ignored.  This should therefore
   * improve performance.
   * @param contents the string to match
   * @return the Cell whose contents match the paramter, null if not found
  public LabelCell findLabelCell(String contents)
    CellFinder cellFinder = new CellFinder(this);
    return cellFinder.findLabelCell(contents);

   * Gets all the cells on the specified row
   * @param row the rows whose cells are to be returned
   * @return the cells on the given row
  public Cell[] getRow(int row)
    // Find the last non-null cell
    boolean found = false;
    int col = numColumns - 1;
    while (col >= 0 && !found)
      if (getCell(col, row).getType() != CellType.EMPTY)
        found = true;

    // Only create entries for non-empty cells
    Cell[] cells = new Cell[col+1];

    for (int i = 0; i <= col; i++)
      cells[i] = getCell(i, row);
    return cells;

   * Gets all the cells on the specified column
   * @param col the column whose cells are to be returned
   * @return the cells on the specified column
  public Cell[] getColumn(int col)
    // Find the last non-null cell
    boolean found = false;
    int row = numRows - 1;

    while (row >= 0 && !found)
      if (getCell(col, row).getType() != CellType.EMPTY)
        found = true;

    // Only create entries for non-empty cells
    Cell[] cells = new Cell[row+1];

    for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++)
      cells[i] = getCell(col, i);
    return cells;

   * Gets the name of this sheet
   * @return the name of the sheet
  public String getName()
    return name;

   * Inserts a blank row into this spreadsheet.  If the row is out of range
   * of the rows in the sheet, then no action is taken
   * @param row the row to insert
  public void insertRow(int row)
    if (row < 0 || row >= numRows)

    // Create a new array to hold the new rows.  Grow it if need be
    RowRecord[] oldRows = rows;

    if (numRows == rows.length)
      rows = new RowRecord[oldRows.length + rowGrowSize];
      rows = new RowRecord[oldRows.length];

    // Copy in everything up to the new row
    System.arraycopy(oldRows, 0, rows, 0, row);
    // Copy in the remaining rows
    System.arraycopy(oldRows, row, rows, row+1, numRows - row);

    // Increment all the internal row number by one
    for (int i = row+1; i <= numRows; i++)
      if (rows[i] != null)

    // Adjust any hyperlinks
    HyperlinkRecord hr = null;
    Iterator i = hyperlinks.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      hr = (HyperlinkRecord) i.next();

    // Adjust any data validations
    if (dataValidation != null)

    if (validatedCells != null && validatedCells.size() > 0)
      for (Iterator vci = validatedCells.iterator(); vci.hasNext();)
        CellValue cv = (CellValue) vci.next();
        CellFeatures cf = cv.getCellFeatures();
        if (cf.getDVParser() != null)

    // Adjust any merged cells

    // Adjust any page breaks
    ArrayList newRowBreaks = new ArrayList();
    Iterator ri = rowBreaks.iterator();
    while (ri.hasNext())
      int val = ( (Integer) ri.next()).intValue();
      if (val >= row)

      newRowBreaks.add(new Integer(val));
    rowBreaks = newRowBreaks;

    // Adjust any conditional formats
    for (Iterator cfit = conditionalFormats.iterator(); cfit.hasNext() ;)
      ConditionalFormat cf = (ConditionalFormat) cfit.next();

    // Handle interested cell references on the main workbook
    if (workbookSettings.getFormulaAdjust())
      workbook.rowInserted(this, row);

    // Adjust the maximum row record

   * Inserts a blank column into this spreadsheet.  If the column is out of 
   * range of the columns in the sheet, then no action is taken.  If the 
   * max column on the sheet has been reached, then the last column entry
   * gets dropped
   * @param col the column to insert
  public void insertColumn(int col)
    if (col < 0 || col >= numColumns)

    // Iterate through all the row records adding in the column
    for (int i = 0 ; i < numRows ; i++)
      if (rows[i] != null)

    // Adjust any hyperlinks
    HyperlinkRecord hr = null;
    Iterator i = hyperlinks.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      hr = (HyperlinkRecord) i.next();

    // Iterate through the column views, incrementing the column number
    i = columnFormats.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      ColumnInfoRecord cir = (ColumnInfoRecord) i.next();

      if (cir.getColumn() >= col)

    // Iterate through the autosized columns, incrementing the column number
    if (autosizedColumns.size() > 0)
      TreeSet newAutosized = new TreeSet();
      i = autosizedColumns.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext())
        Integer colnumber = (Integer) i.next();

        if (colnumber.intValue() >= col)
          newAutosized.add(new Integer(colnumber.intValue() + 1));
      autosizedColumns = newAutosized;

    // Handle any data validations
    if (dataValidation != null)

    if (validatedCells != null && validatedCells.size() > 0)
      for (Iterator vci = validatedCells.iterator(); vci.hasNext();)
        CellValue cv = (CellValue) vci.next();
        CellFeatures cf = cv.getCellFeatures();
        if (cf.getDVParser() != null)

    // Adjust any merged cells

    // Adjust any page breaks
    ArrayList newColumnBreaks = new ArrayList();
    Iterator ri = columnBreaks.iterator();
    while (ri.hasNext())
      int val = ( (Integer) ri.next()).intValue();
      if (val >= col)

      newColumnBreaks.add(new Integer(val));
    columnBreaks = newColumnBreaks;

    // Adjust any conditional formats
    for (Iterator cfit = conditionalFormats.iterator(); cfit.hasNext() ;)
      ConditionalFormat cf = (ConditionalFormat) cfit.next();

    // Handle interested cell references on the main workbook
    if (workbookSettings.getFormulaAdjust())
      workbook.columnInserted(this, col);


   * Removes a column from this spreadsheet.  If the column is out of range
   * of the columns in the sheet, then no action is taken
   * @param col the column to remove
  public void removeColumn(int col)
    if (col < 0 || col >= numColumns)

    // Iterate through all the row records removing the column
    for (int i = 0 ; i < numRows ; i++)
      if (rows[i] != null)

    // Adjust any hyperlinks
    HyperlinkRecord hr = null;
    Iterator i = hyperlinks.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      hr = (HyperlinkRecord) i.next();

      if (hr.getColumn()      == col &&
          hr.getLastColumn()  == col)
        // The row with the hyperlink on has been removed, so get
        // rid of it from the list

    // Adjust any data validations
    if (dataValidation != null)

    if (validatedCells != null && validatedCells.size() > 0)
      for (Iterator vci = validatedCells.iterator(); vci.hasNext();)
        CellValue cv = (CellValue) vci.next();
        CellFeatures cf = cv.getCellFeatures();
        if (cf.getDVParser() != null)

    // Adjust any merged cells

    // Adjust any page breaks
    ArrayList newColumnBreaks = new ArrayList();
    Iterator ri = columnBreaks.iterator();
    while (ri.hasNext())
      int val = ( (Integer) ri.next()).intValue();

      if (val != col)
        if (val > col)
        newColumnBreaks.add(new Integer(val));

    columnBreaks = newColumnBreaks;

    // Iterate through the column views, decrementing the column number
    i = columnFormats.iterator();
    ColumnInfoRecord removeColumn = null;
    while (i.hasNext())
      ColumnInfoRecord cir = (ColumnInfoRecord) i.next();

      if (cir.getColumn() == col)
        removeColumn = cir;
      else if (cir.getColumn() > col)

    if (removeColumn != null)

    // Iterate through the autosized columns, decrementing the column number
    if (autosizedColumns.size() > 0)
      TreeSet newAutosized = new TreeSet();
      i = autosizedColumns.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext())
        Integer colnumber = (Integer) i.next();

        if (colnumber.intValue() == col)
          // do nothing
        else if (colnumber.intValue() > col)
          newAutosized.add(new Integer(colnumber.intValue() - 1));
      autosizedColumns = newAutosized;

    // Adjust any conditional formats
    for (Iterator cfit = conditionalFormats.iterator(); cfit.hasNext() ;)
      ConditionalFormat cf = (ConditionalFormat) cfit.next();

    // Handle interested cell references on the main workbook
    if (workbookSettings.getFormulaAdjust())
      workbook.columnRemoved(this, col);


   * Removes a row from this spreadsheet.  If the row is out of 
   * range of the columns in the sheet, then no action is taken
   * @param row the row to remove
  public void removeRow(int row)
    if (row < 0 || row >= numRows)
      // Call rowRemoved anyway, to adjust the named cells
      if (workbookSettings.getFormulaAdjust())
        workbook.rowRemoved(this, row);


    // Create a new array to hold the new rows.  Grow it if need be
    RowRecord[] oldRows = rows;

    rows = new RowRecord[oldRows.length];

    // Copy in everything up to the row to be removed
    System.arraycopy(oldRows, 0, rows, 0, row);
    // Copy in the remaining rows
    System.arraycopy(oldRows, row + 1, rows, row, numRows - (row + 1));

    // Decrement all the internal row numbers by one
    for (int i = row; i < numRows; i++)
      if (rows[i] != null)

    // Adjust any hyperlinks
    HyperlinkRecord hr = null;
    Iterator i = hyperlinks.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      hr = (HyperlinkRecord) i.next();

      if (hr.getRow()      == row &&
          hr.getLastRow()  == row)
        // The row with the hyperlink on has been removed, so get
        // rid of it from the list

    // Adjust any data validations
    if (dataValidation != null)

    if (validatedCells != null && validatedCells.size() > 0)
      for (Iterator vci = validatedCells.iterator(); vci.hasNext();)
        CellValue cv = (CellValue) vci.next();
        CellFeatures cf = cv.getCellFeatures();
        if (cf.getDVParser() != null)

    // Adjust any merged cells

    // Adjust any page breaks
    ArrayList newRowBreaks = new ArrayList();
    Iterator ri = rowBreaks.iterator();
    while (ri.hasNext())
      int val = ( (Integer) ri.next()).intValue();

      if (val != row)
        if (val > row)
        newRowBreaks.add(new Integer(val));

    rowBreaks = newRowBreaks;

    // Adjust any conditional formats
    for (Iterator cfit = conditionalFormats.iterator(); cfit.hasNext() ;)
      ConditionalFormat cf = (ConditionalFormat) cfit.next();

    // Handle interested cell references on the main workbook
    if (workbookSettings.getFormulaAdjust())
      workbook.rowRemoved(this, row);

    // Adjust any drawings
    if (drawings != null)
      for (Iterator drawingIt = drawings.iterator() ; drawingIt.hasNext() ; )
        DrawingGroupObject dgo = (DrawingGroupObject) drawingIt.next();

    // Adjust the maximum row record

   * Adds the cell to this sheet.  If the cell has already been added to 
   * this sheet or another sheet, a WriteException is thrown.  If the
   * position to be occupied by this cell is already taken, the incumbent
   * cell is replaced.
   * The cell is then marked as referenced, and its formatting information 
   * registered with the list of formatting records updated if necessary
   * The RowsExceededException may be caught if client code wishes to
   * explicitly trap the case where too many rows have been written
   * to the current sheet.  If this behaviour is not desired, it is
   * sufficient simply to handle the WriteException, since this is a base
   * class of RowsExceededException
   * @exception WriteException 
   * @exception RowsExceededException
   * @param cell the cell to add
  public void addCell(WritableCell cell) 
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException
    if (cell.getType() == CellType.EMPTY)
      if (cell != null && cell.getCellFormat() == null)
        // return if it's a blank cell with no particular cell formatting
        // information
    CellValue cv = (CellValue) cell;

    if (cv.isReferenced())
      throw new JxlWriteException(JxlWriteException.cellReferenced);

    int row = cell.getRow();
    RowRecord rowrec = getRowRecord(row);

    CellValue curcell = rowrec.getCell(cv.getColumn());
    boolean curSharedValidation = (curcell != null &&
      curcell.getCellFeatures() != null &&
      curcell.getCellFeatures().getDVParser() != null &&

    // Check for shared data validations, but only if the cell being added
    // has a data validation
    if (cell.getCellFeatures() != null &&
        cell.getCellFeatures().hasDataValidation() && 
      DVParser dvp = curcell.getCellFeatures().getDVParser();
      logger.warn("Cannot add cell at " + 
                  CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(cv) + 
                  " because it is part of the shared cell validation group " +
                                                       dvp.getFirstRow()) +
                  "-" +

    // Apply any shared validation from the current cell to this cell
    if (curSharedValidation)
      WritableCellFeatures wcf = cell.getWritableCellFeatures();
      if (wcf == null)
        wcf = new WritableCellFeatures();



    // Adjust the max rows and max columns accordingly
    numRows = Math.max(row+1, numRows);
    numColumns = Math.max(numColumns, rowrec.getMaxColumn());

    // Indicate this cell is now part of a worksheet, so that it can't be
    // added anywhere else
    cv.setCellDetails(formatRecords, sharedStrings, this);

   * Gets the row record at the specified row number, growing the
   * array as needs dictate
   * @param row the row number we are interested in
   * @return the row record at the specified row
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  RowRecord getRowRecord(int row) throws RowsExceededException
    if (row >= numRowsPerSheet)
      throw new RowsExceededException();

    // Grow the array of rows if needs be
    // Thanks to Brendan for spotting the flaw in merely adding on the
    // grow size
    if (row >= rows.length)
      RowRecord[] oldRows = rows;
      rows = new RowRecord[Math.max(oldRows.length + rowGrowSize, row+1)];
      System.arraycopy(oldRows, 0, rows, 0, oldRows.length);
      oldRows = null;

    RowRecord rowrec = rows[row];

    if (rowrec == null)
      rowrec = new RowRecord(row, this);
      rows[row] = rowrec;

    return rowrec;

   * Gets the row record for the specified row
   * @param r the row
   * @return the row record
  RowRecord getRowInfo(int r)
    if (r < 0 || r > rows.length)
      return null;

    return rows[r];

   * Gets the column info record for the specified column
   * @param c the column
   * @return the column record
  ColumnInfoRecord getColumnInfo(int c)
    Iterator i = columnFormats.iterator();
    ColumnInfoRecord cir = null;
    boolean stop = false;

    while (i.hasNext() && !stop)
      cir = (ColumnInfoRecord) i.next();

      if (cir.getColumn() >= c)
        stop = true;    

    if (!stop)
      return null;

    return cir.getColumn() == c ? cir : null;

   * Sets the name of this worksheet
   * @param n the name of this sheet
  public void setName(String n)
    name = n;

   * Sets the hidden status of this sheet
   * @param h the hiden flag
   * @deprecated Use the settings bean instead
  public void setHidden(boolean h)

   * Indicates whether or not this sheet is protected
   * @param prot protected flag
   * @deprecated Use the settings bean instead
  public void setProtected(boolean prot)

   * Sets this sheet as selected
   * @deprecated Use the settings bean
  public void setSelected()
   * Retrieves the hidden status of this sheet
   * @return TRUE if hidden, FALSE otherwise
   * @deprecated Use the sheet settings bean instead
  public boolean isHidden()
    return settings.isHidden();

   * Sets the width (in characters) for a particular column in this sheet
   * @param col the column whose width to set
   * @param width the width of the column in characters
  public void setColumnView(int col, int width)
    CellView cv = new CellView();
    cv.setSize(width * 256);
    setColumnView(col, cv);

   * Sets the width (in characters) and format options for a 
   * particular column in this sheet
   * @param col the column to set
   * @param width the width in characters
   * @param format the formt details for the column
  public void setColumnView(int col, int width, CellFormat format)
    CellView cv = new CellView();
    cv.setSize(width * 256);
    setColumnView(col, cv);

   * Sets the view for this column
   * @param col the column on which to set the view
   * @param view the view to set
  public void setColumnView(int col, CellView view)
    XFRecord xfr =  (XFRecord) view.getFormat();
    if (xfr == null)
      Styles styles = getWorkbook().getStyles();
      xfr = styles.getNormalStyle();

      if (!xfr.isInitialized())
      int width = view.depUsed() ? view.getDimension() * 256 : view.getSize();

      if (view.isAutosize())
        autosizedColumns.add(new Integer(col));

      ColumnInfoRecord cir = new ColumnInfoRecord(col, 

      if (view.isHidden())

      if (!columnFormats.contains(cir))
    catch (NumFormatRecordsException e)
      logger.warn("Maximum number of format records exceeded.  Using " +
                  "default format.");

      ColumnInfoRecord cir = new ColumnInfoRecord
        (col, view.getDimension()*256, WritableWorkbook.NORMAL_STYLE);
      if (!columnFormats.contains(cir))

   * Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
   * @param row the row to be formatted
   * @param height the row height in 1/20ths of a  point
   * @exception RowsExceededException
   * @deprecated use the override which takes a CellView object
  public void setRowView(int row, int height) throws RowsExceededException
    CellView cv = new CellView();
    setRowView(row, cv);

   * Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
   * @param row the row to be formatted
   * @param collapsed indicates whether the row is collapsed
   * @exception jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException
   * @deprecated use the override which takes a CellView object
  public void setRowView(int row, boolean collapsed)
    throws RowsExceededException
    CellView cv = new CellView();
    setRowView(row, cv);

   * Sets the height of the specified row, as well as its collapse status
   * @param row the row to be formatted
   * @param height the row height in 1/20th of a point
   * @param collapsed indicates whether the row is collapsed
   * @param zeroHeight indicates that the row has zero height
   * @exception RowsExceededException
   * @deprecated use the override which takes a CellView object
  public void setRowView(int row, int height, 
                         boolean collapsed)
                         throws RowsExceededException
    CellView cv = new CellView();
    setRowView(row, cv);

   * Sets the view for this column
   * @param row the column on which to set the view
   * @param view the view to set
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  public void setRowView(int row, CellView view) throws RowsExceededException
    RowRecord rowrec = getRowRecord(row);

    XFRecord xfr =  (XFRecord) view.getFormat();

      if (xfr != null)
        if (!xfr.isInitialized())
    catch (NumFormatRecordsException e)
      logger.warn("Maximum number of format records exceeded.  Using " +
                  "default format.");

      xfr = null;

    numRows = Math.max(numRows, row + 1);

   * Writes out this sheet.  This functionality is delegated off to the 
   * SheetWriter class in order to reduce the bloated nature of this source
   * file
   * @exception IOException 
  public void write() throws IOException
    boolean dmod = drawingsModified;
    if (workbook.getDrawingGroup() != null)
      dmod |= workbook.getDrawingGroup().hasDrawingsOmitted();

    if (autosizedColumns.size() > 0)

    sheetWriter.setDimensions(getRows(), getColumns());
    sheetWriter.setDrawings(drawings, dmod);
    sheetWriter.setDataValidation(dataValidation, validatedCells);

   * Copies the specified sheet, row by row and cell by cell
   * @param s the sheet to copy
  void copy(Sheet s)
    // Copy the settings
    settings = new SheetSettings(s.getSettings(), this);

    SheetCopier si = new SheetCopier(s, this);


    dataValidation = si.getDataValidation();
    comboBox = si.getComboBox();
    plsRecord = si.getPLSRecord();
    chartOnly = si.isChartOnly();
    buttonPropertySet = si.getButtonPropertySet();
    numRows = si.getRows();
    autoFilter = si.getAutoFilter();
    maxRowOutlineLevel = si.getMaxRowOutlineLevel();
    maxColumnOutlineLevel = si.getMaxColumnOutlineLevel();

   * Copies the specified sheet, row by row and cell by cell
   * @param s the sheet to copy
  void copy(WritableSheet s)
    settings = new SheetSettings(s.getSettings(), this);
    WritableSheetImpl si = (WritableSheetImpl) s;

    WritableSheetCopier sc = new WritableSheetCopier(s, this);
    sc.setColumnFormats(si.columnFormats, columnFormats);
    sc.setMergedCells(si.mergedCells, mergedCells);
    sc.setRowBreaks(si.rowBreaks, rowBreaks);
    sc.setColumnBreaks(si.columnBreaks, columnBreaks);
    sc.setDrawings(si.drawings, drawings, images);
    sc.setHyperlinks(si.hyperlinks, hyperlinks);


    dataValidation = sc.getDataValidation();
    plsRecord = sc.getPLSRecord();
    buttonPropertySet = sc.getButtonPropertySet();

   * Gets the header.  Called when copying sheets
   * @return the page header
  final HeaderRecord getHeader()
    return sheetWriter.getHeader();

   * Gets the footer.  Called when copying sheets
   * @return the page footer
  final FooterRecord getFooter()
    return sheetWriter.getFooter();
   * Determines whether the sheet is protected
   * @return whether or not the sheet is protected
   * @deprecated Use the SheetSettings bean instead
  public boolean isProtected()
    return settings.isProtected();

   * Gets the hyperlinks on this sheet
   * @return an array of hyperlinks
  public Hyperlink[] getHyperlinks()
    Hyperlink[] hl = new Hyperlink[hyperlinks.size()];

    for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinks.size(); i++)
      hl[i] = (Hyperlink) hyperlinks.get(i);

    return hl;

   * Gets the cells which have been merged on this sheet
   * @return an array of range objects
  public Range[] getMergedCells()
    return mergedCells.getMergedCells();

   * Gets the writable  hyperlinks on this sheet
   * @return an array of hyperlinks
  public WritableHyperlink[] getWritableHyperlinks()
    WritableHyperlink[] hl = new WritableHyperlink[hyperlinks.size()];

    for (int i = 0; i < hyperlinks.size(); i++)
      hl[i] = (WritableHyperlink) hyperlinks.get(i);

    return hl;

   * Removes the specified hyperlink.  Note that if you merely set the
   * cell contents to be an Empty cell, then the cells containing the 
   * hyperlink will still be active.  The contents of the cell which
   * activate the hyperlink are removed.
   * The hyperlink passed in must be a hyperlink retrieved using the 
   * getHyperlinks method
   * @param h the hyperlink to remove.
   * @param preserveLabel if TRUE preserves the label contents, if FALSE
   * removes them
  public void removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h)
    removeHyperlink(h, false);

   * Removes the specified hyperlink.  Note that if you merely set the
   * cell contents to be an Empty cell, then the cells containing the 
   * hyperlink will still be active.
   * If the preserveLabel field is set, the cell contents of the 
   * hyperlink are preserved, although the hyperlink is deactivated.  If
   * this value is FALSE, the cell contents are removed
   * The hyperlink passed in must be a hyperlink retrieved using the 
   * getHyperlinks method
   * @param h the hyperlink to remove.
   * @param preserveLabel if TRUE preserves the label contents, if FALSE
   * removes them
  public void removeHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h, boolean preserveLabel)
    // Remove the hyperlink

    if (!preserveLabel)
      // Set the cell contents for the hyperlink - including any formatting
      // information - to be empty
      Assert.verify(rows.length > h.getRow() && rows[h.getRow()] != null);

   * Adds the specified hyperlink
   * @param the hyperlink
   * @exception WriteException
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  public void addHyperlink(WritableHyperlink h) 
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException
    // First set the label on the sheet
    Cell c = getCell(h.getColumn(), h.getRow());

    String contents = null;
    if (h.isFile() || h.isUNC())
      String cnts = ( (HyperlinkRecord) h).getContents();
      if (cnts == null)
        contents = h.getFile().getPath();
        contents = cnts;
    else if (h.isURL())
      String cnts = ( (HyperlinkRecord) h).getContents();
      if (cnts == null)
        contents = h.getURL().toString();
    else if (h.isLocation())
      contents = ( (HyperlinkRecord) h).getContents();

    // If the cell type is a label, then preserve the cell contents
    // and most of the format (apart from the font)
    // otherwise overwrite the cell content and the format with the contents
    // and the standard hyperlink format
    if (c.getType() == CellType.LABEL)
      Label l = (Label) c;
      WritableCellFormat wcf = new WritableCellFormat(l.getCellFormat());
      ( (XFRecord) wcf).setFont(WritableWorkbook.HYPERLINK_FONT);
      Label l = new Label(h.getColumn(), h.getRow(), contents, 
    // Set all other cells within range to be empty
    for (int i = h.getRow(); i <= h.getLastRow(); i++)
      for (int j = h.getColumn(); j <= h.getLastColumn(); j++)
        if (i != h.getRow() && j != h.getColumn())
          // Set the cell to be empty
          if (rows.length < h.getLastColumn() && rows[i] != null)

    ((HyperlinkRecord) h).initialize(this);

   * Merges the specified cells.  Any clashes or intersections between 
   * merged cells are resolved when the spreadsheet is written out
   * @param col1 the column number of the top left cell
   * @param row1 the row number of the top left cell
   * @param col2 the column number of the bottom right cell
   * @param row2 the row number of the bottom right cell
   * @return the Range object representing the merged cells
   * @exception jxl.write..WriteException
   * @exception jxl.write.biff.RowsExceededException
  public Range mergeCells(int col1, int row1, int col2, int row2)
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException
    // First check that the cells make sense
    if (col2 < col1 || row2 < row1)
      logger.warn("Cannot merge cells - top left and bottom right "+
                  "incorrectly specified");

    // Make sure the spreadsheet is up to size
    if (col2 >= numColumns || row2 >= numRows)
      addCell(new Blank(col2, row2));

    SheetRangeImpl range = new SheetRangeImpl(this, col1, row1, col2, row2);

    return range;

   * Sets a row grouping
   * @param row1 the first row of the group
   * @param row2 the last row of the group
   * @param collapsed should the group be collapsed?
   * @exception WriteException
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  public void setRowGroup(int row1, int row2, 
                          boolean collapsed) 
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException 
    if (row2 < row1)
      logger.warn("Cannot merge cells - top and bottom rows incorrectly " + 

    for (int i = row1; i <= row2; i++) 
      RowRecord row = getRowRecord(i);
      numRows = Math.max(i+1, numRows);
      maxRowOutlineLevel = Math.max(maxRowOutlineLevel, 

   * Unsets a row grouping
   * @param row1 the first row to unset
   * @param row2 the last row to unset
   * @exception WriteException
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  public void unsetRowGroup(int row1, int row2) 
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException 
    if (row2 < row1)
      logger.warn("Cannot merge cells - top and bottom rows incorrectly " +

    // Make sure the spreadsheet is up to size
    if (row2 >= numRows)
      logger.warn("" + row2 + 
                  " is greater than the sheet bounds");
      row2 = numRows - 1;

    for (int i = row1; i <= row2; i++) 

    // Recalculate the max outline level
    maxRowOutlineLevel = 0;
    for (int i = rows.length; i-- > 0; ) 
      maxRowOutlineLevel = Math.max(maxRowOutlineLevel, 

   * Sets a column grouping
   * @param col1 the first column of the group
   * @param col2 the last column of the group
   * @param collapsed should the group be collapsed?
   * @exception WriteException
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  public void setColumnGroup(int col1, int col2, boolean collapsed) 
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException 
    if (col2 < col1)
      logger.warn("Cannot merge cells - top and bottom rows incorrectly " +

    for (int i = col1; i <= col2; i++) 
      ColumnInfoRecord cir = getColumnInfo(i);

      // Create the column info record if not present using a default
      // cell view
      if (cir == null)
        setColumnView(i, new CellView());
        cir = getColumnInfo(i);

      maxColumnOutlineLevel = Math.max(maxColumnOutlineLevel, 

   * Unsets a column grouping
   * @param col1 the first column to unset
   * @param col2 the last column to unset
   * @exception WriteException
   * @exception RowsExceededException
  public void unsetColumnGroup(int col1, int col2) 
    throws WriteException, RowsExceededException 
    if (col2 < col1)
      logger.warn("Cannot merge cells - top and bottom rows incorrectly " +

    for (int i = col1; i <= col2; i++) 
      ColumnInfoRecord cir = getColumnInfo(i);
    // Recalculate the max outline level
    maxColumnOutlineLevel = 0;
    for (Iterator it = columnFormats.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) 
      ColumnInfoRecord cir = (ColumnInfoRecord)it.next();
      maxColumnOutlineLevel = Math.max(maxColumnOutlineLevel, 

   * Unmerges the specified cells.  The Range passed in should be one that
   * has been previously returned as a result of the getMergedCells method
   * @param r the range of cells to unmerge
  public void unmergeCells(Range r)

   * Sets the header for this page
   * @param l the print header to print on the left side
   * @param c the print header to print in the centre
   * @param r the print header to print on the right hand side
   * @deprecated Use the sheet settings bean
  public void setHeader(String l, String c, String r)
    HeaderFooter header = new HeaderFooter();

   * Sets the footer for this page
   * @param l the print header to print on the left side
   * @param c the print header to print in the centre
   * @param r the print header to print on the right hand side
   * @deprecated Use the sheet settings bean
  public void setFooter(String l, String c, String r)
    HeaderFooter footer = new HeaderFooter();

   * Sets the page setup details
   * @param p  the page orientation
   * @deprecated Use the SheetSettings bean
  public void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p)

   * Sets the page setup details
   * @param p  the page orientation
   * @param hm the header margin, in inches
   * @param fm the footer margin, in inches
   * @deprecated Use the SheetSettings bean
  public void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p, double hm, double fm)

   * Sets the page setup details
   * @param p  the page orientation
   * @param ps the paper size
   * @param hm the header margin, in inches
   * @param fm the footer margin, in inches
   * @deprecated Use the SheetSettings bean
  public void setPageSetup(PageOrientation p, PaperSize ps, 
                           double hm, double fm)

   * Gets the settings for this sheet
   * @return the page settings bean
  public SheetSettings getSettings()
    return settings;

   * Gets the workbook settings
  WorkbookSettings getWorkbookSettings()
    return workbookSettings;

   * Forces a page break at the specified row
   * @param row the row to break at
  public void addRowPageBreak(int row)
    // First check that the row is not already present
    Iterator i = rowBreaks.iterator();
    boolean found = false;

    while (i.hasNext() && !found)
      if (( (Integer) i.next()).intValue() == row)
        found = true;

    if (!found)
      rowBreaks.add(new Integer(row));

   * Forces a page break at the specified column
   * @param col the column to break at
  public void addColumnPageBreak(int col)
    // First check that the row is not already present
    Iterator i = columnBreaks.iterator();
    boolean found = false;

    while (i.hasNext() && !found)
      if (( (Integer) i.next()).intValue() == col)
        found = true;

    if (!found)
      columnBreaks.add(new Integer(col));

   * Accessor for the charts.  Used when copying
   * @return the charts on this sheet
  Chart[] getCharts()
    return sheetWriter.getCharts();

   * Accessor for the drawings.  Used when copying
   * @return the drawings on this sheet
  private DrawingGroupObject[] getDrawings()
    DrawingGroupObject[] dr = new DrawingGroupObject[drawings.size()];
    dr = (DrawingGroupObject[]) drawings.toArray(dr);
    return dr;

   * Check all the merged cells for borders.  Although in an OO sense the
   * logic should belong in this class, in order to reduce the bloated 
   * nature of the source code for this object this logic has been delegated
   * to the SheetWriter
  void checkMergedBorders()
    sheetWriter.setDimensions(getRows(), getColumns());

   * Accessor for the workspace options
   * @return the workspace options
  private WorkspaceInformationRecord getWorkspaceOptions()
    return sheetWriter.getWorkspaceOptions();

   * Rationalizes the sheets xf index mapping
   * @param xfMapping the index mapping for XFRecords
   * @param fontMapping the index mapping for fonts
   * @param formatMapping the index mapping for formats
  void rationalize(IndexMapping xfMapping, 
                   IndexMapping fontMapping, 
                   IndexMapping formatMapping)
    // Rationalize the column formats
    for (Iterator i = columnFormats.iterator() ; i.hasNext() ;)
      ColumnInfoRecord cir = (ColumnInfoRecord) i.next();

    // Rationalize the row formats
    for (int i = 0; i < rows.length ; i++)
      if (rows[i] != null)

    // Rationalize any data that appears on the charts
    Chart[] charts = getCharts();
    for (int c = 0; c < charts.length; c++)
      charts[c].rationalize(xfMapping, fontMapping, formatMapping);

   * Accessor for the workbook
   * @return the workbook
  WritableWorkbookImpl getWorkbook()
    return workbook;

   * Gets the column format for the specified column
   * @param col the column number
   * @return the column format, or NULL if the column has no specific format
   * @deprecated Use getColumnView instead
  public CellFormat getColumnFormat(int col)
    return getColumnView(col).getFormat();

   * Gets the column width for the specified column
   * @param col the column number
   * @return the column width, or the default width if the column has no
   *         specified format
   * @deprecated Use getColumnView instead
  public int getColumnWidth(int col)
    return getColumnView(col).getDimension();

   * Gets the column width for the specified column
   * @param row the column number
   * @return the row height, or the default height if the column has no
   *         specified format
   * @deprecated Use getRowView instead
  public int getRowHeight(int row)
    return getRowView(row).getDimension();

   * Accessor for the chart only method
   * @return TRUE if this is a chart only, FALSE otherwise
  boolean isChartOnly()
    return chartOnly;

   * Gets the row view for the specified row
   * @param col the row number
   * @return the row format, or the default format if no override is
  public CellView getRowView(int row)
    CellView cv = new CellView();

      RowRecord rr = getRowRecord(row);

      if (rr == null || rr.isDefaultHeight())
      else if (rr.isCollapsed())
      return cv;
    catch (RowsExceededException e)
      // Simple return the default
      return cv;

   * Gets the column width for the specified column
   * @param col the column number
   * @return the column format, or the default format if no override is
  public CellView getColumnView(int col)
    ColumnInfoRecord cir = getColumnInfo(col);
    CellView cv = new CellView();

    if (cir != null)
      cv.setSize(settings.getDefaultColumnWidth() * 256);

    return cv;

   * Adds an image to this sheet
   * @param image the image to add
  public void addImage(WritableImage image)
    boolean supported = false;
    java.io.File imageFile = image.getImageFile();
    String fileType = "?";

    if (imageFile != null)
      String fileName = imageFile.getName();
      int fileTypeIndex = fileName.lastIndexOf('.');
      fileType = fileTypeIndex != -1 ? 
        fileName.substring(fileTypeIndex+1) : "";
      for (int i = 0 ; i < imageTypes.length && !supported ; i++)
        if (fileType.equalsIgnoreCase(imageTypes[i]))
          supported = true;
      supported = true;

    if (supported)
      StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer("Image type ");
      message.append(" not supported.  Supported types are ");
      for (int i = 1 ; i < imageTypes.length ; i++)
        message.append(", ");

   * Gets the number of images on this sheet
   * @return the number of images on this sheet
  public int getNumberOfImages()
    return images.size();

   * Accessor for a particular image on this sheet
   * @param i the 0-based image index number
   * @return the image with the specified index number
  public WritableImage getImage(int i)
    return (WritableImage) images.get(i);

   * Accessor for a particular image on this sheet
   * @param i the 0-based image index number
   * @return the image with the specified index number
  public Image getDrawing(int i)
    return (Image) images.get(i);

   * Removes the specified image from this sheet.  The image passed in
   * must be the same instance as that retrieved from a getImage call
   * @param wi the image to remove
  public void removeImage(WritableImage wi)
    drawingsModified = true;

   * Validates the sheet name
  private String validateName(String n)
    if (n.length() > maxSheetNameLength)
      logger.warn("Sheet name " + n + " too long - truncating");
      n = n.substring(0, maxSheetNameLength);

    if (n.charAt(0) == '\'')
      logger.warn("Sheet naming cannot start with \' - removing");
      n = n.substring(1);

    for (int i = 0 ; i < illegalSheetNameCharacters.length ; i++)
      String newname = n.replace(illegalSheetNameCharacters[i], '@');
      if (n != newname)
        logger.warn(illegalSheetNameCharacters[i] + 
        " is not a valid character within a sheet name - replacing");
      n = newname;

    return n;

   * Adds a drawing to the list - typically used for comments
   * @param the drawing to add
  void addDrawing(DrawingGroupObject o)
    Assert.verify(!(o instanceof Drawing));

   * Removes a drawing to the list - typically used for comments
   * @param the drawing to add
  void removeDrawing(DrawingGroupObject o)
    int origSize = drawings.size();
    int newSize = drawings.size();
    drawingsModified = true;
    Assert.verify(newSize == origSize -1);

   * Removes the data validation for the specified cell.  Called from
   * CellValue in response to a cell being replaced
   * @param cv the cell being removed
  void removeDataValidation(CellValue cv)
    if (dataValidation != null)
      dataValidation.removeDataValidation(cv.getColumn(), cv.getRow());

    if (validatedCells != null)
      boolean result = validatedCells.remove(cv);

      if (!result)
        logger.warn("Could not remove validated cell " + 

   * Accessor for the page breaks on this sheet
   * @return the page breaks on this sheet
  public int[] getRowPageBreaks()
    int[] rb = new int[rowBreaks.size()];
    int pos = 0;
    for (Iterator i = rowBreaks.iterator(); i.hasNext() ; pos++)
      rb[pos] = ( (Integer) i.next()).intValue();
    return rb;

   * Accessor for the page breaks on this sheet
   * @return the page breaks on this sheet
  public int[] getColumnPageBreaks()
    int[] rb = new int[columnBreaks.size()];
    int pos = 0;
    for (Iterator i = columnBreaks.iterator(); i.hasNext() ; pos++)
      rb[pos] = ( (Integer) i.next()).intValue();
    return rb;

   * Flags the added cell as having data validation
   * @param cell the cell with data validation
  void addValidationCell(CellValue cv)

   * Accessor for the combo box object used for list data validations on this
   * sheet
   * @return the combo box
  ComboBox getComboBox()
    return comboBox;

   * Sets the combo box object used for list validations on this sheet
   * @param cb the combo box
  void setComboBox(ComboBox cb)
    comboBox = cb;

   * Gets the data validation.  Retrieved by CellValue when copying sheets
  public DataValidation getDataValidation()
    return dataValidation;

   * Performs the column autosizing
  private void autosizeColumns()
    Iterator i = autosizedColumns.iterator();
    while (i.hasNext())
      Integer col = (Integer) i.next();

   * Autosizes the specified column
   * @param col the column to autosize
  private void autosizeColumn(int col)
    int maxWidth = 0;
    ColumnInfoRecord cir = getColumnInfo(col);
    Font columnFont = cir.getCellFormat().getFont();
    Font defaultFont = WritableWorkbook.NORMAL_STYLE.getFont();

    for (int i = 0 ; i < numRows; i++)
      Cell cell = null;
      if (rows[i] != null)
        cell = rows[i].getCell(col);

      if (cell != null)
        String contents = cell.getContents();
        Font font = cell.getCellFormat().getFont();
        Font activeFont = font.equals(defaultFont) ? columnFont : font;

        int pointSize = activeFont.getPointSize();
        int numChars = contents.length();

        if (activeFont.isItalic() || 
            activeFont.getBoldWeight() > 400) // magic value for normal bold
          numChars += 2;

        int points = numChars * pointSize;
        maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, points * 256);
    cir.setWidth((int) (maxWidth / defaultFont.getPointSize()));

   * Imports a sheet from a different workbook
   * @param s the sheet to import
  void importSheet(Sheet s)
    // Copy the settings
    settings = new SheetSettings(s.getSettings(), this);

    SheetCopier si = new SheetCopier(s, this);


    dataValidation = si.getDataValidation();
    comboBox = si.getComboBox();
    plsRecord = si.getPLSRecord();
    chartOnly = si.isChartOnly();
    buttonPropertySet = si.getButtonPropertySet();
    numRows = si.getRows();
    maxRowOutlineLevel = si.getMaxRowOutlineLevel();
    maxColumnOutlineLevel = si.getMaxColumnOutlineLevel();

   * Extend the data validation contained in the specified cell across and 
   * downwards
   * @param c the number of cells accross to apply this data validation
   * @param r the number of cells downwards to apply this data validation
  public void applySharedDataValidation(WritableCell c, 
                                        int extraCols, 
                                        int extraRows)
    throws WriteException
    // Check that the cell being applied has a data validation
    if (c.getWritableCellFeatures() == null ||
      logger.warn("Cannot extend data validation for " +
                                                       c.getRow()) + 
                  " as it has no data validation");

    // Check that none of the other cells in the range have any
    // cell validations
    int startColumn = c.getColumn();
    int startRow = c.getRow();
    int endRow = Math.min(numRows - 1, startRow + extraRows);
    for (int y = startRow; y <= endRow; y++)
      if (rows[y] != null)
        int endCol = Math.min(rows[y].getMaxColumn() -1,
                             startColumn + extraCols);
        for (int x = startColumn; x <= endCol; x++)
          // Ignore the first cell
          if (x == startColumn && y == startRow)
            continue; // continue statements - they're no better than gotos

          WritableCell c2 = rows[y].getCell(x);

          // Check that the target cell does not have any data validation
          if (c2 != null &&
              c2.getWritableCellFeatures() != null &&
            logger.warn("Cannot apply data validation from " +
                                                             startRow) +
                        " to " + 
                          (startColumn + extraCols,
                           startRow + extraRows) +
                        " as cell " +
                        CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(x, y) +
                        " already has a data validation");

    // Extend the range on the source data validation
    WritableCellFeatures sourceDataValidation = c.getWritableCellFeatures();

    // Go through all the additional cells and add the data validation cell
    for (int y = startRow; y <= startRow + extraRows; y++)
      RowRecord rowrec = getRowRecord(y); // create the row if it doesn't exist
      for (int x = startColumn; x <= startColumn + extraCols; x++)
        // Ignore the first cell
        if (x == startColumn && y == startRow)
          continue; // continue statements - they're no better than gotos

        WritableCell c2 = rowrec.getCell(x);
        // Check that the target cell does not have any data validation
        if (c2 == null)
          Blank b = new Blank(x, y);
          WritableCellFeatures validation = new WritableCellFeatures();
          // add the shared data validation to the existing cell
          WritableCellFeatures validation = c2.getWritableCellFeatures();

          if (validation != null)
            validation = new WritableCellFeatures();

   * Remove the shared data validation from multiple cells.  The cell passed 
   * in is the top left cell.  The data validation is removed from this 
   * cell and all cells which share the same validation.
   * @param cell the top left cell containing the shared data validation
  public void removeSharedDataValidation(WritableCell cell)
    throws WriteException
    WritableCellFeatures wcf = cell.getWritableCellFeatures();
    if (wcf == null ||

    DVParser dvp = wcf.getDVParser();
    // If the cell is not part of an extended validation, then simply call
    // the atomic remove validation from the cell features
    if (!dvp.extendedCellsValidation())

    // Check that the cell validation being removed is in the top left of the
    // validated area
    if (dvp.extendedCellsValidation())
      if (cell.getColumn() != dvp.getFirstColumn() ||
          cell.getRow() != dvp.getFirstRow())
        logger.warn("Cannot remove data validation from " +
                                                         dvp.getFirstRow()) +
                    "-" +
                                                         dvp.getLastRow()) +
                    " because the selected cell " +
                    CellReferenceHelper.getCellReference(cell) +
                    " is not the top left cell in the range");

    for (int y = dvp.getFirstRow(); y <= dvp.getLastRow(); y++)
      for (int x = dvp.getFirstColumn(); x <= dvp.getLastColumn(); x++)
        CellValue c2 = (CellValue) rows[y].getCell(x);
        // It's possible that some cells in the shared data range might
        // be null eg. in the event of an insertRow or insertColumn
        if (c2 != null)

    // Remove this shared validation from any data validations that were
    // copied in
    if (dataValidation != null)



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